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13 Plays7 years ago
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! I'm @elianeanita! If you want to send me an email you can email me at Snapchat: ElianeAnita If you like to read and want a community to chat with join me! I would love to hear your perspective on the book of the month! To sign up click here: Recorded, Produced and Edited by: Éliane Anita Track Produced by: Devo Beats

Introduction and 2018 Goals Check-In

Hi guys, welcome to the Alienita podcast. I'm your host, Alien, and I'm so excited to have you join me for this week's podcast. I hope that your first month of the year started off amazing and February is rolling right in.

Self-Care and Self-Love Discussion

I hope that you guys are still sticking to your goals and still moving to see your dreams and resolutions come to pass in 2018. This is a great year and it's off to a great start. So I hope you guys are enjoying this year.
So we are in the month of February and it is Valentine's Day like crazy everywhere and I came across a piece of candy that a coworker gave me and it said be kind and I kind of meditated on that and I started to think about what do I want to talk about this week?
in my podcast and what I decided was I picked four areas to be kind to yourself in and I think that this will help you begin to love yourself and appreciate yourself even more as you be generous and kind to yourself even as you are kind to each other.
Now this week's podcast is going to be fairly short because I'm kind of busy. I had a lot of stuff going on, but I wanted to make sure that I gave you guys your weekly podcast. So without further ado, let's roll into the show about being kind to yourself.

Embracing Gratitude and the Present

So the first thing I want you to be kind to is your present, meaning where you are right now. I think that a lot of times we get off track because we're not grateful for where we are. Just simply being here on this side of heaven and
and actually doing something and actually dreaming and going at it again. I'm pretty sure, you know, if your 2017 was kind of like mine where it was like crazy, like everything just started falling apart, like bit by bit, or even if you ever experienced a very difficult time in your life, maybe you overcome a disease or maybe you had a bad financial time at one point or
maybe you lost someone or whatever, you know, you may have felt like you would have never gotten through that, but because you are here and you overcame it, I think that we should focus sometimes, sometimes we lose our focus and our grip on just being thankful that we are here, that we're saying that we have our mind and that even though things are not perfectly put together or we don't have all of the things that we want,
We still have a reason to be thankful and continue to move forward. So I think that you should be grateful that you are where you are, even if it's not exactly where you want it to be. I think that also too, you should be thankful for your journey and your path.
Everyone's story is unique and everyone's story is different and your story is what make you, you. And because you are still here and because you're still pushing, your journey is something that you should be proud of, whether you liked every bit of it, but it's something that you should be proud of and it's something that has made you become a better person. So I encourage you to be thankful for where you've been and where you are now. I also want to encourage you
So remember that where you are right now today won't be where you always will be. Hopefully you'll constantly evolve and hopefully you'll continue to grow and as you do so you'll find yourself in a different spot. Maybe next time this year you'll be looking at yourself with more money in the bank or maybe you're smaller or maybe you're more wiser or maybe you've learned more lessons or maybe you ended something
I don't know, but next year should be different for you. So just appreciate where you are right now and continue to move forward into what is next.

Understanding Mental Health and Counseling

The next thing you should be kind to is your mind. My goodness, guys, your mind
is the most valuable thing that you have. I often tell people as a business owner, the most valuable thing I have is my mind. I need my think space to be clear. I need to be able to move forward.
quickly and recover quickly because my company demands it and also my lifestyle demands it so you want to be you want to be kind to your mind so you need to unpack all emotional trauma anything that's happened to you maybe in your childhood or maybe when you were an adult or when you were in college or when you was hanging with your friends or whatever
You need to take time to unpack that emotional trauma because that's like, you know, if you think about your computer, right? That's like memory on your RAM that's being stored and it's a copy and space and you have to live your life according to the rules that you made in your mind, right?
But when you free yourself from all of the baggage and the bondage and the traumas and things like that, you get to think freely and you get to think more clearly. And I'll talk a little bit more about that because I'm reading a book on it. And I also have a special podcast coming later on this month to talk about that. So I'm going to save those details for later. But I want to encourage you to begin to unpack the emotional trauma in your mind.
Also, if you need it, get some counseling. Now, I am a huge fan of counseling and I have personally gotten counseled myself. It is something that I truly value and it's something that has really, really helped shape and change the dynamic of my life. So, to be kind to your mind, you definitely should seek counseling if you need it.
Also too, you need to take rest, you need to take breaks, and you need to go on vacation. You need to give your mind a break. I was recently talking to my mentor and she was telling me, I am going on a vacation this year and I'm going to go somewhere where I don't have to make decisions. I'm just going to get up in the morning, I'm going to eat food, I'm not going to worry about where I'm going or what I'm going to do.
while I'm on vacation, I'm just gonna go and have a good time. And that's something that I believe that everybody needs to do. To just go on a vacation where you don't make any decisions. You just, hey, I'm just here to rest. And even if you can't go on a vacation right now, I say take some time to just give yourself a break. If you're working eight hours a day, give yourself 20 to 15 minutes to just go and close your eyes and shut out the rest of the world.
turn your brain off so that you can just begin to just appreciate your mind. One, but two, to just give your mind a break from overthinking or trying to solve someone else's problems, but give yourself the room to just be easy. Like just take a load off. So I encourage you to just take a break and make sure that you're getting your proper rest.

Forgiveness and Personal Freedom

Like you cannot be healthy if you're not
getting good rest so you I know we all have heard that saying sleep is for the dead I'll sleep when I die and all of that weird stuff you need rest now if you want to have a thriving and successful life you need to rest your body so
Take some time to just rest and take some time to just breathe. And that's my encouragement for that. Also, I want to encourage you to forgive yourself and to forgive others. I read this quote that was so interesting and I'm going to paraphrase it, but it says,
When you forgive, you set the prisoner free and you find out that the prisoner was you. When you do not forgive yourself and when you do not forgive others, you become a prisoner to that. And if you want to remain a prisoner, then don't forgive. But if you want to be free and if you want to be kind to your mind,
You definitely want to learn to forgive and forgive quickly. Guys, we have got to learn that forgiveness does not empower the person that did you wrong. It does not say what that person did was right, but what it does is really free you and let you be you. And I just, I cannot belabor that point enough to say that forgiveness is really, really important.
And I also read this quote too that says the reality is people mess up, but don't let a mistake ruin a beautiful thing. And the way that I interpret that quote was the beautiful thing is not the relationship to me personally.
The beautiful thing is you. Sometimes we get to the place where we become so hard-hearted and so guarded that we don't know how to just be us anymore. It's almost like we forget who we are and we become a prisoner to a situation. And so I say don't let unforgiveness ruin the beautiful thing which is you. Don't let it ruin who you are.
Don't let it change your personality and don't let it change the way you think. So I want to encourage you to forgive yourself and to forgive others.

Physical Health Essentials

The next thing you need to be kind to is your body. You need to eat to live. You need to drink to nourish and you need to exercise to challenge yourself. Listen guys, if you want to be kind to yourself in any kind of way, you want to make sure that you are taking care of your body.
Your body is your temple and you need to make sure that it is functioning at its optimum rate. So that means go to the doctor, take your vitamins, take your medicine, make sure you rest, make sure you wear your glasses, whatever the case may be, whatever it requires to be you, you need to make sure that you are doing this. So take care of your

Planning for the Future

And finally, I want to encourage you to be kind to your future. First of all, guys, we have to begin to act like we have a future now. I know if you're listening to this podcast, you're probably thinking, I know I have a future and that's great. But we have to begin to act as if we have a future. So what I mean by that is that you have to begin to educate yourself for what your next is.
I was sitting in a leadership class recently for the last past 10 weeks and a guy named Tylette McNeely said to me, and he said to the class rather, he said that your training is never for today, it is always for tomorrow. And he was talking about how he was trained for eight years, I do believe, in the army and what they call peacetime to spend one year in the Iraq war.
And so I think that that was such a dynamic quote because you have to begin to educate yourself for your tomorrow. So that means that you need to learn about stocks and bonds if you don't know about it. You need to go back to school to get your bachelor's or your master's or your PhD or whatever it is that you need to do. You always need to prepare yourself for your next. It is vitally important.
that we do what we need to do to educate ourselves. Maybe you don't know what the next step is, but when you do take time to search and seek to find out what the next step is, then you need to begin to educate yourself on how you can be an expert in that field or expert in that realm so that you can be the very best.
The next thing you want to do is give it your all. Once you find out what your future is headed to, you want to pour everything you have into becoming the best. That's so key because sometimes we feel like we want to haphazardly fall into things and that
very rarely happens so if you really truly want to be kind to your future make sure that you give it your all. The next thing you need to do is invest in yourself so that means that you need to if it's going back to college or whatever it may be or taking a professional class or you know developing a trade or getting a mentor or joining a think group or
Whatever it is, you need to make sure that you're investing yourself. Also too, you want to make sure you prepare your finances, and I was going to add that one in, but I decided not to, but you need to be kind to your finances. Make sure that you're saving money and you're storing away, you're getting rid of debt, you're doing everything that you need to do to be successful and prepare for whatever your future holds. So that can be having children, that could be buying a home,
home, that could be getting married or whatever the case may be, you want to make sure that you are investing and preparing yourself for what lies ahead of you, for what you don't see. So guys, I hope that that encourages you to be kind to yourself, be kind to your body, be kind to your mind, your future, and your present.

Conclusion and Community Engagement

And I hope that you guys enjoyed this podcast. If you did, make sure you share with your friends
and followers, make sure guys that you are following me on social media. I am Eliana Anita on everything. And also too, if you want to know what I am reading, you can join my book club at and search for Eliana Anita book club. I'll make sure that I link all of this stuff down.
below in the comment section or in the show notes. So I appreciate you guys listening to me and as always be blessed and stay relevant.