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Scorpio Season Essentials  + Human Design Archetypes for Inner Power image

Scorpio Season Essentials + Human Design Archetypes for Inner Power

S2 E2 · Shine on You with Renee Novello & Christina Lanae
31 Plays4 months ago

In Episode 2 of Shine On You, we’re diving into the transformative energy of Scorpio season and how to harness its power for deep personal growth. 🌑✨ Join Christina and Renee as they explore the essentials of Scorpio season—think intensity, introspection, and radical transformation.

We’ll also guide you through Human Design archetypes, showing how each type can tap into their inner power and align with the Scorpio vibe. Whether you’re looking to deepen your self-awareness, let go of old patterns, or lean into a season of profound change, this episode has you covered! 💫

Tune in for practical tips, spiritual insights, and a cosmic boost to shine through the darker days of the year!


Introduction of New Co-host and Podcast Theme

Welcome to Shine on You. I'm Renee, and this season we are switching it up. I'm over the moon excited to have our favorite spiritual bestie from last season joining us permanently. Here she is, the people's priestess, sunshine in human form, my friend, Christina Linnae.
Hey y'all! We are here to be your hosts and guides to explore what we get asked most from modern spirituality to astrological updates and beyond. Of course we will be going deep, sharing in-the-moment insights and definitely some laughs. Join us for these honest, heartfelt conversations to remind you your inner radiance is here to shine through. Let's do it!
So good to be back.

Transition into Scorpio Season and Astrological Insights

Episode two. I'm so excited to join my fellow anchor woman. We are anchor women behind this desk. Bringing important news to the people. Absolutely. We really are.
Oh, I'm so excited to connect with you. You've been on some adventures. I want to hear all about them. And then I have some nerdiness for us with human design. I can't wait. So I think we'll flow with all that. Yeah, let's get into it. Let's do a little check-in, a little banter back and forth to start off, to warm up. Yeah. It's ah officially Scorpio season. Oh my god, I feel it.
Yeah, I felt the shift. I mean, we're we're we're on the day of the shift right now. ah Yesterday, today is like, we're leaving Libra behind. We're going into the dark. I hope you brought a flashlight. I'm dressed appropriately. I love it. Yes, my season. Birthday's coming up. Do you get excited around your birthday season? Not really. No.
I hate it. No, no, no. I do. I do. i You know, it's interesting. I do have like, if you look at my birth chart, my predominant astrological sign across the board is Scorpio. oh like I am a Scorpio tendency person. So I think it's on brand that I don't necessarily get all giddy and yay, yay. Totally. Totally.
Make sure you're being like, don't wake me up early. like Let's continue with our routine. Yes. yeah Yes. Let's not get too crazy, OK? Renee, you ah cu directly request of our friend group to have a celebration for you within your current schedule. You were like, if we're going to dinner, I'm going to need it when the sun's still out. this is this is my These are my asks.
This is my routine.

Personal Reflections: Birthdays and Parenting Teens

yeah it's really and In fact, I do want to speak to the routine piece a little bit. I mean, it's about you on your birthday. Well, that's true. but We were like, we'll have dinner at 12 noon, if you would like. Thank you for that. Thank you for honoring me. We were laughing because all the energy types in the group were like, yeah, and then we'll go finish our day. Renee will go get snuggly in her bed. You guys carry on. Keep it keep it going. Keep it real.
Beyond that, but yes, Scorpio season. I do love this time of a year. I mean, I love October anyway, but so beautiful in November. It's pretty lovely. But yeah, this this year, you know, I mean, and I also am not. Yeah, I'm not really one to make like a big deal of my birthday. I'm kind of low key about it.
Yeah. You know, interesting fact in human design, we work in an 88 day-ish portal. So you have a sole birthday that's about 88 days before your physical birth. And so oftentimes that that portal is like a pressure cooker.
And it feels like I've got to get to the finish line of birth. So when your physical birthday comes and if you treat it like that pressure cooker of like final trimester of development, you're usually like, I want to, I might want to be celebrated. I might not. Right. I've been working so hard. I just want to be. That's interesting. Yeah. That would put it in Leo. That would put yeah the soul birth day in Leo, which is my moon. So that's interesting in and of itself.
Big Leo energy undercover. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The pressure cooker idea though, I can definitely relate to this year has felt a little bit like a pressure cooker. We had a fun light weekend and that was an adventure celebrating my son, my, my right on the cusp of Scorpio and Leo son. Uh, he turned 13. So now I am a mom to teenagers. Gosh, two teenagers. I can't believe it. It's a, I won't believe it. It's a really You can't make me. It's a really quick ride to get there, actually. you know getting so He looks like a whole entity. i mean He's a whole person. like You start looking complete around that age. That's right. Yeah. He really is, yes. i mean Definitely always been full of personality and snark, but now he's really in his element.
He's really letting it shine, yeah. He's really letting it shine. Speaking of, yeah. He's like, shine on you. Yeah, he's like, shine on you. Check this out. I feel like I could turn that down a little bit. Oh, yeah. No, he's full on. He's full on. So that was fun. We went to Raleigh. We had some good food. We had beautiful weather, gorgeous weather. Got to have some family time. um Dynamics at home are such that my husband is traveling with a new job as of June more. So I know you and I have talked about this. We've been.
you know, adjusting to that. So it's like nice to have that um anchor point of like a family weekend away. Yeah. Because, you know, out of the routine. Yeah, it was a little out of the routine. Yeah, yeah it was. But then I was really happy to be home and back in. My ways, my settled ways, my routine ways. Well, Scorpio's a fixed sign. So we are, whether you're a Scorpio, like you're a Scorpio obviously, but whether the listeners are a Scorpio or not, or have Scorpio in a big way, entering into a fixed season is a time to really anchor into what is working, what's not working, shed what isn't working, and then really
Commit. Yeah. I mean, they call it cuffing season. Have you heard of that? No, I haven't. It's like a single term for single peeps. um So it's kind of like it's getting cold. It's getting

Morning Routines for Energy and Focus

wintery. It's getting hibernation-y. So you got to like cuff them up. Get them cuffed up.
I don't know, I just heard of this. I'm like, did you make this up? No, okay. No, I'm with you. I'm with you, yeah. So so yeah, it's it's time to time to commit. Yeah, we're we're hunkering down, getting ready to. Daylight is is fleeting. We are looking at that five o'clock evening.
um And then in the morning, I'm like, wow. We are in the dark for sure. The moon is shining still. So let me ask you a question about your routines. do you Do you feel like you're a really routine person? Or do you just literally get up and follow your, yes. I see where my fairy wings carry me. um There are certain anchor points in my day. And if I don't have them, I will spiral. So in the morning, especially,
i I've often thought about being a very hard person to live with because in the morning I really need like silence. okay But I'll wake up early to get it and I need it. I need low lights. I have my my kind of skincare beauty routine, little bathroom routine. I've got my cacao routine and then my prayer, my devotion time.
And if I get all those things hit, might be like 45 minutes right there. Yeah. i'm I'm ready for the world. I'll usually go to the gym and that's been a routine lately, but I'm kind of like a seasonal routine person. So I'll for a couple months, I'll have like the same routine, especially first half of the day. And then, uh, something will happen. And I'm like, I don't want to go to the gym in the morning anymore. And I'll be in the afternoon freedom and to pivot. Yeah.
I feel that. yeah But the the prayer, the beauty stuff, the cacao, that all happens in the morning always. I love that. Yeah. Yeah. I i feel you on that because I think I definitely get into seasons of super consistent. I'm actually going to speak a little bit in ah about some of the things I felt called forth to be more consistent with in this season. But it's interesting because i sometimes you know you see people who are like so They're just like steady and regimented and they keep the same routines for years. And I'm like, what is that like? I don't know. I don't understand. I don't know if I want that. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'm fixed, but I'm not that thing.
you know
Yeah. I mean, I definitely feel like. I do appreciate having, I get up early like you, and I do appreciate having some time to get my bearings before anybody is asking or speaking or, you know, there's the interaction going on. We may have to, when we speak about profiles, we may have to see if there's a little thread there that we both share. Because I've spoken to several people that have similar signs to us, and we kind of want to like see the day, bird's eye view, before we get pulled down into the minutia. That's right.
Yes. And there are certain things I've noticed, obviously, that energetically feel better. Like this morning, it was beautiful. I went for a walk. I kind of zoned out on walking and observing nature. And all of that, I think, is nurturing no matter who or what, you know, or yeahp all that. But I definitely, you know, it's interesting when some people are like, you know, hardcore morning routine, this is what I do, this is what I preach. And I'm like, yeah, I don't know. But I will say, and this is, I definitely have a protein. And and this is like, this may be like middle age lady stuff here. So brace yourself. Might be helpful. um It could be. It could be. I'm taking notes. OK. I mean, tack it away for when the time comes. I don't want you to get too anchored down at your bright young age. But here's the thing.
Protein in the morning. So I don't float away and out of my body because I do enjoy some caffeine. Yeah. warning Oh, heck yeah. And so the protein just makes you feel in my body. Yeah. Okay. It helps to process the caffeine for me because if I just go in with caffeine and like a light something that's like carbs or sugar, that's not going to work. And then you have the day. Yeah. I get very hypoglycemic and it sets up the day to not be as enjoyable. Oh, interesting. Yeah. Yeah. I really,
like kind of fine-tuned this over time and trying different things. And the protein, so I do prepare the protein. and I'm pretty consistent about it. And every morning, it's like, okay, into my little autopilot, like you know, I have these little egg and cottage cheese bites with turkey bacon. Yeah, it's great. We would like some. It's not a huge meal, because that's the other thing. Yeah, okay. Yeah, listen, I have it down, because I don't want a big meal of a lot it going on.
But the little egg bite, the turkey protein, I'm like, good, with the caffeine. Got it? Listen. I don't have many vices in life. Caffeine is like definitely coffee. I do enjoy coffee. You're only human. It's true. And I've tried. I've tried to like...
go without. it's not my At this point in time, it's not my thing. I get it. So that has been kind of an anchoring in point. And yeah, I like to put my... If I can tolerate the temperature outside, um you know the the morning light, yeah oh the UV... yeah Is it UVA rays? It is. It's UVA rays, I'm pretty sure.
When you get those in your your eyes and on your skin, yeah your hormones are better.

Wellness Tools and Financial Awareness

You're you know more regulated. Your positivity, your outlook. Yeah. All the cells in the body are like, woo, let's go. That's right. Yeah. So you know just a couple little touch points here and there. I love those routines. Yeah. Yeah. Those are good. Those are those are things that could stay.
Yeah, and sometimes I am like, oh, I'm not getting a lot that I need to write and process, and sometimes I'm not. You know, I do tend to have some sort of writing break in my day to process and get things out and organize my thoughts. But that's kind of how I'm starting things. But I will say, and I don't know that we have time in this episode to get into my nighttime routine. Oh my god. No, there's a whole thing. It is a whole thing. I protect my sleep probably more than anything
else in my life. And everyone knows this. Everyone in my family knows this. I have I have ah had boundaries created. Sometimes they're violated and sometimes at least they know they're there. But yes, it has brought me so much joy often imagining you in your nighttime routine. Listen, we could do a whole segment on what weird wellness thing Renee is doing now.
Because I tend to yes grab on to things. Give it a go. Give it a go. And honestly, at this point, we have the deck. The deck is stacked with several things that really work. so yeah And your order in which you have to execute because things layer on top of each other. I mean, it's just it's so.
meticulous Let me tell you this. OK. This is the latest thing. And I don't know if you all are ready for this, although it's been out there a lot. And I don't know if this is just my feed that's curated with this because I talk about it a lot and it's listening. And hopefully, yeah. But um mouth tape. Are you familiar with mouth tape? I am. I came up as a, um I was told that I was a snorer. So I had went and got lasers in the back of your throat that was supposed to help you not your esophagus not relaxed so much. Um, that didn't work. And so then I was like, there's gotta be something like more inexpensive. You know what I mean? That seems rather dramatic. It was, it was a dramatic, it was, wouldn't recommend it.
It was painful, actually. Yeah. Fucking hurt. um so Don't recommend. 10 out of 10 wouldn't recommend. No results were found. Oh, didn't even work. And it was painful. Didn't work. and But the mouth tape actually came up as like, well, if the thing never opens, then there's no noise to be made. And then it encourages the nasal breathing.
Which is good for so many things. You know. OK. You know about this. This might not be so weird. I don't use it, but. Because girl, I like my hair around it.
OK. More to unpack there. I want to know why you don't use it. But we'll come back to that. Because listen. They're dying to know why I don't use it. I'm kidding. Everybody wants to know. Well, this has been the latest thing. Because honestly, I do i like a dark room.
I like an appropriate temperature, not too hot, but blankets of comfort, of course, and freezing. And then, ah yeah, which is pretty good. first at that Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Earplugs. Earplugs. Okay. Um, I sleep alone. I'm a projector.
It's good for my hygiene people hygiene energy hygiene. Yeah, truly. Yeah. That's a true, true. Yeah. it It really works for me. Honestly, it was out of necessity because of having children that wanted to sleep in the bed and that was fine. And I did that for a very, very long time. Like. Yeah. Up until not even that long ago. So, and you know,
My dog could use some mouth tape because she snores like a truck driver. And so my husband and the dog love each other. And there's the this thing with Frenchies where you know you think you're going to like manage them. They're a whole different ballgame. She has trained us.
So she and when Chris is home not traveling, they sleep together. Otherwise my son now takes her. But anyway, so I've worked hard to get alone, first of all. That's what I want to say. It's been a long journey. That's funny. We worked so hard to get a family and build it all up and then we're like, now get out of here. Yeah. I'm like, all right, y'all gotta go. Seriously. Okay. So there's a few things that you're alluding to that complicate this routine, but the mouth tape has come in recently and I Feel a difference. Ooh. Okay. I want to hear. I do feel a difference. is it First off, I was worried about the discomfort and feeling suffocated. Understood. Understood. Now, the brand that I used is the Skinny Confidential brand. I'm a sucker for her trendy products. I forget everybody. Some people listening know her name. I can't remember. I'll stop my hand. Lauren, maybe. yeah Anyway, Skinny Confidential, yeah her mouth tape.
is very functional and cute, of course, because she, all her stuff is pink and cute. okay And so it looks like lips. So it covers your lips, but there's a hole that you can breathe and like a little you know slit. yeah And you can also sip water in the middle of the night, should you desire. It's not suffocating. It's really not. Like you can get air in your mouth.
okay Okay, now there's all kinds of variations on this because I kind of, after I gave my whole family a fright by showing them what I look like with this mouth tape on and everybody, you know, had a reaction. I'll just say, my husband in particular, what weird thing is this? He wasn't ready for it.
Well, some of them are like exes. Some of them are just little slits on the middle. The man version, you know, the Joe Rogan's do is called hostage tape, OK? Like that is a whole different level. of Well, and the ex, I'm like, I don't want to ex out my words. oh I want you to hear them.
Clearly. So for whatever it's worth, no, I haven't shopped comparative prices. I have no idea how much I'm paying, but it's probably a lot, but I really love. Yeah, it's cute. It's cute. So the mouth tape has been the late, you know, the most recent addition to the weird, if you will.
Wellness thing and I love it. I feel clear-headed. That's what I'm wondering when I wake up in the morning. Okay, I do feel clear-headed good Supposedly there's like, you know jaw chiseling that happens which you know, I'll take and what else? Oh your eyes get brighter stuff like that And I've had like even when we went out to dinner last week people were like you look really bright. I'm like, I think I'm not kidding As a matter of fact for whatever it's worth. Oh, man. OK. That's the latest addition to the routine. But anyway. You just sold me so hard. I'm going to give you a sample. I will bless. I should get an affiliate link. 100%. I really should. Because honestly, I'm a believer now.
I reordered. I reordered. You know it's working. You know you try things one month and you're like, yeah, I'm done. I do. No, it's coming back. I do. especially And for you to you to stick with something because there are so many elements to your your puzzle of sleep. ah For a piece to stick and stay? Literally, across my mouth, stick and stay, yes.
I want it. I know. I'm sensitive like that. I did it. But it is all working. It's all working together, and I'm liking it. So anyway, that's the latest, I guess. Routines. I love it. Routines. I would love to hear listeners, if there's certain aspects of routines that you want to talk about. Because I actually do have probably a topic that we can save and pocket that I'm digging into with a financial scrub routine. yeah This is really big girl stuff. I'm going to just say, i am um and this is an area I'm holding myself accountable for. This has been a pressure cooker of a not just a season, but a year when it comes to looking at finances and
not putting your head in the sand for me personally. And just you know it started with a ah one of those moments of being informed of a tax bill that really shakes you to your core. And then the yeah subsequent months of figuring that out. Right.
have to say this month brought a lot of closure for that and it all worked out but it also was a moment it was one of those lines in the sand where you're like okay let's level set let's let's get in there and actually really scrub down and look at things I mean The economy's not great. It's a good time to do it. It's like, did you find it wasn't all that scary and bad once you got in there? I actually have been leaning in. Yeah. And I love it. Oh, wow. I really love control there with the Scorpio. Maybe. So maybe you're like, I just like to see the details. I like to see like, huh oh, wow. OK, because I am.
Some, like I do have routines, but I'm also very intuitive and kind of in the moment spontaneous. I think that's very woman of you. I resonate with that. I also think it's, and we're going to talk about profiles, human design profiles. So we're getting into a real topic here in a second, I promise. This is real. This is all just building up.
but That two line loves to wing it. And I've been, I am, ah I got a ton of two lines going on and I love to wing it. And this is an area that I'm being called for. Do not wing it anymore. Yeah. To start to ground the winging. Yeah. So exactly. Yeah. Ground it in a little bit of facts, a little strategy, a little bit of, I wonder how much further you're going to be able to go now that the foundation has been checked.
And it's solid. And now you're going to just go fly with your intuition. I'll let you know. And I will be happy to disclose. I'm very open book about all this. like I think money is an important topic that a lot of times um people, and especially women, shy away from. I don't necessarily think it's something that we feel super across the board confident about. um Yeah, so I'm happy to share kind of what I'm doing specifically, if you guys are resonating with that and want to know. Because you you know that financial story, you know there's obviously all of us have a financial story. Yeah. And it influences us more than we know. Yeah.
Yeah, from your parents, from your conditioning and then from being, you know, male or a woman or, or you know, relationships you've been in. I know that even like me being the the feminine and being resonating with a lot of feminine qualities, I've been in relationships before where I was the provider and so now there's that i don't want to be i don't want to I don't want that sort of role. I love to provide and I'm an excellent provider, but I wouldn't like that to be my title yeah I'd like to add to. But I think that there's so much conversation around how the masculine just really craves and gets so much satisfaction from providing.
I'm being like, here's, here's what I hunted and killed, like, preparing, you know, that tribal, that tribal, um, adding to, yes. And then we get to add to in the way that is a little more uncomfortable for the traditional roles of the masculine. I love that. I think there is really something to be said for the balance of that and pulling that forward. So yeah, there's been a whole alignment audit when it comes to that and really looking at what it starts with looking at, you know,
where it's flowing, yeah you know being conscious of it. Yes. Yeah. So anyway, that has been, you know. I love that. That needs to be. It feels like a really potent combination of clarity and empowerment. You know what I mean? I do. You feel me? I do. I think it's an important conversation, and it's a little taboo, like you were saying. yeah And Scorpios love to get in there. And what's interesting, too, is Scorpio season is an awesome time to talk about finances because the Scorpiotaurus axis, they're opposites.
Yeah, and Taurus is about the money I make with my physical efforting. So if you know a Taurus, I have two Taurus brothers. I'm married to a Taurus. You're married to a Taurus. This is all making sense, that access. Yeah, the opposites attract. And they also share the same values and themes. They just approach it way differently. Sure do. So you know what's interesting is the Scorpio is the specialist at leveraging other people's money. Oh, that check, that track. Chris is like, cancel this podcast immediately. No, he's like, yeah, monetize that podcast immediately.
Help us, Chris. Oh my god. It's so funny. We'll have an interview with her. Definitely. Yes, exactly. That's interesting. Yeah. So Scorpio works around like how can we leverage this increase ah ROI? what um What resources do we have? like People, um places, things, not just money.
not just other people's income but like what resources in the form of humans and talents and this sort of thing can we leverage to create yeah to create an abundance yeah yeah I think that we do have very similar goals we just as you said go about it very differently But power couple potential right there. yeah Well, we've come a long way. I mean, I've talked about before in previous iterations of podcasting that we filed for bankruptcy in 2011. And that was a frickin' nightmare, don't recommend, ever. Yeah, we learned a lot. I mean, you know just biting off more than we could chew and you know getting into the 2008 housing market and being qualified for something we had no business being qualified for.
I've learned a lot of hard financial lessons. So I feel like this is kind of like something, perhaps, maybe I'm a little you know jumping the gun. Perhaps I have some medicine to offer with this. Let me get through. This is my last quarter goal, is to really continue to drill drill down, yeah look at where things are flowing.
and see where, you know, see where there's, ah you know, things that need to be shored up and and just kind of get a sense of of things. So anyway, I think an audit, you know, these kinds of audits, like when we talk about, you know, leveraging our resources to your point, I mean, our resources that are given to us are our time, our health and our money. And if any of those are out of alignment,
there's going to be some sort of disruption. There's poverty. There's but there's lack. Yeah, that's lack. And it's and it can you know it can really qualify in any of those ways. So really being you know so good stewards of all of that is sort of you know what I'm constantly kind of leaning towards. But the money piece, I think I've avoided. And I've just kind of been like,
Oh, I don't want to deal with that. That's not like, you know, beside there's some trauma there. I mean, the bankruptcy thing, y'all, that's ah if you've ever been through something like that, it is it is a journey to get to the other side. Oh, yeah. They gain some confidence. Oh, yeah. And and trust in yourself. Yeah. Yeah. And your partner and and then the world and then the people who are advisors and loan givers. And yeah, we had to rebuild everything. Of course. um Yeah.
But yeah, I'm really proud of where, you know, where we have ended up in that short period. I mean, what was that, 14 years ago, 13 years ago. So anyways, that's what I've been up to. But your energy is it's because that area is so important for your sun sign, which is the light shining through you.
Now that you're dialing that area in, like you're going to be able to shine so much brighter truly because it's so important to your son. I mean, it's like a Gemini sun, not speaking. Okay. Like if I'm not talking and there was a season where I wasn't sharing and I felt like.
I don't like the sound of my voice. or you know these sort of voice yeah these all All these relatable, I'm not qualified in this, what do I know, imposter syndrome things kept me quiet and small and therefore I was dull and dim and I felt like something's missing.
because I wasn't fully stepping into my son, my purpose.

Astrology and Human Design Profiles

So I think it's it's so cool to like nerd out on human design and nerd out on our moon sign and our all these different houses, but if you're not doing your sun sign job, none of that shit matters.
OK, so yeah, the sun sign is a heavy hitter. It carries a lot of weight. I mean, it's like in the whole chart. Yeah, 70% incoming design yeah is that gate. That's interesting. Sun gate. Yeah. I mean, right. So this is huge. Right. And my moon sign just, and we're going to move on for me because I love the therapy. I love this. I'm like, can we just do I pay you after this? Am I getting a session? ah If anyone's listening that's also a Scorpio sun, they're like, yes.
We're getting so much going. OK, so we're in Scorpio season. So it does track for more than it's a collective message. It is. And forever. Yeah, the the interesting piece of this is my moon sign in Leo. And also, Saturn is in the second house for me, which is all about resources and all about leveraging that you know and and learning how to manage those such things, right? Those two things definitely. Building on a solid ground.
Yeah, so you know, hey, never too late. I'm like, at this point in life, if I'm lucky, halfway to dead, and I'm finally figuring it out. So join me. No, we're living till 1.20. Oh, is that right? Yeah, that's what we've decided. Oh, OK. So cool. We need more time with you. Aw. Don't make me like emotional.
Why not? I forgot my tissues and everything. That's what we need on the set. And I was thinking a candle, a little fire element. Bring it. Okay. I will. Okay. All right. So what do you have for us today, Christina? Teach us all what you... Okay. So I am nerding out on my Phoenix diaries right now with profiles in human design. Human design is a beautiful system. If you don't know about your human design, there's so many resources and websites to run your human design chart. You need your birth information, including birth time.
You can get your chart. You'll find your profile there. I love profiles because the number one question I get when someone comes into my office, aside from love, is what is my purpose? yeah Why am I here? What role am I here to play? I feel like I'm not embodying it. I feel like I'm off. I don't under and don't understand why I'm embodied here.
And so I always look at the profile. I love the profile too. Don't you? It's really fascinating stuff there. It's very archetypal. Yeah. It's very practical information. I feel very practical. Yep. It works on strategies. As we mentioned in the last episode, human design is your Yang system. If you want to feel better in an hour, go look up your human design and remember who you are. Yeah. So this this is all the beauty of human design and profiles is it's a reminder of what to embody. But the cool part about all 12 profiles, so you're going to fall into one of these 12 profiles, and they're written like a fraction, as you know. So Rene is a 6-2. So that's 6 slash 2. I'm a 4-6. And so the first number is the conscious number. It's the personality. And I'll get into that in a minute and and use ours as as an example.
And then the second number is unconscious. I like to think about it as it's written on the body. So for me, I'm such a hacker. I love making the unconscious conscious. So I i really nerd out on that second number.
So it would be like, looking at the second number is like, oh my gosh, right now you have the most beautiful blue eyes. They're just so blue. They remind me of the ocean, my favorite place to vacation and all this stuff. And you're like, you might feel like, cool, amazing. I couldn't change them if I wanted to. Right? So that's that second number. and it's It's written on you. It's sort of outside of your control and it's it's like destiny. It's written.
Whereas the personality number is very much so in your control and something to really take a look at. So when we talk about the 12 profiles, they're a combination of numbers 1 through 6. So you have to check out your profile and see what you are. You could be like a 1-3, a 1-4, 4-6, 5-1. There's a lot. And they all have different types of destiny, which is really cool. Say more.
okay I'm like, how far do you want to go? Keep going. I love this book. By the way, this is an awesome resource. I got this from Barnes and Noble. It's written by Rachel Liberman, Modern Guide to Human Design. And I just love how everything's broken down in these beautiful colors. It's very shine on you branding here with the bright colors. It's very shine on you. I like it.
so beautiful. So she breaks down the profiles, the lines, um you know, what it what it looks like to see those numbers combined. um So I think what's really interesting is when we look at the profiles, the majority of the profiles are personal destinies. And so these are the this is what my profile is for six and you know, one threes and there's there's many I won't list them all. These are the people that if I want to get to a different place in my life, and I have to take the action.
The sense of responsibility for personal profiles is really massive. So we feel like if I want to make more money, I have to get the other job. If I want to have a better partner, I have to get rid of the shitty partner. like I have to take the action. Whereas the transpersonal profiles, which is Renee's, which is yours, true you there's a certain feeling of Yes, you have choice. Yes, you have control. And also the universe is sort of moving you for you. m So it's kind of mystical. It's meant to sound a little fuzzy. It's about karmic interactions with others in certain places that take you to the next level. So you have just enough like free will to keep you alert and seeking. And then things just come to you to clear karma.
yes verified. So what's so cool about your partnership too is Chris is a four six. yeah And so he's sort of like driving that he's on his train. Yes. and Right. He's a force of nature. And you're like a part of that train and benefiting from his progress. And then also adding to it in your mass magical kind of intuitive way. Is it is there is it less transpersonal than yeah personal numbers? Right. There's only like
Three that are? Yeah. Yeah. personal Is that right? Four. Anyway, four. Yeah. Okay. Just curious. and then but down It's not split down the middle. It's not split down the middle. The majority are personal. um And then there is one caveat. 3% of the population, I think it might be a little bit less now. This is an old number.
um when Ra first came out with human design in 2015, 16. But there's a juxtaposition, Destiny, and this is a fixed fate. So it's even, it's a combination of the personal and the transpersonal, but it really is just, they're on a train and it's driving them. right And those are the four ones. And they are magical beings. I i have the pleasure of knowing a few of them and ah they have such a mythical life. When you look at where they've been and how, how usually far they go in a short amount of time, it's, it's incredible. Interesting. I know. So and it's, I would love to just like talk about the lines okay and then maybe we can talk, just kind of add in our little two cents. Okay. So the first line is the investigator. If you have a profile with a one in it, you are here to get to the bottom of things.

Exploration of Human Design Profiles

You want to, you're, you're meant to find and seek security through information.
So these are the nerdy peeps, right? Yeah, scientific. Show me the, yeah, show me your, ah backs your references, right? Oh yeah. Yeah. And, and this, they can be a little bit skeptical yeah because of this. And they can also have a lot of insecurity because do we ever really know everything?
There's always that and you see this so much with the five one profile because the five is the heretic which we'll get to it questions and then the one is questioning and so we have this like well They're not telling us anything anyway, you know, so what do we really know? Yes. Yeah, so if you're a one-line One of the best things you can do is let yourself fall into wormholes. Go and study whatever speaks to you and and and just become a library of information. And then also know when you know enough to just begin. Right. you got At some point, you just have to start. Right. There's analysis paralysis. i with good one
Yeah, in particular. Yeah. Then the two line is the hermit. I also like to refer to it as the naturalist or the dancer and it's here to flow. It's here to trust. It's innate knowing that it has these gifts and skills and talents that it might not understand why. Yeah. And there is a deep, um,
instinctual nature with twos where, you know, you'll see it where, where it'll just be a, you know, a 12 or 13 year old and they just know what to do with the baby. They're the only ones that could soothe the baby and they just have this gift. They were never shown. They have the patience there. It's just wired into them. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Two line life is interesting.
Yeah, a little bit. Because I think it's also, from what I've read, ah understood, and studied in my own human design journey, is that they're very they the other people can see them very transparently, which makes them feel very vulnerable because that sort of causes that natural retreating energy. That's right, the hermit. Because they can't see themselves. ye They need to be kind of called out. Yeah.
Thank you for calling me out because I would be home right now. Totally. No surprise there. And yeah, it's it's a little bit of a vulnerable thing being so seen. So then they do like to go into their little hidey hole because it's safe in there and they can process. That's right.
That's been my experience. And it's important with your profile that you always honor that part of you that needs the cave, that needs the withdrawal and and and finds its own security and safety there. And then usually twos, you'll find them in their cave. You know, it's very attached to that needing to feel safe and yeah in their own space with trusted people only. Right.
And then they're usually tinkering with something. They're not just like doing nothing. The one we'll be studying. Busy. And the very busy. Tinkering away. Oh, like all day. Happy. So happy. So then the the three. So the three is known as the martyr. This is a human design term. all these All these terms are meant to catch your attention. I like to think about it as the experimentalist, the adventurer, the risk taker.
The three, when you meet a three, they are someone who has lived a lot of life. They're extremely resilient. They crave adventure. Um, my brother is a one three and we always used to play and get along so well because the four sixes first part of life is as like a four three. So our threes, like he had the three in that position. I had the three in that position would have so much fun and also chaos.
and He was always more resilient than me and ah when you have a true three in your profile you are just built to Handle stuff like it's that's the kid that falls. They're like I'm fine. I'm fine There's like blood everywhere. It's can we keep playing can we keep going? Yeah, they're just experimenters experimenters and they're meant to You know, I think the only time a three really gets down on themselves is when they're not having adventure. Maybe they're conditioned to have a job and nine to five and be still and be a good dad and, you know, not have that excitement and play.
Or if they have been shamed, which is a big three signature shame, that all their experiments and experiences were failures. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So every experience. Bumping up against that feeling of failure, right? That's right. Yeah. And when you meet a three, their stories, whoof. They're awesome. Yeah, they've been some places. Seen some things. They've seen some things. Tried some things. Yeah.
Totally, especially three fives. They have the best stories because the three is in that conscious. yes yeah um So the four, the four is known as the opportunist. It's the marketer. It's the friendly smile. It's the warm, loving, service-oriented number.
So Fours love to be a part of a community that that they get to serve and that serves them as well. So Fours are really here to help increase our capacity to love and our capacity to serve and recognize that there are things bigger than just the one, two, three journey.
Okay. You know, that's where four starts to get into that trans personal bigger picture. Like we are here to love beyond all of the other, you know, studying and permitting and that kind of thing. Yeah. Um, I think fours get people burnout a lot. I was going to say, I think they do too. Cause I think there's this thing about them being a networker, but I've actually heard that's not actually totally correct.
It's more about read you all can read the room and know like you kind of assess and know who your people are. Yeah. And you gravitate to those people because you can get into some shenanigans with those people and they will get you and you can like move kind of not the needle in a negative way, but you can kind of I don't know, sink in and latch on to those people. Is that a track for you? I love that. Oh, I love that. Yeah, it might sound a little cold, but that's the shadow of the four. We don't really want to waste time with things that don't have an ROI. Yeah. And the ROI could literally just be receptivity. Hence the opportunistic. Yeah. Exactly.
ah if If I gravitate towards you, that leaves this other person who I don't gravitate towards available for the person that does. sure So I always say that with relationships. A lot of people will come to me and they're like, oh, you know, I'm just with my husband because of this, this, and this. And like, it's not really working for me and this kind of thing, but I'll just stay in it. And and I'm like, but what about him? He deserves to be loved and cherished. And someone out there will, but that you're like,
totally misinterpreting love and connection when you're just thinking of you recording that sense of yeah. Yeah. And the sessions that you do, I feel like you get such interesting, um, real life examples and feedback of yeah where people are really at. Yeah. It's sometimes a little sad.
Yeah, and I'm sure it comes in intense and vulnerable because you are so loving that, I mean, it would be like easy for everyone to just kind of be like, here's all my stuff. Here's my shit. Would you like to see it? I'm like, great. Take it with you when you leave, though.
Yeah, I think here's what we can do with that. Sage. I think my six helps me just sort of rise up. And i'm like that e also, in the beginning of my journey, I really had to learn to stay out of judgment. sure What's right for me is certainly not right for other profiles. Y'all are pretty fixed. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. like If I didn't want to talk about this today, we'd still be talking about it.
If I I brought my book in case. Just in case it fell open. Yeah. So funny. I understand this well. I like this love We can be. And then we're like, my mom says this all the time. She's a 2-4. She's like, I'm open to your opinion or what you want to do, but you need to bring evidence and support. I'm like, yeah, and nothing's ever supportive enough. and She's like, well, bring your A game. and Bring it.
okay so the five okay yeah the five it's known as the heretic the fixer the practical one the savior fives are here to universalize knowledge so they they're there we can see the progression here right from the from the one all the way up to the five the five is like Let's take all this personal ooey gooey love medicine and let's just make it a collective cultural message And so fives being the heretic they're here to say this is what's wrong with the world And here's my solutions for it not always for like all topics Usually fives have their niche have their area of interest
um But they can be challengers. they're just theyre I don't want to say judges judges. That's not the right word. But they're definitely bosses. Oh, yeah. Big boss energy. Big boss energy. BB. As a mom to a ah eldest daughter, 5'1". She's something else. They're coordinating like all the people. Absolutely.
Oh, she's I get it. Like when I say she's something else, like she's a force of nature. Yeah, she's incredible. That is interesting. Yeah. And I'm very magnetized to five ones, yeah and I magnetize them to me. um I've had very long intimate relationships with five ones. And I often find the biggest thing with with a five is that they have to recognize the projections that they're welcoming in and be honest and upfront when they cannot practically fulfill the role.
Yeah. So if they're entering into a relationship and they're like, yeah, I'm really looking for my soulmate. I'm looking for a wife and I'm looking for a mother of my children. But then they actually are, let's say not fertile. already yeah Not ready. yeah Don't have a job. Right. Don't live in the same country. Perhaps. We don't say that.
Just saying. So the fives have to be careful. Yeah, because the fives, they do they take in a lot of projections. A lot of projections come towards them. They're kind of like shiny when they're born. And then yeah you know all of a sudden, they're like human. And everybody's like, wait. you know and It is sort of like a pressure-y. Yeah.
Profile in what I understand it to be. but Yeah, and that can cause them to want to retreat and then it causes a lot of paranoia Yeah, fives become and and I always say when I have a five one. I'm like or or three five Be paranoid like have a have a certain amount of healthy paranoia so that it keeps you honest. Mm-hmm Like if someone is like, oh, you're my soulmate and you're like engaged with someone else. Yeah, you have to be honest. Otherwise you will get, you will disappoint someone and for a five that's like, a ouch, real bad. If you need a practical solution to a problem, call a five. They're great. Yeah, they're great. They will come in, save the day and then they'll peace out and you probably won't see them for a little while.
And then they're there. Yeah. I think of our friend Penelope who yeah does amazing skin treatments and soul treatments at the same time. like And when you call her and you get in there, you know what you're going to get. And it's like a soul savior. Yeah. I love you. Penny pie. Okay. The six final line.
The role model. We're the best. That's it. Oh, boy. If you are still listening at this point, here's the deal, y'all. We're both six lines. We love it. we are I'm going to talk about the shadow that I perceive, but keep going. You go first. Well, back to us being awesome before the shadow. right Excuse me. No, I hear you. I mean, I'm, I'm teasing obviously the, the role model actually has the greatest amount of pressure on it, even more than the five. When especially a profile like a six two comes into the the world, they are born as an adult.
they're They're like, they're coming with a blazer on. They're like, here's what we got to do. Oh my god. They usually raise their parents. They feel this projection that they need to be perfect, and they need to pick things up really quickly. um And then there's the internal knowing, I have to be great, and ah people are watching. Yeah. And so there's an extreme pressure to be an overachiever, type A, to progress. We try a little hard, is what you're saying.
We just want to get there, baby. And then we get there, and we're like, everyone go away. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It gets a little intense. The sticks is on the roof, as Ross says. So it's looking down. It's observing. It has that beautiful bird's eye view. That's what I was mentioning in the morning. I like getting my bird's eye view before the day comes in.
Um, but yeah, what are, what are your thoughts on the six? Yeah. I mean, I think the sixes definitely are quote unquote the responsible ones that see like there's just a sort of certain integrity or something that comes along with it where yeah like yeah you just kind of, and again, this could be influenced by other aspects, but.
in my experience seeing and living with a six husband and yeah i have um you are a four six my best friend is um a six line like i i just feel like i i get us and we really have good intentions, but sometimes we just think we know better than everyone else. oh And we can see the highest road, and we're aloof sometimes.
and we're like Totally. Where are you? We're a good time. yeah you know if you If you're not open and receptive to it, and me being a projector on top of that, good lord, like no wonder like I repel. like it's a lot It's a lot. Yeah, I mean, honestly. I mean, if someone wants to be seen,
sit next to you. That's true. The six line also, this is very interesting and something i I was like so wanting to bring up earlier that it'll tie it in nicely. They live their life through three phases, a six line. So they live in that trial and error all the way up until the Saturn return age around 30.
And then the Chiron Return around 50 brings in and ushers in that transition from the middle phase, which is a little calmer, a little more peace oriented, build the family, raise the family, integrate all the experiences from the first trial and error phase. And then the final phase after the Chiron Return after 50 approximately.
is, okay, I have to do something in the world now, because I've lived a lot of life, right i've I've alchemized it, and and i'm I'm now ready to be present, not aloof. So um Richard, who's the founder of Jean Keys, a student of human design, he is a 4'6", and he didn't write any of his works until after 50.
Yeah. And now he's touring and speaking and doing it all in that last season, which is beautiful. Yeah. So, um, yeah, I'll just keep being patient because it always, yeah. And this could be the two line piece where it's just like, I'm not quite seeing myself, but I do think that like, I haven't quite hit that stride yet in life. I've tried a lot of things. yeah And some things I'm certainly proud of and have been you know quote unquote you know achieved goals and that kind of thing. But I just have the sense that that's not quite it yet. Or it's all like it's it it is like honestly always running in the background.
This is it. And this, this can be insanity for sixes because we're like, fuck, we have to make an impact here. Yeah. Like quickly. Now. Time's ticking. Time's ticking. Right. So that's why I was mentioning that this, this has, there's a lot of pressure with the six lines and I see a lot of sixes as clients and The medicine is always just keep going and let let yourself still have trial and error as you need it. Right. Because it's just refining your message. Right. I love that. Yeah. And I think also, I mean, we're not talking about the centers today, but we probably should because, I mean, I have an open head and root center in the human design chart. Me too.
lends itself to feeling pressure and a sixth profile line. So yeah, that's a good time because you're constantly like, there's a little turmoil in there. Is it time? Is it time? Inner angst in there. Yeah, a little bit.
I really i appreciate the explanation again. I loved hearing about the profiles and I would love to hear if you know your profile. Tell us in the comments. Leave a comment and tell us whether you're coming across this on YouTube. We now have the full unedited.
is a little bit of a vulnerable place, perhaps, for a six lines. Because there's no timeout but happening there. There's no wait. Let me start over. It's just blowing. Oh, it's blowing. So if you like that kind of thing.
ah Yeah, if you're like a weird little one-line, you little creepy investigators. If you like the edited and polished versions, yeah you can find us, of course, on whatever podcast outlet you listen to. I love it. Yeah. And then we yeah we'll be back. And ah you know we're rolling out twice a month at this point. But we want to hear you know what topics, what questions. We're going to get you know some interaction going. um We'll yeah talk about like how to do that. But you know you can always find um us on Instagram, which the show itself doesn't have an Instagram handle. But I'm at Vibe with Intuition. Yep. You are the blonde priestess. Clearly. Obviously. So you can message us there. It's probably the most direct way. um If you're like, hey, you guys got to talk about this. Of course.
I would like to, we talked about taking questions or real life scenarios that perhaps you'd like us to speak on through our lens of expertise. yeah bring yeah but See what comes through. That would be so fun. For you brave little souls out there that want to go there with us. Slide into the DMs.
Slide into the DMs. This was so fun. I loved this episode too. I really did. And thank you all for your ah your warm reception in bringing this to life. Yes. Definitely have felt that. Oh, man. I'm so little. like I came in here today buzzing. Yeah. The first episode went live. And I was like, look at it. It's real. It's real.
It's happening. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The babies in the world growing. This is, this was so fun. Thank you for letting me nerd out. No, you did. Okay. You did us all a favor in breaking that down good for sure. Cause you can't hear it too much. I feel like I've heard it many different ways and I always get something different. Yeah. Same.
Yeah, thank you. Thank you, baby. Thank you all. Thank you for listening and being here. Please follow the show. Leave us a comment if you in a review if you really feel inclined. Yeah. Give us some love. Give us some love. Give that force some love, baby. I love it. Let us know you see us. And we're not just talking to the ether because it can feel that way sometimes. But anyway, see you guys in a couple weeks. Bye, y'all.