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Episode 1 - Crossover: Leicester x Tottenham Daily Podcast image

Episode 1 - Crossover: Leicester x Tottenham Daily Podcast

Daily Leicester
20 Plays6 months ago

Today Jake talks to Harry from GSPN Daily Tottenham. We talk all things Tottenham and Leicester before the kick-off Monday, including tactics, transfers and Steve Cooper's appointment. 


Introduction and Match Preview

Every club, every day. The Global Sports Podcast Network. Hello and welcome to the Daily Tottenham Podcast from the Global Sports Podcast Network, the place where we talk all things Tottenham every single weekday.

Leicester's Challenges and Relegation Concerns

I'm Harry Mitchell, and I'm pleased to introduce today to the podcast Jake Leverland from GSP and Leicester, who I'm sure will be able to spend the next 25 or so minutes explaining them that Leicester are probably going to turn Tottenham over on the first day of the season. ah But yeah, hi, Jake. Welcome to welcome to the podcast.
Hi Harry, great to be here looking forward to hopefully get into Tottenham Spurs on Monday and we'll see how the game plays out. Absolutely mate, absolutely. ah So yeah, today obviously we're going to have a quick kind of run through on the it essentially, you know, just a preview ahead of head of the game on Monday um and kind of going into, you know, where, you know, we think, you know, either Tottenham or Leicester are going to how they're going to kind of get on this season. I'm sure we're going to have a lot to say about it. Obviously, we've already spoke off there about a few different things, a few different past games, so it'll be interesting to dive into that. But it kind of leads me on to the first topic of today, Jake, is um kind of just brief kind of discussion. um Obviously, Lester back in the Premier League now. um Obviously, exciting for you guys. Obviously, a year in the championship, obviously a bit of a chaotic finish as well between you
it was switching and leads. Just obviously you presume you're absolutely buzzing to be back in the Premier League. Relieved, I think more than anything to most. Yeah, buzzing when we got over the line, we looked sort of far and away gone, sort of March time, and then three or four games we lost on the bounce. And then suddenly, you're right, we were in a three horse race for the title at one point and and thankfully we got there um and yeah just relief I think more than anything um but it's looking very different now in pre-season obviously Mareska's guns Chelsea, ah Steve Cooper's now the man, ex-forest which is interesting and it already dividing fans and we haven't even kicked a ball yet. um
Yeah, so I think probably quite nervous, really. um And obviously possibly a points deduction coming this year. Yeah, now that's true. I completely forgot about ah completely forgot about that, obviously. I mean, ah who who knows how to keep up these days in there with with all the kind of PSR and and everything like that. But, um you know, it's good. It's good that and at the end of the day, obviously, I know we've had our ah differences in the past, obviously, Tottenham and Leicester. Obviously, we we spoke a little bit up off there, off air for everyone kind of tuning in, um, kind of obviously we had to speak about, uh, you know, the title title where Lester won the league. Um, and we, I'm sure we'll kind of go into that a little bit more today, but, uh, but you know, to be fair, it's good to see, it's good to see Lester back in, back in the league. And, you know, obviously, you know, you went down a couple of years ago and I mean, from an outsider's perspective, uh, I'm a, you might disagree with me. I'm sure quite a lot of that Lester fans probably do, but I thought that team was probably a little bit too good to go down. It felt like the time.
um yeah I think from the outside, even i could say yeah on on paper it was, um but probably the the wheels were starting to come off maybe 18 months before. ah yeah As you said before, we were talking about a game in which we played against you and and there was a couple of late goals which we'll go into later. but I think in some ways, maybe that was the beginning of the end. Maybe it had already gone stale before that. But yeah, in in hindsight, the team was too good on paper, but it didn't look like a happy squad and and anyone can go down and sometimes you see shocks. And unfortunately, we we were one of those, I guess. Nobody really expected it. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, yeah, to be fair, I mean, and you know, it's interesting you brought that point up with obviously, we'll come off because any you ask any Tottenham fan.
and obviously anyone anyone listening, there feels like as a Tottenham fan, we're constantly about the game off, the wheels coming off, or maybe not and so much the last year, towards the end of the season, a little bit, with a bit of a, a bit of bother, but, um you know, it'd be interesting to see, see how, how Leicester obviously get on this season, ah which kind of leads me to the, to the question, Jake, is, um you know, obviously back in the prem, um you know, just thinking where, where, I want to hear two, two answers here. I want to hear hopeful,
finish where you think you're going to finish and a realistic finish. What would you be? What would you be really happy with? And then what do you think realistically could be the the case? i'll I'll go really, really happy because I'm not very optimistic. home good be Yeah,

Fan Reactions and Coaching Concerns

you're speaking to a top fan here as well. with We're far from optimistic. so Yeah, if I was being optimistic and and let's say there wasn't a points deduction and and somehow we evade that, then then possibly we could end up somewhere lower mid-table in terms of a 15th. And that's been being quite optimistic. I think it's likely we're going to see a points deduction, but you never know. um
I'm worried about the squad. I'm worried about Cooper. There's lots of elements. And and if I'm not being ah optimistic, i I'm being realistic. i I think we're going to really struggle this year. We're going to still short not. Sides would go up generally, find it difficult. um Last year, obviously, we saw the free promote sides go back down, which doesn't usually happen all free. um But yeah, I'm concerned with the squad and Cooper. So we'll be in and around the conversation for relegation.
Yeah, definitely. I mean, ah yeah, I'm not gonna sit here. And obviously, I don't think it doesn't help. Obviously, you lost a manager, Maresco. And obviously, regardless of what you fought with him, I mean, obviously, I only know looking from the outside in and obviously, when, you know, we' we're talking about Lester, obviously, near the end of the season, obviously, it got you kind of dragged yourself back into three kind of three teams could win win the championship, really. um I mean, was it towards the end of the season? Did it feel like people kind of questioning Maresco because it felt like obviously you got, you're flying up until about Christmas, like you said, and obviously the wheels kind of fell off a little bit. um Did it feel a like people were starting to kind of question Maresco and whether, because i what was the feeling when he left the club? Was it
Was it like, oh, we're in a bit of a bother here, or was it you know maybe it was not going to be too too bad off without him? Great question. you You're right. At the end, yeah people definitely people were questioning him in January, February, when we were 15 points ahead, and we had a home game in the mid-week. I can't remember exactly who. We played a mid-week game, and and fans were not happy, and we were tuning it up because we didn't go for it. We just kept the ball, and and we were walking at that point. and and I do wonder if some of that negativity around the club feeds in um and and when the wheels really did come off ah people were very quick to to judge and point fingers um and in the end it was sort of a collective of no matter what you think of the style of play, no matter what you think of the players, the manager,
We all need to get up. Mresco included for his career. We all and think he could have afforded not to get us up. So absolutely. In the end, I think people put things aside and we got over the line. um Generally, most people weren't too fussed to see him leave, to be honest, which I i was surprised at. I was a bit gutted. um But also his style of play at times was a bit boring to watch, although it was winnable. It wasn't always the most entertaining. Yeah, that's the thing, obviously.
Like I said, I was only judging from, from the outside in, and even though, uh, you know, touch, it's obviously taught them in of my life. Um, I don't think we've ever been not been in the Premier League, but, um, uh, obviously, you know, championship such competitive leave is is, is such a good league as well. So obviously keep an eye on it. Um, but obviously I remember, you know, just similar to what you said, I remember if it might even be the same game you're on about where obviously, you know, go through Twitter and I'm sure obviously loads of people do the same.
Obviously, you end up catching it with social media anyway, you're catching snippets of what fans think of of their club. And obviously, I remember in and around that time, as you mentioned, obviously, people were going, oh the the football's boring, or, you know, why, why aren't we pushing for a second goal, for example, it was very reminiscent and felt like a little bit similar to when we had Mourinho. I'm not comparing Mariska to Marina, but in terms of, you know, we used to, there was a period of time, not long after he came in, where we'd go one and up, and didn't just start knocking the ball about.
kind of walking pace. And then inevitably, that the team would score and then we'd be scrambling to try and second get a second goal instead of going to get the second goal and killing the game off. um So I kind think Tottenham fans could probably share share the frustrations with that. um But I mean, obviously, Steve Cooper's come in. um Obviously, I know ah we are going to dive into that a little bit later. But I don't think yeah I'd like you mentioned, obviously, the whole not in forest connections is an interesting one.
um But I don't think as appointments go, because obviously, you've got to be realistic as well. I've done the wrong list, obviously, a few years ago, you know, Champions League, obviously, Premier League winners, crazily, um you know, you've got to be realistic, though, they'll obviously, although a few years ago, you had that level, ah you know, probably gonna have to work your way back up to that in terms of appointing that next manager in. So I think from an outside, from a Tottenham fan point of view, I think you probably could have done worse than than Steve Cooper, in all honesty. Yeah, um there was a few names banded about, Corbren from West Brom, Grand Potter by Sands, it was hesitant in terms of staff, I think was was what was came out, was was trying to get all of his staff in was going to be difficult, so we went for Cooper.
um my My gut feeling is he could well be the first manager to go, because if we don't start, well, fans will turn and that forestry will get chucked up. Yeah, that's a tricky one. A bit like Mourinho, as you said, Mourinho with his Chelsea connections, it's like this first sign of trouble. And I think maybe Pochettino with Chelsea and obviously Spurs connections the other way. yeah think that no that that That was career suicide, that job. there was I mean, ah it we can talk about with Maresco, I suppose, but I don't know why, I can understand why, the money obviously, and the end of the day Chelsea are a big club, even though that pains me to say. But I think it's just career suicide to go there really. I mean, you look at, I mean, before the new ownership anyway, you know, they went through managers, oh, there's no tomorrow. So I mean, I don't know how well Mareska is going to do there. I don't know how long he's going to last.
We're not here to chat about Mareska. Obviously,

Podcast Promotion and Leicester's Lineup

he's at Chelsea. We don't want to talk about them. You don't want to talk about Mareska. So after this quick, a we are just going to kind of dive into to kind of later on this season, the game itself as well, ah where we think each team is going to know do well, maybe struggle. And we are going to dive into a little bit in regards to both managers a little bit more. ah Before we get onto to that, though, I just want to say that this podcast is part of the Global Sports Podcast Network.
The only network bringing you exclusive daily news and views on your Premier League team. The Premier League, women's football and fantasy football. A unique listening experience that puts fans first, bringing you the very latest breaking news from your team. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts and make us your first listen every day. Global Sports Podcast Network, every club, every day. Okay then, so Jake obviously kind of just chatted about, you know, kind of new appointments the summer for Leicester. But obviously the,
The big question obviously is, is ah Monday night, is that eight o'clock kickoff, isn't it? Yeah. Eight o'clock. I'll be there. Eight o'clock kickoff. Right. You're the gaffer. You're Steve Cooper. who Who is your starting 11? Similar to probably what we'll play, to be honest. So, Hermanson, who was our goalkeeper last season, and then a back for Ricciardo Pereira and Justin as the full-backs, although we might see Victor Christians in the left-back, centre-backs we've got a few to choose from, all varying levels, but probably Woutfaz, number one pick, and then Vestergaard, or a new signing, Ocaly from Atlanta.
Winx, definitely. Wilfred in DDX to him. And then you've got Mavadidi and Fattawa on the wings. And then we've got a bit of an injury problem. Vardy's injured. Adak has just got injured in our last friendly. So we're sort of out striker. Tom Cannon is our only option. Cooper doesn't seem to fancy him. And then we've got Deco Dover-Reed, who's just coming from Fulham. Good chance he's probably going to play and I would put him in there. um So it's a little bit difficult with the forward options. I think a lot of the rest of the team picks itself but at this point in time.
Yeah, no, I saw as well, not not too long ago, that did I? Ian Acho, he's gone too severe, was it? Yeah, so he he was out of contract. we We had him and Eadie Vardy, all out of contract, obviously, and Eadie and Vardy have stayed. and But Ian Acho, to be honest, didn't play much after Christmas. They have a long time, but but yeah not too disappointed to see him go for Monast. Yeah, he probably came to to the end of his Leicester career in all fairness. I mean, I think he's been a pretty pretty good servant. He's had spells where you know he was he was good as well. But um yeah, it'd be interesting to see obviously how you line up. I mean, I do think um kind of, well, I actually want to kind of analyze from the Tottenham's perspective. um The two players that really stand out to you, even though every Tottenham fan will be the same as well, yeah you're not proper Tottenham. If you've not already thought about Harry Wink scoring a 95th minute winner and already given it in front of the Tottenham fans, as much as much as he might you might say, like, you know, he respects and loves the club, but
There's definitely part of me that thing, definitely part of him, sorry, that that definitely would be like, I'd love to get one over one over us. But but yeah, the one thing, ah I'm getting sidetracked by Harry Wings, but the one thing that kind of, you know, maybe I think we're less than probably going to have some real threat over us because of one, how we play, but two, I think it's probably the strongest areas is the two wingers that you have. um Both, both really good players, you know, skillful, you know, quick, um both can get goals as well.
And obviously with us playing, we pay him for a full bag. So obviously power and well, I'm not sure if your dog is going to be fit. He's only paid 45 minutes in in preseason, albeit it was the last game, but, um, you know, obviously they tuck in and obviously with, with your wing as being out wide in my.
It might cause us a few problems here. We'll see.

Leicester's Key Players and Goal Scorers

We've taught them. You you never really know, to be honest. the the area plan up the the one side So the Wyman are the areas that I think we've got the best chance. Probably, as I say, we've got a problem down the middle. But, yeah, if we can get the ball to Mavadini, especially for Tarou, who will be interesting, what Premier League fans have actually seen of him on his day. He's fantastic. And I think it's a really high ceiling. um but sometimes he can be a little erratic, but say when he's really on it and he's got some long shot, I want people to look out for that. When it's on, it will hit six in the stand, but the one that will fly in the top corner. so Yeah, well i know and I know you mean so. When Vital was about 25 yards out, he's about to bend one in. today Is that when I just turn the TV off then? Well, I duck in the stand or yeah, you turn the tele off. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. No, ah no, to be fair, obviously, like I said, obviously, ah Lucy, I'm not i'm not
um I don't die hard watch the championship, but like I said, obviously it's such a good league. Obviously I do enjoy, you know, reading up on it and watching it when I can. And obviously, you know, it'd be interesting to see if he can make the jump up from the the championship to the Premier League. Because like you said, obviously you can see the abilities there. ah If anyone that hasn't, hasn't watched him, I can guarantee it some sometime this season um that you probably, if you, if you watch less, he'll catch, catch the eye for sure. And the same goes with, with DD, I'll probably butcher that pronunciation, but and But yeah, I think it'd be interesting if he was in, you signed him from France, didn't you? He was in the... Yeah, Montpellier, yeah, for I think about seven or eight million quid. Absolutely, yeah, and it'd be interesting to see if he was in a good season. Yeah, was he an ex-cooner? Yes, it is. Oh, no. Yeah, instantly on the hate watch. But yeah, no, it'd be interesting as well to see kind of where, you know, see if them players kind of step up. Because at the end of the day, obviously, like you said,
with points deduction potentially and all that, you're gonna need your best players to step up. And you look at any any team that comes up, the ones that kind of avoid it is is the ones where they got goal scorers really at the end of the day. I know that sounds extremely, you know, like anyone could say that, but it's true. um You know, you look at yeah at teams like Sheffield United last season who were no disrespect to any Sheffield United fan, but absolutely useless. they were They were useless, but they didn't have any goal scorers. You know, they no one up no one up top who couldn't Nick and my goal. And I mean, obviously, it's the hardest thing to to buy. But I think that to Les's advantage, obviously, um you know, we could be sitting in a few weeks going, oh, how wrong was I? But at this time, I think, you know, that's, that's definitely one thing you've got going for you is that you have got goals in, in them two players, especially, but even Vardy, obviously, he's probably lost a yard of pace, obviously. But
You know, at the end of the day, he knows where the back of the net is and you know, he's going to be up for it for the big game. So, uh, yeah, um I'm a big, but he's not. He's paid. I think the first game in Sveria, which was behind closed doors and he's been injured since so I can't see how he's going to be involved on Monday. You never know. We've already though. Then he, they just get ready and they see him on the pitch for half an hour. Like the games last year, he was clearly not fair and he scored like we played Holloway. He was clear, not fair score twice. And exactly. already So we'll say from a Tottenham fans point of view as well. I mean, I'm glad that he's not playing. Like I said, obviously he hasn't. He's not quite you know the same play he was when last in the preem, but he's still, he still can guarantee he would, he would end up running right over us. And he'd probably be in like Romero's year or something like that. But I mean, from, from a Tottenham fan point of view, obviously a few Tottenham fans listening. um I mean, I am relatively confident going into this game.

Tottenham's Lineup and Player Performance

whether that's false confidence, not too sure. But ah but I'm confident going into the game. um It'd be interesting to see, you know, who post cochlear kind of lines up with, obviously, for anyone listening as well, Jake, Jake was chatting about um ah off fair about our back line in the preseason games, he was ah I'm hoping that ah that's going to be the back line. I was like, don't want to bite your heart, but I don't think it is. But we're possibly, cognitively you never know, but I like to think we're going to see Romero and van de Ven step in. um sure ah we We'll see. But I mean, the essentially Jake, I know any, any time we found this right now, we probably couldn't tell you. It's very divided in our fan base. I would kind of best midfield free. um Madison for, I don't know if you, you know, obviously had an unbelievable start on them.
lost his way a little bit. um I mean, I actually say this quite a lot, especially to a few of my, you know, mates who are Tottenham fans as well. And I think he gets absolute pelt and he did the ah second and half of the season because even if he has a good game, if it's not the level that he was in them first, you know, 10, 11 games or whatever it was, that people are like, oh yeah, he's like, he's not as good, as blah, blah, blah, like bench him all this. And I just think he's probably a victim of his own success, but I think I think he'll be, and it's probably not what you want to hear, but I think going back to Leicester, but also with that determination to, you know, get back to, you should be like, yeah, I can play this level.
have a fa and that he's gonna score you know one the state I have I have a similar feeling. um I think there's a good chance if Madison's on the pitch. he He's always a threat. It's interesting you say that he had a good start and he he tailed off a little bit. We saw that here. He was I think here for five or six, five years in total. And we often saw he was either good in the second half season or first. And we very rarely saw a whole season. The year we went down, ah he trailed off last three or four months. and ah I'm going to be honest, I hold a bit of ah negativity towards him, a missed penalty that probably sent us down and a bit of a poor attitude I thought at the end, blaming people that I don't think he should have been blaming. But yeah, he's always a threat and he's when he's really on it, he's a fantastic player and he offers something I don't think anyone else in the Spurs squad offers. I also completely understand the frustration because sometimes it feels like he's just chucking his arms up in the air and he doesn't look bothered and it's like,
why Why can't you just marry up the fantastic side of him? but yeah like that's the thing i mean it's a bit It's a bit worrying hearing that from a Leicester point of view, but i mean ah about you know saying you've only seen you you ever saw one good half of the season. But at the end of the day, it is true. but i'm you know I'm hoping that, because obviously we we brought in Lucas Bergval, he's got a lot of hype about him. He's only young, 18, 19 from Swedish league. but especially signed him in January and loading back and now he's back, but he's been playing in preseason and he's been fantastic. And I mean, I personally wouldn't, but there's a lot of Tottenham fans who are very vocal um about playing Bergville over Madison, um which is interesting. I mean, I don't, obviously Madison is one of our vice captains. So I can't, I can't see Poster, plus Poster Cogley loves him as well. um But unless he plays really bad or throws some kind of hissy fit, which Poster Cogley won't stand for,
which I won't rule out as well as much as I do love Madison. You know, at the end of the day, he ah is prone to, like I said, f throwing his arms about a little bit. From an outside perspective on Spurs, I really like Pashta Kogli. Like, I've been really impressed. I liked him at Celtic. um He's somebody I would have wanted us to appoint. And I was quite impressed that Spurs took a chance on him, I think. um I really like him. I really like the style of football. um ah do I did worry a bit at the end of the season, but posses are at burnout and and that happens. um and I know you didn't quite get where you wanted to, but I think I like him. I like the way he carries himself. I think he's a bit no-nonsense, but also he does care and hopefully you can get the best out of players this year, especially someone like Dominic Solanke. Yeah, yeah yeah that's ah that's a good point you bring up as well, because obviously I believe
I have a figure well um i quite, I think it's not really a secret, but I believe ah Dom Solanke is going to make his debut against Lesson's star. So that will be interesting to see. I mean, there's so many factors, I think, in between obviously the game on on Monday between us. So, you know, you're back in the Premier League, new manager, um you know, new system, essentially.

Expectations for Tottenham's Season

ah You know, it'll be interesting to see how how you guys obviously get on. But likewise for us, obviously, you know, second season, um you know,
Are we going to have that progression? Obviously, Dom Solanke is in the team now. and You know, it'd be interesting to see if we've actually kind of kicked on, because obviously, like you said, and this ain't something I'll tell you, you know, second half of the season, it was a bit up, down, up, down. So I think this the sea to see his real sign of progress, I think we've got to start well against Leicester. But yeah, I suppose we'll ah we'll see come come Monday night at eight o'clock.
I usually mostly I can tell in the first 25 minutes how what taught them is turning up. So about 25 minutes in, I might be dropping you a message going, yeah, lost it. So, but before we get on to obviously to the kind of last bit of of the pod today, just quick, I just wanted to say, ah do you have a story to tell that the world needs to hear? ah Have you struggled with reaching new audiences who are engaged with your story? It might be time for you to start a podcast. Let me tell you about a platform platform we use here at the Global Sports Podcast Network.
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Steve Cooper's Tactical Approach for Leicester

Okay then Jake, so kind of getting close to the end of the pod today. ah So to to wrap things up,
um we I mean, we've kind of loosely gone into it, but Steve Cooper obviously appointed um for this season. what What would you like to see you know him implement? What is the one thing you're going to, or one or two things that you're going to look out for? you Obviously playing on the front foot or maybe any kind of but players you want him to get the best out of? What are you thinking? I've been quite negative about Cooper and generally but to be honest one of the things I have been impressed he said I think he's a good man manager he's adaptive and I think he wants he he said quite early he wants the fans to enjoy what they're watching which is I said Maresca didn't always happen um so I'm hoping yeah it'll be quite front footed in it on the counter-attack we won the Premier League playing counter-attack football and I think there's a collective fan base that likes that I'm including in that I like watching
ah low possession football that you play quick. And I think generally football fans like quick football. and So hopefully we're going to see front footed when we got the ball playing quick. ah but But most importantly, we we need to win games of football um and how we do that. Maybe as the season goes on, won't matter so much ah getting the results we need at the the right times. Absolutely.

Premier League Competition and Score Predictions

I mean, yeah, but ah I mean, don't get me wrong, ah there was a period in my life where obviously, you know, Leicester obviously pipped nice to the title.
I want a big fan. I'm not going to lie. ah But I, in fact, that when I used to watch them, I'd be like, Oh, yeah, you know, when then one of them teams, if they lost, you'd be like, okay, decent. But, um, no, I mean, i'm um I'll be, it'll be interesting to see how, how you push on because obviously out the teams, the teams that that came up, um, you know, it'd be interesting to see, you know, how, how you figure against them. But also, you know, even the likes of the people who just stayed up in the prem, like, you know, forest and I'm trying to think who else was down there. Um,
I think Brentford's wolves that there's a few teams that might struggle some things. Yeah. I mean, I think wolves, wolves is a weird one because obviously Gary and Neil is a good manager, but it'd be interesting to see if they push on. But Brentford, I think, you know, even though Ivan Tony's back, I think, I think they're going to be down there. So I think, you know, teams like that for Leicester, I think, you know, they're, they're massive, to massive games when you play them. But, um, but yeah, no, it'd be, it'd be definitely interesting to, to keep an eye on Leicester. Um, me personally for Tottenham going forward.
I think it's got to be top four as ah as a minimum, um especially with Liverpool, you know, obviously new manager, United rubbish. um You know, Chelsea, God knows what's happening there. Newcastle are a threat, but Villa have got more games this season. So I think this year, I think it's a big, big year to hopefully kind of to push on close that gap. But like I said, I'll know in the first 30 minutes what Tottenham are getting in that game. So ah so yeah, that That'll be me for for the season. But before we finish, Jake, we've got to end. Score predictions, Monday night, always home. um I haven't thought of one before, so on the spot. um If I'm being optimistic, let's go for a one-all draw. You don't take your chances. A one-all draw? Yeah, but I think realistically, it's going to be difficult for us. But I'm hoping you don't take your chances and and maybe we're Nick Kwon. You never know. Nick Kwon, we're going to give you chances, mate. Don't worry about that. We will definitely give you chances.
Uh, I'm thinking again, if I, if I'm going optimistic and in, well, not, but I'm not going to say ultimate slack, hopeful, which slightly risk realistic. I think it could be two nil to Tottenham and I'm back in Madison and Dominic Solanke as my goal stories because they're both in my fantasy as well. But realistically, I think one, one, or maybe a two one, I cant can see us maybe conceding and it getting a little bit nervy. Um,
But yeah, no, I guess I

Episode Conclusion and Future Episodes

guess we'll have to see. But that is us for today. ah So don't forget to tune in again tomorrow, where Scott, Joe and Charlie will be premiering our first forecast Friday episode. And also don't forget to head over to GSB and Lester to listen to Jake and the other Lester lads who are releasing daily content ahead of their new ahead of the new Premier League season.
So remember, if you want to have your say on all things Spurs or Leicester, obviously it's at GSB and Tottenham. Likewise for Leicester at GSB and Leicester on all social media. ah So thanks for listening today. This is in the Daily Tottenham Podcast from the Global Sports Podcast Network, the place where we talk Tottenham every single weekday. Goodbye.