public like what would you What would you suggest? Well, i I try and provide monthly offerings online. It ranges from different different topics. um i think what i The thing that I offer for free if someone wants to step in and see what it's like is I just started a monthly clearing the house, which is around technology. i think Part of why ritual is so important, especially nowadays, is that we have a bajillion things that can distract us from our lives. And so ritual is like, it calls us back to being present to what is happening inside of me and what do I need? um And so this is a monthly time, it's just like an hour, last Friday of the month where we begin to just take inventory of like, what have I been feasting on? I do not need. Where has my attention been stolen? And how and how do I bring my attention back? And so it's just like a, again, there's like containment element, but it's also calling us back to like, how has your month been? What, where have you been emotionally, relationally? Um, so there's that opportunity. And then, you know, if you, if you follow me on Instagram, that's usually where I post everything. And so it's life underscore in underscore ritual.