SCP Classic – Batman (1989) image
Superhero Cinephiles
SCP Classic – Batman (1989)
219 Plays
9 months ago

For the next two months, I'm taking a break from the show to catch up on recordings and get some work done on my comic book project. So I'm giving you a glimpse into the past with SCP Classic, featuring replays of past episodes influenced by recent releases.

The Flash came out this past summer to mixed reactions and a lackluster box office return. But one thing everyone loved was the return of Michael Keaton's Batman. So for the first SCP Classic, Derrick and I discuss Keaton's first outing as Batman in Tim Burton's 1989 film.

PARAGONS OF EARTH is a comic book project I'm developing with Thomas Deja and Eric Johns. Sign up for the free PARAGONS OF EARTH Substack to learn when the crowdfund campaign is live!

