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SCP Classic – Deadpool 2 (2018) image

SCP Classic – Deadpool 2 (2018)

Superhero Cinephiles
168 Plays7 months ago

Our replay of Deadpool coverage continues! This week, we look back at Derrick and Perry's thoughts on the Super Duper Cut of Deadpool 2!

Want to tell us what you think? Have any questions or comments for Perry about superheroes in media or comics? Leave a voice message to play on the show. You can also apply to be a guest on the show.



Audible Promotion & Superhero Audiobook Recommendations

Hey Derek, guess what? Hit me with it. We just got a promotion with Audible. Audible, fantastic. I love Audible. Do you know what the cool thing about this deal is? What's that? If our listeners go to slash supercinemapod, they get a free trial with Audible. And do you know what they get with that?
What do they get with that? Tell me. They get one free audiobook of their choice and they get two free Audible Originals, which is special content that Audible makes available free for all its subscribers. Are you kidding me? That deal is so good I may go myself and sign them. Do you think you they let you keep the books after you're done?
No, you' not you're not gonna tell me they let you keep the books after you're done. Yes, in fact, you can go sign up for a trial and you can cancel before the trial ends and you get to keep the books you've already downloaded.
Well, I don't see how you can beat that with a stick. i Exactly, yeah. And you get lots of great books, especially for fans of the show. You can listen to Super Gods by Grant Morrison, which is all about like how the superhero comics have changed and evolved over time. Or you can check out Marvel Comics, The Untold Story. Which is a terrific book. I have that both in hardcover and I listened to that on Audible myself in my car while traveling back and forth.
And there's also another similar book that's called Slugfest, which is about like the the wars between Marvel and DC Comics. Oh, okay. So that's another one you got to check out too. So yeah, head on over to slash supercinemapod and start your free trial right now. You got one free audio book and two free audible originals, and you can keep them even if you cancel before it's over.
First five steps to a prostate-assisted orgasm. Where the hell are we going? You said it yourself. Nothing can stop the juggernaut. We back up. I will bathe in the blood of your enemies.
Can you turn off the music? You'll do no such thing. Why don't you just say it in Indian accent? I'm sorry. Apology accepted. This is Sadhu I do not like. Let me guess, some of your best friends in the future are Indian. What the hell are you saying? Once again, intolerance rears its ugly head. I am so sorry. It gets better. I'm not a fucking racist moron. Precisely what a racist would say. I'm with the old white guy on this one.
this is over i'm goingnna fuck you to death when you're having broken feet and a sexual but or two that's rich i should have finished So what exactly do you do in the future anyway, huh? Some kind of soldier? Yeah, something like that. That was a soldier. Special forces. I bet 50 years from now we're best his buddies.
Fifty years from now, you're very dead. Your entire generation fucked this planet into a coma. Boom! Spoiler alert. Planets. Next time, over. Here's a spoiler alert. You're not a fucking hero. You're just an annoying clown dressed up as a sex toy.
Well, I got news for you. My heart is in the right place. Russell's not going to kill anyone. Because of me, he's going to know what real love looks like. We're all going to die. Because of you, I'll always know what a grown man with baby balls looks like. I'm a grower, not a shower. God, I wish this were a bus wrecking pull string to get out. This is a good thing Gable's not driving, or you'd be in the back. I am in the back. Right here!

Podcast as a Calm in Chaos

Welcome to the Superhero Cinephiles podcast. I am half your host, Perry Constantine. And I am the other half, Darin Ferguson.
So Derek, um I've got a theory about the universe, but I want to tell you, because the last few guys away, well because the last two weeks we were off the air right because you had, you had a computer problems and we had to get that all sorted out.
all right and Last week, there was a Nazi insurrection at the Capitol. Also on Wednesday. Also on Wednesday, yeah. So so here's my theory here's my theory. Our show is the glue that holds the universe together because every time we take a week off,
something goes to hell something goes to hell something happens and i mean you cannot when you talk about going to hell uh the attempted overthrow of the united states government yeah it doesn't get any more doesn't get more off the rails than that um let me tell you It's even doubly surreal for me being being in Japan because this shit happens in the middle of the night for me, right? Yeah, yeah. So I wake up at like six o'clock in the morning and i and I wake up and I got a message on my phone from ah from a buddy of mine in Colorado and he's like, he like Trump supporters are storming the Capitol. I'm like, what? They said, what? Are you drunk? And I'm like, am I still asleep? Am I dreaming? What the hell is going on? Yeah.
and Now imagine how surrealistic it is for us here. We're watching it in real time as it happened. We're watching it. And I'm looking at Patricia, and I said, well, you know what's happening, right? She said, well, so Donald Trump is trying to overthrow the government, basically. and um And it was so funny. like i was I freaked out. I'm like, what? And my my wife was, you know she's like she's like, what's wrong? And I tell her, I'm like, Trump supporters stormed the Capitol. And she's like, oh, yeah, I know. i'm like
Cause you know, while she was pregnant, she was like, I love why you write so much a lot and call about everything. Oh yeah. Well, because she was, um, cause she, she wasn't sleeping nights, right? Because ah the pregnancy, her, her sleep clock was all messed up. So she was like up all the night. She's like asleep during the day. So she was up and she was watching TV. And then like, she came to bed around like, you know, probably like four or five in the morning or something like that. And then.
And it's like six o'clock, I wake up and I'm like, what? and And she's like, what's wrong? And I'm like, and she's she's like, what's wrong? And she thinks like somebody died or something. and Yeah, yeah. Because that's actually what happened with her brother. Like she got woken up in the morning by ah by ah by a call saying that her your brother passed. So she's like, what's what's wrong? What's wrong? And I'm like, Trump's like, oh, yeah, I know. I'm like, isn't this the sort of thing you'd think to wake me up and be like, hey, by the way, there are Nazis trying to overthrow your government right now.
Why? There's nothing you can do about it. I know, but still. like Yeah, there's nothing you can do about it. yeah It's, I mean, but, ah but you know what? Okay. Here's the thing. And people say I'm crazy for saying this, but, but bear me out. Okay.

The Duality of Trump's Presidency

Give me a minute.
In his way, Donald Trump is probably the most honest American president we've ever had. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Because every single thing that he said he was going to do, yeah, he did it. He told you that he wasn't going to leave. He never came out and said that he was going to leave quietly. As a matter of fact, he he has been laying the groundwork throughout the four years of his presidency up to that moment. He started from day one, letting you know that, yeah, this is my attention.
You know, so he's the weird it's the weirdest thing because and and I can't take credit for this because I heard someone else say this on a podcast or a news program or something. Yeah, but someone had said um that it's like this weird contradiction because first off, he lies all the time. But on the other hand, he's also strangely honest about it. Yes, he is really weird.
You know, he's very honest with his line. Yeah, yeah. But but on the other hand, yeah, there are things that he doesn't say, I mean, he's done everything that he said he was gonna do. Well, I mean, he's ah he's kind of a walking contradiction that way too, because he's like the richest poor man alive as well. Yeah, well, that's true too. I mean, it i mean it's utterly bizarre. So on one hand, I mean, yes, like,
everybody else with good sense. I was horrified to see that we actually had come to this point. Yeah. But on the other hand, I was saying, well, you know what? We should have known this was coming all along. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, this is what I said. Like I remember four years ago, I was saying like something like this could happen and everyone was like, Oh no, no, no, you're crazy. You're crazy. It's like, look what happened. So when that happened, I'm like, you know what? Four years ago, you all told me I was crazy.
And you know, there have been people all along have been saying that, yeah, that Donald Trump, they said, well, he's not going to leave. And people have been saying that, oh, and other people. So, you know, and but even I would say, well, you know what, maybe he won't leave and they'll have to take him out of there. Yeah. Yeah. I never thought that that was going to raise up a mob and tell him that, OK, we'll go to the Capitol. And then what makes it even more frightening.
is all of this information that we're coming out now, is that that they were actually members of the Republican Party inside the Senate that were assisting this nonsense. Yeah, and now there are one another refusing to go through like metal detectors and shit and like, yeah carry like I mean, if I was, and um I read, I just saw the headline this morning. I hadn't read the article, so I don't know what's, but Nancy Pelosi had proposed something like a $5,000 fine if pete if members of Congress refused to use metal tires. I'm like, fucking good. I'm like, if I try to, you know, go in an airport or something, or a government building, and and they tell me, go through the metal tech, and I said, no, they're going to stop my ass on the ground.
Hey, listen, you know what? I say it like this. Good for them because now you know what junior high school kids have to go through. Yeah. there something on Just to go to fucking school. yeah you know what Now you know what elementary school kids go through with people come you know to shoot up their schools.
David Hogg, one of the Parkland guys, he was talking about how he's like, when um what's her name? That's one of the the nutball congresswoman, the GOP elected. When she's she like refused to consent to a bag check or something. yeah and And he posted that too. He's like, well, how come they they don't have all clear bags? Like you know junior high and high school kids are supposed to have now.
Thank you. So, you know, if they, these are the same people that every time that a school is shot up, and babies are murdered. You know, they pop up with that second amendment crap, you know, anything like that. So, hey, if you're feeling a little bit of what these kids had to feel, know what,
And don't get me wrong, folks. God knows I don't want to see anybody get hurt, but, you know, payback is a bitch. Yeah. You know, I just saw I got Rashida Tlaib's email like just before we started up and I just got to read this because it's so awesome.
ah So she wrote this week before entering the House floor, some of my colleagues were frustrated by new security requirements, including metal detectors. These are the same members of Congress who have enabled this twice impeached president's worst instincts and behavior, which resulted in a violent right wing mob of white nationalists and unhinged conspiracy theorists attacking the US Capitol field coup attempt.
At our time when our communities, our employers, our schools, and our healthcare care systems are struggling in the midst of this pandemic, and when our democracy is under relentless attack both from within and outside our government, I say to my fellow colleagues on the other side of the aisle, suck it up buttercups, y'all brought this on yourselves.
hey you know One thing that had me cracking up, Patricia and I were watching it. And when they, you know, when they showed the picture that they had the scaffolding with the news hanging from it. And they were running through the Capitol building screaming, hang by pets, hang by pets, hang by pets. And it reminded me of a scene in a Jackie Chan movie where he's listening on the phone. He's trying to get information from the bad guys. And the bad guys are talking back and forth and they're saying, okay, well, you know what? So and so and so and so and so and so. Make sure you kill the Chinaman.
And Jackie Chan says, kill the killer, the Chinaman, wait a minute, I'm the Chinaman. I imagine Mike Pence must have been the same way when they said to him. He said, well, what are they saying? Well, they say, hey, Mike Pence. He said, Mike Pence, wait a minute, I'm Mike Pence. But this whole thing, it reminds me of Frankenstein.
Right? Because, you know, in the book, Victor Frankenstein creates this monster and then he's horrified by what he's done. And the monster comes and kills his family. So you got all those Republicans saying like, oh, you know, well, saying in private, like, you know, I'm scared for my family. It's like you fucking created the monster that's attacking your family. What do you think is going to happen?
Yeah, I know they got all of these, you know, they were saying today on the news and they were saying that all these Republicans, they said that they are terrified. They said, you know, they don't want to vote for impeachment because they're scared that these lunatics are going to come and, you know, kill them. But these are the lunatics that you said had the right to carry arms and free speech and they could do this and they could do that. You said that they had the right to do all of this. Yeah, what yeah I guess you deal with it now, you know, because this is what you created. This is this is the monster that you made. So hey. If I went into the zoo.
and I jumped into the tiger pit and the tiger starts attacking me. And then I screamed for help saying like, help, the tiger's attacking me. They're gonna be like, what the fuck were you doing jumping into the tiger pit in the first place? Oh, well, if I'm there, that's your ass, son. I'm sorry. I love you like a brother, but hey, listen, man. you why did Yeah, that's right. Why did you jump in there? Yeah, yeah. So, ah yeah, so I i mean, like like you said, like I don't want anybody to get hurt, but at the same time, I'm kind of like, well, you know what? It's hard for me to feel sorry for you.
yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, really, it is. It's hard for me to feel, so it's like somebody that goes and picks up, ah you know, somebody picks up a drum of Drano and drinks it, you know? Yeah, I'm gonna take it to the hospital, but you know what? If you did Drano, you know,
That's on you. ah And in essence, that's what these Republicans have been doing for four years. Remember when Trump was saying well you know you want to inject bleach in your arm to get rid of the girl. Well that's what they've been doing they've been injecting Trump for four years. Yeah yeah now it now it's turned toxic.
Now in a related thing, there's ah some comic related news controversy that sprung up as a result

Controversy Over the Punisher Logo

of this. And you and I briefly- Oh, we've got a lot of comic stuff now. we'll We'll jump right into it because it's a good transition. Then we'll we'll segue into some happier discussion. Go ahead. So a lot of these you know militia types and all that and and like racist cops, they've been sporting the Punisher logo.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So they've they've been supporting the Punisher logo. they they Some of them had had it on their shirts and stuff like that. They had Punisher logo stickers. And this has been going on for for a while. like You even had cops. like there is There's some like um cop run or cop or cop friendly t-shirt company or something that was also printing like thin blue line shirts with ah with the Punisher logo on it and all that kind of stuff. So this has been going on for a long time.
and After what happened last week, there's been a lot of calls online saying that you know Marvel should retire the Punisher logo because of all this. Yeah, I've seen that. Matter of fact, I posted it on Superhero. Right, yeah. And so when you post that, yeah. And so this is something that we both thought that you know we should talk about. And oh so you're the one who posted. So let's start with your opinion first. My opinion is that I am 100% opposed to Marvel.
retiring the Punisher. Understand me, I am not a big fan of the character, really, I'm not much of a Punisher fan, but I am even less of a fan of a perfectly good character who wouldn't bother than anybody being you know having to be shoved in a hole because a bunch of racist, sexist, misogynistic assholes have taken this character's symbol, which they don't understand anything about. First of all, yeah anybody that looks at the Punisher as a hero, there's something wrong with them, because that's not the character. Yeah. But for Marvel to cave in to that, what Marvel should do is hire somebody like um Chuck Dixon, who's written a lot of Punisher stories. I would say no, because um like because I've read some of Chuck Dixon's Punisher stuff from the 90s,
It's like right wing power trip fantasies, right? It's like all like, you know, let's kill the hippies and shit like that. So yeah. But he usually the writer I associate most with the Punisher, but you know, okay, get any any competent writer and change the, you know, the mission statement of the character and have him go after these groups that are using his symbol you know, for their purposes. And in that way, we, the writer, whoever writes it can redefine what that symbol means to the Punisher and what it actually is supposed to symbolize. That's what I would do. So I'm not sure if you read any of Garth Ennis's Punisher stuff. and Very little. Okay. So like the stuff he wrote that was set in the Marvel universe, right? It was it was him and Steve Dillon. It was their standard, you know, the it was kind of what they did on Preacher, right? It's very like kind of over the top, like almost like tongue in cheek, ah
almost like satire of violence, right? honor But then um Marvel said to Ennis, like, what if we gave you the Punisher and we made it a ah max title, part of the immature reader's imprint, and we just kind of let you go nuts with it? but And one of the things he wanted was like, okay, well, I want it set outside the Marvel universe then, right? yeah okay And so he set it outside the Marvel universe. and and you know So in the comic books, right?
you know, Frank House supposedly fought in in Vietnam originally, he was a Vietnam vet, but in the comics, like that's kind of been... I'm not sure if they've really addressed in recent years, but it was also kind of implied for a while that because he had gone through this whole thing where he had been died and then he was resurrected and then he was brought back, that that kind of like DH 10 type of thing. But in the, what Ennis did in the, in the Mac stuff, we said, no, he still fought in Vietnam and he's like now in his sixties and he's been doing this whole thing in like 40 years.
and um And one of the really cool things he did is he used the story. And it was like, you think about Garth Edison, you think about like really dark over the top, cut like gallows humor type of stuff, right? Like preacher or that kind of, or um or the boys. But when he did Punisher Max, like it was,
really like scathing indictments of like you know foreign policy and cracks in law enforcement all and it was amazing like definitely check out his his Punisher Mac stuff because it's unbelievable.
um He had him, like the very first arc, they had CIA goes after Frank Castle and they kidnapped him and they had his you know his old partner microchip say to him, look, how about this? you know what you've been You've been running this war for 40 some odd years. If your family was still alive, like you might be a grand grandfather by now. So how about we do this, the you know crime's not going down. You're not making a dent in anything. So they say to him, what if,
we put you on our payroll. We have you off the books and then you can go and you can hunt down, you have all the resources you want and you can go and you can hunt down people like Bin Laden. And they're like, what do you say? Yes or fuck you? And Castle's like, fuck you. And then he goes in this whole thing about how, like he's like, I'm not gonna be beholden.
to the same people who sent who sent us to into a meat grinder in Vietnam and all that. And it's like this really scathing indictment of Vietnam and and just like it's, they also did stuff with like human trafficking and just like the whole web of stuff that's that connects to everything. And it's just, it's an amazing series. You gotta check it out. Let's see. Okay.

Debating the Punisher's Universe Placement

Right there, see, I would read that Punisher because I've always felt right from the beginning that the Punisher is a character that does not operate well in the Marvel of a Universe. Because when you have him in his own book and he's just like ruthlessly mowing down criminals and gangsters and picking up people's headshots, and then now he teams up with Spider-Man and Captain America and he's using rubber bullets and tasers. know yeah You know, you know, make up your mind. the The character can't be that schizophrenic, either having one or the other, which is why I, matter of fact, again, if I had my way, like all the Marvels, like street level heroes, I would take them and just set them in a universe of, you know, like the Punisher, Daredevil, Luke Cage, you know, a few others, and just have them operate on their own. not Because once you have them in this gritty,
world of crime and corruption and espionage and duplicity and moral ambiguity and everything like that. And then you got to drag them into this shiny bright superhero world where, you know, now, you know, it's not nice. Yeah, but Yeah, but the Punisher, no, I don't want to see the Punisher put in a box just to you know just because of these people. you know Instead, take him and use him yeah you know to make a statement about, like you said, things that are going on right now. yeah you know what you know What if Frank Castle was sitting at home and he saw you know them attacking the Capitol? He would say, well, you know something? I don't agree with the politicians. They're like, that that shit ain't right. And then he you know do turned around and said, OK, well,
you know, if they're not going to do the right thing, I will. Yeah, yeah. And, um and Jerry Conway even said like, because I think this first sort of came to light during the, the Black Lives matter Matter protests last year, when, you know, the stuff about cops sporting Punisher logos and stuff like that. And Jerry Conway, who, you know, co-creator of the Punisher came out and he said, look, if you're a cop,
and you support the Punisher, then you're basically saying that you're useless. You're basically indicting your own profession, because the whole thing about the Punisher is that he's a symbol of a system that's broken. Yeah. He's saying that, you if so if you support the Punisher, you're basically saying that you're ineffectual, you're useless. And I forget what city it was, but there were some cops that actually had the skull symbol painted on their police car. Yeah.
Oh, you know. but And Garth Ennis too. He also went on record. He said, anyone who sports the Punisher brand is a half-wit. And with e you know what? Honestly, he says, um no one actually, he said, here's what he exactly said. I've said this before a couple of times, but no one actually wants to be the Punisher. Nobody wants to pull three tours of duty in a combat zone with the last one going catastrophically wrong come home with a head full of broken glass, see their families machine gunned into bloody oafel in front of their eyes, and then dedicate the rest of their lives to cold, bleak, heartless slaughter. The people wearing the logo in this context are kidding themselves, just like the police officers who wore it over the summer. What they actually want is to tear is to wear an apparently scary symbol on a t-shirt, throw their weight around a bit, then go home to the wife and kids and resume their everyday life. They've thought no harder about the Punisher symbol than the half wits I saw on Wednesday,
the ones waving the stars and stripes while invading the Capitol building. Well said. yeah And I agree 100%. And I agree too. Also, its I think it also sets a very worrying precedent if you're going to say like, OK, well, these bunch of assholes and racists and you know Nazis and all, they co-opted the Punisher symbol. So now we're going to retire the Punisher symbol. Well, what if they then go after the Batman symbol?
or if they go after the Superman symbol or Captain America or- Green Lantern. Yeah, so what are you gonna do? Like, if you're gonna go down that precedent, you're gonna start setting that precedent, then, you know, where's the vent? Like, I think that's a very dangerous thing as well. Instead, what they should do is like, look, Disney's got more money than God. They could buy and sell the whole planet several times over,
three And still have enough money to to to retire for like the rest of time. And so like, why and they've got an army of lawyers, like de Disney is famously litigious. So why the hell aren't they enforcing their brand and going and sending their teams of lawyers after these assholes? Like they should have a legal office set up just to enforce the Punisher brand, honestly.
But, you know, some I can also understand why they wouldn't want to do it because then they don't want to give more air time to these people. And, you know, we vote. These people are already taking up too much. oh Yeah. These people are already taking up too much valuable time out of our lives that we should be devoting to something else. Up until this, I would have agreed with you. But now that people are calling on Disney to retire the logo, now I think it's time that they got to step up and take some action and start enforcing their brand.
Okay, well, yeah, well, you know what, that's fair. That's, you know, that's fair, you know, because now the circumstances are warranting it. I mean, whichever way they go, I just I don't think that they should retire to punish her. And I hope that they don't. Yeah. i hope And also, there's, um, there's really good. um I think it was Matthew Rosenberg, he did a run on I think he wrote the the most recent Punisher book. And he had one scene in it where, you know, Frank Castle's in New York, and a bunch of cops find him and they see the logo on his shirt like, oh, like, look, and they show him the the the sticker on their cop car. And like, we're a big fan. We love you. And Punisher's like, you're fucking idiots. He's like, I am not a role model. And he like tears the sticker off and he shreds it. He's like, you want a role model? Go talk to Captain America. He's like, he's like i he's like I am not on your side. You are not on my side. And the whole thing about the Punisher, like, and I've always said this,
but The thing about the Punisher and the Punisher comics is that they're not about a character really. When you try to make the Punisher books about the character of Frank Castle, they tend to not be very interesting because Frank Castle is not an interesting character. exactly yeah And he's not a he's not a character he's not a very likable character. He's not a very relatable character, none of that. Like he's a he's a psychopathic serial killer.
He has no real personality to speak of. The character really is a vehicle for whoever is writing him at the time to express their political, philosophical you know views about violence. yeah and just about anything else that you want. You got to act to grind. If sex trafficking, you got to act to grind about that. Okay, you use the punisher to tell a story about that. If it's about animal mutilation, you take use the punisher, but that's what he is. He's a vehicle to tell a story about whatever particular acts you have to grind as a writer. see also He also provides his form of catharsis.
Right. Right. Yeah. And that's really what it is because and like if you look at um the Punisher in live action, like you look at the the the two move the three movies they did right with Dolph Lundgren, then Tom Jane and Ray Stevenson.
okay, movies in their own right, but they none of them connected with audiences. And part of that is because the character, is it really a character that you want to spend time with? right the movie And the movies didn't quite understand that. So when they did the Punisher series on Netflix, the reason why that was so good is because they completely changed who the Punisher was. They gave Frank Castle an actual personality and they made the focus of it post-traumatic stress disorder. and that That gave it a new window for people to relate to the character. And they gave him a personality. They gave him you know emotions and all that. But the Punisher of the comics, he's an emotionless bastard. He's a you know just a cold, hard killing machine. Yeah, you're not supposed to like him. You're not supposed to relate to him. You're not supposed to find what he does. Like you said, you get a catharsis out of what he does. Of course, you can't go up and you can't shoot a bunch of sex traffickers. But you can read a Punisher comedy book and say, yeah, you know what?
Yeah, if I can do that shit, yeah, I don't think, you know. Yeah, yeah. And that's what he is. And you get a charge out of saying that. way Here's the thing about the Punisher, as long as he's killing the right people, we're down with him. Yeah. It's the comic book equivalent of a first person shooter. Bingo. There you go. There you go. And you can't really do that in a movie because it you need more story structuring character journeys, but the Punisher doesn't have really a character. Like he's just, like I said, he's the he's a force of nature.
Yeah, he's he's he doesn't like to say doesn't have any character doesn't have any personality and it's hard to do that in the movie because the first thing when they sit down and they figure out okay well why do we relate to this character that's the first thing that you know the studio wants to say why are we relate which is why the movies especially the thomas jane one worked so hard at humanizing the character which to me was kind of a mistake Yeah. Because you can't, you you're not supposed to humanize the Punisher. You know, he's supposed to be like the Terminator. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that's, he's like a human version of a Terminator. That's what he, and when you try to humanize him, don't get me wrong, it was a good movie. But yeah, it doesn't work to try to humanize, you know, the Punisher. It doesn't. Right, right. Yeah. You got to do what the, if you want to humanize him, you have to do what the, what the Netflix show did and basically create a whole new character that has, that is named Freight Castle.

Chris Evans' Potential MCU Return

Because that's what they yeah cause that's what they did. because it's not Which is probably why I like it, because it's not the punisher of the comic books. Right, not at all, yeah. All intensive purposes, like you said, accurately said. It's a new character. It's a brand new character. Yeah. Which is all right. Now, some really good news that came out just today is that Chris Evans might be stepping, might be picking up the shield again. He might be stepping back into the role of Captain America.
I heard that. Now, I recently, before I came on, I saw a tweet where Chris Evans denies it. He says, this is the first time hearing of it. But you know what? What was her name? She-Hulk actress? She had said the same thing. Yeah. I remember when that the news came out that she was going to claim She-Hulk. And she's like, oh, no, that's not true. And then we find out that, no, no, it is true. I took it with a grain of salt. and i mean right Yeah, they do take everything with a grain of salt. but um But yeah, it's it's a it's a cool idea because, well, I mean, it depends on how they do it, right? Because I like the idea of like them doing flashbacks or something or like maybe doing a larger World War II movie where you have like the invaders or something like that. I think stuff like that could be cool because the nice thing about First Avenger is that it spans several years. There's a lot of stuff that happens between the scenes in there that we don't see.
yeah Yeah, and I probably said this when we did the Captain America episode, was that you could easily do two or three movies set during World War II with him going on missions with the how to commandos and stuff like that. Yeah, and the invaders have an invaders movie. Yeah, you could easily do three more three more Captain America movies just set during World War II. And Chris Evans is still young enough, I mean, you know, to pull that off.
what I would like to see, and I was discussing this with some people on Facebook, ah if you go to the other route and have old man Steve Rogers, now don't de-age him, because to me, one of the brilliant things about the MCU was that it gave us the saga of Captain America and Steve Rogers, the beginning, a middle, and end. The comic books could never do that, but the movies did.
Yeah. And I would not want them to violate that story in any kind of way. So don't deage Steve Rogers, but, you know, bring back the old Steve Rogers and have him as like, you know, the elder statesman of the MCU. You know, he's advising the Avengers, maybe working to rebuild SHIELD. You know, there's a variety of things that he could be doing, yeah but, you know, they don't have to bring him back as Captain America.
yeah Yeah, that would be cool too. um And especially because like, you know, if the rumors are true, which, you know, since Chris Evans has kind of quashed it, where we don't know exactly how true it is. But it's not like he'd be coming back to do like ah another solo Captain America movie. It would be like this kind of smaller cameo appearances, much like Robert Downey Jr. and Homecoming. Yeah, yeah. Well, you know what? um Anytime I read something like that, because he is saying, well, I'm never coming back. I'm never going to be Captain America again.
But that's been a while. yeah And, you know, it's not like the studios. I mean, first of all, studios are in trouble now. So nobody's exactly calling him up.
to you know so offer him these meaty, juicy, dramatic roles in movies that are tailored to win Oscars. Nobody's offering him directing job, because that's what he said he wanted to do. He wanted to direct. Nobody's ah offering him. So to me, I see this as where he said, well, you know something, the bills are still coming in. So let me go back to what I know. And I know I'm going to make a nice chunk of change doing this. Which I don't blame before. No, not at all. Yeah, absolutely. For me, I'm a materialistic bastard. Don't chase that paper. Yeah, but, you know, ah but yeah, but if I was, that's what I would like to see. I would like to see the old man, Steve Rogers. That would be a cool idea, yeah. Have him be like the elder statesman. You know, like everybody comes to him for everybody. Oh, well, what do we do? Well, let's go talk to the old man. You know, remember the magn Magnificent Seven? It was the old man that lived on top of the mountain and the villagers went to him. Yeah, that's Steve Rogers. He lives in the cabin someplace. and when Superheroes need advice. They said, well, let's go see old man Rogers. That's what we should do, you know.
So um it also looks like there's ah there's another rumor going around and casting rumors that um the Flash movie might have Danny DeVito coming back as the penguin. I'm supposed to hear about the Flash movie, I don't know what to do. There was some crap the other day about the, you know, this guy. You know what? Okay, you know what? Okay, this is gonna be our last episode.
What's the guy's name that plays Cyborg? Oh, Ray Fisher. You know, just let the shit go already, man. They don't want you. You don't want to deal with, okay, all all that shit happening and everything like that. We got it. You put it out there, fine. They have made the decision that they don't want to be bothered with you. Well, the thing I don't understand is like he keeps saying like, he's like, oh, they know what they did. They know what they did. Well, you fucking tell everybody what they did.
So like all of that kind of, it it it feels kind of suspicious to me with him keep saying like, oh, they know what they did. I'm not going to say anything. They know. what like yeah Thank you. You know, this is high school bullshit. You know, either shut up, get off the pot. Say if they did something, say what they did, do that. You know, don't be this cagey thing. Like you think you're going to blackmail them into giving you a role. When they turn around and say, well, go ahead and tell them, say what you want to say. You you know what?
We'll give it to another character. Yeah, yeah. You know, and this is just like dragged off for too long, you know, so yeah, I'm about tired of anything that now, I mean, if I'm online, I'm looking, I see something about the flat, I scroll right past it. Really, um I don't care anymore. I really don't. All right. um So, well, one other thing, not really related to news, but I got HBO Max.
And I signed up for that. You all that DC stuff that's on there? Oh my God, it's nuts. I've been falling asleep on the couch the last few nights watching Batman the Animated Series. And then I saw Wonder Woman 1984. That was obviously the first thing I watched when I got on there.
because it's only on for this month. So I'm like, well, I got to watch that. yeah Yeah. And after that, you know, I started jumping like I jumped in. I watched like because I saw Titan season one. So I start I watched like the first two episodes or so of season two. And I watched like the first episode of Young Justice season three. And and then I'm just kind of like, you know, jumping around and sampling stuff. And then I got into Harley Quinn and I'm six episodes into Harley Quinn now because it is so fucking hilarious.
I got to watch it. i yeah But then again, I got to watch Doom Patrol. I got to watch Titans. I got to watch ah Season 2 of Doom Patrol as well. I got to finish Swamp Thing. I still got one episode left on Swamp Thing. I haven't finished that yet. I haven't touched Swamp Thing yet. I've watched Season 1 of Doom Patrol. I have to go back and watch that. but i But I really want to finish watching that. And I really want to get into Titans because I've heard so much about it. And it's always coming. But I mean, just a ton of stuff.

HBO Max's Streaming Dominance

that's on DC, you know, just like I said to you, hey, that could, you know, we could do all the stuff that's on HBO Max. Yeah, we were talking we werere talking yesterday and we were just like, you know, we could just like do everything on HBO Max and that'd give us like enough content for like, maybe not even a year, maybe two years. yes Serious word. I mean, what with the series and the movies and the animated movies, just alone. Yeah, yeah.
yeah Well, that was something I watched, what was it, Death in the Family. So I watched that as well, the Batman one, which was really disappointing. I was expecting it to be like this longer thing, but it was only like 40 minutes or something. ah What? Really? Yeah, it there was all this talk made online about that. Like there's all this talk, it was broadcast like, oh, well, you know, there are alternate endings and all this, but like on HBO Max, they didn't have any of that. It was like this, Adam was like, okay, well, that was kind of a waste of time.
And there's actually going to be a lot more stuff because I really think that what's going to happen is that slowly but surely Warner Brothers is kind of like leaning stuff away from the CW and they're going to put it on HBO Max. Yeah, well that woman's already on there. Yeah, well they had to continue that from and that was they had made that when it was kind of like the shift from DC Universe, HBO Max. but you know But HBO Max is like making a really concerted effort to like really be a powerhouse as far as the steam services go. And they got a lot of, like I was just like not only just the the DC stuff, but just the sheer content in general they have on there is amazing. I started to watch, I watched, I just finished last night, The Vow, the the documentary series about Nexium. And that was really good.
They have the whole Lone Wolf and Cub series on there. Oh, yeah, yeah, I saw that. I got that all on DVD anyway, but yeah. We had a ton of Japanese stuff on there. Yeah, what was the last time? I watched what I watched last weekend. The Ronin, the 42 Ronin. Oh, the 47 Ronin. 47 Ronin, yeah, part one and two, because they're like two hours apiece. Oh, yeah, that's a long one.
ah so there's a niche There's an interesting backstory behind that as well because um the the Japanese milk, because that was made you know during World War II. Yeah. And the the military, they went to the director and they said, we want you, we want you to make a a film version of the 47 Ronin, you know, something that's like, you know, Ra Ra, like to raise up the Japanese spirit and all that. And, and he instead made this like, you know, four hour epic character introspection. Yeah. Yeah. There's really not a lot of action. No, no, no, no, no, no. A lot of, did a lot of talk. So yeah, they were, they were very disappointed when he came out with that.
But I was interested in seeing that because a while back I had seen it was like a fantasy version was made with. Oh last night's. Yeah. Yeah. So and then I found out that it was based on the story of the 47 Ronin. Yeah. I said well now I got a chance to see it.
yeah So yeah, I liked it. It was good. But like you said, it's a movie that you have to, you know, input this, it's not Seven Samurai. No, no, no, definitely not. And Seven Samurai as well, you know, it wasn't all action, but it was still like, it had a real balance of the two. But, you know, 47 Rowan, it's just like, if you're going into that and you're expecting like a big samurai battles, you're going to the wrong place.
Yeah, it's like, but at least in Seven Samurai, there's like, you know, they, it has this dramatic highs and lows. Yeah. 47 Roan is a lot of measured conversation. People are very reasonable in this movie, even the samurai, you know, and we never even see the battle where they actually killed the guy. Yeah. You know, we just see when they bring the head to the grave, you know. and I said, wait a minute, they're not going to show the battle. They stormed castle and everything. No, they just said, OK, well, they went. And then next thing you see, they come to the grave with the head. That yeah that was kind of like the director's fuck you to the Japanese military. for
Yeah. ah But it's a good movie. And for those of you who have HBO Max, and if you're into Japanese cinema, which you should be, and you should be listening to my esteemed partners japanese Japan on Film pop podcast. In fact, the the new season just started a few weeks ago. Okay, cool. Well,
Check out this movie on HBO Max, the 47 Ronin. Well, one thing I definitely want to recommend too, that's kind of along, is Lady Snowblood. Like if you have never seen Lady Snowblood, you got to go and watch it on HBO Max. Because that movie is amazing. And if if you've seen Kill Bill, like that that final fight between um the bride and Oren Ishii, if you like that fight scene, you're going to love ah Lady Snowblood. Because that whole fight scene, that in the snow and everything, that was like almost stolen from Lady Snowblood.
Like that's how it was. I'm going to watch that this weekend because ever since I got HBO Max and the Criterion channel, which has like about like 20 Akira Kurosawa movies. Oh yeah yeah. So I've been devoting Saturdays what I call samurai Saturdays. Oh nice. oh i Samurai movies yeah.
So yeah, so Lady Snowblood, yeah, that's on my list to watch this weekend. Yeah, that's really good. And I did an episode about that. I think they got both parts. They got both, yeah, they've got Lady Snowblood and they've got Lady Snowbud, Love Song of Vengeance is the scene. Yeah. All right, okay, now, today's movie, and you gave me a nice little Christmas gift, because, you know, if anyone asked me what is the one movie that Derek would probably not suggest for this show, it would be the movie we're talking about today, and that's Deadpool 2.
Oh, you gave me a nice little Christmas gift. I am nothing of that generous.

Deadpool's Journey from Concept to Screen

Okay, so Deadpool 2 and, you know, coming off the heels, because, you know, Deadpool made all the money. All the money. All the money. And it was just like such a game changer for for movies in general, because it was like one of the biggest R rated movies ever. And because it was an R rated movie, like it had a smaller budget, so it just made tons of profit.
And so then obviously Fox is like, well we well get fuck yeah, we're doing a sequel. When you talk about Unsurprised Hit, yeah. There's a picture of Deadpool up under the definition of surprise. I mean, cause like Fox fought the desire, fought fought even the the, fought making it for like, you know, what? I mean, going almost 20 years, they waited before they finally put this movie out. Like they got the rights when they got the rights to X-Men. So after X-Men came out and hit it big, that's when they said, we're going to do a Deadpool movie starring Ryan Reynolds. And it didn't come out until like what? 2015, 2014, 2015, something like that. So they, it took them like almost 15 years to make this goddamn movie.
And the only reason it got made is because they had done some CGI test footage with Ryan Reynolds doing the voiceover, like that car scene in the beginning of the movie, that was like ah some test footage. And they did that test footage, they sent it to Fox and Fox like, oh, okay. And then they just sat on it. And then, you know, they're like, let's leak this shit on the internet. And they put it out on the internet and that everybody went crazy about and Fox like, well, fuck, now we gotta make the movie. go Yeah.
And you know what, I mean, Ryan Reynolds got to give him a lot of credit because the guy, he was persistent and relentless in that he wanted to get this movie made and he didn't stop until he got it made because he he saw potential in the character. And he said, okay, this I can do. He said, maybe I couldn't do Green Lantern. Maybe I couldn't do the other version.
of Deadpool, but this guy, this guy I can do. Yeah. Well, the whole thing about Deadpool, and I was realizing this, I was watching the, as I was rewatching Deadpool too. It's like, if you've seen Ryan Reynolds in interviews or you see like his Twitter feed, like he is Deadpool.
Like that style of humor, that kind of like, you know, that ping pong bouncing back and forth between, and just like saying these random, that is Ryan Reynolds, like that is who he is. That stream of consciousness type of humor, where he just says anything that comes into his head. Yeah, yeah, that is totally, and you know, just like, you know, it can be like really dark at times, really profane, like that is Ryan Reynolds, that is who he is. And so it's not him putting on an act, like, you know,
outside of the, with the exception of the burned face and being an assassin, like Ryan Reynolds and Wade Wilson are the same person. and and And also, you know what? People just like Ryan Reynolds. They do. I like him. I mean, you know what? I'm not a big fan of the character, but I like him. And I'm watching this movie. And I'm saying, you know what? It's the weirdest thing. Now, mind you, I've seen this movie now. I watched it the night before when we were supposed to originally do this. And we didn't do it for some reason. And then my computer went haywire.
And then we were supposed to do this last night. And I'd watched it. the day before, which was Tuesday. And then I watch it again today. And I'm saying to myself, you know something? For a movie that I claim I don't like, I really didn't seem to enjoy watching this movie though. It's the craziest thing. I get ya i don't. For so many reasons, I should not like this movie, but I'm watching it and I'm enjoying the hell out of it for some reason. Don't get me wrong, but I don't know what it is. And know what? I'm not even gonna analyze it.
But really, i you know you should there's a lot of things in there that I say, I really don't care for this, I really don't care for that. Especially since most of the humor in this, i find I laugh at stuff that other people are doing, not what Ryan Reynolds is doing. It's the weirdest thing, yeah. Now for me, one of the best sequences I love in this movie is just that opening sequence.
Right, when he's just traveling the world killing people and it's set to so Dolly Parton. Nine to five, yeah.
And then they go to the credits and it's like the James Bond style. Yeah, you know with Celine Dion. Celine Dion. Which they did ah they did a music video, Celine Dion. She wrote this song for this movie.
And so but they did this music video, and in the music video, like it's Celine Dion, you know, dressed up in a gown and everything, and she's singing her lungs out. And then you got Deadpool is dancing at high heels, and the he's the background dancer. And then it ends, and like, you know, and it's Deadpool, you know, played by Ryan Reynolds, he's clapping, he's like, Celine, that was great, that was great. But here's the thing, it was too good, right? You have it up to 11, but this is Deadpool too. We need to break it down a little bit.
And then Celine Dion looks at it, and she's like, this only goes up to 11. She's like, it starts at 11. And then she says, so fuck you, Spider-Man. And she's Celine Dion. Yeah, she starts at 11. Oh, man. OK, so now I've got to look up that video. Oh, it's funny. It's hilarious. That was it. But yeah, I mean, it's a great opening.
to the movie because if you haven't seen the first Deadpool, it basically tells you everything you need to know about the character right then and there that this is irret irrelevant. You're not supposed to take it seriously. Don't wrap your head around. This is not gonna be your typical superhero movie. And that is one thing one of the things I think that I do enjoy about this is that you get to see a lot of characters in this movie that you that you've never seen in a superhero movie. Yeah. you I love the scene, for instance, like where he's in the mansion. And he says the glo says, well, how come I'm in here and the only two people I ever see is you and? You know, you've got a kid, longest name ever. And you look at the side, another X-Men are hiding in the room, and they close the doors. you And they're all in there. And Deadpool is bitching about, what, they can't give us a guy with the wings, you know, with the pigeon wings, you know? but Throw us something. And yeah, that that kind of irrelevant humor where
It's the Deadpool that knows he's in a superhero movie. And you know, um the director of this was, um he also directed Atomic Blonde. Who, this guy? Yeah, David Light. Yeah, he directed Atomic Blonde. You know what? I'm not surprised because ah the action sequences in this movie, I absolutely enjoyed it. Oh, they're amazing. Yeah. I mean, that whole sequence where ah they're trying to stop the truck that's taking the fire fist.
you know, to the ice box. Yeah. And it's him and Domino. They're trying to become, of course, th rest got the that they dumbasses killed. But that's another great thing is that they have, so he assembles this team and and it's got like big name actors, right? You got like Terry Crews in there playing Bedlam. Yeah. Terry Crews, Brad Pitt was the Vanisher. Brad Pitt as the Vanisher, yeah. ah you me And he gets a execut yeah and do you know what his power, you know what his payment was for this movie? What? A cup of coffee.
Really? You know what? I can believe it. theya They asked me, you want to be? He's like, yeah, yeah. He's like, how much what do you want for me? He's like, I'll just give me a cup of coffee. And Ryan Reynolds said it took him longer to drink the cup of coffee than it took to film his scene. I can believe it. And like you say, OK, they got Celine Dion. They got Terry Crews. Matt Damon and Ellen Tudyk. Right, Matt. That's what I was about to say. They're the two guys that Cable swipes the truck from. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's a lot of them.
talking about the wet wipes. It's a lot of famous people that just went in this movie just for the fun of it. yeah which Which to me I like because it translates. You know they're just having fun doing it so you can't help but have fun watching this batshit insane movie. You know and like I said that whole sequence is like that's one of those action sequences that I look at it. I was looking at it today and I was saying damn.
How in the hell did they do this? Because a lot of that thing does not look like CGI. Oh yeah, it's amazing. So a lot of that looks like practical effects to me. And then they have the action sequence at the end of the movie with Colossus fighting the juggernaut and they're trying to stop the kid from blowing up the orphan and oh it's just totally insane. Oh by the way, do you know who did the voice of Juggernaut?
Ryan Reynolds. Ryan Reynolds, he did the voice. I'm listening to him and I'm like, I kind of know this voice, but who is it? And I look it up later and find it was Ryan Reynolds. But if you look at the credits, if you look at the credits, it says it's credited as the juggernaut. Yeah. And, you know, well, the nice thing about this movie is that it this movie Deadpool, the Deadpool movies, they've now redeemed two of the characters that the X-Men, well, three of the characters, that the X-Men movies kind of shed on, right? First, there was Deadpool, obviously, who they sewed up his mouth and X-Men Origins will read. and And then there was Colossus, who was just basically background dressing and the in the first two x in the last, than
the past X-Men movies. And now Juggernaut, right? Which, you know, I mean, they had, what was it? Vinny Jones played him in The Last Stand, I think it was. And much as I like Vinny Jones, the Juggernaut would never be played by a human actor. And that was just like a terrible depiction. Like it was just like, it just did not work at all. Like the design and everything was terrible as well. And it's like, they had to work in that awful, I'm the Juggernaut bitch meme from the internet that was, that everybody loved at the time for some reason.
Yeah, so yeah it did. It did. But yeah, I mean it works much. I mean, I just love that whole Colossus juggernaut fight. It's not the ultimate classic juggernaut fight, but it'll do until we get one. Oh yeah, yeah, it'll do until we get one.
Terrific. I mean the choreography at all in this this movie is just fantastic. I mean I just I'm sitting there and I get to the end of one action sequence and I take the remote control I'll put it back in the beginning and watch it again because it's just played together just so well.
Yeah and you know what the interesting thing is when I saw this movie in the theater after I finished watching i'm like oh that was okay it wasn't really I don't think it was as good as the first one and then but this is a and I think this is kind of ties into something you were saying before how like you know you keep watching it and even though you're not really a fan of it like you still find yourself really enjoying this and this seems to be a movie that you enjoy more the more time Yeah, like the first time I saw it, I said, it was all right, didn't care. But the more I watch, and the more I'm picking up, like like now, I find it really endearing that Colossus doesn't give up on him. Yeah. and know was I know it's supposed to be played for laughs, but there is something truly endearing about the fact that Colossus wants to turn this lunatic into a superhero, and he believes he can do it. Yeah. you know And then, of course, I mean, Colossus and teenage niggas, they are just the greatest pair.
in these Deadpool movies. I love it. Oh, and here we get um also Yukio, and NTW's girlfriend played by Julie Kutsuna, who she was in um the the Japanese version of Unforgiven. Oh, okay. i played the She played the the the prostitute who got her face cut up.
No fooling, okay. I don't go back, I did not recognize her. But again, it's endearing how Wade and Yukio immediately barbed, because that was, bye Yukio. I love that. I love how he peeks back through the door, when he gets the time thing, when you go back, bye. He always makes sure he says goodbye to Yukio. It's so cute and endearing. Oh yeah, she's just like the most adorable character ever.
Oh, I mean, how could you not? Really, if if if I was in that position, why you kill? And like when he comes back to like try and convince Colossus to come with him to fight the juggernaut and she's like, hi, Wade, and then he then he's talking to Klaus, then he switched over like, hi, Yukio, you said hi before and I didn't say hi back, so I wanted to say hi back. Yeah, yeah, exactly. It's, you know, I mean, it's really cute editoring and as well.
and and you know And this character, she's not from the comics. yuki Like there is a character named Yukio in the comics, but she's not a mutant. And it's a different Yukio from the one who was in the Wolverine movie, right? She's got a completely different power set and all that. So it's like, it's just a completely different character. And it's like, you know, I'm watching this movie and I'm like, you know what? I don't know why the X-Men comics haven't introduced this character into the books now. Yeah. I mean, just totally enduring. And I just, like I said, I just enjoy That whole, but, okay, and this is the point I'm trying to make is that in the beginning of the movie where Deadpool was slaughtering all of these gangsters and things like that, and he's saying, okay, don't let all this blood and mayhem and everything like that fool. He said, this actually is a family movie. And it and it really is, it's a family movie. Not in the way that, you know, we think of family movies, but we get that whole thing with Wade and his girlfriend played by Orena Bacharim.
And, you know, they're talking about having a baby and everything like that. And then, of course, something happens as she gets killed. And then he's looking for a substitute family throughout the whole movie. Yeah. And yeah, in a twisted type of way, he e Deadpool takes on the responsibility of trying to rehabilitate, much like Colossus is trying to rebi rehabilitate him, he's trying to rehabilitate Firefist. Yeah, yeah. you know So yeah, it's it's a weird family movie, it is, but but you know what, it is a family movie. is if Yeah, it works in a really yeah and it works in a really bizarre way, which is kind of how family works when you think about it, right? like
And so it does really work it it, it is this really bizarre fit that somehow it all kind of comes together and. Those I want to. completely touch um Oh, so you mentioned Vanessa's death scene. Now this has been criticized a lot, right? Because the whole, um the the idea of fridging, right? Where you you kill the hero's love interest as a way to like give him motivation or to propel his journey forward, which has been a big problem in in comic books for a while. Like it was ah Gail Simone who actually wrote Deadpool for a time. She is the one who coined
the phrase women in refrigerators inspired from when Major Force killed, I think it was Major Force, he killed Kyle Raynor's Green Lantern's girlfriend and stuffed her in the refrigerator. stuffer in the refrigerator yeah yeah so so she's So Gail Simone used that as the term women in refrigerators. So it became known as this concept of fridging a character. um And I understand those,
those criticisms of this movie. And in fact, the movie kind of understands it too, because if you've, there was a, they did a PG-13 version of this called Once Upon a Deadpool, where they had, they had footage of Deadpool kidnapping Fred Savage and putting him in the Princess Bride. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And forcing him to watch the movie. And so I just rewatched it. And, and even Fred Savage comments on it, like after she dies, like, wait, wait, wait, you just fridged Vanessa?
And he's like, and Deadpool's like, what do you mean? And he's like ed he explains the whole concept of it. So they do kind of acknowledge it. and And they do bring her back at the end of the movie when he goes through traveling through time. So like on the one hand, I kind of understand the complaints on it. On the other hand, it seems like they're trying to do it in a kind of subversive way that didn't quite work out. So like, I don't know, what were do you have any kind of thoughts about that? Yeah, to me, I think that since they knew that they were bringing her back anyway, they said, well, it doesn't matter anyway, yeah we killed because we're bringing her back.
so But yeah, I think maybe that they were trying to make a statement that didn't quite come off the way that they wanted it to come off. but because it's lost in all the comedy at the end of the movie with him going through Tom fixing various things, which is, I mean, the biggest gag in the movie is when he shoots himself, reading Green Lanterns. I mean, i I laughed my ass off for five minutes behind that. I still laugh. I laughed today when I saw it. So before we talked, when we were talking about doing this movie, we did you get to watch the super duper cut version?
No. Oh, okay. So the extend the time travel version is actually extended, right? So he goes, um so like when he goes and he shoots the the Deadpool from Wolverine Origins, then he has this little conversation with Hugh Jackman and he tells him, he's like, hey, look, you know, every I know everybody you're thinking about hanging up the claws and everybody's really sad about it. He's like, but one day your buddy Wade's gonna come to you and ask you to get back in the saddle. And when he does, you should say yes. And Hugh Jackman's like, okay.
So what'd they do? Use footage from that movie? to Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, okay. And they just kind of spliced in so it looked like Hugh Jackman was actually reacting to him. And then they also had, because remember when he talks about going back in time and killing baby Hitler? He goes back in time to kill baby Hitler. Really? Okay. Yeah, because he asked K for that. He said, which, i that's one part I did love, where when K was talking about, yeah, well, I came back in time to do this. And then, wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay, well, if you can travel, the top Why are you traveling time before this old shit started? And ended it why did you come here? And then now Cable has got to explain why he did, which I appreciate it because we always get these time travel movies and it's always the same thing. Well, why didn't you go back to a time way before like with Skynet in the Terminator movie, which they actually did in the third movie that the Terminator went back to kill the guy that invented Skynet, which is what you really should have did, you know?
So, ah yeah, but I enjoyed that little interlude where he actually has explained why he didn't go back further. Right. then And then I love a wager, actually. Well, that's just lazy writing. Yeah, yeah he looks right at his face. And he does it like two or three times in a movie. And Fred Savage comments on that. And once upon a Deadpool, he says, like, oh, I get it. Lazy writing, you know, use the lazy writing joke to cover up the fact that you have a late that you're that you're bad writers. He's like, here's ah here's an idea. Why don't you just hire good writers to begin with?
yeah whole
Cause he also talks about, ah he talks about Fred's, he says like he's like, well, you know, I kind of prefer Marvel movies and Deadpool's like, well we are Marvel. He's like, yeah, but you're Marvel licensed by Fox. It's kind of like, it's kind of like the Beatles being performed by Nickelback. It's music, but it sucks.
You're not really Marvel moving, you know. Yeah. And it's, a he the there's an extended, you can find this on YouTube. Like that they go into this whole thing where Deadpool starts to pet defending Nickelback. we had like a And Fred Savage gets like, kind of feels kind of guilty about it. And then he starts, and then Fred Savage starts singing Nickelback and they start doing a duet together. Oh God. Now I find Yeah, because this is on Hulu. I found that they just had like the regular version. Yeah. Yeah. So that's that's and that's another... You got to try and find... So yeah, there's once upon a Deadpool, which honestly, you could just fast through all, fast forward through all the Deadpool 2 stuff and just go to the Fred Savage scenes. And just go to Fred Savage. Right. Yeah, that's what I wanted. Yeah.
um But the super duper cut is good because it adds a lot more, it's there's like a lot more extended gags. There's ah some alternate takes like, ah for example, in the in the theatrical version, when Colossus goes to him about going on a mission, he's wearing the cerebral helmet. Yeah. in um In the extended cut, he's smoking pot and reading like a trashy romance novel.
Oh, okay. Does he have the helmet on? No, no, no. He's not wearing the helmet in that one. It's like kind of it's like a a completely alternate version of that scene. Oh, okay. But it still works. It's really funny. And I think also,
when he goes to the orphanage, I think, I don't think this was in the theatrical cut, but he's thrown into the window and he sees this kid eating a box of eating cereal and he picks up the box and he signs it. And on the box is a picture of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and he signs it right in Reynolds. Yeah, that's a different version. Oh, that is different, okay, okay. It is, yeah. It's a lot of good visual gags in this. A lot of good visual gags, yeah. A lot of good visual gags. Yeah. And- I like the,
When they okay with domino when she lands after she's you know she are, you know, all the team has been wiped out one left she parachutes down.
And Deadpool was going on and on and on about, luck isn't as a superpower. you know You can't depict that visually. And then they go ahead and do it. But of course, if things is lucky for her, it has the effect that it's bad luck for other people. And we get to see that. And they pulled it off. You know yeah you look at it you say, OK, I get how her power works. Yeah, because that's one of the things. like When you read the comic books, they're like, oh, well, she her power is luck. like Every time I read that in the comic book, I'm like, well, that's a bullshit power.
yeah well it's that dead moves and the superpower what it um but yeah yeah and then and It's funny, he has a dig at Rob Liefeld when he's yelling at, ranting at her about that. He's like, what kind of stone comic book artist came with that? Probably a guy who can't draw feet. Who can't draw feet, yeah.
ah It's hilarious. yeah But visually, they do show very effectively, which, OK, you want to talk about ladies? Well, that was the writers making fun of themselves. yeah But there's a lot of weirdy shit that's actually in this movie. It's stuff that they thought about. And that scene was one of the things that they thought about. They said, well, how do you depict somebody whose power is luck? Well, whatever works for them works against somebody else. And that's what we see. Yeah. And it they did like.
Honestly, after watching this movie, I like, I like Domino as a character. I like her in the comic books, but you know, she's never been someone that I really like, you know, like, Oh, I love Domino, right? Just like, yeah, yeah she's okay. She's, ah I got nothing against her. I, you know, I don't mind. I'm not like, it's not a character I hate or anything like that, but never really stood out to me. And that much of the comic books. After this movie, I'm like, I want to see a Domino movie with Zazie Bates. Yeah. Well, well, you know what?
She's the one that brings the character to life. Yeah. Because I won't like you. I didn't really know that much about Domino. I didn't know that much about Zazie Beatz, to be honest with you. But after I saw this movie, I said, you know something? Anything this chick is in, I'm watching from now on. I don't care. And she was obviously having so much fun doing this. I love when she goes to the audition and she's going to back the back. And she just falls right into it with Deadpool. She's just bantering back and forth with him.

Chemistry Between Reynolds and Beetz

That kind of is. He said, who is? yeah And they have that all throughout the movie. Yeah. Her the her and Reynolds have this really good back and forth. like they I think almost better than almost any other pair in these movies, like they they really established that back and forth bond really quickly, like right from the jump. If there was a movie series, OK, there's one movie series. If I was going to do a remake of it, I would cast them in it. What's that? The Thin Man.
Oh, okay. I would cast them as Nick and Norah Charles. Okay, yeah. They have that same kind of, let's see, that's the whole key to The Thin Man. The reason why they've never done it since then is because you can't find, it's hard to find two actors with the same kind of charisma and chemistry that William Powell and Myrna Loy had. ah Robert Downey Jr. and um what's her name? She, you know, they have it. Gwyneth Paltrow?
Yeah, they have it. And Ryan Reynolds and Zazie Beats, they have it too. yeah They have the same kind of charisma back and forth. They could pull it off. Also, I liked them. They also worked in ah Black Tom Cassidy in this one, in a really great sequence in the icebox.
you it You killed Black Tom, you racist bastard. He's like, Black Tom casting. He's like, White Wade Wilson, what's your power? Cultural appropriation? Oh, man. That was funny. And then he's talking to, well, also when he's talking to Julian in the cell, he's like, you know, what i'll maybe go make friends with Black Tam. He's like, I don't remember his name. All I remember is he was African American.
Oh man, that was hilarious. Which it was also cool because like they they also, this also is a reference to the comic books because Black Tom and Juggernaut were partners in the comic books. Yeah, yeah. As a matter of fact, I had read something that you said that originally Black Tom was supposed to have a bigger role in you know like he was supposed to be like a major villain you know like i mean the partner of juggernaut well he wasn't they were there was a before Deadpool had his ongoing series he had like there was a miniseries i think it was called the circle chase and um the and uh black tom and the juggernaut were like the villains in that one
yeah because in the comments he's man she's brother, I believe. Cousin. Like Tom Cassidy right. His cousin. His cousin okay yeah and he carries around that chileoli. Right yeah and then later he developed some sort of like woodpout control over actual control over like plant matter and stuff like that and they and yeah and they went back and forth like he was like this almost like a swamp thing type character for a little bit and then they kind of took that away and then it's like some sort of weird mix of it. He's a character who's like died and come back several times. Well in Marvel comics who hasn't? Oh yeah yeah. They don't even do funerals for Jean Grey anymore. It's a nice waste of time. that been
yeah i mean Don't worry about it. Well, it's funny, they actually now with ah with Jonathan Hickman doing the X-Men, they actually worked that in because the joke is like, you X-Men never stay dead. So now we actually made it a story point where the X-Men have found a way to resurrect themselves. You might as well. You might as well, yeah, because they never stay dead. The only X-Men who stay dead is the original Thunderbird. Yeah.
That's the only one that stayed there. They made his brother Thunderbird. Right, very briefly, then he took on the name Warpath. Warpath, right, yeah. But that's the only one that stayed there.
You know, him and Uncle Ben are still hanging out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. ah Characters that have not been resurrected. Also, we got a Leslie Ugham's back as Blind Al. I'm glad they found, you know, just even though it's a small part, I love they found some reason to bring her back. I'm glad they found some reason to do it. Well, you know what? In a strange way, that's just confidant.
Yeah. He goes and he hangs out with her and you know tells her his woes and she doesn't give a shit but you know. There's this, I'm not sure if this was in the theatrical cut but in the in the super duper cut there's there's a scene where when he's going to her he's and he's he's like whining about everything and she says she's like sorry sweetie can you speak up I can't hear you with that pity dick in your mouth.
Yeah, yeah, that was in this version. Yes. okay So it was you know what it was in the in the super duper cut he got when he sees when he meets fire fist for the first time he says to him he's like, it's like as a wise old woman once told me, speak up, I can't hear you with that pity dick in your mouth.
But it's a great, it's a great character. I love seeing Leslie Uggins. You know, when I when i saw Deadpool, the first movie, I did not realize that was her until I read the credits at the end of the song. That's Leslie Uggins. That's very an ageist. So yeah, um' I'm glad they found something for her to do in this movie, small as

Differing Opinions on Deadpool Characters

it was. yeah The only character that got on my nerve and I wish that they got rid of him was that cab driver, because that cab driver got on my nerve after a while. Oh man, I love him.
Really? Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just love like, um especially with him, like try wanting to so bad be part of the team and everything. Oh, and yeah. That was like, no, no, no, no. And then they hired this random guy off the street with type one and type two diabetes. Yeah. what ah here Peter. Peter. Yeah. What's your superpower?
No, I just thought it'd be fun to, you know. He's like, do you do it? He's like, well, I have both types, one and two diabetes. Like, whoa, that's all the diabetes. It's all the diabetes. And he's like, you're it? And then, and then, Bill Pinder, the guy's like, fuck! Yeah, he gets really pissed off, yeah.
But to I also like to see when he runs into battle with him at the end and then juggernaut it's like I'm going to stick the cab driver up the red one's ass and then uh Dopinder's just like my hands and body are so soft I should leave. He's like I should leave yeah he dibbles yeah yeah I told you they'll come in the front and yeah and they're running and like he looks to the side he's like what the hell is he doing here? I mean like he's doing his best to try to keep up with them you know.
Oh man. But also when he's like they're like, what's your superpower? He's like, courage, like that's adorable. this I like the bartender better. oh Weasel. Weasel, yeah.
Yeah, T.J. Miller. The great thing about him is that him that he him and Ryan Reynolds are really good at improv. like They just both spin this stuff off the top of their heads. I can believe it, because there's a lot of get conversations that have the feel of improvisation, like they're just coming with it off the top of their head. I mean, I don't know if such is the case, but I do enjoy dialogue when it sounds like it's not dialogue.
Yeah, the question is, like, what's going to happen with TJ Miller? Because, you know, he had some um ah ah Me Too stuff come out about him. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. So they came out after Deadpool 2. He was oh, he's got a bunch of stuff like he had um he had he had assaulted the driver in Uber. um He's been um allegations against him from when he was in college for sexual assault. Hmm.
and work misconduct allegations too on the set of Silicon Valley, I think it was, um that he was he had done, um he had inappropriate unprofessional behavior on set. And so like, there's- Well, if they all gonna do a Deadpool 3, which is what I've heard that they're gonna do- Oh yeah, it's already been announced. It's gonna be our rated R. So yeah, Kevin Feige just confirmed that in a recent interview.
Yeah, well, it's going to be interesting to see how Disney handles that if they're willing to go with the fallout of keeping him on, which I really think that they will probably do because ah there was a little thing with Gina Carano, who's in the Mandalorian, and they kept her on. you know I mean, and the Gina Carano thing is not quite as extreme as the T.J. Miller thing, though.
No, it's not, but I'm just saying that if we were looking at, because you remember, I mean, the whole thing with the Me Too movement. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All it took was just just an allegation of you having done something, and that's that you were gone. Right. But now it seems like now you got studios that are willing to push back a little bit more and and they say, listen, you know, yeah, OK, well, we know they said and did this, but you know,
Hey, come on, you know, live and let live. And that's it. So there's a little bit of pushback. So it'd be, you know what? My guess is that they'll probably have them in the third one. Because they've already said that it's going to be R rated. It's going to be R rated, yeah. It is, I think it's still up in the air whether or not he

Josh Brolin as Cable

would be back. I think we'll have to just wait and see. um There might be something where like he does like some sort of like mea culpa press tour or something like that as a way to try to redeem his image. So I don't know, we'll have to see how it plays out.
Yeah. i they might also They might also just, you know, recast the character and then, you know, make references to that because... and make a Yeah, make a reference to it. You know, Deadpool says something like, wait a minute, weren't you playing by T.J. Miller? Yeah, yeah yeah but yeah but he screwed up. so You know what? Yeah, I could easily see them doing that. Yeah. yeah yeah He ran his mouth off, he did a whole bunch of shitty shit. is It's a long story, go on the internet. it's all
Also, we get ah we get cable in this movie as well, played by ah Josh Brolin. who has played two major Marvel characters now. he Yeah. And Cable, you know, who is, you know, character that's been around for a long time and has a significant history in the Marvel universe. And had ah had a great um duo series, a partner, ah it was um this, ah they had a, it it was like a buddy, it was almost like a buddy comedy series with Deadpool. They had ah a Cable and Deadpool comic.
Several years back, it ran for like, I think 25 issues or so and really good stuff. Fabian Nicieza wrote that. but I'm glad that they they just simplified a lot because the backstory with the character can make your head hurt. Oh, they had a it Fred Savage mentioned that. He's like, wait, you have had cable in this? he's like you know it's like you know And devil's like, you know cable? He's like, oh yeah, you know son of Cyclops and Madeleine Pryor, is genetically engineered clone of Jean Grey, central future, the Scatty son. He's like going through cable, his whole backstory. He's like, I do hope you've done this characters
Rich, you've done justice, this rich and layered character's backstory. And Deadpool is just kind of like, yeah, we did the time travel thing. He's from the future. Bingo, that's it. You know what? That's all you need to know for this movie. OK. He's a super soldier from the future. He's a cyborg, super soldier. Bingo. Now, if we do any more movies with him, we can go into all that. But you don't need it for this movie. And I love, well, I love Josh Brolin. Oh, yeah.
But he strikes exactly the right note for this because he's a straight man. Yes. That's his role. he's he's He's a straight man and he understands that he never cracks a joke.
You know, he, I think he smiles briefly at the end when he's like, but like, that's it, you know? But yeah, that's his role in this movie and he plays it superbly. You know, the weird thing too is he's also strangely humanizing. There's the strangely humanizing quality about it. And it's not just because of, you know, his family and everything, because that stock thing for like some sort of like, you know, badass super soldier, right? Their family got killed and they're going out for it. Oh yeah.
So like but still like just something about the way Brolin plays it like he's a very human type of version take on cable. Yeah when you look at him you could easily see that he could be like a knockoff of like the Terminator because half of them is like a robot anyway. Right yeah.
But he's not, that you know, I like the scene where he just sitting on the side of the bed and he's just drinking a beer. And there's something about his body language that he's doing that, like you said, it's very human. Yeah, yeah. You know, so when we see, you know, yeah, we seem to do all this other bad ass stuff later on. And then there's later on when Deadpool is trying to convince him, listen, you gotta give me time to talk to this kid. You gotta give me time to talk to this kid.

Deadpool's Disfigurement Explained

And then, you know, he finally relents and says, okay, I'm gonna give you 30 seconds. I love that whole sequence with Wade's legs. Yeah, yeah. That's disgusting. I i laugh my ass off every time I see that sequence. Oh, that's disgusting. But okay, that brings me to a question, which I did ask on Facebook. Somebody gave me an answer and I said, well, okay, well, just comment on the slide.
If his healing factor, if he can regrow legs, why doesn't it fix his face? um I think i think um in the comic books, actually, I believe it had something to do with the procedure that had made him disfigured.
and Okay. like that it was something It was some side effect of the procedure that made him disfigured. I think that's what it was in the comic books. In the movie, I think it's just kind of like the combination, because it happened right as his powers were triggered. So I think that's why it's kind of like it doesn't go back.
And see, that's something, okay, now that's something that bothers me because, okay, now I understand he's Ryan Reynolds, he's the star of the movie, and people have to recognize that it's Ryan Reynolds. But to me, he's not disfigured enough. I mean, yeah, he looks, you know, you look at him and he say, yeah, yeah, he's got, but it's not like you go at him and say,
you know Which to me is from what I know of the character in the comics. That's how you're supposed to go when you look at Deadpool's face. It really kind of varies based on the artist. Like there are some artists who draw him like really complete like, you know, like a walking zombie type of thing. But there are other artists who actually do draw him a lot more like Ryan Reynolds.
okay in the movie. So yeah, it it really depends on the artist who's doing it. It's like um Josh Brolin, who is who played a DC character, Jonah Hex. All he had was that little strip of skin going down. But other than that, he was, you know, with Jonah Hex, like the whole side of his face, because he was scarred with a red-hot tomahawk.
hes writing a lot more messed up than that. But he's but and like again, I understand. A studio is not going to pay $20 million for a star like Josh Brolin or Ryan Reynolds just to have them walk around with a messed up face at the time. That was one of the complaints a lot of people had about the Judge Dred movie with Sylvester Stallone.
A lot of people get on Stallone about. Stallone actually wanted to play the whole movie with his helmet on. He did the whole thing. It was the studio that said, listen, we're paying you all of this money. You're going to show your face. yeah yeah and yeah And finally, you know he gave in and he said, OK, I'll do it. But he didn't want to do that. We just wanted to miss that go around. They said, oh, well, Stallone was an egotist. He had to show. No, he didn't, because Stallone knew the character. Well, yeah, Stallone's actually a pretty big comic book fan.

Ryan Reynolds' Versatility

Yes, he is. seems like like He wanted to play the movie with the helmet on all the time. Well, he wanted to play Superman in 1979. He campaigned heavily for that role because he was a big comic book fan. Yeah.
yeah Um, but yeah, uh, Josh Brolin and going back to him, like, I just love the interactions he has with, with, uh, a Deadpool in this. And just like, the again, just like with Zazie Beats, he, him and right. Like Ryan Reynolds is just this, he's just got this personality that he works really, I don't think I can think of any time when I've seen a movie with Ryan Reynolds and someone else that he didn't have good chemistry with. He interacts very well with everybody.
does he He just wanted those actors that you put them on anybody and he clicks. Yeah, yeah. I mean, well, actually, I take that back. I think Blade Trinity is probably the only time I could think of when he did. And that's there's other stuff going on with Emma. There's a whole bunch of other stuff. Yeah, yeah. ah so she was saying What was that? Because he was in Hobbs and Shaw. Hobbs and Shaw, yeah. Basically playing Deadpool without a mask. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The character was. And he was very good in that one, too.
You know, he was very good at that and playing, ah you know, with Jason Statham and ah the Rock. Dwayne Johnson. Dwayne Johnson, yeah. Johnson, yeah. He's just one of those people. And it seems that. Sending in um ah the hit man's bodyguard, right? Him and Sam Jackson. there and Him and Sam Jackson, yeah. A movie I otherwise couldn't stand because it wanted to be Midnight Run so bad.
ah But it was also, um yeah yeah, also Safe House that he was in with Denzel Washington. Denzel Washington, yeah. One of his real serious roles, cause that was a straight, you know, action thriller. Yeah, it was it was a more serious role, but his comedy still kind of came out. of Like his personality does kind of come out in those types of roles. from Yeah, I think he can't help himself. No, yeah I mean, because that's just so much a part of who he is.

Casting Skepticism in Superhero Films

Yeah, which is why he knew he could play this character. he knew could If he did it the right way, he knew he could nail this character perfectly. And like I said, I don't know that much about the character, but from people who do know him, like you and other people I know, they say, yeah, he's got a damn cold.
Oh, yeah. I remember when when they first announced back, you know, back when the only thing people knew him from was Van Wilder and two guys a girl in the pizza place was everybody was like, you're like, you're going to get Van Wilder to play Deadpool. That's terrible. that I'm just like, like, I don't know. then But then after I saw him in Blade Trinity, I'm like, OK, well, he can do the action because Blade Trinity was basically his audition tape for Deadpool. Right. Yeah.
and And you know what? You would think that people would have learned by, well, they'll never learn, because they have the casting choice for somebody. And they said, really? Him? Really? Her? Her? You know, because I remember some people were saying, is that as it beats? Well, who is she? when this was When she was announced to play Domino in this movie. And people were saying, well, who is she? Why were the racists freak out over the fact that they didn't paint her face white? Yeah, yeah, well. And it said they did they reversed it, and they gave her the white Domino dot, which I thought was clever.
ah I mean, I would have liked it to be a little bit more distinctive, right? I mean, and and I think you actually could have just gone with the black dot on it. It's not like she's very dark skin, so. Right. But just like all the free, I'm just like, who gives a shit? I mean, really, after a while, you know, really, don't we have other things to concern ourselves about? And and i'll you know what I'm saying? Well, I didn't have any problems with that. I don't know that much about the character any anyway, but I enjoyed her. I enjoyed everybody in this movie, like I said, except the cab driver. The cab driver got on my nerve. But everybody else, Josh Brolin, I love them as cable. I love the joke that they got in where, because of course,
Okay, in the comic book, he's like frigging eight feet tall. And there's a part where Deadpool is outlined in the plan. He said, okay, if you run into this guy, Cable, watch out for him. But he's only five or 11. He's nowhere near as tall as he is in the comic book. You look at and the X-Force guys looking back, and like, what is he talking about? it so Don't worry about it.
s so See, those are the parts that make me laugh when they reference the stuff that's in the comic books. And again, like you say, everybody's looking at, well, what is he talking about? you know Oh man. but And also just the running gag where Deadpool assumes the cable's racist.
yeah yeah Everybody's racist for some reason. You should shot Black Tom, you racist bastard. He just assumes everybody's racist. And I love it at the end when he's dying and he's given this whole big monologue. He's like, Cable, promise me you'll start judging people by by the content of the character and not the color. Cable's like, Jesus, fuck, even he's dying um when he's dying. dying.
opinion. Now let me ask you something because like I said you're you're the expert you know more about this. ah I would suppose that this orphanage is run by Mr. Sinister. Yeah that's the that's the him because i see it's the Essex house yeah. Okay for where and I looked at the name and I said wait a minute that name is awful familiar. Yeah because um in the comic books Essex did actually run ah an orphanage. She ran the orphanage where Cyclops grew up.
Right. And Domino makes reference to the fact where she says, oh, I was raised here. Right, right. That wasn't from the comics, obviously, that was just a way to tie her into the story. Right. Because she would say, well, there's a reason why I'm here. I don't know why I'm here, but it'll come up. And then when she realizes that,
and I do love their their back and forth, like, hey, it's your cosmic reason for being.

The Importance of Deadpool's R-Rating

yeah And then she goes in and she's kicking ass on the residents, you know, and the kids are cheering her on and stuff like that. She had a good attitude.
that That was a good action sequence. I like that. Because again, we see how her luck power is working because half these guys are killing themselves off. Yeah, yeah. her You know, it's not nothing she's doing. You know, get so and and then she's like, yeah I got to figure out a way out of here. Then the bus crashes through the wall. Again, a visual representative of how luck power could actually work. Yeah. Yeah. And Most of the, just in the the speaking of fight scenes, the the one with Cable and Deadpool going up against all the the orderlies, too. That was another really good execution of obviously not enough, but just in general, that was such a great great scene. That was a bloodbath. Yeah, I know. that Cable's like, Deadpool's like, hey, can I have one of those guns? Cable's checking him. He's like, no.
no I mean, Sam Peckapaw would have loved that. Oh, yeah. Well, the there's one scene at the end right when they finish off the last two guys. Like, they both shoot him at the same time, and then Deadpool's like, only less buddies execute pedophiles together. But see, again, and this goes back to what we were talking about when we were talking about The Punisher. You know what? If you're going to do these types of movies to these characters, then make them true to the characters. Yeah. But to me, there would have been no reason to have done a PG-13 or PG Deadpool, because then it wouldn't have been that character.

Deadpool's Broad Appeal

Yeah, yeah. and you know And I think that's probably why that first movie was such a success, because once word got around that, yeah, that this is the actual character, a lot of Deadpool fans went to see it. And a lot of people were curious hearing about this R-rated superhero movie, where you don't see a lot of R-rated superhero movies.
and um It just took off, you know, because I think that probably more than a lot of other ah superhero characters, Deadpool is probably one that found a lot of acceptance with mainstream audiences, normally would not go to a superhero movie. Yeah, I've got, um there's a guy I work with who Not really a comic book guy, right? Like he he watches the the movies every now and then, but he's never really read a comic book. He loves Deadpool. Like he's just become a total Deadpool fanatic after seeing that movie.
Yeah. Yeah. And I've heard a lot of people say that too. They said, oh, they didn't know a thing about the character. But and then there was a lot because Ryan Reynolds has a large following. A lot of people didn't see it simply because of Ryan Reynolds. Well, also, I remember seeing when the first Deadpool movie came out. I saw people who I've seen before talking about how much they hate the character of Deadpool coming out of that movie and be like, I really like that movie.
um like I like this, I like this one though, better than the first one. You know what? At first, I would have, if you had asked me back when they first came out, I would have said, Deadpool is obviously the better movie, but now I've come around more to this one. I think part of it is, I think the extended cut offers a little bit more stuff. It's a little bit funnier. It's got some really nice alternate takes on it, um but also it's it's just that quality, of like rewatching this movie over and over again, like it just,
I don't know, this is one of those weird movies. You were talking to this before where you talked about Clerks and you were saying how, um you know, it's one of those rare movies where you, when even you're watching it now, and even though it's like, what, like 30 years later, you still laugh at the jokes. I still laugh, even though I know when the jokes are coming. That, Blazing Saddles, Airplane, Johnny Dangerously. These are movies that I watch and I've seen them over and over and over again. I know when the jokes are coming. I still laugh anyway.
Deadpool 2 is kind of like that for me and yeah in a and kind of a way like not quite the same it's one of those movies that the more you watch it I think the gags because there's a lot going on in some of these guys like there's it's like not quite on the same level but Arrested Development also had this kind of thing where like the first time you watch it you're like that's not funny but then when you watch it again then you start noticing all the other stuff that's going into the gags and it starts to become funnier then.

Cultural References in Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2 does that in in a lot of ways, too. Yeah, I mean, it's like I said, I watched this movie like, you know, like three times in like two weeks. And I find that every time I watch it, yeah, I'm liking it a little bit more every time I watch it. Like I said, I watched it today. And I was still picking up on stuff that I hadn't noticed.
in my previous two times, seen it and I'm saying, okay, you know, I'm really, you know, I'm, I'm paying more attention to, you know, this performance or that performance or that action sequence. So I'm noticing a gag. I didn't see before or something that's in the background. I didn't notice before. Would you believe, okay, but I watched it today for the third time. I finally got the gag with,
the little Logan music box in the beginning. I said, oh yeah, that's from the movie. I finally got that, yeah. and then And then when he says, oh yeah, well Logan, well I'm gonna die in this movie too. I said, oh okay, yeah, he's making, okay. All right, I finally got it, you know.
ah don't ask Don't ask me why, because I've seen Logan, you know. to you know But now I finally got it. So it's a movie that I think that I will probably rewatch this more than the first one. Yeah, yeah. know Because usually if I watch the first one,
oh The first one I watched it, but I don't, okay, because it doesn't have enough ah colossus and- Magasonic teenage warhead. Right, N-T-W. did Yeah. That name is, yeah, Deadpool said that's for fucking long.
thank yeah uh yeah but it doesn't have enough of them in it but this one it's got just enough of them in this movie to satisfy me and it also adds cable and domino as well who will bring more to it yeah you got cable you got other characters in there and like i said they're not characters that we've seen i didn't feel like these you know, these are like the overexposed ex-characters I've seen in other movies. I've never seen characters before. So that adds to my enjoyment of movie as well, because of course, it's the characters I haven't seen before. I don't know what they're going to do. They're unpredictable. yeah And all of them are unpredictable characters, which again, added to my enjoyment of the movie.
because they're not your typical superheroes. It's a fun movie. It really is. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't advise anybody, and I don't usually do this because I'm anal, and I always say we got to start at the first movie and everything like that. If you've never seen Deadpool 1, just go ahead and just watch this one.
but yeah that you need to know this movie will tell you anyway yeah this you're i didn't really think well as you were saying that i was starting to run through it in my head but you're absolutely right like there is no real reason to watch i mean other than the fact that you know i i like deadpool but other than that like if you're just coming in cold like you could show this movie to someone completely cold who's never seen deadpool knows nothing about the character And they would not feel lost at any part in this movie. Exactly. You would not feel lost. You would say, oh, OK, because you've got a whole complete movie right

Recommendation and Praise for Deadpool 2

here. There is nothing in here that really actually depends on you having to see the first one, yeah to be honest.
Unless, of course, like you said, you just want to go back and get his origins. But I would watch this first and then go back and watch one. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I think that's um I would still suggest if you're going to watch them both, I would still suggest watching Deadpool first, because I do think after watching this one, after coming around on this one so much, I think if you watch this one first and then you watch the first Deadpool, I think it might be a little bit of a letdown.
Mm, yeah, good point. Okay, yeah. I can see, yeah. Because after, yeah, because this one is so high energy and it's got so many good performances and there's so many good little parts in it. Like you said, then you watch the first one and you say, and it's like I always tell people when I tell them if they're gonna watch, oh what is it? ah The Quentin Tarantino movie, if they're gonna watch,
those two grind house movies. oh death proofof I I always tell them watch Death Proof first and then watch Planet Terror. don't watch I said, don't watch it nowhere. Cause I know some people have done it and they said, oh man, I didn't, yeah. And I said, no, you watched it in the wrong order. yeah yeah Death Proof first and then watch plan yeah Planet Cause Planet Terror is, you know, it goes up here and once you get to, you know, Death Proof and then There's a whole good hour before anything happens. We see the first set of girls get killed and then you got that really long stretch where there really nothing happens and then everything is at the end. Whereas Planet Terror is just bat shit insane from start to finish. Absolutely, yeah. This one is like bat shit insane from start to finish. and next you know Speaking of, I would love to see Robert Rodriguez direct a Deadpool movie. Oh yeah, oh yeah. He can do this with his eyes closed. Oh hell yeah, absolutely.
All right. Okay. So I think that's pretty much it on Deadpool 2. Anything else you wanted to add about this? All I have to add to this is that, folks, I came into this not as a Deadpool fan at all. I am still not a Deadpool fan. However, I do pride myself on being objective.
And looking at it objectively, this is an extremely well made movie. It's funny. I don't think it's gut bustingly funny. You know, some people think this movie is utterly hilarious. I'm not talking about airplane here, but it is funny. It's got a lot of funny bits in it. It's a unique superhero movie.
um Again, I've watched it three times in the past two weeks and I still keep watching this movie and it's growing on me more and more and more. Like I said, I could see myself in like another six months you know putting this back on and watching it. The first one, no, but this one, I could see myself watching this over and over again. It's that good, it really is. I definitely recommend that you should find a way to track down the super duper cut then because I think you would like it even more. I'm going to.
Yeah. But yeah, pretty much the same thing. I will say, like for me at least, this was gut-bustingly funny. Like I laughed my ass off every time I watched this movie. But I'm also more of a Deadpool fan, so I'm more predisposed likely in this type of movie, so. Yeah. Like I said, most of the gags that I was laughing at, some of them was Deadpool, but I found myself laughing more at other stuff that other characters were doing, you know. but Listen, it's hard to argue against Ryan Reynolds. I like the guy. So, you know, it's hard for me to say, I'll be honest, it's hard for me to say anything bad against the guy because I like him. you know also And I'm glad to see that he's that he's found a character he's had so much success with.
um Also, if you're an X-Men fan, like there's a lot of little X-Men Easter eggs that you don't really, and the yeah Easter eggs in this in these movies, they feel more honest than the ones like in the main X-Men

X-Force and Cable References

movies. Because the main X-Men movies is just like, oh, well, let's just find random characters and toss them in. Here, yeah that they do feel a bit more, it feels like the people actually know what they're referencing. And so like the when they get the when they assemble the X-Force team, all of those are characters who have been part of X-Force in the comics.
Yeah, yeah. Where did they find the guy who looked exactly like Shatterstar from the comics? I will never know. He was just like the guy. Even with that weird helmet thing he got with the French roll and everything. Oh my god. That's him. I love that when he's in the end. He's like, I don't think anybody's going to miss Shatterstar. He was kind of a dick.
And I like that little thing. It's a little thing I know, but when they jump out of the airplane, they actually form an X. Yeah, yeah. You know, I never noticed that until this last viewing. And then I saw, I'm like, oh, wait, it's an X. Yeah, they actually form an X. So, yeah. And that's, I mean, and just the team just wiped out one by one. And then that little brief second, and it's only about two seconds. If you were in the movie theater and you sneeze, you missed that Brad Pitt. Oh, yeah, yeah.
yeah Yeah, because they don't linger on it, which I actually liked. They don't have them going up to go. He hits the wire and it's like real quick. You see it and then they cut away to something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What was that? You know. Also, I love the the running gag about Cable's fanny pack. Yeah. yeah de bulls Is that a fanny pack?
And he's like, I'm grabbing something for my utility pups. It's a fanny pack and you know it, you sick son of a bitch. yeah and know what He's right, it is. it's yeah But I also love with the thing where he's putting on the lip balm. He's like, you remind me of your wife, my wife. And Deadpool's like, wait, I'm sorry? And he's like, I said, you're he's like, no, I heard you. I'm just wondering, I'm saying I'm apologizing for the fact that you said that while making high contact and applying lip balm.
You know what that is kind of creepy. too you know um While he's talking to him. i You're worried about chat lips at this stage. Wait, why are you even carrying that? And for somebody from the future, he seems to know an awful lot about, you know, because he gets in the car, he gets in the truck after he takes it from the two guys, and he just starts it up. But then they never specify how far ahead in the future he was. Yeah, it's not quite specified like what the future is like for him, like how far ahead he is. Yeah. But also and also the dubstep reference, right? Which I actually had which i actually had to Google after I saw him. Oh, yeah? I had no idea what dubstep was. Really?
and no idea what it was. They are like dubstep pussies. Dubstep never dies, I guess. What the hell? What the hell is dubstep?
ah But yeah, it's a great movie. It's a lot of fun. And you know what, it's just, there's just so much, really this movie, it it works so much on the on the strength of the interactions with the characters because like yeah like the first movie, I think this is probably kind of the weakness in these, like there's not a whole lot of plot.
right? It's more about the humor in these movies. And this one that the character interactions really helps sell the humor, because there's a lot more characters that are working together. So it so it works a lot better than the first one does, I think. Yeah. And you know what, when you sit down and you want it, you realize that there's an awful lot of story in here. There really actually is you got the conflict with the kid, you know, Julian, you got the thing with cable, you got Deadpool going through the dealing with the death of his girlfriend, you know, did his relationship with all the other characters. And there's actually a lot of story in this way more than in the first one. Yeah, I agree with you. Yeah. The first one didn't have nearly as much story as this one had. It was more concentrated more, like you say, on the humor.
They relied on that. Yeah, yeah. And Ryan Reynolds more to sell that first movie than they did in this one. They were more confident that they said, OK, well, the whole movie doesn't have to rest on him. We have other characters that we can bring in there. Even though it's got a lot of characters, it doesn't seem as crowded as some of those X-Men movies. No, it doesn't. And it's in it they they all the characters have a real purpose for being here, and go they and And like you were saying before, like, you know, Josh Brolin, like when they said they were gonna put cable in a Deadpool movie, like, you know, I know they did the cable in Deadpool comic book and I'm like, I'm not quite sure how well that would work in a movie, but they they managed to do it really well. and And, you know, Josh Brolin plays an excellent straight man. Yeah.
Yeah, he doesn't try to be funny at all. Like I said, the only, the only part I can remember when he smiles is when he saved Deadpool's life and and when he uses the time thing. And Deadpool realizes what he's done. He says, oh, you son of a bitch. yeah Well, he says, and he's like, you do. you can Or performance. And he's like, you did that for me. And he's like, no idea. He's like, no, yeah he's like, i did you did it for me. You did it for me. if You did it for me. Yeah. And he's like kind of smiling. He says, no, I did. And I kind of like how he says, well, I'm going to stick around for a while. And implying, of course, that we will see him in other

Deadpool in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

ladies. I mean, I have no idea now, now that. Right. It'll be curious to see how it all works out. Because originally, they were going to do an X-Force spin-off.
With Deadpool and cable in it, so it'll be interesting to see how it goes forward from here, like what theyll they're going to do when when they do Deadpool three if they're still going to follow that same train of thought because because we don't really know what the exact situation is going to be because Kevin Feige. I think he kind of said that Deadpool will be in the Marvel Universe. Yeah, so yeah.
It'll be interesting to see how they work that all out. like would they get Are they just gonna are they goingnna bring back everything from the first movies or are they just kind of like gonna have Deadpool being the only one who remembers stuff from the first? So it's really it'll be really interesting to see how they go about it.
Well, see, that's what I would like to see, that, of course, Deadpool is the only one that remembers that, you know, all these es characters were in another movie studio. But, you know, he's the only one that remembers that, of course. Because that's the concept, I mean, you know, behind the character. He's the only one that realizes he's a character, you know, he's a fictional character in a story. But ah that's why, because, what is it? WandaVision starts tomorrow.
Yes, in fact, um I'm going to go to the hospital this afternoon. And then when I come back, it'll probably be midnight ah over on in the in the state. So by that point, I'll be able to probably watch the first episode. I hope it'll be dropped by then. And I'm going to be watching both WandaVision and the Dr. Strange the madness of the multiverse movie. Because ah my gut is, I have a very strong feeling that between those two properties, there's going to be a reshuffling of the MCU in some kind of way. I don't know. I um i'm not going i haven't heard any rumors, folks. I don't know anybody from the studios. I'm just going by what my gut tells me. And my gut very rarely lies to me. But I got a strong feeling, especially when I'm hearing the casting choices. and then the
Spider-Man movie, like they got all the other guys who played Spider-Man, they're going to be in that movie. Yeah. Yeah. And they've got Jamie Foxx and Alfred Molina. Yeah. i Right. So I'm thinking that somewhere in these movies, you know, it's going to be a severe reshuffling of the MCU. Yes. That's going to explain you know, a lot of bringing these characters over from one universe to another. Right. And you know, I was thinking about this last night, because we've got all that stuff happening with, like you said, Multiverse of Madness and um the Spider-Verse movie. And then you also have over at DC, where they're doing the the Flash movie, which is going to, which I know you don't want to hear about anymore, but you know, they're bringing, they're bringing in the different Batman. and all that kind of stuff. And now rumored that maybe Danny Vito will be back as penguin. so So they're really leaning into the multiverse idea. edit And I was thinking, you're like you know what, kudos to the CW because they did this stuff first at a time when nobody thought it was possible.
Yeah, exactly. they I mean, you know, I am still at all. But we said that ourselves when we did the episode about the crisis on Infinite Earth. yeah You know, they did the same thing that Avengers Infinity War and Endgame did, you know, and did the same thing. You know, it just took them longer to get there and they did it in a more roundabout way. yeah yeah But, you know, they reshuffle. And it seems to me like even more than Marvel,
ah Warner Brothers and DC is really committed to the idea of doing, I mean, you know, the multiverse. Well, that's something his history is Walter Hamada, the head of Warner Brothers. I'm not sure if you saw this interview he did, but he said they're going to have like, you know, two different Batman.
like three like because Michael Keaton is going to be sticking around for a while. There's you got Robert Pattinson doing his thing as the young Batman and that's going to be kind of like its own separate thing. Right. But then also it looks like they are going to have like a present day Batman who you know maybe they get that Affleck coming back which would be amazing. I don't know if that's likely but um If they could get Ben Affleck to come back, that would be awesome. But they're going to have like, you know, an older Batman who's still interacting with like Superman and Wonder Woman in the Flash and all that. So, right. So we could see a situation where you got like, and this is really cool. I like that DC is leaning into this idea of like, look, we don't have to be limited.
right they're they're They're having faith that the audiences are are sophisticated enough where they can realize, hey, look, this is Michael Keaton, he's old Batman. This is Robert Pattinson, he's young Batman. They're in different universes. i think that's I'm glad that they are finally having faith that the audiences are capable of understanding that because for a long time they didn't. They thought like, oh,
If we have Batman on Smallville, that's going to screw with Chris Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, because it's not going to be the same guy. It's like, well, no, it's not. people can People can accept the fact that there are different iterations of these characters.
so what Okay. The reason why they can do that now is because, because I'm old enough to remember where once upon a time they would not have done that. They would have said, well, you'll just confuse the audience. Well, yeah, then like I was saying, that was the whole thing with a Smallville. Like they didn't want to do, they didn't want to have Bruce Wayne appear on Smallville, which the producers of Smallville did want to do. They had a whole storyline mapped out for that. And Warner Brothers was like, no, you can't do that because Batman's appearing in the movies. Right.
So, but now what it is is that you've had a whole generation that has grown up on science fiction yeah and fantasy TV series and movies, which my generation didn't grow up with. That's why they said that, well, it's just gonna confuse them. But you've got a generation now, you've got a couple of generations that's that's grown up with the idea of alternate world, thanks to Star Trek and all different kinds. They've grown up with the idea of parallel universes and alternate worlds and time travel and did so this stuff is not confusing to them so now they can do that and say okay we have three or four Batman and you know nobody's going to get confused the audience will figure it out you know but which to me is my thing just put it out there let the audience figure it out yeah yeah but you know what i'm hoping now maybe we might get a if Michael Keaton's gonna be doing more Batman movies i hope we're gonna see or just more movies i should say i hope this means we will get like a Batman Beyond with him as old Bruce Wayne
They should give, if I ran Warner Brothers, I would just say to him, what do you want Michael? What would it take for this to happen? Because yeah, Michael Keaton now is at the perfect age to play the, the you know but I mean, he is that age man. He looks the part, he looks like he stepped right out of the the the show.
He looks exactly like he stepped out of it. And I mean, really, i would if I was running water, brothers, here's a check. Just write out what you want. All you got to do is just sign that you'll do this.

Upcoming Wonder Woman 1984 Discussion

And that's it. Yeah. I mean, yeah. Batman Beyond has got to happen. Live action. I don't care if they do a movie, a TV series, miniseries, whatever they want to do. As long as Michael Keaton is playing Batman. Absolutely. Yeah. Okay. So um that means we're going to do my pick for the the last movie of the month. And I figured since it's out on HBO Max, since it's only um going to be on there until the end of the month, let's go ahead and do Wonder Woman 84.
Oh, yes, the controversial and controversial movie right now. So it's I think it's a good time to talk about it, too. Well, yeah, like first um in a couple of weeks. Yeah, yeah. So we might as well fire it up one more time, watch it and then we can talk about it next week.
Okay. And I have to submit a list to you because ah like we did last year, folks, I asked Perry and he said, it's okay with me. do So for the month of February, we're going to be doing again, black superhero movies. Yeah. So I'm going to pick up a whole bunch of them and I'm going to submit it to them. I'm going to tell you right now, no blade.
Oh, really? Blaze been done to death. you know I like to do something that you know maybe people haven't seen before. So I'm doing my research. Oh, OK. This would be interesting. I'm doing this the right way. I'm looking for movies that, no Catwoman. So don't look for Catwoman either. I'm trying to find movies that a little bit off the beaten track. What about Steel? Is that going to be on there?
I won't pretend you didn't say that.
No, you know what? i keep I keep holding steel over people's heads as a threat. If they don't do something that, you know, we wanted to do, yeah, I'm gonna, yeah, well, we're gonna do steel this week, later. You should have did that. Remember when we was asking people for suggestions? Oh, yeah, yeah. I remember, I remember. Nobody was doing it, and I said, well, you know what? We're gonna do steel then. And then everybody's like, hey, you know what? We kind of want to see you do steel.
ah because You know what, you're always gonna have that one person, yeah, go ahead and do still. Go ahead. They're calling your bluff, yeah, yeah. Yeah, do still, I dare you. yeah No, but we had what I thought was a nice little mix of ah movies last year. Yeah, yeah. You know, A-Bob, you know, first black Superman we did. Yeah, and we did ah Meteor Man and Black Panther. Yeah, so yeah, that's what I'm... Okay, cool. I know a lot of people are gonna be mad with me, why can't you not do Blade? well we'll get We'll get to all these eventually, right? like there's We'll get to all of them eventually, but it's just that Blade has, you know... Okay, I have certain issues with Blade being classified as a Marvel movie, which we've talked about, and I went on and linked them out. But when we get around to doing Blade, I'll explain in more detail there.
Anyway, that's what we do for February. Okay, all right. Yeah, so come back next week. We're gonna do Wonder Woman 84. After that, we'll see what's on Derek's list and we'll go from there for Black History Month with more Black superhero movies.
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Uh, the group is Superhero Cinephiles. Join in, join in the discussion. We post up links to news articles and other types of stuff that comes up and Twitter and Instagram. We're on both of those at Supercinemapod. Here we you go. There we go. And, uh, we will see you next time and happy new year. Cause this is the first time we're talking since the new year. First time we're talking happy new year to everybody out there. Uh,
I know yeah know a lot of you were looking for us to turn the corner. Because people say, oh, I can't wait until 2021. It's going to be different. It's going to change. Well, didn't 2021 hit us right? Well, if you know what I said. I said, you know how in horror movies, right? When you see that when the monster dies, they always pop back up for one last scare. Oh, one last scare. Listen, just have faith.
Be kind to each other, be good to yourself, watch some good movies, free read some good books, and we'll get together next week. Yeah, okay. God bless. Talk to you next time. You have been listening to the Superhero Cinephiles podcast. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at SuperCinemapod. Join our Facebook group by searching for Superhero Cinephiles, where you can interact with us and other superhero fans. If you'd like to support the show, you can become a regular supporter at Patreon or make a one-time donation through PayPal, both of which can be found at our website,
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