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Riding the Wave of 2025: a 9 Year in Numerology image

Riding the Wave of 2025: a 9 Year in Numerology

S2 E5 · Shine on You with Renee Novello & Christina Lanae
38 Plays1 month ago

Recorded at the close of 2024, this episode reflects on the energy of completion while stepping into the invitation of presence and intention that 2025 brings. 

As a 9 year in numerology, 2025 is not pulling any punches—it asks us to release what no longer serves, stay grounded amidst unpredictability, and approach life with calm and ease. Instead of rushing forward or forcing new beginnings, we explore the power of slowing down, resting, and making space to prepare for the transformations ahead. 

Tune in for guidance on navigating this year with grace and balance.


Introduction of Christina Linnae

Welcome to Shine on You. I'm Renee, and this season we are switching it up. I'm over the moon excited to have our favorite spiritual bestie from last season joining us permanently. Here she is, the people's priestess, sunshine in human form, my friend, Christina Linnae.
Hey y'all! We are here to be your hosts and guides to explore what we get asked most from modern spirituality to astrological updates and beyond. Of course we will be going deep, sharing in-the-moment insights and definitely some laughs. Join us for these honest, heartfelt conversations to remind you your inner radiance is here to shine through. Let's do it!

Reflections on the Fast-paced Nature of 2024

Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Shine On You podcast. k Christina and I are here today ah to yeah to go a little bit back into this 2024 experience. And by the time you were listening to this, watching this, it will be 2025.
five Yeah. That one feels a little ah big rolling off the tongue. Yeah. It's going to be a big year. I think it has the potential. I'd love to get into that. Shall we? I think we shall. I think we've gathered just for that. I think so. Yes. And it is a full circle because you and I sat down in the very beginning of 2024. Oh my God. Yeah.
Yeah. And we were having a similar weather day. It was like, I mean, it was kind of like 70 degrees in the dead of winter. And we're like, hey, we're here. We're here in the winter. Yeah. I mean, this past year to me has felt like.
a hallucination. I may have said that on the last episode, or maybe it was off the mic, but it felt like it was here, it was happening, and then now it's like, poof, like what happened?

Ambitions and Limitations in 2024

Where'd it go? Was I sorry use me alive? I don't know. it's You were alive. I think you became many different versions of you. Yeah. Time is a very funny thing because this is probably not the first time you've said,
You're flew by. Oh yeah, for sure. Right? But then certain seasons seem to really be long. And usually it's the seasons laced with suffering.
Not together. I love it. Did the lights on me in that one moment. Yeah, suffering. Uplift and motivate or... talk about the reality of suffering. It exists. Oh my God. Yeah. I mean, i'm I don't know about you, but the beginning of 2024 for me, it kind of hit me fast and furious. And I felt a lot of internal ambition and motivation. And it was shown to me as the year progressed,
that my mental state, my mental body has a natural propensity towards ambition.

Speculations for 2025: A Time-release Capsule

My physical body. Ambitious AF. Yes. Right. OK. Yes. Ambitious AF. And my however, my energetic body, my physical body, my actual capacity city to live out the ambition of my mind is quite different in reality. Right. Your avatar is like, we can't yet. Yeah, yet. Or maybe.
You are a little delulu. I think this year has shown me that in a kind of in a gentle way, I will say. what What if what you've been shown this year was like a time release capsule and everything that you've seen will unfold in the next decade? What? That's fun to think about. Right? Like what if, yeah. the the The thought of it all, yeah the was whispers of what is to come. Be interesting. It'd be interesting to see if in spring and winter of 2025, if you get again, another rush of another batch of things. Interesting. It'll be interesting. Or if not, you just keep building on the batch that was released this year.

Astrological New Year and Human Design

I, but I, wanted twenty four I appreciate that. the Yeah. That introspection. I think it's.
And as we all do, right there's a lot of that emphasis around going back and reflecting and kind of evaluating. It's it's a marker of time. i mean I know we're gonna speak a little bit more about the astrological new year and when the energy really kind of picks up because I can tell you from where I am in this present moment, what is it, December 19th, still in 2024, I am taking it soft and slow into 2025. And you heard it here first, okay? Now you might have to hold me to it, but right now, today,
Thursday. I'm slowing my rules. Yeah, that's it's important to honor the seasons. I learned this from one of the most just beautiful nature oriented gates or jean keys in human design and jean keys is the five and it's all about patients. And then at the highest expression, the acidic frequency is timelessness. And so the five has the potential whether you have it in your design or your chart or not, you can tap into this energy and we're all designed to have awareness of all 64 keys, whether they show up in our profile or not. Anyway, it speaks about how
When you are in tune with nature, you are always on time. So patience actually isn't even required because patience is still the gift state where you haven't yet gotten to the big so what of, oh, timelessness of everything is unfolding in the correct time. And whether I effort and stress or push or relax, like it's all already happening. It's all already happening. Yeah. Yeah.

Understanding Estrogen's Effect on the Female Brain

I love that. I actually had that.
I had a shower download this morning. Yeah, those are the best. A little rubber ducky, which is like, Renee! Yeah. It reminded me of a yoga class a long, long, long, long time ago. I mean, a long time ago. and And the teacher was one of my favorites, and he said that It doesn't matter like this is essentially the message was it doesn't matter how much you effort or try yeah things are going to unfold without having
to do that, right? Like it's going to be okay. It's going to unfold regardless of how much efforting you are putting in, nice which for someone who thinks that they have to kind of like jump in and get things done, you know, that message has always stuck with me. So I actually had that come back today and I was like, yeah, it was like, I feel that, I feel that. It's so tender and that, yeah, I get why you were saying soft and it feels gentle and it definitely resonates with the,
Feminine makeup where we are just like very aware of everything that needs to be done and Always and I've actually heard you'll find this interesting it because I know you get nerdy about this too But I've recently been diving down into Alison Armstrong's work. She's an incredible incredible crone and I A lot of people don't know what that word means, I realize, too. And it's it's like an older, wiser sage of a woman. um Typically, been through menopause, has a different kind of chemical makeup, and kind of like the role model reflects back on life and realizes, ah, that's what was happening there. So we need crones.
in our world, Nellis and Armstrong really exemplifies this i have to check right beautiful,

Holiday Burnout and Gender Energies

grown energy. So she speaks about the effect of estrogen on the female brain, testosterone on the male brain. And she does a lot of work around her book, The Queen's Code, um and how women can respect men in ah in a better way by understanding them and how you know women can understand themselves better. Because I don't think we even know ourselves as much as we. Sure. It's a bit of a mystery. We're mysterious to ourselves, so I can only imagine. So she says that the estrogen in the brain makes us really good gatherers. So traditionally, the the masculine energy would be the hunter, the feminine energy would be the gatherer. So we are equipped to scan the meadow and recognize that
You know, the dry cleaning needs to go out. The dog's sick. The baby needs to be fed. My husband's cranky. The dishes aren't done. The laundry's going. I'm hungry. I need sleep. And tomorrow, bills need to be paid. And it's just like all at once, all the time. Monitoring. Yeah, scanning. Scanning, yep. Mm-hmm. And then checking in. And that's why we're so great at connectivity. Because we're like, hey, I haven't heard from you. What's going on? And we form those relationships and bring sort of the warmth Whereas the testosterone really gives them um the male brain the ability to just single-mindedly focus on something. And you can see it. yeah Like if you leave a man alone to the task, he's doing the task and that is, it is not, he's not leaving until it's done and complete. And you're not getting him to do anything else until yeah this thing is done. And so she really just speaks about the beauty of that. And I think- That balance.
Right. And I think what you're saying about entering the new year softly is a really great message for the feminine to approach life in general, not just for the new year. Yeah. I'm full scan mode right now, like hyper scan mode, which is why I think moms get so burned out this time of year because we have so much.
to scan on the everyday and then you add on another layer of holiday holiday commitment, tradition, expectations, chores, everything, right? So then it just takes it up to another level. yeah And I have a very high scanning capacity.

Embracing a Softer New Year Transition

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Exactly. OK. Exactly. So I really, yeah. Borderline hypervigilant, right? Like, I can tell you before something needs to be done. So right now, when I leave here today, I have a very orderly notes app that are in my notes app about executing on about 10 things okay before I pick my son up at three. Yeah. so you know And it will happen.
I envision it will. It usually does. It usually does. yeah yeah So yes, it's it's like a gift and it's a um it's a natural ability, but then there's also that sense of like, okay, so.
Once we've gone through this peak state of the holiday, you know, where we have monitored and, you know, scanned even more, it's like being able to let down softly and not flip into a doing go, go, go.
Um, more masculine state is what I am envisioning, embracing this year, because I think in the past where I've gone wrong and why I was so tired a year ago after the holiday is I didn't give any buffer. Yeah. To come down. To come back into my own energy after being around, you know, others, family commitments, things like that. And, and really like soften into that. So that's what this, that's what this season.
This particular yeah marker for me is what I'm really like, just kind of feeling cozy about, feeling settled with. I love it. I'd like to tuck in a little bit. Yeah.

Choosing a Word for the Year vs. Resolutions

um I love that. How about you? And properly winter. I mean, that's back to the five. It's talking about rhythms. The rhythm of nature is, especially here, our leaves are still dying. We're still sort of fall winter.
Like I saw my neighbor's yard this morning, I was driving by and it was all orange and yellow and beautiful and blanketed with all the leaves from the rain and wind. It does linger, which is kind of cool. Kind of cool. But yeah, here we are end of December and we're falling.
so So our season is a little delayed, but I think after the holidays, as you're speaking about and into the beginning of the new year, it's it's winter, it's cold, and it's a time to really, what I've been thinking about is nurturing and nourishing my roots, the things and the bonds and the habits and rituals and routines that are nourishing to me and do give me more energy and do feel like not Burtomsen on my checklist. They in fact are like non-negotiables because they make me feel so good. Right. Those things I really want to nurture and and give life to and maybe even add fertilizer to and more energy to and then just trim back a lot of things. And I've i've got some cleaning up to do in January um because of just things with past relationships.
Um, and a little bit of like legal stuff coming in, which is awesome. And I think it's going to be, you know, as contemplating my word.
this this year the word that I chose for 2024 for 2024 correct yeah um is was devotion and that when I chose that word which I choose an anchor word every year as you know and I've been doing this for about six years now and it was sort of me rebelling against the narrative of new year's resolutions of just a big giant sort of, no offense, masculine oriented checklist of shit I had to do and be

Ceremonial Bracelet Making

and become. And it felt like I needed to do it all in the month of January. So much pressure. Never ever resonated with me. Right. like So i I started to think about how could I offer in something that had a little more room to breathe?
So I would choose a word for the year and it'd be my anchor word. And then intentions and goals would bloom around the contemplation of that word. So I've chosen words before like hope, love, um presence. That was a powerful yes year. Devotion was this last year. Also presence and devotion have probably been my most powerful words so far just because of the season I was in.
um And I make these beautiful little bracelets that have like a gold ring on them and I stamp the word in them and they have this cord and I don't have mine on because I've offered it already and that's how I like to do my ceremony of release for the word. and I get us a sign, not necessarily at the end of the year, to let the word go and I'll offer it to the ocean. I've offered one to the fire before there was a big bonfire on the beach and I gave it to that. And I've left it in Ireland and trees, little fairy trees where people leave trinkets and blessings and prayers. I've left one in Colorado. So there, I like to think about, I'm such a travel oriented bird as you know. Yes.
So I love to think about my little nest, like my little PowerPoints all over the world now. And I'm going to continue, I don't know, leaving my little eggs everywhere. It's like putting a little, little pen on a map. Yeah. I was here. And you know, what's really cool is I've gotten the privilege to go back and visit a few of the ones that I've offered and they're there. Oh, they're still there.
So it's really cool. Oh my gosh. Yeah, well, I mean, like you take someone's bracelet yeah that was offered on a fairy tree or an altar. That was bad juju. What kind of heathen are you? Bad juju. Yeah. ah So don't do it. Anyway, so we do we do a really beautiful ceremony. Have you ever been to one of my intention setting ceremonies? I have not. OK. I have not. You might have to change that. am I might. If it softly aligns with your.
So i hold I hold a cacao ceremony with the community. They're legendary, though, because I've heard of them. Not only in your explanation of them, but yes. yeah They sort of have their own essence. They leave a mark, for sure.
And we we do a typical cacao ceremony and they will choose their word and they all have time to marinate on it too. And if they don't know, we can get it to them later, but we'll stamp their bracelet for them while we're in meditation in the cave or wherever we're at. um And they get their their word after that ceremony and it begins. And so we're doing one at Prana Salt Cave in January and then we're gonna be doing another one at Quantum Journeys. And they sell out.
Always. Always. Do you have the dates? Honestly, I was hesitant to even talk about the Prana one because it's already halfway sold out at time of recording, but um that's January 4th and then the quantum journeys will likely be a few days after that.
um so And they get a little tangible yeah anchor to take with them. Last year I was so inspired and really needing to pull myself out of like a hopeless hole that I was in. And after I chose my word devotion, I was like, I'm not just going to stop making these bracelets for the people that are physically here because I always share them online and people ask about them. So I ended up like shipping out like 60 bracelets, just six stamping. I'm not kidding. there You were up to that. Oh, yeah. Wow. Well, you didn't see me a lot in January. I was stamping.
You're a little metal worker. Yeah, if you're only listening and you didn't see me, I'm like elf shopping, the hammer. um it was It really actually healed me, and it my word devotion was to my purpose at the beginning of the year. I was going to ask you, how did you come up with devotion?

Evolving Meaning of 'Devotion'

My one of my mentors spoke a lot about devotion that that during December and January of 2020 24 and something rang in my ears and if you're thinking of how to choose an anchor word.
feel it, like just go by feeling. And then when I looked into it, there's actually a gene key that I've always been attracted to that is about devotion and the shadow is half heartedness. And I just really had felt how that half heartedness had came over me. I even feel like that episode we recorded last year, January or this year, whatever.
i i wasn my Literally, my heart wasn't fully there because it was just so there was so much pain and suffering in other areas of my life. And so the devotion also felt like pouring into me and my purpose and making sure that I was operating from a full overflowing cup. And I was going to ask you, did you start off thinking devotion in terms of someone else or something else, and then it shifted to be more devotion to yourself? I did, yeah.
Yeah. And the something was the priestess energy that I always aspire to anything that I do with my business, especially is around the vision of the high priestess. And you can look that up in tarot to get a feel for it. But there's also the priestess energy from the ancient Egyptians and.
The Greeks also had priestesses and oracles and all of that imagery really inspires me. What their role was in society I feel was so crucial. um So yeah, originally the devotion was how can I prepare, how can I get myself back to the version of me that was completely devoted to serving the world? Cause that was where I got so much joy. yeah And I felt like that relationship that ended really sucked my capacity to do that. yeah And I was not okay with that. Yeah. Um, so it was very fiery, the word in the

Transformative Experiences and Authenticity

beginning of the year. And I went to Guatemala and Costa Rica, and I did a lot of traveling that really just like invigorated that purpose. And, and then the word started to shift like mid summer and it started to feel like, okay, now devotion to like Christina as a human, as a woman, um, as a lover, as you know, a daughter and a sister and.
it started to blossom through my family and my role that I play to my brothers and to my mother and and my extended family. And I started to feel more devotion to how it's not just texting my brother back. It's really like harvesting a connection with him and like yeah nourishing that. So it's been a serious word. Like it's kind of taken me really, really deep within myself. I can see that. Yeah. Yeah. And the transformation that's been, uh, visible that you've gone through in this past year. Yeah. Color everything. oh I started blonde, started this 2024 blonde. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You've definitely been on a transformational journey.
as we all have, but this was a big one for lots of different moving pieces, I think, and yeah and change. Did you choose an anchor word? I did not. No. Okay. No, I did not. And and I would, I probably had an intention written down because I am such an avid writer, journaler, but a lot of times I don't, once it comes through, I kind of don't really, ah and occasionally I like to go back and kind of peruse through my journals and be like,
Wow. That came through, you know, there probably is something in there, but I don't, I didn't hold on to it. Like, if that makes sense. So it was in the subconscious and it may have worked out and we just don't know to talk about it. Yeah. Well, and sometimes like let life come in and show you what's needed. Yeah. Yeah. And it did. Yes. This year was interesting. It was a very, um, Hmm. I think I finally shifted some patterns within myself that.
were you know that were ready. They were you know calling me forth to look at, to yeah to shift and to to kind of come back into you know just not feeling that sense of um internalized pressure that you know that I definitely felt.
tend to have. Yeah, yeah it was a it was an interesting year. I feel like I really came home to my my um myself in terms of like stripping away some of the the things that I've picked up on collectively. not Not necessarily collectively. That's not the right word. It's things that have kind of I have taken on that really kind of needed to be let go conditioning, conditioning. Thank you. And coming back to kind of like, what does my inner child like to do? And if I make her happy, everything else is going

Unexpected Tax Issues and Life Lessons

to fall into place. Yes. At the very least, you show up for problems and situations as the best you.
Yeah, so yeah, I think you've spoken about two episodes ago about some of the money stuff that you guys Yeah, yes you're yeah we have a little a little unexpected tax situation that came about Even though we thought we had done quite our due diligence with asking the right questions we learned as ah you know within my My marriage, we learned like, okay, we got to double down. And it was like, yeah, it was, it was, it kind of took some, it lingered. It didn't, you know, fun lingering yeah human thing to take care of that needed to be resolved. It got resolved. And through that, you know, there's just, I think there was a lot of um letting go.
trusting to that point of the lingering. I think this is like a really precious little gem. I believe, might from my perspective, when something really uncomfortable lingers longer, I think it's God's cosmic joke to make you realize there's a greater power at work and you have to start to tap into your faith. Of like, okay, we've physically done everything we can and it's still not done yet.
Yeah, help. Like it's where you kind of, and for me, enter into a state of surrender. Yeah. I mean, you know, when it comes to the minutia of being in a human right and having to do these things that are like taxes and legal matters and stuff that you're like, oh, I'm a creative person. Do I have to deal with that? Do I really? It's a real bummer. like It really like yeah kind of there's gets in there and you're like, yeah, I'd rather not. yeah Do I have to? yes So relatable. So we doubled down and figured it out. Did you feel like there was a faith element or is that just kind of not with this situation?
Yeah, there was definitely a trust element. It was a, like I have said, like to say, is it was holding the pose. Like, you know, you're in a yoga pose. It's like uncomfortable. And you're just like, OK, we're breathing. We're holding. We're sweating. Yes, we're sweating. We're burning. We're trembling. Burning away. Letting things go, right? Yeah. Yeah, but we know at some point the pose will change, right? So we will get out of it. Yes. Like, we're not going to. This is not a permanent pose.
ah Yeah, drive home. Or your three. Like Shavasana. Oh, that was deep. OK. So anyway. But the yeah, but the there were some lessons that came up that at the beginning of the year were not on my radar that I was like, of course, you know, life is life-ing. And you know, we're yeah carrying on as best

Seasonal Energies and Personal Moods

we can. But it did it did kind of allow me to to become a little softer.
and You know, and also kind of check ourselves on some things that you should do. Do you feel like there's a part of the year that's more extroverted to you and more introverted to you? Mm-hmm. Well, I don't know necessarily parts of the year, per se, because I am a little bit flipped when it comes, if you're just talking seasonally, because in the summer, I feel very flat. I mean, I get a little inspiration from being warm in the sunlight. Yes.
But I actually feel pretty flat in the summer. oh I feel better this time of year. I feel better fall into winter. yeah But then once you get to February, I'm over it. And I'm not necessarily feeling the same energy. yeah Like right now, I.
I mean, do you feel like any any nostalgia or traditions for you this time of year that like make you feel tingly excited? I'm I am in such a different time right now than I typically would answer this question. So I'll just answer it honestly and authentically with where I'm at this year. It is it's a very um It's a very confronting time of the year because this time last year I was doing all the things that are a part of tradition and really like bringing in the holiday cheer and buying the Christmas tree and choosing a theme for the Christmas tree and the lights and the presents and la la la.
And I loved it, kind of. There was a lot of, um there was the pinnacle and the peaking of relationship issues for me during this time last year. So this year,
um As I've been, you know, thinking about, will I put a tree up? Will I put decorations up? How do I feel? Am I excited by this? It's all no's. And instead of judging myself, I'm just allowing it to be maybe another sort of grieving period. 100%.
And not again, it feels good to just accept it. yes because don't fight don't like Why resist? I mean, conditioning would make me resist it. And then I've had some people make comments and and i see I see other people cheer and I join in with them. I'm like, this is so cool. And I have put some little lights up because I just love ambience in my house.
and um And yeah, I love going over to my friend's houses right now and they're all decked out and there's presents under the tree and I'm like, this is so cool, but I live alone. i'm I'm a single woman living alone and I'm grieving the separation of a marriage and it feels really good to just do whatever the fuck I want. Exactly.
on on whatever fucking season it is. um So it's a little bit of like reclamation of me and that has birthed my word. I think ah think the word I'm gonna choose for next year is freedom or 2025. Freedom. Yeah, I think that is your eternal word.
They feel like it's not just a year. That's an internal war. It's not. And that's kind of the funny. That's why i'm I'm not sure if I'll choose it because it's such a signature of who I am. um I don't know if it's something that I need to spend a whole year focusing on. I think I'm spending a whole lifetime focusing on it. ah So we'll see. We won't hold you to it. We won't. You guys will be gentle with me. Nobody listening. Yeah. You have. you It'll be a surprise yeah i if I. Yeah.

Numerology Insights for 2025

Figure that out. This is an emotional authority.
thing. We start a contemplation. I'm going to sit with it. It literally popped up on the drive here. This is fresh. This is fresh. So like check back in with me in two weeks yeah and we'll see where we're at. We're hearing it here first. Yes. But yeah, freedom.
freedom is um is is helping me just like really, so I'm celebrating the season in that way. Yeah, like ooh totally. And I appreciate you being vulnerable because it is, this time of year is very sensitive for many, many people. Yeah. Maybe something, you know, transpired around this time of year that was hard or perhaps a healing or a loss or all of that is so, so valid. yeah I mean, yeah and to be gentle with yourself and not have that pressure of like,
I'm supposed to be yeah keeping up because maybe I felt like it last year or circumstances permitted. So, or the expectations you mentioned, if people are coming over to your house, like it has to look a certain way to give them the experience or yeah. Um, even my mom discussed that she was like, well, you know, like.
You get to see the tree and like you'll get to, but I'm like, it's not going to give me a good feeling though. Yeah. I can tell it's not, it doesn't light me up to go pick one out. It's yeah like, it's not, um, it's not feeling good. So I'm just going to honor it and. who Yeah. How human of you? Yeah. Well, I hope through that and give yourself space. Yeah. to Yeah. And it's, I'm not crying every day in my house wishing there was a tree there. It's a genuine, I, you know, it's a genuine feeling that it feels more free to not have that kind of deal going on. yeah But I am looking forward to 2025 and numerology is a nine year. So if you add, okay. Right.
Completion, correct? That's right. So yeah, in in numerology, all the numbers have significance to them, but the nine years, is the ending of a cycle, and then the next year to come is a one. So collectively, we're going into a really interesting time with 2025, and you just add that together. That's how I'm getting a nine. Two plus two plus five.
And so the nine completion. And it's so it's gonna be a year for us collectively, you know whether your personal year aligns with that or not on some level, we'll be wrapping things up. And maybe there will be some death as far as like patterns, habits, addictions that aren't serving you anymore, relationships that are draining you. If you've been wanting to change careers, the nine might really support that.
When was the last time we had a nine year? I can't do math. So that was 10 years ago or nine years recording. Pop quiz. Okay look, here I haven't, I haven't, all right.
I'm looking for help. I'm like, help me. I just did the very thing that drives me crazy with some astrologers online. Is they're like, what was happening in your life? February of 2017. And I'm like, I don't fucking know. I don't know what was happening last February. Like, are you kidding me? Like, you want me to go back to my call? You're giving me like math assignments slash like, so I didn't mean to throw you off there. but i wait i'll get back to I need to go and do the math now and find out what was because I might be able to grasp a whole year. I think it was a soundboarding question. I should have just stayed silent. Like, what do you think? Anyways, but it is re okay, Renee, you are got you have a point.
But it's what was happening the last nine years. So I got so fucking obsessed with this that I went back and I was like 2023, eight year, 2024. Yeah. And I wrote it. Yes. So you go back and you do it. And then I looked at my personal life and was like, okay, I was in LA, moved from LA halfway through the year. Nine years ago? No, you don't know. I'm giving examples, girl. I already said I don't know. Okay. Okay.
What personal year are you in? Because there's the 2025 that we're all in. Good question. Yes. What personal year are you in? So you find your personal year by adding your month of birth, day of birth, and the collective year. So my month is May. That's a five day of birth, 24 plus the nine, which is 2025. So I'll be in a two year.
A two year. Okay. And you add it and like you keep reducing it. So let's say, you know, let's say, yeah, I gotcha. Okay. You just keep breaking it down as far as you can. Yeah. Even if you get an 11, like some people say there's any significance to an 11, but you add the ones, you get a two and you get a two. I'm in a five year. So 2025 is a five year.
You just said 2025 is a nine year. No, for you I'm asking. Oh yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, for me personally. So you've been in a four year. four year.
Okay, cool. Five years are all about change. What? Yeah. Five years are change, switching it up. Well, what's interesting is the four, the four year is, if you look at the whole nine year cycle, this will kind of like give you a perspective. The four and the five are in the middle yeah of the one and the nine. And so the four is like really making sure your foundations are solid, like that you can finish this year.
manifesting the shit you wanted in the one year. And then the five is like, all right, let's start doing it. So that tracks. Yeah. The five is playful and lighter. It can have a little bit of like chaos in it. If you let yourself get swept up in a flurry of like, I'll do it all this. Right. Just be intentional. Right. Which I told you, I'm not going to go, go into flurry mode. You did mention that you told us we needed to hold you accountable for for that. That's correct.
Cause it's real easy to wrangle a dolphin when you're a bird. I'll come up to the surface. You can peck me on the head. I don't see you for another four days. Here she goes. Really good at holding her breath. They usually can only do it for like five minutes. you're not good oh So yeah, it's really fun. I typically will incorporate the numerology for clients when we do the circles.
Because it's just helpful. Some people are like, I don't know what word to choose. Like joy, love. Yes. yeah Okay. So that word can, ah the the number can anchor the word. I like it. So yeah, that's something that I'm going to bring into my contemplation with the two. Gotcha. What is the two about? The two is partnerships.
So the one year is, okay, new cycle, new me, who dis, right? And we start figuring out where we want the next eight years to go. Like it can feel like a total course correct, which is like so on brand for me. Um, my one year started off with a complete, almost like erasing of where I thought I was going to be headed.
Right. So huge piece of the puzzle fell away and I was like, Oh, awesome. So now I get to make this puzzle maybe bigger, maybe more expansive, more beautiful. And so, um, that's where the devotion came into where I was like, I want this next nine years, anchored in what I know already. I'm so fortunate to know already what my, what right now my sole purpose is. And as it evolves, that's awesome. But.
I'm going to build on what I know. Yeah. And I just follow my passion there.

Embracing Sacred Semi-retirement

So the one is starting beginning and the two is like, okay, now let's really start to, it's a foundational number. The two and the four are both like building foundations and the two is alliances. And I can see how I'm already starting to do that. So the the numbers kind of bleed into each other a little bit. Exciting. I mean, yeah.
It's interesting that the nine will be happening while I'll be toing. Right? he Yeah. Flip there a little bit, huh? A little bit. Yeah. Now I need to go home and do everyone I know. That's how it goes. You need to know like, where's my husband at? Where's are the kids at? Map everybody out. Let them know what's up. Map yourself out. Do some math.
Yes. Off camera, I'll do math. Clearly. Please. Because literally's really it will make people start to sweat. I know. Sorry to put you all through that.
so Starting off soft, I feel like the other thing I was going to say about that too is like just kind of embracing like a sacred pause. you know I feel like I have sort of taken for granted. I don't know if that's the right word, but ah but maybe I just haven't realized how fortunate I am to kind of be...
let's say five years ago, I was like a very different version of me. I was very like entrepreneurial and building and you know expanding in terms of like business and growth and things like that. yeah And then at some point. Like hunter mode. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. That ambition was driving full force. And then at some point I got gifted a redirection in the version of burnout, which I think happens to middle-aged projectors. So yes, I was gifted yeah some health stuff, some burnout, some like, oh shit, can't do much of anything if we don't feel like we can function. oh Health is like queen.
Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, going through that, yeah it lended itself. And thankfully I do totally acknowledge I have support in my day-to-day life and and in, you know, able in my partnership because I have felt like I have been in this sacred semi-retirement.
Now, I am still like definitely the the director of, what did I say, the dodo, the director of, wait a minute, what is it? Director of domestic operations, which could be the dodo, it could be the doo doo.
could be Some days could be both. Could be both. Yes. So your side, quick sidebar. Your daughter posted an Instagram story yesterday and she's like posing in one of her outfits clearly in your living room. And you're in the back and you're like, where is the tape? Where is the tape? And I'm like, that is so Renee. And your daughter's like, I don't know. And she's still like posing. Tape and scissors.
Where are they? No mom knows, okay? You're just singing, looking. I love it. Yeah. So yeah. I'm glad that was entertaining because- Very. Yes. I was looking for tape because- I could feel that. The dodo requires tape, yeah especially at the holidays. Well, it was so funny as Olivia was dancing with a leaf. So I mean- I gave the elephant plants a haircut and- They needed it. God bless the days. That felt like I was dismembering a body. Those things are huge. Bigger than you and thick and like yeah heavy. Yeah. She was like, do I look like Tinkerbell? I'm like, yes, you do. Where's the tape? Where's the tape? She's like, I don't know. It's so funny. I just had a flashback. I had a pair of scissors that have I wrote like.
so naive. I wrote mom on them like they're going to stay attached to my desk. That probably made them more attractive. Mom, scissors. You're right. Mine now. I was just thinking, I don't even know they were blue. They're gone. They're gone. Okay. Well, kids find them. Yeah, kids. So she's out for them. Listen, I have backup. She's looking. I've got backup because I am taking care of Professional Dodo. Yes, Professional Dodo. That's got back up look that's what's going to be on my Instagram handle or my bio from now on is Professional Dodo. like do dodo Yeah, with a dodo bird. There is a dodo emoji.
as there should be. yeah Are they going extinct? No, now I'm just lying. Don't listen to me. So this sacred semi-retirement from feeling the need to push and do and achieve, I don't think I've realized that that's been sort of this underlying pull happening and happening. You've just been doing it and living it.
without maybe savoring it? Is that what you're getting at? Yeah, that's what I'm getting at. Yeah, I don't think I've really savored it. So we're going to take a beat coming into this new year and just kind of like, OK, let's take a sacred pause. Let's just be really grateful that we have the space to do this. So that's my story.

Oracle Cards for 2025 Guidance

Love that.
And maybe I will pick a word this year. Maybe it'll be sacred. Pause. No. Two words. Can I do two words? You can. You can. But we do have a character limit. So don't be making me do math again on camera. OK. It's like only so many letters you can get in this little ring on a bracelet. I love that. Third stamp in the back. That's so funny. You have two. Yeah. I'm going to need a stack. God. Yeah. They get all twisted. Yeah. Like forever OCD trying to. Oh my god. So good. So the other thing.
I had on the agenda for us is to pull a card. Please do. OK. Yeah, I see the beautiful cards, and I love this particular deck. Do you know what I laugh at? I look back at our episodes, and I always have things. You do books and cards and things. You bring little goodies. I do. So this is the Starseed deck by Rebecca Campbell. Her decks are my favorite. Oh, I forgot to. Please, give everybody. Get up in the mic. Do you like that?
Because I know people pay for that. That's right. We do have a Venmo. We will link this on the episode. Start doing like. There, that's good. OK, stop, stop, stop, stop. So funny. There's so many ASMR videos that are just, they just crack me up. And if you have nails, you have to kind of do it. I feel like that's going to be one of those trends that we're going to look back on and be like, remember when everyone was like tapping into the mics? I was telling them both before we recorded about a guy that did a Home Depot haul and had taped nails to his fingertips.
It's so funny. Get in on it. It's so funny. OK, so I think what we'll do is Renee and I both will choose a card, and then we will we see maybe rock, paper, scissors to see who picks for the collective. OK. OK. So we'll find them out here. This is the star seed deck. I think I said that by Rebecca Campbell. She has some really beautiful. Can you reach that?
Yep. Beautiful decks, Oracle decks. So Oracle decks are, you know, there's a deep description in the book. It gives a little description on the card and gets important to just focus on what do I need to know to help guide me through this coming year? Yep. An intuitive pull. That's what I would, I don't know. I don't know Tarot per se, but okay. Do you want me to share now or do you want to pick? I'll pick and then we'll both. Okay. Okay.
This is so fun. Get to be on here drinking chocolate and playing cards with my friend. Right? All right, there's mine. No, she didn't. Tell us what it is. You want me

Intentional Living and Vision Boarding

to go first? Yeah, now I'm excited. I'm really interested. The Blue Flame, spontaneous awakening, activation, integration time. And there's this beautiful woman oh yeah entering through a threshold, which is interesting because a lot of times I'll take people in meditation through something that looks very similar to this. Blue Flame, activation, integration. I love that.
Spontaneous Awakening. That sounds like a Phoenix moment. It does. It sure does. Nice. I love it. Okay, I have the messenger. Oh. Oh. Well, help. Yeah.
The messenger, Sirius, meaning the star, not Sirius, Sirius energy bringing harmony and balance. oh Oh, I mean, that's so you, the harmony. I know i yeah I have a lot of leave replacement so that that does make sense.
um Bringing harmony and balance messenger beautiful. I like it. What is the serious energy part? Do you know? um I mean, I think you nailed it It's like this galactic star energy and a lot of the people from Cirrus are here amongst us working with the human messages yeah etching it in the walls Bathroom stalls messages. Keep going. You can do it. you know Okay. Do you want to do one round of rock, paper, scissors? And then we will see who pulls. Yes. But I get nervous about rock, paper, scissors. No, no, don't be nervous. We'll just go into it, but we'll do it ah at the count of like rock, paper, scissors, shoot. That's how I like to do it. Thanks for playing with me. Okay. Ready? Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. I get so nervous. I always do rock.
Dude, don't tell him your tail. Don't tell him your tail. All right, this is for the collective. I can't take too much pressure to get to the scissors or the paper. I just stay solid. Oh, you stay in fight mode. OK, there we go.
For the collective, your life is a canvas. Artist, manifestation, creative accountability. And it's a woman overlooking this like gem forest. Oh my gosh. So beautiful. I love that card. Your life is a canvas. What a good...
Like, intention for us. What a beautiful message for a January-released podcast, because this whole year is your canvas. You're the artist. What if you could see your year the way an artist sees a blank canvas? Yes. Like, what color would you choose? Like, that reminds me of the vision boards and everything that people sometimes get into. It does. Which are so sweet. Yeah, they're kind of fun. Oh, yeah. My whole childhood adolescent Life was full of magazine clippings and putting on the wall. Did you do it too? I have to look back and- Like the whole wall. Yes. Yeah. My mom was like, you're ripping the paint off the wall. And I'm like, you could, but you're a good painter. She's like, I am. This is not a problem. Don't make this a problem, mom. No, I had, and I want to say mine were like, um,
They were something, maybe even a book, of like yeah really colorful, interesting like photographs. and Yes. Some of mine were really artsy. Right. Or photos I had taken in photo class and developed on my on my own. I had a few of horses and stuff. Then I had themes. There was like my surfer girl era of my horses. Men. Yes. Little men corner.
I don't know. Just things. Just things I was calling in. Yeah. That is so funny. I don't know. I mean, you and I are. We must have been on the fringe of this. I mean, but I'm older than you. So this must be just like a creative girl thing. Yeah. I think. Because Olivia has them too. OK, yeah. Oh, I could say so. Like the aesthetic of having pictures. No one told us to vision board though. No. Nobody told me to do that. I don't think. In fact, I think I was like told not to do that. Exactly. Which made us do it more. Obviously.
That's so awesome. I wonder if there's some like some photo album somewhere with a picture of the pictures on the wall. Cause they, I have a, I will show you mine. Yeah. I think we even at one point in my, in my adolescence, I was done with the pink and I wanted like a really pretty

Youthful Rebellion and Generational Changes

jade. It felt very mature on the wall. And, uh, I was like, mom, we have to paint. And she's like, okay, let's do it. And she's like, are you gonna take down all your like graffiti?
I was like, yeah. So I took it all down, put it all back up on the fresh paint. You put it all back up on the fresh paint. Oh, I'm sure your mom loved that. Oh my gosh. I won. Okay. When I was in, we have time for a story. Just a little story here as we wrap up. That really freaked me out last time. No.
Not a ghost story this time. Last episode, there's a ghost story Renee tells at the end and it'll give you the heebie-jeebies. Yes. Yes. It is cinematic quality. We verified it with other people. Ghost telling. Bee-jeebies. No. Okay. I was 21-ish. Very chaotic time in my life. I... went Okay, so I grew up in the suburbs of Washington DC and I got a job selling, I was going to apartment buildings around DC, Virginia, Maryland, and selling rental furniture to through like a company that did you know like corporate rental furniture for people moving into like corporate apartments and stuff like that, right? So I would go to the rental offices.
I don't even know if this is a thing anymore, but I went to the rental office and there was this gorgeous building in DC that overlooked this like really pretty tiered fountain. I forget the name of it. I forget the name of it, but I got, I ended up somehow convincing them to give me a discount on an apartment and to live there. So I moved to DC and this was like, Oh my gosh. Well, again, we're not going to get into math, but it was a long time ago. I was 21. So I paid, I,
um I'm remembering I paid $700 a month for a one-bedroom apartment in DC with a view. Okay, can't imagine what that goes for now. yeah um But I decided that I wanted to paint in this apartment. Now, oh guess what color I painted, Christina, all over the walls? Red. I was gonna say red. Red.
Okay. Like what? So you're not allowed to paint rentals unless you put them back the way they were. Exactly. Okay. I'm already like, this just goes to show the brain was not fully developed at this point in time. That's legit though. True. Yeah. So I feel bad. I want to say that I feel bad for the maintenance person that had to go back and you never made it right. I don't know. I don't remember if I did or I didn't. There she is.
Willington, Hunter down. Right? I'm kidding. Yeah, I left that apartment. I didn't make it a full year either, because I couldn't. I mean, I don't remember what happened. It was a chaotic time. You weren't selling enough rental furniture, baby. I wasn't. I was not hustling that rental furniture. You've got that view, and you're like, we're just painting. I'm like, we're going out. We're going to books. Oh, for sure. We're just like, you know. For sure.
I don't know what we're doing. Do whatever we want. Whatever we want in the city by myself. Oh my god. I know. That's wild. But I also was in a big city at 21 too. Were you? That just shows how much our parents trusted us. Did you paint walls? No, there were things that I actually can't say on a live recording. Now I really want to know. Tell you off camera.
Yeah, there might still be some things um not cleared up yet from that. Wow. You know, I do i do have a lot of gratitude for having, you know, I have an 18 and a half year old daughter and gosh, she's so like respectful of like, I mean, overall, like, you know. Yeah. I mean, she just doesn't rock the boat like I did at that young A phase of life. I don't know what's happened. like Maybe we've scared kids and now they don't act that way because there's just like so much they know because of being on the internet. I think they're so sensitive too. They're like, this is really starting to elevate my heart rate. I'm like... Right. They're like, crime is really hard on the nervous system. yeah
zack And you're like, wow, you're right. Let's do some deep breaths. God, I was an asshole. I mean, red paint all over this rental? I mean, did it look cute after? I don't even think so. I don't even know what that was. i feel i yeah I feel like you probably were fine for that. There's probably well still a fine outfit. That's what I'm trying to say to you. I'm like, dude, be cool. You with your math questions and your freaking rental.
to go me yeah Now that we're starting the new year off, right? It's a good thing I don't remember the address exactly. gee Do you look the same? I'm telling you, you might be wanted. I know, right? That red wall girl. I promise you, they never they learned a big lesson with me. They never rented to the court furniture rental girl again. like They were like, you burned that down. And at a discount. Oh, yeah. like i mean Oh, and I think I had some primo parking space situation like out front. Oh, for sure.
I think I just took advantage of everything. I mean, i mean what baby wants, baby gets. Yeah, clearly. I was just like, oh, you want to let me park out front like that? OK. OK. Anyway, that's all I have for you today.
Well, now that me and Renee are both wanted for finds, what else? Math? I said dodos were going extinct. I think you guys have heard all you need to hear. I think you have, yes. Your life is your canvas. Yes. 2025 is your canvas. Thank you for listening. And I'm going to say laughing because I hope you giggle. I hope you did. Just a little bit. And thank you. Thank you for being here with me. Thank you for having me. It's been so fun to play with you. So good.
Appreciate you all. We love you. Happy New Year.