SNW: "Charades" (s2e5) image
S2 E48 · Trek, Marry, Kill
SNW: "Charades" (s2e5)
103 Plays
19 days ago

SPOCK BECOMES HUMAN after a shuttle accident at the mouth of an interdimensional vortex places his broken body in front of a group of energy beings patterned after Amazon customer service chatbots. It only gets worse for our favorite Vulcan when the in-laws drop in to complete a sacred Vulcan tea ceremony. Can his mother help him tap into his human side in time to lie his way through it? Will any of this story make sense? Bryan and Kristen are highly skeptical! Does this big swing connect? 

The grades begin at (26:24). 

If you're curious about Jane Espenson's blog, here's her post on clams
