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Our Thoughts on Alien: Romulus | The Rewind Podcast image

Our Thoughts on Alien: Romulus | The Rewind Podcast

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This week on The Rewind, Darren, Jack and Marty discuss their thoughts on Alien: Romulus.

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Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Rewind podcast, episode number four for Tuesday, August 20th, 2024. My name is Marty Saliva, and I am honored to be joined by Darren Mooney, Jack Packard and producer Eric. Apologies if you heard us talking about chapel room because that is all Jack wants to talk about, and we're just catching up. If I'm being honest, Darren and I are just riding his coattails, trying to figure out what's going on with this couple. The rise and fall of a Midwest princess is a near perfect album, and I will not hear any condescending opinions. I would't i would never. and Some somes of our guests take us to church. Jack took us to chapel. Oh, that was really good. Hachi bachi. Welcome to the rewind. This is second wins movie, TV and entertainment podcast. ah Today we're going to have a little bit of a shorter episode. Darren has a heart out in about an hour and plus we have our Gamescom stream in two hours and Eric and I are both

Alien Romulus: New Film Insights

going to be on that. so
ah We're going to keep this ah pretty tight just talking about the big movie this week, which is ah Alien Romulus, the ah the new Alien film directed by Fede Alvarez, who is best known for 2013's Evil Dead reboot, as well as the Don't Breathe film's duology. I think he only wrote the second one. I don't think he directed the second one, because I think he did a spider's wag or something. Yeah, he did The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, I think. the That sounds like a fake movie. I know that's the name of the movie, but it sounds like it.
two All the things she said. There it is. Directed by Fedi Alvarez, this is the seventh mainline Alien film. Oh my god, dude, yeah. If you're a weirdo, and we could see if any of us are weirdos and count the AVPs, because God knows they wanted to count the AVPs. I think you have to count the AVPs.
do you You can't pretend that that didn't happen. You gotta just call a mulligan and be like, look guys, the franchise was just on holidays between 1998 and 2000. And like, i there's three Lord of the Rings movies. And I don't know what y'all are talking about, there are there are but there but there are like six middle-earth movies. we're not talking about where i we those There's three of them.
have ah So yeah, we'll we'll do ah an opening section of this where we'll be we'll try to remain spoiler free and then we'll give you like ah line a demarcation line where we're gonna go full spoilers because there's a lot to talk about that ah isn't spoilery, but obviously to dig into the full meat and potatoes of of what we liked or didn't like left

Plot and Style of Alien Romulus

but to do that but yeah Right off the bat, Alien Romulus revolves around a group of ah young disenfranchised space colonists who are kind of stuck under the bureaucratic thumb of the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. like They think that they've they've paid their dues and they've they've done their done their time. Then all of a sudden when they go to leave the planet, they say, oh, by the way, your time has been doubled. So sensibly, you are never leaving this place.
and so they come up with a plan to escape those circumstances by ah scavenging ah cryo chambers from a derelict dual space station that's orbiting the planet called the The the the oulus omulus and the Remus yeah, and that space station in like 30 hours is about to collide with the with the the rings of a planet Which that's kind of cool i mean yeah and sucks for the Space station, but it's kind of a cool thing And so they go there everything's going well until spoilers aliens arrive so in an Aliens movie. What a shock. What a shocker. My two questions, right off the bat, I want to ask both of you. I'll start with you, Darren. What did you think of this as a sci-fi horror movie? And then what did you think of this as a quote unquote aliens movie?
I think both of them are kind of intertwined. Like I, there are parts of it that I really, really liked. I think like Fedy Alvarez, whatever you think of his aesthetic, he does manage to retain his identity, making what is a major franchise blockbuster. And that has always been for me, the appeal of the alien franchise has been the sense in which these are a tour driven monster movies where you give them to a filmmaker and you end up going down whatever rabbit hole that filmmaker is interested in. Whether it is, you know, James Cameron being like, there should be a cool sexy woman and she should have a family around her and that should be okay. Or David Fincher being like, I'm making a studio film, but I'm really not happy about it. Or even, ah you know, Jean-Pierre Junet being like, I do not speak at the English, but I like the Hollywood movies. So what do you know? I don't know why he's Italian, ah but even like he mentioned.
The Alien versus Predator movies, where like Paul W.S. Anderson is like, the Predator should be a wife guy. And we should have a slow motion shot of a face hugger moving through the air as the camera bullet times around it. There is like this sense throughout the franchise of like the Alien movies retaining a sense of authorship that doesn't always happen in mainstream studio films. um I think that does happen here to a certain extent, um which is that like this is an Alvarez movie. The premise of this is basically don't breathe, but in space where it is, as you mentioned, a story of a disenfranchised group of people trapped on a horrible place in alien Romulus. It is being trapped on this distant colony world in don't breathe. It is Detroit because Detroit gave us a tax break to shoot here.
Um, but they break into a premise and facility and they quickly discover that there's something there that they did not anticipate being there. And the robbery is not going to go as easily as they had planned. It is very much don't breathe, but in space, which is a nice hook. And I will say it looks, and it sounds gorgeous. Um, like Alvarez to his credit finds ways of doing things in space that no other science fiction film or no other mainstream science fiction film has done. You mentioned the rings, like the idea of the rings of a planet being solid pieces of rock, which they are, but you don't generally get to see in science fiction films.
things like the use of light in space where there are moments even in the opening scenes where like the camera is behind an object and it's just pitch black and the object moves and then starlight

Critiques and Praise of Alien Romulus

appears around it. Or there's a moment towards the climax of the film which this isn't a spoiler where like you're under a ship in space so it's completely dark but there's a hole in it so that hole becomes this kind of like shining light beaming down at the characters. Like it is visually and sonically really really really compelling.
As for the movie itself, unfortunately I do, there were moments of this where I really just bristled and we'll probably talk about them. We get the spoilers, but like, this is a modern franchise film. Unfortunately for for better and for worse, it is a movie that is very much built around the idea of, Hey, you guys remember the two good alien movies, right?
It is like in terms of you mentioned the basic plot summary, this is not a spoiler. It takes place between Ridley Scott's alien and James Cameron's aliens, which is something Fox have been threatening for a while. They were for like, you know, the better part of five years, they're like, Neil Bunkoff is going to come and make a new alien three and it's going to be great. We'll just pretend that David Fincher's alien three never actually happened.
Um, this really does feel like it's that taken to its logical approach, which is, well, now everybody cares about continuity. So we can't just erase alien three, but we can do is we can tell this story in a way we don't ever have to acknowledge that that ever happened or ever is going to happen. And it is full of these like awkward callbacks and references. It is populated by characters who.
You know, the line of criticism against Prometheus is that the characters in Prometheus are characters who have never seen a horror film and so act very stupid when confronted with the elements of a horror film. The problem with this movie is that while these characters have also seemingly never seen a horror movie, they have somehow seen both alien and aliens and are willing to like reference it repeatedly in ways that you, the audience are like,
I have seen Alien and Aliens, and I appreciate the reference that these characters are making to the movies that I have seen, even though they were not present and one of them hasn't happened yet. i did like That is the push and pull with this movie, where I think it is, in many ways, a beautifully well-made film, but I just wish that there was more substance to it beyond, hey, you guys like Alien movies, right? question mark
globalby jack sorry no that was i mean we you We will never stop you from talking, Darren. us That is the the point of this show is to wind you up and listen, now which is great. Okay, so what I've seen, like here in the chat, I saw two very important questions that I would like to answer, which is one, is it worth seeing? And two, how much of the other alien movies do you need to see before this one?
um ah for ah So to answer the second question first is technically you don't need to see any of the other alien movies. ah ah The snide way to say that is this is a ah nice little like ah slice of every alien movie in one movie, ah which is a very snide way to say that this is a studio-driven franchise film. um Is it worth seeing? At the end of the day, I think yes. I paid my own money to see this movie and I came out, you know, i I got my issues with it, but I got a horror action, a hard sci-fi blue collar space movie, and I'm okay with that. I have no um ah reverence. I have no like dogma to the Alien franchise. I love ah all of the Alien movies for very different reasons.
Uh, but like, I'm not, like, I'm not a part of the cult of alien. And so for me, it was a little horror, a little action schlock and a little eye rolling cringe. And I'm all, therefore the horror I thought was wonderful and beautiful. It, it, it was a movie that literally, I watched it in a theater and I was squirming in my seat. And I love that. Yeah.
So I think it's worth it here. Yeah. Yeah. um ah I don't know if it's spoiler territory to talk about. ah yeah We'll, we'll get there later. But so yes, at the end of the day, for me, it was worth it. It was, it was fun. It was horror. It's worth it for the hell. The first 45 minutes alone, the sequence in which they have to, um, reoriented their spaceship to a different docking station and just going through all of the little tweaks and button presses. Like I would watch a whole movie of just people re aligning spaceships to catch debris. Fuck yeah. Do you guys ever watch a movie and you know it's going to turn into like a horror movie, but you forget and you're just like, man, I really hope this is like
I like. audit Audition is the big one. Audition is the one where it's like for the first like 90 minutes of that movie, it's a Meg Ryan Tom Hanks movie. And then it becomes like a soul movie. i Every time and I rewatch Cloverfield, I know it is a found footage monster movie, but like the first 10 minutes are I'm like, man, I hope this couple gets together.
but ru was oh yeah wants to yeah um but so i thought yeah I thought the opening was was really great. I thought the stuff on the planet I thought was gorgeous. I thought that was that that brought the most interesting ideas to the table um because every Alien movie, yes, there are more sci-fi movies, but even the worst ones, even the ones I don't like, it might be sacrilege, but three and four I do not like, they bring interesting ideas or they attempt to bring interesting ideas. like yeah there it is They attempt to bring the idea of this like what would happen if this religion formed around this this idea in three and then ah Even in like Prometheus is like what would happen if you your whole life was about to do You met God and he was like listen. I gave you guys one chance. I said Jesus you killed him but now we'renna we're coming For y'all
And I thought this this had the ah this had the ah the ideas at the start. It did kind of lose the ideas once it became an Alien movie. um But like you guys said, I think it's worth seeing for, I think when Fede Alvarez is allowed to just shoot kind of atmospheric, either atmospheric establishing shots or really tense set pieces. Like the set pieces are great. And we'll get to those in the spoilers. There's a couple of them where i like,
Yeah, that was worth it alone. Like the stuff they do with zero G. I'm like, this is cool. I've never seen this before. This is very neat. I know you guys play video games and you guys have played Dead Space and that is why you put that in here, but it's fine because it's cool. Yeah, I mean, it's Jane. So John Carpenter is working on a Halloween video game, apparently.
He has apparently two of them, and they don't work. One of them is a one just a... Maybe just taking bad cash, smoking a spliff, and picking up a controller. Yeah, he does like Dead Space, though. Let's not cover to do a Dead Space movie. um but here's Here's what I will say, and I don't think this is spoiler territory, because we've talked a lot about, kind of like Darren, you said in in your piece here, which is like...
They reference like there is a point in this movie in which a character while, you know, getting rid of an alien creature says, get away from her, you bitch. Yeah.
I don't think that's a spoiler. If it is, I'm sorry. It is the most eye rolling piece of cinema you will watch um anytime soon. ah It makes no comfortable green was out a couple of weeks ago, to be fair.
um Oh, by the way, that that scene made me roll my eyes harder than anything in Deadpool and Wolverine. Just because at least in Deadpool and Wolverine, there was the context of, yeah, we're going to have some shout outs here. There was no context for it. And the reason I think the reason I especially didn't like that, aside from everything you're saying of like, it just feels like a studio note, is that it took.
I, one of my criticisms of the movie was I didn't like a lot of the cast. Um, and like, I think the cast needed one or two glue guys, like a, like a Paxton or like a Yafet Cotto or a, or a Harry Dean Stanton, like a couple of glue guys. You're like, fuck yeah, I just want to hang out with this person for a little bit. And the only thing in an alien movie. Yeah, exactly. Just a great glue guy. That being said, the I guess the two of sensible leads, Kaylee Spaney, who plays rain and then David Johnson, who plays Andy, her her surrogate brother, who's a synth, synthazoid.
He prefers the term artificial person. Another line are from another alien movie. There you go. I think both of them are wonderful. I think first off, Kaylee Spaney is like, she's just about to like take off. Like I'm putting full stock in her after civil war and Priscilla last year. Like, holy moly. Also throughout this movie, she's just Ellie from The Last of Us. um oh She looks like Ellie from The Last of Us part two. And it's funny because ah the Isabella Merced, who plays the the pregnant one ah aboard the the ship is playing Dina, Elise Paramore in Last of Us Part II. So whenever they were hanging out, I'm like, is this just the last of us? um And I think the thing I liked the least was the fact that that line was delivered by the two characters in in a in the situation of the two characters I like the most. And especially David, like or the Andy, who gets to play two separate
versions of the same yeah artificial intelligence. He's pretty handy with Andy. I mean, the thing with like the thing with that line is it knocks you out. First of all, it knocks you out in the movie. It reminds you of Aliens, which is like a better movie than most movies ever made. So it's like you're taking a real gambit by doing that. Second of all, it's completely out of character for Andy, the the character to say something like that. He hasn't sworn up until that point. Third of all, like they haven't talked about the gender of the alien in question, so it's really weird to use an extremely gendered, like, charged slur. In aliens, it's the queen alien, she says. She's yeah so laying eggs, and it's a mother versus mother. It's a mother-off, if you will. um So it's really strange that, like, and particularly because Andy knows more about the aliens than anybody else at that point, it's really weird that he is like, by the way, I'm going to use a misogynistic slur to refer to this, like, you know,
very phallic monster that we're treating here, that we're engaging with here. here's now here's the Here's the interesting thing, and here's the weird thing, and I don't know if you two had similar experiences. I saw this um a Sunday night, a mostly full theater um at my local art house cinema, which I love seeing big Schlocky movies at my art house cinema, but it was a mostly full theater. When that line was spoken,
it got a very positive reaction amongst the crowd going folk. And so while I'm rolling my eyes, I then have to be like, what the fuck are you guys laughing at? Why are you like, they all, they all, ha ha ha, I know that they all clapped.
And so I want to um i want to ah punish. I want to you know slap the wrist of whoever put that in the movie. But clearly, it was a good note. Yeah, no, it worked. like it it like It worked cynically. And this is the question where it's like, but if you apply that logic, then no movie that ever makes a billion dollars gets any criticism whatsoever. Avatar, the Way of Water is the most perfect movie ever made. um you know Fair. to be
Oh, Big Jim. i am I don't want to talk about Big Jim. I am deeply sad that he's only going to make Avatar movies for the rest of his life. Yeah. I'm happy. he's He's done the states some service. He doesn't owe me anything. I should go and be happy. I'm happy he's happy. I'm happy he's happy. I'm happy he gets to explore every element in a new movie, but um I just and just want another true lies.
watch what's a finally weird Most divorce movie ever apart from the abyss which is somehow the even more divorce movie ever We don't get enough divorce movies we get Yeah, we get like past lives where it's like is everything. Okay and challengers or like nots Yeah yeah Um, do you guys want to talk? Uh, I feel like we were, we're kind of circling drain of spoilers. Can we, can we just go, can we just go to spoilers? I mean, do I have any last non-spoiler thoughts before i yeah i'm the, okay. So, uh, what we talked about earlier is kind of like, uh, viewing this as a,
a sci-fi movie versus an alien movie. And I guess part of my thought process here was trying to imagine watching this movie with absolutely zero prior knowledge of any other alien movie.
And I think, and you know, obviously that's really hard for me because I've seen all the alien movies um and enjoy them to varying degrees. But I think if I were to see this in a vacuum, not knowing it was part of a greater franchise, I would come away thinking, oh, well, it had some horror elements. It has some actiony, schlocky elements. So it was a little uneven, but overall,
I think I had a good time. And i I feel like that's how I came out of the movie in general. It's like, yeah, it's tonally a little, a little wibble wobble, but I'm okay with that because I like horror and I like action schlock.
I mean, I do think it is worth kind of shutting out. Like we were quite critical of like Deadpool and Wolverine. And I think this is better than Deadpool and Wolverine because we thought, no, but with all due respect to like Sean Levy as a filmmaker, I think that Alvarez is a much stronger visual and aesthetic stylist. And I do think you made the point Jack earlier, this is an uncomfortable movie. And like, that is the thing that Alvarez does where like,
For better and for worse, and you know, three guys on a podcast are not the people that have this conversation, but Alvarez is a director who does not like squirm away from the depictions of sexual violence on screen. You know, he kept that infamous scene in the Evil Dead remake, despite the fact that Sam Raimi is like, if I could make one change to the Evil Dead, it would be to remove that one scene. And anybody who has seen Don't Breathe will be triggered by the phrase turkey baster.
Um, so like he is a director who is not afraid to make the audience kind of cross their legs. And I do like the the face huggers here are more graphic than they have ever been at any other point. The birth metaphor is more graphic than it has ever been at any point in the franchise history. And I do think that is commendable, but I do also, on the other hand, have the dueling voice in my head that goes. The point of a horror movie is to make me uncomfortable and to make me uneasy and to make me unsettled.
Filling it full of things that I recognize, and even things that I love, because I do love Alien, and I do love Aliens, and I even love Alien 3 for my sins, and kind of love Prometheus, and also kind of love Covenant. But like, I love this stuff, but filling it, putting stuff that I recognize in here so that I can clap and cheer and raise my fist in the air triumphantly, makes it harder for me to be unsettled.
Because like without getting into spoilers during the climax of this when something horrific is happening on screen, I'm Leo pointing at the screen and going, that's from Redacted. um And like it takes me out in the movie and makes it harder for the movie to scare me.

Theater Recommendation and Highlights

But I think somebody in the comments was saying, like do you recommend it? and I think I'm a bit colder than you, Jack, but i I think if you are going to see it at any point, see it in a cinema, see the cinema with a top end sound system and a top end visual system, I think it looks and sounds incredible. I honestly think it does new things with space that I haven't seen in a mainstream blockbuster, ah which makes me sound like an idiot of a film. critics They're doing great things with space.
It's the new time. It's the new time. Space is the new time. yeah But they are doing kind of really interesting things with the use of like the void and blackness and light and space, which I think is well worth seeing. And if so, if you are going to see it, get in a cinema with a top end visual ah audio visual system, that would be my kind of recommendation. Yeah. Yeah. I think it was a good, which is funny because this was originally going to launch on Hulu, correct?
Yeah, that was the original plan for both the Alien and Predator franchises. I do like to think that Grey did launch them. Yeah, which I wish I could have seen in theaters because that was great. The Irish Times fifth favorite movie of 20 whatever year it was released, which is incredible. Was that just you or was that like?
There were a group of us involved in that effort. yeah No, it's funny, because the I think, by and large, a lot of the Fox properties have been handled relatively well under Disney between this, Prey, the first Omen, and Apes, the last Apes movie. That was pretty good. um Not as strong as the previous two Apes movies, but pretty good.
But also even like 20th century have done really great work with ah with original films. Like they're going straight to streaming, but like 20th century are doing things like Rosalind. They're doing stuff like even say the princess during the Boston Strangler, like they're making like a barbarian was a 20th century's production as well. No one will save you. Like ah to to give credit where it's still great like the 20th century shingle under Disney is arguably the most interesting production arm they have. And I think that like, if this is as far as the nostalgia goes there,
I'll maybe allow it. Like as long as like the next predator movie, the only real reference is like, if it bleeds, we can kill it. You can get, that's the one line that a character's like, because that's a natural thing to say. If you're facing an unstoppable killing machine yeah and you discover blood, you're like, well, it bleeds. It can be killed. Yeah, that's fairly logical. It's not like, get away from her, you bitch, which is a very specific thing to say to a very specific character in a very specific situation. yeah Um, but like, I'm, I'm willing to accept this as the cost of Rosalind as the cost of, you know, barbarian as the cost of prey, you know, that's an interesting way to think about that. it's all And I really like your point, Darren, I just, you know, just to kind of, uh, highlight it a little bit about the, the, uh, inverse use of nostalgia in a horror property. I think that was, uh, an incredibly well way, uh, incredibly well put, uh, just saying like, Oh, how can I be scared of something that has I have fond memories of? yeah so
Basically just wanted to do highlight that for anyone who missed that a few moments ago. Yeah. And it does. I guess I think this is a good, good cause tying in with that, I think we can, we can go full spoilers now. So if's wise everybody warning and if you're through the video, you can figure out something.
I'll put timestamps in the comments so that at the end when we talk about um the the super chats and everything or other stuff, you can go there. But um yeah, I think part of, Darren, what you were saying of, of I don't know if this is exactly what you were referencing, but how certain things will take you out of tense moments, it was ah continuing to go back to Ian Holm.
Yeah. Every time fake-ass Ian Holm popped up, I was... I just don't think that ever looks good. I don't think it looked good, and it didn't look good with either character in Rogue One. It doesn't look good in Mando. It didn't look... De-aging doesn't look good in The Irishman, and I love Martin Scorsese. It doesn't look good and in in Dial of Destiny. Like, de-aging a living person doesn't look good, and then doing it to someone who passed away.
feels ghoulish when you could have cast anyone as the sith. You could have had the actor who plays Andy play him. You could have had at least lay a tender single lives. Steven's show is overdue to play an alien or an android in an alien movie. He'll be in Noah Holly's series. the the basically Well, he doesn't cuckoo. Sorry, Jack.
Oh no, that's all right. I was going to say the most insulting part about that as someone ah who has ah for years been vocally vocally against puppeting corpses um ah because again, that's what they, that's what they did here. um The character that he is playing is someone who is like half melted and like they are literally plugging into a device to puppet them. It could have been anything. It could have been an actual puppet that just kind of looked like Ian Holmes. Alien three, like, and I know Marty doesn't like alien three. And part of the reason like, I like alien three. And part of the reason I like alien three is because it does the exact opposite of this, where like this movie is like, Hey, remember all the cool stuff from James Cameron's aliens and how great that made you feel. Well, here's more of it. Alien three. I kind of love for being like, remember all the cool stuff you loved about James Cameron's aliens. Well, it's dead. And it's not going back. Yeah. And just yeah and the the eight year old time, by the way, in case, in case you're worried that we're just doing a deep, though a fake out here, we're going to have a graphic autopsy scene like 10 minutes in on the eight year old child so that you know, she's definitely not coming back. but choose everything right and home
yeah but like to to just because you mentioned the idea of like puppeting the dead, there is that moment in that where they revived Bishop and he is that Bishop on the table is voiced by Lance Henriksen obviously, but it is a puppet and they talk about how difficult it is to synchronize like he half his face is missing. So they only have to synchronize half of his lips.
But like, it still looks great even today. Um, and it's like, that I know that gets around the question of like, just using Holmes as likeness in general and deep faking his voice or whatever. But like, I do look at that practical effect of a puppet and like so much of the rest of the movie is practical. Like I i love that they did so many practical aliens. I love that they built sets and filled them with smoke. There is a tactility to this movie that is genuinely wonderful. Like this is a thing where it's like, as much as I'm criticizing this movie, there are parts of it that I love. And there are parts of it where I'm like, this could be the best Alien movie since Aliens if it held back in some very key ways. It's like Five Lines and Ian and Home, the problem.
is that Ian Holm is all over this movie. I'm gonna have to disconnect him. Oh, yeah. And it's like, you know, this is a clear case in which they could have very easily, you know, built a very nice looking puppet and have it fit within the world. They could have found a voice impressionist, you know, hire a real person and even, you know, put some digital effects on the voice impressionist And it would have fit in seamlessly, yet...
For some reason, whether it be, you know, nostalgia baiting, whether it be, um, uh, you know, one of the executives has a stock in an AI corporation. I don't know why this, to me, it was one of the silliest puppet, a corpse choices I have come across. and And it's not just a single shot. They keep going back to shots like he's couldn hear talking with the characters throughout the rest of the film. Yeah.
He's the movie's villain. He's basically like the Paul Reiser of a movie. Yeah. ah all All movie villains are the Paul Reiser of a movie. Just mad about you. Absolutely terrible way. You see the Paul Reiser came back to... Oh, I'm very crackly, am I? Now you're crackling and cutting out, Darren. I do apologize. The big two. Now you're the big two. Yeah, maybe try the butt the butt of the cordigan. The cord butt. The cord butt. Yeah, the cord butt.
Yeah, so yeah, it's also frustrating because ah it's not like there's only one model of of Synthetic life in the universe because clearly we have Andy in the movie who is another and clearly throughout the franchise We have characters like Winona Ryder and Lance Hendrickson and Michael Fassbender So it's not like it's just all robots are played by our our They have one making model and that's it because that wouldn't have been a spoiler to anyone in nailing one They would have been like you just look like all those robots why?
completely You're clearly a robot. um just yeah and it It just seems like a cell phone, almost like a real like a fumble on their part that they didn't need to do. yeah yeah By the way, Paul Reiser just wrote ah an alien comic for Marvel, which I find amazing. is And it's the most Paul Reiser comic. I've heard about this. What if Carter Burke had lived? Written by Paul Reiser, which is just great. It's like, we went to Paul Reiser, and we're like, do you have any pitches? He's like, one. Hear me out. One way to make aliens better. What if, and hear me out here, Carter Burke lived. It's the only thing. every Every kid finished watching aliens, and they were like, why is Carter Burke not alive? Why doesn't the coward get to live?
i mean hudson vas drake fuck em all I mean, I will say is, um, Darren, unfortunately your microphone is still a rather crackly. So I do not know. Uh, we did have this fixed before, um, the podcast started. So I do apologize. it It's given a crackle echo.
in terms of darren's just going full this is why you watch the video darre's i don't know what's going on here but i love it ah in terms of other spoilery stuff i wanted to touch on i mentioned specifically a couple of the set pieces that i really liked and i wanted to shout out two of them first off this might have the new belt Oh Like the way this movie deals with the acid blood of the aliens in two separate scenes is so cool. And one is when the acid drips on the guy and kills him and he's kind of just down there and it's just like gnawing away at him. And by the way, like ah going back to the the horrific and wonderful sexual metaphors, it is just a vagina ah yeah dripping ah toxic fluid on on ah ah someone who has you know been a real dickhead this entire film.
Absolutely has it coming. So a a clear and ah present vagina just killing a man and that's beautiful. My favorite Harrison Ford movie. I don't think we can hear you at all, Tern. No, you are now, you now have zero audio.
um I do and ah the other acid scene, the the zero G scene when they're in the end of the airlock, yeah they turn off the gravity and so everything's floating and then they shoot all the aliens and so all the aliens are dead, but there's floating acid everywhere. And so the rain has to kind of float her way like politically down the hallway, avoiding the acid and and maneuvering her body.
You know, it's the other side without getting burned, I thought was was just deeply cool. um And that was immediately followed up by that stairwell or the elevator shaft set piece, which I also thought was cool, which again, sadly ends with the get away from where you bitch line, which I was like, you just kind of you you like put like a little shit candle on top of like a very nice birthday cake here.
And that to me was like the most frustrating part of a lot of the movie, which is it did have a really well thought out set pieces. um ah And one of the set pieces is the clear delineation is the the like straight line between horror and action schlock, which I thought was really funny, which is like, oh, we have to make it.
Oh, hello. We have to make it through ah this hallway. We have to make it through this hallway and we have to be very quiet. You know, like here's the horror premise, the wonderful tension buildup. We can't be very loud, but oh, noises are happening. And then all of the sudden, you know, that breaks and it's run. And from then on out until the end of the movie, it's an action schlock movie. Yeah.
Yeah, even the ah the the new the to yeah every every alien movie kind of introduces a new twist on the the xenomorph formula. Right. Yeah. So what are we going to do here? And it ends up being sort of like a mix between the engineers of Prometheus and the. Oh, this is this is my child resurrection. But you're back. You sound great. Am I back? All right. I'm back, baby.
Yeah, you sound great. Yeah, you sound beautiful. um Yeah, so the the kind of the new quote unquote new alien at the end is is yeah, it is a gestated baby that has been its its mother has been ah ah injected herself with I think a variant of the goo from Prometheus. Is that right? Like they we get so deep into the lore on this. Like that is the thing where it's like but the movie starts as a simple alien movie, which is there's a bunch of people in space. They did something they're not supposed to. And now they're going to get brutally murdered. And the climax is like, by the way, in case you're curious, ah the villain from alien use the goo from Prometheus to make the villain from alien resurrection again. um it's It's such a strange choice.
And that was played by an actual an actor I saw, it like which is a very tall, very skinny man, yeah which which was cool. that like yeah Having that sort of haunting figure come and have it not be like a crappy CG alien. Was it Alien 3 or Resurrection that had the crappy CG aliens? Both?
ah Alien 3 had the motoscoped aliens, so they weren't CGI, but they were puppeted ends. They have the thick black lines around them. oh that might be one of the hours like cleared They're not in the frame. Yeah. yeah Resurrection had ah some beautiful puppets, you know, beautiful and horrible puppets. If you're into beautiful and horrible puppets.
Um, ah but, but no, I thought like that, I, I really enjoyed that final sequence. Obviously, yes, it was just, oh, here's the part of alien resurrection that we have to slot into this movie to fill our nostalgia quota because we have to be equally nostalgic for every alien film. Uh, but I thought it was nice. I thought it was creepy. I, you know, the, the birthing sequence, the, that thing slithering around and ah quite literally devouring its mother. It's, it's beautiful. It's beautiful. If you're into horror, which I am. yeah um but if you're baking and
so If you're making an argument, like it it is part of like a wave of like post-dod's horror, like a wave of like, there's a recent wave of like, obviously the alien movies have always been about reproductive horror, but it's very interesting that this one is particularly fascinating reproductive horror as it relates to women. Like the first victim of the face hugger is the pilot of the ship, for example. Um, and obviously the pregnant woman is like a huge smoking gun. This is the first time a pregnant woman has been subject to this, you know, unless we count the birthing scene in Prometheus, but that's not a normal fetus.
But the idea of like having a pregnant woman who is forced to give birth and it birthing this monstrous man that basically feeds on her. But it kind of it ties into like you think of like, again, sorry, spoilers own for all movies, I guess. But think of like recently, like the first omen, for example, I think recently of cuckoo. Think of Immaculate. There is this interesting wave of like movies now in 2024, two years after the Supreme Court basically said women have no control over their own bodies. I think it is very telling that like you get a wave of horror movies after that, which are like Yeah, women don't get any control over their own bodies, and it's graphic, and it's monstrous, and it's horrific, and it's basically sexual assault in this, you know, wholesome way, which is is really fascinating, and I do like that aspect of the movie.
Yeah, and like that's to me, that's what eventually like leads me to, generally speaking, enjoying the movie. Obviously, a ton of viral ah ah parts of the movie, but it's like the things they did well, I think they did so well, ah including that final scene. i It was tension-filled. It was beautiful.
And I really liked that big, creepy alien. I know I've seen a lot online about like the, you know, the logistics of how we got from Prometheus alien to xenomorph, from xenomorph back to like how, you know, how, what's, can we just talk about the logistics of ah alien ah biology? And it's like, fuck no, we don't care.
Yeah. Cause like the alienated Prometheus at the end is like, all right, we took the goo. We, yeah we, we made the woman drink the goo. No, we made the man drink the goo. And then and then he had sex with the woman pregnant and and she got pregnant and then she got the baby out of her. And then the baby attacked the engineer and the baby put a baby inside the engineer. And then that baby was like a proto xenomorph. Right.
I do look by the way that like for all the Prometheus is going to go to prequel to alien. It's full of all those convoluted steps that go absolutely nowhere near air alien. Like like you they have to go to like covenant to be like, okay, we've got the xenomorph. We promise. but Like I also do love that. Like really just want to have Michael Fassbender kiss himself. That's the one thing, none of characters kiss themselves.
um yes well um um what did you what What did you guys think of the the human the human characters in the movie? like did Did any of them leave an impression on you? Did did Rain or or andy Andy the Andyroid?
yeah ah it did okay ah Rain was a ah was a no, they're they're weak. They were all very weak characters. Like they were what they were is horror movie characters. They were stock. Like, OK, rain is is the is the like the final girl. What do they call that? Like yeah the one who survives like the final girl. Yeah. Right.
Yeah, yeah. Reign's the final girl. Okay. This person is definitely fodder. This person is definitely fodder. This person, like Reign's very best friend, the one who got around like, okay, maybe he'll make it to the end. Like he's the maybe, um but no, they're all stock horror movie characters. And to me, none of them, but ah besides the pilot who was the first to go made a big impression on me. And I only liked the pilot because I like ah technical space shit. and but When she started rotating the ship to bring it into docking bay, Jack was like, yeah, I, ah I'm in with this character. let's see someone whos go a job yeah The sequence where she had to like catch the the pod in space and you just see her like making micro adjustments on the spaceship in order to perfectly align the ship to catch the pod. That's all I want. That's all I want in every movie. I fucking love that. and
like I like the cast. I think the cast is charismatic. I'm seeing a lot of people being like, ah, that this cast is terrible. They're young actors. Like they're, they're, you know, they're given these roles. I think that Spani is going to be, as you said, a star based off like Priscilla based off civil war based off this. ah But I do. And obviously Andy and David Anson are like fantastic. But I do think the rest of the characters are just generic. And I think they're generic in a way that like,
most of the other alien cats aren't where like obviously an alien you have the space truckers like Harry Dean Stanton, Jaffa Cotto, Tom Skerritt, Ian Home, John Hurt, like once in a generation do you get that many that guys in a movie together.
The Marines in Aliens are incredibly well drawn. Again, that's like Cameron as like for all we mock Cameron for being and like a a straight down the middle kind of dad filmmaker. All those characters are archetypes and he knows exactly who they are and he cast them phenomenally. And so you know the difference between Vasquez and Hudson and Hicks. So you're following them through and obviously Burke, everyone's favorite Burke.
a kid's favorite action figure, Carter Burke. And then even an alien three, where like the point of alien three is like, you take these pasty 30 something British actors and shave all their heads. So they're all functionally indistinguishable from one another. You still have like Charles dance and Charles. yeah buttont um there and obviously Sigourney Weaver, and you do even get this, like, you care for Morse by the end of that movie, and you like Pete Pothlethwaite in the three lines Pete Pothlethwaite gets to deliver. And even like Resurrection, where Joss Whedon's like, hey, I don't know about making an Alien movie, but I have a pretty cool idea for a show about a bunch of space rogues who are morally ambiguous.
maybe I could just work that into a rough draft of this alien script. yeah And you're like, okay, yeah, Ron Perlman as like proto Jane is not a bad hook for an alien cast. Whereas here, here you're in like the alien versus predator stage where you're like, none of these characters are functionally distinguishable from one another, except for the order in which they're going to die is the amount that they are developed in the first act of the movie. What does this weirdly mean? and they're like Oh, no, it's because his a robot made a call to to leave his mom in a mine. i'm like well Hey get over it right well and it's like ah you know i do wonder if some of oh go ahead darre and no its i was gonna kind of ah shift off a little bit so if you want to continue on this line for a little bit.
No, but just on the unlike the the dead woman in the mind story, right? This is the thing where this movie keeps gesturing at ideas, which are really interesting. It would make a great aliens movie. ah Like the idea of Fedi Alvarez has said, like, this is a metaphor for... Because he's a Uruguayan filmmaker. He said, like, this is a metaphor for growing up in the third world, where you are just harvesting materials for the first world to exploit. And it's like, that is kind of there, as you said, in the the opening scene where they just up the quota so you can't leave. yeah But it's like it's not really there because like they just go and do an alien movie. It's like, why not release the alien in the mines and just see what happens there and kind of explore that idea? Why not have them mining something that Romulus needs and have that be the plot of the movie or something like that? And then there's another one like you mentioned the idea of like the synthetic deciding that like one of the the asshole characters mother had to die. That isn't it. That is something that comes up a couple of times early in the movie with Andy.
when Andy, like it has to make a decision in a moment about like whether to close a door or whether to open a door. And he has to like, ignore the emotional opinions of the characters around them. And that's a really interesting dynamic in a horror movie because horror movies are like emotional and instinctive. And Andy is behaving in a way that feels like Ridley Scott, whispering in federal versus here saying, do you saw the fucking reviews of Prometheus, right? Andy is behaving like everybody on the internet thinks every character in Prometheus should have behaved. yeah which is like to be just this totally rational character who has no emotions or feelings whatsoever and makes like the smart decision that doesn't progress the movie in any meaningful way. And it's also kind of monstrous if you think about it, but it's like, that's an interesting angle, that idea of like utilitarianism, the idea that sometimes the decision you make to save more lives can somehow be mon more monstrous than a decision to save the life that's immediate in front of you. But the movie does not do anything with that idea. Once it's established, there's a whole bunch of things like that, you know, sorry.
Sorry. A bunch of little threads like that. Yeah, I noticed. I'm curious if ah like how many sort of revisions this this script went through and whether like part of me was thinking before that at some point they were announced that that rain was ah Ripley's daughter. Oh, God. I don't need a video. and That's alien isolation. yeah Alien isolation. So like in a deleted scene, I think they mentioned it any of the actual season they mentioned that Ripley has a daughter back home.
They do, yeah. In the first one, it's on her file, and in the second one, she actually appears. Or she appears as in she's dead. There's a moment in the director's house where Carter Burke is like, by the way, we found your daughter. And she's like, yay. And oh, by the way, she's dead. And it's like, oh, she's bad news. Yeah, shouldn't have done a pregnant boss after this. Yeah, so part of me, with the time-wise, I would have been like, oh, maybe she was a little kid, and now she's grown up, because this is in between other movies. And so I don't know if that was ever a thing that they were Don't do or not, but um yeah, but yeah, where were you going to take us, Jack? I was going to take us to the slightly tangential, which is like, you know, we were talking about the, you know, the characters of the earlier alien movies and how they stand out. And ah what I'm wondering is how much of that is the characters and how much of that is the character actors? And this is something that comes up a lot in modern movies or just in modern Hollywood, which is there aren't that many that guys anymore. There aren't any
character actors and or new character actors spout sprouting up, though I see Darren's face lighting up about to say. I'm just saying, like, put Bill Camp in an alien movie. Just like I know I know he's not a spring chicken. He's like 60 years old and would be one of these 20 year old kids. Yeah, that's it. Like, it's just it's five kids and Bill Camp. Hey, you're so good and presumed innocent. Oh, my God. He's so good. He's so good.
Oh, no, I just don't know. Oh, no, I just not make characters because no kid wants every kid wants to grow up to be the leading star. The problem is that we started letting like handsome people think they were character actors. So you started letting like Matthew McConaughey and like Colin Farrell, like do stuff in fat suits and in makeup, which makes it harder to like actually cast like fat non-conventionally Hollywood attractive people in those roles. So you don't really grow into them. So like, I guess like, yes,
Colin Farrell in Penguin Makeup is maybe one of the cast members of like the character actor version of this movie. Or any of lists you see of like, ah everyone's attracted to these rat boys. but It's like the guy from the bear and it's Barry Q. it's like like They're just handsome. It's just why aren't there any convention conventionally attractive people says this article with the photo of the three people from challengers at the top. um Right. With the photo of like shirtless Adam Driver, who's like, that is a fucking handsome man.
but but weird question mar mo so boys But like that's to me, that's a huge thing where it's like the cast is a very homogenous, very, you know, Amber Crumby and Fitch. If that is still a reference that the youngs understand where it's like, these are all generically attractive people who kind of, you know, have a similar look to them, which I guess would be.
uh explainable within the universe but like no one stands out no one is a big enough presence to where i wonder if like the characters from the earlier alien movies came from the script or it came from those actors wanting to give a little a little jus to their characters yeah Yeah. And really let you just lock them on a set for like four months and they have nothing to do, but think about their characters. Learn how to shoot a basket from behind your head. to Just throw a ball behind your head. Yeah. It's funny cause all the prior six alien movies, again, not eight, the prior six alien movies, all of their casts have like a ton of like, Oh shit, it's that guy. Or like, yes, like you're, you're chewing up the scene. And this one, we just didn't. didn't have it. Like again, David Johnson is Andy and Kayla Spain is as rain. I think are both great, but that's the main character and the, and I think mostly David Johnson is Greg cause he plays like kind of the two halves of the, you know, he plays and the two different, two different robots. Yeah. So many gold stars to David Johnson is just like that. Like his, he is to me is the standout of the movie. Like yeah there was one character that I wanted to survive till the end. It was him in both versions, by the way, in both like good Android or evil Android. I just want to see what this fucker does. Yeah. Um, good jump to, uh, gonna jump to some super jazz cause a lot of them, I want to jam through. so Oh my God, you got the popcorn bucket. I got a popcorn bucket and I'm really disappointed cause it's not at all. It's like the alien popcorn bucket should be more sexual than the Deadpool and Wolverine popcorn bucket. But somehow it's not.
Or the, do or the dune, the dune worm or the du a dune one. Yeah. which is Very strange. Um, I feel like I got chipped. Um, uh, okay. We're gonna, we're gonna jam through some of these, uh, super chats. Uh, Darren, of course, whenever you need to leave, just let us know, but, uh, or just, just leave. You don't have to let us know. You just stamp out, uh, quintuple a thank you so much with a $5 don't know what is this week's to be fair to be step up and sponsor the segment. You cowards. Do you have a to be recommendation for us, Jack?
ah ah Not a to be recommendation. The the ah the ah only other movie I or I watched two other movies last week. ah One was a rewatch of the ritual, ah but I watched it with my kids. Yeah, um because they really like that kind of atmospheric horror. And it's like, are we all sleeping on the ritual? Because it was great. It fucking rips. Watching the second time al one at the guys who wander up into the hills. Don't go into the woods.
Yeah like it has a really great scene in a supermarket that's also a forest environment. That's it. it's It is a Netflix original horror movie. I watched it when when Nick and Jesse came to stay at my house and we filmed the animal well documentary. I liked it so much. I told my kids and I was like let's watch it and I watched it with the kids. They loved it. It was great.
There you go. But I also watched ah Clifford, the Martin Short and Charles Grode movie in my art house cinema movie theater um because they were showing it. And ah God damn, what a masterpiece. That's not the dog.
Not the dog, Clifford. The pictures of the dog. Yeah. No, no, no. This is the short in just like in a schoolboy uniform, no makeup, occasionally some trick photography, but like no attempt to make him seem like anything less than I'm guessing a 38 year old man. One of the kids in this movie. Yes. This is Martin Short as a full ass adult.
playing a 10-year-old child. Oh, there it is, Charles Grodin, Mary-Steve Burgin, played at my local theater. And it was it it was a delight to watch that with a crowd. So that was my 2B recommendation, is go find a copy of Clifford and watch that.
and Do you have a recommendation of the week? It's not Borderlands because I watched your, uh, I watched your borderlands backdrop that just went out, which is excellent. That road should watch, but it doesn't seem like it's your recommendation. Doesn't really seem to take away. I actually will say I love trap. I really love trap. really enjoy it like I was like peak dad Shyamalan because the big thing with Shyamalan is you're never entirely sure how serious he is or how goofy he is. And this is kind of like the right level of being serious about the right stuff, which is man. Does that man love his daughters? But also being like camp about the stuff that he should be camped out, which is, isn't it fun to make a serial killer movie about how insane it would be to be trapped at a Taylor Swift concert. um And it's just the right level of energy between those two. It's a real can a girl dad like be a dad and have a hobby at the same time is basically what the movie's about. and it was just why lots people are baring kills them
me I mean, but this is Shyamalan saying, you know, I was reading my kid's bedtime stories like The Lady in the Water and making The Last Airbender for them and making After Earth for them. But I was also like throwing people into lawnmowers in the happening at the same time. So it creates this sense of a schism in a man where it's like,
Am I really a healthy dad if I'm like kissing my daughter's good night and then going off to throw Mark Wahlberg into a blender? um sorts Are you the best dad if that's what your job is? Let me also say Josh Hartnett, I'm glad to have you back. Between between Oppenheimer and the the Guy Ritchie movies, I'm glad to have you back. Josh Hartnett, you big, you tall, you're handsome and I like you.
there's There's a moment in this movie where like he has kept the shirt on for the entire movie and you're getting towards the end. And he just takes the shirt off just because. It's like, look, but what you guys have been in the theater for at this stage, like you know, 80 minutes, 90 minutes. You deserve this as much as anybody else. He just takes off his shirt and eats some pie. And I'm like, wow.
Remember when he was in the one movie called 30 Days a Night About Vampires and the other movie called 30 Days a Night About Not Crankin' It for a Month? eight Yeah, Lent, wasn't it? Wasn't like wanky? No, not Lent. Which that movie was amazing because I saw that and then I moved to San Francisco and then that movie was just filmed in the neighborhood I lived in and so like I would do my laundry at the laundromat where he would go and think about not being able to nut. It was great. 40 days and 40 nights, sorry. No, wasn't that the one with Harrison Ford?
No, that's seven days and seven nights. That's with an Anhesh and David Schwimmer. It's like weh like the romantic Six days, seven nights. Yeah. That's Gordon Levitt and Zooey Dachenel. No, that's 50 days a summer. um We need the day cinematic universe. yeah but the Seven nights is where Anhesh has to make the very tough choice between on the one hand Harrison Ford and on the other hand, David Schwimmer, the choice that every 90s woman face.
I was a toffee. When you lost your honor, a Ross Chandler? I don't know which one he is. I've never watched friends. Is he Ross? He was Ross. He was Ross. But it's Chandler too, right? No, Chandler is Matthew Perry. He's Chandler too. They're two different characters. You're talking about the character Mrs. Janandaller Bong, and that is Matthew Perry. That is a friend's reference.
All my friends that like for years, Marty, having never watched friends, just assumed it was a high concept TV show where all six were played by David Schwimmer. I thought it was amazing. I saw him in band of brothers and I'm like, you're going places, my friend. Uh, pattern pike with a $5 donor. Thank you so much. Just curious how much aliens franchise would you say someone needs to, uh, to see to have gotten this movie? I think you kind of alluded to that earlier, Jack. I think you're fine, honestly. Like, having literally just rewatched all the Alien movies, the science has kind of gobbledygook in them, and the timeline's kind of gobbledygook, and like, in a way that I'm totally fine with. So, I think the only things you won't get are the references that kind of made us roll our eyes. Yeah. So maybe you'll enjoy it more. It might be better if you don't watch all the Aliens movies beforehand. Yeah.
You just think that there may be a line that doesn't land here and that's not the worst thing in the world. They obviously didn't place that placeholder there. You also won't have the complaints we have of every other movie has more interesting casts of like, where's Charles Danson, Jaffa Cotto, and Danny McBride. It was Idris Elba and they released their own and that weird Scottish dude who was in everything for a little while. He was like a bad guy in Mission Impossible, right? Yeah.
Uh, king and commoner. Thank you so much for a $5 don't know. We need more characters, quoting lines from other movies and a voice that says, why am I saying this? That was the thing about the line delivery too. It's almost like, it's almost like Andy, the character realized he was in a movie and looked directly at the camera to be like, is that really the line? But they used They used the take where Debbie Ansell was like, really? I'm trying to think, is there a version of this I like?
in a movie. I think if I think if it bleeds, you can kill. If it bleeds, we can kill. It kind of works and play. I will. Yeah, I agree that works and pray like characters. I mean, you you didn't love that bit in the fan for stick where they explained that it's clobbering time was what the things brother used to shout before engaging a domestic. Yeah, I didn't actually. There's a lot of things I didn't like about the movie, including all of it. Well, what was the what was the line at the very end of that, to you know, where the thing was just like, ah, there's four of us and we're fantastic. I don't know. Tellers like.
when Say that again. you No, I don't know if I don't know if it has ever. OK, here's here's lines that echo, right? That I don't mind. Yeah, I have a bad feeling about this. I don't mind that. What about end game?
on your left. and I could do this all day. I could do this all day. That sort of stuff. Yeah. The on your left thing is really good. I think fuck like that. That's like go and set the character moment between the two of them because the two of them had it was the same two characters. Yeah. And I could do this all day, that kind of thing. Oh, yeah.
Yeah. And again, like this is the thing. It's the same character repeating the line. It's like the Schwarzenegger saying, I'll be back. Because that's one of the things when I mentioned this to people, they're like, but you don't mind when s Schwarzenegger says I'll be back. And it's like, yes, because he is the character who says that. Yeah. like yeah He's a character, he's a robot. We're allowed to say those. He's also a robot with a very limited, like, dialogue setting to be fair as well. Both, and an actor with a very limited dialogue range when he was making those movies. Um, so like it's different than, no, I imagine this character has watched the movie and it's repeating. Yeah. Exactly. Right? Like he, like you almost want him to turn around and be like, like they said in that movie.
You know, the one we all saw. Pure Pyro with a two-year-old dono. Thank you so much. Opinions on a House with a Clock and its Walls. I think it's Eli Roth's best movie, which isn't saying a lot.
Maybe his second best. I think Thanksgiving is slightly better, but I don't think any of them are great. Thanksgiving is pretty good. um And it's primarily driven by turkey puns. So I like that. It had me from the outset where like the killer commits the bit, which I love in a slasher movie when he's like, no, I am actually going to literally oven bake one of the characters alive because it's a Thanksgiving movie. ah But yeah, cock in the wall is fine, which makes it, as you said, top tier Roth.
at some but but That being said, it having Jack Black and Key Planchet in it led directly to Portland. Yeah. What's going on there? No, it's yeah, it's it's fine. Like, especially if you have ah kids who are into like, i like I watch it with my kids when they when they were younger. And it's like, oh, yeah, this is a perfect like ah intro into kind of go spooky or creepier movies. It's fine. It's fine. I'm always going to go to bat for entry level horror. Yeah. but but Like I'm looking right now. It's 65 percent at Rotten Tomatoes.
Probably the highest ranking live rock film. um I think that's even might be higher. but yeah ah It's funny. It didn't really turn out for hostile two to be fair. No, I didn't realize it was written by Eric Kripke. The, the, the, the boys, the boys, the boys man, the boys man. I mean, was Borderlands was technically written by Craig Mason to be fair. The last of us guy in the hangover three guy.
I don't know why you add the Hangover 3. That doesn't help. You could say the last one's in Chernobyl, but you're like, oh no, and the superhero movie or whatever. Didn't he do some of those shitty scary movie-esque movies? Not great. You know what? You get in a paycheck. I'll write a piece of shit for a paycheck. That sounds great. Lambslauter with a five pound dono. Thank you so much. Seeing it soon, but was getting Force Awakens vibes from Romulus. Disney playing it safe, make it look like the originals, and ignore the prequels.
you know's They don't ignore the prequels to be fair. i was like i was very funny what On one point i was like I was really frustrated at the amount of references to Prometheus in this movie as somebody who is the rare person who loves Prometheus, but I also did kind of admire the we're doing even the crap stuff. Again, this is the thing with modern franchising where even the stuff that fans didn't like in quotes is canon and it's also crucially part of the collector's set that is available on Disney Plus the stream right now.
So you have this incentive to like fold in things that fans complained about and make it part of the movie. um You know, the obvious example is like Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man, where everybody hated that version of Spider-Man when those movies are coming out. But now, well, you got to watch him on Netflix or wherever it is. And, you know, like obviously like Deadpool and Wolverine. I mean, nobody was aching from our Tyler Maine saber tooth, but yeah here we are. Like even the bad stuff gets folded in and kind of embraced and endorsed and becomes part of the franchise. So like, even like Prometheus ends up being weirdly essential to this movie. That's like, Hey, you guys love alien and aliens. Well, I guess you love Prometheus too. You better love them all. Clever leave with a file. I don't know. Thank you so much belated sequels like this that always treat the original film like sacred texts that can only be Referenced copied and never engaged with are so boring 100 first of all Lee I think I will always just agree with whatever you say because I value your opinion in most things but that like to me that's It's it's something that we dealt with a lot when we talk about like kind of the Star Wars sequels and whatnot where it's like It's a very limited universe and you know
Yeah, it's almost the same with with aliens now where like we could have these, you know, we've we've tried to have these marvelous stories that expand the universe. What if an alien is here? What if an alien is here? This really could have been a very simple like, oh, we got a little heist adventure, but an alien's there. It has nothing to do with anything else. It's just a little. It was for. pre Yeah, yeah.
like Prey was for predators, exactly. ah But unfortunately, that went directly to streaming and kind of fizzled numbers wise, right? And so it's it's a very ah narrow thinking made by executives is the unfortunate thing. And I know we are getting very close to it in which the time that Darren has to leave us. just on On these point there, like I think one of the things I love about the Alien movies is that all three of the first set of Alien movies are essentially fuck used, the previous ones were like, No, but like Ridley Scott's Alien is like, man, feminism's great. Women can be as badass as men. And Cameron's like, shut the fuck up, Ridley. What's great about feminism is women can have families and be professionals too. And David Finch is like, shut the fuck up, Cameron. What's great about the Alien movie is that God doesn't exist, and he's going to hunt you down and murder everything that you fucking care about. And then Ridley Scott comes back for Covenant, and he's like, okay, fine. You guys like the sequel where there were two aliens and a power lifter? Fine. Fucking Covenant. Have at it. Like, I kind of love, and I obviously... All these directors have great affection for one another, but I love that there is this sense when you watch the Alien franchise back-to-back of being like, oi, the last guy was a fucking idiot. Here's how you fucking make an Alien movie. And sometimes it pays off, ah sometimes it doesn't, but like it's a very different energy than going,
actually, I think the guy who made the first Aliens movie, I'm barely fit to wear that the did lick his the soles of his boots, you know, to walk in his footsteps, you know, yeah, um I think it's a different energy and it limits what the film can be by default, you know, it's at boundaries. Whereas like, when you do have like Cameron being like, fuck that family movie time baby, or Fincher being fuck that we're doing an autopsy of a 10 year old, um like it I think there is an energy and a friction to those movies that I find like really compelling because as an audience member, I have no idea where they're going. And there I can't set like a ceiling or floor, admittedly, but a ceiling primarily on the quality of what the outcome is going to be, you know?
I don't see you left out Jean-Pierre Junet going, yeah I got a piping hot pizza here. in a certain I had a good time making the movie, but I'm going back to France to make Amelie. I apologize to both French and Italian listeners for everything I have said. I apologize almost anyone.
yeah real Anybody every word that anybody yeah yeah bottom yeah heard I'm going to order a taxi and when it arrives I'm going to dash. Lovely. Jombly, been a member for six months. Hello gang. Any opinions on James Cameron's and others' use of AI in his 4K transfers like Aliens and the aforementioned True Lies? to me it looks horrible bad Jim thinks I don't get laid enough so yes the transfers on some of these recent 4k movies have been kind of bad they've been using like AI to clean up kind of artifacting

Technology in Film: AI and Deepfake

and like it's almost what you want on film uh
when you watch a movie that was shot on film. And ah James Cameron, ah to to to in a recent interview to people who said, hey, this isn't probably a great way to do this. Pretty much said, you're all virgins. You need to get out of your mother's basement. Which on one hand, Big Jim is perfect. It could do no wrong. But on the other hand, like, well.
I think it's kind of a point here, right? it I can't, it shocks me that anyone is surprised by this. Like James Cameron is all about like ah trying to make his movies look better. And ah universally film snobs don't believe that any of his movies look better. um He doesn't care. James Cameron does not care. um ah ah So I'm not surprised by his flippant remarks. I am surprised that he,
didn't offload this work to someone else. Like to give this to someone who actually cares to make like the best looking thing. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I think I have not seen the back to back stills. I like I said, I don't. I'm not that reverent towards the alien franchise. So ah but if that's your thing, I'm sure in five years they will find a new thing to sell you. That's a better upscale. A.K.
Finally. Finally, each individual grain is the size of a baby's head. That's all I want. Tommy Salty, been a member for six months. Thank you so much, Tommy Salty. And then George Lucas with two euros. Thank you, George Lucas. Shout out to Jean-Pierre Junet's Amelie after Alien Resurrection. Yeah, I agree. Jean-Pierre Junet, he's got a great, well, I had a great filmography. I don't think I've seen any of his movies in like 20 years, but Delicatessen, City of Lost Children, Amelie, very long engagement.
But even like resurrection, which I don't love, he seems happy to have made. Like when he talks with Amelie, you imagine that is like, well, you obviously got like handled by Hollywood and felt really like uncomfortable and needed to escape. And he's like, no, I just had a really good time. I had the best time making it. And then they talked to Josh Whedon. He's like, he murdered my script. He murdered my script. He murdered my are two weird people to pair it together. like does seem like Yeah. Josh, peanut butter and jelly being like, you're all weird. Vaudevillian actors yeah but the dominicque pinon comes through the door and like he doesn't, he obviously doesn't speak English or doesn't speak English that fluently. And again, I say this as somebody who does not speak French. So I have no stones to throw here, but he delivers the line. what's What were you expecting? setta clause As if he has been taught the line phonetically and does not understand the meaning of the words. It's just like something you say as you come through the door. yeah
It's great. so very Very unique energy has that movie. Yeah, that's a nice way to put it. Very unique energy. ah Blue McD's nuts with a $5 don't know. Thank you so much recommendation. Fun Horror on Prime, a movie called For Sale, a mix of a horror comedy where Saul Goodman has to sell a haunted house. A fun B movie twist. I like the idea of a slimy salesman needing to sell ah a haunted house.
good With that it's my list. At it. What's it called? For sal or sale. For For sale. Perfect. Hell yeah. If thinks they make three more of them, you know, they can make it. It's like naming the third bad boys movie, bad boys for life. And then not calling the fourth, uh, like bad one, bad boys forever.
Right? They really screwed the screwed the pooch. Lamb slaughter with a five pound don't know. Thank you so much for no reason at all. Here's a list of actors who are not dead. Lance Hendrickson, Winona Ryder, Michael Fassbender, literally the android you have in the movie. Yeah. Any number of them. Anyone else because it's just a fucking robot. Just put some weird goo and spaghetti in his lower half.
By the way, did you notice that they call the Android Rook because the Android from Aliens is Bishop? And they're like, we won't, you want to not, we don't want to draw attention to Prometheus. So he can't continue the naming convention of ABCD Bishop Cal. Oh, I didn't notice that.
Yeah, I didn't know the ABCD thing, but yeah, I did notice the Rook Bishop thing. Yeah. like yeah okay we get you like ches cool And also just something that really bugged me and maybe shouldn't the, the two online part of Darren's brain, the moment where like the guy is teaching rain, how to shoot the weapon, which is obviously a riff from the scene in alien. yeah But like the bit where he's like, Oh, by the way, has auto aiming on, so you don't need any skill whatsoever to do it. And I'm like, this is precisely so people on the internet cannot call her a Mary series. su Yes. She's an axe. She's a game genie.
yeah What if the person who made the androids instead of being obsessed with chess was like obsessed with Pokemon and was like I'm like Ian Holm's name was just I am sorry jumbly wobbly I see jumbly wobbly being like every time Darren speaks. I feel less and but excited about this movie. I feel sorry. i We were seeing But ultimately worth seeing it's like you will have problems with it. We have problems with it But like it's yeah it is not a perfect movie. It is not ah ah The rise and fall of a Midwest princess, so it is not perfect, ah but it is still very But what is but few things are except for the chaperone song? except for as a false angel chapelone album ah But but it is incredibly worth seeing I think especially if you like horror movies it has some great moments to it. Yeah, yeah, I
Okay. Uh, sovereign with a 20 Euro don't know. Thank you so much. Sovereign. Is there a difference between deep faking a dead G like Peter Cushing in rogue one and animated depictions like Tarkin appearing in Star Wars cartoons and games well before a rogue one still modeled after Cushing opinions. Ooh.
a lot of a lot of gray area there, it you know like modeling a character after someone. ah you know like did you You have to pay artists to do that. You have to probably hire different voice actors. like There is someone giving a performance there instead of ah instead of ah the the the dead puppetry.
Um, no. Yeah. Oh, and i leaving I am going. So I'll bid you guys farewell. Talk to you guys. Hey, hanging out. Everyone go watch Darren's, uh, everyone go watch Darren's, uh, excellent backdrop. Well, don't watch it right now. Watch it when we're done. We're going to be done one we're done. If you watch it right now, that's really rude. i mean yeah It's a lot of gray area for as far as I'm considering, like, no one. yeah You can't like ah ah using someone's likeness, using a like a character is different than an actor, right? And so like, oh, we are just yeah transposing this character into another medium is perfectly fine ah versus we are digitally ah puppeting a corpse because we want it to look exactly the same. Very, very different things.
Yeah, that's, ah I just wish they just got in the habit, it just recast. Like even yeah when Luke Skywalker showed up in, was it Mando or Boba Fett or whatever, one of those, I think Mando.
um like they got an actor to play him and then did the Mark Hamill CG thing over his face. The actor who plays him just looked like young Mark Hamill. And I'm like, just do that. And be like, I'm Luke Skywalker, guys. And I'll be like, okay. and And everyone would say, okay, great. Like, yeah, you're a young dude. And I know like Mark Hamill was on set. He was like consulting. He is alive, so he could give consent to do that. So like, Okay, fine. Oh, that's all like above the board morally, but just fucking hire an actor. You can find someone who looks kind of like young Mark Hamill. Yeah. Like, you know, we have, we have biopics. Like Timothy Chalamet is playing Bob Dylan in a movie. They're not like, what if we get Bob Dylan and DA Jim?
yeah you think That happens all the time. Let people get old and let the dead die. That's that my two things. Let allow actors to just get old and then don't use them anymore. And that's fine. Use them in different roles. Make new things. Fuck.
Yep, yep, yep. Gross. George Lucas with a two Euro. Oh no, thank you so much. Speaking of giving birth, Immaculate was solid. I agree Immaculate was, that was one of the movies Darren was mentioning earlier of how um we we sort of have all these but Roe v. Wade kind of horror movies, both with Immaculate and First Omen and everything. And apparently Cuckoo's a little bit like that, which I haven't got a chance to see yet. but um Yeah, Immaculate was really good with Sydney Sweeney. Also, that just popped up on Hulu, I believe. Oh, OK. So yeah, it is worth a watch if you like your slow-borne horror movies that have real gnarly payoffs at the end. So check it out. Oh, hell yeah. I'm down.
ah da da Flaming Whip It with a $5 don't know. Thank you so much, Flaming Whip It. Alien vs. Predator 2 was the first instance the alien slash ah Redalien. Predalien? Is that what a predalien is? Did put eggs into a pregnant woman. No, that can't be true. Wait, they put eggs into a pregnant woman? Predalien rewatch Alien vs. Predator one or two ah during my rewatches. That's OK. So this movie has like the. the the woman's already pregnant and then puts the, she injects herself with the goo. And so the fetus just transforms into the scary basketball player, man. Um, he was played by like a Romanian bat or a Hungarian basketball player. He was like seven foot seven. And just like, yeah is that is that Trevor Newlin? Who's that? He's credited as xenomorph. Oh, okay. Well, there you go. And, and just looking at his headshot. Yeah, that's him. but yeah that Sounds good. right
Um, yeah, maybe I'll give, uh, alien versus predator and alien versus predator to, uh, Requiem. Maybe I'll give them no, no, maybe i won I don't think, I don't think you need to. You can't tell me what to do. and We'll do it anyway but but do it anyways. fair I just love wasting my own time. Uh, lamb slaughter with a 10 pound. Oh no. Thank you so much. The Prometheus process is long winded, but a spiked drink leading to an unwanted pregnancy and a woman literally fighting to have the abortion is the film's peak of symbolism. see prometheus is good. Everyone who said Prometheus was bad time forgot them. They got, they got washed away in the tide. I, I can't wait to like, you know, Prometheus did come out at at the very, at the very peak of like internet critic cynicism. And, and it came out at the very peak of, um, actually is, um, sure. Yeah.
Like, it was just this perfect storm of couch, what do you call it, armchair quarterbacks, right? Yeah, and cinema sins kind of stuff of like, why did the character do this? It's like, because it's a movie. Because if characters made logical decisions, every horror movie would start with them riding up to a scary-looking cabin and then being like, hey, let's just go to the hotel. Then they turn around and leave, and there's no movie. We don't get movies.
And so, like, I i do wonder, you know, I don't think it'll happen anytime soon, but like maybe 20 years down the line when you and

Reflecting on Prometheus and Speculation

I are very, very old men and like we've had enough space between between Prometheus coming out and now where people can actually look at that movie without that era of cynicism. And I do wonder how it will hold up. Yeah. Yeah. I also would have wondered if he actually got to like make his Cause it very much feels like he had a plan for the second movie and then Alien Covenant was like, well, we'll just go bring back the aliens and we're going to kill off characters off screen and stuff. But I would have been interested to see like what his actual like David trilogy would have been. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, quit double A with a $5 don't know. Thank you so much. Darren talking borderlands, Yahtzee talking movies. We are ah approach approaching Singularity. Yeah. Yesterday we talked about movies that, uh,
uh influenced games not like adaptations or anything but like aliens how aliens and uh you know introduced the idea of colonial marines into uh kind of the lexicon which gave us stuff like years of war and halo and and all that stuff so i mean hell even even you know the original metroid was heavily heavily uh yeah at the end oh it's a woman yeah i'm playing as a woman she has to save this babby from a metroid now ah but that's where we are now like that people are pulling from kind or from video games like they used to pull from com books like these spokeill from regular books to make movies and i think it's great and i even think like you know we talked a lot about
the kind of video gamification of alien romulus the the ship redocking and catching the Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That all feels like video game, like Dead Space levels. Of course. These are huge video game set pieces, which I think work really well for action movie set pieces as well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah We were talking specifically yesterday. I brought up ah how Indiana Jones, like we just look at Raiders, like it just feels like a video game in terms of like every level kind of has a different thing of like, Oh, here's a puzzle level where you got to explore a tomb and now you got to run away from ah a boulder and then now you have to fight

Indiana Jones and Video Game Structure

Nazis with your whip. then Now you're on the back of a truck and you got to fight and now you're driving a tank and now you're on a plane. Absolutely. Yeah. Good stuff. Absolutely. And then ah Jeremy Claybrook looks like the last super chat with a $50 dono. Thank you so much, Jeremy. Hey, new member after all the recent drama. Love the work. Keep it up. Thank you so much, Jeremy.
Appreciate that support. We're thrilled to be here. We got a great week of stuff ahead of you. Absolutely. Eric and I will be back with Casey and Jamaite in, we'll probably be live in about 20 minutes, half an hour, because on the hour is going to be the Gamescom opening night live stream for a bunch of, that's just a Jeff Keeley producer. If you like Summer Game Fest, if you like the game awards for their reveals, it's just going to be two hours of reveals. Y'all love reveals. You love revealing.
That's right, yeah, so this is going to be, you know, we're wrapping up like right now, a little bit of a shorter episode. This is the length of an episode that this podcast should be, but we usually just end up talking for way longer because that is our job, is just to keep talking. And because I really like talking to Darren.
Honestly, it feels like, oh, you get paid to just talk to a guy and that I can listen to and learn from? him This sounds like great. That's my favorite part is how like you know Darren will, you know we will you know pop a quarter in Darren and he will just you know say the most brilliant things and then apologize for talking too much when it's like, no, this is what we want you here for. I feel like Darren might be Canadian with as much as he apologizes for things that he should not apologize for. Yeah, that's fair.
But ah yeah, and then ah so yeah, that'll be all their stream today. Tomorrow we'll have Yahtzee tries. We'll have Firelink. And then a Thursday, obviously Devil May Cry. Jack, I think you and I are going to be back for more Elden Ring, figuring out if that may be Thursday, maybe friday Friday. We're going to get some more Elden Ring in 100%. Yeah, it's a a full week.
of content. It's going to be great because late next week, a big portion of us are off to PAX West. Yeah, that's right. You guys are going to be pretty much the back half of last of next week through the week and Labor Day weekend. Yeah, a bunch of you guys are going to be going. You'll be there shooting videos and then you and Jesse have your panel Sunday evening, right? That's right. If you are going to be at PAX West, myself and Jesse Galina are giving a dungeon master help desk, a dungeon master problem solving panel where we are going to kind of take our own situations, how we handle them as dungeon masters, take situations from the audience and figure out like how we would solve these problems, fun and interesting ways to solve problems as dungeon masters. If you're going to be there or if you're just going to be there and don't care about D&D, just come by and say hi. We're going to be around. Yeah. The team will be there obviously hanging out. Yeah. If you see folks on the show floor and they don't look like they're terrifyingly busy, just go and see all. Yeah. And then we'll have a new full, obviously we had great edited videos this week. We had the new, the premier of the archive. Yesterday, please check that out. Incredible work by Javed on my script for Mega Man Legends. That was an excellent video. Today, we had Darren's backdrop on Borderlands. Tomorrow, we're going to have a new fully Ramblematic. Friday, we'll have a new design delve.
ah we haven't said we also We got a new thing. Well, we got season two of Adventures Night launching on on Saturday. And then i don't I don't know, we haven't officially, we're not officially pull the trigger on this, but i think if if you like new things and if you like stuff that we absolutely adored making, yeah stay tuned because very soon you should be you should be able to see a new thing that we've been working on for a while that we are all ah very pleased with.

New Project Teaser

next week, Monday, a new thing is going to get released a project that we have been tinkering with behind the scenes for quite some time now. And we're going to we're finally going to release it into the wild next week, Monday. It's going to be a ton of fun. um It's it's a project that the team ah in general is very, very excited about. We won't We won't say what officially that is. Oh, and we have one more super chat yeah before we wrap up, which is P Lashty. Thank you for the super chat. Yahtzee insists over and over that he knows nothing about movies, but I think you can get him in with Darren as long as you stick to films before 2000.
We'll get him and Darren on us something. You know what we'll get him on? we'll play We'll have one of us playing a game a movie game. Ooh, sure. Like a video. So instead of it being like, we need to have a full conversation, it'll just be spoofing goofing over a stream of blank, alien isolation or something, or home improvement. They're both they're both big home improvement fans, so that I know they want to play the home improvement 2D platformer for the Super Nintendo. Yeah, you didn't know that. Big home improvement fans.
but burn no burner barr ah that's That's it. We're done. Jack, thank you so much. Darren, of course, not here. thanks thanks Always thanks to Darren. And thank you, Eric, ah for producing. And thank you, everyone, watching live, ah listening on your podcast, Service of Choice, watching the VOD. we We appreciate you dearly.
And so yeah, we'll be back. Eric and I'll be back. We'll probably be live around 15, a quarter to the hour. So Jesus, that was a weird way to say that. So like 20 minutes, 20 or 30 minutes. Basically everybody ah go ah refresh yourself, relieve yourself, come back in about 20 minutes for Gamescom coverage. Very exciting. Thank you all so much. Have a wonderful rest of your afternoons. so We'll see y'all later. Bye.