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Testing some shots image

Testing some shots

Alcoholics and Activism
5 Plays1 year ago

This is a test recording.


First Episode Jitters

So yeah, again, this episode, this very first recording that we'll be doing, we don't really know if we're going to publish it or not. But this is pretty much just so that we can, you know, get the hang of talking in front of a mic. We don't know if this will turn out good. It might turn out awful. Most likely so bad. Most likely. But I think we can practice.

Random Topic: Future Planning

Okay, so I got I pulled up my chrome my Google and I googled
Random topic generator. And the topic that I got, exactly. So fucking adult. By the way, we will be cussing a lot in our podcast. So we apologize in advance. Okay. So the random topic that I got for this episode would be, are you ready? I'm not.
Of course, I will still tell you what the topic is. Honestly, I don't know the topic. Yeah, I know. Prior to recording. Okay, surprise me. Let's see, maybe this is going to be a segment. Random topic episode. Okay. So the topic is, how much do you plan for the future?

Humor and Philosophy on Life's Unpredictability

Oh my gosh. Daryll, how much do you plan for the future?
Oh my god. That hit him like a dog. I thought that this was supposed to be like a comedy. Why are you triggering the trauma chat? How deep is it?
Oh, hi. Can you repeat the question? Again, let's answer the question. Okay, so Daril, how much do you plan for the future? I believe... As an adult, in the film. As an adult, okay. We were always taught that
we should plan a trained diet to always plan for the future. And so we did. But eventually, secret to cut the story short, life just fucks us up. That no matter how hard and how well we plan our future. I mean, I'm in that point where, you know, it doesn't make sense to like, plan, plan, at least for the future future.
Plan, plan for the future future. Plan, plan for the future future. Plan for this weekend, plan for like... Short-term plans. Correct, correct. Have you ever did or have you ever planned for something before and it didn't turn out? Yes, actually there are a lot.

COVID's Impact on Financial Plans

Actually, I was like looking, just looking at myself because, you know,
The biggest plan was to save up for a condo. I really wanted to
To purchase? To market? These adult terms. Loan mortgage purchase. I don't know how to say it. I don't know how to say it. I don't know how to say it. I don't know how to say it. I don't know how to say it.
So, but I'm not going to save actually a whole lot. I'm going to start doing lockdown. Because I work from home, I'm going to work from home. But I'm not going to save a whole lot. And in fact, I'm going to get excited. But then, COVID hit home. It hit my family, living in the Philippines.
without proper health insurance and COVID. In getting COVID, Aragang will hit your wallets and you know. Everything around. Everything around. Everything around your wallet. Your sanity.
It's good to cut the story short. We will talk about these kinds of traumas. We will talk about these kinds of traumas. We will talk about these kinds of traumas. We will talk about these kinds of traumas. We will talk about these kinds of traumas.
What about you, and how you expected the man's heart as Filipinos? I don't know how to say it after, like, being a man as an adult. Correct. What do you think about it? What do you think about it? What do you think about it? What do you think about it? What do you think about it? I don't know. I don't know.
Biggest plant in the world? No, it's not a plant. What about the future? What about the back story? What about the back story? One arch. What about the back story? One arch. What about the back story? One of many plants that didn't happen for me.
I'm not going to plan a 180 degree shift from you. So, I'm going to go to high school and plan a Bible Woman. Oh my god, we're bringing that conversation here. We're bringing that conversation here.

Religious Upbringing and Career Expectations

Okay, okay. So plan a Bible Woman. And a Bible Woman.
So, Born Again Christian, I was brought up as a Born Again Christian. My family, my parents, my dad's a pastor. Another topic to talk about. But my father's a pastor, my mom is the female version of a pastor. This is a denomination. I'm a pastor now. So, I'm a Bible woman. Women. Bible women.
Okay. I was very, you know, um. Basically my whole life revolved around it. So I, during that time I felt like I was called to the ministry. Which was very, it was very sincere, like mine. Okay.
So you know so
That was my best in path before. I couldn't see anything else for me. And that was my passion. But my father, actually, my father, my father. Going back to that.
you know, point. So I think it also mattered to them how to be secular. Secular meaning in the Bible school. No. How to be secular, because you have to be useful to be not just, you know, to have a job, a paying job, basically. Because you can't be a Bible woman without a job. Yes.
That's part 2 in the first chapter of the book, the first chapter of the book, the first chapter of the book of the book of the book of the book of the book.
It was more like, it was more like, it's much easier, but it's much difficult in life. So you need a degree to have a good job. So they really pushed me towards, um,
You know, going to school first. I mean, going to college first. Actual college. Like, a real college. Sorry, guys.
But I did. I feel like a divine intervention. God destined you. Oh, yeah. God destined me. But I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to do it. So I was closer to home, less gas cost. I went to university to create my tuition from CIDEX.
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
So, I don't know if it's true or not, but I don't know if it's true or not. I don't know if it's true or not. I don't know if it's true or not. I don't know if it's true or not. I don't know if it's true or not. I don't know if it's true or not.
I don't know how to say it. I don't know how to say it. I don't know how to say it. I don't know how to say it. I don't know how to say it.
So end of the day.
Choice mob but not really. And then, I mean, do not turn, like start mob turn in life. Whoa!
But again, that's for another topic. So basically, I'm pointing to the synabic. I'm pointing to the synabic. I don't know how to say it, but you know, I don't know how to say it. I don't know how to say it. Like inhale. Inhale, char. I don't know how to say it. How it turned out.
I literally cannot imagine. If it was a different path that I took from there, I cannot imagine it.
I don't have a feeling about it. I don't have my characteristics and my personality. I don't have a feeling about it. I don't have a feeling about it. I don't have a feeling about it. I don't have a feeling about it. I don't have a feeling about it. I don't have a feeling about it. I don't have a feeling about it.
We were arguing about that. I mean, you know, the characteristics of a woman, supposedly. And I'm like,
So because I demand to have equal rights, I should have been born a guy. But again, that's for another topic. Sex is in the adulting world. Okay, I'm listing that down. Yeah, list it down. So we won't forget. But yeah. But no, it's a happy thing.
Or are you really? I'm depression. I'm not happy with you. That's a very prideful of all of us. All of us. But kidding aside, all bullshit aside, I think I'm happy. Then I'm happy.
I'm very happy on how it turned out. The journey, the journey was not happy. Like, of course there are ups and downs, but I'm happy. I'm happy at where I am at. Okay. Okay. I'm glad that you are happy.
Don't drag me into this.
I mean, some of our reasons come back with like the whole journey was happy. We all need their support. It's like constant people.
I don't know if you follow up with that. Okay, next. My other question is, do you have any plan for your future? Like long term or short term? What do you have in store for yourself? What do you have in store for yourself?
One of the things I like to do is to get rid of death. While... death. Yes, death. Not death. Death, death. Okay. Debutter. Debutter. Debutter. Uh-oh. Better in the process. You know, I still get to live a regular life.
As much as possible. And by your regular... Like my enjoying my parents. Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, you know, short term plan, like I want to get rid of that ASAP. It's a long term plan to tell you honestly. And I think that's what I'm going to say before. I'm not going to say it before. I'm not going to say it before. I'm not going to say it before. I'm not going to say it before. I'm not going to say it before. I'm not going to say it before. I'm not going to say it before. I'm not going to say it before. I'm not going to say it before. I'm not going to say it before. I'm not going to say it before. I'm not going to say it before. I'm not going to say it before. I'm not going to say it before. I'm not going to say it before.

Living in the Present: A Philosophical Debate

I'm not going to say it before.
I think that we have to, in our state, you live each day as is. So, for short term planning, and a lot of adults would say otherwise, but it's not a rational thing for me. I don't plan on it.
It's in hardens to my own terms.
I think it's an expiration date for myself, if you know what I mean. I'm dark, I don't want to be on Spotify anymore. I'm dark. That's a very controversial and brave thing to say. But I am happy about that decision. At least for now, I'm not like... No way!
You might as well control, take control over that aspect of her life. So the question was,
I actually forgot. Wait, what are your short-term and long-term plans? Short-term plans? Get back to the gym. Here's the thing about me. I'm very good at planning, conceptualizing ideas. I'm really, really good at that. I don't know that.
execution, I'm like, the fucking worst, not just execution, finishing it like, so there is a very big possibility we start this podcast. This episode. I mean,
You know this, I have always planned to, I always wanted and planned to do a podcast of my own. And I already have the concept, I have the topics, I have supposedly, you know, the concept. And it was a good one. However, I don't know execution, I don't know.
You want to be perfect for the concept, for the execution to be perfect. So you think of all the possible things that it could go wrong and at the end, you don't execute or like you stop halfway because you don't
You don't want to be half-assed. I'm now learning to take things one step at a time.
One thing I've learned in my reading. Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading! Reading!
And you know what? That's okay. That's okay. You can never make the perfect first episode of something or you always got to start somewhere at least. But if you are not satisfied with the outcome of the first time you try it, you have to try again. Instead of just stopping there and saying,
Oh, I'm not good at this. I'm not cut out for this. I'm never going to do this again. Instead of doing that, you know, you make it better. Right. So that's what I'm trying to do now is my short term is short term plan is to continue this podcast. Well, my long term plan is to go back to schooling because I never really finished my, my, my
like going to college, I'm a college dropout. So the reason why I am is a very, it's another episode. The reason why I am is a very, very long story, but
I still hope when my priorities change, it's going to open the opportunity for me to go back to school.

Returning to Education: Changing Priorities

That's my long-term plan, goal at least. I don't know if it's a plan because basically I don't have a plan on how to do that yet.
Yeah, yeah. But it's a goal. It's a goal. So that's a start. That's a start, I guess. And not closing the door on that goal. But I never, that's never gonna happen anymore. No, I'm trying to not do that. Okay. So yeah, that's... How about for a change, you come up with another question. Last question for this episode. We got seven more minutes for it to be 30 minutes.
It's the 30 minute mark. I want to ask a question. Oh, it's dead air. That's okay. We're gonna edit it out. No sweat. Or are we? Yeah, we are, we are. Are we really? Okay. Yeah, we gotta. We gotta do something.
In the future, you've mentioned that you have long-term plans actually, and you have your goals. I just mentioned one goal. One big goal that comes along with like a lot of plants in the process. But anyways, yeah, you have your goals right in the future. Imagine that there's a goal in the future. If there's a goal around you,
witnessing that boy. I love that. I actually do that. Don't motivate myself. Well, of course, my children, I don't know sometimes, whenever I see, I don't know how to say it, because I recently went to graduation season. My mom opposed, now they graduate with their children. And I'm like, oh,
Um, who knows maybe, maybe that's gonna be, uh, what's gonna happen for me alongside my children. And that's okay. No shame in that, right? No shame in that. Um, so my child, my children definitely, um,
My husband, hopefully. We used to go around having dinner still together. Of course, my husband. But he's been very supportive of what I want to do in life or in the future. He's also encouraging me, one of the people who are encouraging me to go back. We don't know how yet, but he tells me not. I should.
So yeah, my husband, you guys, of course, you're the first on that list of my friends who are there. I hope you're still there. My parents, I guess, because one of the reasons why I want to reach that goal is for my parents as well. Because my dad had big dreams for me and I thought,
before I would be able to reach them right away. Like, he, he dreamt. At some point, I don't know how to be a president. I don't know. I know. Oh, my God. Oh, of course. No, no, no, no. Not not this shithole. Just kidding. Oh, no. No.
um yeah he had big plans for me or he had big aspirations for me and he really believed that up till now he still believes i can reach them if if given the opportunity if given the chance so one of the people that i hope would still be around me when i do reach that specific goal would be my parents would be my dad because
He... I wanna... If that goal was not for me, it would be for my dad. For my children, not so much anymore. I'm sure they would be very proud of me if I did that for myself. But more for my dad. Yeah, yeah.
I don't want to pay for what I'm like about because of, you know, from religion. Yeah, that one too. No, I mean, no, remember, I said the battery is on why I couldn't continue school anymore.
not just financially, because financially could be a new solution. And that's another story too. That's another episode too.
But I don't know, it was sad big time. I don't know, it was sad big time. And for a good reason, those were one of the things that
He wanted me to become a lawyer. I wanted to become a lawyer and he wanted that for me too. He wanted to become a lawyer and he wanted that for me too. He wanted to become a lawyer and he wanted that for me too. He wanted to become a lawyer and he wanted that for me too. He wanted to become a lawyer and he wanted that for me too. He wanted to become a lawyer and he wanted that for me too. He wanted to become a lawyer and he wanted that for me too. He wanted to become a lawyer and he wanted that for me too. He wanted to become a lawyer and he wanted that for me too. He wanted to become a lawyer and he wanted that for me too. He wanted to become a lawyer and he wanted that for me too. He wanted to become a lawyer and he wanted that for me too. He wanted to become a lawyer and he wanted that for me too. He wanted to become a lawyer and he wanted that for me too. He wanted to become a lawyer and he wanted that for me too. He wanted to become a lawyer
Actually, this episode is not on Earth. I don't think it's on Earth. We're not even on our third piece. We're starting an adulting podcast and we're not even on our third piece. It's the perfect, perfect page.
Because we don't know shit yet. I know. We still don't know shit at this point. Our 30 plus listeners would be like, you don't know shit. They're there. You poor creature. You in your 20s, thinking that life is that hard. No? We want to make the most out of what we can in our 20s now.
Yeah, yeah. Apparently, starting a podcast is one of them. But yeah, I mean, why not,

Podcast Purpose and Process Reflection

right? Nothing's wrong with it. We're just seizing the moment. We're just, time is something that you can never get back. I mean, money, probably energy too. But yeah, time is something we can never
and do or take back. So we're just doing the most out of what we can at this given moment. Yeah, that's actually true. Given that we've unearthed a surface of so many things we could talk about, what can our listeners
If we have any, expect. In the next coming episodes, at least for you, what are the topics? What can you expect? Expect nothing. We're really just talking about shit here. Topics! What topics can be? We basically cannot make a podcast up here.
podcast about something that we don't know anything about. And as much as we have so much to learn about life, about adulting, there are some things that we've already dipped our toes into or up to that level. We're wading through waters that are still unknown, but oh, we have an idea. So we have a lot of problems. Love life.
What else? Religion. That's also a big thing here in the Philippines. I think that's one of the topics that we can talk about. At least if not religion in general or specific religion that we
had we were able to experience the religion that we have that we have or the lack thereof um what else family friends friendship um our government our government definitely because whether we like it or not
Whatever the government does will affect us in a personal way. That would be nothing. Well, it's not really. That's not exactly true. We'll delve deeper into that. Yes, we'll delve deeper into that.
But then again, those, those topics are a lot to digest in, of course, one sitting. And gusodin namanat in, in dilantopara, mindless rambling, because
Yeah, that's what they can expect from us. Actually, we can talk about anything under the sun. Yeah, we can talk about anything that we like.
being an adult is. So we're, we're actually recording this after our graveyard shifts. So please forgive us if, if we start sentences and we don't finish them, please forgive us. I think this podcast is something that's gonna be really,
I don't know. I don't want to say exciting, spreading Hindi. I want to put adjectives for now. This podcast is blank. This podcast is gonna be...
Fun, at least. I'd like to think about it as, I don't know, just two random friends who decided to record and think that what they have to say is to be heard. It's relevant. It's relevant. It's relevant. We have had a lot of conversations before, and I think was... I don't know. Maybe, I don't know.
Do you have topics that we can bring other people into the conversation? Yeah, that too. I mean... I'm sorry. There are conversations about it. Do you have something that you didn't even realize until you talked about it? Correct, correct. I think it's a good thing. It's a good thing.
It's not going to happen in thoughts, it's not going to happen whenever we have those kinds of conversations. It's like, if I heard this conversation from somebody else before, when I was in a different time in my life, this would have helped a lot. So the hope is to become relevant and to be helpful. I think that, like seriously, if we can help somebody, why not?
So guess again, let's put our hopes onto that level. So now for our closing remarks, I would like to request Dariel to lead the closing prayer. Anyways, we're gonna be ending our first episode. How did that make you feel?
I don't know. Well, do I have to feel something? I'm just excited for the next recordings. Or recordings for the next episodes. Yeah, so... I don't know. I don't know how to say it. I don't know how to say it. I don't know how to say it. I don't know how to say it. Anyways, we just want to be transparent.
I didn't really say nothing. Sorry. Maybe show notes. Google. Show notes. Anyways. How do we end podcasts? How are podcasts being ended? Outro. Okay. Outro. QN. Outro. Right now.
Okay, guys, so join us. Join us for our next episode. We have no idea what it's going to be out. Wait, what are we going to do now? I don't know, I'm closing Spill. Okay, okay. Okay. So for our next episode, we will be choosing another random topic. It may be random, it may be planned. We don't know yet, but we hope you can stick around if you like what you heard. I don't know if you will, but...
Why not, right? So yeah. Again, I'm Daryll. And I'm Kesh. And this is... Adulting in the Philippines. Stop recording. Stop recording.