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Uphill Athlete Membership Launch

S4 ยท Uphill Athlete Podcast
6.5k Plays1 year ago

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Uphill Athlete Membership Program. In this episode, Alyssa, Steve and coach Alexa Hasman, reveal details about the program and what new members can expect. They break down the three tiers of the membership as well as the vision behind creating this new offering from Uphill. The three discuss training plan updates, the cost of the programs and best of all, what they are most excited about for the community. Check out the membership options on or visit our social channels to find out more.


Introduction to Uphill Athlete Membership

Welcome to a special and extremely exciting episode of the uphill athlete podcast. I am joined today by Steve and coach Alexa Hasman to tell you about what we've been brewing over here at uphill athlete. Steve, do you want to explain why we're here?
We're launching the uphill athlete membership. And it's been a long road to this, lots of work, yeah, lots of blood, sweat, and tears. And yeah, it's finally here. It's finally real. And we're super stoked about the end product here.
Definitely. And we are going to get into more of what that means. But I think just to acknowledge the vision that you've had, Steve, and the amount of work, months and months of work, probably years on your end of making this happen. It's exciting to be at this moment where we are launching.

Membership Tiers Overview

So Alexa, can you explain to us what the membership program is?
Yeah, I'll break it down in a quick, concise way, hopefully, because there is a lot to it. But basically, there's three tiers to the membership. And tier one is called train. And train gives you access to all of our training plans. And right now, that includes 53 training plans. And you can expect everything you have always expected from uphill athlete training plans, which is amazing.
guidance to whatever your mountain objective is, whether it's mountaineering, ski touring, ultra running, anything like that. Then we have Connect, which is our second level up from that. And that includes not only all those training plans, but also the community chat aspect, which I'm super excited about. It's basically a community network that we have created where you can interact with people of similar interests with you.
Whether it's somebody that's if you want connect with just mountaineers or just trail runners or everybody in the uphill athlete community To share and learn and connect with each other and find little local groups around you that you might find new training partners You also get access to our sham fit, which is our strength training videos, which are I love them and our yoga videos so

Features of Elevate Tier

Then you have Elevate, which is our third level. And this is an iteration of what has been our training groups in the past, and this is sort of an elevated version of that. So you get the community chat, you get the training plans, you get the chamfit videos, the yoga videos. But on top of that, you have presentations from coaches
biweekly, you have presentations by our physio team, our medical team, our nutrition team, all of those people. And you have biweekly question and answer with coaches, live question and answer sessions. We have special guest presentations from
people in the community whether they are experts in a certain field or elite athletes in a certain sport or whether they're just sharing some mountain adventure that is really interesting to our community. So it combines all of those things and makes it in a really good easy to use platform so that the training groups can be month to month rather than this 12-week session that we have been doing previously.

Integration and Consistency in Training Plans

And I think that one of the things you kind of lost over, but I want to circle back on is, you know, because we have listened to the athletes.
feedback over the years, and one of the things among many that people asked for was, for example, having the workouts in the training plans upload to their smartwatches. Not all of them yet, but we're well on the way to completing that across all our training plans, so all our workouts will be uploaded to smartwatches.
We went through all the descriptions and simplified them, made them more clear. I know, Alyssa, you were kind of the main driver in rewriting a lot of the copy, the actual words, and you as a former English teacher were perfectly positioned to do that, to make it so that people can follow these instructions. Some of them were really hard to follow and really hard to understand. So we've been
going back and we've heard this in the past. I've especially been hearing this for a long time and it was finally time to kind of go through and like go through all the training plans and we literally like.
took the workouts from each training plan, fix them, put them up in the workout library, and then pull those back down from the workout library when that same workout appeared in other plans. So there's consistency across the whole brand with the language, with how the plans work on your smartwatch, everything we could do to make the training plan super dialed, we

Flexibility and New Training Options

did. And I think
Alexa, you kind of lost over it, but I think it's a really big deal. Now in the training groups, people can train off of any plan they want. And that's been something that people have wanted. So basically, essentially with this elevate level,
We now have the ability for people to train off of a rock climbing training plan. I just uploaded 72 weeks of rock climbing training programming. We have nine how to train for rock climbing videos. Josh Wharton and I created all this content. And now people can use all of this and
do to train for the sport that they want to train for right now. And a lot of our athletes, they're training for different sports at different times of years.
you know, maybe you're training to do some mountaineering in the summer. So you do in that kind of block in the late winter or spring, but then in the fall you want to transition. Maybe you want to like in August, you want to switch to a little bit more of a rock climbing plan because you want to go to a road trip and go cragging in red rocks or something like that. Or you want to go ski, you're going to ski. A lot of trail runners are shifting between skiing and trail running. So that's another one. Like we wanted to allow that flexibility and we didn't want,
We wanted to free people from being on our 12-week schedule and allow them to be on their own schedule. And the other piece of this is that people can come and go anytime they want, and it's always going to be prorated.

Benefits and Updates to Training Plans

So this is all automatically. So if you sign up on the last day of the month, you're only going to pay for one day of that month's fee. And then the next month, of course, if you're there for the whole month, you'll continue to pay for the whole membership.
make this as easy as possible for people to pick this up, use the plans, tap into the community, tap into the knowledge and all the inspiration and energy that we have in these groups.
shift out or shift up to coaching for, you know, a few, you know, six months to prepare for a really big objective and then have a place to come back down to, to stay fit, to stay part of the community and stay active. So, I mean, for me that the, the memberships are really a continuum, you know, between, it fills this whole space between a purchase training plan, which we will still support. We'll still have, you know, it's still that buy it once, own it, you know, you're going to own it forever promise we're going to continue to support those. We can, we've,
upgraded those and all those upgrades are essentially free for people to purchase those plans in the past. And it provides that continuum all the way up to coaching. It's that whole middle area where I think it's been really a tough nut to crack.
have been hearing people's feedback for years, but trying to put together all the right pieces so that people could actually train the way we hear that they want to train has, I think, really what this membership program is all about.
love it. Yeah, I would just add a couple of things. Yes, the training plans have been a labor of love. And the exciting part is that we're not done. So we're not just updating our training plans and saying, Hey, this is all the ones we're going to create, we are really working to innovate and create a lot of new training plans to suit the variety of sports that were

Innovations and New Sports Plans

So I think for me personally an exciting aspect is there's a couple of trading plans in the pipeline that I think haven't really been done before. So I think that's pretty exciting.
I wanted to say we have already some new training plans in this program. We have the plans that you guys worked on, specifically these, what are we calling them? All mountain or all sport or general fitness. I don't know if we have a name quite worked out for them yet, but for that.
Yeah. Like that all mountain athlete that wants to be able to do weekend lawyering in a bunch of different sports. Maybe one weekend they're going to be on a mountain bike tour and another weekend they're going to be rock climbing. And, you know, we wanted to provide support for that person too. Definitely.
Yeah, the one caveat I did want to say is that we are working on upgrading the plans that are already out there. That is a process. So if you have purchased a plan and you haven't received an update, don't worry, we're getting there. It's just there's a lot of moving pieces going on.

Centralized Platform Benefits

We hope to have everything updated and for those who purchased the plan, you'll be good to go soon. People have to reapply a plan to see the updates, right? So if you're on an existing plan, just keep doing that plan even if it's been updated since you started your plan.
if it's working for you, there's no reason to change it. But I think that the plans are the basis of this, like all this new rock climbing content, those all mountain, all kind of general fitness plans are great. I think that really
up fits a big need that I've seen out there for years. And I think that it's just a bunch of great new content. And the workout library has like 700 or 800 workouts in it. So if you're a DIYer and you want to build your own plans,
You can leverage all of that. And there's a ton of knowledge baked into those. So you don't have to figure out what your work rest interval should be for your intervals. The workout's done. You know you're not supposed to do intervals generally at what phase of your training. You're going to be able to figure it out with those workout libraries and make it happen. And Alexa, I'd love to hear
talk a bit more about the Elevate level, the training groups evolution, because there's another big thing that we've been doing in that with regards to the new platform. You want to tell people about that a little bit?

Organized Training Groups and Events

Yeah, sure. So we basically we've
Previous to this, our training groups had this community feel on WhatsApp chat group and we wanted to elevate that so that we could sort of make it a more organized version of that and also to store our presentations in that same platform. So that's really the new version of it. So it's this platform where you can access all of your training resources, you can access all the
video presentations that we're gonna be creating, as well as several of our older presentations that we put in there as well. And then on top of that, be able to communicate with your fellow athletes about whatever it is that's happening in your sport or whatever adventures you're going on, or even if it's to ask questions about the presentations or sort of collaborate within each other and in this really organized platform all in one space.
I think one of the great features with that is these events, whether it's a Q&A or electric from a dietician or an MD or we're talking about high altitude adaptation for trail runners or mountaineers, these are really valuable, informative events.

Events and Learning Opportunities

Now with this new platform, all those events happen right in the platform. Zoom is essentially ported right in.
And the calendar is there so you can look at all the events and it doesn't matter if you're in the let's say training for a rock climbing training plan or you're a trail runner or your female athlete, whatever training group like your.
identifying with, you can watch all the presentations. And this also solves a problem because there's often been an issue, there's often been this comment like, I'll use the female, a plastic group. There's been, there's been lectures with the female athlete group that I as a coach wanted to attend because I needed to understand how, you know, certain aspects of female physiology affected training that things that
or holes in my knowledge, and I didn't feel comfortable to do that. Now, it's going to be possible for some of those lectures to be viewable by anyone who wants to. You can look through, you can find what's interesting, you can add it to your calendar right there,
You can set up your own notifications. You can come back here to this place to watch it. If you didn't watch it live, the recording is going to be in the same place. Everything is centralized. The chat is centralized. And there's a ton of support also for just the training plan usage. I mean, that's a whole other topic. So there's a ton of value in this.
Yeah, and to touch on also the female athlete aspect, we do also have a private group that you have to be not invited, but accepted into.

Female Athletes Group

That's like a really safe space for our female athletes to share that is private from the rest of the group. So we also offer that really special unique way of supporting female athletes in the mountains too, as we wanna really make sure that we represent that category too.
Yeah, and maybe the opposite example would have been better. There was maybe a presentation in the mountaineering group that a female athlete would want to see, and they can now do that without having to, or they might want to see a presentation in the rock climbing training group, and they can now do that. They don't have to be siloed only in there.
let's say, category of training group. They can learn from whichever coach, whichever lecture that they want to attend. So I think it's going to be super powerful for people. Yeah, it's really exciting. It's a really great platform. I'm very excited about it. Yeah, we've been beta testing it now for, what, five days. And we've had incredible feedback.
We had I counted we had this week so far 136.

Rate of Perceived Exertion Plans

pieces of feedback from our 25 beta testers. And that's basically five pieces of feedback per tester. And the great thing about it is there's been no showstoppers. There's lots of things we can improve, but they're all, I feel like, small improvements that we can absolutely, in most cases, make. There was no like, oh my gosh, we didn't think of that. This isn't going to work. The whole house is falling down kind of a thing. So that's been a big relief because
you know, when we launched the beta, I didn't really know like, cause you get so into it yourself. Like you know that you just have so many blind spots. So having people kind of onboard and go through the whole process themselves organically has been, has been really good. Love it.
I would just add, I don't know why I didn't think of this before, that with the training plans in addition as well, is that we have created rate of perceived exertion plans. So we have our traditional heart rate based plans.
But we have also created versions of our most popular plans and our running plans in particular with RPE because we are trying to help our athletes learn another tool that is useful in different environments, in different modalities of exercise. Often RPE can be a really useful tool in trail running, for example. And so also heart rate, not always as helpful in strength training.
So we wanted to help our athletes to expand on learning about themselves, learning about how we judge effort and just adding another tool to our training tool chest. And so I'm personally really excited.
to give people who a lot of people find heart rate kind of stressful. And so there's a way that we can help people to bridge the gap between the two or to learn based off of one and then be able to expand on another and vice versa. Yeah, that's a great and I think I want to dig into that a little more.
listen because I don't want people to think that we're changing our philosophy or

Philosophy of Training Flexibility

something like that. That's absolutely not the case. It's just simply another tool. Another example of this is also I would take from mountaineering. For example, if you are doing
altitude acclimatization or you're using a hypoxic mask or something like that, heart rate becomes inaccurate if you're doing that kind of training in addition to your normal training. So you actually have to use RPE. So some of this is just a natural evolution as we learn how to use some of these tools like the normal baric hypoxic training and
better and better over our years of experience. It's like, okay, the heart rate isn't working in this case. We've got to shift. So that's why we're offering all our plans in both modalities and in both ways of ranking the zones and setting up the zones. But all of the, you know,
All of the basic fundamentals of training remains the same. It's simply just another way of interpreting the same thing. Instead of a heart rate number, you're going to use a rating of your perceived exertion and try to dial that in. Really good evolution and way to give people more options to find the training that works for them and that still follows all the basic principles of endurance training that we know and love so well.
No, it's fantastic. I'm quite excited about it, of adding this to our our toolbox, we'll say. So I think one of the most important aspects of this membership program is the reason behind why we created this program. So, Steve, can you tell us what inspired you to develop this membership?

Vision for Accessible Training

What was the catalyst? Yeah, I think there's
There's two things. One, and there's probably more, but one of them is that as great as coaching is, it's not affordable for many people. And I understand that, but it's really difficult to scale a coach's time. A coach can only coach so many people in a day or in a week or in a month or in a year. And that needs to be compensated for your and our professionalism and knowledge and expertise.
So there was always this little bit of attention with that. I don't want to take anything away from coaching. We're still a hundred percent committed to our coaches and coaching and it's still always will be our sort of best way of helping people with training. But there's obviously other budget, you know, budgets that just simply can't afford that. So how do we accommodate people? Another
user case that has stuck with me is we've had a lot of athletes who have successfully used coaching that have gone off and done their objective or climbed their mountain or run their race.
Then they come back and they're like, yeah, I don't really feel like I need coaching anymore. But I just, or maybe I want to take a break from that. And where do I do? What do I go? How do I stay fit? Like, well, all we really had was training plans. So this kind of gives our coached athletes a bit of a better place to go for that off season training or times when they're not so worried about really making the most of every minute of their day.
or those kinds of things. Or athletes that just simply don't have too many special use cases. I mean, coaching is what you need if you have a unique set of challenges as an athlete, whatever that might be. It could be age, it could be injury, it could be you want to really increase your fitness for a big objective that really means a lot to you. There's a lot of reasons for coaching.
But I think that that's one of the reasons. The other reason is that I always held in my mind the 25-year-old version of myself that lived in the back of a mosque to pick up and would have just gone to the library and used the internet and tried to figure it out for myself because I had no money and had lots of time and had a lot of curiosity and had a lot of motivation. And I've also worked with
coaches and gotten a lot out of that. So I want to be able to accommodate people at different points in their lives and different levels of interest, different levels of commitment, different levels of budget, and make training more widely available to all the mountain athletes. So our mission is, of course, to educate and inspire all mountain athletes. And this is a way to
you know, underline that all. We can really help a lot more people with these three new levels of

Niche Training Plans Creation

training. And I think it also gives us a way, you pointed this out the other day on this, and I think this is really good. It gives us a path to creating more training plans, which is something we absolutely intend to do. We're already doing actually. And, you know, we can create plans now that would never
sort of, let's say, pay for themselves if we try to create them to sell on the training peaks, training plan marketplace. So I think that gives us some room for creativity. As coaches, we can
start to fill in some of these more niche things. We can start to write plans for Nordic skiing or mountain biking or post-menopausal women that want to have a general fitness plan. There's a lot of niche use cases or relatively niche use cases that we can work with now that we can build plans for and it makes sense with this model. That's, I think, a positive for the whole community.
Yeah, I'm really excited about that aspect. I think it allows us, like I said, to be innovators in the realm of training plans and whether you know, if that helps seven, eight people, that's fantastic. Whereas before we needed to consider the ability to sell the plans, I think a little bit more and now it's just kind of a bigger bundle.
One other piece that I wanted to touch on is just like, what are our cost

Pricing and Promotions

points? So we're saying that they're cheaper, but we haven't rolled out what they actually cost yet.
All right. Yeah. So our train option is $29 a month. So that's the training plans option. Then we have the connect option is going to be $59 a month and then elevate is going to be $149 a month. So all amazing deals, but then we have a special price going on currently this weekend. If you want to touch on that, Steve.
Yeah, I mean, just check the socials and the newsletters, but we'll be doing a promotional launch of 20% off. As long as you're subscribed, you'll get that price for any of these levels. And these also all include Training Kings Premium.
And Training Peaks Premium itself is $19 a month. So, you know, that's one of the reasons we couldn't go really much below 29 because a chunk of that is going to Training Peaks. And so that also, I think, has added value to all of this because you really need Training Peaks Premium to be able to properly implement a training plan. And I think that this is another possible use case is somebody comes in
at the training level for $29 a month and they can try and they can really like shop our plans from the inside out. They can see which ones they like and they might decide like hey I've got this figured out I know I just need this one plan and I know which one that is now and they might just only be a member for like a few weeks and then
exit the membership and then buy that plan and then use that for the next three years. That's also fine. Like, you know, we don't want to get, keep how people use the training plans so much. We want to just make sure that people are getting the right plan for themselves and doing, you know, doing what they need to do to improve their fitness for amount of sports. Excellent.

Launch and Community Feedback

So when is this launching? Today,
It is, yeah, it's launching November 24th. It's been, went into beta November 6th and that's been going really well. So yeah, November 24th and I, fingers crossed it goes well. And, you know, for all of you who have reached out about who a lot of people were actually upset. They didn't get into beta because we limited it to 25 and we sold out in less than 24 hours.
And a lot of people are kind of upset about that. And so if you did reach out about being upset about that, I will be reaching out to you with a special offer to thank you for that interest and enthusiasm. I really want this to be
something that the community is excited about, that they use, they help us improve. This is by no means one and done. Like this is going to be, you know, this is just, you know, another chapter and another innovation and we're just going to keep on making it better and better and better. That's, that's what we're, you know, and it's really depends on the community members and the athletes telling us what they need, how they want to train, what sports they're using, what, what problems they're having, what, what's,
what hiccups they're having in their training.

Lifelong Fitness and Community

And we'll just keep, keep making it better for everyone as best we can as long as we can.
We're just the Taylor Swift of, uh, of mountain sports selling out. Oh, she just, she just sells out. Yeah, exactly. Like people will take it faster. Like the sites would crash and then everyone was so upset with her. So we just, sorry, we're just the Taylor Swift. No, it will be available to everyone. Uh, very soon. We're excited to have you all. Um,
To wrap us up, what is one aspect of the program that most excites both of you? And I have one as well. Uh, if you want me to start off. Yeah. Yeah. So mine, and this is something that Steve, along when we were talking about the training plans is that I think our mission is to
inspire and elevate all mountain athletes. And oftentimes I think we see a mentality of people that train really hard and really well for a short period of time. They do their climb and then they kind of forget about fitness or there's not a structure to it. And it's not that you need structure all the time, but they just kind of like, they do six months and then it kind of disappears. And we want people to be lifelong
athletes and to have fitness be a part of every day. And so I think that whereas before, where would be this kind of actual, you know, summit and then decline, we want people to keep going and to embrace this as a lifestyle, not just a one off. And so I'm really hopeful with the membership program, with the price points, et cetera.
that people find a home where they are athletes and part of a community, our community, the mountain community, et cetera, for as long as they wish to be. So that's an aspect I'm quite excited about. Absolutely. That's a great one.
Yeah, I'll go next. My excitement is based around the community aspect. I think that's the pillar of any really good membership program is having this community feel. And I think that our platform really allows that and collaboration with fellow athletes. So that's going to be really exciting to see the little communities that form out of that. So that's what I'm excited about.

Teamwork and Innovation Spirit

Yeah, I have a couple of things I'm excited about.
One of the detailed nitty-gritty things I'm really excited about is the rock climbing training plans and the whole structure around that. That's been there for a while. I know you've been working on that. Yeah, I've been working on that for a while. And this membership platform provides a structure where we've built essentially, I think of it as an online course, where it walks people through the whole process of
of doing that, and then you have the training plans there. So it's sort of combining the right amount of education to execute a good training plan, a good training block. So I think that that's one thing. But on a bigger
To zoom out a little bit, I think the thing that I'm really excited about is that we're working together really well as a team with our athletes, with one another as coaches. It's just been an incredible process. It's for sure been hard sometimes.
these last seven months, we've really been digging into this, but it's been so rewarding, especially this last eight weeks to see you, Alyssa, you, Alexa, Lara, our web designer, Brian, who's heading up our marketing and branding, the other coaches, Chantal, I feel like we're really working incredibly well together as a team, and that's super cool to see.
I think that for me, one of the things I've realized from this is, you know, what I really love about uphill athlete is the same thing I loved about climbing. I just loved exploring and trying to figure out new things. And this is what we're doing. We're like figuring out something new. We're doing something that nobody's ever done before, honestly. And it's hard and it's a lot of work and
We're not perfect, but we're engaged and we're a team and we're doing incredible work and we've got an incredible community to work with, to partner with. For me, it's just like the same feeling I get from doing a new route or something. We're literally creating something new and that's just so fun.
I just love that. I don't care if it's anything else. It's already a success for me because we did that together and I'm so psyched about that and it feels so good. Thanks to each of you for your part in that. It's been really, really great process for me to work more and more with you. What's not done yet?
You're not done yet. And that's the other thing. Like, yeah, it's not done yet. Like, yeah, we've hit a milestone. But for sure, but it's never done. And that's part of why it's so fun. 12 months from now, it's probably going to be vastly different than it is right now. And that's a good thing. And that's what I love. That's what I love about how we're working together is we're just building on one another's ideas. And everybody's really engaged. And the athletes are really engaged.
It's just like that continuous refinement, making tweaks, changing little things on the training plan. Some of the changes that we've made in the training plan, nobody would ever see if we didn't tell them we did them. Because they're essentially invisible because we're just changing wording to make it more clear. But that can have a huge impact when you're standing there in the gym trying to figure out what the heck you're supposed to do. And you scale that up to 1,000 people using that plan or whatever.
you know, it's been really cool. And I'm really grateful for the opportunity to work with this community of coaches and athletes. It's really fun. I can say that my English grammar heart English teacher is so much happier with the status of the tricking plants now. That's good. Yeah, that's truly helped.
Well, you've heard it here first. So now go check it out. I don't think you'll be able to miss it. It's going to be everywhere. Our socials, our website, our email. So if you miss it, go to the uphill athlete website and you will find it right there. We're psyched on this. This has been a truly a passion project for everyone. Thank you so much for listening. And Steve, I think our tagline really sums it up.
It's not just one, but a community. Together we are a Palassie.