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The Thing I Wish I Knew

The Eliane Anita Podcast
15 Plays4 years ago

In this week's podcast, I wrap up the "things I wish I knew" series, discussing the one thing I wish I knew above all things. 

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Introduction to Empowerment

Welcome to the Eliana Nita podcast, the podcast created to inform, challenge and empower you. Now let's get down to business.
Hey guys, welcome to the Alienator podcast. I am your host, Alien, and I am so excited to have you join me for this week's podcast.

Lessons from 'Things I Wish I Knew' Series

So if you guys have been following along with me for the last three weeks, we have been doing a series called Things I Wish I Knew Before. And we did, I discussed things I wish I knew before I entered my professional career.
uh, before I enter the relationship about money. And today, oh, and I also did one about business. And today I am going to end the series with the thing that I wish I

Why Vision is Critical

knew. So, um, I have been trying to pace myself while I was recording all of the podcasts for the things I wish I knew series, um, because
I did not want to talk about this one thing. And I think the summation of all of the things that I wish I knew led up to this one thing. So when I was preparing my notes and thinking through every topic that I wanted to talk about, everything kind of circled back to this one singular thing, and that's vision.
I can't even begin to express to you how important vision is. There is a Bible verse in the book of Proverbs that says, and I'm gonna paraphrase it, it says, when the people lack vision, they perish. And so it is so important to have vision in front of you because vision dictates your decisions. So I, when I think about
everything that I am doing and everything that I want to become and everything that I need to do.
I think about how different my life would have been if I had this vision early on.

The Impact of Past Decisions

So a lot of times I found myself making decisions based off of temporal situations, right? And I remember I did a podcast about this, like don't make decisions based off of situations that's temporary. So you might find yourself maybe you need some food or whatever. And instead of like,
spending cash on food, you'll charge it to a credit card and then you don't get the opportunity to pay that credit card off until years later and then you compound all this interest and you're paying on this credit card for years and years and years when you could have made a different decision that could have ended better for you. And so I think about
all of these things like all of the decisions I made throughout my life and how different my life could have been and how easier some things could have been to accomplish if I would have had a vision.

From Concept to Reality: A Nine-Year Journey

So when I think about when I wanted to start my company Relevant Cosmetics, I had this idea in my head for nine years before I actually
sold one single product. Before I created the product, I had an idea to start a company for nine years. And the truth of the matter is, is that I simply did not have vision around what I wanted my company to look like. I didn't have any idea about how to start and where to start. And I really wasn't motivated and
I didn't have a lot of people in my corner that supported me. It wasn't until I met my mentor who believed in me and believed that I could actually start this company that I really took it serious and started to put action to words and make this company come to pass. But I just didn't have this vision for my life.

Career Shift: From Pharmacy to Passion

When I started college,
I initially wanted to go to pharmacy school. I thought that I was going to go and major in pharmacy, get my pharmacy degree, and be a pharmacist. But I was not passionate about being a pharmacist. No shade to pharmacists because they are incredibly important. But for me, I wanted to work in a lab. I wanted to be able to create things.
When I looked around and when I was picking my job or making my decision on the career I was going to have, the kind of job that I wanted to work didn't exist and it still doesn't. It forced me to have to create my own job and do things my own way. But because I didn't have the support and furthermore, I didn't have vision,
I made decisions based off of what I felt at the moment was right. And now that I have a different vision for my life, I'm paying for the decisions that I made when I did not have a vision.

Vision in Relationships and Friendships

So I think about when I when I talked about relationships.
I said a bunch of stuff about things that I wish that I knew, but the truth of the bulk of the thing that I really wanted to say was that I wish that I had a vision for my life. That way I can say, or I could have made a better decision based off of what I know about myself and where I'm going in my future.
to say this person wouldn't work for me because this person wouldn't support me, or this person would be a liability and not an asset, or I shouldn't build a friendship with this person because this person requires more of me than what I can give.
And sometimes we find ourselves just shrinking down, shrinking down, trying to chop up our vision to fit every little part, every little thing and every little part or every person that comes into our lives because we just don't know how to say, look, this is what I need and this is what's going to be required of me to be able to accomplish

Financial Decisions Without Vision

And I thought about that when I was thinking about money and how when I was younger, you know, trying to keep up with the Joneses and try to follow the latest trends and things like that, like spending a bunch of money, getting into debt unnecessarily.
and how all of those things affected how I have to move now. So, you know, when I was taking out student loans and trying to prepare for my future, I needed to go to school. I needed my degree.
But I also didn't have a vision for, okay, once you get out of school, you have to pay these loans back. So what kind of plan are you going to have? And I never dreamed before I, it wasn't even a possibility of me saying, Hey, I want to open up and start my own lab. And now that I have that desire and I feel like it's, it's God's plan for my life, I have to plan.
my life according to how I'm going to pay back my student loans because if I don't pay the government back, they're going to get their money one way or another. So learning that I, you know,

Aligning Daily Decisions with Vision

Now I have to move with vision in mind. Every decision that I make, how I spend my money, how I spend my time, what I give my energy to, what kind of books am I reading, what kind of conversations am I having, all based around vision. I'm not gonna give a single bit of my time that's not going to add to my vision.
And I just, you know, I can't express enough how important it is to have vision before you have a plan. And I'm not saying that, you know, just because you have a detailed, organized plan that everything is going to go exactly the way that you see you wrote it now or the way that you said it was going to be. Sometimes it happens like that. Sometimes it doesn't. But one thing that vision can do is negate you through a hard time.
When you know that you have a purpose and a plan in life and for your life, you will overcome every obstacle, even if you have to change the course, the plan, the way that you have to go. As long as you keep your eye on that vision, you will always be able to get there. You will always find a way to get to where you need to go.
But the thing is, is that you have to have a vision.

Vision's Influence on Life Choices

I believe personally that you need to have a vision for a family. If you desire to want to get married and have children, you should have a vision for that. And what is like, you know, what do you want your kids to remember you as? What do you want? What are the morals and the
the ethics and the legacy that you want to instill into your children. I believe that if you want to have a business, you need to have a vision for that. Your business needs to do more than just make money. How is this business going to impact people's lives and make their lives better? I believe that before you make money, you should really have a vision for your money.
understand it. And that's why, you know, I did the podcast about, you know, things that I wish that I knew about money before I even made it. Because if I had a known so many different things, if I had a known things differently or known things that I know now, if I had a new things that I know now, sorry, you know, if I didn't know a lot of this stuff,
I would it would have saved me so much time and I would have had so much more money accumulated and I would have been able to do so many different things now that I want to do and that I need to do without struggle. And that's what I want to
Teach my kids one day and I tell it to my younger cousins and you know people that come around me that ask me advice I always tell them make sure you have a vision for your life and let it be bigger than just making money Let it be something that really can go through generations Let it be something that can impact lives even when you're not here on the earth and
Have a vision and a plan for your life. All of the things that I wish that I had have known, the most important thing that I wish I had have known is the power of vision. The power of having a vision for your life and everything concerning it. Because the vision that you have determines the focus that you'll have. And everything you do,

Pursuing Vision Daily

whether it's take a vacation with a friend or not take a vacation with a friend or if it's to say yes to this business partnership or say no, like everything you do will circle around that vision that you have for your life.
If you have one and so you may say like, man, I'm older. I'm kind of in my life. I'm kind of just doing things now. It is never too late to have a vision and get a plan for your life. You can start over and.
That's a later podcast that I'm not going to dip into, but you can start your life over and you can still have a vision for your life, even though you've made a lot of different decisions. Maybe you have accumulated debt or maybe you're in a relationship that maybe you need to let go of or it's going to take some work to be able to get there, but you still can have vision. And so I just want to encourage you and say,
Take your time to write out the vision for your life, the things that you want to see happen in your lifetime, and put that vision before you every single day, even if it's just a simple monitor. Write it out, plan it out, do what you have to do to ensure that you can see that vision every single day, and then do something every day to make that vision come to pass, whether it's say no, whether it's say yes,
or whether it's just like going back to school or changing or getting rid of a bad habit or starting a new habit, whatever it is, make sure you do something to see your vision come to pass. And I promise you, you'll feel so much more accomplished. You'll feel proud of yourself. And it'll honestly like having a vision will help you right some of the wrongs because you will now have a futuristic view of yourself.
that you once didn't have so I just wanted to encourage you guys to
Get some vision in your life, have a plan for your life in some facet or another so that when you make decisions, when it comes down to making critical decisions in your life, such as spending money or making the purchase, or should you be in relationship with a person, should you do business with a person or a different business, that vision will determine that.

Series Conclusion and Call to Action

So out of everything that I wish that I had known,
I wish that I had a new how important vision was. So I hope you guys enjoyed this podcast. I hope that you enjoyed the series, the things I wish I knew before. If there's anything that you want to hear me talk about, make sure to email me or if you want to talk to me about this series, like anything you guys want to say, let me know.
email me at alienanitashow at You also can follow me on all of the things. I am alienanita on all of the platforms, so feel free to follow me there and make sure you write this podcast, share it with your friends and followers. Don't be selfish, y'all. And as always, be blessed and stay relevant. I love you.