OPE S2 Episode 60 Top 5 Favorite Foods image

OPE S2 Episode 60 Top 5 Favorite Foods

Ohana: Packers Edition
26 Plays2 months ago

Aloha and Welcome to another episode of OPE! This week Mike and Joe discuss their top 5 favorite foods! Listen to all their interesting choices! 

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Aloha and welcome to another episode of the Hana Packers edition podcast. The podcasts were two dudes from halfway across the world talk everything green and gold. I'm Mike and that's Iowa Joe. And Joe, what have we got for today's wonderful top five on the off season? I don't even remember.
Great show business. Yeah. yeah It's a been a long week. So I believe it's favorite foods and and we got the little guest with us So maybe she can throw in What what her favorite foods are once in a while and I'm seeing harder list matchup, huh? Yeah ah been I guess it's been a busy week um We've been With the holidays and all that stuff works been kind of hectic because we're down some are we're We're trying to replace a bunch of people so there's a bunch of overtime going around and then the holidays and all that stuff and then Trying to do things for the podcast. It's been a it's been a long week. but We'll just say it that way Trying to be politically correct and nice about it Yeah, yeah
So, but yeah, I think we're going to talk about our top five favorite foods. I know we didn't put out the poll this week to ask what everybody wanted, but I just kind of pulled my benevolent overlord powers and said, this is what we're going to do. Uh, so like I told Mike, I got to go off the top of my head on mine. Cause I really didn't get a chance to do too much of a list. Um, but. Do you have any honorable mentions that you want to throw out there first? I think, honestly, this might be one where the honorable mention comes at the end and they're all, ah oh shit, I forgot that one. So let's roll with it. All right, well then let's let's go with number five. Give me your number five. OK, because we're both doing this from the seat of our pants and without true notes, um these are just five, not necessarily in any order. so
um First one that's coming up, pizza. I mean, um you know, pizza is one of those where it's like, whenever it's on those, um you know, you're on Twitter or any social media, it's like, which one are you keeping? Pizza is always a key for me. um I'm honestly not the most um adventurous or zany when it comes to pizza, like if I had it my way, pizza would just be a nice pepperoni pizza. um And I just need, you know, the the could it's it's more about the um execution of the product than it is to be totally like flamboyant or rambunctious with it.
It's got to be, you know, you need those pepperonis crisps the right way. You need that cheese just slightly melted, a little bit of the burn on the mozzarella, a good sauce and thin crust. I always prefer thin crust though going to school in the, you know, going to Michigan. I did, I did learn to enjoy Chicago deep dish, but if I had my, you know, top pick, it would be thin crust, but pizza overall is one of those like, yeah, could kind of eat that every day. You like pizza too, yeah?
She's like, what the hell are you talking about? I know you can hear me. And if anybody's listening and and can't see and is not watching video, Mike's got his little one with him. Yeah. So well we're going to try getting her involved. She's the future of Oak. She's like, I'm not here for futures. I'm here for burn. yeah Um, yeah, pizza is obviously going to make my list, but so I won't talk about it too much. But I guess the burning question is. You are in Hawaii. No.
ah It does not obviously want pizza. Yeah, I. Canadian made it. Literally Google it. It was a Canadian invention. It is. It is. Um, But I agree, it doesn't go on. I can have a lot of things on my pizza and and pineapple is not one of them. ah So just off the top my head, if I were to actually sit down and rank these, it might go a little bit higher, but I like fish. I'm not too picky on the fish that I like.
um I think it was just a couple of weeks ago, my dad and, or I bought a bag of, we call them catfish nuggets. And me and my dad just fried them up and you know, that was our meal. And, or, uh, there was a restaurant in the town that my grandpa lived in Wisconsin, Cheboygan, Wisconsin, that we'd go over there once in a while and, um, on their menu, they had. cod, baked cod, and it was one of the best you could ever have. they They would bake it in butter, and it was just so flaky and nice, and you'd get a side of mashed potatoes and coleslaw, and oh, it was the best you could ever have. But like I said, I'm not too picky on it. I can have it a bunch of different ways. I've i've grilled it, grilled salmon out, ah you know baked it, fried it, all that. The one thing that I probably wouldn't do
And I know this might my chase away a bunch of people, but I'm probably not a raw fish person. um and So the sushi is definitely not probably going to, I mean, I'll try it, but I've had some raw meats before, like ah meat tartare and stuff like that. and Yeah, it's their steak tartare. They call it the cannibal sandwich in in Wisconsin. And yeah, it's just raw hamburger and onions. And no, that's quite all right. There's one that I haven't been able to try. It's not popular anymore. But it's like an old school style. It's a Scandinavian style of fish. It's called lupus.
um they basically take the fish and and ferment it and lie and it yeah it's one of those that today it probably would not be anything but back then it was big uh and with my scandinavian roots i would love to try it but i unfortunately it's hard to find around here just so it just sounds like it's one of those things you just got to go on a family a history adventure and find someone who still makes it in their backyard kind of thing and one of those stones yeah those stone vessels that's like you know like a campfire thing at a park kind of thing here in America but no
Unlike you, I will hop on and kind of use my next one to piggyback off of the one you listed. Fish is definitely on the ah one of my top five. Because same as you, like it's so versatile. There's so many different kinds of fish, you know like without naming names. But it's like you can go with like a white fish. So like you said, the cod, mahi-mahi, even stuff like ah moonfish, things like that. And then you get into like your ahi. salt I say ahi, you guys say tuna, um, salmon and stuff. And I, you know, and but what's nice about fish, like I said, is the versatility so that sushi does fall under that. And I totally understand when I was younger, I couldn't grasp the understanding of why he would eat something that quote unquote should be cooked raw kind of thing. And it really is like it.
I know for a lot of people it's the texture of raw food like you said I know that that's a part of tartare even but especially with fish it's like it's so not rubbery like rubbery is like the start of it but it is like it's the rubbiness and the stringiness of fish meat where it's like you know that's how it like flakes and comes apart really easy you know it's that almost buttery salty flavor to it when you cook it um but I've become a total sucker for like sushi bars. um but yeah And then you know just going from Eastern style of sushi or frying or um like steaming the fish you know from my Japanese roots to like Western American fish and chips, I will go to bars bars and grills to eat fish and chips almost who anywhere on this earth.
Um, just get it with some, um, what's it call it? Some malt vinegar. And, um, I will, I will eat any fish and chip option. And yeah, like you said, it's, it's such a, it's such a nice, like light protein option. And so, um, and one of the ones that I didn't know if I would like is, um, halibut. And I do like halibut a lot. Um, it's, ah it's, you know, it's, it's more, it's cut, you know, halibut swordfish. It's a different taste. flavor to it because it is a stronger fish taste, but it is like a super meaty fish and I have come accustomed to really liking those. So yeah, fish is squarely in my top five for me as well. Have you ever had pickled herring? I have not. If you ever get a chance, try it. It's it's amazing. Is there a place that you recommend that I have or is it kind of like, is it usually pretty safe to get it from anywhere kind of thing?
Honestly, Mike, you're the more the world traveler. So I can't tell you where, you know, I mean, I can go to our, our local chain, call it our high V's and you know, the health jars of it and stuff like our fairway stores and that, and they'll have jars of it, but it, it just. Not to get too graphic. You need eat too much of it. You're going to be hitting the bathroom too often. So you got to watch what you do with it because it is very rich in that. but But it's one of those that it's kind of not taste wise, but in how you eat it, it's kind of like a sardine where you get it out and you put it on the cracker and then you did, you know, on a cracker. So, I mean, I can sit there. It it can get a little bit pricey.
But it just, ah I can use that as a meal. Just sit there and eat crackers and and and pickled herring. um but yeah i mean fish see obviously you guys will get a lot of more of what we would consider exotic fish than what we get here you know i'm used to the the the catfish and the the bass and the salmon and stuff like that uh because my grandpa and some of the cousins would go fishing for salmon on uh lake michigan so we'd get the lake salmon and stuff like that and then um
you know when i was younger more so than any anymore now me and dad would go down to the river and just fish for stripers and stuff like that so i mean but we'd catch a mess of it filetum and then that you know we'd have our fish fillets and stuff and yeah i love it not so much anymore because just out of time like that but if i can catch a good deal on like catfish nuggets and and maybe i'll throw up our recipe for how we put our fish together on the website. All right, so we're on number four. Excellent. you Yeah, give me your number four now. Oh, yeah, yours was fish. So my number four. Um,
You know what, I'm going to throw it on here. I've been debating on whether it was going to be an honorable mention or if it would actually be, but it's the one thing I would always hit whenever I would visit a Chinese restaurant or anything. And I know it's very, I know specifically li ah Lambo LaBeau is going to lambast this frigging pic, but crab rangoons. I can have a whole meal just based around crab rangoons. A homemade Chinese restaurant, whatever, you know, store bought, whatever you want. I can just, I don't know what it is about the cream cheese and the fake crab and all that stuff in it. It just, it's a wonderful, I can hit it. You give me a little bit, or you give me some of the crab rangoons and then some of the general chow chicken and I'm set for the rest of the night. So she agrees. She and Marisol are just into this plain cheese rangoons, but there is something about like, just, I have just the plain cheese.
yeah yeah Marisol will fit you over that one. For some reason, I can't. Well, no, it's not just, just for some reason, after having the crab rangoons, the cheese ones just have, you know, they're kind of more bland to it. So I got to have, I got to have the meat in there. even though it's fake meat. We always laugh when you see it in the like Costco or whatever it and the box says real imitation crab meat as opposed to fake imitation crab meat.
Things that make you laugh in human life.
i don't But i like I said, I don't know what it is. I i don't mind the just playing cheese ones, that just but they don't hit the same as as the crab ring dudes. Yeah, no, I totally understand. um so for mine we're gonna cross over um potato chips and like um what number are we on the three we're on number three right yeah potato chips and this is another one that it's like if it's on those you know which one of these snack items is bleeding and which one is a must-have it's potato chips and if you make me pick um
if you make me pick between potato chips which ones i have to save it's like picking your favorite your favorite pet kind of thing it's it's uh puff cheetos um el it's you know I'm a snacker, junk food snacker, and just potato chips, it's such like comfort food, got to have it for at work, got to have it for long drives, got to have it for watching games, like sports games when you're from your house kind of thing. um And just the like nowadays, you know,
We're not even that old, but it's like before it was like, all we needed was like a bag of Doritos or a bag of the original Cheetos and stuff like that. But nowadays... Yeah, when we were kids, that's how we gamed. Yeah, have the bag. of That's why it's such a stereotype. Yeah, your bag of friggin chips or Cheetos and your soda pop. and Yeah. And then nowadays, you've got like 40 different varieties and 40 different flavor combinations and stuff. And we're to the point where, you know, you're in your late and I'm in like my mid 30s. And they've already like retired Cheeto and Dorito flavors kind of thing. And, you know, i like, you know, Dusty Evelies got like his list of Dorito flavors that he's waiting for them to come back with and stuff like that. So I've got one. I've got one on my list that they have never re-released and it pisses me off this day that they've never re-released. And that's the Pizza Hut flavored Doritos. Those are good. Mine is. Yeah. Mine was the Buffalo one.
Oh, see, I'm not big on Buffalo style stuff. I understand that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That Pizza Hut one was good. But the last time I remember seeing anything to do with the Pizza Hut ones is a movie reference. And it was in Blues Brothers 2000. And Elwood reaches over into the bag and grabs a bunch of them. That's the last time I ever ever seen them. And oh, I miss them. They need to be brought back. Yep, absolutely.
So I suppose that means I got to give my number three. And I've been trying to think of this one. One of them I'm going to put as my number three, and one of them is probably going to end up as an honorable mention. And I'm just trying to think of which one I want to go with it. We're going to go ice cream. I love ice cream. i can said It could be middle S of winter, you know negative 40 degrees out, and I could still just chow down some ice cream. um I kind of am particular on some of my ice creams. It's got to be a legit ice cream, but my favorite is cherry or peach. um Yeah, I love peach or cherry ice cream. um i But it's got to be just plain cherry. None of this cherry chocolate. none of you know
um um And peach just hits home. I love for some reason I am big into peaches. Hell, I even got a peach tree planted in the yard. So I just, I love peaches. Um, but yeah, I mean now. It doesn't do my diet any good. So I've got a layoff of it a little bit, but there's a little Mon Paul donut slash ice cream shop in the town that I work. And they have, and I posted a picture of one of their signs the other day, but um they just have a big ah variety. And I said, now it's my mission that I have to go through and try every one of them that's in there. So, so far every, every Saturday I've went in and now the guy behind the counter already does, all right, two more pints. I said, yep, two more pints.
Hey, that he can't complain, that's the ultimate patronage, so no no complaints from him at all. quite um Yeah. I just, I gotta go with ice cream, man. Ice cream just hits it. And like I said, it's gotta be a good ice cream. It can be, you know, I, like I said, I know that it's not good for the diet and all that, but I can't go with the diet fake, you know, creamer stuff. It's gotta be a legit ice cream, whether it's a milk ice cream or what, uh, you know, uh, uh,
ah frozen milk more than, you know, frozen yogurt is all right, but it still doesn't hit just like a like a true ice cream. Yeah, I think ice cream will probably make my honorable mention. But it's the one thing that just just um tickles my brain the way you said it is good ice cream, because one of my dad's catchphrases is um I need the good ice cream. And and when he says that, he's talking about it's gotta to be hog and does and my dad is like the most the most tight japanese man i've known like he'll buy so many different things generic brand and stuff he's like brand doesn't matter blah blah blah but ice cream is the one thing that he draws the line on and it's like
if i'm like you said if i'm going to be putting something that is not necessarily great for my long-term health diet whatever you want to call it into my body i am putting the best of the best and it is going to be hawking to us and it's created a lot of comical moments at family dinners where we're sitting there and he's like, do you have the good ice cream? And they're like, it's a good ice cream. And he goes, but is it the good ice cream? And we're like, dad, we're at like a little mine restaurant. I doubt it's Haagen-Dazs. Yeah, I mean, I completely agree, though, because I mean, even though I can handle some like the store brands and like Blue Bunny and stuff like that that we get around here,
I've got a head it's all right but it's not like it doesn't hit on the same level and the the best of those battles is his sister my auntie his sister is the total opposite of him she buys her ice cream on sale she lets that shit freeze for ye for years and she'll pull out the blue, sure he she breaks my dad's heart because she'll pull out like three different bargain bin brands and they'll all have freezer burn on top of it. He's like, what is it? So he's literally brought his own pint of Haagen-Dazs to the family dinners before, because he's like, he's like I need vanilla bean. I need my Haagen-Dazs vanilla bean. And we're not-
If we can get this podcast up and going to where we can be like an Andy Herman or Tom Grassi, we're going to get your old man out here. And I'm going to take him to a couple of spots and he's going to get some real ice cream. And it's not going to be Haagen-Dazs, so I... he's No, no, no. My dad is... The one thing about my dad is he is willing to try anything and everything. So he will... He will... ah He will try it all, and if he has to, he will make a run to a Kroger or Meyer and find some Haagen-Dazs to tide himself over. But I know that with, like, homemade stuff, he is very good about, like, it's... He's like, this is a good... oh yeah Like, um...
in Japan like that was one of the things with Japan is like Japan loves soft serve ice cream like I didn't understand or know how much how big soft serve ice cream is in Japan and it's like everywhere and my dad's like you can taste the fat in it and in a good way he's like you can taste yeah yeah that stuff so obviously I expect no less from the mid the midwest either so I know that you that's what I mean yeah Yeah, that's what I mean. We have a shop that's in, like I said, in the town that I work in because this little town that I live in is it's only like 900 people. So there's not even a grocery store here. So it's hard to. But in the next town over where I work, there's an ice cream shop called Graham's. And that place has been open since like the fifties and they they make their own ice cream in there. And it's it's all in the soft serve machines and all that.
And there'll be lines down the block on hot days, just waiting to get ice cream from Graham's. So yeah, it's great. All right. So we're on number two. We're on number two. All right. I'm going in a different direction with a dessert and I'm going to go with, um, Oh, this one is hard too, but. I think I'm gonna go with cheesecakes. And this is another one that my dad got me into eating cheesecakes when I was like eight or nine years old. And um like, I'm one of those people who's tried just about every option on the menu at Cheesecake Factory. um If we go to a restaurant and there's a cheesecake, I'm going to try it. and I'm going to, um you know, it's one of those where it's like, they have it, I gotta try it kind of thing and stuff. so
um And yeah, like with cheesecakes, I love just ah your standard New York cheesecake um with a scoop of ice cream on the side. um i can go Depends on the day, but I can go with or without the strawberry on top and stuff. but i mean You can just, they can do so much with it. Like one of the ones that I love um from Cheesecake Factory is I love their key lime cheesecake. um Marisol loves the tiramisu cheesecake. And I mean, wait we're those people that go to Cheesecake Factory and we walk out with a bag and everyone's like, oh, did they have a bunch of leftovers? And like, so so funny, one time we went and um
my my friend, former coworker, I was like, oh, Chris, Marisol and I are gonna stop at Cheesecake Factory. Do you and um Irby want a slice? And so we go order and Marisol and I were like, okay, we're gonna get Chris and Irby's one. And then we're like, we're gonna get this, this, this, this, this. And then I was laughing as we left because I told Marisol, I was like the like, the girl thought that like it was like two people to a slice, because she threw in like, a dozen, so a dozen forks. I was like, we only needed four. that's it was for for people But she's like, Ooh, you have like eight slices. Here's four. And she like dropped like two handfuls worth of forks in the bag. really And I'm like, no, it's there's just four. There's two, two normal people and two gluttons who are going to be eating all of these over the course of a week. But, um, like, yeah. And i see that's me and ice cream. Yeah. That's me and ice cream.
I'll go to, like I said, this little shop that I go to, I'll go ahead and get like four or five pints. And they just look at me like, what? And I say, I can just keep it in the freezer. You know, that's my dessert for the week. Yeah, exactly. So but like I said, and then out here, you've got different restaurants with different takes on cheesecakes. You've got ones who infuse it with fresh fruits that they either grow or they're able to source. One of this family old restaurants that I frequent, um they make a ginger cheesecake and it's like the ginger flavor it's pretty subtle but it gives like it it it complements the like tart of the cheesecake and stuff and people just do different takes on cheesecakes out here and it just um offers a lot of different um dessert options so uh cheesecake is going to be my number two now i have to say this and it's not bad but it just shows that i'm in an area that we don't get a ton
I, the only real cheesecake that I ever grew up on was the no bake, you know, it was just cream cheese, cool whip, a little bit of sugar. And then, yeah yeah yeah, now I want to branch out to it, but it's so hard to find in my area. Somebody actually does like New York style, but I, so I went to Walmart and got one of their samplers that it's just a couple of slices of different ones. They had one in there that was cinnamon infused and that thing was amazing. If I could find somebody who can make me that, you know, a homemade version of that, I think it would, it would, it would be just terrific. ah I mean, even the one that I got there that was store bought was amazing. I can just imagine what a homemade one would be. Right. Right. Exactly. yeah
um me said I grew up on the no-bake one because my mom just lives and dies by that and because that's what she grew up on. But, you know, I'm open to the concept. I just have never been able to find a place that sells a good and in around in our area that just sells. Yeah. Yeah. No, that totally makes sense. Yeah, absolutely. Just like how our fish answers are different, where yours is a lot of, quote unquote, outback, you know, cod, catfish and stuff. And I've got, like you said, the more exotic, you know, they they've got multiple names in multiple languages, depending on who's catching the thing and stuff. So yeah, it's just what you got. The only people who get this in a can. yeah And it's got the blue fish with glasses and ah and a beret on it.
Um, but yeah, I mean i'm open to cheesecake. I just i've i've never had it yeah I've never had like a homemade authentic erg. I think there's a cheesecake factory in Des Moines But Des Moines's like almost two hours away. So it's not like yeah that i'm gonna pull off at the time. Um So my number two I coming into this I knew I was gonna come ah just off the top of the head but I had my first two ones chosen down whatever i just and it's basic a cheeseburger you get a good cheeseburger i i can take bacon i love bacon cheeseburgers but
It's just a good cheeseburger, grilled, fried, whatever. We do here in the Midwest, a it's got a million different names to it. ah We call it steamed hamburger. Some people just call it a loose meat hamburger. you know It's basically you brown the hamburger, and chop it up and whatever. I can eat a cheeseburger that way. I can eat a cheeseburger in a patty. just give me a good cheeseburger with ah some ketchup, some mustard, maybe a little mayo, depending on what I'm you know wanting for the day, and just a bunch of cheese. And I love it. And I can be sufficed. I can do it. And you know I can have that constantly. That's definitely going to be cheeseburger is definitely one of my um my um honorable mentions.
If you ever make it out here, one of the ones that we have out here is, um and there's a couple of different places that make them, but what we have is called, you know, it's terry burgers. So it's a cheese, it's a burger, and it's either dipped or, you know, drenched in a teriyaki sauce. And so... Oh, really? Yeah. So um it's just a different tip play on a burger. And i do write it's one of those where if you come and visit Hawaii, I recommend you find a place that'll make you one because it it'll just, it's like is it like you said, it's just another different way to get your um infusion of cheeseburger into your diet. so um And it's you know it's a little bit to have your your burger hawaii you know Hawaii style, like truly have it Hawaii style. So I'll definitely put that one out there for the rec list for anyone listening and for you, Joe. so
oh Well, and for anybody listening that has a wreck that ends up in my area, Ottumwa, Iowa, again, has another old school building. It's called the Canteen. It's been around since like the early 1900s. If anybody remembers the TV show, Roseanne, when they decided to make the lunchbox on the TV show, that was based on the Canteen and Ottumwa. It was a loose meat sandwich, whatever. People come from, you know, I know when my mom's family comes from Wisconsin, the first thing they got just go to the canteen and a dumb walk. And, and so I mean, there are, everybody has their own take. Uh, there was one that I got from another restaurant where my grandpa lives and are and and they called it the Sheboygan burger. What they did was they took a Patty of bratwurst and a Patty of hamburger.
And then it had the lettuce and the cheese and I think it had like two different types of cheese on it and it was on a hard roll. It was, it was, it was damn good. Right. ah So like, I, I'm so happy. I can be happy with the cheeseburger and, and no issues. Absolutely. All right. We're at the nitty gritty here, Mike. Alright, this is the Japanese in me that is just flying to the front forefront and my number one is um
gonna just go with ramen but I'm gonna go with a combo of like ramen, udon, saimin and sukemen. You get noodles in a broth and you put it in front of me and I will eat it any day of the week. I will eat it multiple times in a day. I think like especially with ramen one of the reasons and udon too to an extent but ramen especially like You know, there's um just so many different options. You can just have your your very basic shiro broth, which is like just, you know, it's it's soy sauce based, but then you can get, you know, exotic with like a curry based Japanese curry based kimchi based butter, like literally there's butter. Your ramen comes with a block of butter on top of it.
um seafood, Mabotofu, and then um you can change your noodle styles. you get And it's just like, it's that, you know, every culture has their comfort food, and ramen especially is mine, but like, udon is based, you know, for all intents and purposes, a lot of places will just make udon like ramen, but you know, it's a different noodle. um Simon is like, just a very basic, you know, broth and stuff. And the sukemon is, it's nice because it's like, it's a thicker
like almost a um ah gravy that comes with your noodles and you dip the noodles in it and then you eat it so but ramen definitely is the one leading the forefront of that inverted V into the number one spot on my list of food options and um yeah like i said I can eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner. I can eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner in the same day. I will not complain. Everyone who's traveling with me would complain, but hey, that's what I hate. In Japan, you can all eat at different places in the same food court and you'll probably find me at a ramen shop. So yeah.
This one, like cheesecake, I got to admit the only type of ramen that I've ever had was instant. active and And I'm not even a big fan of that because I find the broth too salty. And I am one of those that I don't put a lot of salt in my foods. I avoid salt for ah majorly. And so it's hard for me to overly salty stuff. And the packaged ramen broth is just out there. Now I'm open to, you know, try, like I tell people, I have no problems trying a lot of different things. That's the most important thing. Yeah, absolutely. yeah That's the most important thing is being willing to just, you know, sit down and have that, that dish kind of thing. So that's really, that's all there is to it. So yeah, again, like the cheesecake thing, I live in a small area.
As people know, I'm in Iowa and we are the most white state there can be. And there's not a lot of different cultural stuff in my area. So it just It's hard to get a lot of those things. We barely even have a generic Chinese restaurant place. The one sushi place we had got hit so hard by um know what's the the the health department. yeah do they're not they you have yeah They haven't been open in like three years or well no four years or whatever it was.
um So it's just hard to find that kind of stuff in my area. But like I said, i'm I'm open to it. Absolutely. So my number one, we've already touched on and it's not a big surprise. I love pizza. I mean, like you just said, with your noodles, I can eat pizza, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and and you know, I can be set. This is how much I can be in the pizza. There is one and back in 18 or was it 17 or 18? I went up for a Packer game and we had just moved my grandpa out of his house into a nursing home. So the house was empty. It had just the bareness. and I mean, it still had power and everything in it and stuff like that.
But I was going to be up there for a week and I needed food. So all I did was I went to the nearest pizza place, bought like 40, $50 worth of pizza. And that's what I ate on for the whole week. I'd come back from green Bay, eat a couple of slices, and then I'd go to bed or whatever. And, and, and hot cold. The only thing that I won't eat it is if it's like lukewarm, if it's been sitting out for a little bit and in the it's either got to be refrigerator cold or it's got to be hot. It can't be lukewarm because that just throws the flavors off of it. But I agree. ah Pineapple does not belong on pizza for nothing.
Um, there are a couple other things that I won't eat on a pizza tomatoes And and olives. I don't like olives. I don't like raw tomato I don't I can have tomatoes in things but I I don't like just raw tomatoes Um, uh, she's smiling see she agrees with me But um Yeah so I'm not overly picky on my pizzas. There's one thing that I haven't had that I really want to try is an authentic Italian pizza. It will change your way of thinking of what a pizza is because that's the thing like you said is like
yeah And like people yeah Americans who go to Italy and try their pizza or just their food in general, they're like, oh, it tastes different. But I'm like, that's the point is that in the US, we can't get the quality of ingredients that they use out there. Whereas in America, right. And and it's cut and you know some people are like, oh, it's bastard. but But I'm like, no, it's not necessarily a big part of it is we just don't have the quality of mozzarella, the Roma tomatoes and stuff like that, you know, where yeah that's we're importing it. So it's like, you know, days to weeks old kind of thing by the time our restaurants get a hand on it. And so it's like when you when you eat any food in food in Italy, but especially their pizza, it has a it's a fresher taste and it's less seasoning because it's an experience, their way of expressing the the raw ingredients they have. And dude, it's like you
you you have one of their margarita pizzas you just have those big blocks of mozzarella on top of it you know they they cook the tomatoes that are on it and then the fresh basil that they put on top of it dude it's awesome they then they put like a light sprinkling of salt to bring out the full flavor of the mozzarella and dude that stuff is like you it's at least it was 15 years ago but it was so cheap you know they because pizza is like obviously you have like your main meal gourmet pizza, you know, like the the bigger pies and stuff like that. But like pizzas, paninis, they just sell them, you know, like, you like, you know, run around handout size that you you get for like your snack slash lunch, you know, lunch on the go style and stuff. So dude, you ever make it out there? Like I said, it's it's different, but a good kind of different in terms of what you know, you know, here it's a lot of like,
the bottled oregano, bottled you know Italian seasoning flavor that comes through in the pop you know in the bra in the the crust mixtures and stuff like that. But like I said, you know some people are like, oh why did i'm like it's just because they they have to in the US s because we don't have you know mozzarella that got rolled this day kind of thing and stuff like that so it's just unless you can find you in an italian market like in new york or or someplace like that or find you ah an authentic italian family yeah you know that still makes it the way that their family did over in italy um ah you know if you can find some because that's kind of like with a lot of like um we do have a big
um Mexican population here in Iowa and You know, there's Mexican food and then there's Mexican food and and you know, you can go to these places and get authentic Mexican foods because they're just a little montage restaurant type things that you know, they're they're making the recipes that they were making at home in Mexico. Yeah. So if you can find places like that, then you're going to get more of the real thing. But again, small town, hard to find and stuff like that. So. All right. So any honorable mentions you but mention at the moment? So um I think we'll go with like donuts.
um that was my that was the one that i was having a hard time with with ice cream it was either gonna be ice cream or it's gonna be doing it i think you picked the right one like yeah i i just think oh like And especially for me, I'm not the biggest breakfast person. So it's not like I've got to have my donut to start the day off kind of thing, you know. And then with Hawaii, like it's kind of like you wear a lot of the donuts. It's the like more like your standard bakery style. And they do it, ah you know, we don't have a lot of like, I know this is going to sound weird, but we don't have a lot of like donut chains and like Dunkins or uh oh.
Uh-oh. yeah happy with that one yeah she's She's mad I left donuts off the list because she loves donuts. She likes her Homer Simpson pink strawberry icing with the sprinkles on top of it. But yeah, it is one of those. I think for me, like- She's probably also getting hungry because we're talking about food. I know. What the hell, dad? But yeah, I think if I was more of a breakfast person and stuff, Donuts might've made the list over some of my other options. But see, and this is one thing that I strictly believe in.
If you like it, you can have it any time of the day. It doesn't have to be strictly a breakfast thing. Like there, I, I work 4pm to midnight, so I'm not usually up at the eight or nine o'clock in the morning type things. You know, I don't get up until like noon half the time. Well. If I'm hungry for a pancake, I'm going to make me a fucking pancake, whether it's noon or five o'clock in the afternoon or whatever. Same thing with donuts. If I get off work and I'm like, man, I need a fucking donut. I'm going to go to the store and get me a donut. Um, so.
But yeah, even here, we don't have a lot of the chain stuff. Our biggest chain style of donut is our our Casey's donut. And Casey's is just a gas station that there's a big chain of. They started in Des Moines and now they're like branched out into Missouri, Illinois. I think they go all the way to like Colorado and Minnesota and stuff like that. So trying to find a good donut around here is hard, but now I found this mongpaw little place and man, they have amazing stuff sitting there. It just, it's beautiful. It kind of makes you not want to eat it because it looks so pretty, but then you realize you're hungry for a donut and you just eat it anyway.
Um, so that was my honorable mention. I really can't think of any other, um, honorable mention fruit. I am a big fruit person. You know, I love peaches. I love apples, cherries, watermelon, you know, stuff like that. I'm big into the I know a lot of people are going to be kind of looking at me side eyed because being from Iowa, I didn't mention corn. But if you want to know a secret, I can't stand corn. ah It's one of those when you grew up with it kind of thing. It's like
Like my dad cannot stand pineapples anymore because my dad, his his ah one of his teenage jobs was he worked at Dole Cannery. So my dad can filet and chop up a pineapple like nobody's business. But he's like, when you work with, you know, it's like people who grow up on a farm and they're like, I don't do eggs anymore kind of thing. Like I understand that for you, it's like, I grew up in a state that has, you know, everyone's like, ooh, Iowa corn kind of thing. He's like, that you're I know you're like, that's the reason that I'm like, nope, like, no, thank you, sir. Pretty much. Yeah. Pretty much. And now I do love popcorn. So I guess that could be an honorable mention. I love popcorn.
And not microwave stuff because that stuff is too salty for my taste. It's got to be good. Whether you make it in the pan or you have a hot air popper. That's that's my that's an honorable mission. I love popcorn. Yeah. Well, there'll be time. I'll just go. Well, I don't go to the theaters, but I would go to the theater and just get popcorn and I wouldn't even pay attention to the movie. I just paid my price to the the mission to the movie and get my popcorn. And then just to keep it short, one of them is up just Filipino food in general. There's so many options and I couldn't pick one over the others, but I mean, you've got, and that's the thing is like, you know, I could throw out names and everyone's like, oh my God, like what is that? but
So like adobo, which is like for all intents and purposes, it's their their equivalent of pulled pork kind of, you know, little bit of a stretch, but it's, you know, it's their equivalent of pulled pork. You know, you have lechon kawali, which is fried pork belly um with, you know, some some garnishes and stuff. and um but so much so much vinegar in the good way it tough and and just um the way they they mix the flavors together and a lot of rice and um but yeah
One of the reasons I joined the Philippine club and at Michigan is because I was like, they have food. They have food events. eight I will go yeah i will eat. we so yeah but Marisol's going to have to come to Iowa because we have nothing. It's either corn, soybeans, or pigs. And I mean, as I go to town. or I go to the town that I work in, I pass by three hog lots and there's a hog slaughtering plant in the town that I work in. Yeah, it's nothing but pork.
ah Any more for you or was donuts your big one?
Donuts and popcorn and fruit are the three honorables I can think of. Fruit would definitely be one of my honorable mentions too. I'm more of a more of a berries person but yeah like it is nice when you when you have them and you just like I need to eat something and you just have there's nothing that really tops just a nice fresh fruit and then on top of it you can pickle them you can you know you can mess around with them and stuff like that throw them on top of ice cream at all so yeah. Yeah and it can give you your sweet You know, if you're hungry for something sweet, it can give you that to quench it and not have to get into the junk. um But other than that, no, I can't really, I mean, I love pork, but I'm not going to get into, i'm I'm more of a pork eater than I am a beef eater. So, um but that's, it's probably the five that I listed plus the three honorable mentions of probably be above pork all the time. I can choose that stuff over pork any day of the week, but
I think the little one's getting kind of restless. So I think we're good on that. Yeah. So won't reveal it yet, but just to tease our guests for next week. This one, Joe has been working a long time on getting this guest on Oak and Joe's hard work pestering and campaigning to grow the Oak name finally came through. And we're very pleased to be doing for our guests for next week's episode. Big name, most of Packer's um social media, anyone who's ah around Packer's social media is going to recognize his name and we're so grateful that he's going to be joining us for next week's show. But um other than that, like we always say, please check out our website, ohanapackers.org. You can check out the streams of every episode. You can check our
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