ENT: "Shuttlepod One" (s1e16) with Kayla Iacovino & Brian Drew from TrekMovie.com's Shuttle Pod  image
S2 E35 · Trek, Marry, Kill
ENT: "Shuttlepod One" (s1e16) with Kayla Iacovino & Brian Drew from TrekMovie.com's Shuttle Pod
143 Plays
3 months ago

SOME MALE BONDING is all the crew behind Star Trek: Enterprise needed to get excited again about their show late in the first season. This bottle episode that was largely a two-hander wound up bonding actors Connor Trinneer and Dominic Keating IRL. Does this one evoke the adventure and progressivism that are the hallmarks of Trek, or does it tend to scratch the itch of its corporate masters who want a more conventional network TV show? 

Joining Bryan to discuss another episode in TMK's Two Hander series are Kayla Iacovino & Brian Drew, hosts of Shuttle Pod on the TrekMovie.com feed. Does this popular episode make a whole lot of sense? More importantly, is it a TREK, MARRY, or KILL?

The grades begin at (19:08). 
