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SCP Classic – Deadpool (2016) image

SCP Classic – Deadpool (2016)

Superhero Cinephiles
175 Plays7 months ago

To celebrate the release of Deadpool & Wolverine, listen back to our coverage of the previous Deadpool films. We kick off with one of our earliest episodes, when Derrick and Perry discussed the very first Deadpool movie. 

New episodes are coming soon!

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Humor & Introduction

leg shake shake it looks go kill you what be and easy or shot gone back Oh! Oh, hello. I know, right? Whose balls did I have to fondle to get my very own movie? I can't tell you, but it does rhyme with Pulverine. And let me tell you, he's got a nice pair of smooth criminals, Gananda.
but Anyway, I got places to be, a face to fix, and oh, bad guys to kill.
Maximum effort.

Hosts & Podcast Growth

Welcome to the Superhero Cinephiles podcast. I am one half of your host, Perry Constantine. And I am the other half, Derek Ferguson. How you doing, Derek? os End of the year. We made it through the first year of the show.
We made it through the first, this is what, our what, sixth, seventh, eighth episode that we're doing? This is episode nine, believe it or not. Episode, wow. And you know what, it seems like we just started this diagonal thing. And already... It kind of weirds me out because I was looking at it and sometimes I feel kind of surprised by it, but at the same time I feel like we have more episodes just because we've been talking so long about this stuff before we started the show.
Right. Yeah. But I mean, nine episodes. And if I may say so, it has taken off like wildfire already. Yeah. It's been a lot of fun. I've been really enjoying doing it. Oh, yeah.

Rediscovering Superhero Movies

Yeah. It's been a lot of fun. I mean, I I have rediscovered things about these movies that we have talked about that, you know, I guess since I've had time to let them percolate in my brain and I watched them over. I haven't seen them in a while. So I'm rediscovering a lot of things about these movies that we've been talking about, which is always a good thing. Same here. And I'm learning about stuff about movies that I probably would never have given a chance to before. um You know, like, thanks to your recommendation. So things like Swamp Thing or ah the original Doctor Strange or Nick Fury.
Oh, thank you. Yeah. I mean, you know, same here. I mean, ah you turn me on to the crow, which I hadn't seen in like decades. And, you know, like I discovered a whole newfound appreciation. I mean, know for that movie I didn't have before. It's a far better movie than ah I remember that what it was. And I hope that everybody listened to this.
You know, they went out and they saw it for themselves, because it's a movie that, yeah, that deserves a wider audience.

Deadpool's Unique Appeal

Absolutely. Now, today, we're talking about Interesting Choice, because this is a movie that i think a lot of people, even if they don't like the character, they like this movie. But you are one of the exceptions, I believe.
ah I guess you could say that. Actually, actually it's funny why you would say that. I really don't have a problem with the movie itself. It's a very well done movie with a terrific cast. I love the cast. The action sequences are good. The only problem, I guess first you better tell the people, first of all, what movie we're talking about. it They don't know already. oh yeah you're right okay drop the bomb that one uh... so because it's the end of the year and um... this is the season of guys in red suits we decided to go i decided for my pick to go with uh... one of the most famous comic characters wearing a red suit and that is uh... deadpool uh... twenty sixteen film starring ryan reynolds and uh... so before we start getting into the movie um...
Let's talk a little bit about Deadpool as the character because you've never really like, you've never really understood or gotten that character, you said. Yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah. I mean, you know, that's where I don't like to say, well, I don't like the character because there's really nothing about the character I don't like, but it's just, I don't get him. You know, I've got friends of mine.
That have given me issues and stuff like that and and you know, they're oh man You're gonna crack up you're gonna let I read a Deadpool comic and yeah, okay and You know, that's it. I don't get it and it's the same thing with this movie. I just don't think he's as funny as Everybody seems to think he is, you know, everybody seems to think he's a you know, this hilarious character, you know, I I'm sorry, I don't get, I don't think he's that funny.

Humor in Comics

I don't, I don't get it. I'm sorry. This is kind of funny because ah years back, I remember one of the first reviews you did of some of my stuff was back in fanfic days. And it was actually a Deadpool issue of mine that you reviewed that you were praising for the humor. Well, yeah, yeah, because that's true. Yeah, well, you know why? Because you're funny.
Well, thank you. for you know right Well, i think I think that's a good signal that it's just that you haven't found that right writer for Deadpool that would make you really- There are way too many people.
And you know as well as I do, there are way too many people, because most of them are on the internet, who think that's they're a lot funnier than they actually are. Yeah, definitely. Because ah because of course, most people think they're funny. I mean, who who doesn't like to think that they're not funny? Everybody likes to think that they're funny. Unfortunately, everybody is not. Matter of fact, a lot of the funniest people are people who don't try to be funny. Right, it just comes kind of naturally to them.
You're right, it comes kind of naturally. And that is one of my issues with this movie in that it's done by people who think they're hilarious and they're not. you know Ryan Reynolds is a funny guy. He is a very funny guy. you know but I don't know. In this movie, it's like he's trying too hard. It's like everybody is trying to. Well, not everybody, but you can see the writers and I can just imagine that they were writing this stuff and they were sitting around and they were yucking and they were throwing up with laughter and they was ah of course.
umm well I'm perfectly willing to admit that I'm wrong because this movie made a shitload of money. oh yeah this was the Until Joker just recently um unseated it, it was the highest grossing R-rated movie of all time.
Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, obviously, I don't know what I'm talking about because a lot of people obviously found. thought And I know ah I have friends of mine that went back two or three times to see this when it was in the theater, you know, during the original you know the run, they went back to see two or three that dead day. They thought it was like, you know, the next thing to the Marx brothers. But like I said, I went to see during the original theater. And people always ask me, well, you don't like it. Why did you go see? I went to see it because of my wife, God bless her. Patricia, who doesn't know all that much about superheroes and thinks that I'm interested in going to see anybody who wears a costume. So we went out shopping one day and
As usual, when we go out shopping, we say, well, we're gonna go to dinner, or we're gonna go to a movie and give the traffic time to die down. And she said, well, I'll treat you to the movies. I said, okay, cool, let's go. Which usually means that it's a movie she wants to see, but she doesn't think I wanna see it, but if she pays for it, well, then I'll go. right but we went But she took me to Deadpool. I said, why would you take me to the set? Well, it's a superhero movie, right? I said, oh, God bless her. So we went to see her.
and And she was giving me the old fish eye, you know, all through the movie because of the language and stuff like that, because Patricia doesn't particularly care for like ah all that language in her movie going. um And I just said to her, listen, remember, you picked this out.
Okay, let's be clear on that you pick this out. So so that's how I ended up seeing it in

Deadpool's Creation & Evolution

the theater. Okay, so a little bit of history on Deadpool because the character as he was originally created I think most people would have had the same impression of him that you do because Basically, he was just a knockoff of DC's Deathstroke. Right. Because he was created by Rob Liefeld and Rob Liefeld doesn't really have an original bone in his body. He just rips off other people who are more talented. and True.
and you know he did that with supreme he did that with um basically every single character he's ever created but a lot of the characters sorry go ahead didn't he create didn't he create that whole super team that basically was an x-men knockoff well he created it was an x-force knockoff i think and then jimmy created the x-men knockoff because You know, back when the original six image creators, when they left Marvel and they started Image Comics, they were basically all just doing more extreme versions of the books they were doing at Marvel. So Jim Lee did Wildcat, which was basically an X-Men ripoff. Rob Liefeld did Youngblood, which was an X-Force ripoff, and so on.
So yeah, those two, especially more than any others, were just based blatant ripoffs of Marvel stuff that were they were doing before. Okay. um But yeah, so he did, and then, but the thing about...
Deadpool and a lot of characters that Liefeld created is that they ended up getting picked up by other creators who were much more talented and who ended up breathing more life into them. So Cable became a much more interesting character after Rob Liefeld was gone. Same thing with Deadpool, same thing with ah Supreme over at Awesome Entertainment when Alan Moore took him.
and decided, well, screw it being, you know, some extreme version of Superman. I'm just gonna make him kind of like an ode to the classic Superman stories of the Silver Age. Right, yeah, exactly. that Yeah, that's when the character started. And I remember that, even Cable, yeah, because I remember later on, I was reading some Cable comments. I said, oh, wow. You know, I said, this character is actually pretty good. Yeah. I haven't seen him previously. Yeah, I didn't care for him at all. But then later on, you know, I said, oh, wow, this character is pretty cool. But somebody else, like you said, somebody else was doing him at the time, somebody else was writing the character. Yeah, same thing with me with cable. I did not like him at all when I first discovered him. And then um it was another guy back from our fanfic days, Brad Horton, who turned me on because he was writing a cable fanfic that was excellent. and And he's like, well, if you like my stuff, you should go read the comics that ah Robert Weinberg is doing, who was, um you know, a horror novelist. And he was writing a stint on cable. And then I went and I started reading them and damn, they were really good. And that got and that made me a fan of the character after that.
Yeah, well like I said, you know what? You've heard it, and I'm sure a lot of people listening to this have heard it too, that there are no bad characters, they're just bad writers. Right, exactly. That if any writer of sufficient talent and imagination and creativity can take any character and make them interesting and make them you know readable. Absolutely. And there's no better example of that than a lot of these characters that were created in the by the image guys in the early 90s. Most of them were just
you know very one-dimensional not very not very well thought out there just rip knockoffs of other characters but you had other writers come in like alan more in the case of supreme and uh... joe casey in the case of wildcats uh... and then you know cable in the case of you know robert weinberg and deadpool who was really he got really popular and i believe it was the mid late nineties this was after uh...
the onslaught crossover where the Avengers and the Fantastic Four had been killed off. So Marvel really rushed to fill the gap with all these other titles. And so one of those titles, you know, they had a Heroes for Hire revival, they had um Maverick, and then one of them was K-ZAR, and then one of them was also Deadpool, and it was written by Joe Kelly. And I'm not sure, but I think he was the one who first really leaned into the fourth wall breaking stuff and really started playing really started injecting a lot of humor into the character. And that's when the character became really funny. and
um After Kelly did his stunt, Christopher Priest, who you know it was probably most famous for Black Panther, also did a run, and that was actually when I came on. And even though, in retrospect, even Priest said that he wasn't really happy with the way his Deadpool work turned out, at the time I was reading it, I thought it was really funny. And then I went back and I read the the Joe Kelly stuff, which was also really good.
I'm not sure how familiar you are with any of those, if you've read any of those books, because I know you said some friends have tried to give you some of them in the past. yeah Yeah, they had given me some of the Joe Kelly stuff because I think that that that's probably the Deadpool that most people are familiar with, the one that Joe Kelly wrote. yeah I think that that was the successful, you know, and I did read some of the Christopher Priest stuff and I did read some of the Joe Kelly stuff. Because like I said, I had friends that were saying, oh man, you got to read this. you And I said, well, I don't really care. No, no, no, no, read this. You'll find it funny. And, you know, like I said in reading and, you know, like I would chuckle, ha you know, but I wouldn't like laugh out loud. Like, you know, like I guess my friends do when they read it, they, you know, laugh out. But then listen, I have to admit to that I have a wonky sense of humor. There is some stuff that people I have been in.
movie theaters where people are laughing uproariously all around me and I'm just sitting there saying, well, why is this funny? And and and then again, I went to see the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre during its original theatrical run.
and I'm with my friends and I'm laughing hysterically because I'm honestly believing that this is a spoof of horror movies. I can't believe anybody. And my friends told me, listen, man, you got to go, go over there, go sit over there. Cause you're ruining the movie. I was cracking up, you know? So, you know, that's how my sense of humor works. You know, like I said, you know, other people find it funny and I'm listen, if you think it's funny,
God bless you, and I'm glad that you enjoy it, but i i didn if I don't get it, I just don't get it. What can I

Writers' Impact on Deadpool

tell you? yeah now Unfortunately, I think um what you said about a lot of people thinking they're funny, unfortunately, a lot of those people have written Deadpool in the comics. because You know, despite me liking the character and falling in love with him during the Kelly and the Priest run, the only writers who have really, I thought, done a good job of making Deadpool a funny comic were there four in total. There was Joe Kelly, Christopher Priest, and then um Gail Simone, who, um when she got the title, it basically kind of... caused her career to skyrocket. um And then you okay okay okay yeah gas more i've read some of the idea yeah now see now she's funny yeah she's very funny yeah she is funny and she also just recently did a domino comic for Marvel, which was great.
okay uh... to just yet check that out at some point if you're interested and then uh... and the other writer is baby in the csa who co-created deadpool uh... but in the original stop it wasn't that funny but later on he did uh... cable and deadpool uh... comic book and it was I did not expect much from it, but it turned out to be really amazing. And his and his humor was really on point with Deadpool and it was it was hysterical.
OK, see, OK, see now I've never read those, but now that you recommended it, you know, I'll have to look them up and see if I get, you know, digital ah copies of that and check it out. Yeah, I definitely recommend. I mean, since you tried the Kelly and the pre stuff and it wasn't really your cup of tea, then I would at least say, you know, check out the the Simone stuff and the and the cable and Deadpool stuff. Oh, OK.
Because there i will make it because yeah that that partnership did not seem like it could work at all. um But now, that comic ended up being so popular that it became almost a foregone col conclusionsion conclusion that, of course, Cable would be in the sequel. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I saw the sequel.
map Oh, because I watched Deadpool today, but I had seen but ah I watched Deadpool to the other day um because I because I was, you know, like searching for it because I said, well, you know, like maybe because I thought I could find Deadpool.
looking through DirecTV and seeing if it was on demand, someplace like that. Eventually, I just said that to hell with it. I'll just go and I rent it from Amazon. But I ran across Deadpool 2. And yeah, I did not know that Josh Brolin was in that one. Yeah, yeah. They had a few jokes about him being Thanos in that too. Yeah, yeah, I was like, oh shit, well now I gotta watch it. And actually, Deadpool 2, I did laugh. more Deadpool 2 than I did in the first movie. One thing that's worth checking out too is Once Upon a Deadpool, which was Deadpool 2 edited. So it was edited down to the PG-13 rating and they also inserted scenes in it of Deadpool kidnapping Fred Savage and reenacting the bookend scenes of Princess Bride.
Oh, okay. Okay, that sounds interesting. Yeah, the edited portions of the movie, you know it's basically just Deadpool 2 Sanitized. So those you can just skip, oh those aren't really worth it. But it is definitely worth it just to see the the scenes with Fred Savage because it's like... I don't know, like 30 minutes of footage of just the two of them. And Fred Savage is beat has been kidnapped by Deadpool. And he's you know he's an adult, he's a grown man, but he's being chained up in this bed and being forced to listen to Deadpool read the story of Deadpool 2. Now see, thats in and that is an imaginative way if you're going to sanitize the movie, but you're giving people something extra. Yeah.
so that they don't feel like, ah well, okay, well, they just taking my money. You know, they just you know they just cutting out, you know, ah some of the cuss words and some of the violence, that but they're adding something extra in there to make it worth your time to want to go see it. Yeah.
And that's definitely what they did. So that's also worth checking out. um But anyway, let's get back talking about ah

Deadpool's Journey to Film

this movie. Now, this movie actually took a very long time to make, like 16 years to make this movie. And that's because way back when, in 2000, when the first X-Men movie hit it big, you know, Fox had the rights to all the X-Men characters.
So they said they announced at the time that they were gonna do a Deadpool movie starring Ryan Reynolds. And I remember at the time, being on the message boards, everyone was like, wait, the guy from Van Wilder? Why are they making a Deadpool movie with him? That doesn't seem to make any sense. And what none of us knew at the time was that Ryan Reynolds would actually go on to become a pretty decent action star in his own right. True.
But the movie kept getting delayed and set back and, you know, years went by without anything. And and also another thing we didn't know at the time is that Ryan Reynolds himself was a huge Deadpool fan. And so this was like his dream role to play. And when he did Blade Trinity, um which that movie was pretty much crap, but One thing I think everybody liked about it was Ryan Reynolds um ad-libbing, and that performance pretty much made everybody say, oh, okay, I see it now. I see how he can be Deadpool.
and didn't he pay And then, so then it was OK, so he was in the Blade movie and then it was after that Wolverine Origins, right? Yeah, X-Men Origins, Wolverine. That was the movie that was going to introduce him. um Now, they introduced him, but not but but nobody, nobody liked that version. Well, actually they liked, well so so there are two things here because um you had Ryan Reynolds playing like a pre-scarred Wade Wilson at the beginning of the movie. Right. And and he, all his lines were ad-libbed in that. And it shows, because that's like the best part of the movie is like just Ryan Reynolds riffing on camera. But then what they did after that is
they did they turned him into this weird experiment where they they showed his freaking mouthot shut which probably defeats the whole purpose of the character who is known for being a smart ass. Well, it reminds me of, you know, talking about ah Superman Lives, the the doomed, never-produced Superman movie where, um and Kevin Smith was hired to take a pass in the screenplay. And when he met with the producer, John Peters, John Peters said, you know, I have three rules from you. Superman can't fly, he can't wear the costume, and he has to fight a giant robot spider in the third act.
And it's like, so you're gonna have Superman, but he can't fly and he can't wear the costume. How was that Superman then? And for those of you who haven't seen it, I, okay, this is your homework assignment. Go out and find that concert film where Kevin Smith talks about his meeting. Yeah, and his name was Kevin Smith.
That is some of the funniest shit. that i'm certain That's like Richard Pryor level humor, how funny that that whole thing is, and also demonstrates how bizarre Hollywood is as well. Yeah, and you can find it on on YouTube, I believe. It's just called it Evening with Kevin Smith, or just search Kevin Smith Superman, and it should come up. But that's kind of what they did to Deadpool, is they they they They took away what made the character unique. and there was There were a few post-credits scenes in X-Men Origins. um There was one scene where he was in Japan, and there was another scene where you see um
Deadpool's severed head and the mouth has been cut open now and he opened his eyes and he says and then it ends and so they were planning on bringing him back in another movie and bringing it back as the real Deadpool, but then the movie tanked and they decided to go in a different direction for the second Wolverine movie.
And actually, that is one of the that is that is one of the parts of Deadpool 2, I laughed out loud, where Deadpool goes back in time and he corrects some of the mistakes that Ryan Reynolds made in history. Yeah, that was funny. If you see it in the, there's also the super duper cut of Deadpool 2, which is a little bit longer and it's got a few alternate jokes. And they've got a bit of an extended version of the the timeline sequence.
Okay, we're like there's one part where he interacts with Hugh Jackman and he says he's like I know you're hanging up the claws but um You know one day your old buddy wait is gonna ask you to pick him back up and on that day you're gonna say yes And then it also has him going back in time to killing baby Hitler ah And this is what the super duper cut yeah is super duper cut Okay, it's well worth a look Especially the opening sequence in Deadpool 2 is probably my favorite opening sequence of any movie, especially in the super duper cut
Okay, I'm gonna have to go on Amazon because I believe Amazon has got it because they got like three or four different because I was looking I said wow they got kind of like a lot of Deadpool stuff yeah Yeah, but I thought it was just like different because if you go on Amazon they got like an HD and then they got like a super HD and you know all all different types of bullshit formats, but like yeah um So then This movie, Fox had green-lit it, they did some test footage, and then they canceled it, like almost right away. And so then, someone, we don't know who, but someone leaked the test footage on the internet. And the test footage is basically that opening scene when he's in the car. And dear yeah the internet went nuts over it. And so then Fox is just like, oh fuck, now we gotta make this damn movie.
yeah And it's funny because Fox avoided making this movie for so long. And then when they did, it was a huge hit. And then they're kind of like, why didn't we do this to begin with?
Yeah, like I'm saying, this movie made this move. I don't recall. I think it made so it didn't make a billion, but it was damn close. It was something like seven or eight hundred million dollars it made, you know. So, yeah, I mean, this movie took off in a way that nobody suspected that, could you know, they knew that they was going to make money because they said, well, you know, X, you know, the X fans are going to go see it, you know, superhero fans are going to see it. But it had people who went to see it because they were Ryan Reynolds fans, of course. And ah you had people.
who didn't normally go see superhero movies, they went to see this. Okay, so the budget was $58 million, which is like the smallest budget of superhero movies in the now and nowadays. But though that's like, yeah, that's like the catering budget for Avengers Endgame. Right, exactly. Yeah. But the total worldwide gross is over $782 million. dollars but Okay, yeah, okay. that's a i knew i heard I knew I heard it was something like that, seven to eight hundred million dollars that they made somebody. But i listen, like I said, I knew it was just a shitload of money this thing made. Yeah, and Reynolds was so determined to get this movie made that he put up some of the financing himself. Because Fox was worried that nobody would want to see an R-rated superhero movie.
Well, I heard he paid out of his own pocket to have the writers on a set. Yeah, because they had been working together with the writers. And um Reynolds wanted the writers on the set to help with daily rewrites. And Fox is just like, no, we're not going to pay for them to be on set. So Ryan Reynolds is like, all right, fine. I'm paying for them to be on set, too. Good for him. Another thing, too, is in the first scene, you see him as Wade Wilson when he goes um to the guy, with the pizza delivery guy. He's wearing a Bea Arthur shirt.
Yeah, yeah. He had to pay $10,000 to get permission to use Bea Arthur's likeness. Really? Yeah, because in the comics Deadpool is a huge Golden Girls fan and he's in love with Bea Arthur. So Ryan Reynolds had to get that in the movie. And so then he paid up $10,000 to be able to use Bea Arthur in this one shot. And then that money ended up going to charity.
See me? That's why. And I know there's a lot of people. I mean, Ryan Reynolds has a lot of fans, but then there are a lot of people that don't like Ryan Reynolds for no other reason than I could think of simply because he's Ryan Reynolds. Yeah. But you know what? From things like that, you know, that he's willing to pay out of his pocket for it. See, that's a stand up guy. That's a guy that is committed to his art and his project or whatever he's doing, what he's willing to dig in his own pocket and say, we know something. This is what I want done. Like you said, you know, like you said, I mean, you know, the studio said, well, we're not paying for it. He said, well, fuck you. I'll pay for it. You know, I want the writers on the set. Yeah.
And more than that, too, I mean, he, like, there is this one kid who was a 13-year-old ah cancer patient in Canada who loved Deadpool, and he wanted to see the movie, but he was worried that he wouldn't be able to to live long enough to see the movie. When Ryan Reynolds heard about this story, he took a finished cut of the movie to the kid's house and gave him a special screening. And wow yeah and he that kid ended up being the first person who saw the finished cut of the movie.
Nothing. Now, that's cool. That. Yeah. You know, this is a lot about Ryan Reynolds as a human being and as a man, as far as I'm concerned. Yeah. But I've always liked him. I mean, you know, even though like I said one crazy about the movie, anything like that. I like Ryan Reynolds. Oh, I mean, didn't like oh I've liked him ever since I saw a man Wilder. Now, I've never seen man Wilder, so I have no idea what you're talking about.
But I know people keep talking about it, Van Wylde. And it seems like something that I should have seen, but I've never seen it. But, you know, everything else I've seen him in, you know, I just like him. Yeah. He's like, um he's like our modern Burt Reynolds. Yeah. Yeah. You know, he's like our Burt Reynolds now, you know, because he's got that kind of charisma.
about him he's just on the screen and you start smiling right yeah and every even if he's in a terrible movie it's still entertaining with him in it like that x-men origins wolverine i will watch the scene i will watch that movie just for that scene when he's um just riffing at the camera Now, I just watched this movie on ah Netflix that he's in the Michael Bay movie. Terrible movie. Oh, yeah. Six Underground or something like that. Yeah. Six Underground. Yeah. But he's Ryan Reynolds, so he's still having the time of his life, even though it's a terrible movie. Right. It is. But, you know, he's having the time of his life in it. And you get the impression that, yeah, he's the guy that truly appreciates the fact that, you know, he gets to play dress up and
And I mean, you know, he doesn't take him so seriously. No, now you know what I mean? I mean, he takes what he does seriously. But he realizes that in the total worldview of things, he's just making movies, you know, you know, and it's not no holy calling or something that, you know, I don't know, like, oh, who can I name? You know, like, there are some actors that act like this is some kind of holy calling that they're called to. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And they got to sacrifice for their art and they got to suffer for their art and everything like that. No.
He's having fun yeah doing this, because he said, man, you know I get to make movies, make a lot of money, go all over the world and see people. And you know and he's having the time of his life, and I appreciate that. That's what I got

Ryan Reynolds' Charisma

to say. i mean there' Then he's done movies. like He did a Safe House with Denzel Washington, which he was great in. and then um The Hitman's Bodyguard with Samuel L. Jackson, which the two of them together, I wanna see, now that Deadpool is owned by ah Marvel again, I wanna see Nick Fury and Deadpool in a movie. Oh yeah. Most definitely. Aren't they supposed to be doing a sequel to The Hitman's Bodyguard? Oh, I heard something about that, but I haven't, I'm not sure what the the story on that is, but that would be great if they do, because that was a really underrated, really hilarious movie.
I enjoyed it. I enjoy, even though it wanted so bad to be midnight run to the point where they even stole the theme music. they did There was one sequence where they played the midnight run theme. They wanted to be midnight run. So, but again, how can you fight against the combination of Ryan Reynolds and Samuel Jackson? Plus Selma Iacom, one of her most hilarious roles ever.
She stole the movie. Everything she was in, she stole it. Oh, she was hilarious. I just saw that movie again for like the first time and since it first came out. I'm like, how come I don't watch this movie more? It's so good. I know, right? I saw it in the theater. And then I saw i saw it on, what was it? Was it Showtime or HBO? Something like that. I saw it and I had the same feeling. I said, damn, why don't I watch this movie more?
right So um let's talk now talk about Deadpool the movie. What are some of the things that did work for you or didn't work for you? All right. Since I do okay, since I was knocking the movie earlier, I feel bound that I have to say something in his defense. And it does have a lot to recommend it. First of all,
You know, okay, have you ever talked to your friends and you're talking about superhero movies or just movies and even James Bond movies, everything everything like that. And they'll give you that crap about. Well, I don't know about the move because there's really no suspense because, you know, the characters aren't going to die. Oh, I hate that bullshit. Yeah, I hate that shit because, well, of course they're not going to die, stupid. day You know, full and well, going into a James Bond movie, James Bond is never going to die. yeah You know, bat you know, Batman movie, he's not going to die. You know, Superman is not going to die. No matter if they tell you, well, they kill Superman in this movie by the end of the movie, he's going to be back. Yeah. So, so I hate that argument that, well, there's no suspense in these movies because we know these characters aren't going to die. Well, the thing I like about Deadpool is that it takes that shit right out the equation. But I do give you a character who can't die. I do. I like that. They give you a character who can die. Therefore, we can dispense with that nonsense because we know the character is not going to get killed. But that's not what the movie is about in any way.
But yeah, but that is one thing that I like right off the bat that we dispense with that nonsense. Um, the humor in the movie, even though I don't care for the, uh, a lot of the humor in the movie, because to me it's on the level of a six year old who, uh, discovers the word fuck and keeps saying it over and over again, you know, to get a reaction, but I do appreciate the fact that if we did not have that humor in there, you would just have a conventional superhero movie. Yeah, you got little it it plays very, like, that's the thing. You know, I've seen this movie probably dozens of times. And so, you know what happens when you've seen a ah comedy movie that many times? You stop laughing at the jokes, because you know them all anyway. Even if you still think they're funny, it's just, it's right you just don't have that reaction anymore.
And that's me with this movie. But and a lot of comedy movies, when it gets to that point, you stop watching it completely because once the humor is gone, there's no point in watching it anymore. But exactly. But Deadpool is one of those movies that it's still enjoyable as just a movie on its own. Yeah, I mean, even if you did I mean, I can appreciate the action sequences because it does got some great action sequences to fight deaths in the lab when it's burning. You know, that's a great sequence, of course.
the big fight at the end on the health carrier, the, you know. Of course, the highway sequences is my favorite, I think. I mean, I mean, it's got some terrific action sequences, but if you did not have the character of Deadpool and the nature of Deadpool, you would have just some like if he wasn't wise cracking anything like that, this would be just a really straight conventional superhero story. Yeah. Um, but that's good. Even though, you know what? One thing that I think that they could have did, they could have made them uglier.
because everybody you know because that's supposed to be like a whole big thing about him that oh his he's all messed up and you know he looks horrible and everything like that but actually he just looks like Ryan Reynolds with bad makeup it's kind of hard to make Ryan Reynolds look ugly so yeah yeah exactly right yeah i mean even though everybody goes on and on about how horrible he looks and even at the end his girlfriend she looks up she said well you know it's not that bad
She's right. I mean, yeah, he looks messed up, but yeah, he looks like Ryan Reynolds with bad makeup on. Okay. Um, one point I do want to make that I don't think it's talked about a lot with this movie and that there's some really strong roles for women in this movie. Yeah. I mean, one of my favorite characters in this movie is, uh, blind out. Yeah. Blind out played by the great Leslie Uggams, who, when I say what,
I was sitting in the movie theater, and I said, oh, shit, it's Leslie August. I haven't seen her in forever. And she's really good in this movie. Oh, she's ah she's even better in Deadpool 2, if you want. Definitely check out the the super duper cut, because she's got some great lines in that. She's really good. We've got Marina Bakker in. On any list of the 10 hottest women walking the planet today, she'd be on that list. Matter of fact, she'd be in the top five. Especially in this movie.
Yeah, and even though she, oh yeah, oh especially in this movie, but she plays a prostitute, but she doesn't play a victim. Right. She doesn't play a victim. ah I don't know if you know this, but in the comics, um Vanessa is actually a mutant herself and she's a shapeshifter.
I did not know that. Yeah, so i and so they kind of, they have little hints at it, because in the comics, she's got white skin and white hair, so they give her the little white streak in her hair. And she also makes the comment about her having played a lot of roles, which also kind of hints at that too. And so i was so I was kind of expecting like what, when he puts her in that in that tube at the end, that that would have been some sort of trigger for her powers in the sequel, which they didn't end up doing, but that's kind of what I thought would happen.
So we've got her, um, uh, Teenage and Negasonic Warhead. Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Brianna, played by Brianna Hildebrand. who cracks me up, she's hilarious. Again, because she's funny because she's not trying to be funny. no She's just trying to be a regular teenager. She's playing it completely straight and it's great. And also, the so the the funny thing about this is the character Negasonic Teenage Warhead was actually just kind of a throwaway character that um Grant Morrison used in his X-Men run.
um Because they had the destruction of Genosha and all the mutants, and right before the Sentinels arrived, this one ah student of Emma Frost, she says, you know, something bad's gonna happen, I had a dream and we're all gonna die, and then boom, every the Sentinels attack. And then later, Emma Frost finds her body in the wreckage, and she said, you know, her name was that Negasonic, she chose the name Negasonic Teenage Warhead for herself. And it was just kind of like this throwaway thing. And When they were looking for lists of characters to use, they were thinking about Cannonball, they were thinking about some others. They came across the name Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and they're like, that name is perfect, we're using this character, even though she's gonna be nothing like the character in the comics. Oh man, she has a terrific scene with Deadpool.
he's going to go rescue his girlfriend. So he goes to the X mansion and he knocks on the door and she opens up the door and he says, okay, well you get, okay, you're going to come with me to help rescue my girlfriend. You get colossus and you come on and get me in and you know, we're going to go save her. And I don't want to hear no out of you in that light. She's giving him shit back and forth and they're going back and forth. And then he says something to the effect like,
You know, it's really weird. Every time I come in, he says he's like, it's just the two of you. It's like the studio couldn't afford any more x-men. And he walks away. But the look that she gives him is like, because, of course, she doesn't know what you're talking about. right Because he knows character in a movie.
You know, but she doesn't know, but just that look is so perfect on her face. I sound like, what the fuck? You know, what are you talking about? Oh, it just, great she's a terrific, as a matter of fact, her and Colossus, even though it's a CGI character, to me, now see, all the humor in the movie, to me, comes from them two. I could have easily watched the movie with Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead.
Easily just with him and I love the when they're at the final battle and Colossus has just gotten knocked out and then Deadpool's like I mean, that's why I brought her and she's busy tweeting Yeah she holds like ah Don't don't even yeah. Oh man. She is I'm telling you I could watch it and Colossus even though he's got that ridiculous moose and squirrel accent. Mm-hmm I love how he's like this big lump of, you know, self-righteousness and he's trying to redeem Deadpool. Deadpool doesn't want to be redeemed. He just wants to rescue his girlfriend and kill the bad guy. That's actually the guy's real accent. Really? Yeah. Stefan Kapisic. Um, he was, um, so yeah, he's he's like fluent in Russian and he's, he's from Eastern Europe. So, so yeah, that was his real accent.
Okay. Cause that's what, cause when I heard it, I thought that he was doing, you know, the Natasha moose and squirrel accent, you know, from rocking and booming. Cause that's what I thought he was doing. Oh, who knows? But there's a great scene at the end. Him and Deadpool have had their fight and they lay in there.
OK, so he's laying there and Deadpool is there and he's got a gun to his head and he's telling them, OK, well, you got to fix my face. And their colossus walks up and starts giving the speech. And even the bad guy goes, oh, shit. He does. Yeah. And then he shoots him while colossus in the middle of the speech. And he's like, why? He's like, well, you were droning on. Yeah, he said, man, you were just rattling on. He said, what was I supposed to do? Oh, man. It's grabbing.
There are moments like that that I laugh, but it was more because of Deadpool was interacting with other characters and they were responding to things that he was doing rather than when him like.
That whole monologue he does when he has the highway fight and he's, and he's talking back and forth like that stuff. I, yeah that wasn't funny to me. I appreciate the fact that Ryan Reynolds is such a, is such, it's so gifted at ad living that they just let him go ahead and I mean, you know, do it.
but a lot of that stuff goes a long way as far as i'm concerned but okay what okay i mentioned what is scroll talking about about colossa some more is like i like that this is like the first movie when we actually get really, we actually see Colossus in this movie because in, he does more in this movie than Daniel Kudmore did in three X-Men movies. Oh yeah, absolutely. I mean, that's one reason why I do like this movie because Colossus is one of my favorite characters. You know, he's X-Men that are, you know, he's an X-Man that I've always loved. And I appreciate that in this movie. He actually has something to do. Yeah.
You know, he wasn't just a big hulking guy that was in the background. I mean, even win in the last stand, when he was supposed to be a member of the Core X-Men team, he still didn't have like one line in the whole damn movie.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he didn't have anything to do. And this is a guy that's supposed to be one of the mainstays of the team, you know, and he didn't have a lot to do. And like I said, that's one thing that I really liked about this movie. And you know what? You get the feeling that him and Deadpool do have a real relationship in this movie. Yeah. Especially when you get around to the the second film, because that comes, that comes into play even more. right Yeah. Yeah.
Because, listen, there's a reason why Deadpool always goes to him for help. You know, he always gets colossa. Not just because that they don't have the budget for it, you know. But you get the feeling that, yeah, he honestly doesn't like the guy. I also do love that they hinted this history between them, right? Like, when they hear about the guy in the red suit, he's like, oh, it's Deadpool again. And it's like, no, I have to do this again. I have to go talk to this guy again and read him the riot act. Exactly.
Yeah, he's sitting there, he's eating, he's trying to have his breakfast, and he's hearing about this corner, he's gonna be like, oh, it's a guy in a red suit. And he says, oh, shit, that boy. He says, okay, and he gets, he gets, and they can start a teenage war. He's like, come on, let's go. We gotta to go get him. We got a mission. I also love his, just like his interactions with her, right? Like, he's like, you know, he says, why can't he see the benefits? Like, what benefits? The house that blows up every year or the matching unitards? And he's like, how's blowing up Bill's character?
And of course, I cannot finish talking about the women in this movie without talking about Gina Carano. who I had completely forgotten was in this movie. I said, oh, sure, how could I forget she was in it? And as I said in a Facebook group, I said, why is this woman not the number one action movie star in the world? Yeah, and she's proven. And you i just I finished watching The Mandalorian the other day. And she's got some good acting chops, too. It's not just the action stuff. Yeah, I mean.
Yeah, okay. We know that she can do, I mean, know the action stuff because she was a professional m MMA fighter. ah I believe and she knows martial arts and everything like that, but she actually can't act. I've seen a couple of her other movies like Haywire

Deadpool's Humor & Action

and there's a couple of action movies that she made. And of course, I mean, know the Mandalorian and, you know, I haven't I have no idea why this woman is not the number one action movie star in the world, really. I can't, because if I was a producer, I would say, listen, put her in everything and anything we can find for her. But, hey, I don't run movie studio, unfortunately. One of the scenes I loved was her fight with Colossus when her shirt snaps open and he stops the fight so that he could tell her to fix her shirt.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And they very strategically have his thumb placed so you can't see her boot. And she says, oh, thank you. You're such a gentleman. And then she gets up and proceeds to knock him on his ass again. They just resume the fight like nothing is happening, you know? Yeah, that was a good point. I got to admit that. As a matter of fact, I wish her role had been beefed up a little bit more because she was so enjoyable.
you know, in this movie, you know, which which, as I said, a lot of people are. This is a great cast. great action scenes, it's just that I just feel like, for instance, you know, the opening credits. I mean, to me, that smack too much of, ha, ha, ha, aren't we being clever? Well, actually, that was done as a placeholder, originally, because they that was that was made back when they were doing the test footage. so okay So they didn't actually have anything to put there at the time. But the director, Tim Miller, he loved it so much that he wanted to keep it in.
Oh, OK. Well, listen, he's a director. It's his choice. I just thought I did look at it. I said, yeah, it's me like, you know, like they were trying to point out how clever they were being, you know. But like I said, again, that's just me. Some people some people I know loved it. They said they loved what I remember seeing those credits the first time I was laughing my ass off.
They, friends of mine had told me they said that the credits, those credits set the tone of the movie for them that showed them it was gonna be irreverent and it wasn't gonna take itself too seriously. And okay, yeah, you know what? I can see that. I can. I'm just saying that it didn't work. It smacked too much like they were trying too hard right from the start. Oh, hey, we're gonna be hip and clever and funny and isn't this is, you know, I don't know. Like I said, that's just me. Okay. But, moving right along. Well, before we move on from the women, like, there's one of my favorite scenes in this movie is when he's going on his revenge spree trying to find information about Ajax, and and he fights these, like, two ninja girls.
Right. And he hits one of them and she's like, no, please. And he's like, Oh my God, I'm so sorry. And he's like, he's like, this is so confusing. Is it sexist to hit you or is it more sexist not to hit you? Yeah. And then he pulls out and then he shoots her. in the head yeah i am he just yeah Okay. Well, to cause the other girls, she jumped on his back, right? he throws her And he says, well, I don't know what the, yeah. Cause yeah. Okay. I just hit you and you're a girl. I'm not supposed to hit a girl, but you know, you did attack me and I'm supposed to,
You know, everything is going to be equal. And those so that's a very real commentary on a lot of things that go on these days. Is it more sexist to hit a woman or not to hit a woman? Yeah. It's a very funny commentary. That was cute. I have to give it to you. That was good.
All right, ah so you're about to go move on to something next before I ah interrupted with that aside, so. Oh, yeah, what did you think about, okay. um The bad guy, I don't know if you can really call, I don't know. Ed Screen. To me, it's the, yeah, who? Ed Screen. Yeah, what what do you play Francis? Yeah, Francis Ajax, yeah.
Yeah, I don't know. he I don't know. There was something off about him. I don't know. It just seemed like he wasn't enough of a bad guy for me. Yeah, I mean, it felt a bit. i mean like I'm used to these world conquering super villains and stuff like that. Maybe I'm too used to that. But it just seems to me like he just seemed like pretty common.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There wasn't anything really that set him up, set him out. I mean, you know, he does fine in the role, but I do think the role was a bit underwritten. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he, he's not like a memorable bad guy. Like if you go down the roads and you think great bad guys is superhero ah films, this isn't going to be one of the guys that's going to, I mean, you know, stand out, at you know,
at least not for me. No, I think, I think you're right there. Um, even though the actor does a good, even though the actor does a good job, he relishes what he's doing, which is something I wanted to ask you while I was watching this movie. Wasn't in the comic books dead pool. Wasn't he associated with the weapon X project and that's how he got his, uh,
Yeah, they power um um I'm going from memory here, but I believe it was like some sort of offshoot of the Weapon X project. Like in the comics, his healing factor actually comes from a synthesized version of Wolverine's healing factor. So he's not actually a real mutant in the comics.
Right, that's what I thought. i yeah because i was saying you know I don't know that much about the character, but I would say but i was watching them say, wait, and then they got to the whole sequence where the guy comes and he says the way, well, we've got this process that we can you know cure the cancer and we might be able to even give you superpowers and stuff like that. And I was thinking, I said, wait a minute, wasn't he part of that whole Weapon X package thing, because it was Wolverine, it was Guardian, it was a whole bunch of other the characters. Oh, you know, at one point, every pretty much every X character was connected to the Weapon X project.
so yeah yeah Okay, you got a point there. But yeah but I can see why they changed that for the movie to make it more streamlined. I'm actually a little bit surprised they did change it because this ties in with the other X-Men movies. so i was a little bit of so but i don't know but it I don't know if it was because of the budget or what.
because it seemed like they wanted to have their cake and eat it too with this movie and that they yeah they wanted to be its own thing, but they wanted to which is why I guess Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead is in there too because they wanted some connection to the X universe, but they wanted this movie to be its own thing as well.
Yeah, it's really weird. When you try to think of how this places in the timelines, it's really bizarre because, you know, you've got Colossus here, who's much more like the comics. He speaks with the Russian accent. But then you had Days of Future Past, which came out about a year before a year or two before this, when they still had the American Daniel Cudmore playing Colossus. And then But it's the same, it's the same mansion they use, the same castle they use for the X mansion and the other X-Men movies. The Blackbird design is the same, the costume designs, basically the same sensibilities. And in the second movie, you actually get a cameo from the X-Men apocalypse cast or the X-Men, um, I think it was Dark Phoenix cast at that time. And there's even like in this movie, there's a throwaway line. I'm guessing that,
Ryan Reynolds, he ad libbed it because as I understand, he ad libbed like 75% of his dialogue in this. Like there's a throwaway in line where he's wondering if it's James McAvoy or ah Patrick Stewart. Yeah, I love that line. In no way he'd say so. He says these time lines are so confusing. Right. Yeah, exactly. So I guess, so I'm wondering if also that was a way of him trying to explain away why this colossus is so different from the colossus that we've seen before. Yeah. Because not only is Deadpool aware of the fact that he's a character in a movie, he's aware of the fact that there are different versions. And apparently Beast shits on his lawn all the time. He what? Apparently Beast shits on his lawn all the time. Oh, yeah. Right. Exactly. Yeah. So not only...
Yeah, that's what I'm wondering if that was Reynolds way of trying to explain why this colossus, like you said, is so different from the ones that we've seen before. Because the one we saw didn't speak with a Russian accent. Oh, in fact, Ryan Reynolds' line about how it's almost as if the studio couldn't afford another X-Man, the yeah the chairman of Fox Studios at the time, that was his favorite line in the movie.
Because it was probably true. They probably wouldn't pay. Oh, no, no, no, no. Listen, you get to X-Men and that's it. when I'm not paying for another X-Men. I mean, like I think they wanted Hugh Jackman to have a cameo in it, and but they but the studio wouldn't pay for it. And then all they did was they just use that cut out of Hugh Jackman's face from the magazine cover. Yeah. Yeah. They use that cut out and there's ah there's a brief scene. where a Deadpool is throwing guns in a bag and for some reason he thought well I guess to have you Jackman because it's a copy of people magazine yeah with you Jackman's face on it you know the sexiest man alive and he also pokes fun it I like how he pokes fun it himself to when Alice telling him that looks aren't everything and he's like no looks are everything do you think Ryan Reynolds got where he is on the superior acting ability.
yeah Yeah. Yeah. Okay. See what I mean? It goes back to what I said earlier, Ryan Reynolds, this guy doesn't take him. So, you know, all that seriously, which I appreciate, you know, that he knows how to have a good time.
with himself, which to me is a very appealing, quote which which is why I guess I like him because not to brag too much, but it's a quality I think that I also have. I don't take myself too seriously. You know, I don't, you know, it's life. We're not going to get out of it a alive. Have you ever seen his his Twitter feed? It's hysterical, especially the tweets about his daughter. Really? Oh, it's only funny. Yeah. Look at up. Ryan Reynolds daughter tweets after this. It's so funny.
Oh, OK. OK. I'm not a big Twitter person, but there are some famous people I do follow. And even once in a while, I i get a visit to not feel like one of my tweets one time. Yeah. Yeah. okay Same here. Yeah. He's all over Twitter. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Him and um what's his name? The guy from Star Trek, George Takei. Oh, yeah.
um There's a few other people, like a couple of other writers that I follow. They're like all over Twitter all the time. Twitter is a pretty, you know. I found that you can connect more with famous people on Twitter than you can on Facebook. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, if you're gonna connect with an actress or an actor or a writer. And also sometimes very surprising ways too.
Like I'd be surprised by the kind of tweets that I've got that have been liked by somebody famous. Yeah, me too. I i said, whoa, really? You know, that person like my tweet. i And I have no idea how they found it. Right. yeah You know. a Listen, I'll take it where I can get it.
But yeah, there are, you know, for me, the the superhero origin story part of it was kind of like the weakest part. So the part when he was in the workshop, that was actually kind of like the weakest part of the movie. And when I rewatch it, that's kind of the the time when I'm sort of drifting towards my phone. Okay. I don't know. How did you feel about that? Oh, well, like I said earlier, if it wasn't for the fact that we had this character Deadpool,
with his irreverent humor and his constantly breaking the fourth wall. This would be, a like I said earlier, this would be a conventional superhero movie. You have your origin story. You have him tragically scarred. If you didn't have any humor at all, this would be a pretty grim movie. yeah he you know He gets cancer. you know He has the accident. He gets scarred. He can't go back and see. He goes on this revenge quest.
And then finally he, you know, he's got to defeat the bad guy and he's reunited with his girl. That's all pretty standard stuff. The only thing that actually makes it differently is the character of Deadpool that we're dealing with who, who, who, uh, propels us through this story. Yeah. It's, it's part serious superhero movie and part parody of a serious superhero movie. Well, yeah. And, and while I don't think
Let me see. What's the best way that I could put it? It takes a left turn in as you say, it would be very easy for it to be a straight superhero movie, but it goes in that direction of being a parody of it. And also, while a lot of people questioned the need, they said, well, do we really need an R-rated superhero movie? I said, why not? Why not an R-rated superhero movie? Especially when you have a character like like one of the things that always bothered me about, okay, if you do a Wolverine movie, when they did have a Wolverine movie and it was R-rated, the one he went to, Japan, was R-rated. There were two versions of it. the theat There was a theatrical version and then there was an R-rated, um like, uncut version or something like that. Right. Okay. But see, you have a character like that. It needs to be R-rated because the guy's got frigging claws that come out the back of his hand.
And you can't have him just knocking people out. He's not like Captain America who can just throw the shield and knock it out. Wolverine kills people. There's no way to get around that. So it's going to be a pretty high body count. So yeah, a Wolverine movie needs to be R-rated. Some superhero characters, yeah, I think they need to be R-rated.
simply because of the nature of who they are or what kind of circles they travel into. Like, really, by all rights, Batman, you know, that should be R rated movies, really. If we were dealing with Batman the way he should be dealt with. Yeah, it could be. But also on that same line of thought, I think you should not have a Superman movie that's ah PG-13. That Superman movie should be PG, really.
Oh yeah. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. I mean, so yeah. I mean, there is no reason for already Superman movie. Oh, definitely not. No, you know, cause Superman is not that type of character, but I'm saying there's certain types of character like Deadpool, Deadpool kills people. There's no way to get around that. So yeah, the character deserves a R rated movie. Uh, if you know the Punisher, Punisher should be R rated movie. Yeah.
Because he kills people. I mean, there's no way to get drunk unless you're going to whitewash the character and sanitize them like they did sometimes in his comic book appearances. Because one thing that that always drove me crazy ah about the Punisher that when he was by himself, he was capping people left and right. Yeah. You know, blowing heads off. And then when he things up with Captain America and he's using rubber bullets. Right. And he's ta you're right. And he's going to taser. What?
Really? Seriously? Why would you deball the character like that instead of just he don't deal with superheroes at all because that's not his thing? Well, that's one of the things I really liked when Garth Ennis was allowed to take the character into the the Max line. which was the Marvel's um mature readers line, is they just let him say, okay, you know what? This is an alternate universe. This is a Frank Castle who has been around, so who did serve in Vietnam, so he's in like his 50s or 60s now, and there are no superheroes here. I mean, they did have... Yeah! Bullseye and Kingpin and Nick Fury, but they were very different from their Marvel Universe counterparts.
Yeah, which really is the way to go with the Punisher, because let's face it, if he was in a world with superheroes and stuff like that, he wouldn't last too long because, yeah, you'd have somebody like Iron Man or Captain America, you know, would hunt them down and that would be the end of it, you know, which is why I remember one time there was an Avengers comic. Spider-Man was missing.
and the Avengers was looking for him. And it was somebody, I don't remember who it was, but it was somebody that said, well, why are we looking for Spider-Man? You know, what purpose does he serve? And Iron Man says, well, he serves a very serious purpose because if he wasn't out there keeping down street crime, we'd have to do it. And we couldn't deal with Thanos and the screen and the scroll like we're supposed to be doing.
You know, he said so he has. So the point I'm trying to make is that every superhero has a niche that they fit. And you did pull just out of aggression about that. That's what annoys me about everybody wanting Spider-Man to be an Avenger, because I think Spider-Man works better on the streets as a solo hero. Oh yeah. And I think you lose that everyman aspect of Peter Parker having the struggle with his life and all that when he's got Tony Stark on speed dial.
i Yeah, I never approved the spider-man being in the Avengers. and Oh, yeah he Oh, well, he deserves to be in a bit. It's not the fact that he deserves to be an Avenger Of course he does but this reason why he's your friendly neighborhood spider-man, right? It detracts from the character's purpose to put him in there. It doesn't add anything to him at all. It only detracts Exactly. It's like like him Daredevil Luke Cage, you know Misty Knight these are There is a reason why they're called street level heroes. Right. Because that's what they deal with. They deal with the street. They deal with, you know, street crime and, you know, gangsters and, you know, the kingpin and stuff like that. The Avengers deal with, you know, the cosmic menaces, you know, having the Avengers. Like I remember um when they fight somebody like, I don't know, the taskmaster or the zodiac, you know, that's not who the Avengers should be fighting. Right.
You know, they should be dealing with, yeah, Thanos and, you know, the Kree and the Skrull and all them guys. You know, that's what they deal with. Doctor Doom. I remember when, um, when Brian Bendis first took over the Avengers and they're going around and they're fighting, fighting ninjas and stuff like that. And I'm like, well, yeah. I mean, if you want to write a Marvel Knights book, just write a Marvel Knights book.
It's, uh, Yeah, but going back to Deadpool, like I said, he fits a niche, a niche. Is that the proper pronunciation? I think it's niche. He's got a place. He's got a place that he fulfills. And I respect that. And I believe that, yeah, the R rated realm is the perfect room for a character like this. Now, of course, as you have said, and I know there are PG-13 versions of the character.
but Well, yeah, in the comics, I mean, during Joe Kelly's run, it was all still, you know, comics code approved stuff. So and it would still managed to be pretty funny, but it is nice to be able to see him be able to cut loose like this. Yeah. I mean, you know what?
Even though, like I said, it's not my brand of humor, watching it today, I have to say that I watch it. And and again, i go back I always say that I do enjoy revisiting a movie after some time has passed, because then I can look at it a little bit more objectively. And especially when we're doing something like this,
I'm watching this totally objectively. I'm taking my feelings out of the equation about how I feel about the character. I'm looking at the movie, like today I'm looking at as said on the basis of story, character, and entertainment value. is this worth the time Is this a good movie? And I would have to say yes. Yeah, it's a good movie. Is it a great movie? No, it's not a great movie, but is not a worthless movie and is one that I say is worth your time. If you don't know Deadpool, if you don't know anything anything about Deadpool, I think you'll still have a good time with this movie. Just take it just as a comedy action movie, as a guy that's in a costume. Deadpool's not a really famous character to begin with. i mean so when they but the The marketing behind this movie was absolutely genius.
Right. Which was? Oh, they did so many different things. I remember when they were at one time they were billing it as a because it came out in on Valentine's Day. So they did. They released ads that depicted it almost like a romantic comedy. Which is another reason why I think probably why this movie was so successful and that other people would look at it and, you know, OK, you have people who don't know anything about superheroes, right? Mm hmm.
who wouldn't go normally to see a superhero movie, but they look at this character and and it's not Batman, it's not Superman. So he doesn't have all that baggage behind him and everything like that. All people know that it's a Ryan Reynolds movie where he's playing a superhero. And they probably say, well, you know what? I'll go see it because I kind of, but okay, how can I put that? I kind of get the feeling that some people are intimidated by all the backstory of other superheroes. And that's why they don't bother with it. Yeah, I could see that. You know, they feel like they have to know, so like, okay, anytime me and my wife go see any superhero movie, she insists I give her a tutorial as to who to carry. No, because she said she feels stupid sitting there. She doesn't know who this is or who this is, who that is, who, you know,
So I have to give her a tutorial. And I wonder if a lot of people, that's why they don't like superhero movies, is that they yeah what i feel that they have. One of my best friends, every time she goes to see a superhero movie, like as soon as she gets home, she messages me on Facebook. She's like, okay, I've got a lot of questions. And then she just types out like this long list of questions. Yeah.
Yeah, well, that's Patricia. Anytime we go see, ah every time we go, any superhero movie we go see, she sits me down and she says, okay, who is this? What do I need to know? And I'll sit there and I'll tell her, okay, well, this is Aquaman. He lives at the bottom of the sea. He can talk to fish and blah, blah, blah, blah. And she says, okay, now we can go see it. And she said, yeah, because she said she hates sitting there and she doesn't know who these people are.
and So, but with Deadpool, you don't have that problem because, you know, he's not a wildly popular character to the hoi polloi. You know, like you and me know who he is from the comic. If you read comic books at all, you have some knowledge of the character. Right.
But if you're just you know like a regular person, all you know is that this is Ryan Reynolds in this action comedy where he's playing some kind of superhero. But since it's not you know Wonder Woman or Batman or Superman or Captain America and you got to know 50 years worth of Marvel Comics to go see it.
You feel more comfortable seeing this character. Maybe that was part of the popularity. I don't know. i think so I'm just speculating here. I also really got handed to Ryan Reynolds for committing so much to this because you don't see his face, like his real face throughout like 95% of the movie.

Superhero Masks & Acting

Like he's either wearing a mask or he's in the, or he's in the burn makeup, but you only see him as Ryan Reynolds for like, you know, a total of maybe 10 minutes or so. Yeah. That's like 10 minutes at the beginning of the movie when he has the thing with the pizza guy.
Yeah. And then he goes to the bar and he's talking to his friend. right Yeah. So it's like only 10. Yeah. I mean, you know, yeah. And, uh, and you know, he had to fight the studio on that because the studio probably wanted to be able to build this as, you know, showing as much Ryan Reynolds face as possible. Well, again, I think that's why they did not make the burn makeup as horrific as I feel that it should have been.
You know, because like I said, he's still recognizably Ryan Reynolds. even the Like I said, he he just looks like Ryan Reynolds with really bad skin. and You know, he doesn't look like, you know, to me, he should be all horribly mangled up and scarred. His face should look like a pizza, and you know. But he doesn't. Like I said, he looks... um Nobody kind of reminds me of ah when Josh Brolin played Jonah Hex. Right.
And all he had was just that little piece of skin that was, you know. Right, right, yeah. And really, that's all. Yeah, that's all. Whereas, I mean, you know, the comic book, Jonah Hex, half his face looks like a mess.
because he was burned with a tomahawk. You know, or the Indians took a tomahawk and they stuck it in the fire until it was red hot and then they burned his face. So, you know, he was horribly scarred. But in the movie, John Chebrona just had that one little piece of skin, and you know, hanging over his mouth. And I said, well, well, it wasn't a Jonah Hex movie e anyway, you know, but that's all. We'll get into that when we get to Jonah Hex somewhere down the road.
But he and what I like what they did is because one of the arguments that they have for and you see a lot of superhero movies like Every spider-man movie his mask comes off halfway into the fight every Captain America movie his mask is off for most of the time and But this one, they they committed to keeping them in the mask as much as possible. And they got around the problem of an expressionless mask by making it part CGI. So his eyes, even though they're they're just blank white, are very expressive because of that. What was that one Spider-Man movie? Oh my God, that was so ridiculous. The audience was cracking up. Because what was that one
I believe it was Spider-Man 3. He was in the middle of a fight, and every two minutes, he would take off his mask, talk, and then put it back on, fight some more, stop, take off his mask, put it back on. Oh, I think you're talking about, um yeah, I think it was Spider-Man 3, and that was Venom. Oh, and it got to be ridiculous after a while. Yeah, because he had the Venom mask on, and then it kept opening up to show Topher Grace's face with the teeth.
And like every time he spoke and he only, he only had the venom, the symbiote over his face was only there for like, you know, 5% of the fight. Oh, it was, it got to be ridiculous after a while. But yeah, like you said, Ryan Reynolds, uh, to me, he's right up there with, um, the guy you go weaving. Yeah. And before vendetta, when he went through the whole movie, you never saw his face. Right.
Now that was an actor that committed to the part ah when Carl Urban, when he did ah his Judge Dredd, he kept the helmet off the whole movie. Right, compared to Stallone, and who kept taking the damn thing off. Right, but but however, to give Stallone his due, I have heard that he didn't want to keep it on for the whole movie, but Studio wouldn't hear of it because Studio said, shit, not for the money that we're paying you. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. You know, well, that was one of the things they were trying to figure out about how are they going to do Iron Man because, you know, he's in the armor. And then John Favreau said, I've got it. We're just going to show close ups of his face inside the armor. Yeah. OK.
Okay, which works? Because they had all the graph here. Because we we got all the little graphics and everything like that. So we can see how Iron Man is working the suit from the inside. And when he's looking at it, he's got all, you know, he has the heads up of thing that he's looking at all these different, you know, kind of displays and stuff like that. So it enhances, you know, the character. Yeah, but yeah, I mean, I give again, I got to give respect to Ryan Reynolds. Because like you said, he goes through most of the movie,
wearing either the mask or he has on that, you know, burn, you know, kind of makeup. And we only see his, we, we only see his real face as he really is in the beginning of the movie, which, yeah, which couldn't be easy because, you know, you have the studio saying, well, we'll pay you off a lot of money for your face. You know, we want to see your face at some time in the movie, but He stuck to his guns and God bless him, you know, that's all I got to say I I only hope Because I know that you're a fan of the character and a lot of people is a fan of the character I don't know how this is gonna work out with ah Him moving over to Disney and stuff like that because they're not too big on the R rated movies.

Deadpool in the MCU

Oh, no they no They're gonna do it. They're gonna because like everyone says that about Disney, but it's kind of a misunderstanding because the Disney logo is Is more what disney's concerned about like they're not going to really yeah, but none of their marvel stuff has the disney logo on it Like if you yeah, it's just marvel studio It's just marvel studios and you know, I mean they they owned mirror max back when mirror max was making pulp fiction in the crow So there and they also yeah
They're also involved in product, like because they own Marvel television when Marvel TV was doing the the Netflix stuff with Daredevil and Luke Cage. so So they can do R-rated stuff, no problem. They can do R-rated Marvel stuff, no problem. And they've they've said that they're going to keep Deadpool rated R. Now, it's the when he appears in other movies, that's when he would be have toned down to PG-13.
Because, ah and also a lot of people either don't know or have forgotten. Disney created Touchstone back in the 80s. That was strictly for adult, you know, things. So that was like, you know, their imprint, you know, for, and they released a lot of R-rated stuff under, I mean, no the Touchstone yeah also. Yeah. So yeah, I don't think that we'll have any problems with that. And I think,
Everyone's been trying to think of like convoluted ways to explain how he's in the MCU now, but you know what? It's very simple. You just have him be the only one who knows that he was in these this other universe before. Oh, absolutely, yeah. I mean, Deadpool is the perfect character to just easily move into the MCU without any recasting or any reworking or anything like that.
Absolutely not. And you and like you said, you have them freely make reference to the fact that, yeah, you know, well, I was over here. Now I'm over here. You know, but he I got a whole new bunch of X-Men now to deal with. Yeah. Yeah. As if it wasn't confusing enough before. you know Yeah. And that's all you really no problem. Yeah. It'll be easy. It'll be easy enough for Deadpool. I mean, people love to overthink these things.
Oh, absolutely. yeah You know what? yeah stuffy This stuff isn't that hard, folks. It really isn't. And i you know what I point to the example of they rebooted James Bond and they kept Judi Dench. Nobody cared. Nobody was wondering if there was some sort of like ultimate reality or anything where Judi Dench crossed over. No, nobody cared at all.
Nobody did it at all. And you know, every once in a while you have people, ah um they want to start up that whole thing about, well, James Bond, you know, ah that's a code name. Oh, that is like the dumbest fan theory in the history of dumb fan theories.
but I'm glad you agree with me on that, because I say the same thing all the time. That is a stupid idea, but yeah. The only people who believe that theory are the people who clearly haven't watched the Bond movies, because if that's the case, then every single Bond would have to have had his wife killed by Blofeld, because they reference it all the time, and each one. And every one. That's part of the whole mythos of James Bond, that you know his wife is killed and stuff like that.
and Um, who was it? that i' say Okay. One of the things that I loved about, uh, the last Mad Max movie. Right. Okay. Tom Hardy is playing the character now, right? Yeah. Okay. But the writer director, George Miller, never bothers to explain why Mad Max was Mel Gibson and now he's Tom Hardy. No, as the same thing. That's what all movies used to do. I mean, when you had um when Val Kilmer took over for Michael Keaton, they reference Batman Returns and Batman Forever when, you know, um Nicole Kidman asks if she needs skin tight vinyl and a whip. And then Batman just remarks, you know, I haven't had that much luck with women.
But that's right. But nobody says, you know, oh, how come he looks younger or anything like that? they It's he's Batman now. That's just the way it is. Or when they brought in um Don Cheadle to replace Terence Howard in Iron Man. Right. He appears in Iron Man, too. He's like, look, I'm here. i'm This is I'm here. Let's let's just ski get it over with and move on. Right. Exactly. It was something that I don't know when that thing started now that Okay, well, we have to explain why it's a different actor that's playing the role now. No, we've had something like 24 different Tarzan's, and never once did they stop to explain why, you know, okay, well, he's not Johnny Weissmuller anymore, but now he's Elmo Lincoln, or he's Mike Henry, or he's who it's, you know, or whoever. You know, that wasn't something that we did. We just put another actor in the role. That's why we've had a dozen different Sherlock Holmes. We just get another guy to play the role. That's all. It's the same character.
Yeah, it's not that hard. i yeah But as you so accurately pointed out, people love to overthink this. And also my but my particular bugaboo is that I feel that people just take their entertainment too fucking seriously these days. I'm sorry. They do. You know, it's entertainment. it's not You're not supposed to burn up your brain cells.
Coming up with these convoluted explanations for why this is that, you know, you're supposed to just enjoy it. Yeah. I don't know. It's just me. Maybe I'm getting old and cranky. Now, this is I kind of like how in, um you know, we're going to be talking about this next month when crisis finishes, says but they were they have um Brandon Routh playing two different characters and they're just like, wow, he looks a lot like Ray Palmer.
yeah And that's this is. But I do remember way back when, when they had the first team up and Supergirl first runs into Ray Parma and she says to him, boy, you look a lot like my cousin. Boy, it was the other way around. he says He says, he's talking about Carol with the other legend. He's like, you know, she reminds me a lot of my cousin. And also, oh, okay. And also in that in that um in that crossover as well.
She's kidnapped, right? She's being held prisoner by the the dark green arrow. And you know she says to him, you know my cousin will come rescue me. And the the guy who comes save her is Ray Palmer. Yeah. And I mean, yeah, all they do is just say, wow, Superman looks a lot like Ray. And I mean, no that's it. Nobody, there's no convoluted explanation, and anything like that. It's just, OK, we mentioned it. Let's go in with the story. Right, right.
um yeah And Deadpool, it'll be the easiest thing to swap him in. he He'll be the one to make him references. And just like you said before, when he made reference about the studio, nobody else knows what he's talking about. And they think he's just insane. Right, exactly. Yeah, they just say, you well, listen, that's just Deadpool. He just said shit like that. Don't pay any don't pay him any attention. yeah but yeah And I love the post-credits scene in this movie when they reference Ferris Bueller's day off. And he comes out in the exact same get-up as Ferris Bueller in that post-credits scene, except with the Deadpool mask on. And he actually comes out and he's sick. And he tells you, oh, by the way, yeah, there's going to be a Deadpool 2, and we're going to have cable in it. And I love how he says, all we need is a big guy with a flat top. So he runs down the list of names, and one of them is Keira Knightley.
is Keira Knightley. She's got range. after After this movie came out, there was there was a bunch of fan art of Keira Knightley's cable. Really? Yeah. Go look at your nightly table. You'll find it's hilarious. I got to look at that. I got to look that up because I because. OK, that that I have to admit, that made me laugh when he said here and she's got range. Don't worry about it. She's got range. Oh, and he also says that, you know, Samuel Jackson, a saucy leather number. We don't have the budget for that. Yeah, we don't have the budget for that.

The Simpsons on Disney Plus

Also, I'm sorry. Go ahead. No, I was about to say consider, you know, Fox.
Fox also must have a pretty good sense of humor considering the number of digs that Ryan Reynolds gets in about. I mean, no, the budget, you know, cause the Simpsons has been doing that for years. Like they, they constantly poke fun at Fox. I was re uh, cause now it's on Disney plus yeah and I was rewatching the episode when the Simpsons go to Japan and it opens with Homer, um, doing online investing. And he says, I invested in something called news Corp and Lisa goes, dad, that's Fox. And he goes, undo, undo, undo.
a Oh, yeah, they've been doing that for years. The Simpsons has been doing that practically ever since they started. They've been making fun of Fox. They've been getting away with that for years, which reminds me, I have to start. I have to start my own personal Simpsons marathon because now I've got Disney Plus and they've got all 30 seasons of The Simpsons. But you know what I found out from ah Tobias Christopher, one of the one of the the guys in our um Facebook group, is if you look at it through the search function, they have it they have it divided into collections too. Not only seasons, but like themed collections of episodes.
That's one thing I meant to ask you, because I read that, and you were saying that they don't have a random function. You want to be able just to watch random episodes? Yeah, I think that'd be cool. Because, you know, Simpsons isn't one of those things that you have to watch in order, right? All the episodes are pretty much self-contained. So it would be kind of cool to just be able to, like, randomly watch, you know, play random Simpsons episodes. Oh, and just be surprised by whatever comes up. Right, right. Oh, I got to. Uh-huh.
Yeah, because and also you're actually right, which is why I think that's one reason because I remember You remember Lord? Well, do you remember law and order? It's not like, you know, a kid okay law and order the creator of law and order dick wolf because Law and order just deals with the cases It doesn't deal with the home life of the characters or the romantic life anything like that It just deals with them on the job Dick will said he did that on purpose so that you would be able to just watch the show and didn't matter what order you watched it in. Right. Because since it just deals with just the case, there's no like backstory for you to follow. There's no seasonal arc.
You can just watch Law and Order, which is why I guess they have, you know, marathons of Law and Order that go on for three or four days. Because, yeah, because you can watch them in any order. And The Simpsons, yeah, I think that's another reason why it's written on that law. Because, as you said, each episode is pretty much self-contained. You know, you can just watch any order. You can watch any episode in any order. It don't matter. Right. And they've they've referenced that.
several times too, where I remember there was one episode where a judge decreed that all the events of this episode nobody will ever speak of again.
Which one was that? It was the one where um it was revealed that Principal Skinner wasn't really Seymour Skinner. He had just taken the guy's identity. And then it ended with the judge saying you are now legally Seymour Skinner and no one will ever mention these events again.
Yeah, that's the episode everybody hates. The only way, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because nobody, because, okay, if I remember the events of that episode, correct? The original Seymour Skinner died in Vietnam or something like that, and this guy took his identity. Yeah, something like that.
Yeah, something like that. yeah nobody like Yeah, nobody liked that idea. Okay. Nobody liked that, which is why they said we'll never talk of this again, you know? Because even the creators of The Simpsons, when they they said that in retrospect, they said that episode, they said that notion was a bad idea. I like that bit at the end though, where they just said, you know, no one's ever gonna mention this stuff again.
Yeah. Yeah. But that um yeah. But ah ever since I got Disney Plus, I said, OK, I'm going to sit down and I'm going to have a census marathon. I'm just going to pig out on the census. Yeah. and lot of I'm get around. of there So.
A lot of those episodes I haven't seen like in years, especially like, I mean, you know, from the early years, I haven't seen a lot of those episodes. yet The only one that they don't have, though, I heard that ah they don't have the Michael Jackson episode. Oh, really? but they could Yeah, that's what I heard. I heard that they don't have that. Oh, OK. Well, you know, the whole right. Right. Recent thing, you know, with the leaving Neverland.
and the renewed you know charges of him being a pedophile and stuff like that, yeah, Disney removed that episode. Which is a shame because you know it's Michael Jackson. but There's also something else that was edited out, and people thought it was Disney that had edited it, but it was actually um it was actually done before Disney got the rights. I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was something that someone was talking about on Facebook.
Well, yeah, okay, that's interesting. Yeah, I just looked it up and it looks like you're right, that one's not on there. Yeah, no, yeah, I know, because that was a big deal. I heard about it and people were, you know, complaining, because of course, you know, the first thing that people started screaming about, oh, censorship, censorship, censorship. Well, listen, it's not censorship. They bought the rights of the Simpsons so they could do whatever they want. but They don't even have to show it if they don't want to. They bought the rights to it. I'm actually kind of surprised they put all the simpson stuff on disney plus like right away i would have thought you might have like alternated out or something like that so but but yeah they just threw them all up there yeah they threw all 30 i said what cuz i'm like you i figured like you know they put a couple up there
And then like, I mean, know they swap them out. Right. but they like rad do With the exception of like on um on Hulu, like Fox would only put like the current season or something on Hulu, but everything else, you can only buy it. They didn't have it streaming anywhere. Right. But listen.
It served this purpose because it got me to buy. I mean, between that and the Mandalorian, you know, I said, OK, I'm down. Here's my money. Yeah. As soon as my to take as soon as my proxy service sent me an email saying that we now support Disney Plus, I went right over to the website and signed up right away. Yeah. Yeah. I signed up like what two or three months before the thing launched.
I went and I said, yeah, I'm signing it up. So I watched all the Mandalorian and I also watched rewatched um Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes, which is one of the best Marvel animated shows ever made. And actually, I'm looking forward, because one thing I've never seen, which everybody always talks about, is the X-Men animated series. Oh, OK. Yeah, that's a good one. I've never watched it, but they've got to watch it. I watched the Silver Surfer.
The other other day, the animated silver surfer from like the late 90s, it was like 1996, 1997. Right. And I watched it. I haven't seen it, you know, since then. I had forgotten how weird the artwork looks. But it was like ah but it was like an early mix of computer generated animation and traditional hand painting. Right. And very heavily Kirby influenced, if I remember. Yeah, very. hurt Yeah. Yeah. but But I had forgotten how, you know,
And it's very entertaining, you know, I've forgotten how entertaining it was. I said, Oh, wow. So they got silver surfer. So I haven't seen this. And yeah, I remember when that was announced and at first I was kind of confused. I'm like, why are they doing silver surfer, especially if they can't do anything with the Fantastic Four or any of that stuff. And then and I started watching it week after week and I'm like,
You know, and it was, it was oddly compelling. Like it was pretty good. I didn't understand why I, but I'd never been a surface fan. So I was, but that was basically like my first real exposure to the character. But I was wondering because I said, well, you know, the surfer.
He's not a fighter. He's a pacifist. yeah He's the type of guy that you have to like really get him pissed off before he wants to fight you. I was wondering how they were going to do. And I was surprised that how they have a lot of episodes where it's just the surf of flying through space doing his little squeeze. Yeah. Yeah. You know, they do a lot of that, which which kind of surprised me. And um which is probably why it only lasted one season. Yeah, probably why. And I and um We had discussed this on Facebook because I'd always wondered why when the Silver Surfer stopped being the herald of Galactus, Galactus just didn't, just simply didn't take his power cosmic back. Right. And say, well, you know, but in the animated cartoon, they actually do explain it. That Galactus says, well, I'm going to let you keep the power because you were hated and feared throughout the universe.
as being my hero now if i take the power back you can just go on live your life as a normal person and be happy easy i want you to be happy right you stay being the silver surfer you keep on being hated and feared and i said oh okay i said now that makes sense exactly yeah i always just assumed it was something that he could give but he couldn't take back but that explanation works much better i think Right. Yeah. Because, uh, one of my friends had said to me, well, if he takes the power cause way back, that'll kill him. I said, yeah, but he's galactic. He's, he's murdered billions of people. Why would he care about killing one more? Right? Yeah. That doesn't that doesn't make sense. You know,
But this explanation, which, like I said, and for you people out there listening to this, if you've got Disney Plus, I highly recommend the Silver Surfer animated series because it's surprisingly literate. And it's and it's very true to the spirit of the Silver Surfer as a character, you know. Yeah, I'm going to go back and rewatch that because when did that come out anyway?
It was like 90. It was in the late 90s. It was like 90. I want to say 97, 98. Someone like that. But it's got Thanos has got Adam Warlock. Yeah, 1998. Oh, yeah. So that was that was my first year in high school. So yeah, I should give that another look now. See how it's got Drax. Destroyers got Thanos has got mint. It's got Galak. This is the Ray Miller was on it, too. Who? Beta Ray Bill.
Yeah. Beta Ray Bill. Yeah. Yeah. It only lasted one season, but, but, uh, yeah, folks, listen, it comes to my recommendation and my recommendation means anything in you at all. Then by all means, check out the silver surf one. something else You should check out if I'm not sure if it's on there or not, but there was, um,
there was another wo there There have been a few different X-Men animated

Marvel's Cinematic Journey

series. So there was the one in the early 90s that is the the most fondly remembered one. there was i think that's the point I think that's the one that I want to watch. That's what everybody is always talking about. Yeah, there was ah that was a good one. There was X-Men Evolution, which was OK. And that was like reimagining them as teenagers type of thing. um But then there was another one they came out with a few years ago called Wolverine and the X-Men. And that was amazing. That was really good. Oh, OK.
And they had actual comic book writers writing that series, like ah Craig Kyle and Chris Yost, who have done a bunch of the Marvel comics. They um they wrote, um I think, Thor Ragnarok or Thor the Dark World, or one of the Thor movies they wrote. And um they wrote, they were the showrunners on Wolverine and the X-Men. And it was only one season, but it was amazing.
OK, because I did notice that Disney Plus, they have all three of those that you just mentioned. The X-Men X-Men Evolution and Wolverine and the X-Men. And if anybody who works for Disney Plus is listening to this, you owe us money. Yes, please. And comatology as well, for that matter. Oh, yeah, yeah. We ought to hit them guys up. Listen, you know, we're saying a lot of business your way. Exactly.
All right, so do you have any um last thoughts about Deadpool? Okay. As before, and let me reiterate that I appreciate you recommending this movie because I was able to watch it again. And like I said, watch it with a fresh set of eyes.
and a renewed consciousness. And I was able to find levels in this movie that I did not appreciate before. Do I still, now by by no means does this make me a Deadpool fan. right you know but how But however, this isn't this is a very well-made movie. Wonderful cast.
and it's worth your time. it is if you have I'm sure that most of the people listening to this, you know they've seen Deadpool, but but on the off chance that you haven't seen it, yeah, it's worth your time. It's an entertaining movie. you know If you were looking for something on a Friday, Saturday night, absolutely nothing wrong with this. I recommend this highly.
Yeah, I agree. I mean, like even if you're not a Deadpool fan, this the movie in general is just extremely watchable. ah yeah there There are those movies that they're not they're not amazing, but they're they're they're just you can put them out in the background while you're doing something else and it's fine. like that um I think this movie could be that way for even if for people who aren't really Deadpool fans. Just like another movie that I think is very much just a ah really watchable movie is The Incredible Hulk.
Yeah, it's just a movie that you can just put on in the background while you're doing something else. This is the one with the Edward Norton. We're not talking about the Ang Lee one. No, no, no, no. The Ed Norman one. Dead Nord. Oh, yeah. Yeah. As a matter of fact, no. So this would be a good double feature. Deadpool and the Incredible Hulk. Yeah, it would be. Yeah.
It would. It would be a good good double feature. Okay, ah so we're at the end of the year now. um Any any ah things you want to mention about 2019 and superhero movies and media?
Oh, OK. In 2019, we saw the culmination of our entire decade of Marvel superhero movies, a feat that is totally unprecedented in motion picture history, as far as I know. And.
All I can say is that I am glad I live long enough to see this era of superhero movies because I don't care what people say. I'm not interested in what they say. All I know is that these are the movies. Avengers Endgame was the movie I've been wanting to see ever since I was 12 years old and I got to see. A lot of people can't say that.
I got to say, matter of fact, I've got to see all the super. I got to see Black Panther, a movie that you and I, you know how long I've been saying that they'll never make a Black Panther movie. And they made a Black Panther movie. And it was like. You owe everybody in the universe 10 bucks for all the times you've bettered that they will never make a Black Panther movie. I bet everybody. I owe a lot of money to people. They put it that way. I owe a lot of money. Because I bet everybody 10 bucks that I got to see a Thor movie.
I got to see three Thor movies. I got to see a three Avengers movies. I mean, yeah, four Avengers movies. Four. Yeah. I mean, it. When I said so Avengers Endgame, it was like, forget about it, just like blew me away. So I don't know what's going to come in the future. But I do know what we've had. And that and that alone is amazing. The feat that they pulled off that I Okay, if you had told me at the start of the decade that we would see all the superhero movies that we have seen, I'm not just talking about the Marvel ones. I'm talking about DC too, because DC, yeah, they've had a couple of clunkers, but hey, let's face it, even their clunkers, at least to me, wasn't that bad. I like i like Suicide Squad. I love Wonder Woman. um I like Justice League.
i did it Is it a seriously flawed movie? Well, yes it is. But hey, where else can you see Superman, Batman, and Aquaman, and Wonder Woman in the Flash all together on screen? In live action. i mean Yeah, in live action. It's just been an amazing ride as far as ah superhero movies go. And seeing the evolution of superhero movies from when I was a kid back in the 70s and growing up and watching them on animation and the Batman TV series and the Wonder Woman TV series. You know, I've seen an evolution, man. I have. I've seen evolution. And I guess that's why I feel the way I do and I'm not jaded because I know how it started. I was, you know, I saw it back then. Right. You know, I saw the original Flash TV series, so I know how far we've come
from that day until the days that we have now. I've seen how far we've come, and I appreciate how far we've come, and I'm just sitting back, and I'm loving it, and I'm sorry now. You got people out there that wanna descend. Like you said, they wanna pull apart these movies like it's a chicken wing, and they wanna disparage them, and they wanna beat on them, and you know what? You go right ahead. If you wanna be miserable, you go right ahead to be miserable, because I don't understand people that claim the love the art form and the genre so much, but it seems like every superhero movie that comes out, they can't wait to pounce on it and rip it to shreds. If that's what gives you joy, I honestly feel sorry for you. I do. If that's what gives you joy, ripping apart the creative work of so many people and these characters that have lasted so long through so many mediums and have given so much joy to people, but you can't find any joy in it,
You need help. A lot of stuff I agree with you in there. i mean the it's It's weird when my I think about it because I've been in Japan for about a decade now. so back I came here right after the first Iron Man movie came out. That's when I first came here. And just watching all this happen, it's it's been unreal seeing this all happen.
you know just imagine all the changes in my life that kinda went along with this journey of the superhero movies added it's weird but i can now mark a lot of these key moments in my adult life by the superhero movies by these mcu films.
And I'm sure, yeah, I'm sure there's a lot of people that can, I mean, you know, they'll point it and they will remember yes certain points in their life to say, okay, yeah. Cause I know that was the year that Iron Man came out of it. That was the authority. Yeah. well i remember One of the, one of the last movies I watched with my dad before, about a year before he died was guardian to the galaxy volume two. We went to see that in the theater and that adds very like kind of poignant because that is such a movie about fathers and sons. So that father's and sons. Yeah. So that was, um, that was a really big thing for me, having to be able to see that movie with him in the theater. Yeah. Cause I remember when I,
went to see guardians of the galaxy body. It's funny that you mentioned that when I went, when I saw that movie, I was in South Carolina because my father was in the hospital. He was dying. And, uh, I went with my sister and my nephew and you know, we were going back and forth to the hospital to see him and, you know, just to kind of like lighten our mood and,
You know, get our minds off of stuff. We went to the movies and that's what we saw. Guardians of the Galaxy volume. And like you said, it affected me too, because that was the theme of it. Fathers and sons. And yeah, I remember that I was deeply moved by that movie. You know, only i mean because of what I was going through. Same here. Same here. Yeah. And um Yeah, and just and all building up to endgame. I mean, you know, you could, you could see like, uh, you could tell my, if you ask my girlfriend, she'll tell you like in the moments leading up when the portals were all opening up and the moments leading up to it. Like I was sitting there in the theater whispering, say it, say it, say it, say it, say it. And then he says Avengers assemble and I just freaked out.
Oh, man, please. I mean, we've been waiting for that. Yes. And finally, yes, I was. I said, Come on, man. Now, if you're ever going to stay a cap, you got to say it now. And, yep, they just assemble. Yes. and Because we got it in that moment. I i forgive Whedon for cutting out at the end of Age of Ultron before he said it. Hmm. Because getting in that moment was perfect. And when he said that,
I mean, the theater went berserk. Yeah. It went absolutely berserk because we've been waiting for this for so long. And that was, and like you said, yeah, I forgive him for cutting it in that earlier moment. Because see, if there was a moment for him to say it, that was it. Yeah.
And I do remember it's so weird to see how it's happened because you know I grew up with comics in the 90s when the X-Men were the biggest thing around and nobody cared about the Avengers. And now to see like this complete reversal where everybody cares about the Avengers is incredible. Especially when I remember back when I was in high school, college, me and ah me and a buddy who were both big comic book fans. We talked about,
You know, comic book movies because this was when X-Men was coming out, Spider-Man. And we were saying like, oh, they'd never be able to make an Avengers movie because the rights are owned by all these different studios. It's impossible to ever do it. Yeah. And then look at what we've gotten. Like it's been the Avengers has been like the pinnacle of superhero cinema now because of that.
And also, what the MCU was able to do, it was able to do something that comics has never been able to do. It gave us a satisfying conclusion to the story of a lot of these characters. yeah like it ah like It gave us a satisfying conclusion for Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor. Now, Thor, I highly suspect that we're gonna see him in the next Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Well, he's got his own movie coming out. They've already announced a fourth Thor movie.
Oh, okay, well, cool, listen. Listen, and what I love Thor. They keep making Thor movies as long as him was worth, as long as he wanna keep making them fun. Well, yeah, because he was he was kind of, he was getting kind of down on the role because he felt like it wasn't, um he wasn't it he was he felt like it was becoming kind of stale. And when he talked to Kevin Feige about it, Feige's like, okay, well, let's change it up. And then they did Thor Ragnarok. And now he's like, you know what? I'll keep playing the character this way for as long as I can.
Yeah, because even as much of a Thor fan as I am, I love the way that they the character has transformed more than any other MCU character. Because the Thor that we got by Thor Ragnarok was not the Thor we started out with. No, not at all. I mean, this is a character that has been totally taken apart and put back together.
And he's a completely different character now, you know, yeah which to me is fast. And you could take him in any kind of direction that you want now, because he no longer has any ties to anything that he once was. There's no more Asgard. You know, he doesn't have the hammer anymore, does he? He doesn't have the hammer anymore, right? But does he still have? it got No, Cap took it back at the end of Endgame. Yeah, Cap took it back. That's right. Yeah, Cap took it back. I mean, so, ah but if we never saw Thor again,
he His story has a satisfying conclusion. right Captain America's story had a satisfying conclusion. Tony Stark's story had a satisfying conclusion. you know And also, it's not like these characters can't ever come back. right you know Even Iron Man, I mean, you can do a flashback movie. Well, even he's he's already gonna have, um they've got some deleted footage from Civil War that they're gonna use in Black Widow next year, which is gonna have ah Tony Stark in it.
ah See and also you could also do a thing where because in the comics, you know, Tony Stark has died like a dozen times ah The most recent time he died he was brought back as a artificial intelligence so you can you could easily do something like that Yeah, I mean, but if we never see these characters again, it's okay with me, right? because we seen this story. We've seen them up against, you know, overwhelming odds and they defeated it. We've got, man, we got the Winter Soldier, which, which as far as I'm concerned, they ended it then. I didn't need to see no more Captain America movies after the Winter Soldier. That's how good that was. Yeah. And we're getting more because we're getting Falcon and Winter Soldier next year. we Yeah, we're getting there on Disney. Well, like I said, a lot of these characters, I, I suspect a lot of these characters that we've seen in the movies, they're just going to shift them over to Disney Plus and shift them over to their own TV series. Yeah. It's going to be really interesting to see how things move going forward. and then i'm also It's also kind of because we have no roadmap anymore, really. Before we had a roadmap, we know all roads led to Thanos. Now, it's just completely wide open territory. Yeah. Yeah.

Watchmen TV Series & Future

So it's going to be really interesting to see where we go from here. Go ahead. No, well, oh, well, I don't know. They could go, because now that we've introduced Captain Marvel, we could go into the Kree, the Kree Skrull War. That's what I'm thinking, too. That's I think that that would be my pick. I'd say go for Kree Skrull War next. Build up to that. You know, we'll see if they do. Or Galactus. Galactus. Now they got the FF rights. Yeah. Or do Galactus. Yeah.
So yeah, it'll be interesting to see where things go from here, especially when they decide to bring in the Fantastic Four and the X-Men.
One other thing I want to mention about this past year is, you know, not only did we get the movie we never thought we were going to get with Avengers Endgame, but we also got the TV show we never thought we were going to get with, which proved that it is possible to do a ah sequel to Watchmen and have it be satisfying on every level. Oh my God, Watchmen. Watchmen was like,
When people ask me, what is my favorite TV show of this year? And I did a list of my ah favorite 10 TV shows. And The Mandalorian and The Watchmen was on it. If you catch me on one day, I may say The Mandalorian. If you catch me on another day, I may say Watchmen. But yeah, Watchmen was so good on so many levels.
I don't want to, OK.
They have, okay, they don't have a second season. As far as I know, they have not announced that there's gonna be a second season. I don't wanna see a second season, I don't. If they do do another Watchman story, it should be a brand new story about some other characters in that universe. You know what, I would be interested, and now that Ozymandias is going to jail, Night Owl is also in jail and we haven't seen him yet. Right. So I would be interesting in seeing the two of them in jail together.
In fact, that's cross it owner you can cross it over with another HBO series and have um have put them in Oz. Yeah, yeah I don't want to see what happened to Night Owl because, yeah, like you the only hint that we got from Night Owl was the owl that Lori had. You know, she had an owl as a pet. Right. And we know from the and the PDP files that he's in prison. Yeah, he is in prison.
So it would be, matter of fact, they could even do that. They could do the trial of Ozymandias. Yeah. In fact, they said um someone posted this on Twitter and I thought it was a perfect casting choice. But Bruce Boxleitner from ah Tron as um old Dan Dryberg. I can see that. I can easily see that. That would be perfect. I mean, i' looking at a looking at pictures of him from Tron Legacy, he looks pretty much like what you'd expect old Dan Dryberg to look like.
especially when you go back to the comic book and if you look in the comic book, he has his hair parted in the middle, just like Bruce Boxlight wears all the time. right That's how he wears his hair parted in the middle, yeah.
yeah that being yeah if they i mean you know You know what? Go back and do some other stories. like Honestly, at this point, I would trust Dan and Lindelof to just adapt the original graphic novel.
Well, that's what you said when we recorded our last episode. You said you'd like to see him go back and just do the original one. Yeah. Or some other story set between the two. Like, I think if anyone can do it, I think Lindelof has proven that he can. Yeah. Yeah. i But you know what? I'm always a person that I say, you know what? I'd rather see him go out on top than come back and try to do it again and say, OK, well, let me because see now, because you know what?
This season of Watchmen, this should set the bar so impossibly high. I don't see how he could top it. Yeah, i feel I feel the same way. Like, it's just, it was so amazing. And part of me would love to see a second season, but part of me is also like, I really don't know. If they're going to do another season of Watchmen and, okay, because remember what happened with True Detective.
Remember that first season with Woody Harrelson? Well, I haven't been able to watch it, so I never watched it. Oh, you haven't seen Truth in Tech? No, but i've heard I've heard a lot of people say that like the first season was incredible, and then the second season, it went to pop. Right, exactly. Because that first season, the ball was set so incredibly high that there was no way that you know that they could match it with the second season. I mean, they simply couldn't.
But that's not to say that the second season was bad. This is what it was. it And I always use the example of ah the of the Godfather. People always rag on the Godfather III. But the only thing wrong with the Godfather III was that it had to follow Godfather I and II. Yeah.
And there was no way it could be as good as Godfather one and two. Especially because the original, the story that they'd been building up to, they couldn't do because yeah they couldn't do the Tom Hagen versus Michael Corleone war that they were building up towards. Right. Exactly. So there was no, so that was the only problem with true detective season two if it had been the first season everybody would have been talking how brilliant it was how good it was but they couldn't because we already had that first season that first season was so good i think that watchman would be the same way if they did a second season everybody would just want automatically say well it's not as good as the first season yeah i think you're right you know they would just you know they would just say that if they do do the second season
I would say don't put that much pressure on Lindelof. Give it to somebody else. Well, Lindelof said, he said, like, if I don't have the idea for it, I'm not going to do it. He's like, someone else can do it, but it's not going to be me. Right. Yeah. You know, let somebody, you know, I mean, that's I mean.
I don't know. I believe in going out on ah i believe in going out on a note. And I've also got no problem if they take a few years. if like Say they do decide to do a second season, but they say like but we have to wait a few years to do it right. That's fine. Take all the time you need. Listen, that's fine with me. Take two or three years because I've always said that about franchises such as, say, Star Trek. One thing, and much as I love Star Trek, but my thing has always been this. How can I miss you if you won't go away? Right. They keep cranking out one Star Trek series after another, one movie after another. You know, there's nothing wrong with letting it rest for four or five years and rethinking it. Like, on what's this other phrase? James Bond.
I think that once Daniel Craig has done this, this last movie he did, thank God, take four or five years and rethink the franchise and what you want to do with it. Because the problem now is that James Bond is no longer the gold standard when it comes to action adventure movies. Right.
you know, that it once was. When you have franchises like, you know, The Fast and the Furious and Mission Impossible that are better James Bond movies than the actual James Bond movies. Well, that's the problem. Yeah, absolutely.
Yeah. All right. Okay.

Podcast Future & Closing Remarks

So our next episode will be our 10th episode and the first episode of the new year. Now, I know we talked about doing crisis and Watchmen, but Watchmen, I think we agreed, we'll have to split up into a few episodes anyway. And crisis wouldn't be coming up until after our first episode of the new year. So um I've got Uh, here's what, here's what I propose. All right. And now we can do the same, what we've been doing before where you pick the next movie. Um, or we could, uh, take a break from that format. And because we had talked about doing a politics and superheroes episode.
So you want to do that? Well, I'm asking you, what do you what would you prefer? Do you want to do the politics and superheroes episode or do you want to just do another movie before we go into crisis and watchmen? Well, OK, the only reason why I don't want to do that politics right now, because that's kind of like I kind of suspect that's going to be a heavy episode. OK.
Well, we're going to get into some deep waters and if we're going to and I would like our first episode of the new year to start off with a very optimistic note. OK. And with a very and with a very optimistic superhero. Mm hmm.
Okay. So I propose that ipose that we start off with, I can i could think of no other, ah no more optimistic superhero than Captain America. Okay, sounds good. So are you thinking the first Avenger then or another one of the movies? ah Yeah, Captain America, the first Avenger. All right, sounds good. So we'll do Captain America, first Avenger.
Oh, yeah. Now there were the Captain America movies that were done back in the 1970s. Right. But I wouldn't want any early 1992. Yeah, I want to say that. Yeah, I want to say that for another time. i you know But I figured that, OK, we start up with a brand new year, start off with a very optimistic upbeat.
superhero, nothing dark, and you know, historical. And I could, like I said, when I think of optimism, I think of Captain America. All right. That's a good pick. Yeah. I like that idea. Okay. So we'll do Captain America, the first Avenger. That's right. All right. So, um, that's all from us. Uh, hope you guys had a great, great year and wish you all the best in the coming new year. And we'll talk to you again in 2020.
I want to thank all of you for listening to us so far. ah I appreciate, you know, everything that, ah you know, all the feedback that we've heard, you know, personally and in our Facebook group. Thank you for your support. Happy New Year. God bless. And we will see you in 2020. That's right. Bye.
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