SCP Classic – Logan (2017) image

SCP Classic – Logan (2017)

Superhero Cinephiles
87 Plays12 days ago

Due to a combination of work, personal issues, and computer problems, it'll be a bit more of a wait for new episodes. But in the meantime, enjoy some more of SCP Classic. To round out the Deadpool and Wolverine coverage, this week we look back at Perry's discussion of Logan with Juan Bracich.

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How long have I been here?
What are these? You remember what they are? The shots and all the seizures the pills keep them from happening.
How about you blow on him to make him safe? Fuck off, Logan. Well, so you remember who I am now. I always know who you are. It's just sometimes I don't recognize you. Take the pills.
You leave me alone with that fucking albino. He doesn't listen to me. I know a damn speciation when I see one. What? Speciation. New mutant, a young one. There are forces trying to kill him. Forces? forces. Too bad you're not in that business anymore. They don't want me. They want you. Oh, yeah. That's how fucking stupid they are. They're waiting for you at the Statue of Liberty.
Statue of Liberty was a long time ago, Charles, a long time. There are no new mutants, understand? There's been a new one born in 25 years, not anywhere. You always thought we were part of God's plan.
maybe Maybe... maybe we ain't God's a mistake.
A disappointment to you.
When I found you, you were pursuing a career as a cage fighter. A warm captain to a life of an assassin hooked on barbiturates. You were an animal. But we took you in. I gave you a family. They're gone now.
Logan? What did you do? What did you do? Answer me! Why are we here? No one should have been like this. Drugs in a fucking tank. For your own good. No, no. It's not.
You're waiting for me to die. Welcome to the Superhero Cinephiles podcast. I'm your host, Perry Constantine. And got a little bit of a special guest today in this new episode. So before Superhero Cinephiles, a few years before, I did another similar podcast called The Geek Screen. And I didn't do that with Derek, but I did it with another very old friend of mine. And unfortunately, we ran into scheduling conflicts here and there. And after only a few episodes, we had to you know kind of close up shop. but
But um I thought I'd ask him to come on and be a guest host with on on this show instead. And he was I'm very glad that he agreed to. And that is John Bracek. John, how are you doing today?
Well, that thanks, Perry. Thank you very much. And it's a pleasure and an honor to be a guest co-host here on your fantastic ah podcast. And thank you i I got to say, yeah, when we had our little podcast, it broke my heart. Unfortunately, it was my fault, in case anybody's listening in, which they are, that it's my fault, not Perry's, but mine.
Because I had a bunch of life stuff come up, particularly medical so I apologize. And then, well, things happen. But, but yes. Thank you for inviting me I've been looking forward to this. We are for a week and I do apologize.
that I couldn't do it the other day. We had wildfires. Yeah, for for the listeners. I'm in Arizona. I'm in the heart of Arizona. And there's currently 15 wildfires. Jesus. And we were on evacuation notice. And so um even the guys that run the internet here were too stupid to figure out what do we keep it out of we keep it all. And so But oddly enough, that's when I had my Starlink installed. So I don't care what they do. But the thing is, by myself I don't understand what the cell phone coverage is here because of the internet. And um my Verizon said, well, I'm going to turn my cell phone off. you know so and
ah fire. We need cell phones. Yeah. Anyways, anyways, I'm veering away. I apologize. I um apologize. ah So anyways, I want to thank you and have a nice day. I'm kidding.
but We ah ha I've been listening to your show for a long time. ah You're both effect you have another podcast. Yeah, Japan on film.
Japan on film, which I listened to on my podcast. So I, I run an issue with with stitcher. So I had to change services. But I have to say, I'm deeply impressed. And, and again, as I mentioned to you before the show, nobody can replace Derek. Yeah. And I want to, you know, may he rest in peace. The man was a gem. And so I hope I, I nobody can fill his shoes, but I hope If it's OK with him up in the sky, I will do my best here to put a smile and a dance and talk about nerdy stuff. I'm sure he'd he'd appreciate that. So before we jump into a bit of news here and there. Yes. Anything tell people about yourself? Because Johnny and I, we actually we actually go back. This is actually the first guest I've had on the show that I actually know from from IRL, as we used to say back in the old days. Yes. Yes, we go back.
When we were in medieval ages, when we were raping and pillaging towns in medieval Europe in central Czechoslovakia before the communists took over, I'm kidding. We went to school, university. ah Of course, we also, in real life, like to do nerd stuff. I mean, you took me to every MCU movie when you I looked forward every August when you would come over.
I said, well, I know, I'm not going to see that one. I'm going to wait till Perry shows up. Screw this. I'm not going to go by myself because then we would go and then we would go drinking. Yes. Yeah. In fact, sometimes the two came together. Yeah. What was it called? The the Hollywood Boulevard Theater. Right. We saw both. I remember my one of my favorite drinking memories of you was and during the credits because you were sloshed by the time we got to the end of that movie. And so for for people listening, there's this theater in in the Chicago. And I think it was in Naperville, wasn't it? It was. No, no, no. It's closer to Northwestern and University. No, I think that's a different one.
I wonder what it's on the second floor where you were serving drinks. No, no, that that's um that's just a regular theater. This the Hollywood Boulevard was the one where all it's the yeah the actual restaurant inside. So this yeah it was like a restaurant movie experience where they've got you get you go inside the theater, you sit at tables, waiters come in and take your order before and then um And then then they bring you your food and then throughout the movie, if you I think there was like a buzzer or something you could press like a silent buzzer and then they come in if you had other orders or stuff. So so they had they had a lot of these really ah like movie themed mixed drinks and stuff like that. And so Johnny was sloshed by the time we got to the end of Iron Man.
I made the fatal mistake into anyone who is listening. Listen to this fat fool talking, okay? Never ever order scotch and then' a mojito and then proceed to order mozzarella sticks. Okay? I'm sorry. It just, it was a disaster.
So we get to the end of the credits and we had already seen the movie once before. We had seen it in a regular theater and then we decided to go see it again and in the Hollywood Boulevard. And yeah during the credits, people are getting up to leave as they do. And Johnny is shouting at everybody. No, no, wait, wait, wait, you gotta wait. They got something after the credits.
Yeah. And then when down and then when Samuel L. Jackson appears as Nick Fury, Johnny goes nuts and he's shouting at everyone. He's like, it's Sam Jackson. He's Nick Fury. He's Run Shield. And and nobody knows what he's talking about.
I probably was slurring my words at that point. You were, you definitely were. Yes, I was. I'm a terrible drunk, I apologize. But yeah. I wish we had smartphones back then, because I would have taken a video of that. Oh, that would have been all over YouTube. I could imagine, you know, what stupid bullshit I put through YouTube. Yeah. But see, that's how we used to watch those movies, the first phase of the MCU, the Iron Man movies.
The Captain America, ah right? The first Avenger, right? The Captain America. And then not not not that Winter Soldier. I don't know. No, we didn't see Winter Soldier. I saw that here in Japan. But we did. I think that that summer, I think that was actually one of the years I didn't come back when that came out. Right. I think you're right there. But I know I saw with you ah ah the Spider-Man movies.
I don't know that. Yeah, but that was years before that. Oh, those are oh the original. Yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah We saw the rating once together. Right. But I don't think we count those. You can't count those. them No, they're not. They're not part of the MCU. Well, maybe because there's the rumor that um into the spider verse or the Spider Man No Way Home is going to be like a live action spider verse because they've got Alfred Molina is coming back. Jamie Foxx is coming back and There's the rumor is Willem Dafoe is going to be in it, too. And also, of course, the persistent rumor that both Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield are going to be in it as well. Now, ever since you made this question, I don't know if you have this in Japan or not, but do you have HBO Max? Yes, I do. I use the VPN. Oh, that's right. You day you were talking about Razor, Hanzo the Razor. Good show. Weird. Hanzo.
if you haven't seen it yet. Yeah, I haven't seen it yet. okay derek and i Derek told me about that, and we were gonna we were thinking about having him come on to Japan on film to talk about that, but unfortunately didn't get the chance to. Right. it's it's it's ah It's played by the same guy that it plays Zatoichi.
I thought it was the same guy from Lone Wolf and Cup. Oh, no, no, Zatoichi. Oh, OK. Well, anyways, so i Again, I'm going off attention here. I'm sorry. On HBO Max, I have i barely use the apps. I said, I'm going to fire this up. I'm paying for it. I might as well use it. Yeah. You know, so. And I noticed and when you get down to the MCU movies, they have something there now that I didn't notice before called Marvel Legacy. Yes, yeah.
And are those Spider-Man movies going to be part of that? um Well, no, because the Spider-Man movie... So Spider-Man is a unique situation where Spider-Man, the movie rights are owned by Sony.
So Sony has an agreement with Marvel for Marvel to to do Spider-Man movies. but sony is the So that's why Venom has no connection to the MCU. That's why the upcoming Morbius has no connection to the MCU. And the sp the new Spider-Man movies, they're financed by Sony, but Marvel has creative control over them. And they also have a deal that allows Spider-Man to be in the other MCU movies.
and So the Raimi movies don't, the Raimi movies do not count. No. And the Garfield, which one was the one with Michael Keaton where he plays the Vulture? That was the first Tom Holland. The Garfield? No, that was Tom Holland. Yeah, that was that was that was the first Spider-Man movie in the MCU. Okay, so that counts. Okay, good. Yeah. yeah I was just kidding. Because the guy Andrew Garfield one does not count that. No, no. and unless Unless they use them as part of the multiverse, which the rumors, unless that rumor comes true. but
but ah But still, obviously, they'd be Spider-Man from a different universe, not from the the same one. I got to tell you, that would be very cool or interesting. Our facet, maybe cool isn't the right word. But I'm just trying to picture, because you had those other actors play Peter Parker very differently. yeah you know And they played Spider-Man for the post-part very differently.
So how would you could you imagine if they did the Spider-Verse with all of these guys? How would that work? How would it show? I think it'd be really interesting, just like you saw in the in fact the fact that they play them differently is what would make it really interesting, I think. You know, and like, I had how does. ah I always got a kick. I always say like they kind of played the first Spider-Man movies. I'm trying to think of his name again.
Tobey Maguire. Tobey Maguire, thank you. You know, Aunt May was an elderly lady. Yeah, yeah, yeah Rosemary Harris, yeah. Rosemary Harris. And the last Spider-Man, Aunt May is played by a much younger woman. Marissa Tomei, yeah. Marissa Tomei. And I always wondered, how would that Peter Parker react to this, Aunt May? You know, and I actually screw that. Here's my universal question.
When we get the same Jay Jonah Jameson? Well, yeah, because he was at the end of um ah Spider-Man Far From Home. Right. I know that. I know that. So, yeah, he'll he'll be. Oh, yeah, they're they they'll definitely keep him. OK, they see he got to keep, you know, yeah, there's you don't like like in Doctor Who and Doctor Who to show these constants, they would. say Right. Jay Jonah Jameson played by Oh God, I'm having a brain fart. Thank you. JK Simmons. I'm thinking, you know, all state guy all state guy. yeah and He does these commercials over here for insurance for no farmers. He does for farmers insurance over here. Oh, yeah, yeah. I've seen it on YouTube every now and then when I do want to watch with the VPN.
He's a constant in my opinion. you know So anyways, I know this is completely different from Logan and everything, but like I said, we've here, but I just would love, I would love for them to expand on the spider universe. yes I love the spider, but I loved, I think I've seen that animated movie like 2,000 times. it's so happen It's very good. yeah And you know in all sense, I wish they would do another,
animated s sequel. They are. they're They are doing they're doing a second Spider-Verse movie. Yeah. Oh, I'll see it. So that's coming down the pike. But anyway, I want to talk about a few bits of news, which, yes. Yeah. yeah um Unfortunately, is got to start off on a bit of ah a down note, which is that Richard Donner passed away at the age of 91. Yes. And obviously directed a lot of movies from our childhood. Oh my gosh. The Lethal Women, Quadrilogy, Goonies, and of course Superman the movie and the the Richard Donner could have Superman too. And um the the, not the Exist, the Omen. He also directed that as well. One of the greatest horror movies ever made. That movie, i we accidentally rented that movie from video hunt.
Uh, it's what it was because back in the eighties, you had these mama, but there was no blockbuster. Right. It was a small mom and pop. We had a place called video hut, even though it was in a corner of a Plaza. It was called video hut, but we rented it because back then VHS cases were either extremely honest or extremely misleading. Like there was a movie about, like, for example, um,
there was a movie that showed astronauts in the apocalypse. It had turned out to have been a movie about psychics. Wait a minute. It doesn't make any sense. So we rented Omen. And in fact, it was one of the first movies we rented on VHS in the 80s. It was like, oh, wow. You can actually rent a movie. You don't have to wait till fucking Channel 9 movie the weekend. Or excuse me for swearing. I don't know. That's a lot. That's OK. It's totally fine.
Okay, you know, or, or, you know, ABC back in the day, kids, you know, you wanted to watch a movie, you didn't go to the theater. It was like on Sunday or Friday or the weekend. And you it was always some dog shit movie from 40 years ago, you know? And so you can only watch some of those over and over again. So we read that Omen, because the case, I shift you not the original kid, Google it. Okay. Had nothing about Damien or the devil. And my dad thought it was a cowboy movie.
You know, and I'm like, it's don't look like a cowboy movie pop. It's don't look like so we came. Of course, you just got Sam Neil. Oh, you're talking about the only three. No. Oh, yeah. Only three. No, but the previous one before. so no that You're right.
Sam Neill is in the third one, he plays a grown up Damien. Yeah, you know, but I'm talking. So we're watching though the original. And there's always that scene where the teacher says, I'm doing this for you, Damien jumps out and hangs and stuff. And my mother just, and we live on the second floor, and have an apartment building in Chicago. She just bolted out of that house. like I'm not watching this, you know, and my dad's like, I paid the $17 again, 19. Wow. Yeah, no, it was expensive.
Okay, we're watching this. I had nightmares for a month, you know, and um um so anyways, but Richard Donner, holy shit. He made so many great movies. I felt one of my earliest best memories was in Chicago.
There's a place called Rosemont, which you're familiar with. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And most of you out there, it was near O'Hare Airport. Well, back in the 80s, during the last, it was like the last hurrahs of drive-in theaters. And you could tell this place did not upkeep itself. They saw the writing on the walls. But it was my first Superman movie.
Oh, okay. And it was the, that was the first one. That was the first one. The first one. And so me and Yanni Kalamatanos, my neighbor, kawi my best friend growing up, we sat out of my dad's, we we would sit up on, he would park the car backwards. He had a big station waggling. It was one of those long, look like oh yeah those those Brady Bunch. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know what to talk about. We have, my family had one of those too back in the day. Right.
So he would back it up and open the back seat. and We would all be laying there watching it. We would put the little metal now rusting, hi anchor yeah speakers the car, and we would have popcorn. And we were just like, there's this giant screen. Because the only other place back then we could see a movie was the Norwich Theater, which back then was just two screens and it was smaller. And so um imagine watching Superman.
And when, you know, you watch that first scene where it was closing in on Krypton, you know, that intro scene. Yeah. And it's doo doo doo doo doo doo. That soundtrack starts up and you're looking at this and you're like, I remember for uninitiated, the screen was like three times the size. It was like an IMAX screen today. Right. OK, so it's like, oh, my stars, oh, my stars. And then fucking, uh, uh, uh, uh, the guy that played the Godfather. Oh, shit. Marlon Brando. Marlon. See, I tell you, I, but why I need probably have IMDB up. He just appears out of nowhere. And, and, and my mother being my mother, Oh, this is the Godfather. No, my cat says there was no Krypton and Godfather. You know, you know, so I love my mother, but she gets confused very easily. So anyways,
You know, he appears out of nowhere with the sparkling white hair. Remember that? Yes. Yeah. And he's talking about my son, my son. And he whips out that that that green crystal. And when you see, you know, and I said to myself this because I had been reading my original in the comic books was only Spider-Man and Superman. That was it. I actually didn't get into Batman until the 90s, only because
I was sick a lot, and my mother only had so much money to buy comic books. And for some reason, the Superman comic books in the local store was cheaper, and I don't know why, but it just was. And my cousin would take the Batman and never share it with me. got into Superman like you wouldn't believe. And I'm like, Richard Donner really paid attention because i you see the other Superman movies from like the forties and stuff. And and you know they don't really, it's like the 1940s Batman. I don't know if you've ever seen that. Only clips here and there. Okay, it is probably one of the most racist things you'll ever watch. you know I mean, they really need, I get it, it was a war going on.
My stars, you know, um they didn't pay attention. I watched the old chris Christopher, buck Christopher Reeves. You mean the George Reeves TV show? by dr Thank you. Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me. George Reeves TV show. They saw it. I think the very basis. But honor.
Donna really kept it. Oh, I got an internet stable. Did you get one of those? No, no, you're every now and then you got a little bit of a freeze coming in. But let's just keep we'll try to power through it. I'm sorry. That's okay. It happens. So, you know, and so you're watching this.
And yeah, Donner took some liberties to Gene Hackman. Obviously, didn't want to there was an issue with him and his mustache. was that Yeah, he um he had a mustache originally. And actually, we talked about this way back in our first episode, and we talked about Superman the movie. But um Hackman had a mustache. And at first, he didn't want to shave his mustache off.
and Donner made a deal with him. Donner said, you shave off your mustache, I'll shave off mine. And they hadn't met in person at this point. So when when Hackman comes on the set, fresh face freshly shaven, Donner has a fake mustache on that he peels off.
and But yeah, he refused to shave his head. He refused to be bald in the movie. So the only thing he agreed to was to wear the bald cap at the end of the movie. But yeah, he refused to to shave his head. And and then said they had the idea that he just wears, he has all these different wigs. But you know, even so, even with those liberties, he captured, handled Hackman to do a decent Lex Luthor, very good Lex Luthor. I mean, oddly enough, that's the first movie I saw with Ned Beatty.
Oh yeah, yeah. Yes, Amy. That was the first movie I saw with any of them, because I don't remember it. I don't remember when I first watched that movie, because I was so young the first time I watched it. But I do know we had a VHS copy of it, and I watched that damn thing so much that it broke. I understand that. It didn't happen to me with Star Wars. And, you know, I always have you Mr. Luthor, you know, I always have that, that, that,
theme of his, where he's walking down the train track, and he's being followed, he knows, I'm going to press this button, and he slides into the wall, that poor cop gets run over by the train. Spoiler alert there, sorry. um But, you know, every detail, like, like, I, i though, when he was putting Daily Planet together, and all the other details, um I remember him saying,
in an interview, or at least, iri no, no, excuse me. I remember Siskel and Ebert, and don't mention this if you ever look at the review of the movie, that they they said that Donner tried to catch the actual characters of at least Lois Lane, played by- Margo marlow Kidder. Kidder.
And of course Christopher Reeve did an excellent job. God rest his soul. you know He was a fantastic Superman. Oh yeah, the best one easily. Easily, easily. I mean, and he he is the gold standard. I should say the kryptonite standard. And um what can you say? even And then the only character, I thought that was weak. And you're going to forgive me here. I'll forgive me.
is it is ah Jackie Cooper's portrayal of Perry White. Oh, really? I mean, don't get me wrong. It was good. It it was good. ah But I don't know. It's just something about it always threw me off. It's probably just me, you know. But um I went, my you know, superhero movies, especially in the 70s,
um contained a stigma I learned. I was watching an AMC and they were talking about this. And apparently that's one of the reasons why they got Glenn Ford down there.
to play Paquette besides Marlon Brando, of course. Yeah, yeah. she yeah They wanted these A-list actors because up until that point, you know, and it this goes to- Well, even after that point, like i that pretty much became, that was pretty much the way it was for, I mean, you had some notable exceptions here and there where you'd have like, you know, Jack Nicholson in Batman or- Right. Or Danny DeVito in Batman Returns, but, or you'd have Martin Sheen at Pop Up and Spawn, but every now and then, like you'd have like,
notable actors pop up in these movies. But for the most part, right? Like, you know, the movies were completely looked down upon. And they were. And it wasn't really until X-Men really started the ball rolling on like, on Redeeming Superior. But I don't think it was really until Iron Man and the Dark Knight really kind of cemented it as like, okay, we can have A-list actors in these movies. And see, but I don't think they could have done it had Richard Donner,
not pulled off Superman. Absolutely. Yeah. That's, that's exactly what I was going to say is that you don't get to the MCU without Richard Donner. Like you just, it just doesn't happen. Donner, you don't get to 89 Batman without Donner. Donner set the blueprints for this whole genre.
Now, that's why it always sad at me. And I think it was you that told me about this. Well, what happened when they did the sequel? Yeah. And then they cut him out. And I'm just I've never seen the downer cut of Superman, too. It's good. It's good. It's got some weaknesses because they reuse the ending from the first Superman movie, because that was the that was because originally when he he was filming the first two movies, he was filming them back to back.
And the reversing time, the the going back in time ending was originally supposed to be the end of Superman II. But they were running it, they were going over schedule and they had to meet the deadline for the first Superman movie. And so Donner had already shot the the time travel sequence. So he's like, well, let's just use that for the ending of Superman I. And then when we get to the end of Superman II, we'll figure out how we end that one.
And then, of course, obviously he got he got edged out by Richard Lester and then Lester finished the cut his own way so. So um they didn't really know how when they went back. It was in 2006. Oh yeah hello and can you hear me.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. i are You froze that. You know, I got one of those unstable months. But oh, OK. So they when he went back to comp when Warner Brothers finally gave him the ah funding to compile his cut of Superman 2, they had to figure out what they're going to do for the ending. And he can' either had the choice of using the ending that Richard Lester used when Clark and low when Clark has that amnesia kiss thing or they had the ending when they when they reverse time and he decided to go with the reversing time ending again. So that's the only real weakness of it is that ending. But other than that, it's it's a strong it's a much stronger Superman too. Right. I don't even count Superman, the atomic one. I don't count that guy, that one. You know, that's like bad movie night Superman. um But, you know, the thing is Richard Donner, he knew who he was appealing to. Yeah. He knew the kids were going to watch this and he knows
um I'm gonna say comic book action. I can't think of a better set of terms. And all of his movement, most of, a lot of his, these were like Goonies, you press the Goonies. And you know, Goonies as an adventure film, it was like one of those, you got a caper, you got the course, um um trying to think of the name of the ah the ah formed character again in Goonies.
Oh, I can't remember. It's been so long since I've seen Goonies. But the thing is, you get all these moments, you get all these things, like again he knows ah like like like the dance from Goonies, the truffle. You know, you get these little funny shitty things. you know like Yeah, yeah. you know And it's hilarious. And you know and then you see this thing, like it was a glint.
You can see it in if the movie was a person. OK, if the movie was a person with a glint in that eye, he's it's like winking at you like, hey, let's have some fun. Yeah, yeah. You know, let's have some fun. And so even in a lethal weapon movies, I mean, that's not exactly the same kind of movie be as
as, as, uh, obviously Goonies and Superman, we're talking a completely different type of movie here. Yeah. But I mean, you look at Mel Gibson and it's sort of like, okay, I'm going to take you on the same roller coaster. We're going to have fun here. Even if it's a crime movie, we're going to, and you know it right off the bat when the guy is threatening to jump off the building. Yeah.
you know, oh, let's go together. Let's go together. What the hell's wrong with this guy? What is, you know, like, he, you know, and right there, like, well and and and then you see Mertach and Briggs, right? Mertach is a, was Mertach, Grim, Mel Gibson. Mertach, no, Mertach was played by Danny Glover and then Briggs was played by Mel Gibson. griffs right right and So you see Mertach looking at like, like,
And then you had a whole I'm too old for this shit, you know, that to me started there. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it's like he planted these seeds of cinema on that like awesome. But anyways, I'm talking to him. But OK, so a few other just two other pits I wanted to mention is that um ah Were you ever, were you a Spawn fan back in the 90s? Yes, I got the first issue. I used to collect that almost religiously. Well, you might be happy to know that there's a ah Spawn reboot movie in the works. um And the producer is Jason Blum. And this, it would go v in 2017 that he'd be producing it. But there hasn't been a lot of news coming out.
What storyline are they using? We don't know. All Blum said recently that the movie is still in his plans. Blumhouse's production company is going to be making it. He says it's taken a while to get the script right, but they'll make it. And it looks like Jamie Foxx. Do it. He could do it. Yeah, Jamie Foxx is the few details that fans have been provided so far have confirmed that Spawn will be played by Jamie Foxx.
And also, and he said it was comparable, he said the character Spawn was comparable to Black Panther. um And ah Jeremy Renner was also announced to play Twitch.
um Now, guy and originally, McFarlane said that the film would only use, would not have a big focus on Spawn. It would mostly be focused on Sam and Twitch. And Spawn would be more of a background figure.
um But whether or not that's still that's still the plan, we're not sure. But McFarland said that, he he says, you know, it's the same sort of frustration. I keep saying the same thing. And at some point, I'm sure it falls on deaf ears. But we just added another person. Movement is happening. um So when it when it actually comes, we'll see. But the 30th anniversary of spawn is coming up soon. so maybe they'll try to time it with that. But that's that's the news about Spawn. That's what we got come so far. Well, I'm excited. I'm excited. I remember watching the movie with richard but Martin Sheen. Martin and Sheen. Yeah. And, you know, I'm like, holy shit. I mean, I mean, the CGI was... but Hey, I rewatched that movie about a year or two ago. it It does not hold up at all. No, no, it does not. It's a friend of mine.
We recently, I have a friend here who works at the Starbucks. He's my local Perry, you could say. Okay, I don't really go off in that Starbucks, but it's in the store. And it's hardly a kind of way, you gotta literally go through it to go buy your eggs. And anyways, he once we were talking and like, oh yeah, you're into this too. I'm like, holy shit, I got somebody to talk comic books with.
And stuff. And he goes, you know what, it ages bad as a Nintendo 64 game.
Yeah, like, I'm not gonna argue. I'm not gonna argue it. But the ah Wow. God, I remember when that comic book came out, there was the whole starting of image, remember that? Yes, yeah, yeah. Oh, and it was like, it had all these different covers and all this other stuff. It was at that era, that era when when you had wildcats, you had of course spawn, you had um the max, you had um um the green cop with the spiky, ah
Finn, I'm having a brain fire. Oh, Savage a Dragon. Savage Dragon, thank you. You know, I'm like, I remember watching, reading Spider-Man, and all of them have these other things. God, it was just magic. take It was magic, because different storylines and all this other stuff. Yeah, unfortunately, say wendy we don't know anything, out just the details that I said, that's all we really know so far is that Blumhouse is producing it,
Jamie Foxx and Jeremy Renner are going to be in it and possibly that the focus is going to be more on on Twitch than Spawn and Spawn's going to be more of like a background character. Right. That's all we know so far. OK, well then. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. OK, so what else? What else? are you Well, the other thing I mentioned I had to bring up and this is something you and I talked about briefly. um ah Before we started recording and so there's you know Hugh Jackman he posted. um There's a there's a fan art.
piece of Wolverine, just like his it was just a fan art piece of Wolverine holding out his claws. Hugh Jackman shared that to his Instagram and then less than 24 hours later, he shared a photo of him with Kevin Feige. So this has led to people suspecting that Jackman will be, like you, yeah, suspecting that he'll be reprising his role as Wolverine in the MCU, which I say, no, I don't think that's what it means because The dude's in his 50s, and to get as cut as he did for those movies, he had to literally dehydrate himself. Yeah, he could do that again. You get to a point where your body just physically cannot keep up with that kind of routine anymore. And he's getting to that point. So I doubt, and Marvel's not gonna want to have him come in just for one movie and then have to recast him, right? They're not gonna wanna do that. what Well, hasn't there been talk of just rebooting
Well, yeah, they're going to reboot. they're They are rebooting them. Everything is going to be rebooted. The only real carryover is going to be Ryan Reynolds. Ryan Reynolds is still going to be Deadpool. But other than that, it's all going to be rebooted, recasted. You know what? I don't care what other movie Ryan Reynolds does. He will always be known as Deadpool. You know, yeah it's like Clint D sort of dirty Harry or the man with no name. It's a safe that he steps. That's him. Yeah, that's him. Yeah. Well, I'll tell you. yeah um
It'd be interesting how he would direct. they Didn't he direct another movie, ah Australia? Didn't he direct Australia? No, I think he was just, I don't think he directed that. I think he was just, he just started it. He was just saying that. that was good That wasn't a bad movie. I never saw it. it it Let me say this. It's, it's. No, yeah. He hasn't made a directorial debut yet. Not according to IMDB. So, so yeah. So like we were talking about before, my theory is that if anything,
And it could just be him just trolling, right? It could just be him just- It could always be that, yeah. Because, you know, they know, like, Kevin Smith jokes about this on his podcast all the time, that any time he says something on the show, the next day, like, these, quote unquote, news sites come up, post up an article about it. Yes. And you saw where he did that when he was doing the Mandalorian.
Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it's just nonstop and ridiculous. And he's just like he's like, I'm just I'm just a fan commenting on this stuff, but they post it up as if it's news. ah But why so for it? Hook, light and sinker. So if anything, hi like if it means anything, I think it might mean that Jackman will be involved in whatever Marvel is doing with with Wolverine going forward. And that could be as a director. Right. Maybe he is looking to make a directorial debut.
which would be great. Like it would be really cool to see him, you know, cause he obviously knows that character. He obviously loves that character. So it would be really cool to see him bill directing that movie or an excellent movie. Yeah. I think he knows it well enough to do that. And I'll tell you this segues into what you originally invited me here for, it which was to a Logan, in the movie. Yes. Yeah. Which I have to tell you, uh, I, I, um, I saw the movie when it came out.
Yeah. And I thought it was a fantastic movie. And I, for the life of me, ah even to this day, when I rewatched it, I bought it on Amazon. variety I went and bought it. And and i I bought it on iTunes as soon as it was released. Right. i knowt Though I regret not getting the noir version. Oh, really? My version has both.
Yeah, well, Amazon doesn't give you that, so. Oh, it sucks. Yeah, I know, fucking Amazon. Jeff Bezos, you can stay in space. But and I'm slipping off the bed here. Hold on one second. All right, sorry about that. about My bad, my bad. So anyways, I'm watching this movie and, you know, it's a good movie. It's ah it's a great, it's a good movie.
I had just seen, I don't know if you've seen it, that is, um but the girl, well, actually, listen, you know what, I'm getting ahead of myself here. Yeah, let's jump jump right into it. um So yeah, we're talking, obviously, we're talking about Logan, the Hugh Jackman's last outing as Wolverine, and also Patrick Stewart's last outing as Professor X. And this is um very, very loose adaptation of Mark Miller's old man, Logan storyline, or it basically, it takes that idea where you've got, you know, you've got an old Wolverine and the X-Men are dead. And that's basically the only, that's basically the starting point. In the comic, it was Wolverine had killed the X-Men because he was under the, he was- Mysterio. Mysterio, yeah. It was Mysterio had used illusions and had had tricked him into thinking that
the the X-Men were actually in villains. And he ends up killing all of them, except for like Emma Frost survives. And I think there's maybe one or two other that survived, but basically he killed all of them. And in Old Man Logan, it's set in this, there's like a nuclear war or something happened. And now the Hulk has like these kids. oh bill it was dead Yeah, it was was really bizarre. It was really weird. It was like, is if the world, the one I read,
You know, um the world is all these separate zones or something. Oh, that was in the that was in the battle world. That was part of the secret war stuff. So that came that came later. Well, and but the other one I read was the hillbilly Hulk one. Yeah, that was the original one. Yeah. That one I read and, you know, and it makes it think, you know, after I actually read like, man, Hulk's a real asshole. You know, his kids are pieces of shit, you know, they wouldn't kill that family regardless of they they They were like dead collectors. and you know I had, a it was a long time since I read that. so But I mean, that's the only part that stuck out to me was, you know and I'm glad they did not go. First off, number one, MCU, do they, Marvel still hold the rights for Hulk? Marvel, yeah, Marvel has the rights to Hulk. They don't have the distribution rights, like Universal still has the distribution rights. So they can only make, they can make movies with the Hulk, but they can't make a Hulk movie.
right that's that's what I was wondering because I know he's in the Avengers and all that other stuff yeah but yeah but that's different because I said there's no way they're gonna just i'm i'm glad they didn't go that route yeah you know ah you know i'm glad they went the route that they did it was a.
I'm not gonna say it's a Western. And I know a lot of people are saying, well, it's basically Shane with mutants. Well, I will say, I will go that far. I think it is a Western, I think. I mean, it's very- It's a Western, what you call it a Western? I would definitely call it a Western. It's very much influenced by Western movies. Like it's Shane and- Well, they say the gauntlet. Shane and Unforgiven were like the two big movies that Manko used for inspiration for this movie. Right. I'll tell you, and you're gonna think,
China's stupid, but at points of it, it reminded me of Fury Road, the last Mad Max movie. and Yeah, there's a little bit of that there too, yeah. you know and um And he was right, it's spot on about Gauntlet, have you ever seen Gauntlet? I've never seen that one, no. Okay, you know it's basically,
Almost similar, pri this one guy's got to survive the day. These clinton criminals are trying to go after them. um There's also a bit of outlaw Josie Wales in that too. Yes, yes. There's a couple of actually Clint Eastwood movies you can bring up on this. And in fact, not just Clint Eastwood.
um a lot of noir from the classic 40s and 50s, you know, saving the damsel in distress. I mean, well all that that goes back too to just the influence on those movies. Like you look at, because, you know, obviously, Fistful of Dollars was an unauthorized basically a ripoff of Yojimbo and Yojimbo was heavily based on Red Harvest. And Kurosawa used a lot of nore tropes and things like that in constructing that movie. So that carried over to Fistful of Dollars and and so on. and And you look at Wolverine, like Wolverine as a character, there is so much of Mikune and Eastwood's DNA in Wolverine.
all big time. Yeah. ah You know, I even if you just go by the look, I mean, that's bad. If you look at almost every Clint Eastwood movie, even the Cowboys, or Dirty Harry, yeah, whatever. He's got the size of chops. You know, I mean, not as Wolverine had him. But you know, there's an aesthetic says but you're right the way the character is his demeanor. You know, let's be honest, Logan,
is it is only, I don't want to say life, but I'm going to, it, but is his only thing he cares about is keeping professor X alive. Yeah. That, that is it. That is, he doesn't give a shit about the world. He doesn't give a shit about how he doesn't even get shit about Caliban was taking care of professor. You can't even get him his right medicine. Um, but also like you said, he's seen all of the people.
I mean, think about this for one second. I imagine everybody you know is gone. Not an apocalyptic end of the world thing, but you know, and if the person responsible for that, you have to take care of because, you know, Professor X didn't purposely kill those people, right? Yeah. You know, and he's got to live with that. And There hasn't been any new mutants, you know, which I gotta be honest, I'm going to say that's the one weak point I had with the world set up was when with that professor, that evil scientist. Yeah, the guy who's played. I like it. I, you know,
Yeah, that was um Dr. Rice. Dr. Rice. This guy, i he always plays a pretentious asshole and every other thing he's in, you know whether it's fucking Doctor Who or he's in Game of Thrones. you know but always and he And when he goes, and Dr. to Price explains how they got rid of mutants using corn syrup and corn, which I don't know. That's the one that was a little yeah that's a little, that was a little weird, that the way you know how to work that out. How the hell that he did they pull that shit off. But other than that.
it's still They set up an interesting world where you you definitely see points of it, like in the casino where there's a lot of haves and all this and then the outside of that, you see these desolation on an economic level. You're like with the farmer. I could you know what because that really hit home close here because Well, there's no automated tractors here. not and We do see these big agri-farms here in Arizona yeah trying to take out these small, mainly minority owned farmers here. or there's actually I was just listening to um ah listen to the news before we started recording and there's actually a
was it, you know, Stephen Miller, the the Nazi who was working in the Trump administration, he he's apparently working with a bunch of white farmers to screw black farmers out of out of a lot of what little land they still own. Right. And so, you know, and then not only that, you also see, for example, again, this has got to be pure coincidence. Okay.
local public radio here, not just local letters, that there's a shortage of truckers. And then you see a lot of small trucking firms either being taken out of business by larger ones. And then you see also that trucking jobs are being slowly replaced by automation. And then you see in the movie, these these robot trucks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And and they don't, they don't slow down. They don't give a shit.
They're just hauling their cargo, you know, and and and so like what about these horses on the road and all that stuff, you know, but this movie is at so many different levels. And I hate to say this, but it also touches on the migrant story now. It does. It does. Yeah, absolutely. You know, refugee status and all of a sudden I know The movie came out in 2017, but it was being filmed in 2016. Even before Trump, like you still had the refugee crisis happening. There was that big caravan that came in under during Obama's term. i think that wasn was from
yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah, abie and so i mean where I live, it's a very big issue. well actually you know i'm that you You just touched on something that I didn't that i and i completely missed, but that makes so much sense now. And I'm thinking about it now because the reason you have all this destabilization in Central and South America is because of what the US is done, right? Like, you know, all the CIA and on all that bullshit that we all yeah that they got up to in the in the during the war. The Iran Contra. Yeah, I know. Yeah, yeah. And I'm trying to think of the name of the farmer. and I got it right here. Munson. Munson. You know, he goes on talking about the crops and all that stuff. You know, we did the same damn thing to the farmers in Mexico.
Yeah, yeah. And also, wasn't it in Guatemala, too, the where the the term Banana Republic actually comes from? Yeah, oh, yeah, the Dole Company, of course. There's a whole, in fact, ah Google the name Smedley Butler. He was hired, he was a member of the U.S. Army. And he basically, he teased someone at war and says, I'm not gonna fight for the U.S. to do this, keep up the plantations anymore. And he's the one that came up with the whole war as a racket. And, you know, but there's a seed.
With that, what months are we talking about how he's struggling, not just to get water. But that his crops are much better because they're natural versus the genetic crops that they they were producing right yeah and how And, it you know, we did the same thing in Mexico. I'm sorry for the listeners that we're going into geopolitics here and a whole lot. We've done that kind of stuff before. And this is I think it's a really interesting dimension to the movie that buts yeah I think that's one of the implications of the movie is.
ah Like I said, Mexico was known for corn, right? you know Everything's Iowa and Indiana. No, it was Mexico. And we completely destroyed their industry with our cheaper corn. And now you're seeing what the smaller farmers here
I think what you're seeing also, and let's be honest, the crux of the bad guy, the real villain wasn't he actually Dr. Pierce. It was Trans and Gen. They did the pharmaceutical company, right? What's a pharmaceutical company coming up with mutants? Yeah. Right. And then you see the same thing with child with with child. Again, you just brought her up the whole caravan.
There was they were nothing but children. Right. Okay. And so you see the same thing in the movie. They're breeding children, and you know, and they're getting rid of the mothers, which a lot of the cartels do here. um You're seeing these kids, which I gotta say like got if you pay attention closely when they show the names of the kids. Oh yeah, yeah. They used, they were different um combinations of. Right.
You got Richter, the DNA of Avalanche. You got all these other ones. And um so then we get to this girl and, ah ah you know, X-23. You know, and- Played by Daphne King.
Daphne King, excellent actress. Amazing. Yeah. I mean, I have to tell you, if you haven't seen this, there's actually I highly recommend if you have not seen an HBO, she's been on, you know, his dark materials, really great, but in the movie, and in to me, speak personally,
She did another movie in 2020, a movie that came out after, obviously, Logan, that in one odd way, to me, is a spiritual successor in a way. And it's got nothing to do with mutants, and it's a movie called Anna. Oh, I've heard of this movie. Oh, my God, it is a fun movie. And basically, she does such a great job, only difference instead of being a mutant,
She plays a con artist. Oh, okay. And in a way, this movie is a remake of Paper Moon. Okay, which is another ah had another ah influence for the movie Logan.
if you look it up. And it's a it's a they're trying to survive him, her, and a Andy Garcia, who's playing a loser of a car salesman trying to get money. And so the thing is, she is so versatile. and You hear her speak, and she's got a British accent. And then she can quickly switch to Spanish. And i honestly, I'm glad she got the role over Bobby Milley Brown.
you know, the girl from Stranger Things. Yeah, I didn't even know that she was in contention for that. Oh yeah, no, it was between the two of them. Oh, okay. And one or over, one or over, I think enough. I mean, think about this, and I don't know why they were thinking about the Stranger Things girl, because the story takes place, starts in Mexico, right? And so there's that scene, it's in the movie, where Hugh Jackman's character is saying, you can talk,
you know, you know, blah, blah, blah. And she starts ripping on him and vanish. And I mean, her Spanish was amazing is because her mother's from Spain, not Mexico. Yes. Yeah. But she got the Spanish dialect and acts about like a cold. And and that's what sold her. Yeah, she did the lines all of her lines were supposed to be in English.
She did him in Spanish, yes. She did him in Spanish. And you watch, and another amazing thing about X-23, or Laura, right? Laura is- And I didn't realize what she was saying at first, but I looked it up after the last time I watched it. And you know more Spanish than I do, obviously. So you can correct me if this translation I found is wrong, but it says that, you know, because he's saying, what, you can talk now? And she's yelling at him, why do you want me to talk?
to you if you're always insulting me yelling at me if you try to leave me behind you want me to open up my mouth and then he tell that's when he tells you to shut up. Yes, no, no, you've got a spot on and I had to say the character itself.
is, but for not initiated, this was not the first appearance of X-23. No, no, she she originally appeared in the X-Men Evolution, the e animated series, yeah and then later she was introduced in the comics through, NYX was her first appearance in the comics, and then later she she ended up joining the X-Men,
And then she eventually, after Wolverine, when Wolverine died for a period in the comics, she actually took up the mantle of Wolverine. Yes, yes, she did. That's right. She's even a Funko doll of her. Yes. yeah And and um what amazed but blew me away, ah because in preparation of this, I said, OK, the evolution cartoon came up and I just happened to manage Bill Max. I looked at the dates and like, holy shit. and And I looked it up.
Her character was made for that cartoon. yes and the only i and My comic book knowledge is nowhere near yours, but the only other comic character I could think of like that. and so i sitting up for The only other character I could think of that was in a similar origin is Harley Quinn. There have been a few actually. Harley Quinn is the most notable one, but also Firestar from Spider-Man is an amazing friend. She was created for that cartoon.
and then later she was introduced um first in the New Mutants and then later she became a member of the New Warriors. There are a few others, Phil Coulson was one who was created for the movies and then they introduced him in the comics afterwards. right There have been a few others here and there.
but But yeah, but Harley Quinn is obviously the most notable one. Right. Well, that's the one that just popped up. But you're absolutely a fire star. God, that would bring them. I remember watching that in the kid. yeah Yeah. You know, and that never made sense to me. Firestar, Ice Man, and Spider-Man renting out a condo. Yeah, it was a really weird premise. You know, like, and then they go meet up the X-Men. There was one episode where they meet up the X-Men.
There were, um there were two episodes that they had. Oh, I only know the one. Oh no, there were two of them. Yeah, because that was, um that was part of the backstory is that Firestar and Iceman were originally part of the X-Men. And I'm not sure, I'm trying to look up, see if there's any background on it, but. Well, I'll tell you. um And I know we're veering off here. Sorry, again, folks. But, you know, back when you're back in the late 80s, early 90s, any other besides spider because 99% of all Marvel back there was either Spiderman or Hulk. Yeah, there was nothing really honest with you. You know, unless you wanted to watch Lou Ferrigno live action, you know, or some very terrible live action Thor or or
Oh, so apparently the show was originally supposed to be Spider-Man, Iceman, the Human Torch, but there were legal issues with using the torch. Like there were some ah licensing issues. So that's why they introduced Firestar instead. Well, you know, like I said, Necessity is the mother of invention. And it's even cooler that, you know, i and so when they came out with an X-Men animated movie,
You know, besides these, like you said, two episodes. Oh my God. Everybody was in excitement for anything else that was on TV for kids. Right. You know? And so but I don't know. I'm going with that. I'm sorry, but I'm just highlighting that the, you're like a Harley Quinn situation. And I'll tell you, um,
Her X 23, I guess, she is half the age, I think, or at least seven years younger. and Yeah, because she was 11 when she filmed this and X 23 is when she first appeared, she was at least like 16 or 17. Right. But I have to tell you, and I know the stunt double who also has a separate role in the movie. that One of the reasons was because, yeah, because a mangled was so impressed with her performance that he gave her a small role in the movie. Right.
ah But I have to tell you, if you look at how Wolverine fights, and he he's coming at you, and he's already got he's he's he's already got one arm ready to dig into you. And the other way I'm ready to gut you, right? Yeah. where Whereas, forgive me, but I watched how she played x 23. And again, I'm stupid here. Okay, game. But I immediately thought of the midget.
from Castlevania III. Do you remember Castlevania III? I don't think I played Castlevania III. I've only really played, what was it? the The one on the PlayStation, the original PlayStation, Symphony of the Night. That was the only one I played.
Well, in Castlevania three, there is a little midget and he's got a little knife or something and he'll, he will get on top somebody. and He likes to roll around or go on a ceiling, shit like that. But he would roll around the people and get the people and I'm watching, you know, and and and and but it's not just him, but he's basically pulls wrestling moves on every one of the Reavers. You know, I mean, for a little girl.
and maybe it's the adamantium, quite possible, but I watch her, holy shit. She took out a guy with two robot arms and then all these Mexican federales, she got some and then knocks him over and then like 15 stab wounds in the eye to one guy, cuts off the leg of another one, you know, and and they're not expecting this. That opening scene when they find them, you know, and again, I feel so sorry for Caliban,
you know, the the glorified truffle pig, as he called himself, you know, and but you see them go in, they're like, oh, we can handle it. And you know, damn, well, in any movie you've ever seen, there's always that one bad guy or henchmen, you know, Reaver, whatever, it doesn't matter. They got that look like I got this. And you're like, no, you're fucked. You're fucked. The kids eating cornflakes. And then when she gives that glance,
That look you know you know what this also reminded me of it just clicked in my head. There was that movie the professional. yeah leon yeah yeah. Leon right with the little girl. I just thought i get I gotta watch that movie again for a long time.
That will try to remind me of that. I know, obviously, they're different movies. But I'm just thinking of all those movies. Yeah, that one had a much creepier implication to that relationship. I know, I know, I know. But I'm just saying, it just reminded me of things like that. But let's talk about the reverse for a moment. It was very cool. The Pierce, I'm glad they went with that design for Pierce.
Give me you you see what Pierce looks like in the comments, right? Yeah. You know, they model him after Donald Sutherland. You know, and I like how he's got I just amazed me that other people didn't have cybernetics because it takes place in twenty twenty nine. I believe so. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Right. Well, i mean that's part of the reverse stick is that they're they're cyborgs. So I think that's why. And the whole idea is like they were
David, are you? Sorry, go ahead. No, no, go ahead. Go ahead. No, I was kind of like I was kind of lost what I was saying anyway. So. oh that's Well, are you familiar with the Reavers? Yes. Yeah, absolutely. You know, let me ask you, were you disappointed or not disappointed that they didn't go with the tank Reaver? Oh, Bonebreaker. Yeah. um I mean, not really because you've got this. There's only so much you can do and ah Yeah, I didn't really mind too much. They had a little hints, the reaver, like they had one who had the skull buster symbol on him. He was obviously supposed to be skull buster. And there's some other hints here and there. But there there's one that would have been interesting to see. Okay, I can live without the, ah with with the tank guy. What about Lady Deathstrike? Well, she was in X2. That's right. I fucking forgot about that. Yeah, she was played by Kelly Hoop.
Oh, looks like we got be for folks here. Well, there we go. Yeah, just you just cut you froze for a second there. Oh, but yeah, Kelly, who played Lady Deathstrike and that's right. Oh, my God. Son of a bitch. That's right. I remember. Well, anyways, I watch it is in this little girl, like I said, she's decapitating everybody. And then the look, the look on Wolverine's face when he was holy fuck, this kid's kicking ass, you know,
is amazing. you And you're like, okay, the the day the gears are are rewind are winding up again. It's like muscle memory. But of course, to the listener, as you noted earlier, this takes place in the future. And Logan is not the same Logan from the movies, in a sense, he's obviously older. And he's showing his age. Yeah, that's the difference here is He, you know, he was born in the 1800s. So by the first X-Men movie, he's obviously over a hundred years old. Yeah. Right? Yes. So it's only later on that something had happened with the adamantium. Now, am I, would I be spoiling this? No, no, I mean, there's, we're, we're talking, we assume people have watched this movie or that they don't care about spoilers. I want your, I want your opinion on this. Okay. What is your feeling?
about how the adamantium was fully poisoning him. And also, down the road, if they ever do an X-22, well, that's a whole other thing we can add to, but what is your feeling on that? I think it's a really good idea, because that actually, that comes from the comics as well, right? The whole idea that the, because the, so the the adamantium in the comics, the adamantium bonding process was developed by Lord Darkwing, who's Lady Deathstrike's father.
Right. And the process he used is like a very perfected version of it, which he can use it. And and without it, something about the way he does the process, it means that you don't get adamant poison. So that's why Bullseye, who's got an adamantium spine, doesn't have adamantium poisoning, even though he doesn't have a healing factor.
right But the one used by Weapon X, Weapon X actually stole that procedure and and it's like a less refined version of it. So they didn't have a way to combat the adamantium poisoning. But with Wolverine, it doesn't matter because his healing factor fights off the adamantium poisoning. When his healing factor fails in the comics, this has happened a few times. When his's but he lost his healing factor, one time was in Alan Davis's last storyline when he was doing the the X-Men books back in the late 90s had a had a storyline with this where is that when we went to hell? No, no, that was that was a different one. um But then that was this is way before that. The high of there's a story that Alan Davis did where the high evolutionary eliminates the the X gene and like suppresses all mutant abilities and
Wolverine gets infected, like because his healing factor is not working anymore, he starts getting adamantium poisoning and it starts wreaking havoc on his body. And they do a similar thing in this movie where because of his age, his healing factor is not as strong as it used to be. And because his healing factor is weakening, and which probably has something that might have something to do with the the corn syrup stuff as well, his healing factor is weakening now. And that's why the adamantium poisoning is starting to take effect.
See, that's interesting. I i i was thinking about the whole movie. How the hell is this healing factor not working as it used to be? You know, what's setting that off? Yeah, it's just a matter just a matter of age or it could also be viewed as the the effects of this transigence experiments or whatever. Right. But you could see as he's gotten older, um like you see early in the movie, he's sleeping in the car.
Yeah. Right. His show for the car and those guys are trying to take the hubcaps. Yeah. And he doesn't want to kill these people, you know, and I'm sure he probably was hesitant in the past as well, but you could tell he really just, he just tired. Even when he's fighting, he's tired, especially when the guy pulled a shotgun and I'm gonna shot him. Yeah. You know, I mean, you could see that either slower, more debilitated Wolverine. Well, there's even like the once when he when he unleashes his claws, like there's that one club that doesn't come all the way out. Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah. like And he has a hard time putting them back. Yeah. I got to say I I felt bad for him when he had his hand. And, you know, I don't know that he caught him.
Or why did it, because they can regrow, right? Is that it or? They don't regrow, no, because they're they're fused with adamantia. Like if they're bone, like if they don't have the adamantia, they're just bone, then they can regrow. Because, you know, that one scene, he's in his room and even that all that blood and everything went with his hand. Like, was he trying to retract them, push them back in? Is that- I think he was trying to pull it out to like kind of loosen it.
Oh. so that it isn't So that came out the full the full way because it wasn't, cause it didn't come out all the way. So he was trying to unstick it. Basically what, whatever he's trying to, basically he was trying to unstick the claw. That's basically what it was. Okay. We'll see that. Yeah. And so you could tell he's trying to avoid conflict yeah as much as he can. Cause he knows it's sort of like, can I go back to spawn for a moment? Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Uh,
With Spawn, you try to ah tried to avoid and use his powers as much as he could. Right, right, because he had the the more he used his powers, the quicker he went to hell. Right. And so I'm wondering if, on some level, that Logan was thinking the same thing, that the more he exercises his mutant powers, the closer that clock ticks the 12.
I don't know because I don't think the healing factor in the healing factors at work quite it does it's not like a. it's not that the healing factor runs out it's just that it's not as strong as it used to be just like you know when you get older, you know some you can't do things as well as you used to be able to do. No, no, I get that I get it's just because when you see in the movie it's taken him. That I remember.
in other movies, the same wounds, they would heal within an hour or something like that. And in this one, especially when he's sleeping in the Jeep with ah X-23, it's taken him days to heal now. Oh, I see what you mean. Like he, I misunderstood what you were saying. But yeah, so like the he doesn't,
want to engage as much because he knows he can't heal as well as he used to. Yeah, that makes sense. But I think also it's it's part of that. But I think it's also just like he's just tired, right? He's been doing this for over 100 years now. And he's just done with it, especially now that you know he lost you know both his families, right? He's lost his family several times over now. And so I think he's just tired. He's just exhausted completely. I'm so glad. Well, there's another character We've not talked as much about it. It's in the movie and we have to hit on him.
and that's the professor. Yes, yeah. So you brought on age and I have to tell you yeah ah Patrick Stewart did a bang up job. I think he is right. That is the best version of Professor X I had ever seen him play. And I could be, or and I'm probably wrong, you know my my you know, but I thought it was fantastic. it was It was such a tragic portrayal of the character because you see him and he's he's got these moments of lucidity and And like when he's like when they're at the when they're at the dinner table, right? Or when he's talking or he's talking to Laura. Like he's got these moments of lucidity and the the old Professor X is in there. But then you compare that with the fact that his mind is clearly deteriorating. Yeah, I gotta tell you, ah if I may hit on a person. Yeah, absolutely, go ahead. My father recently passed away two months ago. He was 95 years old.
And when I saw Stewart's Professor X in that movie, it was almost uncanny because my father kind of had the same sweater. And know you know, we was crumpled up in a wheelchair like no motorized chair, we wouldn't trust him with a motorized chair. But ah
My father had spent his last few last two years with extreme dementia. Oh, really? I didn't know that. Yeah, no, his mind was gone. And he would have these lucid moments. And it just I had a pause a few times because I keep seeing my father. And anybody who's ever taken care of an elderly person will know what I'm talking about here. Yeah, I watched my father's slowly became mentally. And And my dad was a nerd too, you know, and, and he watched and I watched X and Professor X is going on about Taco Bell. And my dad, same thing, he would watch a commercial, or he you know, he would start talking about the, you know, reiterating the quotes of a commercial, you know, like, like, like from Geico, or, yeah you know, or,
My dad loves cowboy movies and he would start quoting, you know, some other stuff. And not he he would think he was in the movie or a commercial, right right you know, or or God help me. We were watching Price is Right, you know, and so something like that. So I guess that what I mean, Stewart says he did research on people with dementia. That man nailed it.
I mean, I said, I said, why isn't he doing other roles similar to this? I mean, I know, that was the guy's name who played Hannibal Lecter again. Oh, Anthony Hopkins. Anthony Hopkins, thank you. He did a movie about a person with dementia. I think Patrick Stewart could have easily done that movie. And I'll tell you, I was shocked to learn. Patrick Stewart never lost weight until he did this movie. Yeah, yeah, I read that too.
I was very surprised. I just thought that was CGI.
No, that was him. they In fact, um he James Mangold had ah intentionally used as little CGI as possible in this movie. Yes. And, you know, Mangold was smart.
for when Professor X had those seizures. you know He wanted to create a natural image I read. yeah and I mean, think about it. You don't want some flashes or beams or electro. You see that scene in the casino. He said that major one. Nobody can move. Or earlier in the movie, the first one, when you're introduced to the seizures, you know and Caliban can't move. Nobody can fucking move.
you know, and then they're aware of it. It's not like time stopped, right? You know, and and then in the casino, you see it and and you know, Wolverine slowly trying to get to save the professor because the professor is having a, you know, these guys are storming in there. The right and he just basically stopped him. And they the deepest the look at I want soldier when he realizes I'm going to get killed by Wolverine, you know. And so, but
The way he tilted his head, Patrick Stewart, I've seen people with seizures. You've probably seen people with seizures. No, I haven't. So I'm just going to have to go on what you're saying. Well, there's a lot of kids I remember growing up or in high school where they would have seizures and they would tilt their head in a certain way. Somebody did their homework in this movie. They did their homework. I'm too close to the camera here.
you know um The only thing about Professor Rex, he didn't take his medicine. He was hiding. My dad did the same thing. People with dementia did not like to take their medicine. Yeah. Yeah. And so, but I just thought, and I also, so that was the first time I've seen Patrick Stewart with the most hair since I saw him and I, Claudius. Yeah. Yeah. You know,
Which if anybody's ever want to see Google I Claudius with Patrick steward the man has a perm a perm okay curly hair, you know. Oh wow yeah i'm looking it up right now. Now.
ah and If i'm talking too much time in the show. No, not at all you're doing you're doing great. ah The other thing is. I don't know if this is a breaking the fourth wall or it's meta, but I just found it hilarious that there was an X-Men comic book in that movie. I thought that was, yes, that's something I wanted to mention is kind of like where this takes place in the timeline because this movie gives you two options, which it does it in a really clever way. It can either be set after, you saw Days of Future Past, right?
I've seen all the X-Men movies. Okay, so yeah. And you know, at the end of Days of Future Past, Wolverine wakes up in the new future. And this movie takes place like two years after that. Okay, so it's in that universe then? Well, that's one way you can look at it, right? You can look at it as being that way. But also, like, because when he finds the X-Men comic book, and he mentions to, and he and he says, like, you know, you know, some of it happened the way they said, but a lot of it didn't.
Yeah. Right. So that gives you another option that this is completely separate from those other movies. See, this is why I love the ambiguity of the movie. Yeah. there's There's a cloud of ambiguity here because you don't know. I mean, this this could literally just be its own thing. Right. They mentioned the X-Men, but they don't mention anything else about them. And yeah the comic is clearly just like, ah you know, you know, like, you know, someone making a comic book about any national celebrities, but you know, like the Kiss comic books or something like that. Sure. Sure. No, no, I know that's done deliberately. Like, like they, like the X-Men comic book came out after the movie that came out was, was a 2003, the Statue of Liberty movie, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. And, and and so like, ah um, well, he also makes a reference to that because he says the Statue of Liberty was a long time ago. Right. Right. And God, I just want to see another scene. And again, I don't know about Caliban. I'm going back to Caliban. I don't know why I'm going back to Caliban.
But I felt that, I know it was played by two different actors. That was in another movie. I can't think of that. Right. He was in X-Men Apocalypse. In this one, he was played by Steven Merchant. Right. And then, I like that scene of, you know, they're trying to get this boat. Yeah. Like the Sunscreener. No, the Sunseeker. Sunseeker, excuse me. Thank you. And you know, where am I going to be in the galley? Yeah. Right.
yeah know and And so, ah you know, and so when Professor x Xavier dies, the better that pickup truck, you know, and he mentions the sunseeker, it's like, he's returning to his lucidity and like, again, I'm going to go back to my father and my dad right before he passed away. He had that one lucid moment before he passed. It's the same thing. But yeah, um I, again, going back to the ambiguity, I know we're going all over the place here. It's the same thing with the ending of the movie.
You know, um you don't know what happens to those kids, which by the way, i I love that. I don't think every movie shouldn't be spoon fed to you. What's going on? Yeah, yeah. ah Trying to think of another movie that's like that. The only one I can think of. as So it was Thomas Lamar Key who played Caliban in X-Men Apocalypse. Right, right. He was great. ah Did they say why they changed actors?
I don't think so um I think they just said they. See if there's anything about why they had caliban. Well, like I said, the the only other.
I like that because it's a thing with shade they picked that from shade. You ever watched the end of, actually, High Plains Drifter, or like you said, Kurosawa movies. So they they apparently, they actually, they were inspired to use this Caliban from from the from the tempest, the Shakespeare play, because you know he serves a hero living in self-imposed exile.
Yes. Well, that makes sense. then So so that's and that that's why they decided to, they leaned on that for this interpretation. What what yeah you saw, you saw with Pierce, not Pierce. Yeah. Was it Dr. Pierce? No, no, no. Pierce was not Pierce. Pierce was the head of the reaper. Dr. Rice, you know, when, uh, no, it was Pierce. Excuse me. When he captured him and he says, you were one on our side, you know,
what made you change, you know, and henceforth, like you said, the Shakespearean character, he realized, you know, he had a ah moment.
And he, you know, so i mean it was amazing. And then he that self sacrifice, because he knows he doesn't want to be used, right, right, you know, and I think he kind of figured there was no hope for him. You know, I was curious, though, with his body,
And all these others they laid out. Now I know the doctor is dead, but like, you know, had they continued. And I guess, uh, this goes on with the other issue with the obviously Sony, uh, no longer in control of that. my movie Is that right? Fox. Fox. Excuse me. Uh, Fox. Uh, I know after Logan.
there was some sort of attempt to make a spin-off for X-23. There were plant, they were talking about doing that, like nothing ever actually moved forward with it, but there was like this idea that they could have her play X-23 in future movies, um but obviously nothing ever came of that, and right they made, because after Logan, they made, um there was Deadpool 2 came out after Logan, and then there was It went in about when it came out. Apocalypse came out before. Right. And then there. So the ones after it was Deadpool two and then it was Dark Phoenix, which was dog shit. And then the movie I didn't see. You're not missing anything. It was terrible. OK. And then the new mutants came out was the last one that came out. How was that? It was OK. OK. We did we did a review of it last year, I think.
Okay, I got out, check that out. But I like I said, I say i saw that. I saw apocalypse and Logan and all that. But going back to the movie, it had to be this. When they had x 24, who was obviously the thing they were developing, when ended up killing a family. Yeah.
Is it me, or did he look at it, I know it's supposed to be a clone, I think. yeah yeah. ah But the way they had him dressed up he more look like Lee Schreiber's saber to. He did have a little bit of that yeah. You noticed that. I did I did notice that now but yeah i'm glad you mentioned next 24x I want to talk about him which. That was the weakest part of the movie I felt was like I felt like you didn't really have.
I mean, I get the idea what they're trying to go for, that the real enemy that Logan's facing is his own mortality and you know putting him up against his younger self and all. I get that. It's just, it feels like a very poor choice of villain. Like it feels like a very poor choice of antagonist. It feels very much like in X2 when you just had death strike was just like a mindless killing machine, basically. And and so there wasn't really that conflict with an adversary like you get in. Like, for example, go back to unforgiven right and unforgiven you had a clear antagonist there and. Right.
a little Bill's character. You don't have that same representative figure in this, not in the same way, because X-24 doesn't have a personality. And that was one of the weakest parts of the movie for me. He came off like a Frankenstein with adamantium claws. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. a good Now, originally, Lee Schreiber was in talks to appear in this movie, but not as a villain. He was going to be um that Vegas scene, that scene in Vegas, he was actually going to be like running Vegas.
was actually what it was going to usually be like running a casino there or something that was the original plan for him, and so. And I don't know if they they go went to him willingly, or if they just happen to run it run across him or something, but that was the original plan was that they would bring him back in, but I guess they were they decided to just keep it more simplified. Well, there was a lot of added, I know that during the.
seen in the hotel, when Professor X has that seizure, they were thinking of doing flashbacks of when the X-Men were killed. Yeah. And then they realized, wait a minute, it's more tragic this week, because they're focusing on the tragedy of Professor X moment. Right. Right. Yeah. Not not the I mean, we already know the X-Men are gone. You know, life beat a dead horse. Yeah. Yeah. Terrible cliche. Yeah. And The other, and this is kind of a minor gripe, it it was just something that stuck out to me this last time I was watching it. cause Okay, so Laura's 11 years old, which means she's still got maturing to do. She's still gonna be growing up. So why would you bond an adamantium skeleton to her at this stage when her skeleton's gonna keep growing?
You know, that's a damn good question. I was surprised what I was thinking about when they showed that surgery scene was, you know, how were they able to, uh, well, first of the entire surgery scene is completely different than how they did it. I, like you said, the weapon X version schmoozy version, quick and dirty, but you got to say to yourself, okay, you have a healing factor. She's got the claws already minus adamantia.
What made them think that a child, because the surgery takes place, not when she's 11, the surgery takes place years earlier. Yeah. So I'm not sure how that works out. How would a child survive that? Because you're literally having to, especially because, well, especially because the, um, the, um, you know, immune powers don't emerge until puberty anyway. Right. So how do you do that? Because as I, as I recall correctly,
food cuts, even in the skull everywhere, for that liquid to seep in. It's not like they're nailing it and bolting it in. You know, it's like liquid metal and shit like that. And like, yeah, how you know, and why did they stop with mutants that they had there, that they could have done the same thing with, you know, I see other thing that always got me is, and and I I know you can easily scare a kid and the suppression and all that stuff. But who knows? Maybe I'm missing some technology they were using in the cells. But as I recall correctly, you had kids that were able to push blocks out of the walls. You know,
And I'm saying, wait a minute, they could easily escape like, like that scene in the boys. I don't know if you were seen on Amazon, the boys. Yeah, i have you know, that scene I'm talking about the Institute, where they're all escaping, right? The guy with the giant penis, and then the the girl that can make people explode. Yeah. i Like, like, why the fuck are you trying to escape? Why are you waiting? And they did eventually try to escape. Eventually, you're right. Well,
edges are like How are they i just like question how it able to keep them under control? well i mean that you you could You can say that question about any type of concentration camp situation where the prisoners far outnumber the guards. and but they still don't rise up. So that that happens a lot. So that doesn't surprise me too much. But none of these people in labor camps had special powers. True, but still, but you know, you get them as a young age, you're able to, cause as far as these kids know, this is all normal for them. Cause this is all, this is the only life they've ever known. That's true. You're right. I forgot they were born in that place. Yeah. Gosh, it's just, what a terrible, I mean, you know,
You feel for the kid. I'm still trying to figure out. i' I'm sure I've seen kids drive cars before. OK, we're on. I've seen them. That girl essentially drove some three states. Well, well, because they get out of the seat. The casino is where in Oklahoma City. I don't know if they ever mentioned it specifically. um But I remember they didn't months and that North Dakota was two days away. Something like that. Right, right. So she drove that Jeep on the same tank of gas for two days. I've been in that part of the country. There's no fucking gas station. Okay. Maybe any small towns, you know, I don't know how she pulled that off.
And I just wondered how those kids got there. You know, I mean, I just had a lot of, I'm not criticism that a criticism, it's more of a curiosity. Right, right, right. You know, that there was that way station. Well, there are some things in these movies that just, when you think about it, they don't fit together. Like I remember in X-Men The Last Stand, where apparently Westchester and San Francisco are right next door to each other. Yeah, that's right. That never made any sense to me. Yeah. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Or even like even in um Captain America Civil War had that, too, where they had um he asked for 24 hours. He asked for like 24 hours to to get Steve Rogers. And then he has time to fly to New York and fly back.
And so that was the, and then, and then it makes the ear and also same thing with Cap, right? he gets He gets Clint to leave retirement from his farm, go to New York to pick up Wanda and then go to San Francisco to pick up Ant-Man. and then my draft Yeah, yeah. So there's there's some of that in that too as well. that may make but What is it? What do they call that jet, the strato jet? No, no. The quinjet. The quinjet. Maybe that quinjet's got some real kick-ass afterburners. I don't know. Yeah, but they didn't even have had the quinjet. That was why they're at the airport, steal the quinjet.
Well, you know what? Again, it's always going to be a curiosity. And I'm, that's, I'm pretty sure that's an old, uh, but first off, they're using an old, uh,
force of reserve thing in that. so Or maybe the people from Eden. I was curious though, if there really wasn't Eden in that, because we'll never know. But I'm just saying, I've always wanted like, like, if you went to Canada, because that's where they were heading, right right? Like, Eden was like on the other side of Canada, or like, like, like, like in South but what North Dakota, I can never tell. Like, what if there's nothing there? Right? how want Yeah. You know,
Though I'm sure they could survive. It's just that, the you know, the the impression I got of the United States was, ah it was basically the mutant version of the of the the Republic of Gilead from Handmaid's Tale. and You know, Handmaid's Tale, you know, where you got to go north, you got to go north to escape. Yeah, yeah. yeah they're not yeah Boy, that would have been something if they went north and who's waiting for them? Who's running Eden? Sabertooth. You know, or Sasquatch or Alpha flight. Oh, that would have been something. Alpha flight. Oh, my gosh. But holy cow. And then um those little kids, they packed a punch. That was, but you know, it like quickly turned into Call of Duty. No, not Call of Duty.
um Oh, shit. Far Cry. You ever play a Far Cry game? I don't like one of the demos once. I'm not a big fan of the first person type thing. That's why I didn't get into it. I'm not a first person. They're all you can put them in third person. Oh, really? I thought they're all first person. OK, I could have sworn that their person. Anyway, well, don't play cyberpunk. I actually do play. I have cyberpunk. I put it aside for that. But it did annoy me that it's not in third person.
There is a mod though. Not for a PlayStation 4. Well, I don't have it for that. I'll leave it now if I got it for state. I never thought I'd get a state again, but ah it's the best version. I hate to tell you that. Well, yeah, know the PlayStation one had a lot of problems with it. But anyways, getting back to the movie. Well, gee, Willakiss, I'm running out of things here. I liked it. I'm I know the noir one. I've been told you can actually see um the faux wolverine the cgi wolverine the one that gets killed with us adamantium bullet boy he didn't see that coming did he you know and you know what that reminded me of i i laugh i also that was that was was another thing i hate it was they brought back the adamantium because that was from x-men origins as well which right always was a stupid thing to me because
If you hit adamantium with more adamantium, I don't get what's supposed to break it. I don't either. I think it was like they're deuce ex machina, but when I laughed at that for one reason, because sometimes when I watch a movie maybe because I'm stupid. When I watch a movie certain other movies pop into my head I don't know what ever happens to you. Oh yeah, but that same.
Immediately, the final scene from Die Hard popped into my head when Officer Carl shoots. You know what scene I'm talking about, right? That one terrorist with the long hair manages to live and comes out and he's firing away and and that fat cop manages to shoot him. and it's at that's I swear to you, look at that scene when they close in on Carl the cop from Family Matters. had Reginald Bill Johnson. Yeah, Reginald Bill Johnson. And then look at the guy at at X 23. It's the same thing. It's the same thing.
But yeah, it was a great movie overall. And it was even with the little flaws they have, like it doesn't detract. It's it's and I only those flaws only came out to me.
after seeing this movie so many times, then thinking like, oh, wait a minute, I don't have a second. But I mean, that they're really minor complaints in the largest number of things. This was such a perfect send off for both Jackman and Stewart. like and And yeah, I just, I feel kind of bad that McKellen didn't get as good of a send off as they did. You know, he wanted to be in that movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah He wanted to be in it.
And one other actor I can, you know. Lee Schreiber definitely wanted to be in it. But with Schreiber's thing was, there was problems with the shooting schedule with Ray Donovan, so they weren't able to work it out. That's a great show. I haven't seen it, but I heard it's really good. Oh, it's a great show. You should see that. What is that on? Is that on Amazon? It's on Amazon. It's on Showtime. Okay.
He plays a fix, you know the premise of the show, right? He plays a fixer in Hollywood. Okay. Okay, but it's really good. He's got two other brothers who are schmucks. No, no yeah he's got a brother and his father is played by, what was that guy who's in the Donald Trump all the time? John Voight? John Voight, thank you. But John Voight comes off as a complete asshole.
Well, I mean, he basically is an asshole these days. so Right. He is an asshole these days. But I mean, this is it. This is really it. But it's a good show. And I can see how that could have been taken up a lot of his time. OK, I'll see if it's on Amazon because we've got Amazon Prime here in Japan. We don't have and't I'm not subscribed in the US one just because, you know, for shipping stuff and everything.
Sure, sure. So I'll have to check that out and see if it's on there. you Do you get the other... See, I've subscribed to so many goddamn things now. Yeah, I'm subscribed to Disney+, Netflix, Hulu, and HBO. Yeah, I got the Disney+. plus I have the Hulu. I might end up canceling Hulu just because I don't use that one as much. um There's not that much. ah You know what it is? It's pissing to me off about Hulu.
is a lot of the stuff that used to be on the regular $10 a month thing. That's what i and so what we had because we don't want to watch the commercials. Yeah, pushing it towards you have to get the live TV service. Oh, really? Okay. And I'm not i'm not paying $70 a month for that 70. Oh, Jesus. No. Yeah, no. oh yeah and It's the worst one out of a bunch. If you're gonna have I gotta be forced to pay for life. IPTV. I'll get the YouTube TV.
Yeah. You know, we also Hulu is now they also pissed me off because they recently ended support for older versions of iOS. Oh, yeah. So like I had my my iPad is it's a 2013 iPad. So which still works great. Like i I mostly use it for reading comics and for like watching for streaming stuff when I'm like cooking or something. I had a chuck out. I can't use my old ah Apple TV. Oh, really?
Yeah, no, I can't use it. I have to get, I have, well, I mean, you, the last, not the newest one, but the last 4k and the last HD ones you can, but I had like the second or first generation Apple TV. Yeah. Well, the second generation, you were, you could jailbreak, um, and you could install, um, infuse on it, but the third generation, that was the one that screwed me over because that one, you couldn't jailbreak it. Um, and that was before they had the introduced the app store, which allowed for more,
flexibility. So like now i I switched off of iTunes and I put everything on Plex now, and I can run that through at my Apple TV4. I've been wanting to watch Plex for the longest. Wait a minute. So with Plex, you can put all your... Well, we'llll we'll talk about this a little bit more after once we finish the recording. so let's ah Right. Sorry, gang. Sorry. We're veering off here. Let's let's have about some final thoughts on Logan here. Okay. So go ahead. what What final thoughts do you have on it?
Well, I'm not going to just say I like the movie because I've already told you I've seen, I've seen it like 15 times already. ah I thought, I love the ambiguity of it. I'll reiterate that. I thought it was like a more mature send off. It was almost in a way for somebody who, if you were a kid reading Wolverine back in the eighties or the nineties, and now you're an adult and it looks like, Hey,
It was a fun ride. Thanks for everything. And it's time to close up the show, sort of thing. and I thought it was a wonderful movie though. I thought that the lady, young lady who played X 23. Daphne Keene. Yeah, Daphne Keene. Thank you. Had Fox by Fox or by, am I forgetting it again? Fox. Yeah, you got it right. Fox. Not lose the rights for X-Men. I would have loved to see an X 23. You know, I don't think it's happening now. I think you're right.
um And Patrick Stewart had the best Professor X out of all of the experts in that one. Yes, yeah, absolutely. Um, yeah, pretty much echoing a lot of what you said. I mean, Jackman, you know,
this was the perfect send off for him. And that's why when people say like, they want, I, it annoys me when people say they want him to come back because this was just such a perfect ending for, for his, his career as Wolverine that there's nothing else who's going to top this and they shouldn't even try. And it's just, it it'd be like, well, I mean, Sean Connery never got a proper send off as James Bond. So then it's not the fair comparison, but it's like, you know, when you bring him back afterwards, we're never say never again. Yeah.
I hear. Yeah. And. Well, let's see what happens. Let's see what the future brings. Yeah, I mean, and if they do bring Jackman back in some other capacity, like if he's producing or if he's directing that, I i think would be a much better idea.
I think out of anybody who served in that, I think he would be great at it because he knows the content. And he obviously is a fan and a nerd, like us. We're geeks, you know, because look at all you have to do is look at his Instagram. Yeah, all you have to do is his how, you know, just playing with the with the fan base, you know, versus I hate to say it, but there's been a lot of people who were next my movies who basically they treated like a redheaded stepchild. Right.
Whereas he Hugh Jackman, he's like a big kid in a way. I love that. Well, I've read this about Hugh Jackman is that he's apparently the the you don't you You don't get a clear ah difference between the the person and the character than you do with Hugh Jackman, because he is like the complete opposite of Wolverine in in his real life. He is apparently like the nicest guy. and like he's And like people who've worked on set with him, they said like, you know, he he bought us lunch, he asked us how we're doing. he was like He's such a friendly, personable guy. He's not at all full of himself.
And Jesus, the guy is so multi-talented. Like he, you know, he's an amazing actor. he's as He's a singer. He's a dancer. He's just... Oh, that's right. Too much talent in one, too much talent in one man. I forgot about that. That's correct. The guy was a musical. yeah It was Australia, let me see. There was, I don't know if it was... No, not Australia. No, not Australia. But it was, he was in The Greatest show thela Showman. And he was also in Les Miserables. That I didn't know.
that I didn't know. Well, holy shit. ah Perry, I gotta tell you, it was a treat to watch this movie. and Thank you for inviting me to watch it again. Well, thank you for thank you for coming on. We'll have to have you come back on again at some point in the future.
Well, im I'm here for you, pal. And this was definitely true to everybody. Continue listening to this podcast. You're in for a treat. Okay. All right. Johnny, hold on. Let me just close up the show and then we'll, we'll talk a little bit off recording. Sure. Sure. All right. But anyway, thank you everyone else. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you for watching. If you're on YouTube, head on over to superherocinephiles.com is our, is our website. Superherocinephiles is the group on Facebook and you can follow us.
on Twitter and Instagram at SuperCinemapod at both of those. um If you go to the website, you can also you know rent this movie or any others, and if you rent or purchase from any of the links there, we get a little support for the show. If you can help donate it all through buying me a coffee or through PayPal or anything like that, it helps us keep the show running. So yeah, anything you can do to help out would definitely be appreciated.
That's all for this episode. Next episode will actually be a two-parter. I've got um another guest coming on. We're going to be talking about the the Mark Webb Amazing Spider-Man movie. So that's going to be the next two episodes. Oh, wow. So ah thanks so much for watching. And if you're if you're listening, if you are interested in being a guest on the show, drop me a line through the website. we've got There's a contact form. You can reach me through that. Thanks again, and we'll talk to you next time.
You have been listening to the Superhero Cinephiles podcast. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at SuperCinemapod. Join our Facebook group by searching for Superhero Cinephiles, where you can interact with us and other superhero fans. If you'd like to support the show, you can become a regular supporter at Patreon or make a one-time donation through PayPal, both of which can be found at our website, SuperheroCinephiles.com.
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Thank you for listening. And as always, Good night. Good evening. God bless.