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17 Plays2 years ago

It's been a long time. Two years to be exact! But I'm back and I have so much to share with you! Thanks for tuning in!

Here's My Book Recommendation:
The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level

If you want to send me an email you can email me at


Welcome Back and Gratitude

Welcome to the Eliana Nita podcast, the podcast created to inform, challenge and empower you. Now let's get down to business.
Hey guys, welcome to the Alianna Nita podcast. I'm your host Alianna, and I am so grateful that you guys have joined me for this week's podcast. Oh my goodness, I cannot believe that it has been two years since our last podcast. That seems insane to me, but yes, these last two years have been quite busy for me.
And I just did not have enough time to carve out to make podcasts, but y'all I am back for real. And over these last few years you guys have been crazy like supporting me like crazy in different ways but people have still been listening to the podcast which still is amazing to me but
I just want to thank you guys for your support, your patience. Thank you for pushing me in my DMs, telling me when you're going to get back on the mic, every nice comment, every listen, every follow. I just truly appreciate you guys so, so much. But yes, guys, I am back on the mic. I am podcasting and yes, I have shows lined up for you guys.
I have scheduled out penciled out carved out my entire year of podcasts so I am so excited to be back. So let's catch up for a minute. It's been two years so a lot has changed with me.

Pursuing Dreams: Aesthetics and Spa Journey

First of all, in 2021, I actually went back to school to get my aesthetics license.
So your girl is a licensed esthetician. So starting a spa has always been one of my dreams since I was like 16 years old. And I knew that I wanted to be able to formulate products for this spa, but I also knew that I wanted to own my own spa. So I decided to go back to school to get my license and make that dream happen.
So I was really busy all of 2021 with school. And at that time I was still working full time as well. So I was schoolwork and I was starting an additional business so that took a bit of time for me.
In 2022, life was crazy, like in a good way. So you guys know that if you don't know, I am a chemist, I formulate cosmetics for others, I own my own lab.
And now I own my own facial studio as well. So I am running essentially two different businesses that both demand a lot of my time. But I had a viral tweet, a very viral tweet, which allowed me to have greater exposure in a good way. And your girl has been booked and busy. Thank you, sweet Jesus.
I have been really, really, really, really busy with securing a bigger lab space and all the logistics of running a lab and taking more clients.
just all of the things so I have been incredibly busy and I can't wait to reveal some of the things that I've been working on in 2023 you're gonna see a lot of stuff that I have been quietly working on for some time come to light so really excited about it can't wait to share it all with you all so

Platform Responsibility and Personal Growth

I am I just wanted to sit down and talk with you guys like to you know catch you up first of all to let you know that I'm still alive I'm still here still doing things but also to give you encouragement like I always do give you some wisdom some advice
One thing I would never do with my platform is use my platform just to talk and when I don't have anything to say. So, you know, one of the reasons why I wasn't podcasting is because I didn't feel like I had something to say that that could really help and be
helpful to my audience. I try to be responsible with my influence and utilize it in the best way that I can and make sure that I'm saying something that actually is going to resonate or make sense for the people that I talk to on a regular basis. I just wanted to be responsible with that as well and just slow down and live a little bit of life. A lot of times I felt myself just letting life happen to me instead of happening to life.
So I didn't take time to take breaks. I didn't take time to rest. I didn't take time to think. I didn't take time to enjoy the hard work that I had put in and like now I'm receiving the fruit of that hard work and like it just took like life had been
so hard and so rigid that I just forgot to just live life a little bit. Just let your hair down and just breathe and not be so uptight. And I think that one thing with the struggle is that you have to brace yourself for when the struggle is over, when the happiness comes, when the good things are there.
because like for me, I don't know about anybody else, but like when things start happening good, I'm like, okay, what's gonna happen next? So I'm like, you know, tight and like looking, looking over my shoulder like, okay, this good for now, but how long is it gonna last? Can I really, really enjoy it? But I had to like, like teach myself how,
I guess teach myself how to like just really take my time and enjoy life and not force things and not be afraid to be happy. And I think that like, that was a struggle for me to just be like, let's celebrate this win. Let's celebrate the fact that you passed your state boards. Let's celebrate the fact that you have a birthday because I used to hate my birthday. I mean, hate my birthday.
I would, it would come around and I would be like, Oh my goodness, it's my birthday. I can't stand it. But this year or 2022 rather, I was like very intentional about my birthday. I was like, I am going to celebrate this day. This is the day that God has given me for me and I'm going to celebrate it. So just learning how to celebrate those wins is something that I had to incorporate. So that's another reason why I took a break to just,
catch my breath and just enjoy the good things that happened for me over these years. But I wanted to encourage you guys to look into since we are at the beginning of the year. And by the way, Happy New Year. Sorry, I just kind of jumped into those podcasts. I didn't even wish you guys a Happy New Year, but Happy New Year. Welcome to 2023. Let's make it a great year. One thing that I learned over these couple years is this.
It's important to learn to let go of things, whether it is people. We often hear that in the context of letting go of people or letting go of bad habits. But you also need to let go of things that has been holding you back, whether it's a regiment that you are into or if it's a mindset or if it's like, you know, this, I don't know how to describe it, but it's like,
Let's say if it's an anniversary of a death or something like that, sometimes the best way to memorialize a person is to continue to live and live best, live at your best, be at your best. Sometimes it's time to let go of bad memories or bad things. For me, I learned that when I let go of the mindset, the survivor mindset, my life started getting much better. Sometimes you got to let go of people.
sometimes you do have to let go of their habits or habits that you've created to make your life better. But this is the biggest lesson that I learned over these two years is that I had to shrink some of my efforts to maximize my impact.

Focusing on Strengths to Enhance Impact

So let me give you an example of such. At one point in time in my lab business to sustain it, a lot of times what I will find is that I will formulate for small businesses or just starting businesses.
And I would develop this product for them, and I would feel incredibly bad for my client if they didn't have the resources to be able to go get a mass manufacturer. And so when you get into manufacturing of a product, a lot of manufacturing companies want you to manufacture at a massive rate. We're talking
10,000 to 50,000 pieces of product. And that is crazy expensive for a small business, especially someone that doesn't have the audience quite yet. And so I would feel bad and I will put myself in position
I would manufacture for them. Manufacturing takes so much time and energy from me because my lab isn't set up to be a manufacturing lab. My space isn't set up to be a manufacturing space. So it takes so much time and energy to manufacture and do all of that.
And I knew that that was something that could really help my clients, but I knew that I could not be that person to help them with that. And so when I cut back on manufacturing for my clients, even offering that as a service to them, I started to be able to maximize my business in a way where I could focus on just formulating and consulting. And that in itself yielded a better return for me on my end.
And I was able to level up and grow and scale my business in a successful way. So I want to encourage you as you approach this new year to think about the things that you need to shrink back from and the things that you need to let go of so that you can maximize your impact.
This year, I feel like it's going to be a year of high impact, high visibility for anybody that's willing to put in the energy and time, but you have to know what you need to shrink back on. You need to be excellent at what you're excellent in. Whatever you're excellent at, that's what you need to be excellent in.
and give all of your time and energy and devotion to that. If you're going to put yourself out there on social media, if you're going to make reels, if you're going to do anything, make sure you're promoting what you're excellent at so that people can see you at your very best.
And when you do that, you're going to attract everything you need. And what I learned from my particular situation is that when I stepped back from what I wasn't excellent at, I started finding people that was. I started connecting with people that could do what I was trying to do and that could do it better, that had the patience, that had the
instrumentation that had everything they needed to be able to mass manufacture for clients or even manufacture on a small level. So I just want to encourage you guys to think about that as you approach this new year and start to maximize your impact because
We're living in a time now, especially with pandemics and recessions on the loom and all of those things. We're living in those kinds of times where we really need to maximize every bit of our energy.
into what was actually what is going to actually yield a return for us and what's going to make us our very best. So I just wanted to put that out there for you guys to just say, you know, think about these things, meditate on these things, figure out what you need to shrink back in order for you to move forward in your next best year. I'm super excited for you guys because this year is going to be like the best year ever. I feel like I just feel it in my heart.
We're going to have an amazing year this year and all is going to be well. So I want to let you guys know just because you be like, I don't want to tune into her podcast and she don't and she she actually doesn't record. I actually have my podcast recorded.
edited and uploaded ready to be released. So yes, we are rocking and rolling this year because podcasting is a part of my plan for this year. And because I shrunk back and I cut away some things and cut some people off and got new things in place for me,
I was able to add anything that I love such as podcasting and bring it back on my list of things because this brings me joy, being able to communicate with you guys in this way. So I'm not going to be late. I'm not going to keep this podcast going for long, but I just wanted to come back and say, Hey guys, I'm back. Happy new year. And we're going to get into some really good content this year. I'm super, super excited to share with you all everything.
podcast by podcast week by week. So meet me back here on Wednesdays. As you already know, I drop every Wednesday. Super excited to get you all this content. Before I go, I always leave you guys with a book recommendation, a book that I read that I love that I feel like is super helpful. I might have recommended this two years ago. I can't remember, but we're going to put this book back out there.
So the book that I want to recommend is The Big Leap, Conquer Your Hidden Fears and Take Your Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks. This book was paramount in my life. This book helped me to really see where I was excellent at, where I was good at, and what I needed to sharpen. And this book encouraged me to take my fears head on and leap into the life that I'm living now.

Conclusion with Recommendations

So I want to recommend this book. It will be linked in the show description below. You guys can always hit me up. Of course, if you have any questions or emails or anything that you want to share with me, you can email me at alienanitashow at You can follow me on all social media. I am your fave chemist on all of the platforms. You can find me there. Obviously, you can search my first name and I'll be there.
So I look forward to seeing you guys. As always, be blessed and stay well.