Introduction to Tyler and Barefoot Autism Challenge
Hello, my top everything listeners. I'm Tyler, a good friend of Marion's from high school. I'm also founder of the Barefoot Autism Challenge.
This challenge started out originally as something to get a Barefoot Runners group that I'm in more active, but now it's become something bigger than myself. The challenge involves posting a picture or video on social media of you walking Barefoot and then sharing what advocating for someone who's autistic means to
Personal Significance and Evolution of the Challenge
you. This is very important to me because
I'm autistic and being barefoot is a good sensory activity for myself. Since 2020, we had themed challenges. A different theme every day, which I admit was not my finest moment, but it was during COVID.
a different theme each week, a bingo card, and for the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games, an exercise theme. This year, the theme is all about art. So any kind of art activity, whether it be drawing, painting, or even performing arts, all of those will be done barefoot.
So that message was from our high school, well actually, Tyler did say he was my high school friend. He said good friend, so you and I are just acquaintances. He's like, I don't know those other two.
I don't I don't claim them.
Exploring Unique Painting Methods
Yeah. Yes. And this is my top everything. We're three best friends who argue about anything and everything. And today our topic is top three unique ways to paint in honor of the Barefoot Autism Challenge that is founded by our high school friend Tyler Leach every year for Autism Awareness Month.
in April. So we're going to go through our top three unique ways to paint and then we will share Tyler's top three ways to paint at the end of the podcast. Okay, let's get started. Who's going first for top three unique ways to paint?
I'm going first. Okay. My number three most unique way to paint is I'm going to spray paint. I really love street art. And I've gotten into it a lot in the last five years of like, just going, gone on a couple tours in different cities. And like, it's very interesting because they always get into the politics between the different artists with
like their spray paint art. And like I learned that if spray painters aren't really respected in the street community, if they're used stencils or like where you can like project a light and like outline, it's gotta be free hand or nobody wants to count it. And then it's also just really pretty and things will get tagged over.
uh it and like if your piece like hasn't been painted over in a certain amount of time it's like a true sign of respect like the street art community really respects your work and like what that message has to say and so uh yeah i really i've really enjoyed going down different alleyways to see the paint yeah i love that um i i went on a hike recently in january um in la at will
near Will Rogers State Park.
Graffiti and Street Art Discussions
I was telling Kara that this used to be an old Nazi sympathizer compound that was abandoned after the FBI raided it during World War II, but it was where all the people were
they built this compound to live at and to hang out at until Hitler won. And it's abandoned and there's a hike through it, but a lot of people go there to graffiti. There's graffiti everywhere, all this beautiful art.
They also like spray paint arrows because a trail is not really a trail, you're just walking through like, you know, this like wild area that has like random abandoned foundations and stuff. So they spray paint it, but it's so prevalent there. And like, obviously, nobody's policing it or anything that when my friend and I were going through it, and we have never ever spray painted anything, I was like,
2024 bucket list goal, we're coming back here with a ball of spray paint and we're going to try to spray paint something, which I've never done in my whole entire life. But I was like, I felt it was just such a communal thing. I was like, I want to be, you know, I want to contribute to this community. And I felt like it was very welcoming because, you know, there were all sorts of things there. It felt like the perfect place.
to practice and not feel bad about defacing something. Yeah, that sounds really nice. It was also really eye opening to see the graffiti in Rome and like just
around Italy because I feel like it was way more in my face and it wasn't something that was like only in back alleys or like hidden from the main walkway of things and so it was I liked it because it felt like their community saw street art in a whole different way than we do in America but I also don't know much. That's me guessing.
The first time that I really, really appreciated street art was in Berlin. I did a street art tour. And did you do that more? No, I didn't know. But I saw it was so freaking cool. And they were whole built like a teen story buildings where the whole facade was one graffiti artist. And they would like they were telling us on the tour that sometimes in the middle of the night they would hang from they would like basically rappel down sides of buildings in order to do these.
pieces of art and stuff and it's it was the coolest thing ever and I was living in Spain at the time and there's I was living in Granada and there's this guy Ruiz who is a super famous artist that lives and
in Granada, but they nobody like knew who he was for the longest time. And he would tag. He has the symbol where it's kind of like a little gear or wheel that's integrated somewhere in the art every single time. And it's so the faces that he does are so impressive
Campus Mystery Artist Stories
and it's all free hand. Super cool.
Did I ever tell you guys that we had our own like men like our own Banksy at Beloit? Not not Banksy actually, but our own person who was anonymous, who basically would like spray paint these little things, but they would do it kind of on like some type of material that they would then like paste onto the wall. So they weren't directly
you know, graffitiing, but it could stay on there and they would do little things like a kid like watering a flower or weed or whatever, something very Banksy esque, but they're kind of own spin on it. And everybody
Feminist Art and Imaginative Painting Debate
loved them. They would like pop up overnight. Like after a weekend of partying or something, you'd see like a new little
like art from this person. It ended up being this guy in my class, super nice, like great guy. But it was so much fun to have this like community, a rogue mystery artist who would brighten everyone's day by like putting little things outside the commons and the cafeteria. I wish I, I wish that was something that I had the talent for, you know? Same. Our next number three, Kara, you want to go?
I'll go. Um, I also have one I want to talk about that I really don't like. So when we hit honorable mentions, I'm ready to rant for a second. Um, my number three is going to be period painting. Um, I think it's going to be on someone's list. Somebody had to say it. I didn't purposely didn't put it in my top three because I was like, somebody else has got to have that too. And then just now I added it. Wait, sorry. Sorry. You don't mean like,
like painting during a certain period. You mean like what's your period blood period blood? Yes. How are you in collect that diva cup?
Yeah. You produce enough blood? I don't think I ever produced enough to paint something. So do people generally use a diva cup to collect it? Yeah. And then they put it in a mason jar or something? Yeah. Something with a clothes lid, airtight. Yeah, because otherwise.
Uh, yes, it's like a whole thing. It's in Grayson says, Oh my God. Um, it's a whole thing in the sort of like feminist artist community. I just looked it up. Yeah. Yeah. We had a exhibit at my college, which was in all women's university. Um, and we had a, of course we had a period paint.
That's amazing. I love this. Yeah, it's some of my favorite. This is hardcore. I'm a big fan. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it before. Yeah, it never occurred to me. If I had known about this when I was having periods, I think I would have tried this.
This is what I thought you were going to say when you were like, oh, that art we saw in Amsterdam. Well, for the record, we didn't see this art in Amsterdam. With the art that I'm thinking of in Amsterdam, if we didn't see it, it just happens in Amsterdam. But I see why you would think that, but that's not what I was going to say. Nice. But when did it get dried and brown and faded? I think that you have to treat it with something.
Okay. It's typically, I think, Mara, correct me if I'm wrong, it's used as a medium to kind of make feminist statements as well. So if you kind of, you're like a feminist, you want to paint, you have this like good idea. If you, you can level it up by using period paint and then it.
And then it like really hammers home this idea. So it's definitely a thing. I think it's really dope. Yeah. And I've never tried it. I don't know if I ever will. But yeah, it's pretty extreme. I love you guys want to try it. If I would try it, I would try it someday. I will take my idea out and we can all paint with my period someday soon. Oh, I'm actually going to hold you to that. OK, I'm fine with that. That means I have to use a diva cup.
Add it to my buggy list. I like to paint with Gary. Gary likes to ball. Maybe we can get all the women in the group someday.
Oh, my God, I would love to get little jars like, you know, those like little jam mason jar, you know, the like little individual size. Yeah, the bond name or whatever. And each one for each of you. And then I make a painting painting with everyone. They make little they make tiny canvases. So they do fine.
Tyler, is this what you imagined when you suggested this subject for us? Mar and I both first thought of that, probably immediately. That was the first thing I immediately wrote down. Same. And when you guys were talking about whatever it is in Amsterdam, I immediately thought it was that. It was like, it has to be period painting. Yeah.
Okay. Well, we're 11 minutes into art. So Mary, okay. Here. Yeah. Uh, my number three, most unique way to paint. I'm thinking that you get somebody to prepare a box for you, a cardboard box. They cut two holes in the top of the box and they put a bunch of fake painting materials in there.
And then there's another hole in the box. And so you're painting, you're painting with mystery paints, a mystery image. So then when you come, when you bring it out of the box, you've got this painting that you didn't see and you didn't know what you were painting with. That's my, that's from my own dome.
Wow, dude, when I took a sketch class, one of the things that she had us do was we had to sit across from somebody and like stare at that person and then draw that person without looking down at the piece of paper. And so I would love to do that. That sounds very interesting.
Yeah, I think it would be fun, especially if you had something like a bowl of fruit in front of you, but you don't know, you can't see the paints you're using, so you just have to pick one paint and be like, in my head, this is green. I will be using this paint. And maybe it has some type of sensory detail, so you can tell that you're using, you know, okay, this color is a different color from the other one by feeling like the bottles or something.
Yeah, I think it would be fun to do some type of blind art, basically. Okay. Done. Easy. Is it honorable mention times? No. No. We've agreed that we do honorable mentions at the end. So let's go to our number twos.
My number two most unique way to paint, I feel like you're probably going to give me shit for this. So I do have a backup if you truly hate it. But MS Paint, dude, I absolutely love. Step one, open up paint. Microsoft Paint.
Yeah. Oh, my. First of all, you can't call it MSP. Get the fuck out of here. So we call it at work. Well, people call it MS Paint. No one says MS Paint. Everyone calls it MS Paint. Yeah, just. But. OK, continue. Give it to me. No, that's it. I just think MS Paint. That's that was the entire thought.
You just think that's a unique way to paint? Yeah, who's doing that anymore? It's like one of the most common ways to paint, right? Not you
Unique Mediums: MS Paint and Dot Painting
are. Also, there are some people that can make actual detailed art in it versus like scribbles. What do you do in it? What do I edit photos? So you don't even paint.
No, but I like I edit photos. I paint on them. Can you see an image and know that it was from MS Paint? Like, how do you know that it was made in MS and not another digital format? The caption. Yeah, I don't know about this one. I like I like the vibe of talking about digitally painting something. Obviously, that's a legit art. I guess MS Paint
is one of them. I think it looks more kid-ish because like the colors in MS Paint are very, I feel like they're very noted, or like, what's the recognizable? It's very like early 2000s vibe, like stick to gears is what I'm imagining, you know? So I do think if the whole, if it wasn't like an edited picture, and if you like truly drew something in MS Paint, I want to say I'll recognize it. I'm uh, I would, I could, I could tell.
We're going to test that later. I'm not going to like knock you for it because this was a lot of my childhood before like Sims came into the world and before.
you know, back when he couldn't get on the Internet without breaking the phone line or whatever. Yeah, I used it a lot. But I will say, even though it's called MSP, it's drawing. I would argue it's drawing. That's my big thing. That's my big thing is it's drawing. It's not painting, although you do have a little paintbrush icon.
Yeah. But it is really more like drawing, I think, especially with the things that I was producing in MS Paint and what other people were producing in MS Paint. The bunny outside my window is literally the size of a juvenile cat. Jesus Christ. Wow. Wow. It is kind of like drawing. Yeah. OK. I'm going to have to give you a minus half point. I'm sorry.
Minus at a point for not knowing it was called MS Paint, Kara. Oh, I approved both these minuses. What a surprise. Give me one. Give me one. Do me. Minus.
Two. What? Just kidding. For what? I don't know. I just thought I'd do it. Gitter. Yeah, gitter. I agree with it. I don't have anything that's annoyed me. Give me your number two, and then maybe I can give you something. Okay. Well, after Cara goes. I think, yeah, I think I have number two. Right. So, my number two is dot painting, and if you haven't seen it, folks at home or the two people in this podcast,
I would recommend looking it up, but essentially your God, my Internet just went crazy. But you create a very intricate painting, but with only dots and usually of different colors and sizes and thicknesses. And you can do it kind of like textured if you can do it quite right. But it's a really cool, in my opinion, way to create something that can be really detailed, but with such small
It's so you have to be so dedicated to get a cool outcome. And I just think it looks really cool. And it doesn't freak out my trick stick given been to failure or whatever it's called. Trits, a dick, a photo. Are you picturing like when they're using. All black pen and it's like dots or you like paint. I've seen that too, but there's like.
You know, like mandalas you can do or like people have like created tigers or like whole like people like you can get ones that are, you know, like a person lying down or whatever. I think typically they're used as like kind of childlike bright colors, but I like it when they're more fancy, I suppose.
Yep. That art is not to my taste, but I can see why you would find it like the work that goes into it. Yeah, it's more the process I appreciate. I don't want a piece of art in my house or really, I don't really want to look at, but I can appreciate like how many times you have to stick a pen on a piece of paper to get a cool outcome. I think that's a very like you have to be very into your craft. Yeah. But again, you just said pen.
No, it's with paint, too. You can do it. It depends on whatever it is. You can try, though. Nice try. Minus half point to Marian for not understanding Cara's number two. She literally said pen like she's talking about. It's because it's because Mara said that and it got my head. You're welcome. You're welcome. There is somebody on Instagram called the dot queen or the dot princess. Listen, I don't know. Never mind. Is it cool?
Not to my taste, not to your taste. It's a unique, the prompt was unique ways of painting, not painting I like. Unique ways to paint, yes. But I feel like this is almost unique styles. It almost, I don't know, there's something about it. It's still just like painting with your hands, right? We're not talking about like different body parts, unique ways to paint.
Yeah, I still think this is a unique way to paint. Yeah, I feel like you could have taken this different ways like techniques and like mediums styles. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, well my number. Speaking of my number two unique way to paint just with your imagination. I'm
I think my best paintings are the ones when I close my eyes, and I think of a painting that I would like to see. And those are always better than when I try to paint it on the paper. When I try to take what's in my mind and put it on the paper, it never comes out right. It never looks right, you know? It's just not how I'll...
I painted it up here. In my mind, I've created like these crazy masterpieces, you guys. You would not believe it. Like they call me the next, they call me the next offensive in golf up here. You know, in my mind, I'm missing two years because I'm twice the fun. So you can't hear any of the.
negative feedback. Yeah. So I just think, you know, a good old, good old way to paint, just imagine in your mind a painting you like.
Minus one. Hard. Maybe minus two. I don't even know. What? What are you talking about? This is atrocious. This is a unique way to paint. Nah, I gotta shift for MS paint. Just because you can think cool things does not mean you are suddenly painting. That is, I've created really cool things. You are painting with your mind. And then I try.
You are painting a picture. And then I try to put it down. Painting is a physical act. Literally, you can paint someone a picture with words. You can paint a picture in your mind. We literally use that phrase to talk about intangible things. Even painting pictures with words means that you have to speak with your mind. You have to speak with your little mouth. You can paint a picture in your mind. People literally say that. They say, paint a picture in your mind.
Imagine. Cara's eyes just got so wide. Cara, you're in the, you are in the wrong here. I don't know what to say. I am not in the wrong. I'm on Cara's time. I'm not over here just naming types of painting techniques. Like, ooh, ooh, dots, ooh, impressionists. Like, that's basically what you're doing. I'm over here trying to think of actual unique ways to paint. Your imagination is a unique way to paint. No, it has to be a physical act. I'm sorry. No, it doesn't.
I feel like this is worse than MS paint. I'm going to be honest. Yeah, that's why she got a fall negative one. You only get a half. You only get a half minus. Also, you know, that thing where I am not I am not an artist because I can create really cool things in my mind and I can't put it down on paper or pen or the art or world, whatever. I can't do that. Therefore, I am not a very good artist. Same. That's you can't claim that. That's not acceptable.
But sometimes you can just picture it. I'm a fantastic artist. I'm a fantastic artist in my mind. It's great in my mind. No, no, no, because it's sure maybe in the rules of gravity and astrophysics in your mind. You know what I'm saying? You're on your own here, but people literally say like paint a mental picture. People say that.
Oh, you can paint a mental picture. And nobody else can see it. Yeah, so is it so so art art is only art is somebody else can witness it or see it. If the computer cannot be a painting, then your brain can also not be a painting. Also, a lot of arts aren't tangible. Like you have spoken word that's not tangible. You are not painting performance art.
That's not tangible. Like there's lots of art that happens that is not seen and you can paint in your mind. No, because we're not talking about art. We're talking about painting. Tyler, back me up here. I'm on Cara's side. Grayson's also on our side, by the way, just per the chat.
Okay. Grayson said, imagination is a painting precursor, not painting. Shame. No, no, because it shames you. Shame. Shame. Some people, okay, what about the people who can't physically paint? Are they painting in their mind? Are they painting in their mind? They're probably picturing things in their mind. They are not painting, no. Imagination is not just a precursor. Like, for example, may not enjoy painting. I might not like that, but I might enjoy painting in my head.
I know I know I don't have a good mic. I know I don't have a good mic right now. But here's a question. If I imagine myself driving, am I driving? In your mind, you are. Would you say that people that create good stories in their minds are good writers? Oh, I mean, probably. No, I mean, probably they've been spending a lot of time with the stories in their minds. You can do anything in your mind.
Yeah, no one else can see it. This is painting, so. I knew I was going
Promoting Autism Awareness and Natural Art Methods
to get flack for that one. I've done my best to defend it. I'm saying we use the phrase paint a picture in your mind like it's a real thing. I'm just saying it's a unique way to paint. There's language for a reason, folks. Yeah, and there's. No.
I can't even I guess we're just like playing within the box. Nobody's allowed to go outside of the box or be inventive or unique.
Kara said menstrual blood. MS Paint over here is not getting enough flack then because MS Paint, that's a great out-of-the-box suggestion, okay? She got the appropriate amount of flack. You just got so much more because it's so much worse. The play on words, paint a picture in your mind is a great out-of-the-box answer and I'm sorry that you can't see it. It's an idiom. I'm sorry that you're too close-minded and your box is so small that all you can think of is splatter or what, dot painting, dot painting.
at least I can see it. The, you know, how well can you picture something inside your mind picture wise? Oh, this is actually really cool. And we're going to get on a very large tangent, but I have seen a spectrum. Have you seen the image spectrum of what people see in their minds? So cool. Where are you at on that Marianne? What kind of
painting are you quote making for the record you can't you can't prove how good i am okay i could say anything right now and neither can you i'll be honest i'll be honest yeah that's the point anyway there's like five there's like five main categories for that i would say i'm in the three to four area
I'm not five, which we would say would be the most detailed imaginations that people have. But looking at one and two, I'm definitely not one and two. I'm probably either three or four in between three or four of the level of detail. I definitely think in color and things like that. And it does feel very vivid and it's pretty accurate. So I would say my paintings are like
My paintings in my... My paintings in my... I would say four out of five. How un-unique of you. Yeah, I would say my paintings would be like considered decent but forgettable. That's how I put them. But this isn't top five unique ways to paint amazingly. It's just type top five ways to uniquely paint. Yeah, we don't need two adjectives in a title.
Anyway, should we go to sponsors? Hell yeah, brother. Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. See, even now you're making music because you're making it out loud. You've never had a song stuck in your head. You've never had a home in your head that you can't get out. That's not real. You're literally literally sitting there with the song stuck in your head. Sometimes a painting can be stuck in your head.
An image can be spoken through. And people only know that? Well, I feel like I'm in middle school again. You just got under my skin.
Thank you to our sponsors. Our sponsors this week. Number three is Grayson. Thanks for keeping us on this new regimen to try and give people crisper, faster, funner episodes. Number two, shout out to trained elephants who can paint with their trunks. You are an inspiration for everyone who would like to uniquely paint. And I'm sure you're thinking of beautiful, beautiful paintings in your mind, elephants.
and how to kill people that they hate. I have no response.
Okay, number one. Our number one sponsor this week is of course the Barefoot Autism Challenge. It is going on during April during Autism Awareness Month, April 1st to April 30th. Please like consider posting a picture or video of you walking Barefoot or sharing why you advocate for those who are autistic. And for the art theme, you can draw or paint with your feet or
Do pottery or clay sculptures with your feet? Kara, I'd love to see you do that. Just see what you make. I don't need to see the video of you using your feet, but I would love to see what you could make with your feet. You could try to write poetry, Barefoot, or even dance, sing, and act Barefoot too. Challenge your friends to do the same using hashtag Barefoot Autism Challenge. You can find Tyler's challenge on Zazzle, Facebook, and Instagram. If you just type in Barefoot Autism Challenge,
And Tyler's been doing this since 2017. So it's been going on now for how many years is that? I can't count. Eight. Eight. Yeah. So it's wow. It's almost a decade old. How exciting. Cute. And we will be sharing our own beautiful artworks sometime in April. So be on the lookout for that on our Instagram.
Yes, Kara. And we would love to see yours, so you should tag us as well. Hell yeah, brother. Yes, yeah. So please, that's hashtag My Top Everything podcast. Or just My Top Everything. We'll know you. We'll know what you mean. We will know. Man, I'm actually the guy on Hinge that draws with his feet.
How do you know that? Because he had it on his profile. And the only questions I asked him were about his foot art for the most part. Fair. Did he show, were there pictures of it on his profile? Yeah. There was one paint or like drawing that he had done and it was a llama and it looks really good. Wow. Maybe you should go on a date with him. And he, the thing you can do is,
whatever, draw a barefoot, you know? Do you think there are a challenge? Do you think there are a challenge? I'm gonna add that to my list of ideas for a first day BRB. My name is Mara. My number one.
That's good. Actually, we should be introducing ourselves more because like sometimes my friends in L.A. will be like, oh, you remember when you were saying something about your panic attack on that hike? I'm like, that wasn't me. That was Karen Mara. Excuse you. So I think maybe we should be saying my name is before we say anything on this. Good. No. My name is Mara and my number one most unique way to paint is.
Do you want to go again? That way I don't have to just chop all of this. She was painting in her mind. Exactly, exactly. And you know what we did? We said nothing. My name is Mara and my number one most unique way to paint is by taking some sort of like linen cloth and under
You lay the cloth on top of like flowers or leaves and then you hammer the flowers and leaves on top of the cloth and then it transfers pigment onto the cloth and you're left with like nature's stamps. So it'll be like flower petals and leaves or like vines. And I think this is painting because I'm transferring pigment.
You don't know if I agree with you. I didn't think you guys would, but I do think it's very I feel like you're just talking about art. You're just talking about like art and you're literally using the word stamping. At least she's talking about art. You can stamp in a painting, dude. You can use stamps to paint people's sponge paint.
Animal-Involved and Unconventional Painting Techniques
Yeah, like stamps with paint on it. Yeah, the paint is the chlorophyll from the leaf. What is this called? It's called like flower. I don't know what it's called.
It's not called painting, but it's dying. Yes, it is dying. That's exactly. But I still also maybe. Yeah, because also what is canvas, if not just like a piece of linen? It is. It's just you're transferring pigment. So I mean, you're not making bad arguments here. Way to talk yourself to my side. What how do you do it? Pick fresh flowers, arrange them. Just look up like this hammer. I can't tell with the potato quality of that.
Yes. Is it called flower pounding? Nice. Let me Google that. Yeah, I think. Yeah. Yeah. That picture that you showed me popped up. I am on the fence about whether or not this is painting, but I don't think it's so on the other side that I'm willing to take off points. Yeah, I think it is natural dye is dying something, dying something. I think it is when you make
You're not just dying the whole piece of cloth. You are making a picture on the cloth. But you're still printing it. That might be closer to printing. You're naturally printing something. You're basically printing and dying versus like... When does it turn into painting? I guess we had to look up what the definition of paint is. I think paint usually is kind of where my head went.
A mixture of a pigment and a suitable liquid to form a closely adherent coating when spread on a surface in a thin coat. I think this counts then. Well, no, because it's just a pigment, right?
You're making a liquid when you like pound it with the hammer. The only reason it transfers is because of the liquid. That's a good point. But it's not a mixture. It is a mixture. It's plant guts. Next question. All right. I think you did a good defense there.
Um, okay. So, you know how you've seen those? Well, maybe not. I hope I'm not taking somebody's autorumention, but you know how you see when somebody like puts a canvas in a, in a Ziploc bag and then you put like a couple of dots of paint and then your cat like rolls around on it or whatever. And it creates paint. I was thinking that it would be so cool if you had a horse standing and then you dipped their tail in paint.
And then you kept the canvas right behind, and you know how when it's hot and the flies are around and they're swishing their tails? I think it would be cool to have a painting from your horse's tail. Horse shit and paint mixed together. No shit, no shit. Well, when they shit, which they inevitably do about every 10 minutes, it feels like. They don't shit. They don't poop that often. You wait till they poop, then you put the paint on after you clean them up a little.
Oh, my God. I like it. That's it. I thought you were going to say maybe with a dog after I knew you were going to. I knew that somebody was going to think that. No, I think that those are fine. But like you can't tell the origin of that. So I'm not team putting something in a plastic bag and having something roll around on it. I don't really think that's very interesting to me. But I like it when you can tell what the source material is like the like the flower or whatever. But like you could see all the swishing, which I think would be cool.
I think it would just look like... I looked it up. No one's done it. I can't find anything on the internet about it. It's almost... Somebody's got it. There's, I mean, there is splatter painting, which is basically the human version of that, where you... But nothing's touching the canvas in that. With the horsetail, it's like dragging its tail. Oh, not just like flicking the paint? The tail has the paint on it.
I feel like that's just gonna look like a smush. Like it's just gonna look. I think it's gonna look like abstract art. I don't know if I'd be able to tell if it was an animal too that did the painting. It would be cool and experiment is if you did one on each side of the horse and then one behind the horse like three feet or so and each direction and you can see with a different like.
directions of the tail creeds. And then you have a whole three piece art set for a large wall there, dude. That's true. Yeah. I'm surprised no one's done. I don't really understand why no one's. I looked it up. Also, people paint their horses. They paint skeletons on the horse to teach kids about like parts of the animal, which I thought was really cool. Side note.
Yeah, I thought this would be cool. And now I want to try it. So I might do that with Levi someday. OK, well, yeah, we're going to need an update. You're going to need to repaint or repaint report back if this is even really feasible or. Oh, my God, Grayson, for the foot post, can I post the cookie you made? Raj made it. Yeah, but what could hold on to it?
They have a fucking foot cookie cutter. And so Grayson made like toes and no, no, no. Let me start. Thank you. We have. So when everybody came over for the Christmas party, we had sugar cookies that I had cut out and everything. And there was like, you know, snowflakes and Santa, whatever.
And for some reason, somebody gave us a foot as a cookie cutter at some point. And so Grayson thought it would be funny to have a couple of feet. I thought no one is ever going to paint on a foot. So I only let him do like two or three. Turns out that was everybody wanted the foot. And Raj created these weird skinny toes with these green toes and then he had green toenails and then he had like diseased blue like paint nubbins on it. It looked
grotesque, but Grayson kept it for like a month. And he was like, I want to put, what did you say? You wanted to put wax over top of it? Yeah. So like make it into like an ornament, basically. Yeah. Make it last forever. That would have been cool. That's the type of plastic the world needs, dude. Amara, you should borrow the cookie cutter and make for Barefoot Autism Challenge, like a set of
But cookies like I feel like that's your brand. You know, you could do like lavender shortbread or something. I don't know. Yeah. Maybe we could do that together. I like that idea. Like lemon. Can we make a lemon cookie? Yeah. Rollouts are a lot of work. OK. All right. I hold no promises on that one. Yeah. No promises on anything.
Well, we can. I don't know if my mom is going to let me dip a horse's tail and paint and then deal with the aftermath. I can find you a horse. Let's fucking. I'll find you a horse. I'm very skeptical about this type of painting. I think there's a reason. I think there's a reason why nobody has done this yet. You know what I'm saying? You keep being like, I'm shocked that nobody's done this. I think it's because it's what are the downfalls. Number one. How do you hold the canvas?
Yeah. Like what distance away is it to get that swish? Like they don't go out and swish. You know what I'm saying? Like are you, is the canvas on the ground? So it's like dripping or is it like how far back is it?
I think that you have one on the stall side, so like 90 degrees away, like the opposite, the way that the tail swishes. So you'd have like the edge, like the end of the tail. And then you have one behind for when it catches, like if the horse goes back and then maybe like a 45 degree angle. I think it's an experiment you'd have to see is like any painting. You don't know what it's going to be like the first time you paint with period blood. Also probably dry, like quickly on the tail. I don't know how it works to clean it out. Like,
Yeah, it'd have to be non-toxic. Yeah, I'd have to do some research. I'm just not surprised that nobody's done it, but... I am.
I feel like people that have horses are really obsessed with their horses. So this is like for me, if people are like having their dogs walk across canvases and cats roll around on paint, like how has no one done this? Well, I mean, I could see a horse hoof. That's where I thought you were going. Same. I thought you were going to say horse hoof. I thought you were going to say horse hoof. That makes total sense. I would love to see like you basically just have a really long canvas and then you have the horse walk over it with its painted hooves. That'd be sick.
I'd look cool, but I don't I don't know if I agree that it would look cool. I don't really think it looks cool when you have dogs or children. Well, I'm not saying I'm not saying like have them roll on it to create like I'm saying like paint the hooves. So that way it's like hoof marks versus like, yeah, it's a you. Yeah. Mars turning into a ghost. So I'm going to go to my number one. Now, I think that
the number one unique way to paint. Not her number one, the number one. The number one. And I'm not, I don't know if anyone's done this before, with your butt.
Just get in there. Put the paint on your cheeks. Sit around. Think about it all the way. I thought you were going a different direction. Oh, no, but that my honorable mention doesn't kind of go that way. No, just put the paint on your cheeks because they're like kind of half moon shapes. You can make a bunch of fun shapes. You can make a flower. You can make like a pasture.
Oh, so make something that isn't your butt. Yes. So use your butt cheek. Because you can make kind of like different, you could use the shape, the edge of your butt cheek, the rump. You could do all sorts of things, the crack. You can do things that are going to look weird.
Oh, I don't like the crack. I do. I like the absence of pain being something, actually. I think that would be interesting. Yeah, like I'm into it. Oh, oh, oh, my gosh. Look up painting with butt. No. Yes. It's cool. Oh, my God. The male butt painting. There's like for the male butt painting. It's like the butt cheeks, a little bit of the thigh. It's like they sat down and then like just this like
Yeah, just like just floating scrotum that like from nowhere. This was a viral trend on TikTok. Oh, wow. Not very unique. Where people were like,
making this shit for their assos. For the record, I'm not saying, you know, just like make a print of your butt by like putting your butt. I'm saying like I actually there's an MTV screenshot of this guy, this famous artist paints with his butt like I'm saying use your butt as the main vehicle to paint.
I like that. I like the flower idea. That's interesting. So that's that's my number one. Quick and simple. Let's do honorable mentions real quick. One of mine that goes with this is that in Amsterdam, as Mara mentioned earlier, when I first thought of this category, I thought of how in Amsterdam you can see you can go to see certain shows, which we did not do. But one of the shows that I've heard about several times is like a woman will
paint on somebody's bare torso using a paintbrush that she's holding with her hoo-ha. So her hoo-ha muscles, it's like she's holding it and she's squatting over the person and painting on them or painting on a canvas like on top of a bar. OK, that's some Kegel strength. That's a major Kegel. So you could you can go to the show and then get a hoo-ha painting.
I feel like someone needs to create a show that's called Major Kegel at this point. It's going to have to be the Brits because they already have that dating show that's like, let me show you naked people with no words. Naked attraction.
Yeah. It's called Naked Attraction. Oh, is that the thing where they like start at the ankle? They don't start at the ankle, they start at the wiener. They just go full in there. Just straight up meet in your face. Like these are people, they're like accountants and yeah, these aren't model genitals. These are like average everyday. Sometimes they don't even feel average. They're like, I've never seen that before. You know what I'm saying? Like I've seen things on there and I'm like,
Is everything okay? Are there nurses watching this? Like, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Is everyone all right? It is odd. And then like the person picks somebody and what's so weird is they're talking about what they like during it. They're like, Oh, I prefer this. I prefer that. And when they eliminate someone, it's always because of their stance. I think that's the safest thing to go with is they're like, Oh, I just don't like
the vibe of the way that person is standing. That's why I'm getting rid of them. Not because like I'm shallow and I only like big boobies. Like, you know, they'll be like, Oh, that's too introverted based on their shoulders. Exactly. Like, Oh, they seem very cocky based on their knees. Like, and then at the end, after you pick somebody, you have to get naked. So it's just two naked people who have to hug and they're always like,
Because it's the final two, and then it's the person that's picking. And then the host that's like fully clothed. The host is fully clothed. So it's this room where there's a fully clothed host and three naked people all talking. And yeah, and it's honestly like once you've seen one episode, you've seen them all. You've seen them all. You always go for the hottest.
Yeah, they always go for the hottest. Obviously, it's like dating on the Internet. You go. It's all based on image, obviously. What the fuck? How is this a show that has multiple seasons? How are people going? Who decides to go on this show? Well, that's the craziest thing is like you're an accountant. You go on. You have to go to work knowing that like a lot of people are naked. Yeah. I swear to God, your coworker could be on this show and you would know it.
And you'd be like, I now know what Jeremy's wee wee looks like in vivid detail and HD. Hell of a power play. I know how many warp he has around his wee wee. Oh, man. What kind of tattoos he has. Oh, yeah. The elephant tattoo. Yeah. All right. Any other honorable mensch? Yes.
Before you go into your rant, Kara took most of mine. Sorry. Get her. That's OK. Like the pet thing, and then. I knew that was going to happen. I'm sorry.
Episode Conclusion and Call to Action
But I, it's fine.
The, I think you touched on this one too, but just making your own watercolors out of like dirt or sand or like dried flowers. I think that is amazing. And I really want to have a garden where all the flowers I grow, I make into paint. Or like you can put it on my ceramics or something. Like I would love to do that.
I think it's natural, like, yeah, getting your own paints and naturally making them is so cool. And I would love to one day have a painting that I made naturally, like from scratch. Oh, that's a power move. And I want it to be with my friends, period blood.
The most natural of paints, the most natural where life starts. OK, my rant is there's this thing that's on TikTok and I cannot I don't understand why people like it. I it's called scrape painting. And essentially you put dots in places and then you have kind of like a squeegee and you pull the paint across the canvas and it
create streaks of paint. And I, the first one I was like, that's interesting. And then I've seen hundreds since and I just don't like it in any way, shape or form. I don't think it's interesting. I don't think it's like, you don't create cool image. I think it's like the act is cool, but the after effect, the image that you get at the end, none of them are interesting. I do not like it. Sometimes it's like actual, not just blobs though. It kind of reminds me of that like nineties
toy that they would advertise us like all the time on TV where it's called like black magic painting or something where it's like that black material. And then you have the little almost looks like a mini like broom that you like twirl around and stuff and it creates rainbow lines. And they always made the fish. There was always that fish that they made.
I wanted nothing more than, I never got it, but oh, I wanted that so bad. Like it's kind of, I think it's tapping into that. Like all the people who were subliminal, like all the kids who watched that 20 times a day when they were watching TV, I think are probably the same ones who are like, I'm going to do a scrape painting. Yeah.
It's just, I don't, I'd love to see one that the outcome is cool because I haven't seen one yet. So if you listeners, yeah, listeners, if you have any desire to send us a cool image that you make yourself or when you find on the internet, feel free. I think I don't find abstract art interesting, but yeah. Okay. Um, well.
I don't know if you can hear that, but I'm going to have to go. That was a natural end. We did a good job. Yeah, it's been real fun. Oh, let's play. We're going to play. We're going to play. We're going to play. We're going to play Tyler's top three unique ways to paint right now. Thank you so much, Tyler. Thank you for this wonderful topic. Oh, what the fuck? Assassin behind me.
Thank you, Tyler. You did such a good job with this topic. I really enjoyed it. It was a great topic. I had more arguments than I think we've had in a long time. Yes, great painting ideas. And, you know, remember to do your own unique way to paint in April and tag Barefoot Autism Challenge and tag us. Email us at mytopeverything at if you want with your painting. If you send us
your unique ways to paint. We'll post it on our Instagram. Uh, so do that. Anyone want to declare themselves the winner before my handyman starts buzzing? Cara and I tied. I won. I don't know. 100% I won. Are you freaking kidding me? Mara got negative 0.5 and Marion got negative one. You got negative 0.5 as well. You got negative 0.5. You were the first one to get a negative 0.5.
I gave it to you. Yeah, for not calling it Emma or for not knowing Emma's paint and thinking it was Microsoft. Oh my God, that's such a bullshit reason not to win. No, it's pop culture. Yeah. Also, you had some you said you said dot painting is water painting for two of yours, which is just like, OK, I didn't say splatter painting. I mean, period painting. No, I'm not.
Okay. Well, I can't argue this anymore. My handyman is going off. So I can't hear you with all the noise. You, you tied. Can't you just be happy that you tied? No, because I win, I win like once every 400 episodes. So I'm not giving it to you when you sneeze shit like that. Tiebreaker. Do you want to do it? No. Cause the handyman is there. What's a quick Grayson. Can you think of what's a quick tiebreaker?
Which ear did Vango cut off? First one wins, go. Left. Left. Oh, Mara.
I heard Mara first. Yeah, me too. I had to unmute because. Oh no, because Grayson was screaming in the other room and I knew that my mic was going to pick it up. If you are not talking, I can. That sounds like an editor's problem, dude. That's not for us to worry about, Kara. I was trying to be kind. That's fine. Good job, Mara. Well, nice guys finish last. Congratulations, Mara. Thank you.
Obnoxious. I'm gonna have to go. Yeah. My top everything. Email us, follow us on Instagram, Facebook, blah, blah, blah, blah. We love you. See you next time. Bye. Sunday there's gonna be, bye. Sunday there's gonna be, like, cute Cara t-shirts because everyone's gonna agree with me someday. Cara's pissed. I don't know that you did anything special to win this. I don't know why. And my top three unique ways to paint are as follows.
Number three, splatter painting. Number two, painting with balls like basketballs, golf balls, or soccer balls. And my number one, painting with my feet. I hope to see some great artwork from you guys and challenge your friends to do the same thing using hashtag Barefoot Autism Challenge.
You have nothing to lose, only yourself to gain. So join us and put your best barefoot forward for autism awareness.