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Finding Your Why: The Key to Long-Term Success in the Beauty Industry image

Finding Your Why: The Key to Long-Term Success in the Beauty Industry

S1 E3 · Beauty and the Business Podcast
9 Plays24 days ago

In this episode of the Beauty & The Business Podcast, hosts Damon Rourke and Renee Leon explore one of the most important yet overlooked aspects of building a successful beauty business—knowing your WHY.

Why did you enroll in beauty school? Why do you push through challenges? What keeps you going when things get tough?

Your why is the foundation that will drive your success, keep you motivated, and help you push past obstacles. Renee and Damon break down why so many beauty professionals struggle without a clear purpose and how defining your personal mission can help you create a thriving business that aligns with your goals.

They also discuss how your why evolves over time, the dangers of making emotion-based decisions, and the power of mentorship and community support in staying on track.

💡 What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
✅ Why having a strong why prevents burnout and failure
✅ How to define your personal mission and use it as motivation
✅ Why setbacks and challenges feel overwhelming without a clear vision
✅ The importance of mentorship and accountability in business growth
✅ A simple 30-day mindset exercise to help you move past obstacles


Introduction to Building a Beauty Business

Welcome to Beauty and the Business Podcast. I'm Renee Leon, a beauty entrepreneur, coach, single mom who built a six-figure beauty business straight out of school. Now I'm here to help you do the same. If you're ready to stop struggling and start scaling, you're in the right place. Let's turn your passion into profit. Now hit play and let's build your beauty impact.

Common Mistakes & Understanding Your 'Why'

Hey everybody, and welcome back to Beauty and the Business Podcast. My name is Damon Rourke, joined by my friend, compadre and business partner, Renee Leon. And we are continuing our series on mistakes that we see beauty professionals making, whether they've been in the industry for a while or they're breaking into the industry. And today we really wanna focus on why. Why are you doing this?
Why are you building your business? It's such a simple question, just a three letter word, but it is one of the most pivotal things in your business is establishing your why. Why you even enrolled in school? Why you continue to go? Who are you doing this for? Is it for you? Is it to prove something to yourself? Is it to provide something for your kids?
Is it to prove someone wrong that they were wrong about you? Like what is the reason that you are going after your dreams and that you are building this beauty business? I work with a lot

Renee's Personal Journey & Evolving Motivations

of people on this. I mean over the last 13 years I've worked with a lot of people talking about their why and it's different for everyone.
And it's different in every stage of your life. Absolutely. You will go through different stages. When I first started my entrepreneur journey, I wanted to make money. And I always thought i thought it was money-driven. I really thought I was money like money--hungry, money-driven. And I wasn't. I had a lot of debt that I wanted to pay off. I had credit card debt. I had student loan debt that I wanted to pay off. For me, it was freedom. I remember when I hit Enter and sent in my last my last payment to my student loan.
And I was ecstatic. I mean, it was just it felt like a weight just came off my shoulders. I still talk about it. I get goosebumps and and like tears coming in my eyes because I just remember telling my wife, Amber, I don't know anybody anything. but It was incredible that level of freedom. And and of course, it's changed for me, it's changed over the last 13 years of of being debt free and freedom. And

Overcoming Challenges with Personal Motivation

now I have three beautiful kids that I want to provide for and and vacations we want to take and cars I want to get and houses I want to get and just cool stuff. But your why is going to change. The most important aspect of it is that it's personal to you and it motivates you. but What motivates you to be consistent when you don't want to be consistent? When you're sick, why do you show up? but Well, maybe not sick. But when you're tired, why do you show up? When you don't feel like showing up? When you're having a bad day, why do you show up?
Yeah, and and that's what gets you over those hurdles, those speed bumps. A great piece of advice that I was given through one of our mutual friends years ago was, sometimes things happen in this industry and it feels really big. It feels like, oh no, it's the end of the world. Someone didn't like this, or they sent this product back, or they they you know needed an additional touch up on their brows, or I don't know. it the Whatever, the possibilities are endless. And what could go wrong?
But it feels so big in that moment. And if you don't have your why established. then it that will just many times be the reason that makes people quit. And so an exercise he taught me, this is our friend Patrick, was to open up your calendar and count 30 days from the day that it happens and write, did it matter? Those three words, did it matter? And usually 99% of the time, by the time 30 days pass and you get to that, did it matter? You don't even remember

Mentorship, Community, and Personal Growth

what you wrote that down for.
It's like, it's come and gone. So it's a way to just prove to yourself that things are going to happen. Bumps in the roads are going to happen. Are you going to live? Yeah, you're going to live. I always tell the girls who I'm like, you're not going to die if you reach out to someone. You're not going to die if you post something on Instagram, like you got to do the thing that you used to not be willing to do to get where you want to go.
But in those scary moments, identifying your why, it's a lot easier for me to do that to prove to my kids that mommy can do what she says she's going to do. And you can do anything no matter your setbacks. That's my why. And if I didn't have that, I would have probably given up years ago when things got hard or I had this little flip in my business or whatever. But establishing your why is one of the most important things you can do for your business.
Yeah, and you know establishing your why and then also accepting mentorship you know with the with the community that we have, with the course that we have. um That's a big reason why is that mentorship, we both had mentors throughout our life that really helped us along the way that ah just they just give you perspective when you don't have experience.
Yeah. You know, the perspective of when your client switches to somebody else, right? Maybe you lose one of your best clients. It's not the end of the world, but it might feel like the end of the world, right? It's like going through a breakup in middle school, right? It feels like the end of the world, but anybody listening to this podcast right now could talk to somebody in middle school and be like, look, exactly. Not the end of the world. Yeah. Get you through it. Like, Oh yeah, buddy. I did that too. And, and, and they live. Yeah. and They're living proof that you can't get over it. There's other options. Yeah. And so yes, the importance of community is why we started out, you know, Damon and I mentioned before, we're obviously money motivated because we value our families and we value time freedom. Time is valuable to me. It's the most valuable asset that I have being able to
spend time with my kids when I want to and not sacrifice that. Never miss a moment. But yeah, you know, just identifying that surrounding yourself with the community that's going to support you in that way and keep you in check. It's like coaching is exactly that. It's coaching. I've never had a coach that told me, Oh, it's okay. Just give up. Don't worry about it. don't worry about it, sit this one out. No, they're like, all right, it happened. Let's get over it. Let's move on. All right, give me five more laps. Yeah. Get your head out of your ass and get back in the game. Exactly. Yeah, that the we all need friends like that. We really do. I mean, and really, when you think about that's real love, like that's that's the kind of community I run want around me is that that real love where they love you enough to say, hey, keep going. Like, are you're gonna mess up for sure. You're gonna make mistakes.
But you got to keep going because quitting is not an option. and right Giving

Decision-Making in Parenting and Business

up on yourself is just not an option. And when you love that and to me, that's true love because we um yeah we live in this society now where it's like, hey, love you, love you, love you, love you.
um And that's awesome. like I would not take that away. or I wouldn't change it. But really you need to identify like the different words. like We need a different word for like that true love where I'm going to hold you accountable because I want to see you grow. I want to see you be the best version of myself. When I'm talking to my kids and and and know i'm I'm telling them to do something, it's not because I just want them to do something. It's because I want them to be i don't just want them to be happy kids. I want them to be successful adults someday.
That's the, that's like literally the goal of parenting, like that they can be functional adults should be. Yeah. Not to just have these built in besties. Let me see on Instagram. It's like, no, you're raising humans. yeah They're cute now, but they're going to be grown adults. And what are you, what tools are you providing them with to make it through life? Yeah.
And that's where you you guys, you know parenting, you need to know your why. You need to know why you're doing it. I think when, when I will judge other parents, i I'll admit that. um When I see other parents that I think are making mistakes, I think it's because they just don't know why they're doing it.
yeah right They're very emotional in the and I don't mean emotional up and down. I do mean the decisions they make are based off feeling about how they feel right then. yeah And that same thing applies to business, the same thing applies to health, the same thing applies to anything anything in life that you're doing. If you're making decisions in the moment, you're probably making bad decisions.
because you're not going off a plan and you're not starting from a foundation of why am I doing this? What do I want in my life? What's the bigger picture of why I'm sacrificing right now to go and build this? Yeah. And so I think

From Monetary to Deeper Motivations

if, if that's where you're at, if you don't know why you're building your beauty business, whatever the first thing that comes to mind, really, that's what it is. Right. And you can be money motivated. I'm not saying like I, I thought I was for a long time and and it motivated me and it it motivated me to find my true motivation of freedom.
Yeah, but what why do you do this? Is it to is it time freedom? Is it because you you can make a lot of money in beauty industry? I honestly if I can go back, yeah, I would have seriously looked at esthetician school. It's right. like I really I don't think I could have done barbers barbers make barber people don't understand. Yeah, turn and burn and it's every two weeks and so much cash. Yeah. Yeah, yeah there's a lot of money. It's a very it's a common misconception.
Yeah, it's just it's I definitely had that misconception before we started we started down this journey. but um you know Whatever it is for you, whatever your why is, just just write it down. like That's the other thing that I would recommend is is writing your why down um so that you don't forget. It's helpful if you look at it. Do you have it in a place where you can see it so it reminds you?
It's in your planner, your free printable planner. Your free printable planner at You can access that free planner there. We talk about the community a lot. um and The reason we talk about it so a lot is because it is so important and because everybody is at a different stage.
but When you're six months into your to your beauty business, you're going to be in different stages than you are now. When you're two years in, you're going to be at a different stage. If you've gone through a major life change, if you've gotten married, if you've had a kid, if you've gotten divorced, if you've lost your business, if you've lost your business partner, it it's there's a lot of things. If you've moved, you have to find why you have to identify why you're doing what you're doing.
Yeah, absolutely. And again, we have all the guidance for you on how to identify that more in detail in our course. There's a big section on goal setting and your why and the planner and all of the above. And you guys, thank you so much for tuning into Beauty and the Business podcast. We will see you on the next episode.
Hey everybody, if you like what you heard today, join us over at Again, that's That's where we have our courses, that's where we have our community group, and we look forward to interacting with you over there, beautyinthebusiness We will see you on the next episode.