Daniel Roytas on the Fallacies of Vitamin Deficiencies, Root Causes, Supplementation, and so much more. image
Beyond Terrain
Daniel Roytas on the Fallacies of Vitamin Deficiencies, Root Causes, Supplementation, and so much more.
917 Plays
3 months ago

This week, we are joined by Daniel Roytas from Humanely to discuss many fascinating topics! Daniel is not shy about pushing back on modern conclusions and provides fresh, logical takes on ever-seen observations. Daniel addresses what health means to him but also tackles the question: What is disease?

This leads us into a much deeper dive into topics such as the true causes of disease. Daniel provides a beautiful explanation as to why vitamin deficiencies do not have much evidence to back them up and may not be a cause of disease. We go over the specifics of how 'deficiencies' actually manifest as toxicities.

We cover specific examples such as Pellagra (16:30), Beriberi (20:20), Scurvy (28:50), etc.

We delve into the differences between minerals and vitamins and how vitamins may not actually exist in natural products. Vitamins may be much like viruses, in that they are laboratory artifacts.

We also talk about our soils and the problems in our modern agricultural practices. This leads us into discussing food processing and the optimal human diet.

This is a significant episode! I hope it provides insight and areas for further research for you all!

I hope you enjoy it!



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