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 Unblocking your next Manifestation with Melanie Guerra✨ image

Unblocking your next Manifestation with Melanie Guerra✨

Shine on You with Renee Novello & Christina Lanae
81 Plays1 year ago

Hello Illustrious Beings of Light!🌅

Today on the podcast we have an inspiring, all around uplifting talk with mindset & manifestation coach, Melanie Guerra 💫

Melanie is the founder of the growing self development brand: Passport to Manifest 🌎🗝 a company created for those inspired with creating an extraordinary life, to come together and activate their inner power!

She shares with us her personal story of going from a more traditional business path in real estate to realizing her vision and dream to live a vibrant life of wanderlust & FREEDOM. 

In the conversation we talk about:

-Melanie share with us her wisdom on the art manifestation & how the subconscious is deeply affecting what we are calling into reality.  Listen all the way through for her practical tips you can use to start manifesting a version of reality you are dreaming of now.

-Overcoming the fear of public speaking & being fully SEEN

-Real talk... Riding the ups & downs along the entrepreneurial journey and the misconceptions that are out there in this process

-Harnessing the power of death & rebirth cycle mindset to overcome your next destined up-leveling

-Follow the hints along the way to do the inner work & power of doing this in community healing circles... shout out to @theblondepriestess & @pranasalt cave 🪶💞

-Shifting the focus from the head to the heart & going deeper to find your truest path of service

-Tethering into yourself with the potent energy of in-person retreat & travel  

💖 Must check out Melanie's vibrant IG @passporttomanifest 

To connect with Renee: on IG @feelgoodwithrenee 


Introduction of Melanie Gaura

Hi, everybody. Today we are getting to know another beautiful local Wilmington soul. We have with us today, Melanie Gaura, and she is a manifestation coach, mindset coach, and just all around beautiful goddess. Thank you for being here, Melanie.
Oh, what an introduction. Thank you for having me. Yes. Yes. I definitely feel like that embodies your energy so beautifully.

From Corporate to Manifestation Coach

And I'm really grateful and excited you're here today to share with us.
Yes, I'm looking forward for this juicy conversation. Yeah, and I know you're also a podcast host and you have such a fascinating lens that you speak to regarding manifestation and spirituality and combining that with
this beautiful, wanderlust travel side. So I can't wait to get into so many different things. And, yeah, and I met you at a local cacao circle with the beautiful Christina Blaine, the blonde priestess. Yes. Sending her love. You said shout out Christina, shout out blonde priestess. Yes.
for connecting so many of us. She really does. She is a, just this beautiful connector is really, you know, a great way to put it. And when you're in these cacao circles, it's like, it's such a, she holds space so beautifully for it to be such a meaningful and intimate, just like break out of life. And I think we may have even sat next to each other last time, if I'm, last time I was there, if I'm remembering correctly.
And I was like, oh, probably. I feel like I remember you sitting across from me one time when you brought your amazing daughter. But I was like, wowed by. I was like, oh my God, you guys have such a beautiful relationship. But yes, we've been. We've sat together a couple of times.
Yeah, it's such a special little, I don't know, just a cozy little cave situation that happens. And if you're listening to this and you're local, you definitely have to check out the offerings at the Salt Caves with the blonde princess and you'll meet new friends like I did like Melanie.
So good. So yeah, so I know, you know, in kind of knowing a bit about you, I know that you have a really beautiful perspective on manifestation and really have come through some transformation in that, right? Like I know that if, and I always kind of like to go back and hear people's story. Would you take us back to, you know, I know that
you had a more of a corporate career and then you transitioned into really following your soul calling and just would love to hear about that. I love to hear about that journey. Yeah, absolutely.

The Role of Personal Transformation in Manifestation

And I love that you brought up the word transformation because
100% your manifestation is like your big dreams. I'm talking your big dreams are going to require you to evolve and to step into this evolved version of yourself. And there's this quote that says like, you're not waiting for your manifestation. Your manifestation is waiting for you.
And as you guys will hear in my story, it is 100% true. Um, so we'll take you back to 2019. Um, that was like, I was three years into, um, the first job that I felt like was like super quote unquote official because I was a realistic agent and that just felt like, wow, super stitches. I just, I used to think that way.
And prior to that, I had worked briefly at a bank and then before that in restaurants and then had a year-long stint with a network marketing company, which shouldn't work out but taught me so many valuable takeaways for what kind of lifestyle I wanted to call in.
And so Real Estate gave me two of those things, which was like the time freedom aspect where I could, you know, be flexible with my schedule, like just choose when I wanted to see clients. Although sometimes I did have to like agree to certain crazy times just because it's like, well, this is the only time they can see houses. Sure.
Yeah, and then, and it also had the aspect of like, there was no set amount of income, because it was based on commission. So that was great. And that was also the first year that I had reached like the coveted six figure income.
So life was good, and I didn't hate the job. It did have parts that I really enjoyed seeing the people that I was showing houses to. When they saw the house that was the one that was very rewarding, and then at closing, giving them their gifts. So it wasn't that I hated it, but it was always something.
No, so this was like an hour away from Wilmington in a very, very small town called Jacksonville. Okay. Here in Recur. Yeah. And so yeah, life was good. I got started traveling as well. So it was like, nice, like we get to like expand more, we get to like, be able to call in for more support as well.
And at the end of that year, I came across this big business conference that was going to have some famous motivational speakers, and they were just going to give business advice.

Inspiration from Business Conferences

And so, of course, I was like, OK, I have to attend because I know I fully believe in investing in yourself. So I went. And my plan was, of course, just to gather some business advice and just get that extra motivation.
And I didn't know I was going to walk away with like a totally different thing like a whole new idea for for business and a life path really like it because I felt like I as I was sitting there for like three days like in the audience just watching these like oh my god amazing souls like pour all this positive energy into us and it's so potent when it's in like a stage you know um
I was there was something it was like, it wasn't like a very clear message, but it was like a little whisper that was like, I want to be like them. Like I want to have that kind of impact the way that they're making me feel right now and they're inspiring the hell out of me like, I want to do that for people.
But it wasn't at the time I didn't see it like, oh, I want to be a speaker because public speaking had been one of my biggest fears up until that point, actually up until very recently. And so I was like, okay, well, what can I do? So I kind of set out on a journey to getting more clarity around like, okay, well, how can I help people in a similar way that they do beyond just helping people find a house? That was nice.
There was something in me telling me like, no, there's I don't know what it looks like. I don't know what it's supposed to be, but I feel like I'm supposed to be helping people on a deeper level. So I set out on that journey and I thought, of course, like, oh, I'll just, you know, balance my real estate business and like this new little business venture. Right.
And that's not quite what ended up happening.

The Journey to Business Coaching

So of course, because as I dove more into this new journey, I became more excited about it and more obsessed with it. So naturally my focus started going into this new business. So at first I started out
But the easiest thing that I could think of was to start out as a coach for real estate agents, teaching them social media. I signed up for a course, and then I tried to launch my own. That didn't go well. But then I hired a coach to show me how to become a coach instead, build a coaching business around that same area or same niche. And I signed up a few clients right off the bat. And then as I was working with them, I realized,
Hmm, this isn't quite it. Like it was rewarding that I had signed the clients because of course that's like, yay. Right. But the topics that we were talking about, like when we, when we were on Zoom talking about like, what's a post and the strategies and the marketing, like people always said I was good at that. But when I was talking about it with other people, that didn't light me up.
So I was like, okay, well, let's shift. Let's pivot. And I pivoted into being a business coach instead. And I think the main reason was because what I really enjoyed was like talking about the mindset aspect of things. Like most of the time I found that with my own business coach,
The things that I came to her for was how I was feeling, like whether I was feeling a little bit impostory or doubts or fears, and we would work through that. And it was really cool at the end, you know, how I would feel like the difference between how I started the call and then at the end. And, um, so I, so I did that, got another couple of clients. It was amazing. I was like, okay, this time, like when I was working with them, I was like, yes, this, this is it. Like I'm loving it. This feels like a full body. Yes.
And then came this period of like a year and a half or so where I struggled to assign any clients at all. And I tried everything and I mean everything like hiring new coaches, hiring a mindset coach, like just soaking up all the marketing practices, all the
strategies and the tactical things, the external things. I invested a lot of money in that and nothing would work. And all this time as this was happening, so by now it's been like about a year or two that I'm putting my focus and energy into this business, my real estate business isn't no longer generating six figures. So like the year after that,
really amazing year in real estate, I made about half. And then the following year after that, it was even less, probably like less than what do you call it, like minimum wage.
So of course, as that's happening, like, and as someone at that point who has not really, I thought I had worked on my money mindset, but it was like very superficial level. And I hadn't done any subconscious work. I hadn't done healing, nothing like that yet. Um, the seeing my income drop like that.
was of course very, very, very challenging. And I just let it take my mindset wherever it was going to go, like in

Inner Work and Personal Growth

a bad place. And so I became more desperate for my new business to work out.
I had originally thought like, oh, I can probably replace my income within a year, especially because everybody would talk about that. Like, oh, my first year I made six figures. Like totally disregarding the fact that it took me three in my first business.
And I just had this expectation. And so once it was unmet, I just I kind of became like the desperation and the neediness just increased, even though I didn't want to admit that I felt that way. But it definitely like looking back, I'm like, oh, yeah, 100 percent. Right. Which is off like needy energy, which is not a vibe that actually translates into abundance. Right. It's like an eye.
Oh, I relate to that you're saying right now. I just wanted to point out because I'm like, yeah, I've been there. I think that there's this like illusion out there, right? Because everything's so pretty and shiny when you see someone that has hit their stride and you don't realize the groundwork, the mindset, the subconscious programming and all of that that has had to be examined and pulled out onto the table and then looked at and we just see.
And especially given what you were sharing, even what you were sharing about being in network marketing, I actually built a business in network marketing and was earning six figures. And then when I decided that was no longer aligned, similar to what you're saying, I thought I was just going to step into something else immediately and just like, oh yeah, I've done it before. It's taken me quite a few years to get my confidence back, to look at the reasons why that didn't
necessarily work out, all the things. So I just wanted to say that.
what you're speaking to, I think is so common and needs to be talked about because it's not helpful for anyone who wants to go out on their own and really follow their sole purpose or their path. And then they think like, they can get discouraged because it's like, you just don't realize that, yeah, you gotta go through these processes and it's all normal. So I love your normalizing this and talking about it.
So, yes. So you're in the midst of the transformation and you're probably feeling like you're in the void and things aren't making sense yet, but you know you got to keep going, right?
Yeah, exactly. Well, okay, so I got to this point by like December 2021, after like, what felt like back to back to back to back failures. Oh, yeah. Where I was like, I literally cannot anymore. Like there is there I'm just, there's nothing there's no like piece of advice that could
changed the way that I feel that could give me back the hope and so it just it I started suffering more like I was crying every day about it so it's like when the desire became like okay now it's bringing me you know suffering it's like okay I gotta do something like I gotta quote-unquote let it die
And what's interesting about like letting something die. There's this card on this beautiful like goddess deck on an Oracle goddess deck. I don't know if you've seen it. But there's this goddess on it that it's her name is Morgan and it says death and magic. And in the booklet when you read the meaning it says like, um,
Nothing really ever dies. And like, even though it might seem that way, it can definitely come back to life and be this beautiful, more evolved thing. And I didn't know it at the time, but that is what was happening. And so I thought I was like shutting something down forever. I didn't know what was going to be the next step. I was heartbroken. And I just let it go.
And I started out, well, and also at the same time I was like, okay, the last thing, the only thing that I haven't really tried that I keep hearing, I keep getting like little hints like here and there from a podcast episode for this other person from a TikTok video, whatever, was doing this thing called inner work, which at the time I didn't know what it was. So it's like, all I have left to do is go with it because I haven't tried that.
So I did, I kind of, I shut that version of my business down. And then I just went on a healing journey. And shortly after I was like, I want to connect, I want to do this work with like a community. And that's when I found the Prana salt cave community, like the cow circles.
guys I've been to like I go at least twice a month or at least in 2022 I went like maybe two or three times a month and oh my goodness have those community circles healed so much um and really when I look back at the at the journey of like all those failures I'm like we know when I think why why did it happen it's like well it had to happen for me to
get to this place where I'm like, oh my gosh, I need to look within. I need to see what has been unhealed.

Hosting Retreats and Finding Alignment

I used to be a completely different version of myself than I am now. I used to get so triggered by interactions with my parents on the phone. I didn't even have to see them in person. And they didn't even have to say something angering. It was just like hearing their voice for too long.
Um, and then, which obviously, you know, signified so much healing, so much things that I've ignored and haven't healed from my past, from inner child, from mother wounds. Um, also friendship wounds or simply just always like not feeling enough. And I got to prove myself and just all these things that I didn't realize were, you know, calling, like yelling for my attention. Um, and.
those, you know, going through those failures, let me to look at all of those and take care of them and be like, okay, how can we, how can we heal? How can we fix this? How can we shift this? And like today, I would say the biggest
So although I have had the physical manifestations come from that low point to now, where now I've got a podcast and I'm getting ready to host my first retreat next month, and I've got a really big community. Well, in my perspective, I've got a big community on my Instagram, which is amazing because it's the biggest I've ever had in any social platform.
Sorry, what did you say? That's awesome. I feel like the quality of the community and the quality of the offerings and the things that sounds like you went from something that you thought in your mind, like your mental mindset was like, no, this is it. This is what I'm after and I'm going to do this.
when you turned your perspective inward and you started to really like cultivate that awareness. It's like the rebirth, right? The rebirth part of the transformation of the magic just on the other side of that, which I love that for you.
Thank you. So yes, even though I've had those physical manifestations, I think the most valuable one has been my evolution. All of the new perspectives, all the ways, the tools that I've gained on knowing how to deal with everyday things or just new things coming up because new things come up to heal all the time.
And just being able to go through that process so much smoothly, like seeing how I used to react to situations versus now is like drastically different. It's so fricking rewarding. And also, if I had back then, like in 2019, when I saw those people on stage and just been like, oh, yes, I wanna, I'm gonna become a coach today or a speaker. It's like, what would I have even, what value would I have even brought at that point? Or maybe I did have some, but like not, not what I have today.
But today I have so many more lessons, so much more wisdom to offer than I did. So it's like, it all just makes sense. For sure. And I've seen this, tell me if you feel like this is a thing too. I've seen this because I'm big into the whole, I've always been attracted to natural development or natural development, self development, and just naturally wanted to, you know,
learn the success principles, quote unquote, like books and different, you know, like you were talking about going to see people that are speaking from stage that are, you know, living in abundance. And I don't necessarily even mean financially, but just they have...
feeling to them that feels like abundance. I'm like, yeah, that's what I wanna call in, right? So it's like this trajectory that may be a little similar to what you're sharing that I've been through too is this like, okay, I'm gonna go to the conferences, I'm gonna read the books. It's like all in my head, right? It's like this mental thing is working overtime.
And then at some point I feel like this is happening or this is kind of a trend. It's like a lot of women in particular that have been ambitious and wanting to go into leadership or coaching and things like that. It's like we've started to drop into our hearts.
And we've gone through the fire to get there because there's those blocks between our head and our heart that we aren't even consciously aware of until we slow down enough and start to ask the right questions.

Transition from Head to Heart-Centered Living

And for somebody who's ambitious,
totally foreign and scary. Like, it was for me. It's like, wait, what's happening? I can't just like, you know, bulldoze my way through this. Oh my gosh. What is it? Beautifully. Oh, thank you. Yeah. No, I just, I'm curious. Like, do you feel like that's the thing now? It's like a lot of us ambitious, naturally full are now like,
Oh wait, it's in our, we gotta get into our heart. We gotta get out of the head into the heart more. And that's where I love you even equated that to the cacao circles, cuz what is cacao, right? It's like this beautiful medicine, heart opening medicine. Wow, yeah.
Wow. Of course you like, and I mean, that's amazing that that was a community that you could, and I feel the same way. Like I feel like immediately going in there. I'm like, Oh wow. Like this feels so good to my soul. So yeah. So now it's like, you're feeling like things are
I mean, with your retreat coming up and your podcast, I mean, you have such, I just have to say, you have such a vibrant, wanderlusty Instagram too.
When I go on there, I'm like, yeah, is this even real life? It's so cool. I love how you have just your colors and everything. It's just vibrant and beautiful. Thank you. Travel is such a big part of my life. I have this forever travel bug.
that just want to be traveling forward and exploring the most beautiful places. And so I share that as part of like the visuals, because I know it's like, it really catches your eye and it just feels, it gives you like this feeling that it's like delicious. And then you're like, oh, let me read the caption maybe, and then let me go to the podcast. That's right. Yeah. So what was, that was like an inner, an intentional intersection for me, for you, where you went from
just going through the fire to be really aligned with your purpose and your coaching and your mentoring. And then there was an intersection that you kind of were like, wait a minute, travel is also a big part of me. Is that kind of like a conscious thing that happened?
So it was like so shortly after I I stopped posting on the Instagram account that I was using for the first iteration of my coaching business I created a new one and as I was thinking about like the name I don't know why I can't remember exactly why like travel came to mind of course I I've loved it I was like maybe this is the one well actually now that I think about it
Oh, for years prior to that, so before I had like a business or a coaching Instagram, I had a fashion Instagram. And then while I had the fashion Instagram, I was playing around with the idea of like doing travel content.
So it kind of had always been on my mind a little bit, but I was never so called into doing a travel guide necessarily, like the itineraries and stuff like that. So this time I was like, okay, I think I had been playing with sharing my own travel visuals in my business account. And so I knew that people liked seeing that and I was like, well, what if I just, I don't know, did more travel stuff?
And part of me knew that at some point I would want to combine like manifestation and a little bit of spirituality in the brand because I'm like, that's me.

Passport to Manifest: Combining Travel and Coaching

Like it has to come back. Even though right now I just I'm heartbroken and I don't know if I'll ever even touch it again. I just know that it might. So let me leave room for that. And that's how I came up with the name Passport to Manifest. It was like combining the two things together and then
along the way, I was like, okay, I don't know how I'm going to combine the two, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. I'm sure I'll get like the puzzle pieces like one by one by one. And I think now it's like I don't really ask myself that it's just like naturally happening. Yes. Yeah, exactly. And
I love that you're a multi-passionate person. You're a manifesting generator, aren't you? Did I remember that? I'm a generator. You're a generator. Okay. Yeah. I mean, my two fours. My son is four. He's one of my favorite people in the world.
Oh, I know. So fun. Yeah, I was just curious because I feel like I I'm not a manifesting generator. I'm a projector, but I feel like I have that multi passionate. Just it takes me for I get a little too in my head about like, OK, I want to talk about this one thing because I you know.
niche and that kind of thing, right? Like you're kind of taught somewhere along the line. Yeah, I roll. Right? And then like when I gave myself permission, like, no, I'm just going to follow my natural excitement about whatever. Yes. Yes.
I appreciate that because I feel like it's just so much more free and those old roles just aren't even relevant. And it's like, yes, that is you, the vibrancy and the travel and all that rolled into one. So why would you leave it out? So I love that. Exactly. That's been a part of things.
And so what do you feel like when you're working with people? What are they coming to you for? Are they coming to you for help with specific manifestations? Or is it more community and just belonging?

Helping Clients Overcome Limiting Beliefs

What do you feel like people really see as your magic?
I would say more like they come to me with their limiting beliefs and maybe they're feeling, um, letting like external circumstances like dictate how they feel. That's what I get reached out by, by the most. And of course, like, yes, the community spaces are a newer thing. So this retreat coming up is like my first one.
So we'll see. But yeah, that's a lot of times what I'm working with people around because they hear like my perspective on situations. And it's like something refreshing like, wow, I never thought to look at it that way instead of a negative thing, you know, just shifting that. Yeah, yeah, I love that. And that's, I mean,
It's just, there's just endless material when you're talking about our, everybody is limiting beliefs. We're all sharing that, right? Like, it's just that whether it's the most turned up voice that we're hearing in our head, or if we can learn to temper that and to turn that down and start to tap into, you know, our authenticity and our
Yeah, sense of worth right like all of that so powerful. Oh my gosh, so powerful And yeah, so you have a beautiful retreat coming up. Where is it? Into Loom Mexico. Have you been before?
I've been to Cancun, loved it, and I haven't been to Tulum yet, but it has like this very boho, a little bit of like Bali vibes if you've ever seen pictures of Bali. Yes. I love it. Yes. I know a couple of my friends have done retreats in Tulum. I've never made it, but I think that's incredible. And when is it happening? June 15th to the 20th.
Awesome. Five full days of manifesting fun, doing some healing work, just sitting in a sisterhood circle, the good stuff that I love. Yes. Yes. And those, those immersive experiences are so powerful. Yes. You know, the in-person
Yeah, I'm super passionate about in-person community things because obviously I've had the biggest transformations at every single in-person event I've been starting from that one conference to the cacao circles. And going to those community spaces or specifically to the cacao circle is the thing that really
ignited the desire to hold that kind of space for people as well. I was like, okay, this is too good of medicine. I have to share it with other people. Not only invite them, but maybe also create that space for people in my own community so they know that they have somewhere to go to.
Yeah, you know, I have to say like I went to Christina's, back to Christina, it all comes back to her. She inspires so many. I went to her one day retreat a few months ago that she had down in Carolina Beach and that beautiful property that I know you've been showcasing a bit that she has or her mom has. And I, yeah, it was the first in-person retreat that I had been to. It was a day retreat and I only went for half day because
projector energy can tank at any moment. And I was already depleted. And she was so funny because she of course understands that. And she's like, just come for a half day. I'm like, okay, I'll just come for a half day. And it was perfect. And I left there so inspired. And I remember thinking the same, very similar thoughts around
just the power of being in person with people who are discovering either something about themselves or they're leaning into something maybe they've never felt safe to lean into before and just being able to hold space.
for people is just, it's where it's at. And yeah, what a beautiful place we live in to do that. Yes. I know. I'm glad you shared that, that even though you went for what could seem like just a half a day, you had such a powerful like takeaway from it, like in a feeling too. So yeah, even just half a day. So it's like,
Imagine times five. Right. Yes. And in a beautiful location where it's like, you know, whenever. So I'm not at this point in my life just given, you know, that I'm like the the domestic household engineer or whatever I could call myself with my family. You know, it's like I'm home based. Right. I'm like here. I'm like locked in.
A lot of the time. A lot of the time. And I choose to be. I honestly choose to be because I love to be in my house. I'm such a homebody. But that experience of travel right in and of itself, even if you just go away for a couple days or you travel anywhere, it's like you learn something about the world yourself and you come back and you have that like, what is it? It's like almost like a new just perspective. It's so fresh and you feel like
And so especially when you add on something that's going to allow you to drop in, be around like-minded people, feel that love and that connectedness and then be in a beautiful location. It is. It's so powerful. I love that that's happening. Yeah, we'll definitely talk after.
Of course. I love that you said travel in and of itself. It can be a very transformative experience. Not only because, yes, it has the potential to reset you and you connect with yourself a little bit more.
when travel is very funny and the challenges that it presents. And it's like these little, there's little opportunities for you to practice surrender, letting go of control. And it's like if you if you pass that test, like, oh, the, you know, you gain like something like it's like you win points because it's like, okay, now
surrendering is a little bit easier like each time so i feel like every time there's something i if if i want to plan something for my trips um for my personal trips that i take like oh on this day i'm gonna take pictures at that place and that place it's like it never goes according to plan so i really find myself having to
practice being okay with flowing a lot during travel. Yes. And the fact that you are testing that and leaning into that because maybe that's why I'm not traveling because I'm such a control person. I honestly am like, I just like get so, um, I don't know what it is. It's a combination of things, but just, you know, that, that being able to just surrender to the moment is such a good point and to be able to flow with it and everything you post when you travel,
I can feel the fact that you're surrendered into it. You're not faking it or trying to make some force. Something is all so fluid and showcasing beautiful places.
Yeah, I'm so glad to hear that comes across, because truly, that is the energy that I put it on. And I see like, I'm like, yeah, in the past, when like years ago, when I would create posts, it was like, it probably was me forcing some things like, oh, just get this written and write. And then maybe it wasn't always coming from like fully authentic place because I wasn't, I hadn't really like embodied whatever I was trying to talk about. But now it's like everything I talk about, I make sure I've embodied first.
Yes, before I share about it, because that's so important. For sure, for sure. And I just wanted to pivot back to manifestation for a minute. I know that
Manifestation is like, it's like talked about a lot, right? And I love that. And I think it's such a fun, fascinating topic that you could just go deep with somebody on and really, really talk about how not only in their lives they've experienced it, but just what they see. But what are you seeing in terms of if someone is looking to manifest something?
Like, just talk to us a little bit about manifestation in general. Like, say things about manifestation. Like, what are the misconceptions that you're seeing, or what is it really?

Manifestation as a Way of Being

So for me, manifestation is a way of being. And a common misconception is that it's like this little like, it's like a routine that you do or like a one practice, like a part of a morning routine. So it's just, it's just visualization. It's just like writing a statement down, like whatever, however many times on your journal or something like that. And to be honest, I, when I first learned about the concept of manifesting, which is like three years ago,
I thought of it that way too. Like I thought I only could understand like that surface level of it, like the fun practices. Um, and so I would visualize and do all the things and it would work, but like then I would come with like hit a wall, you know, like, okay, well, why, why isn't it working? And the thing is like, we are manifesting.
all the time, whether it's desired things or undesired things, because everything that we see in our external reality comes from our subconscious mind, from what's going on within us. And our subconscious mind runs 95% of us, of our actions, of our decisions, only like 5% of
all of those things are conscious, like our habits, our decisions, our actions, like only 5% we're doing at a conscious level. And so that's why sometimes it's like, we think, well, I didn't want that to happen, but that's because it's happening at us. It's being called in from a subconscious level. We haven't looked at like, like you said earlier, I love the metaphor of like putting it all out in a table, like a kind
like a doctor table and just analyzing like you're about to do surgery on these parts. Like, okay, wait, what are my beliefs? Like what did I grow up hearing? And oh, I didn't realize like that created this idea or this core belief that like life gets to be this way for me or for some people, et cetera.
So yeah, so that's one big one. It's like, it's something that you really embody and that it's more than just a practice, although like to get started with, of course, it will be like, oh, I do a little practice here and there. But as you dive deeper into inner work, you'll find that it's really the whole thing, right? It's like a whole manifestation is like this holistic thing. Right.
And another big, well, I think it's a misconception, some people might just agree, is that negative thoughts and feelings will mess it up. Like just one, having the singular negative thought or feeling or having a bad day and crying or being angry is going to mess up your desires. And that's not the case. Like you're so allowed to have your human moments.
Um, cause you're human and it's really more about what, what are you spending most of the time feeling and thinking, which thoughts are you giving the most energy to which feelings are you, um, giving the most energy to as well? Because from that, from the thought and then adding a feeling, you know, we create a sort of reality or we align more with this one reality versus another one. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. And I have, I have studied this.
pretty deeply and I'm like everything you're saying, I'm shaking my head. I feel like I'm agreeing with, I feel like there's this, yeah, it gets a little muddled out there because people, well, there's a lot of information obviously out there and it always comes back of course to using your own discernment and to using your own intuition and everything like that. But then at the end of the day, yeah, I mean, we have this,
just layers, right? And again, it came to mind that visual that we were kind of speaking to earlier about like, at first, it's like, okay, I'm going to say an affirmation. It's like very in your head, right? It's very like head up, neck, right? You're like, I'm going to do the things. I'm going to say the words, you know? Yeah.
And then I love what you were saying about it's a way of being because it's like it gets into your body, it gets into your heart and you're like believing it and you're not believing it and you're not feeling it, then
there's more investigating to do as to why it's hard to feel it or believe it or why there's a block there, right? Yes, 100%. Yeah, I'm with you. And I, I mean, none of this is like, it is easy, but it's like, it takes, I guess, maybe awareness and practice and, um,
Yeah, and I think that this was also maybe something that now we're seeing a new trend on, which is what you just spoke to about like, before I think we were all kind of, not all, but you know, some of us were like, oh, positive thinking, positive thinking is where it's at. Like, you know, oh, don't think bad things because the sky's gonna fall and you're powerful. And if you think this one thing once, it's gonna be the reality. And it puts a lot of fear into the whole thing.
So I love that you spoke to that because it's like no it's not about never feeling hard feelings We are a spectrum of feelings all the time Yeah, so I think that's so powerful and I just I'm like I think maybe you and I are like in this and that I just I want people to win because I feel like Yes, it's all possible
If we just kind of change the channel a little bit, like it's that principle of if you just change your direction like two degrees, you're going to end up in a completely different reality or a completely different place. Yes. So I love the metaphor of changing the channel because it relates to like frequencies. Yes.
how do we change our frequency, but like working within us and yeah, just doing that inner work. Yeah, I'm, I'm loving this conversation. I could talk about this all day long because I just, I don't know, I get it's exciting. And, and, and it really is something that
I know I used to like, gosh, oh my gosh. Well, to be honest, I used to be such a negative. I mean, I just had like a negative kind of thing going on for a long time. And I'm talking like even before I was like in my late teens, trunnies. I mean, I was just sort of like, if it was like bad weather, it would totally ruin my day or I don't know, stuff like that, right? Like very, you know, and then like at some point I'm like, wait a minute, I have a choice.
I can actually choose something different here. Like let's be curious about that. And so yeah, I think it's beautiful work to put out into the world and to help people to just shift a little bit. And yeah, you bring so much sunshine through and hope. So I know, you know, when you're helping people with these limiting beliefs and so forth that are coming to you, it's like,
Yeah, it's going to be exciting to see just a little shift happen and from there, bigger and bigger things.
So, no, absolutely. Like totally sincere. Like I'm totally sincere in this and I feel like it's I feel like it's fun. It's fun that we've connected and been able to talk about some of this. Is there anything else as we're kind of wrapping up and landing here? Is there anything else that you want to share or is coming through in your heart you want to speak to? Anything you want to promote? I don't care. Anything.
Just a few tips for anyone who maybe is starting. It's another starting point. It's like, okay, how do I get started with manifesting a different reality? Changing the channel, like you said. One, I would say this one's kind of deep, but it's forgiveness. With forgiveness, I know it's a hard one for some people because depending on how they feel about it, they might be like, why would I forgive?
you know, this one person, but it's for you because when you haven't forgiven people or circumstances that have happened to you that in the past upset you, maybe they're not, maybe you don't think like they're affecting you today because you either barely think about them or, you know, yeah, it just like barely comes up.
it's actually like if you have on your phone like all these tabs open like you don't think they're open you may have forgotten that you even like opened it at one time but they're still there right so it's what does what does having all those tabs open do it slows down the phone it takes up a lot of memory a lot of energy of the phone as well and
it's doing the same to you. It's taking up a lot of energy that you may not be conscious of. And so if you want to call in new things, if you want to step into that evolved version of yourself, you must let go of the past and clear space, make room for that to happen. So forgiveness is huge. Whoa. I just want to take a second and bullet point what you just said, because that was really beautiful. That analogy is
I've never heard that exactly explained like that before, and that just

Practical Tips for Manifestation

hit home. I was like, yes, that is it. The tabs, the tabs. And forgiveness, so powerful. Sorry, go ahead. Keep going. Yeah, you're good. And for anyone listening, you don't have to tell the other person that you're doing it. They don't have to be involved. It's all for you. It's between you and your journal or wherever you want to write it down or say it out loud. Yeah, it's just a private thing.
Um, the next one would be, this is something that I've been practicing for like, oh my gosh, this is September of 2021. Um, so I don't know how long that's been, like almost two years. Um, keeping track of your wins, no matter how small, no matter how simple, like it doesn't have to be actual achievements that are related to your dreams. Of course, include those two, any little steps that you're taking along the way, but anything at all, like
I just simply had a good day. I, I laughed a lot today. That's a win. Um, so I do that like at the end of, um, every week, like on a Sunday, sometimes if I forget on the weekend, I'll just do it on a Monday and I'll catch up on, I'll make sure like to keep up with it.
I now have this like two books worth of wins. And so if anytime I'm feeling like I'm getting down on myself, I'm not seeing myself move forward, I'm like not seeing any progress, you know, those times where it feels like everything's standing still, I have those books to look back at and look at like my old wins and be like, wow, look at how far I've come. Like in just such a short amount of time as well.
Um, so that's a big one always celebrating your wins and yeah, I just love doing that um Number three using gratitude to shift any perspective like on any situation. Um Always asking yourself. Okay. Well, of course like if it's situations that kind of staying at first like allowing yourself to feel the feelings and then
being open to asking, okay, is there something that I'm going to in the future maybe be grateful about the situation or that I can be grateful for right now? And if you don't have the answer right away, just leaving it open to receiving because it will come to you.
Last but not least, well, two more. Connecting with nature. Oh my gosh. Don't have to go deep into that because it's just, man, nature is medicine truly. Just even taking a walk outside can like shift my energy. And last but not least, flooding your brain with podcasts like these.
It's almost like surrounding yourself with a group of people that are either doing like they're being the way that you are aiming to be. You know, but you're doing it online and you're just like putting you don't have to really work to change. It's like it's like this automatic thing like what they call that like.
What is that? Nevermind. I don't know the word, but yeah, this automatic thing that happens where all, you don't have to think about it. You just put it in your ears, let it play. And like, over time, the things that you receive from podcasts like these, like they install in your brain, like one level deeper, one level deeper. And then you're hearing one concept that you hear in this pod in this podcast episode somewhere else. And you're like, oh, this keeps coming up.
Yeah, so. Yeah, so, so good. I love that. So many good tips there. I mean, I took notes. I literally was writing down what you were saying. Awesome. Yeah, no. And I think that, like, one thing that came to mind with regards to, like, listening to positive, you know, whatever, even podcasts or just positive information that's aligned with... Yes.
your future higher self, or your future version of yourself, I guess is what I meant to say. And it's like, it's kind of like that principle of like, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. I feel like that's true when it comes to things like what you're listening to and what you're watching and who you're spending, of course, time with. So thank you for bringing that up. That's so powerful.
Absolutely. Before I found this community in Wilmington, I didn't have an in-person, anyone to tap into. And so what I did was surround myself with people on podcasts or on YouTube videos and things like that. That's a great works.
tip in of itself, for sure. Unless we're slowly convincing people on this podcast to move to Wilmington because I definitely see a life. There's no light. We really solved it. Right? It's like every time I have someone that has impacted me here in the healing arts or in the spiritual community here, I'm like, I just can't help but shout it out.
So yeah, everybody is coming. Well, I have had such a good time today. I appreciate you being here. How do people connect with you? I know we talked about your Instagram. Can you just tell us again one more time how to find you?

Connect with Melanie Online

So, um, I hang out a lot on Instagram. It's passport to manifest. Um, you can also find me on passport to And if you want to find out more about the retreat, just add a slash retreat at the end of that. Um, and yeah, and then I have a podcast by the same name, passport to manifest. Beautiful. Thank you so much, Melanie. I love this conversation. Me too. Thank you for having me. Definitely.
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoyed it and you'd like to help support the podcast, please share it with others, post on social media, or leave a rating and review. It would mean the world to me. To catch all the latest from me, you can follow me over on Instagram at FeelGoodWithRenee. Thanks again, and I will see you next time.