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Quest For Glory 1!

Quest Quest
166 Plays3 months ago

Ben and Jess discuss an empiricially perfect adventure game.

Quest Quest podcast is Ben Vigeant and Jess Morrissette.
Editing by Ben Vigeant
Show art by Kevin "WilcoWeb" Wallace

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Acknowledgments and Legal Notices

The podcast you're now listening to is produced through the efforts of many people, the designers, artists, programmers, musicians, and lots of other hardworking folks. If you make copies of this podcast for any reason, other than to make a personal backup, you're not only breaking the law, but raising the cost of the podcast for all legitimate you listeners. Please do not make illegal copies of this podcast. Oh, and by the way,
You'll need the information contained in the printed documentation to successfully complete this podcast.

Introducing QuestQuest and Podcast Inspiration

In other words, it's not just the law. It's a good idea. This is QuestQuest.
Is it? Yeah, yeah, yes. I read this was a a joke idea ah when when ah i I started to play Quest for Glory one again, which is the the what we're going to talk about today. And I saw that opening, which I've seen a million times over like 20, no 30 plus years.
And I thought, oh, that would be a fun little, little thing to read at the beginning because that's at the beginning of one and two. Yeah. I like how it comes in with like a very accusatory tone for our listeners to start out with. Like, I think that's the, that's the energy we want to generate the same way. I imagine that's what the Coles want to generate as well. I was trying to think as you read through that, yeah is there any other.
video game that starts with a piracy warning that you can think of like that that's I know some of them will like shame you if you fail to put in the copy protection correctly but I'm trying to think if I could recall any other that just like right off the bat is like hey you filthy pirate we know you're filthy pirate in our games And yeah, just to be clear, because this is a risk to do that joke at the beginning if you are an unfamiliar with that, but that's the message that plays the beginning of Quest for Glory 1 to 2. And I think like some, I think there's a small text thing in even modern games today that you'll find where it will say something, like it will have some sort of like don't copy
that floppy yeah ah but ah but I don't I can't think of other ones I it's also interesting to me because ah I don't think it's in like to your point I don't think it's in any non quest for glory games but it seems like it could be in any Oh yeah, adventure game it like quest for glory one doesn't even really have copy protection I don't know what it's referring to when it says that there's information in the documentation that's required to complete the game because I haven't looked at the manual for it and I understand we're doing a podcast about this I haven't looked at the pal ah the manual for it the
ah adventure course, famous adventures, correspondence school manual that comes with quest for glory one i in many, many, many years. Yeah, I mean, it describes the spells and I guess maybe some of the descriptions of doesn't include descriptions of monsters that maybe give you some hints about Yeah, like maybe you can harvest cheetah claws

Hosts Introduction and New Features

or something. But yeah, I mean, all that's more just like,
tips more so than what you think it was. It's not fourth word on the 11th page. Yeah, kind of. copyation ah Code name ice man. The game most similar to quest for glory in a lot of ways. All right. All right. All right. Let's let's introduce ourselves. This is a quest quest the point in click adventure game podcast. I'm Ben. I'm also on Twitch. ah P.S. Underscore Garak G.A.R.A.K. And I am Jess. I am on Twitch where I stream retro games every Wednesday night as decaf Jedi. Every night. That's right. Practically every night. I mean, yeah, basically anytime I'm sure Ben's not streaming, I'm just on their streaming. Yeah. Or when we're recording a podcast. That's right. There's only two reasons I wouldn't be streaming. That's right.
Well, in addition to ah ah a pre-prepared written bit at the beginning, we have another new thing up here at the top because this is the first podcast ah we've done since the podcast has started. So we have an email, and Jesse didn't, I didn't prepare you for this, but ah folks, we have an email.
All right, so this email,
Subject is one of Jess's in quotes friends. So Jess I'll leave you to interpret what that means. quote,
games jess in the eighty
if i enjoyed it or even if i wanted to help i It was to either be his stair jockey, keeping Gwyddian from falling off the cliff foot before Manannin returns, or no video games for me, I did what I had to to survive. But seriously, I love King's Quest games today, because Jess got King's Quest II for Christmas in 1986. This is an established bit of Jess Moore.
I think we both shared that initial storybook moment of the screen drawing and filling in the colors. I never embraced the rest of Sierra's catalog or the LucasArts games in the same way that Jess did. But I was one of those helpers who would sometimes control the joystick, help draw maps, try to solve puzzles. This music really makes this epic. A little melancholy too. Yeah.
I find memories of that time and I'm grateful for Jess Sharing those games with me. Anyway, I love the first podcast episode and look forward to more Andy. Thank you Andy
Well, let me say this. First of all, Andy is my oldest and dearest friend. I literally met him on the school bus my first day of kindergarten. So, um oldest and dearest friend, and I just want to say this, he can go straight to hell. Wow. I don't appreciate this this implication that he was my stair jockey, that all he was there for was to control the joystick when I was doing all the heavy lifting. um Yeah, no, I mean, that's upstate. No, that's amazing. you know It is wild to think about the idea that, you know, I've had, I've shared these sorts of games with people who've been important parts of my life for literally, you know, like 35, close to 40 years now. And it's great to hear from Andy. Again, dear friend, Andy did the design for the box art for stair quest. Oh, yeah, that's good. That was something super important to me. I wanted to get him involved because he had been there from the start when I first fell in love with King's Quest. And just, yeah, thank you, Andy, for writing that. it That was amazing. It's, it, it, it warmed my heart to hear that. ah But yeah, don't criticize me on my podcast.
And if you want to send us an email for me to read over melancholy music, uh, you could send that to us at quest, quest podcast.
at gmail, Quest Quest podcast at gmail All

Recent Gaming Adventures and Nostalgia

right. So, Jess, I have ah a ah question here, which is what have you been playing lately? Maybe this needs a sad little tune, too. I'll have to dig through my royalty free catalog. That's right. We aren't paying for any of this. Don't get it twisted. Well, I paid for the the humble bundle of it.
Well, 20 dollars. All right. Anyway, I figured out what the lowest number I could put in there. They would let me click submit on and I did it. Are you humble bundle guilting me? No, no, no, Ben. I mean, I guess I look humble. one Guilted.
I guess I just look at the charity and I look at the hardworking devs and I just try to say to myself like, am I in a position to make a difference in the world for these people and whatever charity they're helping out? And I also understand that while others would approach it, like how can I get as much for as little as possible? I think both are valid approaches. Right, right, okay, great. Well, Jess, time for us to talk about the games we've been playing.
Okay. I know we've been playing lately. Go ahead, Jess. I streamed this one just a couple of days ago um and I was really hyped about it. um There is a new Rocky Horror Show video game that just came out titled The Rocky Horror Show Video Game. It is from Freak Zone Games who previously did Manos The Hands of Fate. Yeah. i believe I think they also did the angry video game nerd um video game, if I'm not mistaken. So um it's a platformer. It's a retro eight bit kind of thing and absolutely loved it. Super charming. It's like an hour of gameplay, which means for me, it took me about two hours to finish. That's about the case with Monos. Yeah, Monos game is I don't know if you played that too, but but that's that's pretty it's it's it's it's nice in and out.
Yeah, I haven't played that one and this one is yeah, I mean if you love rocky horror it is a great encapsules encapsulated pollution Encapsulation, that's the word isn't the encapsulation. Capsules encapsulation of the film. um It's fantastic and the best part is it has an awesome chiptune soundtrack that just has wonderful versions of nearly the entire catalog of Rocky Horror ah picture show music. The most important takeaway is in a world where all Rocky Horror games have been absolute garbage. Like, unfinishable. There's a point and click adventure game they've made and remade. That is one of the worst games I've ever streamed. a point you what Was that point click?
Was that because that is what was, what was the name of that game? It was like Rocky horror picture adventure game. I think it was something like that. Yeah. It's been so long and I've tried to erase it from my brain. And that's one of

British Spectrum Games and Adventure Game Niche

those like, uh, now, now that I've been watching so much of Jeff, Jeff Grossman play all the, the NES games on his, his Twitch.
uh like now I identify like I identify that as oh that is a extremely British like it was probably on like the spectrum or yes certainly on ah the Commodore 64 they had a very specific way that their games like that they they made games like that at the time that to us Americans are is just complete, like a completely inscrutable. Absolutely. That was the word I was going to use. Yeah. I mean, I see those games and like, I played a, I think a Miami vast game for the spectrum once. And I don't know why that license would be a popular spectrum license. And it was a bizarre game spectrum. Have you ever played it like, or just like emulated it?
I've emulate it. I believe I've never even seen one of the things in real life. Yeah, yeah I don't know if like maybe they imported some of them. or Yeah. tried to Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen Amiga in real life. You've never seen an Amiga. I don't think I've ever seen Amiga. I've been here ah in in the spring ah here in the Midwest. There's the Midwest gaming classic, ah which is up in Milwaukee.
One of the things that they've had in the past and I think they still have is they have like a room, which is like the retro computer room. Just walk through a room and there's like, you know, a PC junior in it. Like there's all the old computers. that Everyone that is listening to this is like, Oh yeah, I had that Tandy.
and you get to look at it, and and usually they have King's Quest 1 on them. There you go, that's what you want to see, that's what it's all about. So you can see the screens fill in, which is very cool. That's nice that a retro gaming convention, they have a little PC room, because I always feel bad in retro gaming spaces when I remember that like the retro gaming I really care about is such a tiny, tiny slice of what retro gaming actually is. Like you walk into a retro game store, And it's like, we have all the PlayStation three games you could ever want, but we don't even stock like old computer games or, you know, you search the retro category on Twitch and I'm like, why isn't everybody here playing point and click adventure games? It sucks to be like, it's like, Oh wow. Nerd culture is so popular. Everyone plays video games.
And then like i it's like, oh, you play video games? Where are you playing? And it's like you push up your glasses again. It's like, well, recently I've been playing a conquest of the long bow, a game made at night. And they're they're like, oh no, you're you but you're still a nerd. like you're still yeah This is still unacceptable to me.
i think that's it I think there is no amount of mainstreaming of nerd culture that could ever make adventure games popular with a large audience. I think no matter how popular nerd culture becomes, it will remain a niche within that that community.
Walking Dead. Walking Dead. That was popular. A game that we famously liked a lot when we talked about it on stream. We're retconning that episode um that, you know, we loved it. It was great. What have you been playing though, Ben? I've been playing Rocky Horror.
Everybody, everybody knows what I've been playing. I know what you've been playing. If you know me, if you've been watching my streams, I've been playing UFO 50. That is my game of the year. It will be impossible for it. Like, I mean, there's two months left on the clock, but I think it's extremely unlikely for anything like UFO 50 if you're unfamiliar it's currently only on on Steam I believe it's ah but yeah I mean it makes sense that it it will eventually end up on consoles right like that seems like got it it's gotta be on switch Yeah, it's got to go on the switch. Anyway, it is a collection of ah fictional ah games, like actual games, but games from a fictional 80s console or series of consoles ah from the 80s from 1982 to 1989. And they're all real like full games and they're all kind of riffs and
a clever takes on ah games from then or retro versions of contemporary games or fresh ideas of their own and ah yeah i mean i just i was playing it earlier today i was playing it yesterday i've been playing intensely for the past month i have.
uh 80 hours in it wow beaten of the 50 i've uh beaten i think uh 17 or 18 of the games like wow that's only an hour and a half per game though so i mean really when you think about it it's not that yeah yeah that bad yeah i mean that's a great point ben you can ask you this you you said it's your game of the year right do you think This is a legitimate game of the year contender, like at the broader level of the gaming press. Do you think this is one that is in the running?

Game of the Year Contenders

I don't think it's not broken through enough. I think.
uh it's interesting because i think a lot of the reviews ah of the game were extreme like some of them were extremely ah positive ah but sometimes when i've heard like journalists or or critics talk about it uh journals yeah they hated media uh Um, uh, but when I hear them talking about it, it's, it's like, they, they didn't, uh, go, uh, as deep on it, which is the same because it's 50 games. Yes. Uh, and so like, uh, you know, they might've had to, you know, put like, you know, a set amount of time with each game and go like, all right, that's, I got it. Um, uh, uh, so I don't know. I don't know. Like I, I think my feeling is that it is going to rest comfortably.
in at a high of three and a low of six in top tens of the year. That's my feeling. It's my number one. It's going to get mentioned in the end of year recaps. What did come out this year? What is the game of the year?
I have no idea. See, also the other thing of being a nerd that only like ah like streams things that like two dozen people are interested on a good night is ah that I couldn't even tell you what's popular right now. ah Yeah. Call of Duty six black ops.
I mean, like, i i like i yeah, i' I mean, oh, uh, uh, uh, Bellato, that will probably be twos that Bellato will probably exist, uh, on the, on the two level for, uh, most people, I think. Ben, can I be completely Frank with you? Uh, fine. and We said we wouldn't get serious to that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I.
have heard of Balatro. I have seen a number of headlines about it. I've seen people post about it on social media. I literally could not tell you what genre, what concept, what platform. And I thought for weeks that it was one of the games in UFO 50.
Oh, great. Oh, you know, it's probably going to be number one is the Astro like the. Oh, yeah, the Astro. That's and probably ah the Zelda. Anyway, sorry. Continue. That just popped me. I don't know what it is. and and I'm now afraid to look it up. I don't know.
Uh, well, well, Jess, uh, Bellato is, uh, like one of those, uh, Roguelike, uh, deck builder games, except that it is, uh, based on, uh, poker. Um, oh so you have to like pay money in their real store to get like a two of diamonds.
No, no, it's all it's all there is no actual gambling in it. ah But i they like it. Bellato, you have to build ah poker hands ah to ah make a certain amount of chips i and ah you there.
Bellatro means Joker, and there are a variety of jokers in the game that you can hold in your hand that have special like superpowers that modify your hand and like make certain cards.
worth more, certain suits worth more, or like certain things. And so it's like a cheating at poker game kind of it's a lot of fun. It's an enormous amount of fun. it's Okay, why everybody is crazy about it. Have you played any deck builder? Like have you played Slay the Spire any of that? Is Marvel snap a deck builder?
um or That's more of like a collectible card game, right? That's totally different genres. ah you're We're heading into the area of gaming where my knowledge and experience is at the absolute bottom. I don't think I've played a proper deck builder. Okay. Well, Slay the Spire is very good. And Bellatro is also very good. There you go. Do you remember the Homestar Runner cartoon where Homestar is out building a deck?
It's very good. why He's going to use galvanized nails a lot. He's like going to use decarbonized nails. Do you think that that cartoon was made today, they would make a like, you know, strong dad would make a joke, like you'd show up and be like, Oh, I've heard of deck builders, but not building a deck. You know, I think so. Yeah. yeah nerds They love nerd humor.
uh so are are are you ready to to talk about ah today's subject quest for glory one so you want to be a hero uh that's right
i I love that i little t fanfare. It's the

Quest for Glory: A Nostalgic Retrospective

little tune with the it's the the version of the theme with a little a little snare drum and this is so quest for glory one when I go back and I i play it like I did today.
Uh, I, I set it up to play, like to emulate the same type of sound that my computer did at the time, which was, so this is like the ad libs, like the ad lib compatible. This is a sound blaster pro, uh, and with digitized sound effects off.
Gotcha. Which means that it does synth versions of the digital noises. So it's like if somebody knocks at a door, it doesn't make a door knock noise. It just goes like a ding, ding, ding. yeah Yeah. And that's how I remember the game.
Yes. That's important. When you're playing a game like this, you want to get some degree of fidelity with your memory. And for me, I think I played it on the same source system. I think I played this on my Tandy 1000 TX, um which was my second computer and same boat there. i'd I'd upgrade from Tandy three voice to some sort of sound blaster knockoff. And that that was the version of the thing that plays as you leave town for the first time, right? Which is Absolutely. Maybe one of my favorite music cues and see our history. There's just something about it. Like you're going out into the world and here it is. Your quest is now properly begun. Oh my gosh. I love it. It is so good. I so so Jess, why did why did we pick quest for glory of all the games? We just talked about the walking dead of all the games in the world. Why ah why quest for glory one? Why are we talking about quest for glory one today?
I think I can speak for both of us because we've talked about this in the past. yeah For both of us, Quest for Glory 1 is a huge comfort game. right like It's one of those games that if I want to just chill out in a game that I know forward and backwards that I love,
that I can just sort of let wash over me for an hour or two. Quest for Glory 1 is on that very short list of games for me that really serves that purpose just flawlessly. It is a comfort game.
the ah That's beyond compare. There you go. That that lovely sound. Nobody been. Would you agree? Is that? Is that why this one was? appealing you I mean, the world's falling apart around us. Yeah. And a comfort game like quest for glory, a place like Spielberg is where I want to be right now. Yeah, exactly that. Like a quest for glory. ah One is a game as as you said, I know it.
like all the way like back to back to front. I know I have the entire map memorized and had the map memorized since I was I don't know eight when I first played it. ah I Like I have the character, I have the build that I always build, I have the order that I always do it. I generally will play a hero to the point where I get him to like 99 in every single skill yes before I beat the game. like it is i like And this sound effect is like white noise. I should probably put this, like,
You know, maybe I should, uh, uh, it's like, do you think that there could be a Sierra ASMR channel? Oh man. I'm sorry. I just registered, uh, the, uh, YouTube channel, Sierra ASMR. So too bad if you were thinking about this. Um, yeah, no, this sounds like an amazing idea. Like I was literally just thinking, it's like, why not upload a video?
There's just like 10 hours of forest sounds. That's your glory for a sound. Well, uh, because some other ones have, have this forest, like me, as I said, uh, long bow that has this, uh, a couple, like a couple games have the no music.
Birdsong. Yes. A forest. And I love it. Absolutely love it. I mean, this is amazing to me right now. This is the problem. like I feel like we're going to spend this whole episode gushing about just how everything about Quest for Gory won is perfect. And that's because I think it may be. I think this is is on the short list of best Sierra games of all time for me. Yeah, it's the UFO 50 of Sierra games. That's what everybody's been saying lately.
This is three games in one. Yeah. Uh, now you're all, I'll turn off the goodbye forest sounds. Um, so, but let's make an important distinction here because this is, this is, this is a ah big distinction and it also in the eyes of some of the listeners, this might be disqualifying for me. Jess, what version of the game do you play? The correct one. I play the EGA version.
And Ben, which version do you play? I play the version that I played when I was a child, which was the VGA ah re remake. Yes. Undoubtedly, undoubtedly is the best of the VGA remakes that that Sierra did. It's better than ah the space quest and the police quest and and all the other remakes. I think without a doubt. I mean, yeah, that it is. It is the only one that I think There is an argument to be made that it is better than the original. I still prefer the original because it's what I played. I think if I'm being completely honest, the if it's a comfort game, you are playing it to play it like you played it. That's exactly right. That's perfect. but Yeah, I mean.
the The others are a varying quality like I can't publicly say that I'd like the VGA version of space quest one because that is too hot of a topic in the space quest community people get mad at me. um I think it's fine.
I don't know, man. I've gotten in hot water before praise. Listen, listen, listen. i'm I'm just saying I, I know you can't because it gets political. I guess it's real political, real fast. It gets very political. So political. Yeah. It gets very political. I mean, just the politics of it all.
But I'm not afraid to make enemies. That's right. That is your defining trait. um Just just like you made enemies of all the people who are going to pirate our podcast just so they could share with a loved one. Because I mean, I would think piracy of a podcast includes like if someone else is sitting in your car while you're listening to it, they didn't download that. I didn't listen to a podcast in a car that you stole.
But no, I mean, yeah, that that for me, yeah the the others, I mean, we just see Larry wondering, re make what I have, you know, the but what else got a remake police quest. There's worse. One has a ah size zero. Yes, the zero remake, which is pretty good. I mean, you had some additional writing, which that game sort of thinly written writing, which is, yeah. and ah But even then, in a central what is what is great. What I love about the VGA version. And again, this is because this is the version that I played when I got it. You know, this is the one that I got. And ah did I tell you this, Jess, I got it because someone
in a chat room. Oh, wow. Uh, the imagination network. Maybe it was when it was TSN, maybe this is when it was this is here online said to me, Oh, you like all the quest games? I'm like, yeah, I'll have you played quest for glory. I was like, no, like quest for glory is the best one that user's name Corey C.
yeah But no, you know that I can tell you how I got this game. but um I ah when I trip with my parents to ah the nearest radio shack, which was about 30 minutes away from where I grew up. I was a kid. I didn't know, I didn't have access to catalogs that would tell me what was out or anything. So a lot of times when I found out about a new Sierra game, it was simply by merit of walking into this radio shack and seeing it sitting on a shelf somewhere. And I walked in and on the shelf,
Saw Heroes Quest. I was like, that sounds interesting. I pulled it down. I was like, oh my gosh, this is a Sierra game. At that point, I was already hooked on Sierra. I asked the sales guy about, he said, oh, you're gonna like that one. And I bought it with my own money. It may have been the first game I ever purchased with my own money. I think I may have dropped a cool 39.99 on that baby. So it probably been out a little while. I think I remember this story ah specifically because I was like, I got it. And my thought still to this day when I played is,
You know, I'm impressing that guy that told me, yeah, I was showing him. I'm um a young man with refined tastes like that. That person told me it's the best one and in a chat room in Sierra's ah ear early, early nineties, massively multiplayer.
ah video gaming service and you know what like now now that that person whoever it is ah you know ah we're we're forever linked and I don't I'm absolutely sure he does not remember this at all you never can tell Ben don't don't discount the impact you may have had on this person's life well what receiving advice Yeah, I love when people take my bus it makes me so happy as I get and I could get I mean here Yeah, I mean, this is where we diverge. You're you're a VGA ah person.

Game Plot, Mechanics, and Art Style

I'm an EGA person Can we agree what the correct class to play is? with Oh Badger
undoubtedly right thief. i way you could do everything Yeah, that Yeah, it's wonderful. Have you ever played through as a fighter? Just to strap five? Yeah, just just Yeah, just to do it now. Now here, let me rewind a little bit just in case there is someone that's listening to this podcast. And it's like, wait a minute.
I don't know what quest for glory one is. I just randomly matched the play button and decide to keep listening after a half hour. That was part of my iPhone and this started playing. Yeah. But quest for glory is a quest for glory. One is the first of a ah a quintet, right? Five games sure of ah adventure games with ah a RPG element. It also is unique ah in the sense that you can carry your character from game ah to to game, like copying over ah the skills that you accrue and magic and and so on. ah This is the first game. And in the first game, ah you come to the sleepy town of Spielberg, which is a very like Germanic
like a little Alpine sleepy village and an evil witch Baba Yaga has cursed the valley. Yes. Uh, and, uh, like, and since the curse, all sorts of terrible things have happened. The Baron's daughter has been kidnapped. Baron's son has vanished and horrible brigands have, uh, come to, uh, like lay siege to the small town. And, uh, you're someone that, uh, quote unquote attended the famous adventurers correspondence school, which is a great joke.
Incredible joke. Yes. Great joke. And it's just like the, you know, the subtitle of the first game is so you want to be a hero hero's quest colon. So you want to be a hero? No, it was. So you want to be a hero added after they got rid of heroes quest or was it here as a colon? So you want to be a hero question. Let's see here. Let me look at my copy here on my shelf. Just a moment. Scoot, scoot, scoot, scoot.
but i still hear some I'll put on some melancholy email music Yeah, it was on the cover Okay. So it was yeah we're still subtitled. So you won't be a hero. That's very funny. um But in the game you can ah be ah one of three different classes of fighter a ah magic user or a thief and ah that gives the game ah replayability because each has a way of solving ah many of the puzzles.
Though, you can also i solve the the puzzles ah how whichever way you want. So if you're a thief, you can use magic if you have that skill. Right. Yeah, there are only a few areas where it really limits you things like what thieves don't have the zap spell, which maybe shuts you down and play mages maze with that with Erasmus and a few things like that. But no, it's is that right? And I imagine you don't have the I think you can do mages means.
Maybe you can, but if you do lose one spell, if you are in a straight up, yeah, I think it's still doable. It's bad. Now I, I, I didn't, I didn't touch that on my, my read. I mean, basically what your game here is, you know, a classic Sierra adventure game with.
kind of light RPG, very Dungeons and Dragons-y RPG elements bolted onto it. And that was a lot of the origin. you know The coals have talked about ah yeah their love of Dungeons and Dragons and running campaigns prior to the creation of this. You even see it in the art. ah the The goblin ah design, when you're in your combat with a goblin, is looks like it was practically traced out of the first edition.
D and&D Monster Manual. It's dressed in the same outfit wielding the same weapons. I mean, it's definitely wearing its inspiration on its sleeve. Well, one thing I want to say is that I love about the VGA version.
Is that it has its own, like the the art in the, the EGA and the 16 color version is beautiful and great on its own, but the VGA version goes in a completely different direction. And for all the character models, like, especially the closeups and the monsters, when you fight them, we're all modeled in clay.
and then painted it like shrunk down and painted over ah like you know ah for the computer. And it makes all of the characters look extremely bizarre and yeah funky. I was going to say, it makes all the monsters look cool and all the humans look like monsters.
which is kind of a, kind of a fun, a fun demo. But, you know, I love that. I think that's such a cool choice. And I remember, like, i long before I played the VGA remake of it, um because I don't think I had that as a kid. I don't think I played the VGA remake until I was an adult.
ah But I read about the making of the VGA remake in Interaction Magazine. And they had a whole behind the scenes feature. How did they get behind the scenes on that, Jeff? Well, they they walked down the hall. um they got They got photos of like them sculpting all the the clay models and everything. And that was mind blowing to me as a kid. I was just like, I didn't know you could do that in computer games. what What are you talking about? And I was so fascinated. And like all issues of air action magazine, I probably read it like 30 times, but I can like picture that spread from the magazine in my head of just like, and just cause I must've just read over and over again. It's like, Oh my God, I love quest for glory one. And now it's got claymation in it. Yes. Take me there that I remember one of the more freaky like faces yeah ah that they have in it is that the, uh,
guard ah that runs the gate like the gatekeeper. Yes. Like his face close up, he has like a pig's nose that's like flared up. And as a small child, I have to tell you that provided me with no end of amusement. I was just like, just the first time I saw that face, I could not stop laughing. Like I, I it was like, that's a pig's nose. That's funny. I mean, you know, who else has a pig nose? The two guys from Andromeda.
Wow. Yeah. Sierra really was cornering the market on pig noses. That's right. That was their big thing. Um, if I recall the healer, uh, doesn't she have like some crazy lighting on her face? oh her eyes Yeah. Like, yeah, is that she doesn't.
Her face does not entirely make sense. Yeah, I get that. I can sympathize. um But but no, this is I mean, you can tell just both of us. I think this is the kind of game that we're in a category of we really can just close our eyes and kind of run through it in our hands. And that's yeah, I think that is why we want to talk about it because it's just one that's that's so near and dear to us. Now, I love the series as a whole. I think that Ben, you've said before, this is your favorite out of question. for This is my favorite one.
I think it's, so you know, I think if you'd asked me 10 years ago before I replayed a lot of these games and started streaming them and some stuff like that. I think back then I would have told you quest for glory to trial by fire was my favorite. I really love quest for glory too. I liked the Arabian nights type setting. I'm willing to forgive the fact that the third act of the game just kind of falls apart. and there's not really about a whole lot I don't even know if you could say it falls apart. It's just a different game. It's just like channeling you so much down like a a straight linear path. I'm now realizing that.
for the AGD, the fan group that remade Quest for Glory 2, which both of us played on our streams when they did the the VGA remake of Quest for Glory 2. I'm realizing like there was part of me that felt like kind of empty on on their visuals, and they put a ton of work into this. this is it But like like it it it didn't connect with me and I'm realizing now, you know what they could have done to really make me feel it?
is fucked up clay heads. Like they like here's the thing. That's my note. That's my note. Yeah. Quest Quest podcast is all about fucked up clay heads. Yeah. Like and and they put so much and free work into this. So so please do not interpret this as an actual criticism. But man like now I'm realizing that it's like that would have that would have taken it all the way over the top.
Can you imagine Ali Faker who runs the Saurus lot outside of Shapiro? You know, the, the Groucho Marx stand in. Yeah. And beautiful claymation with a little claymation cigar and, uh, and everything. None of the faces look real. Like they all, no one looks real. Like, because it's also, they're all stylized. Yes. Already. It's already exaggerated. Yeah, so they're not using clay to make the faces look like an actual human's face. They're using them to make like the characters look kind of art like I don't know if there's a discernible
like style across, which makes it even weirder. Like I don't think you could say like, Oh, they all have like, look like all the clay faces look like this. So they all look like this. exaggerating yeah Yeah. Like, Oh, they all have an exaggerated nose. Yeah. yeah or Something like that. No, they all but look kind of squished up and weird.
In a unique way, which is even crazier. i And so anyway, this ah volunteer project that took like several, like, I don't know, six or seven years. Ben has notes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, and and oh, and by the way, will I help? No.
I don't know how to model clay. What do you think? I made of clay. Oh my God. I am made of clay. Oh, to he's melting. Self-realization. He's been a clay man. This entire time. It is now just a puddle. I'm a Gumby. I'm a Gumby. Oh no. I see that would have been fun. Quest for glory. One VGA has ah the cameo from ah Earl Sinclair from ah ah dinosaurs.
Yes. What if it was a cameo from Gumby because they're all these clay freaks. I think it'd sound a little something like this. Hit it, Ben. ah
I queuing you up for the classic I'm Gumby damn it from from SNL. So we love to talk about this, but this is a stealth SNL podcast. So, you know, I wanted to get that in there.
Uh, but, uh, well, I don't have that on the sound board. I don't have, I'm Gumby. Damn it. um the do for No, can just read it from my tattoo if it would help. But, uh, but, but yeah, I mean.
Uh, man, I, you know, I'm probably going to go back to those clay faces because now I'm thinking about it and I'm thinking even more because it's funny because they did really advertise. It was on the back of the box too. It's like, use clay to, to make their like, to make all of these models, to make it look cool. And like.
it They never did it again and you understand why because all the the characters look like freaks. But you know what like it's charming good freaks great freaks awesome freaks freaks that you want. Yes, not not the bad the good like every like oh man and the sheriff's face is all bizarre. Like I'm also thinking about the guild a master who has I think like his mouth is always like partially open and a huge mustache.
Mm hmm. Oh, man, the art, they really went off. The cata look great, though. Yeah, they do. The cata who are there strictly for erotic purposes. ah Look, look fantastic. They, you know, you mentioned the box too. I mean, again, just in case you're wondering where all this is going, it's just gonna be Ben and I talking for the remainder of this podcast about how much we love this game. There's gonna be no critical I applied to it in any way I don't think.
But you mentioned you know I yeah can't think of a single flaw. but this is I really can't think of any problems I have with it. A lot of people at the time said they've done it. They finally made the best video game and they were right. But yeah.
You mentioned the box for Quest for Glory 1 VGA really touting this this this clay ah clay element. I have to say, I think there's a strong case to be made that the Quest for Glory 1 VGA box is maybe the best Sierra box art of all time as well. um The original is kind of a banger already, but the VGA version. I mean, that original with the big red dragon. Yeah, that's good. But oh, man, the stained glass look of the of the VGA version. Oh, yeah. This was the it is a very distinct.
like yeah it's a very very I mean looking yeah once again this is it is impossible for me to be at all ah like you know, say really anything at all about about the like this game with any level of discernment because like I ah like I'm looking at this image like this image here on like Google image search of the box and I'm thinking about holding this box in the electronics boutique. Oh, man. Yeah. I mean, that's the problem. I'm looking at the
I'm looking at an image of the sheriff right now and oh my gosh, he's good. It's such a good face. um That is an experience, amazing graphics, all new art and animation includes clay animation, combat and conversation. That's right.
We love the clay. It's all about the clay. That's what it sets us apart. You know, I have to say, though, for me, I also love the bizarre color scheme of the EGA Heroes outfit. Oh, it's a it's a very odd magenta pants and like a royal blue shirt with a black cape. It is such a bizarre look.
And I mean, it carries over, I guess, at some level into quest for glory too. And then by quest for glory three, they put the hero in more normal tone. Yeah. He just kind of sticks in his like in that outfit for the rest of, uh, for the rest of the game, i agree for the rest of the series. I, I like the little riff that they did on it for the.
the VGA version, like they just didn't make him the the hero from ah like, ah like they neither remade him from one, nor did they just drop in the hero sprite from quest for glory three, which I think they were making around the same time. ah But they, you know, they gave him the nice cape. ah And the capes cool. We all love the cape. Capes good. He should have kept the cape. He should have kept the cape. Gotta have a cape. Yeah.
But yeah, I mean this, yeah i'm I'm looking at screenshots too. Now this is great radio. yeah But yeah, I mean, I just as kind of want to be here. This is, this is where I like, I just saw the, like a little cute screenshot from the Japanese version of it.
ah the EGA Japanese version of the Antwerp. Like as a kid, I thought the Antwerp bit was just absolute gold. Loved the Antwerp, loved when the Antwerp would drop from the sky to the squishy. Oh, when I figured out why what you had to do um uh that like uh so there's this uh character the antwerp which is a bouncy uh uh character or of a bouncy creature um part walrus part beanbag yeah and uh you attack it and it attacks you by when you walk into the next screen it lands on top of you
When I figured out that you can stop it by holding your sword up. Yes. Oh, that's a good puzzle. I mean, this is also the game that, of course, gives us pick knows as a way to train your lock picking up with potentially deadly results. Yeah, and.
like oh man like ah it it what what's great about the the game also is that uh it has a nice like so the the the coals the two people you designed it uh glory and cori uh they they There's a nice, ah ah they're not taking it terribly seriously.

Tone, Humor, and Open-world Exploration

Like it's not a comedy, but it's also not serious. It's very, it's a game with a light touch. And yeah, the stakes feel kind of high for this small Alpine village, yeah but it's a light touch with that. Absolutely.
It's also that like you're the probably the best hero that they could get is a guy that did the correspondence school because the ah like there's I think in the game like I don't know two or three dozen people maybe only like a dozen and a half talking characters. This is a guess but it's like there aren't a lot of people around and the monsters aren't particularly threatening or or Terrify. ah Like there are some big ones. ah But like, you know, you're this is the game makes it clear. This is small potatoes. Yes. He's a bear, not a king.
Yeah, that's right. I mean, and that's what makes the progression through the series, which was something the Coles were thinking about when they designed this one, like where they wanted it to go. They were already playing out of four game arc that turned into a five game arc. ah You can tell they wanted to be small potatoes. I mean, this really is here as quest one. This is you, you know, I'm I want to be a mighty hero guy brush style kind of action at some level and the stakes go up with each subsequent game. I feel like I mean yeah until we going the final game where you like the game ends with a big climatic dragon battle. That's right. Finally.
Spoilers. Spoilers for quest for glory. Five yeah additional spoiler spoiler. Don't play quest for glory. Five one. It's better. It's better than its reputation. It's fine. Yes. Absolutely. That is true. It's, it's perfectly. cromulan It is. It's fine. it's it I mean, I can't imagine anyone who would rank it any higher than fifth favorites of the series, right? I mean,
Right? I don't know. A lot of people hate question number three. Yeah, I don't. I might, uh, I'll I'd have to think about it. Uh, I mean, it's not great, but I don't think it's, it's as bad as, as its reputation. I thought it was pretty interesting when I played it and it, it, it, tuned up like the RPG stuff, which was kind of anyway, this isn't, we're talking about, yeah, no, I know. I know. one but We're talking about one man. Just talking about one, which yeah like one is in two and but in this case, just the ones, just the ones. Um,
You know, I think about the game, you know, I think we talk, I've talked a lot before about the idea that something that I loved about Sierra's early games was how open and free they felt. And I think this is one that does that better than maybe any other game in the catalog. Like I really do feel like once you walk out of those gates and you get that jaunty little rendition of the quest for glory one thing, there it is.
like all all of the the earlier Sierra games were very to your point open world like Kings quest 123 to an extent or Uh, like a bunch of those games, you just, it's just like, all right, here's a big world, wonder around it. And, and there's room to solve puzzles in this one in different orders, which is really nice and more so than the average game. Yeah. Um, yeah, it just, that for me.
is what really sets it apart. And yeah, I think also there are so many elements of it that left me wanting more in a good way too. Like there were characters I was fascinated with. Like I thought ah Zara, the owner of the magic shop in both versions of quest for glory, one VJs, like incredibly cool character. Like that's someone that, you know, I would love to see a little storyline with. I know that I've seen many a person talk about how they wish there was some sort of option for like a romance with Hilda.
that's shot The centaur girl that sells fruits and vegetables in in Spielberg. I mean, that almost feels like cut content. I don't believe she is there for no reason. I I well, she's there to sell you fruit, which to the giant. Yes. That that's another character that looks just completely insane in the close up. But.
Yeah, like, I mean, that's, that's another thing about it is that I would love, I would love to play, uh, like just more of quest for glory one. Like it's a, but, but I, I think it's fine as it is. It's just like, it's a world. What I love about it is that because.
Since it has like these light RPG touches, which means that there's battles in it, which are, you know, very light and, you know, I like the, the VGA interface for the fights. It's very straightforward and easy. I know what in the original, it's kind of.
hard, right? It's a little fiddly. Like, I don't know that I would call it hard. You know, if if it's kind of what you get used to, it's not that bad. I i still think that probably VGA is an improvement on the combat. I think the quest query to has the best combat in the series, but that's probably a controversial take.
And we're not talking about Questry glory to shut it down. Yeah, shut down. Mind the ones that but ah like what I like about it is that like my what I wanted as a kid in so many of these games is I wanted to play an adventure game where like you just kind of live in the town. Yes, kind of hang out.
Like it's like, Oh, I don't really have to solve, like, you know, like, uh, uh, there, there are, there are people that I could talk to and there were things to do in their puzzles, but also I could just kind of walk around and talk to everybody. And that was like, this game really scratched that itch and be like.
Later games, ah that to some extent, some of them, ah two especially, has like a timer and things happen on a specific calendar. Whereas this, you could do everything and it's leisurely, like you might as well call your character Larry.
That's right. So leisurely leisurely. You can play the game. You could go very long in it and, you know, play darts. If you could play mages maze. Excuse me. ah There are what two mini games in addition to fighting, which is kind of a mini game. Yeah. There's a mages maze, which is a little magic mini game, which is terrible in the ass.
I mean, that maybe that is my one criticism I have of Gabe, is that, but no, I mean, this is exactly right. I mean, you mentioned earlier, You mentioned leveling up, grinding your stats at the top. And absolutely, that's how I played this too. Again, without a real timer, there are a couple of timed bits, but if you know how to kick them down the road, they aren't going to really slow you down much. But um for me, what I really liked about that too is thinking about it almost from like a fourth wall kind of standpoint of imagining these people of Spielberg who've placed all their hopes in you and they have to watch you go outside of the city gates and just bend over a handfuls of rocks. and just throw them at nothing for, you know, hours. It's like, he did that for over 12 hours today. And then he just stood around and rested in place and then did it some more. And, you know, uh, and that it's even better by the time you get to question gory too, because then it's like, he just goes out in the desert and throws rocks all day and pops stamina pills. Like he's just like taking this guy's got a problem. She's taking trucker speed all day long and throwing rocks. at Yeah.
like yeah the the the the healer is just like yeah he's been trying to climb the tree outside of my healer's hut uh for three days now and he keeps falling he's doing it so rapidly like he's just really like just like scraping those arms and legs on the side of it and just getting nowhere he's just pressing his body up against it and isn't even leaving the ground i don't know what to do and then earlier he got up there and he fell flat on his ass. Just fell right out of that tree. i Maybe I should just go out there and tell him I'm fine without the ring. and It was not that important to me after all. Yeah. ah ah they
and Yeah, if ah you consider any of that, it is that that doesn't quite make sense. That is true. them Did you name your character after yourself? Did you make the like when you play? Were you as a kid? Were you been in the game? I think I was been in the game. You were been the game. Yeah, I think I care. What was your character's name? Slide nimble fingers. It was my thief name.
i have lying nimble finger Now I would I think sometimes I would call him sneak yeah i know yeah You were playing you were playing D and&D though, that's a very D and&D ass name, right? Absolutely. I was already playing D and&D as a small child. Yeah Yeah, like, uh, so, so, all right. Here's, here's a, a note i I have here. How often do you return to quest for glory one? Jess, this is a comfort game. How, how often do you come back to this? I feel like I get this once a year. I think this is a once a year hit for me is about all I need. I need, I need to play this once a year. I need to play.
Space Quest 3 once a year. I need to play King's Quest 2 once a year. And that's just to get right. That's just to like get even and be able to like function. If I don't play all three of those once a year, other parts of my life begin to suffer. I see.
i I think I've revisit one or like I revisit this game ah once ah once a year, maybe every other year sometimes. Yeah. but ah But yeah, like I revisit it and that doesn't necessarily mean I beat it every year. No, totally. And i the like, but sometimes I'll get a like, you know, a wild hair and then go like,
Well, you know what, maybe I'll go on to two and then I just kind of stop there. yeah play Like a little bit of two and then be like, yeah. Well, I mean, both of us um a couple of years back started a full series. Yeah, we did all five on our streams with competing.
ah streams on Tuesday, that's been you would stream as as a thief. Yeah. And I would stream. once Yeah, I would say that's I would stream as with my magic user. And yeah, we took those characters one through five. It's the first time I've ever done that. um I seldom even bothered importing my character from one to another.
Um, I usually just start over fresh. Uh, so yeah, that was, um, that was really exciting to actually get to take a character all the way through the series. What a great idea. I know that it wasn't the first game to have some of that ability to carry over like yeah wizardry. You can carry your, yeah. um Maybe one of the Bart's tells did that too, or am I imagining? Yeah. but Certainly wizardry one through three at least. Yeah. But what a wonderful idea. I mean, you,
you really do even though you know it's the level of characterization beyond just the name is the same pretty much regardless it it is a great way to feel attached to a character yeah exactly like yeah you get it gives you a real sense of scale and also like the thing is is that I love as I as I said I love how low the stakes are in in this game. ah Like, I like that it's a cozy little town, a sleepy little town with the just a couple sleepy little town problems. One witch. Like, yeah, just one witch, and she's very food obsessed. Yeah, that's awesome. And then some brigands who honestly are pretty charming too. they The three stooges are there.
There's a where we're gonna have to talk about the Three Stooges puzzle because that is The strangest that's easily the strangest puzzle in this game, right? It's got it it's the strange to this i think it's a strange puzzlezz in this game no So in this game if you haven't played it ah in the climax of the game there is a sequence of where you ah are i you know you've film infiltrated the brigands base and you have to get into the next room but between you and the next room are three brigands that are obviously the three Stooges and it's a series of timed
like inputs, like it's like when they come near this thing, then you have to push over the candelabra to block them and like there's the door and you have to do it in like you have to time it. You can't do it all like immediately. You have to do it like when they're in the correct position.
And you almost certainly have to learn it through trial and error, right? I think it'd be very hard. Yeah. There is no way it'd be a miracle. Get it the first time. Like, because I didn't even know, like some of those things in that room were interactable, you know? No, absolutely. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's a wild puzzle. and I mean, it ends the best way a puzzle can, which is dropping a chandelier on some bad guys, right? I mean, they're all going whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop.
Absolutely. I mean, that's all I ever want out of, as a kid who grew up loving cartoons and stuff. I want to drop chandeliers on people. So, I mean, but it isn't it's a strange puzzle. And it dead ends you. It just kills you immediately. like Absolutely. If you fail it, it's not that you go into a fight with them.
Uh, which would have been fun, which would have been consistent with the rest of the game too. yeah You know, it's very strange that like in this scenario, they just kill you immediately. Like it just Sierra dead ends you if you don't solve it. Because by that point, I think the hero could easily kill all three stooges. I mean, who do you think the stooges are not a threat for the hero. If you've killed a cheetah, you're telling me you can't kill Larry fine.
Yeah, I mean, you know, like Mo, Mo's quite a scrapper. Well, they all seem fairly indestructible to me. Well, now that I'm thinking about this, Ben, could you defeat the Three Stooges given their incredibly high thresholds for pain? See, that's the problem.
Is that like, yeah.

Puzzles, Comedy References, and Final Thoughts

And it's also, it's like, you know, Mo always somehow gets a full hand, uh, of wary's hair when it's making that sound effect. Like yeah it like ah that that crunch, crunch, crunch. They, they had fun. Now see that, uh, Hey Cole's now see, you can improve the scene with the three Stooges. If you added some of those three Stooges, Columbia, uh, sound effects that, that made it like that. Yes. Oh.
have you ever watch Have you ever watched any of the the Three Stooges when they're very, very old? And it's- Oh, and Larry, and Curly Joe. And it's like it's not quite as... ah ah there's a little There's a little more of an air of tragedy ah to it because you're like, they're old men and you you're anxious about them getting hurt.
Ben, have you ever watched the 1970s cartoon, The Robonic Stooges? No, I have not watched the 1970s cartoon, The Robotic. Robotic? Robonic. Robonic. Yes. Robonic. Are you familiar with this? What's a robotic? What does that mean? I don't know why it's called that sort of robotic because they are just the three stooges with like Inspector Gadget yeah style upgrades.
And they're robotic. Yeah. They're robotic. Yeah. I mean, yeah. Everyone who's listening, please Google the robotic stooges because I think in a lot of ways it's the definitive interpretation of the, of the stooges. There was, yeah. I mean, it's, it's good stuff, but maybe we're going down too much of a rabbit hole of stooges. Scat man, uh, Carruthers, uh, did a voice. Oh.
And I have to, I might have to watch there. All right. There, there aren't that many episodes of this in the last episodes, eclipse show. There are 32 episodes in one of them's eclipse show and all three stooges were absolutely dead by this point. So that's an interesting twist. Yeah. Like it, uh, it's like lost. Wow. It is like lost. It's a lot like lost. People don't realize that. Um,
And yeah, ah the Robonic Stooges. Man, in 2021, it was announced that the Robonic Stooges would become a comic book series. Finally. Did ah you pick this up three years ago? ah Issue one of the Robonic Stooges?
Yeah, I've sent away for grading and slabbing, so I'll be coming back soon, hopefully, in an even more valuable form. I'm going to get that sucker on eBay. Yeah. i My 9.2 copy of Robotic Stooges, number one, is going to make me a mint.
a Uh, you know, all right. So they also had in the quest for glory games, like they would have like comedy duos or group show up like in. and So we're but the three stages non-robotic show up in one. The Marx Brothers ah show up in two. Sanford and son. Yes happy who you would say is in and then is there no one in four or five?
Well, if you consider several Jack Nicholson's comedy, a comedy crew, if, if, yeah, if, uh, I mean, that was just the voice actors, uh, who decided that they weren't interested in reading the scripts.
Yeah. Several Jack Nicholson's. That's a varying quality. Yes. but None of which are great. anyway You know what though? I, it doesn't one of them look like a ah Laurel. Yeah. Kinda. Yeah. One of them looks like Laurel. So you mean maybe there's a Hardy in there. I don't really know Laurel and Hardy that well. I don't necessarily either, but yeah, I like that element of it. Like I think the Sanford son,
I don't know. I probably just feels a little too current. Like if you're doing 40s, like if you're doing groups that have roots in vaudeville, that's an odd one to choose. I mean, for me though, I have to say that was just such an, why didn't they have Abbott and Costello? Why didn't they have Abbott and Costello? Yeah. Like it's like,
Oh, it's pretty good. I think it has both of them, right? ah Yeah, that's both of them. Oh, man. I want to watch. I've been jonesing for Abbott and Costello. I watched Abbott and Costello as a kid, too. And that's why I don't have onic Abbott and Costello. That's the that's the definitive version. um Who's on first? wearing her And that's his like mechanic.
As a kid, let's go back to the beginning. As a kid, like you know talk about like nerd things that no one's interested in. yeah Going back to the schoolyard, I'm playing Quest for Glory 1. I'm obsessed with Quest for Glory 1. I'm having my parents buy me VHS tapes of three Stooges shorts, and ah I have like this ah VHS of ah one of the Abbott and Costello movies that I just like played again and again, and I tried to make my friends watch with me.
Yeah, no I know. I was like, yeah, I'm cursed. I was watching. I mean, this point in my life, I was already watching Marx Brothers stuff.
I was obsessed with 70s variety shows. Like I watched a ton of laughing and Sunny and Cher, which I think I've mentioned before on this stream. Yeah. um These are like, yeah, that's the kid I was. And needless to say, I come into the playground and be like, Hey, did anyone see that episode of laughing that aired last night on Nick at night? You're not going to get a lot of takers on that.
Uh, uh, yeah, no, you go up, um, you, you go up to the schoolyard and you say like, you know, the last seat on match game is actually the hardest one to occupy because by then all the jokes have been told, but I think we can all agree the winner of that spot is obviously Betty white. And all the kids are like, yeah, um yeah, ah he's right.
To bring this back to Sierra, I was probably the only... Wait, what are we talking about? I was probably the only kid on Earth that when they were like, we have Gary Owens narrating Space Quest IV. I was like, yes! I love that guy from laughing. He's so good. Absolutely did.
I do exactly what a land.
we mean I think the thing we need to really stress has been in a, we're both very cool children. Very cool and still cool. Popular, I guess popular and cool would be the two words I would use to describe us. Yeah.
ah I'm a little bit more popular bins a little bit more cool. Yeah, but we're both cool and popular. I need when you know, and that's that's a thing that also um heroin quest could ah could add is I don't think heroin heroines Quas Uh, which is, uh, like a fan quest for glory type game. That's quite good. and Yeah. Uh, that, that came out. I don't think, I don't know if it has a, uh, classic comedy team show up in it. So, uh, much like my note towards another hard, uh, like high effort.
a incredible volunteer game free people spent years on that is free. i You know, my my tip for heroines quest is like ah ad abin costello. Yeah, I mean, here's my thing. It's like heroines quest, I think one of the best Sierra fan games Maybe one of the best. It blew my mind when I. Yes, it is like of a quality that's not that far from the originals. You know, again, who knows how many hours of labor went to that given away. Absolutely for free. ah I think now it has a cost associated. Maybe it always did. Maybe I might, but no no, no, it came out. Okay. And I guess what I'm working my way around too is we've killed you to do some claymation.
Yeah. You know what? Uh, get some clay, get a kiln and Mason it. Then you're, yeah. And then just Mason it, yeah get that clay and just Mason, Mason the hell out of it. Yeah. Just Mason it. Hello. It's clay. and gotta play You go to Michael's crafts and buy some clay. Let's give Michael a call. Hey, Michael. michael Hey, Mike. It's me, Mike. It's me, Jess. I was looking for some clay. I was thinking about doing some mation later this afternoon. I need some clay to work with. Oh, yeah. Later on, I'm driving to Joe's. Crab Shack? No, the the fabric.
We don't have that yeah Joanne fabric. I'm also being casual. Yes. Oh yeah. ja zi Yeah. that that yeah k j edge yeah and I'm just going there. Very good. Very good. that Yeah. That's good. Yeah. I'm just going there to, uh, to get a bolt of cloth, um, to wrap myself in while I do my claymation to keep my clothes nice and clean.
Yeah. All right. Well, we talked about the claymation and we talked about Abin Costello. So I think we're all set. Uh, is there any, any final thoughts at quest for glory one? Good game. I mean, if, if there is the most remote chance that anybody listening to this hasn't played it, obviously go play quest for glory one. I suspect everyone who's listening to this,
also loves quest for glory one because honestly I don't know if I've ever spoken to someone who enjoys Sierra games this played quest for glory one that doesn't like it I take that back I think my friend the space quest historian does not care for it but other than him everyone loves quest for glory one right that's a that's a consensus yeah opinion yeah yeah All the polls are in quest for glory one is the best one. Yes. ah Strong contender for best CR game of all time. Yeah, I love it. ah i I have a poster behind me of Spielberg. ah the The first like a ah panorama of ah the the town as you enter it in VGA and I look at it all the time. I'm looking at it right now.
Yeah, it's just one of my favorite games and I love I just it is a game as a that that lets you occupy a space and there are a lot of games I i enjoy.
where i a lot of the the joy of it is actually because I just like being where the game is putting me. Like sometimes I'll play a game and it's like oh well this has very interesting mechanics or there's very interesting strategy or like the arcade bit is cool.
But sometimes you're just playing a game. And a lot of RPGs have this. ah And you come to appreciate like the the this fictional spot that it puts you in for the whole game. And ah so it's just kind of a cool place to be. And and that's why I love Quest for Glory 1.
It has a sense of place, of space, of geography. There's a sense that there's a history here in this little community that you're just stepping into. It is such an evocative setting. And, you know, I think all the games do a great job with their setting. I don't know if any of them ever do any better than Quest for Glory 1 does. And that's why it gets the Quest Quest still of approval.
All right. Well, uh, so, uh, thank you once again, you can, uh, uh, uh, watch us on Twitch PS underscore Garrick and decaf Jedi, please rate and review. So people can find this podcast. You can send us an email at, uh, quest, quest podcast at gmail That's quest, quest podcast at gmail And then you could join us next week.
for when we discuss why you should be closer to the object that you're going to interact with. So we'll be talking about that next week on QuestQuest. We'll see you then. Bye.