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🔥 Are You Doing the Bare Minimum? Here’s Why That’s Okay.

Most entrepreneurs are told they need to go all in, hustle 24/7, and push themselves to the limit every single day. But what if that’s the fastest way to burn out and quit?

In this episode of Beauty & The Business, hosts Damon Rourke and Renee Leone talk about why it’s okay to identify your bare minimum daily actions—and why small, consistent efforts are more important than random bursts of productivity.

💡 What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
✅ Why doing the bare minimum on hard days keeps your business moving forward
✅ How high performers unknowingly set higher “bare minimum” standards
✅ Why consistency matters more than perfection
✅ The power of time blocking & daily tracking for success
✅ How The Beauty & The Business Planner helps you stay on track

👉 Feeling overwhelmed in your beauty business? This episode will help you reset, refocus, and stay consistent.

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Introduction and Host Backgrounds

Welcome to Beauty and the Business Podcast. I'm Renee Leone, a beauty entrepreneur, coach, and single mom who built a six-figure beauty business straight out of school. Now, I'm here to help you do the same.
If you're ready to stop struggling and start scaling, you're in the right place. Let's turn your passion into profit. Hit play and let's build your beauty empire.
Hey everybody, welcome to another episode of Beauty and the Business. My name is Damon Roark, joined by the incredible Renee Leon. Renee, how are you? I'm doing great today.
Great. Well, let's see if I can ruin that for you.

Finding Daily Standards for Business Growth

Today, i want to talk about the bare minimum. I knew that's where you were going with this. The absolute bare minimum but that you do. And, hot take...
It's okay. It's okay to be to do the absolute bare minimum. I know. It's a hard pill for me to swallow. He brought up this topic. I said, I don't like it.
And you where this comes from is identifying what your bare minimum is. what What are your standards? What do you need to do on a daily basis to grow your business? What's going to help you get to your goals?
Because you're going to have shitty days. Yeah. You're going to have days where if you have kids, you know the kids are going to get sick. And you know who has to go pick them up?
You. And you know has to reschedule their appointments? You. All these things are going to happen. You might catch what they have. And then you have to do something else. But you have to have bare minimums that you're hitting every single day. And what would be an example? Give example.
um Like some... A couple of bare minimums that somebody could say, well, at least in the beauty industry, at least I got this accomplished. Is that kind of your mindset here? Yeah. So I would say posting on social media daily is a bare minimum.
Yeah. Connecting with two new people a day on social media or in person is a bare minimum. Yeah. Easy to do from anywhere. Right. Following up with anybody that reached out to you.
is a bare minimum, right? If you are sick in bed, you can post an old video, you can post before and after pictures, you can post something, you can connect with two people, you can even say to people, hey, I'll get back to you tomorrow, and I'm laid up sick, I'll get back to you tomorrow.
Yeah, any communication is better than no communication. Yeah, it's almost even better to increase the amount of times you're communicating with somebody, right?

The Role of Consistent Communication in Business

The more touches you can have, let's get into whole social media training, but the more touches you can have, the more interaction you have with somebody, the deeper connection you build.
So even if you say, hey, I'll get back to you, and they say cool, get back to me. And then you say, perfect, I will, thank you so much for understanding. They say, no problem, hope you feel better. That's better than saying,
Hey, I have appointments on Monday at 2 and Wednesday at 12. Which one can you make? Right. Right. It's one interaction versus four. And so not what we're talking about.
But getting back to the so with the bare I would say those those are the bare minimums. Like you have to identify standards that you have to do every single day because you are the business. Yeah.
Like you are your business. And so when you think about it that way, like you can't take a day off. You can just identify when you're going take a day off. Like some people take off Sundays. Some people take off Mondays. Like you have to have the recharge day. You have to have the day where you get other stuff done.
But it's OK to do the bare minimum. Yeah, no. That's I think sometimes what creates the spirals. We talk about the comparison game a lot and just at least you did something and write it down. That's why we have a lot of that in the tracker. I have exposure trackers and I have follow-up trackers.
If I don't know about y'all, but I love a check mark. It makes me feel so much better about myself. Sometimes I'll start to make lists and you know, if you're making a cleaning list or if you have to-do list or whatever, and I didn't know i already did some of those things. So I go ahead and write them down just check them moment so I can check it off.
I did the same thing. But, you know, being able to see, okay, this is what I accomplished today. There really is there's a lot of value to that because, you know, the enemy will tell us that we're not good enough. We're not strong enough. We're not doing this enough. We're not capable, blah, blah, all day long.
But just to be able to check that off and keep going and don't quit, like we talked about in the last episode, that it really has a way of the bare minimum
It moves it forward. Yeah. It

Small Tasks Leading to Big Success

moves it forward. Yeah. It keeps moving the ball forward. And you know, in the book, the slide edge, you're big fan of that book. I know. Um, I love the comparison of like, just focus on like the task at hand, like what you can do today. Like if I ate a salad today, am I going be skinny? No.
Unfortunately, if I had a burger today, am I going to be overweight? No. But if I ate a salad every single day for my lunch, um, Instead, or if I ate a burger every single day for lunch, those two things are going to have very different results.
So it's the kind of like the compounding effect. And even it's just like a small choice, a small decision um in the middle of your day. are you going to choose to scroll? Are you going to choose to follow up going to choose to binge watch Netflix? are you going to choose to bank some content?
Like there's little tiny things you could do where you're still moving that needle forward and it's still making a big impact on your business. Because what does that do when you're ready to hit the ground running and you're ready to go full force?
You have all these little things already set up for you, like the little tiny tasks banked. So it makes it easier for you to go tackle the bigger hurdles. Yeah. You you have momentum, right? You have momentum for when you feel good and you can really, really run when you have momentum and you're running downhill.
Like that's easy. When you don't feel good, when you have a packed schedule, when things are just not going right and you still do something to build your business,
You're running uphill. It's going to be slower than running downhill, but you're still moving forward. You might be walking uphill, but you're still moving forward. Something is always better than nothing. This is what goes through my head a lot of like, just do something.
It might not be everything you're capable of doing with when you're tip top 100% form, but something is going to be better than nothing. Yeah.

Importance of Daily Standards and Habits

And then, you know, just piggybacking off of winners don't quit.
Winners don't quit. And quitters never win. Quitters never win. But I do think it's interesting when we talk about high performers. High performers do this naturally. yeah Like if you're naturally a high performer, if you understand business, like if you get it, like you just get it, your gift is business.
Like God gifted you the the gift of business like you, Renee. Like you just have the gift of business. And so I think some of the things that you do naturally are just natural.
but they're They're just that. yeah it's just It's just you're going to do the bare minimum no matter what. So you don't recognize the bare minimum because you've raised your minimums. And we don't want to live at the minimum.
But. It's important to recognize that if you're just starting out, if you're fresh out of school, if you're still in school, um guys, you're not going to feel 100% every day. Not everything's going to work every day, but you have to have your standards identified and your standards are going to be your bare minimum. You have to have your standards identified of what you're going to do every single day to move your business forward.
Give me like a specific example for the listeners on standards. Like put yourself in, like give me some of your standards. i It goes back to ah my standards are two like two new exposures a day, like exposing two new people in my business a day, doing all the follow ups I need to do doing social media daily.
um You know, you that's business stuff, but even getting to like getting sunshine every day. Like I have to see sunshine. We're in Dallas, Texas. It's sunny here a lot.
Like we have four days of clouds and I'm depressed. Like I know that I have to be outside. I know that I have to be active every day. Even when I don't feel good, I'll still walk around outside a little bit. Like I'll do something that I feel I just feel better.
um Spending time with my wife, spending time with my kids if I'm around them, you know, if I'm not traveling or something. that That's really, really important to me. But standards, I mean, standards are the to me standards are the bare minimum.
Yeah. Like standards are if if you're at standard. you're You're doing what you need to do. If you're below standard, you're not doing what you need to do. But if you don't have those identified, you're living in this emotional state where it's like, well, do I feel like posting on social media? No, I don't feel like it. So I'm not going to do it.
Yeah. But when you start looking at it as it doesn't matter how you feel like you're tired, do it tired. You're sick, do it sick. Right. You didn't get enough sleep. Like do it with. Well, that's tired, but yeah like do it anyway.
Like the standard are just things that you do consistently over a long period of time. Like Jeff Olson says in the slight edge there, you do them consistently, persistently over a long period of time. you make no difference in the act of doing them, but make a huge impact when compounded over time.
Yeah. And then wake up one day and, you know, you've just gotten one step closer, two steps closer, or maybe halfway, or maybe you've reached your goal entirely. yeah And it's just those daily disciplines. I think that really do make or break a person and how their success is going to play out and how quickly their success is going to play out too.

Effective Time Management and Prioritization

Yeah. There's, i mean, you can post, like you can post 30 times on one day and not post the rest the month, but you're going to miss the interactions. You're not going to take advantage of the algorithm. You're not going to be growing your business.
Right. but That's not going to be rewarded. It's much harder to post every single day. it's It'd be easy to, it's easy to bulk everything together. It's much harder to post every single day and be consistent, but you're going to be rewarded for that.
Well, the great thing about social media is that you can have your content days and just save them to your drafts, space them out, post them. So when you have those days where maybe something got thrown off the rails, like a client canceled or something last minute, maybe they called in sick.
Use that time, bank that time. So then when you have the days yeah that you're maybe not feeling a hundred or you have to reschedule because you are not feeling well, then you have a bank of inventory to be able to pull from.
And it doesn't take away from your daily standard. And so, yeah, I think that's that's great about the planner is we have that mapped out also. yeah you know Time blocking is a big portion of that planner. And that's a so a skill that I didn't realize because you taught me how to do that years ago, that people don't do that.
And so when you have your list, your to-do list, we all have to-do lists. We all check off the boxes. What's your daily to do list for me? It's prayer for me. It's Bible time for me. It's working out moving.
And then I can go about my business. Like I have to do those things or I'm not okay upstairs. and And so that's my, that's my number one standard, you know, time with my kids, time with my family, and then the social media, the content planning, all those things.
But when you have the time blocking schedule in front of you, you're able to see, okay, this is my personal work, ah my personal column, my work column, my family column, and my miscellaneous column, random things like doctor's appointments, whatnot have you.
What not? What not have you? And um so you're able to look at your week in a glance and take those to-do lists and actually put them on paper know like, okay, okay.
i I have time for this. The thing that's in my head is actually not that big of a deal. I'm just thinking about it a lot. But when you put it down on the schedule, it sounds silly, but 30 minutes of car pickup time, when you're sitting in that line, make your content, follow up, connect with people, post it mom's group on social media, try to get some lash clients, hair clients, whatever it is.
It makes it so much easier and it becomes like breathing. Yeah. I don't think about it anymore, but that's the best way to grow your business organically. Yeah. Yeah, you're absolutely right. That's why in the in the course that we did, we we talk about priorities.
Right. And if you're not aware of what your priorities are, like if you're not aware that you need to move your body, that that you want to spend time in your faith every day, then you just feel incomplete. But you don't know why.
but you You start going through the daily day, the dayto- day to day and daily activity that's just kind of coming at you rather than you dictating what your priorities are. And then we feel empty. We feel burned out. We feel like we don't know where we're going because we don't.
And that's a real feeling. And so in the course, what we go over is, and personally, when I have my priorities together, it's how I make decisions. right It's how I spend my time.
And so my number one priority is always going to be my faith. My number two priority is going to my health. It's going to my mental health, my physical health, my spiritual health. I just have to make sure that I'm serving that every day. And then my third priority is going to be my wife.
And then my fifth is going to be my kids. And my sixth is going to be my business. My seventh is going to my family. Like eighth is going my friends. Right. But I have all these things. I have these priorities where I put them in line. I put them in order because that's how I make decisions.
Yeah. And it really helps you determine that. How are you going to spend your time? It's the only thing we have on this earth is time. right All we have is time and energy. And so we want to spend those. i want to spend mine like the exact way that I want to spend it.
Nobody's ever on their deathbed be like, oh, man, if I could have scrolled and got one more reel in. Right. If I could have just watched this series on Netflix. Right. Nobody's thinking that, but how often, how much time do we spend watching Netflix? How much time do we spend on social media watching just pointless shit that know that makes no difference to us at in the end?
but It takes up our time. It entertains us, but we're not spending our time and energy how we want to spend it. Yeah, I totally agree. And it's a slippery slope. Yeah. It really

Invitation to Join the Community

Well, you guys, we have these, we have tools and we have everything that can support you with identifying your priorities and keep you going in our community So head on over there. You guys can join our community.
You can download the free planner that we have up there and you can see the course that we're talking about. Yeah. We'll catch you next time. and everybody. If you like what you heard today, join us over at
Again, that's That's where we have our courses. That's where we have our community group. And we look forward to interacting with you over there. We will see you on the next episode.