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The Best, Worst, and Weirdest Video Game Leaders | Windbreaker Podcast image

The Best, Worst, and Weirdest Video Game Leaders | Windbreaker Podcast

S49 · Windbreaker
5.4k Plays4 months ago

On this week’s episode of Windbreaker, Yahtzee, JM8, and Marty chat about the best, worst, and weirdest leaders in video games.

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Welcome and Episode Overview

Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Windbreaker podcast. I hope you all came here for some welcome shelter from all the political news this week, in which case, tough shit. We're going to talk about presidents. Specifically, we want to talk about what video game leaders we most admire and would want to be president and perhaps placed on a video game version of Mount Rushmore. I'm your exposure.

Political Leaders in Video Games

I'm joined by Jay and Marty. I forgot to mention that earlier. Hello. Hello, everyone. Hello, everyone. Hello, beautiful. Try not to new things.
So why don't we start with the thumbnail? Because, uh, if there's one person who loves referencing presidents in his games, it's Hideo Kojima. Yeah. There's like six, I started making a list and I got like four from Kojima games. I'm like, wow. Cause you really give us a lot. Yeah. Yeah. Cause, uh,
Solid this snake, of course, was president, didn't mess with me for solid two. President Sears, yeah. Yeah. And there was that one president who grabs Raiden's crotch in the course of Metal Gear Solid 2. Oh, that's not good. You don't like that man. Death Stranding has your mom who took classes away. Death Stranding is on the weird edge of Americana, I suppose.
Yeah, and die a die hard man. And then Senator Armstrong is very excited for his future in revengeance and American politics going as far as to say that he's going to make America great again. Ironically, he says that. He says that. Yeah. He says that during his boss battle. Wow. Yeah, just make it really on the nose. But he's such a magnetic character is Senator Armstrong. I mean, you can see why people would vote for him.
he got big muscles?

Real-life Parallels in Gaming

I was listening to a podcast about um Lyndon Johnson the other day, i apparently had this whole thing that they called like the Johnson treatment, where he just sort of pin you to a wall and talk at you, and just completely dominate you and like push money into your pockets and then send you on your way.
that's why about the mass I don't like going for Johnson treatment. No, I suppose, I suppose not. But yeah, that's exactly it seems like the sort of thing Senator Armstrong did on his way up the per the the ladder of power. yeah Yeah, all just rip people in half. Yeah, just yeah muscle his way into their into their room personal space. yeah writes Put his cigar out on their tit like the biker terminates to thea hi yeah ah the ah I always find it fascinating Kojima's ah in clear infatuation and respect for Americana ah that that he imbues in all his games. it's weird I feel like you get an interesting view of our own country and history through the lens of someone who did not grow up in that country.
yeah know i mean zeal say The also deadly premonition by Swery, who also seems to have a fondness for Americana. I mean, ah could not as much as Kojima. I mean, Kojima, there's literally a sort of solid snake version of Mount Rushmore that appears and Metal Gear Solid 4. That's right. But you've got something you forgot about that, but then now remembering it with a joke. I forgot about it. We played that game like a year and a half ago. I completely forgot about it. Yeah.
There was so many

Kojima's American Influence

weird things there. The funny thing about um Armstrong in Revengeance is that you could tell that they were trying to channel Hideo Kojima, the platinum games when they made that game, but they, where they, ah where they got it wrong was that they forgot to take themselves completely seriously the whole way through, yeah which is Kojima's pattern. Yeah. Yeah. to Where are you? Where where do you fall on the Kojima? Are you, are you big good good caji a boy?
I'm so I'm about to to drop a bomb. I e love the Kojima games, but I've only Really experienced them through like really intense video essays like I watch lots of content on it But I've never been able to when I was a kid I couldn't get a hold of Metal Gear Solid at all. You've never played Metal Gear Solid? And I guess what? I own i own them all on Steam now, and I haven't touched them. um yeah And if Casey and Marty hadn't already done a series I probably would have said hey, why don't we stream it? But they've already done it. So I'm going to plan a big video, set of videos on them ah from like a fresh perspective of. You don't even have hot takes on all the airplane noises they added to Metal Gear Solid, the twin snakes. They added a bunch of airplane noises that. Yeah. And you want understand what I streamed earlier this year. It was great. Every time a character dives somewhere, they do it in slow motion and add an airplane noise. Yeah. so so So I know a lot, but just haven't
like actually held a controller and played them. I've seen full playthroughs and well, no that's past that's the opportunity to change the topic as someone who is not a big Metal Gear Solid boy. Where does your head go when you think of great video game presidents?

Humor in Leadership: Saints Row IV

Um, immediately it goes to, uh, the president in, what is it? The same since row four, you play as the president, right? Yeah. Yeah. And that kind of framing.
Now that certainly was a leader you could get behind. Yeah, yeah literally yeah in the character creation, in what in the Oval Office. Yeah, the series is when that went on a weird path, Saints Row, it starts out as sort of slightly tongue-in-cheek GTA knockoff, as GTA was originally quite tongue-in-cheek, but when GTA started getting a bit grittier with GTA 4, they stuck with that lane and made Saints Row 2, which was a slightly wackier thing.
kept the like, uh, fully customizable character, but now added a voice and you could pick which voice pack to give them. I always thought that was a very savvy move because it gave, uh, let the character have their own like voice, but it also allowed the player to still feel like they had a part in the creation of the character. yeah I think you know the effect is that every time I talked about saints row has gets pretty attached to their saints row protagonist. I certainly do.
feel like they have to recreate the same character every time they play a sequel. Didn't they have that in between three and four? You could like import your previous character. I think so. Or am I imagining that? I think so, yeah. No, I think you could. You couldn't do it for all the versions of it, obviously. No. Because you went from platforms to platforms. But yeah, I think a lot of people were very invested in their personal Saints Row protagonist being president in the Saints Row.
So that's like, it's I feel like Saints Row 4 is part of like a sub-genre of games where you play as either the president or the king or someone who might be running for office of president and or king.

Leadership in Game Design

um but Famously, I know we like bringing up the opening to twist in Nino Kuni 2.
Oh, yes. Where it starts off where you're the president who survives a nuclear blast, and then you look confused and like old tab back to steam to make sure you didn't start the wrong game. And then you get is a guide. That's when he is a guide. That's in your president is a guy. Yeah. oh The real and the big joke is that's not even the main character of the game. No.
What a game. I want it to be, I want to be just, I want to just focus on president. It's a kind of the whole way through. and i yeah du Go ahead. Can you become king in Fable? ah Either you are king or you become king in Fable? three Yes, you're the you're the younger brother of the king who's established to be a huge tyrant and through the course of like the first half of Fable 3, you sort of overthrow the king. And then in the and then the second half, the king goes, all right, you could be king then. Oh, by the way, an evil Lovecraftian deity is going to kill us all in like a year.
peace out bitches. And then you have to deal with that. alice but foralka Yeah. And it turns out he was being a tyrant because he was, you know, um, but being conservative because he was trying to make sure everyone would survive yeah the horrible Lovecraftian being. And then you have to make the decisions. You have to decide if you're going to go with ah the evil conservative decisions that will make you stronger against the Lovecraftian being, or do the nice things that will make people happier in the moment, but will ensure that you get fucked over in a year's time. And it's a clever, it's a pretty clever dilemma, but ah then Peter Molyneux sort of fucks it up in execution. well I for one am shocked that Peter Molyneux would fuck something up in execution. I know. I played that entire game, but didn't remember any of that.
Like, that's really cool. I like the fable trilogy. Like, I think I think two is the strongest one because it feels like it actually. ah delivers on some of its, premute maybe its promises were the most conservative and it was able to actually deliver on those promises. and Yeah. It, I was expecting, ah you know, the most recently metaphor refantasio. Obviously the plot is, is this democratic election to become being under the eyes of the audience.
Yeah, I was without without giving away any any big plot points or anything. I was partly expecting you become president. And then it turns out, oh, no, wait, this is this is a bad thing. Like, you have to do some bad stuff like being a leader, like heavy lies ahead that wears the crown kind of thing. um Yeah, but it it doesn't doesn't quite go there.

JRPG Plot Twists

Yeah, I assumed a lot of things about the plot going through it. I mean,
and As they say, without wishing to give, like, spoil anything, if a JRPG has a character who's really overtly established as the villain right at the beginning, then there's gonna be some fuckery along the way. Yeah. And that almost certainly, you you almost certainly will not be fighting them as the final boss. No. Yeah, you can't possibly. um Another game where you you assume the role of a president, a famous, oh, I guess a not so famous ah From Software game.

Comedic Political Games

Do you know what I'm thinking? Where you play a president in a mech? Oh, you're going to bring up Metal Wolf Chaos, aren't you? Metal Wolf Chaos. You play as President Michael Wilson, who dons a big ass mech. That was the hilarious Japanese developers referencing American politics meme before Senator Armstrong was the go-to meme in that area. It came out in 2004.
Yeah, and the main villain is the the main villain is the vice president who has decided he's going to blow up the president president in his own make and then take over the country, which is how it always works. Well, I didn't from soft do this war. We got to stop talking about Elden Lords and Margot fell omens. I think Margot might be a king as well.
Well, to notice how they challengings and saw skins there's There's a lot of things on making mecha games. There's no mecha games where you play as the president of the United States. I don't have presidents in armored core, says I agree.
there's I was thinking of some non-playable kings. I have a fondness for ah the king of all cosmos, your your pops in Katamari. Oh, I love that guy. yeah He doesn't take his responsibilities seriously, but he's certainly got a charisma and a prominent crotch bulge. Yeah, you see he does have a prominent crotch bulge. Yeah, he's got big Bowie energy.
yeah i like that he Yeah. He seems like a, he seems like a lush who often forgets that he has a child. And so he's almost like surprised every time he sees you like, Oh shit. Yeah. I forgot. I have you. you exactly Because of course, if you're not familiar with Katamari, the opening, uh, inciting incident of the plot is that the king of cosmos got drunk off his ass and they smashed up all the heavens and you have to rebuild all the stars in the sky.
yeah And that sort of ties into um a part of Japanese culture because in Japan, being drunk isn't associated with, ah you know, letting yourself go the way it is in the West. It's not associated with being, you know, someone who's irresponsible or letting their life down. It's associated with being fun.
That's why ah you'll often see fun, drunk characters like ah what's her name in Neon Genesis Evangelion. Oh, yeah. utter Downing beers so much. Yeah. Oh, she's great. Every time she craves one of her beers, I'd be like, man, yeah I'd go for a beer. It's eight in the morning when I can go for one of those beers.
So we hear a story about the king of all cosmos getting drunk and wrecking up the cosmos and we imagine, you know, wife beaters and, uh, children starving in basements, but the Japanese just think, Oh, he just likes having a good time. Good for him. And neglecting is destroyed the cosmos though. That's not good. Uh, you know, it's all in fun. What is the Japanese view on destroying the cosmos plague?
Do they view that as as fun and like odd? Maybe they view it as he created a nice little project for his son to put together and that son will grow and gain moral fiber by going through the process. Well, they've always been big on kaijus destroying cities. I guess it's just another thing that happens when you nuke someone. I'm going to be honest, ah seeing a big thing

Cultural Patriotism in Gaming

wreck shit is just cool. I think that's universal. Like a big thing wrecking shit I feel like is like in our DNA. I wonder why.
yeah couldn Couldn't possibly tell you why. yeah I also, speaking of Kings, Zelda, obviously I should share Kings, best King in Zelda though, King of Red Lions, because Kings that are also boats, very cool Kings. Granted. ah I don't know if anyone, there's like a series of comics by an online artist called the King of Hyrule is a dick.
And I'd advise looking them up if you're into Wind Waker because they're very, very funny and sort of recontextualize the actions of the king of all cosmos in that game and make you realize, yeah, he was kind of being a huge dick the whole time. Yeah. I always think the king of Hyrule has always been a very poorly established character. He's always just king man, man with a man with big beard and a crown like Father Christmas. Who has daughter who's more important. Yeah.
Yeah. And then because of that, it's usually dies, right? Like they, they usually die or, or leave or already a ghost, right? Actually he lives through all of, um, echoes of wisdom, although he does get ah replaced by an evil clone for, uh, for a period happens to do anything above him to sit on a chair and be a king. I mean, literally sends his daughter out to do everything. Yeah. ah ah Yeah. He just tells elder to do all the work. Yeah. That's the point of having kids. You can do your work for you.
I don't have kids. I assume that's the point of having kids tend to this farm chilling. Yeah. um And then there's there's there's also the the category games have represented real life presidents in a variety of ways.
I have a feeling that, uh, let's see how obscure we can get to throw off Eric as he starts Googling. I have a feeling we're going to bring up the ending of the conduit too we are absolutely go bring to where George Washington and Abraham Lincoln show up as like of future soldiers. Yeah. Yeah. They come out of like a time warp and it's, it's Lincoln and Washington in like fucking power armor with guns ready to fuck shit up and help you for the conduit three, which did not exist.
There was no conduit three. I'm sorry. surprised look this I was a i'm surprised. I got a conduit two out of a conduit. One was kind of shit. They knew they're like, this is how the game's going to end. A portal's going to open and then you see them walk through and your character's like, Oh, and then you see them. Boom. Why would they, why would they allow you to make a game like that?
Why one game should have twists like that? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's something anyone can understand. I mean, the end of Space Marine 2, where the dude takes his helmet off and the game goes, oh, look who it is. And I was like, I don't know who the fuck that is. yeah But that fucking Washington and Lincoln, that works for anyone. That that is true. That does it does work well. Amazing. ah Black Ops, I believe the original Black Ops had the the zombie mode stuff with Lincoln or JFK and Nixon. Yeah. near the actwa Yeah. good What was the fourth one, Lyndon Johnson? Man, could you imagine what his move would be? Just yeah whipping his dick out in front of the French ambassador.
ah Old NBA Jam. That came out during the Clinton administration. You could play as Bill Clinton. He was very good at that point. He's an obscure one. Around the time of ah the 2008 presidential election, I think it was, there was DLC for Mercenaries 2 that allowed you to play as ah Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Sarah Palin, if memory serves you. Really? Yeah. Weird. What? Who wants to play as Sarah Palin in a game? Well, if you want to if you want to play as Sarah Palin, now you know how.
I think I'm sick that day. Oh my God, it is. It's real. I keep thinking of making stuff up. That was a thing. Um, there he is. The old Obama drive the tank.
ah There's a little more recent than that. um Obviously, Assassin's Creed games have historical figures, but the... ah Do you remember the Assassin's Creed 3 DLC? Sort of like... Yes, the King Washington. Yeah, the tyranny of King Washington. Oh, I didn't play that. Yes. No, I didn't play it. I just knew what it was and what it was about. It was about an alternative timeline where Washington decides to become King of America instead of President.
And it turned out that wasn't good. Cause he was thrown. Yeah. That's a big bad. Yeah. We have any, how come does like, does, does queen ever show up Queen Elizabeth? She ever show up in games? Um, I'll give you a moment. Like civilization or something sieve. Yeah. Yeah. And stuff like that. She shows up. elizabeth Yeah. Well, Elizabeth the first, I don't know if Elizabeth the second games in unity, I don't think so.
Queen Victoria shows up in Syndicate, if that's the one you mean. Oh, Syndicate, yeah, sorry. I stopped playing them after the Black Flag. She's got a big scene at the very end we' all where she shows up to congratulate the main characters and everyone fanboys over her. ah i Queen deeply do not remember that. and i'm I'm trying to remember if as if Queen Elizabeth II has been depicted in any video games. There was a spitting image of a game for the Commodore 64 she might have been in. Yeah. that i didn't don't come i remember I can't think of any video games that Queen Elizabeth II has been in. and never back put her there any no Does anyone know Queen Elizabeth II was in any games chat? I mean you'd think there'd be at least one.
Um, there was also, uh, a Nintendo game for the three DS. Uh, that was like a, uh, a tactical action game called project steam. And one of the characters was, uh, like, uh, steampunk Abraham Lincoln. Okay. I love that. I mean, that just makes sense. I mean, the dude already wears a stovepipe hat, just replaces it with a real stove and bam. ah Easy peasy. Uh,
ah Yeah, what about... ah like have youve We've talked about them before, but um sort of the like grand scale where you are playing like the leader of... an army or a nation, you know, stuff like your civs. Let's not get away from the spirit of the discussion, because if we start talking about leaders, then basically any RPG ah party leader can be a leader. No, by that I mean more of like you, because in civ, aren't you like, literally, do you play as like, I'm Gandhi, or I'm like, yeah can you well i main play as president? I don't know, I don't play civilization much.
You pick a kind of like a country or a civilization from history and they kind of pick their most famous leader. Yeah. The AI is India and. Yeah. Right. So always when you deal with the AI players, they're always represented by the most famous person from that country. Yeah. So yeah, India is Gandhi, Queen Elizabeth I for England. Yeah.
I don't know who they have for America. Probably George Washington or something. I think it's Washington. LBJ. Yeah. but there's good a red she e and They're like, Oh, damn. chair by Yeah. It's yeah. It's Joe. He's that old. Was, uh, was pagan men the king of Crea? And he was the ruler of it. I don't know if he was king.
OK, yeah, I guess I don't know if you could be because of did he just was it supposed to be a real nation or was he kind of just like, well, I'm annexing this part of the country and it's mine now. And and I rule over it. Oh, I don't know. Yeah, I think it was like a micro nation. Gotcha. Hidden in the Himalayan mountains. Yeah. Certainly, yeah, certainly had some kind of international like recognition in a sort of North Korean kind of way.
Yeah. Yeah. He definitely did have like a a bit, a bit of the, the Kim Jong-un Kim Jong-un. He has, he had North Korea vibes certainly. Yeah. Yeah. I don't like, it's, funny that it doesn't,

Presidential Themes in Media

being, I just feel like there's a million movies and TV shows and stuff about the office of the US president, whether it's like a biopic or a fictional take on a president. And it feels like games have like kind of steered relatively clear of it. There's obviously a few who've like really leaned into the curve with your question. Why has that ever been a management game where you literally are the president of the United States running the United States?
to be, right? Like there's like, you know, like the idea, like the movies, that game where you're like, Oh, you running a ah ah a Hollywood studio and you build it up from the ground floor. Like there has to be the equivalent of that. This is sort of equivalent to Crusader Kings, right? of the u s Yeah, I mean, ultimately, maybe the job is boring. Maybe that's why it's like you have to like really well, quite. Yeah. I mean, as I say, Crusader Kings, which is set in medieval times, it lets you play as like contemporary kings of yeah medieval Europe. But that's because history at that time was all like ah wars, wars, and incest, chaos, kidnappings, invasions, all that kind of shit. And these days, politics is more sort of, well, it's usually
based on just paperwork and yeah meetings. I think in the last couple of years, ah the American presidency has become associated with slightly different ways of approaching things. And perhaps that will get us back on, like, ah contemporary subject matters. Yeah. Uh, oh, yeah. Abdell Corral has mentioned the Tropico games where you you play as like a dictator of a banana pro up republic.

Experience Dictatorship in Tropico

Yeah. Yeah. Which again, I would have more fun options. Yeah. Yeah. That's more fun.
Yeah. Why? So why? So welllthough I guess the real question is, why isn't there a game where you play as Kim Jong Un controlling or with like a management game running North Korea? I mean, literally anyone could probably run the country better than he does. I don't know if you dig deep enough in esteem, there's a game. yeah your teams got Yeah. How much money are you going to divert into making nuclear weapons and how much is going to go into growing grass on the front lawn of the palace for people to eat? There's definitely probably a mod.
Tropico or Osman out, or Civ. That's really funny. ah By the way, ah ah vote Democrat, if you're in America.

Importance of Voting

please i on I, on behalf of Second Wind, officially endorse the Democrats and Kavala Harris. ver Why the fuck not?
i mean I mean, I heard someone said the other day that they had a sign in their window that said, um, Harris waltz. And then under that, obviously sort of in italics, yeah I guess that kind of sums it up for me. Yeah. And go vote, go, go vote. If you, if you have the means, go do it because you're literally the only one here who can vote. I'm going to vote once for you to you guys. that's a shame my Yeah. You just want free cookies, dude. You just want free cookies.
I do want, yeah, I'm gonna go three times. I mentioned earlier how my my local voting place has homemade cookies after you vote, which is very exciting. I think it's great. Yeah. See, that's the standard in Australia. like It's like tradition for there to be a sausage sizzle at the voting party. I don't think a sausage sizzle is such a... First off, a sausage sizzle is yeah just like a wonderful mix of words, but I just really like the idea of going going rocking the vote and you get a little sausage on the way out.
Oh, yeah. absolutely so Australia also has really spectacular ah voting participation. And you know why? Because it's the law. They've got mandatory voting over there. If you don't vote, you get fined. Oh, I thought it was good because of the sausage sizzle. No. Well, they the sausage sizzle is sort of this carrot where the fine is the stick. Well, no, you just get fined if you don't take the sausage sizzle. You you've got to take one. And they watch you eat it. Yeah, it's an Australian to not go to the sausage sizzle afterwards. Exactly.
It was so weird hearing the word un-Australian. I don't think I've ever heard on any other nation except American. Yeah, it certainly sounds weird if you say un-British. Yeah. Yeah.
I guess it's because some different nobody else says it. Nobody else is using it in that context. I think it's because the US is more sort of fervently patriotic and has a much clearer national identity. yeah Britain, well, most modern British people are sort of embarrassed about britain British imperialism. Oh, yes. So, aren't quite so patriotic in that way. I was asked that yesterday.
met some, met some Americans and they asked me about how I felt about the, the broils and, you know, that whole system. I just didn't know what to say. I was like, uh, Oh, I got a fucking, I got a fucking text from mother-in-law on the day like Queen Elizabeth died. And she said, uh, I just heard, let me know if you need any support. Was it serious? God said, I don't fucking care. I didn't know the woman.
and it funny you would have tried If the two of you would have tried to take time off for work, like I need some time to grieve. yeah and this apparently we might go away with it so yeah I remember there's like, there's an episode of the Simpsons. Do you remember that episode of the Simpsons where Lisa sees her future and she like ah gets engaged to a British like Lord? Yeah. Well, there's a scene in that where the Simpsons sort of like um accidentally burn and shove manure onto a British flag and it makes the the British guy cry. And that scene never rang true for me. I was like, well, British people wouldn't give a shit. It's just a flag is with bitter cloth.
We don't have that flag fetishism that the ah Americans do. Yeah, I always notice it more on. ah ah yeah I watch a lot of American football and they'll always during the games, they'll have like the flyovers and then you'll sing the national anthem and God bless like it's just like four different patriotic songs and then a million dollars worth of jets flying over and I'm like, what are we doing? Who enjoys this? Having said, Jets are cool.

Listener Interactions

I think Jets are cool because ah they can They can blow up the kaiju when they attack. They can't. They famously can't. They try go dry and they fail so miserably. Incredible. Anyway, shall we go to Super Chat since we i guess we got distracted from the video game yeah her theme?
All right then, SirGoodwill gives 29.99 PLNs and says... Oh, hang on, is that the first one? No, that's not the first one at all. i think you I think that was a huge lie. I think FOSS is my first one.
Oh, there we go. Yes. Fast gives £9.99 and says, my fave will always be Commander Zavala from Destiny 2. Lance Reddick embodied that role. His speeches were a rallying cry for the community. Keith David brings a new take to Zavala, which works well. and Keith David's in fucking everything. I didn't know he does the new Zavala. He took over Lance Reddick. Man, what a fucking, what a pair of people to play a character.
Exactly, right? Yeah. Keith David was great. We just did. ah We did our monthly Phoenix tier Patreon movie hang the other week and watch The Thing. Let me tell you, Keith David. Yes, I forgot he was in that. may may not be hunting There's no way to know. He was also in Saints Row 4 playing Keith David. Yeah.
just literally isn't yeah you like vice president or like you're yeah yeah you literally hired Keith David for your vice president because you thought you needed like a ah firm fatherly voice I mean he's great yeah ah ah he's and he's can play those and he's the one party member you can't seduce because Keith David ain't up for that shit yeah and it's unceducible Alex Armstrong is $5 and says doing okay, except my dumb friends are trying to convince me VR ah with motion controls are the best ever. And using super hot VR half life Alex and beat saber as proof. Well, you know what beat sabers a lot of fun in VR as much as I'm down on motion controls generally.
I think it's fine. And also, you know, Half-Life Alex might be one of the best VR experiences ever made. It's insane. But I do feel like if you take out of VR and just made it a mouse and keyboard game, it would be very lackluster. But the action of having the motion controls and reloading the gun and shooting yourself and stuff is good. You should, Alex, give it a go. I highly recommend Half-Life Alex.
Yeah, still got to be relegated to a niche because it's VR. It's a very, very well made game. I did a, I did a quick little replay of Arkham Asylum this weekend. and Man, I really want to play that Arkham VR game. Me too. I want to get quest free. yeah Or I want just someone else to play it and just tell me all about it. Well, what's a YouTube let's play. That's what they're for. ah But I don't know that person.
Well, someone buy me a quest three and I'll do a review of it and fully run. Hey, gordy ready to give me one I'm the, I'm the 10 pole reviewers and me one. You get a call. the sound How about you each get a quest one and a half?
All right. ah But then we'd have to combine our powers. Like, you know, can you drive a ball Z? You the left eye. You get the right eye. well you are in the headset Press the controllers together.
ah but but the But Fox D gives five dollars and says, Mr. House of Fallout New Vegas. Classic. Say what you will about him, but he's better than any of the alternatives type. Oh, yeah. I haven't played a lot of the Fallout games. do they they They're patriotic or like they have a skewed vision of patriotism. e terribleical look at Yeah. Yeah. but What was the one say in Washington? Is that full out three? I mean, was it Appalachia? ah Boston is full out. Oh no, that's full out four. That's full. ah Yeah. That's Boston. So it just might be full out three. Yeah. Yeah. I think full out three was DC 76. Was the president just like a big old, like a big old mutant?
I think, yeah, what a part of the plots in three was that there's a president who's like a computer president or something. President John Henry Eden. Is he a brain in a jar? Yeah. so and Uh, Alex Armstrong gives $2 and says, you know, the most badass leader saints row for tag. Oh, yes, certainly was did you get elected as president and saints row. What happened there? yeah you you In the intro, you foil a terrorist bombing by riding the missile down to ground and become like an international hero. And that's how you get elected president.
You ride it down to the ground like in ah Dr. Strangelove, like you just kind of mount it like a... You sort of like to sacrifice yourself and then deflect it so it lands harmlessly somewhere and you parachute into the Oval Office.
as a sort of like, uh, reference to the fact that you will now be elected president because you're so popular with the people. Yeah. Amazing. That's how our elections go. Uh, apparently, uh, that president in follow three was voiced by Malcolm McDowell as well, which is great. I thought he was yes that just popped into my head. Yeah. We're the, uh, the, uh, president should be a British person, but you know, I'm sure today can be governor of California or anything can happen. Okay.
Um, did you know that, um, Dr. Bashir, Alexander Sidi, uh, his maternal uncle is Malcolm McDowell. Really? Wow. In fact, he changed his name from Sidigail Hadil to Alexander Sidig in reference to the character Alex, Alex played by Malcolm McDowell in A Clockwork Orange. Okay. He's wild. Yeah. I know. Right. Cause they are her horrific character.
Well, nevertheless, one of my favorite Kubrick films, Clockwork Orange, but yeah. It's an incredible film. good it It is a bit of rapey. Just a smidge. Just a smidge. Fuck dinner. That's kind of the point. ah John Brooks gives £10 and says the best, worst and weirdest leader in video games, me in every Age of Empires, Civ and historic and Warhammer Total War campaign I have ever done.
There we go. Do you think anyone's ever played one through one of those campaigns and like cracked their knuckles and I was like, yeah, I could do this. I think this is some good on the job trading. I think I'm ready for it. All the time. Is there a game you've played where you finished it and you've thought I could do this in real life? Truck simulator. Probably no. Drive a truck. I'd like to power wash in real life. I think they could barely drive a truck in truck simulator.
I want to power wash. I want to put me in Shrek's house and let me just power wash that fucker. Yeah. I mean, it's pretty easy. You just point the thing and it just feels like it would be very gratifying.
and ah King and commoner gives five dollars, who has a very appropriate name for this podcast, I should say. and says, got to give props to President Michael Wilson for Metal Wolf Chaos. The reason is because he is the president of the United States of America. OK, man, I miss that. FromSoft undoubtedly are making better games than they've ever made. But I miss back when they were just putting out real weird shit to like, ta sha yeah. um The same way about Suda51 sometimes. I miss when they were really punk before they were mainstream punk.
I think maybe from softer just taken there ever since Dark Souls or Demon Souls, they're just taking their narratives a bit too seriously. And it's all very glum and dark and rich with law, which I absolutely love.
But I also do want to see them do something kind of weird and fun or cheeky. I think its I said, I think I said in one of my semi-rambler, semi-ramblymatics recently, the secret spice of the From Software game is there's always a little like sort of cheeky sense of humor there. Like the Punch Mushrooms and the Turtle with the Pope had. It always feels like they want to like, there's someone on the team who's like, we want with we want to do this, but but this is all we can get in this game.
This is magic more of it. Yeah. It feels like they've dipped it. They dip a toe in and I want to put an entire get your ankle in there. Yeah. Yeah. It's your ankle. Ah, ah gives $2. It says in honor of Dr. Theo and they're missing super chat. Thank you, Dr. Theo. Okay. Don't eat today. All And then Sir Goodwill gives $29.99 PLNs and says, if you could make any minor NPC a leader just to see chaos unfold, who would it be? And congrats on your first anniversary. Well, hold on to those. Congrats a bit longer. We're doing a special day of streaming to market. Yeah. Saturday the 16th. Yeah. We'll all be there. Will you? It's coming. ah NPC, like what character would you just immediately vault into being
A Mughal from Final Fantasy. Resident Mughal? Could you imagine? Yes. like we'll leave It would be the best presidency. Just saying fucking Koopa all the time. Ooh, Patches. I think in Final Fantasy IX they could talk. Yeah, I believe in VI they can talk as well. Patches, you think Patches for pros? Patches, Patches, President Patches. Well, he certainly knows how to stab the right back. That's true. I know, right? Yeah. Tingle.
he was like, instead of building a wall, he would just dig a massive pit in the center of America and just stand by it and just kick people into it. Yeah, it just wait for Putin to come along. And he'd say, Hey, I think there might be some unoppressed Ukrainians down there. He kicks him out of the ass. Classic patches. Oh, there's some shiny nuclear weapons down there, kick. Vintage patches.
uh, Abdel Corrales gives five R dollars and says nothing. And then Alex Armstrong comes back with two dollars and says, border lens, handsome Jack wins most insane leader. Yeah, I wouldn't, I don't trust that man. He runs one of the corporations, right? The, the like, I might be remembering it wrong. Yeah, I believe so. And like the corporations are ostensibly the government in yeah like, Oh, edgy.
in but or buts You know what? I feel the corporations are our government, am I right?
Is Wigglytuff the evolution of Jigglypuff or is it the other way around? No, Jigglypuff is a base. Wigglytuff is its evolution. And I believe there's Iglituff, which was added later as a baby version of Jigglypuff. Oh my goodness. fewer letters That's cute. I like it. Yeah. Um, I believe Wigglytuff looks almost more like a rabbit. Yeah. Like I'm like a fat rabbit. yes And Jigglypuff's just like a bull.
Yeah, with a little like, uh, with a little, system and ofability everything on top just a little hairy testicle of a po yeah real little hairy testicle. Yeah. It's not a fake one. Oh, look, oh, look who it is. It's Tsunami Dusha giving $20 and saying nothing as always. Welcome Tsunami Dusha. Legend. Thank you for your douching. And then Fox D gives $2. It says El Presidente from Topico needs mentioned, which we did bring up. There you go. El Presidente.
a sovereign gives 10 euros, it says this is a very boring pick, but I'd say NCR President Tandy from Fallout 2. Just a very competent leader that everyone loved. Then in for Fallout New Vegas it's shown that everything went downhill the moment she passed away. I know she did a good job. Do you want a female president to come along and sort everything out? I've got good news for you. You can make that happen Americans tomorrow, or already if you've already voted.
And if you go to certain municipal halls in rural Wisconsin, maybe you'll get a cookie for you. Or if you fly to Australia, maybe you'll get a sausage. Who knows? Wait, that's the lady we were talking about. Who's the good president? She looks like it she looks a little bit like a zombie. Do you reckon Kamala would be like even further into the running if she looked like that? If she looked like this a ghoul. That's what she will look like if she gets two terms by the end of it. That's what always happens to presidents. Yeah. Yeah.
If I compare a picture of Barack Obama at the start of his presidency and at the very end, it's like he ate 20 years. But then you get some of those years back afterwards. Like Obama looks better now than he did in 2016. I'm sure he's got plenty of time to go skiing and shit now. That is still looking great. Just plain saxophone, ogling, a ton of ogling.
I'm sorry, have you seen Clinton lately? Yeah, he was, he was very old book. Yeah. he's He's lost, he's lost so much weight. He's like the scarecrow now. What's McDonald's? Oh my God. Everybody's running and going to McDonald's and get a breakfast sandwich. The nineties were wild. He'd wear these short shorts and he'd go on a run and he'd go to McDonald's every day and get a bacon, egg and cheese. Every day as president. As president.
Would he be like followed by an entourage of secret service peeps or? I think so. you one would have have I don't have all the answers. Yeah. Crazy. You don't like breakfast sandwiches? I don't really like egg. Oh, I don't really like egg based foods like scrambled eggs and fried eggs and shits. I mean, I eat eggs if it's like in the, in a cake batter or something and made into a cake. I don't like food based eggs. But if it's primarily egg focused dishes, I really can't stomach it. Oh, I love it. Okay. Fair.
Uh, Orange Kitty, remember for 11 months in the Green Gang, says the president who gets capped three minutes into RE6. Was that supposed to be Ashley's dad? I always wondered that. Because Ashley, if it was RE4, is like the the president's daughter. And then in RE6, Leon has to put down a zombie president, and it's established that it's... that he and the zombie president were old friends. So I assume it must be Ashley's dad, yeah? Yeah. That's supposed to take place, like, more than eight years later, is...
I don't know, but they seemed pretty chummy. And one way to get chummy with a president would probably be to rescue their daughter from evil Spaniards. yeah Yeah. Yeah, that's the quickest way to make friends and then take a cool, take a cool jet ski ride together. You know, it's possible that Leon was just in the secret service and then was like served every president, but I think it's common for like the personal bodyguards of a president to like be attached to them after their presidency as well.
I think Leon Kennedy is ah ah more of a title, like James Bond. Yeah, that's that's how I think Leon's work. Well, that would explain a few things. Yeah. And they have to get like facial reconstruction surgery to look like. yeah No, just the haircut. Just the haircut. That's all anyone notices. yeah
um Alex Armstrong gives $2 and says mo more charismatic leaders of all Far Cry villains. Which Far Cry main villain would you would you be fine with seeing as president? Probably none. Voss I don't want as president. Pagan Min maybe better than the crazy religious cult in Far Cry 5. I don't want them.
What about Gus Fring in Far Cry 6? Yeah, I'd say Gus is very charismatic. It's very charismatic. So yeah, the jackal. I could see him as a leader, right? Sure. What's the what's the actor's name? Giancarlo. Posito. Yeah. Esposito. There you go. Oh, yeah. Although it's weird how he looks so much older in Better Call Saul.
Yeah, when it's supposed to take place before Breaking Bad. Yeah, bloody time. How dare you? Oh, I guess that's the problem with all the actors and verticals. Yeah. Cesar Espinoza gives five pins and says when playing in current consoles, do you guys go for performance or fidelity mode? I usually to go performance because I'm used to being a PC gamer.
Yeah. That's just me. Yeah. I usually go, I usually go performance as well. Cause a lot of times I'll be playing like if I'm, if I'm playing something for work on a smallish monitor, like fidelity is important. yeah Yeah. And also like we're usually capturing footage for, for work and having a 60 FPS performance mode is just going to give some movie gameplay for the but the videos and stuff. Yep.
Uh, Prize Fighter gives Saw 99 and says creating inaccurate leader history in Civilization games is always worth a laugh. Isn't it true that Gandhi was always like the massive warhawk because of a bug in my old civilization games? He would rush nukes, I believe. And but he was supposed to have the lowest aggression, but there was some quirk of the programming that it rolled back to maximum aggression somehow. He set it to zero or something, but it rolled back and went to a hundred and it just started nuking everyone. It was amazing.
Uh, Alex Armstrong gives $2 and says Bowser's a working class leader. I'd vote for him. Yes. I'm not afraid to be hands on. That's always something I respected about Dr. Robotnik as well. He was always prepared. He was always shown on to fight you personally in every boss fight. He, he might have put animals in robots, but he wasn't above demonstrating he was willing to put faith in his own machines. Yeah.
Yeah, I always appreciate that. Like as you'd say to him, how would you like it if he put you in a robot? He'd be like, I'd do that to myself every fucking level. Yeah. Jesus Christ. See that robot? It looks like me. I'm in it. Yeah. What are you complaining about? That's me.
Yeah, now you're much harder to kill, arguably, although you still explode in one hit if Sonic it touches you. I always like a robot or a ship that looks like its creator, or or is the person inside of it like a Dr. Robotic robot that looks like him or like Samus's ship that's just her head. Yeah. yeah my name of that what is Why did he even need to put animals in the robots? I mean, they weren't piloting them because they were acting hostile towards Sonic. It was lonely.
And maybe they were piloting them. Maybe the animals were going, no, please don't break me out of this shell, Sonic. I really like being in this robot body now. I'm trying to have a job. I have responsibility. Sonic, I can pick things up. I have thumbs in this robot. Please. so everyone Yeah, Robotnik was the people's hero, it turns out. Yeah. when People call Robotnik the people's princess.
ah sure eighty seven gives a dkk fifty and says not gang per se but kain from clandon congo the leader of the brotherhood of nod he's camp he's hamy he's great a real villain ah like that
Um, I think so. as it turns Before he was like really famous. and and Yeah. Yeah. Back when he was doing games, Howard T Ackerman. Do you know what I I've been playing because it came through my graphics card. I've been playing a bit of, um, Star Wars Outlaws, which I know you guys have covered, but it's a load of old shites. It's not a load of old shite. Well, it's, it's, it's certainly one of the games of all time, but the main thing that I,
did enjoy about it was the fact that the main villain, every time they kept cutting back to him, he just was just crying about his ship. And he was just like, they took my ship. It's so important to me. And then it would cut away. And I'd be like, do you know what? I can relate. This is just some ultra rich, powerful dude who only gives a shit about his collectible item. and watch me I really like it. And they took it for me. I was like i really like this. He's not trying to like ruin the world. He's just like upset. You've taken a ship. I love it. It's like you, it's like you took away Donald Trump's gold toilet.
Oh, that's where I take my shit. It's like how the Team Rocket and the Pokemon anime was like really obsessed with kidnapping Pikachu for some reason. Yeah. Yeah. I like it. Uh, big Barrazzi gives five Sarah dollars and then says, nah, then try to rip tsunami douches stick. Ooh.
and and so And then I Believe in Doo Doo Man gives $5. It says clone of best president in history FDR in the worst Beth game in history, Starfield. Not going to say who I voted for, but it had upset 98% of you. Wait, did ah FDR was in... Like a clone of FDR is in Starfield?
Man, they should have front loaded that higher. Yeah. Should be the first. shit if you meet starfield They should have done anything with front loading anything other than that God awful tutorial. My God. Uh, Fox Deeg is $5 and says, Oh, shit. Hang on. It jumped down on me. Uh, the US election will be a lot better if more than seven States got a voice in the outcome. It's something a game would do as a parody of elections.
Well, I keep saying, like, drop the fucking Electoral College thing and just make it the popular vote. But then you bring that up and they say, no, but then the Republicans would never get to be in power. And I'm like, yeah, that's how it fucking works. it like It's like democracy. It's not like five year olds playing. It's not like you won last time. So now you have to let me win, to be fair. yeah so Educate me. elect Electoral College and in in baby dumb, dumb terms, what, what, what is. Well, basically how it works is each state has a set number of electoral college votes and whoever gets the most of those gets to be president. So, uh, uh, California has 54 electoral college votes. If California, like as a whole votes for you to be president, then you get 54 points. Okay. And the first one to 270 gets to be president.
And the the reason why it's fucked is because California has 54 and Wyoming has three to reflect the difference in population. But that is still massively over-representing Wyoming because Wyoming has a population of like half a million people and California has like a hundred million people. Yeah. Damn. Okay. That makes sense.
Yeah, so I think first for it to be fair, I looked at this up once, Wyoming would have to get one electoral vote and California would have to get like 117.
He's broken. It represents population. So is that why swing states are really important? Because you Yeah. Or is that true because it's like undecided and you have a lot because it's all or nothing. Wisconsin has 10 points. If, if it's like 49% Democrat and 51% Republican, all those points go to the Republican president nominee. Wow. I know it's dumb. It is dumb. As resident of Wisconsin is very dumb that so many elections come down to like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. yeah What are we doing in Ohio? Go out and vote guys.
um Get those cookies. For fuck's sake. Get those sausages. Get those sausage picks. Sausage sizzles, excuse me.
um ah but Oh, here comes Big Barazzi again to give 10 SRs and say, games where you play as president, democracy. Well, certainly what it feels like these days, thanks to the fucking mainstream media. ah You could go on Twitter. That's where real news. That's where that billionaires don't have their fingers in the pie of Twitter.
Look at her. Grr. Shake fist. Good. Alex Armstrong gives $2 as best leader of all time. Baltimore or Tapparella? Well, perhaps I shouldn't answer this one because I'm biased. Also, season four might sway us one way or another. That is very true.
I'm, I'm swinging towards more, but that's just me. Yeah. Well, you're a sucker. It fucked. Uh, big variety. Then comes back with the tens. How does it says Ronald Reagan is an AI, Gordon, wastelands three, man. I don't know if these things are all these things. All these fucking post-apocalyptic games and they're fucking AI presidents.
ah FDR and Starfield and, uh, and Ronald Reagan, AI God in, uh, wasteland. Very good. Uh, Hjorth87 gives 20 in a Danish Corona and says, fun facts, Far Cry 5 was 80% off at stroke after January 6th. Was that coincidence or just very savvy marketing? One person just like went into the Steam store and was like, Let's look at this one. I remember like, uh, what was iron lung? Didn't it, uh, I was just about to say that after that sub the sub explosion or implosion or whatever it was, yeah like some massive spike in sales. Uh, James Morgan gives one 99 and says, have you ever tried virtue? It's omni.
new. That's the first time I've ever seen those letters in the alphabet put together in that specific order. I have tried this actually I tried this at like packs or something a long time ago. It's how many directional treadmill you should have said. Yeah. Yeah. um Yeah, it's that have you ever tried that? I feel like I'd get very tired very fast. Yes. And one of the advantages of controllers is that you can just play half life all day and not get really, really tired. Yeah.
But it is good for you to get tired. Like, well, maybe I don't want to do things that are good for me. Maybe I want to veg on the couch and eat cake. Yeah. i twice when i'm When I'm having my fun times. You can eat cake on the, on the Omni as well. Oh no. Yeah.
Do you spill cake? Do you spill cake? Is it a liquid? spill a solid Well, if it's something like a like okay um crummy Chantilly cake, then if the Chantilly cake fell off the plate, then you'd get cream all over whatever it fell on. And that would feel like a to me. That is spilling your cake, yeah. Chantilly cake. Yeah, you've had Chantilly cake, surely.
Maybe I've had it. I only know Chantilly from Chantilly Lace, the song. Well, you know, well, Chantilly cream is just like ah whipped cream with like a bit of icing sugar in it. Oh, yeah. find that ah To firm it up a bit. Hell yeah. Yeah. And Whole Foods actually does a really nice Chantilly cake with just like the entire outside is covered in Chantilly cream and there's like berries and stuff in the middle. Look at that. A kind of want one now.
Yes, Eric, there you go. That's a Chantilly cake. That looks great. Looks very patriotic too. but oh Uh, Whitticism gives $20 and says big chat this week. Wanted to say how much I enjoyed last week's episode. I'm sorry I couldn't catch it live. I did catch a screening of Grand Theft Hamlet the day before and that movie has a lot of heart. I recommend it. Oh, that's great. Oh, cool. Yeah, that's the, that's, we we talked about, that's the, uh, uh, reproduction of Hamlet inside of GTA Online.
Well, they should have done it in Red Dead Redemption online. Maybe that would give that game something to fucking do. Oh my god, so true.
A fungus finder gives $2 says, yeah, it's his money to please the elitist to vote again. Vote, you big idiots, unless you want your spouse to die of ah septic abortion. There you go. I'm going to separate myself.
ah to ah King and commoner give side orders and says, feels appropriate to bring up Andrew Ryan, visionary leader of Rapture, who's definitely not at fault for anything. Well, it's just because people weren't objectivist enough.
but so Would that have fixed everything? If everyone had been more objectivist, that society would have worked perfectly. It wasn't Andrew Ryan's fault. It was all the drugs. It was the plasmid's fault. It was New Year's Eve's fault. Everyone got too rowdy. How dare you roll over into a new celestial cycle, you fucks. Wow.
I think the the point of BioShock was that if you've got a vision for utopia, that's literally only your vision for utopia. And if you try to force everyone else to live in it, ah there's a lot of people who will have ah arguments over what actually counts as utopia. Great. Because I'm sure some people would find some things for utopia that a lot of people other people wouldn't. Like some people like eating fish.
And so my idea of utopia would be one where nobody eats fish because I don't like fish. No, I don't want to live there. There you go. Quick revolt.
ah Dale Mallows gives $2 and says, I need to take a piss. Well, you think um he's pissed himself this whole time. Oh my God. Eric, look what you pulled up. Well, baby, little babies. Well, there's a British euphemism for taking a piss. Uh, uh, that is called spending a penny yeah because, uh, the coin operated and toilets in old London town used to cost a penny. That's good. You got paid to take a piss, but Dale Mallows spent $2 to take that piss, which is a lot. with expensive this like two That's like
I know. Yeah. I guess he's sort of, you know, thinking ahead. You just sort of banked 200 pieces for the next few months. hes yeah Yeah, exactly. mayor He's paying it forward, right? He, he pays $2 and the the toilet is open for 200. Oh, wow. what a possible of the and I know. So Goodwill member for five months in dip jar. Thank you very much. like Alex Armstrong gives $2 and says, weirdest for me is Robotnik. He wants theme parks.
I'm kind of pro theme park, some pro. If that's like what Robotnik is running on, I'm kind of pro then. I mean, he wanted theme parks and to kill all the woodland creatures or turn them into robots. I'm extremely allergic to animals with dander. So if he wants to put those animals in robots, I'm not allergic to robots. So I might be pro robotic if I'm being honest. But what if they have robotic arms that like funnel the dander into like streams that could like laser. They just shoot, shoot. Dander. Yeah. It kills people with allergies.
I mean, I guess he wanted to take over the world, but I feel like, I feel like someone like Robotnik would be very bored after he'd taken over the world. It feels like he needs to, he's someone who needs to have a project to get by. I think he'd probably just leave the actual running of the world to local governance and just spend all his time, all with his model train set after that. Yeah. Knitting is a good hobby rather than taking over the planet. He gets really into a baking sourdough. Yeah.
Gildan Yetich gives $5 and says, Metaphor Livantasio's king comes back as a Majora's Mask moon, saves his assassin, and mandates democracy with big Oz the Great and Powerful energy. Beautiful. Yeah, it's a weird one, that. Wow. It's great. It's got a lot of heart. A lot of heart in that scary democracy moon. Yeah, yeah. It's hard to the right place orbiting the earth inside a giant moon.
there The Dogmatic Director, open brackets, J.L. Percival, close brackets, gives $2, and says, didn't Cod Blops 2 have a female president in 2025? I think a lot of things have had a female president at one time or another. And I think it was almost like a Hillary Clinton surrogate. Man, I forgot about that now until that moment. Marion Bosworth. Oh, there you go. I think Bombshell, the game, the top-down shooter, had a female president.
I'm Michelle. Uh, my stick by the high stair in the chat, lets us know that vanquish had a female president. I don't remember that progressive. Shinji Mikami games. Yeah. Who do you think was present in Silent Hill too? Um, James's dad, when he retired, when he retired to run a, uh, apartment complex. There you go. My dad couldn't be president. My dad's dead. So he can't be president. Dead people can be presence. Think about that.
B.S. Marsh gives $2, says, I already voted, have some cash. Congrats B.S. Marsh, we're proud of you. ah Genova Studios gives $5 and says, Yahtzee, Cadbury Egg, good. Normal Egg, bad. No full English for you.
Can we make Albert Wesker actually president, now sing the random document song? No. But I will ah say that if you took most breakfast dishes and replaced the egg with a Cadbury egg, that they would suddenly become a lot more palatable to me. It's a nice little sweet treat for you at the end, maybe. Yeah. I mean i love a good for English. well I mean, sausage, Cadbury, egg and bacon muffin. I could see that working pretty well.
i' say his thing moen What's a in a full image? Egg, toast, maybe fried toast, ah black pudding, and that was the thing I was gonna ask, what should Gage want black pudding? Bacon, sausage, beans usually, like baked beans, this is a British thing. Yeah, I fully get it, basically just every every single food one could conceivably have for breakfast on a bigger plate. Hash browns, yeah. Yeah, i don't I don't need the black pudding, everything else sounds great though. I have never had black pudding. I mean, i um I like sausage generally.
Dude, I love black pudding. People get put off because it's blood to sausage, right? But it is delicious. Like it's so good. Highly recommend. Perhaps I should try it one of these days. you should Yeah. If ah you took a full English and took away the egg and put on a Cadbury egg, that would probably be an ideal breakfast for me. Nice little breakfast dessert at the end. Yeah.
Anyway. Alex Armstrong gives $5 and says, Psychonauts' Truman Zanotto wins worst. Got his head get captured by a dentist and his body taken over by a bratigralovian prince. What a tosser. Well, it's such a good sentence. Also, Truman Zanotto is such a good name. That is just an A plus name. That is a presidential name. Yeah. If you rearranged it, it's Otto Zan Truman, which is also a good name for a president. Just do that in your head.
Yes. i just you know if you You can read you could change Alec Guinness to genuine class. It was like move like two syllables around. It's a lot of work. and I love living in America. They're all weirdly impressed by simple ah mental feats like being able to count. We're incredibly dumb. but be super dumb It's very impressive.
Hey, check this out. Tomatoes has got eight letters in it. Yeah. in a front i still think It's wild that you just know. I think it's wild. No, I can just I can count them. Like, ah I just saw the word restaurant in that super chat. That's got 10 letters. I just know that it's got 10 letters. I look at it. Look, it's 10 letters. Why do you need to count?
Man, this is some savant shit. I think you might be the weird one in this scenario, not the Americans. The Americans are usually the weird ones. I'm going to bat for my fellow Americans here. You're only Americans are only weird if they don't vote. Get fucked. But I'm saying Americans because every time you say Americans, my brain goes nine letters. This sounds like you're the weird one here. You're the weird one. This sounds like it's the you thing at this point. It's the you problem.
Man, you guys would be shit at crosswords. Yes, I am shit at crosswords. I'm meant to be ill, mate.
ah Brad gives $5 and says, I miss when Second Wind was just about creatives ability to have a voice in their workplace instead of chasing ad dollars and nothing political. No. Winky face. Well, I'll tell you what, I feel like I have to be political because if Trump gets in again, you will ah you ah you will not get so many fully rambulamatics anymore because I'm going to shoot myself in the face. There you go. I feel like if that makes it no fully rambulamatics. No. Well, maybe you could like it to look you like him. Yeah.
I wonder who could count the number of letters in a word very fast. Yeah, that's part of the ah the the interview. Interview also has nine letters.
Um, insane. Uh, Abdul Karalis gives five hour dollars, says, hey guys, president sounds interesting, but how about best professor in games? Ooh. See, as I understand it, you're only a professor if you like teaching a university. I mean, that's, that's how you get that title.
Otherwise, I mean, fiction throws it around like Professor Oak from Pokemon. So it was arguably the worst. So is in like a tenured at a university. You don't know. Like his lab is one room is lab is in a studio apartment. I know. A tiny village that has four houses. A tiny village of dove seven. Well, maybe he spends all his time doing academic field study. He's been writing. He's been writing his dissertation this whole time. Yeah, he's he's finishing his PhD.
Professor Layton multiplies the high scissors, yes. Was he teaching in the university? Yeah. I've got it. Maybe he was, maybe that one kid was just his one student and like nobody else enrolled. So he figured, fuck it, let's just take him on holidays and do the, do all the professing there. Amazing. Fast tracker getting fired.
Uh, Abdel Corralisk gives five R dollars and says, Hey, oh, we've done that one. Uh, Barn M gives 25 PLNs and says, actually, Sid Meier told in his biography, there was no such bug. It could just happen normally. Sounds like a lie. Ooh. Yeah. This is like the story of how Donkey Kong was actually a mistranslation and it was supposed to be monkey Kong.
this This is a genuine question and I'm going to get shit for this but I want to preface that I'm not saying this to throw any shade. How, and I i want to want this answered, how involved was Sid Meier in the making of Civ? Because like Tom Clancy's all of them He's not involved at all. He would probably have been like the only developer pretty much. Tom Clancy was an author and his stuff got adapted. like yeah was a game I'm just wondering how involved he was because ah for all I know he could have been.
like obscenely, like heavily involved. I just, I do not know. That's why I'm asking the question. I'm not friendly. I believe I just want to be heavily involved in like, uh, like the arts mentioned, like the, uh, development teams at that time were so small that like, Oh yeah, if you were like one of eight people, there's one of four people, and so yeah, your thumbprint was all over it. That's awesome. Now I imagine much less though. Yeah. Yeah.
ah The Brainsdurgeon gives six euros, says, I said on Firelink that there's a Discworld TTRPG coming up. Would you GM a one-shot Yahtzee? You have mentioned Pratchett being one of your inspirations. I don't feel like I could GM very well. like I feel like I'd have all these great plans and then all the players would, like, go against them and then I'd just get really flustered and annoyed. Yeah.
All the puzzles would just be, um, all of your else's puzzles would just be, Oh, how many, how many letters are in this word? And we would all fail and then you'd get annoyed at us. Or we'd start counting and the character would just interject and be like, it's nine. How come you didn't know it's nine? Just look at the word. It's nine. Uh, yeah. Uh, Fox D is $5. It says leaders who get character development are underrated. Mayor Trudy in my time at Sandrock goes from a wishy washy leader to a bad ass wartime mayor.
Does my time at Sandrock have a war? Someone keeps bringing up

Gaming Experiences and Preferences

Sandrock. I think it might be Foxty, but someone's just really invested in my time at Sandrock. I think Snake in the Garden plays two games. I know they're like, they're big games. Nine out of 10 on Steam. Very positive. I remember playing my time at Portia. I just seemed fairly nondescript as those sorts of things go. Sandrock fix everything. Are the sand. I guess.
Uh, Ghoul Roam, remember, for eight months in tip jar. Thank you very much. Sure. And, uh, then ah Lord of the Rings fan 193 gives 4.99 and says, what would you rather make at home than order at a restaurant? Chili.
Uh, cake. You'd rather make a cake? I would like, ah one of the things I've been making lately is ah oat flapjacks, which are different to flapjacks in the, but as Americans understand them. Yes. and But I remember they always used to give us oat flapjacks at school and they were sort of a sort of like a chewy oat bar made from golden syrup and butter. They're delicious. I've been making those because while they are very chewy and most people don't like them,
ah They bring back nostalgic memories of school. What were they like here in England? What's that? Well, I was asking what are they like here, like in America? Well, in America, flapjacks are pancakes, basically. Oh, yeah. A flapjack is just another word for a pancake in America. And in Britain, flap flapjacks are sort of oat bars made from golden syrup and oats. Are those like granola bars almost?
like you know chewynomers They're like chewy and like sticky. And then, oh, but like, Oh, bars or granola is a dent. Yeah. Granola bars are like crumbly and they break off when you bite them. These are chewy and dense and you know, delicious. Love them. There you go.
Uh, Joel rogue is two euros and says, what's your guys stance on liver and onion sandwiches? I crazy about liver. Love onions. i have well I don't think I've ever had liver and onions. I feel like it's a generational thing. My mom and my grandma liked him, but like, I feel like that's dying out with each generation. Yeah. I've never, never been given one of these. I think I would backhand it if they, if I did love an onion sandwich with tomatoes and onions.
Mm. My my only reference is that I once saw an episode of Doug when I was a kid in which he was had to contemplate eating liver and onions despite not liking them very much. Mm. It's a vintage Doug. And. Patty Mayonnaise, that was the girl. Now, Doug, there's a guy who comes across like he'd grow up and become a Trump voter. Doug. I i just had he yeah rebukes his his ah His love and he just becomes an incel. Yeah, that's the impression I get. Impression that I get. Real big fish. B.S. Marsh, remember for eight months in the Green Gang, says vote for Harris to keep Yahtzee around. Vote for Harris because she's the fucking qualified candidate. Also because Tim Wall's owned a Dreamcast.
Yeah, he's streaming like Crazy Taxi with AOC, which means he also is a fan of some of the best songs by The Offspring and Bad Religion who are on the Crazy Taxi soundtrack. There is a non-zero chance that the future vice president ah had Sonic Adventure in his house as a kid. Any Sonic fans out there? There is a possibility that he has opinions on the voice acting in Sonic Adventure. First president, the Hedgehog?
Casey says Doug named his baby sister dirt bike, so you might be right. Casey, don't you have the week off? What are you doing? Why are you listening to this? What else would one do at that time? If not, listen to a wonderful podcast such as this. Why did they let Doug name his sister dirt bike? Because Peter Valentine was his best friend, Skeeter Valentine. Okay. Roger Klotz was his nemesis. Porkchop was his dog.
Yes. I, yes. I remember all of these things. Are we, are we encroaching upon a point or are we just remembering the names? I remember who pressed you. You impressed everyone earlier with how many letters you knew in various words and I'm impressing everyone that I remember some of the names of the Doug characters. I'm more impressed with, with my knowledge of Doug. Honestly. Oh, really? How many letters are in my name?
in Jamaite, three. Oh, fuck. It's not a letter. It's a number. Oh, roasted. Oh, I don't get any. Your first name and last name contain nine letters, Jay. Holy shit. Yeah, they do. There you go. Spooky man. My full name is Benjamin Croshaw.
which contains 15 letters. The the name of a band that Doug really loved. Yes. Yes. Thank you.
or who was their big song. Okay, I'm done. Go to the next one. fo Fox D gets $2 and says, I have 1400 plus hours in it. You should play it. Referencing my time at Sandrock. Sounds like you got a lot of fucking time in Sandrock. 100 hours. Well, that's not really good. Or you must be really weird. My eternity in Sandrock.
i Well, I might have to take a look at it once I'm done with them Dragon Age Vailgard this week. What's the most time you have in a game that you look at and you're like, this is kind of weird that I have this much time in it? I'll tell you what, I'll find out on my Steam profile.
I have weird, I've played a weird amount of the Pokemon card game over the past like four days since it released on mobile. It's probably just could be Stardew Valley for me because I like, I just put that on while listening to something else. I don't think I've ever called it anything.
What a Warcraft, anything I've got a thousand in is what all craft guild was to, uh, and DOTA two league. Anything that you can is either getting crazy amounts of updates over 20 years or sure is repeatable. Um, I've got lots of hours and got a Simon terraria. Fucking love terraria. What a game due to man says Bellacho was nearing a thousand hours. That that game came out this year.
Damn, it came out in February. That's crazy. Wow. The steam game I have the most hours in is perhaps understandably Dark Souls. Oh, and then start and then and then Stardew Valley. You have more time in Dark Souls than your own game. on That's great. Crazy. And then the game I have the third most amount of time in is persona four golden. Would you believe 160 hours in total? Hell yeah. Monster hunters, both monster hunters. I've got a bunch.
I've got FTL, I've got the Binding of Isaac, Euro Truck Simulator 2.

Strange Game Narratives

I have 182 hours in PUBG Battlegrounds and I despise that game. How is that possible?
Huh. I guess you needed a lot of time to make your mind up on that one. I think I played it with friends when it came out and I just wanted to play with my mates, but I really don't like that game. What do you call it? like me What are you doing? I'm just making a quick, I'm i'm running run of the pub quick tonight. You play a little pub G, think about it. The pub pub G. Yeah. Yeah.
ah Stacey89 gives $10 and says, Jermate, I recently watched the YouTube video, Building Civilization, a Sid Meier retrospective by Verac. I found Sid's story fascinating. He competed with Hasbro and beat them. Do you recommend a watch? Yeah, I do. Definitely. That sounds amazing. Thank you. This is what I wanted. I wanted to be educated. It was ah it was a question of wanting to learn more. I really appreciate that. A few few weeks ago, a few months ago. Oh, beautiful. um He competed with Hasbro.
What was his proton? Sussyguru2000 gives five euros and says, today I learned that John Lear named his daughter Shanda. Shanda Lear? He'd be waiting his whole life to do that, I'm sure. I got a doozy in the chamber. You just wait. But that their son going to be called King? Yeah. Is there any like weird thing you could call your future child to like play off your surname? Think about it.
Ah, you could call your... Sterling. Marty. Sterling Sleamer. Sterling Sleamer? That's good. the fa the The big one for me is not and a first name, but giving them the middle middle name can't. Like James can't read. Aha. Well, my last name's Crowshore, so I could call my child Watar. And then their name would be Watar Crowshore. Poor flying in the sky, idiot.
Fuck off.
Oh God. What I'm so full. Zaratha gives five hour dollars and says, OMG. I just remembered Sonic had plenty interactions with the US s president. There's a photo of them together in shadow, the hedgehog two. There's a photo. Was that like a like a Forrest Gump thing? Whereas Sonic came and had to shake the president's hand.
he told He told JFK that he had to take a piss. Yeah. I have to go to the bathroom. Who was the, was the guy that a big boss refused to shake hands with at the end of Metal Gear Solid 3, a president? I can't remember. but a Dude, he refused to shake hands with in his like the scene in the Oval Office, but was it the actual president or was it someone else? Yeah, I can't remember. Was it supposed to be like Nixon? I don't know what year it would have, what year Metal Gear Solid 3 ends in to where?
I don't think they use real presidents, right? I think they were sort of, the sort of hedged the identity of the president in MGS3, but given that we know what year MGS3 takes place in, one could easily deduce who the president. And they like bring on Khrushchev and like other historical figures. I think it was Khrushchev that was the Russian leader in MGS3. So I assume the American president would have been, ah okay, the chat tells him that it was Lyndon Whitmerdekow Johnson. Incredible.
Emma Sharon, big balls. colonel Yes. Uh, they have a great question too. Did Sonic kiss that president? Sonic is known to kiss humans. Now let's be clear on this. It was the human lady who kissed Sonic, not the other way around. Maybe he got taste for it afterwards. Like a vampire. Sonic was unconscious at the time. So all of this is on the the human leg girl. If you ask me, i know what how it was what's her name? It was princess something princess. Um,
Do you think she'd make a good leader? Thank you, Eric. I don't think she'd make a good leader. No, she's kissing creatures. Well, she's got the woodland creature demographic sewn up. Princess Elise. Great. You know, I was playing Sonic X Shadow Generations and I didn't know this, but apparently there was like a weird blonde human girl in the backstory of Shadow as well. And there was also a slightly weird ah relationship with slightly romantic overtones going on there. But I don't think Shadow is anyone to judge.
I don't like this. i don't Who writes this shit?
And do they have more things I can read? Just because i don't I want to make sure all the people don't see it. But if you could send me all of that, and anything, especially that's like 18 and older, anything that's explicit. Man, Eric seems really invested in Sonic lore. Eric is a massive Sonic fan. Eric is insisting that Maria was more like a sister to Shadow. Sub-sister is sub-sister.
So it's incest as well, on top of everything. I give that shit away from me.
ah And then Mr. Arms and Legs gives 10 Canadian dollars and says, am I the only one who dislikes playing as the second in command? Allah, Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassin's Creed Valhalla. It made the main character lack agency because they just followed whatever the leader said to do. Counterpoint, playing as Luigi in the Luigi's Mansion games. I don't mind playing the second banana then.

Character Arcs in Red Dead Redemption 2

Yeah. I also think I feel like Arthur. Like Arthur has a character arc, whereas Dutch like Arthur by the end of Red Dead 2 finds like a finds peace in this world where yeah Dutch, no spoilers, never does. Yeah. Yeah. I think everyone just sort of has to come around to realizing that Dutch is full of shit. Yeah. It's a real, real thing. is What a dickhead.
Uh, well, that was the last super chat to, uh, I guess we'll call it a podcast. Thanks for listening, everyone. Uh, what was the other thing? Oh yes. Fucking vote Americans. Let's get the first female president that even if it wasn't, uh, Trump is the alternative. First female president is a worthy enough goal. Historical. And the first vice president to have played crazy taxi.
Yeah. And possibly Sonic Adventure. but i just I just want to know going forward that he has opinions on Sonic Adventures somewhere buried in his mind.

Personal Gaming Preferences

I think it was what a one-to-one attach rate of Dreamcast and Sonic Adventure. I don't think it was legal to own a Dreamcast. What else are you going to do with a fucking Dreamcast? the Crazy taxi, I guess. One of those games that was made in the two years of the console's life. Yeah.
Uh, oh, one more, Superjack. Karai karajia gives $10. It says, fun president fact. LBJ took a piss in the fields of Texas one time and someone in the Sondaraj asked if he was afraid of snakes, to which he replied, it's already half snake.
see yeah albe team was a real He had such a large growler and he loved talking about it, apparently. i like that you called that it and they and i think it's nice yeah list the Unappreciated euphemism of penis, which also happens to contain seven letters. I'm surprising you with it now.
I'm expecting it now. And it's still as horrific. I had forgotten about it. I erase everything. I have the recycling bin gets empty at every five minutes on a podcast. There's that snake. I'm going to do it really fast too. Uh, so it doesn't seem like I'm stalling for time to think about it. Unregistered 12 letters. I just saw unregistered in the chat and, uh, fucking tell people what to watch.
Okay. Uh, what fully ramble about it this week, fully ramble about egg, which contains.
Hang on. This is a, this is a tricky one. I need to, I need to tackle it in my head. Hmm. Hmm. It contains 11 letters. ah it's Interesting. Interesting. So Yahtzee goes, when he goes into his mind palace, he hums. That's good.
It is Mind Library. that that that's the air and That's the air conditioner in the Mind Palace. a Also, topically, ah your your fully ram away this week will feature a former US president. Oh, yes. well it on black op It's about Black Ops 6, which contains a little appearance by Bill Clinton. yeah You could appreciate what he looked like before he was a scarecrow.
back when he was doing his pointing cards to McDonald's in short shorts. So that's that's my fully-ramblematic. I also have a semi-ramblematic dropping this week, which is on the subject of ah the game's play styles I just can't get into and breaking down precisely why that should be when when you get right down to it. All video games are basically just pressing buttons in response to stimuli. So what makes the things I can't play different? Yeah.

Upcoming Content and Streams

It was great, because I think everyone has those genres. If there's anyone who likes every genre,
They're weird. nobody Nobody likes every genre. I mean, let us know if you do and we'll hire you as a reviewer, but every critic has to specialize in something. Absolutely. I've also got Yahtzee Tries on Wednesday, as always. ah Remember, there was a compilation Yahtzee Tries episode went out on Sunday. So check that out if you haven't already. And that's my stuff for this week.
So now Jay, plug your stuff in this week. Fuck. Uh, streams. Yeah. I'm on streams while I'm finishing off the next design delve. We've got dev heads on Friday. We've got Resi seven. Uh, probably how many more do you reckon we've got my on Resi?
Uh, probably two, if that we are, uh, we've just gotten to the freight, uh, to the, to the freight ship in resi seven. Well, you're nearly done then. And just as well, cause it's not Halloween month anymore. You, you need to think, you need to think of a Thanksgiving game. Oh God. Yeah. You can bring me that Turkey game. Uh, just can turn into a Turkey. Yeah. Just load up doom three and play super turbo Turkey puncher in the prologue for all like three hours.
sorted. Um, other than that, yeah. Dev heads Friday career obscurio with Jesse on Sunday. Um, and yeah, and I think some point over this or the next few weeks, I'm going to be starting to do some more personal streams now that I've got a bit more time to do that. So, uh, yeah, keep, keep an eye out for that. That's my.
Lovely. ah Yeah. And then later tonight we'll have Hidden Gems. Casey, as I mentioned, is out this week, taking a little time off. ah But Nick is going to be popping in, joining them. And I believe Jenna Strober is going to be making her stream debut with us, who had two great bite size over the past week. ah They'll be streaming some horror game, some something. I don't know. I don't know what it is.
Okay. I can sense a presence moving in the front of my coat that I think has figured out that went towards the end of the podcast. Oh, yeah. Then we should have at the end of the week, we'll probably be doing a launch day streams for Slitterhead and Mario and Luigi Brothership. So there you go. Easy peasy. Oh, look at Tavi. It's like a chestburster.

Conclusion and Goodbyes

I don't know why he's coming out. I already took him for his walk. More walks.
Now I'm going to go out and get my lunch. So maybe he's hoping to catch some breadcrumbs. Yeah, 100 percent. When I make my sandwich. All right. I'll see you all on Wednesday then. Bye, everyone. Bye.