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7 Lesson I Learned From Chance the Rapper

The Eliane Anita Podcast
13 Plays7 years ago
This week's episode is about the lessons I learned for Chance the Rapper. Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! I'm @elianeanita! If you want to send me an email you can email me at Snapchat: ElianeAnita If you like to read and want a community to chat with join me! I would love to hear your perspective on the book of the month! To sign up click here: Music featured: Artist: Chance The Rapper Songs: All We Got and Blessings Album: Coloring Book Recorded, Produced and Edited by: Éliane Anita I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO THIS MUSIC

Alion's Recovery and Health Update

Hey, this ain't no intro. Hi guys, welcome to the Alion Anita podcast. I'm your host, Alion, and I'm so excited to have you join me for today's show. First of all, before I get into today's subject matter, I would like to thank all of you all who thought of me, who sent me well wishes. While I was recovering last week, as you know, I recorded my podcast with 100
and 1.4 fever and I am happy to say that I am so much better. I am not 100% but I am so much better than what I was last week. So thank you so much for tuning in and bearing with me as I work through whatever little virus or flu or whatever was going on with me last week.

Lessons from Chance the Rapper

This week I have a new podcast
And it is seven lessons that I learned from Chance the Rapper. Now, I'm going to give you a little bit of background on Chance the Rapper if you don't know. As you can hear from his name, he is a rapper and he's from Chicago.
Chance the Rapper came onto the scene making a huge splash. He is an independent artist who was nominated for seven Grammys and he actually won three of those Grammys. I think it was in 2016 or 2017 and he became a huge mainstream artist and guess what? He does not have a record deal.
Chance the Rapper is an independent artist and he does his own thing and it is like a huge huge thing and I honestly don't remember when I came into fruition of who Chance the Rapper was. I kind of vaguely remember some of my co-workers discussing Chance the Rapper but I had never heard of any of his music and I so happened to see him do an interview with someone I can't even remember who he did the interview with
but I sat down and I watched that interview and I became totally intrigued by chance because I was like this guy is on the ball he's on the money and I learned seven things. I actually learned a lot of things from that interview that he did but I just wrote down like seven quick things. I did a periscope on this like maybe last year or so
talking about the lessons that I learned from him but I wanted to do a podcast because I have found my own notes and I'm like oh this would be interesting to do for my podcast so let's jump right into it.

Creating Your Own Path

The first lesson that I learned from Chance is to create your own lane.
as an independent artist and as an artist in general, you have to be comfortable with creating your own lane. I like Chance for so many reasons. I actually enjoy his music because Chance has a flavor of like a gospel flavor but with a hip-hop flavor that's not like over-sexual or it's not violent.
it's it's like really fun love it's easy going music and that's what i enjoy and so chance really stuck with his life state he really sticks with his lane and stays within the confines of what makes him great and that's what i love about chance is that he's not afraid to just be different he's not
you know, the typical hip-hop artist because he has a conscience and he actually thinks, but he also talks about real-life situations and he talks about things that are really important that we should all be talking about in the community. So I just I love the fact that Chance creates his own lane.
And I say that as a business lesson is because you know sometimes we just go into business because we want to do what everybody else is doing or you know it seems great to be a CEO or it seems sexy to be
you know, um, a business owner or whatever, but nobody is really creating their own lane. And if they do, they don't stick in it. They don't stay in it because it's uncomfortable to be you. But I love the fact that Chance the Rapper is saying, yes, I'm a rapper, but I am comfortable with being who I am.
So that's a good piece of encouragement to keep along with you as you start new ventures or even if you are in a business venture or whatever you're trying to do with your life is so important to just create your own lane and stay

Music and Philanthropy

in it.
The next point is to be different. Now those two kind of go hand in hand, but I like the fact that Chance is different, that he has a different kind of message that he's not out about doing the same thing. Last year, Chance the Rapper gave a million dollars to the Chicago Public School systems. Now this is what's interesting. Chance the Rapper sat down, he had meetings with the mayor of Chicago,
And he also had meetings with the governor and after he couldn't get responses from the governor or the mayor, Chance decided, you know what? I'm going to do something different. I'm going to actually take money from my bank account and invest it back into schools because he actually went around
to the schools of Chicago and went and visited schools and seeing how it's understaffed and seeing how the students are lacking books. He just experienced what each student was experiencing and it moved him to compassion to sell a million dollars of his own cash. To me, I think that that is amazing because we often hear about people rapping about what happens in the community.
but we very rarely see them take action. And so I love the fact that not only does he have a different approach to music, but he has a different approach to business as well. Another thing that makes him different is Chance the Rapper actually does not sell records. I know that that sounds crazy because you think most people that's in the music industry sell records, but Chance does not. He actually
just puts his music up on streaming and that's what made him such a big deal with the Grammys because he was the first artist to ever be nominated for a Grammy that had never sold a record that had acted like his album was just free for streaming.
And that's what made him different. And so it made people want to find out who is this guy like he's just giving away his music for free. So who is this kid?

Innovative Business Models

And from that point, he was able to build multi streams of income, which is the third thing that I learned from him.
was that you always have to have an end goal in mind with multi-streams. He does not actually make his money off of record sales. He makes his money off his merchandise that he sells. He sells hats and he sells t-shirts and lighters and all kind of stuff. I've actually went on his website and I seen how like a lot of his stuff for months was sold out because everybody wants
the hat with the three on there that he trademarked and people want to wear his gear and and and you know represent the whole chance the chance the rapper movement which i think is phenomenal so always you have to have multiple strings and even though he loves music and music is his first passion his path he never um
opted to sell his passion. He just wanted to put music out so that people can enjoy but what he does sell is the merchandise that goes along with the passion which is brilliant because he makes tons of money from that. The fourth thing that I learned from him is to own your own. One of the things that Chan said was he enjoys being an independent artist because he can work with whomever he wants
He can put out records whenever he wants. His albums can sound the way that he wants them to sound. He even talked about how he wanted to work with one of his rapper friends, but the record label said, no, we own him. And that is crazy.
and so it taught that in itself just oh it just it made me just it made me want to own my own and so my my pastor often says this he says he who owns the land wins the war and if you really want to win in this game you have to be an owner you want to make sure that you own everything that you tie your name to

Perseverance and Boldness

The fifth thing that I learned from Chance was be bold. Go after what you want. Chance was proposition from his dad. His dad told him you get one year to get this record thing, this music thing off the ground and then you have to figure something else out with your life.
And Chance stopped at no end. He recorded mixtapes at the mixtapes at the mixtapes. He created the buzz. He went to clubs. He did whatever he had to do to be noticed and recognized. And he did not compromise who he was in the meet, in the interim. And I love that about Chance. So I learned that if you really want something, you got to be bold and you have to believe in yourself.

Community Contribution

The sixth thing that I learned from Chance was you have to give back. Now I mentioned earlier in the podcast that he gave a million dollars to Chicago Public Schools, but he also has a number for profit. I want to say, oh man, it slipped my mind. I don't even know the name of the number.
Social works. All right. So Chancellor Rapper has a non-profit called Social Works. And what it does is it builds after-school programs for children of all ages. Like I want to say it goes up to high school. So they have all kind of art shows and all kind of performing art shows that he actually goes and he's very vocal and he's very
He's a fixture there like people is not like, you know, this is my none for profit organization. I just put my name on it and you never see my face. He actually is a visible fixture in this organization. So I love the fact that chance gives back and he also.
created jobs for not only himself, but he created jobs for his friends and people in the community. So I love the fact that Chance gives back.

Commitment to Personal Values

Another thing that I learned for Chance is that you have to stand for what you believe in.
Now, his head is so popular. He has a head that has a number three on it. And he believes in everything that he does and everything that he talks about, even in his music. He stands for his beliefs in God. He talked about how God brought him out of his addiction.
from Xanax. He talks about how if it had not been for God, he wouldn't have a career. And so he represents God and everything. So if you listen to his music, you can hear his influence or God's influence on his music and in his music.
You also can see it in the head, in his posture. He really, really believes. He stands for what he believes in. And not only that, he stands for what he believes in as far as family. He doesn't just say, oh, I love my daughter. I love my daughter. He takes his daughter and his girlfriend on tour with him.
He represents the family life because that's what he loves and that's what he believes. There's so many things that Chan stands for that he just constantly reiterates through his music. He reiterates in interviews. If you sit down and talk to Chance, you know what he values because he always talks about it. The final thing that I learned from Chance was you have to believe in yourself. Chance said that his dad taught him to work hard.
and his mom taught him to work for himself. And he says, now I work really hard for myself. And I appreciate that about Chance because Chance knows who he is and he believes in the work and the influence that he has. Chance is not trying to take his platform, well, it doesn't seem like he's trying to take his platform and use it for his own good. He's actually trying to empower
He's actually trying to educate and pour into others so that people can see the issues that we're having here in Chicago and in black communities, period. And he's changing the world with his platform. And that's because Chance the Rapper believes in himself. And because he believes in himself, he believes in others. And so I learned these lessons.

Applying Chance's Principles in Life

I'm thinking, I think that was probably like eight lessons that I learned from Chance.
I just wanted to share that with you all in hopes to inspire you that, you know, Chance is a rapper, he's just one single person, but imagine if everybody had the mindset, like a Chance the Rapper, what can we do? And get this, Chance is only 24 years old, like that is mind blowing to me. For him to be 24 years old, making such huge waves and splashes the way he is, and he's not a politician,
You know, he's not in a pool pit. He's a rapper making a difference with his influence. So guys, if he can do it, you can do it too. So I hope this podcast, bless you. I hope that you learned something from Chance the Rapper like I did. And if you like this podcast, please be sure to share with your friends and followers. Let them know about the podcast.
Also, if you have any questions for me, you can email me at alienanita at Actually, it's alienanitashow at If you want to follow me on social media, you can follow me at alienanita on all of the things, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
So you can follow me on all of those platforms if you want. Also too, if you're interested in knowing what I am reading, I am actually currently reading a really good book. So I want you to go over to, look up Alien Hour, Anita Book Club, and you will see the book that I am reading currently. You also can see it posted on my Facebook page as well as my Instagram page. So if you're interested, check that out.
out. And if you enjoy, make sure you share guys. I am so honored to have you guys join me on this ride and listen to this podcast. So I just wanted to say have a great week. As always, be blessed and stay relevant.