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Laughter as Medicine with our Southern Sister Beth Recchio image

Laughter as Medicine with our Southern Sister Beth Recchio

Shine on You with Renee Novello & Christina Lanae
221 Plays1 year ago

Hi friends!

If you are looking for a pick me up & to feel a heart felt stirring in your soul, come along for the ride with this week’s podstar, @bethsboholife.

Beth in her words is all "about finding true joy in freeing yourself. Settling into you. Accepting all that you are. Celebrating, loving, laughing, dancing & meditating our way through life. I’m known to waller and frolic. Also down to flitz. Can be persuaded to gallivant. Southern living at its core.” She is a HOOT in the best possible way. I fell hard for my new friend Beth & know you will too.

This episode we are talking about finding the lighter side of life despite the real life hard that connects us all. Choosing ourselves over the judgements of others, even our loved ones. How we are all here on our own trip and Beth’s commitment to spreading love and humor is so heart felt, pure and down right infectious.

The vulnerability of Beth’s journey reminds us how good it is to feel free spirited, and in the moment.

To get an infusion of funny into your feed, gotta go follow Beth @bethsboholife!

Enjoy this talk with my new BFF, Beth.

To connect with Renee on IG: @feelgoodwithrenee 



Introduction to Beth and Her Instagram

Hi, everybody. Welcome to another episode of Feel Good With Me. Renee, I'm so excited that you are here to listen to this guest today. I just finished recording a heartfelt and humorous conversation with my new friend Beth. Beth can be found on the Instagram at Beth's Boho Life. I'll include that in the show notes as well. And why I'm telling you that right off the bat is you're going to want to follow along.
Beth has a down to earth, soulful, humorous approach to life. She is my southern sister from another mister. I feel such a resonance with her soul. She's just here to be who she is and to shine bright and she wants to love on people.
And she's just such a natural storyteller. When you follow her over on Instagram, you're going to see she has a beautiful, sandy, blonde cat. That's her sidekick, Booper. We talk a bit about Booper in this episode as she says. And, you know, Beth is just, as she puts on her Instagram, she's here to make life fun and full of hope. And that is exactly what she does. She touched my heart today.
And I just am immediately drawn and fall hard for people who are funny and real and unpretentious, and that is exactly who Beth is.

Career Shift and Embracing Authenticity

I can't wait for you guys to meet her, if you haven't already, and listen along to our conversation. Enjoy this one. Hi, Beth. Welcome to the podcast. Hello, hello.
My, I feel like you are my southern sister. I'm so smitten with you. I'm just, I'm a little giddy that you're here today. Well, honey, now you can throw the flattery my way. I'm a sucker for it. I can't help it. I, you know, I came across your, I'm gonna say your influence out there in the social media land, I don't know, maybe a year ago.
And I, you know, you just sometimes come across people that first of all make, like you make people laugh and just make my feel a little better in the moment. And I was immediately captivated and have been literally ever since. For sure. Well, that's one of the best compliments I've ever had in my life. So thank you for that, Renee.
You know, it's a funny story actually. I started the page because I was going through this whole transformation and I was changing careers. We had moved to a new city. There was all kinds of moving parts and pieces and some bad and some good all happening at one time and then the pandemic hit. So if everything else wasn't enough pandemic yet,
And so I decided I was going to get my real estate license. I had done hair for 25 years and was just, I mean, look at me. I don't even call my hair most days. So let's be honest. My passion was not there. My passion was for the people. I love people. I love relationships and helping, but the rest of it I was done with. So I, um,
Got my real estate license and started the page as a way to build my real estate business. Okay. Okay, Beth, you've got to be you. You've never been good at being anything that's not you. And you know, the real estate business is very professional and buttoned up and all this stuff. And then here's me in my overalls and my hair sticking out all over my head and flips and around in the backyard and
I did real estate for a year and was really proud of myself for it, but it was not where my heart was at. I'm not money driven. I'm not good at staring at contracts and stuff. So I've just kind of let this evolve into its own thing. And one day it just hit me like, we just need more joy. We need more realness.
We need more love. We need more acceptance. And there's a space for all of us. There's a space for all of us, you know? It's so good. And so that's just what I've done with it. And here we are. Well, I was going to ask you to tell me a little bit about your background and your journey and you know,
If you always felt like you could just be funny in the moment, or if this is something that you're trying out more recently, I'm just curious. Tell us a little bit about the journey that has landed you here. I mean, you did a bit, but is there- I think the main reasons that my hairstylist business was so successful was my ability
to build strong relationships with people. And a lot of the time it is through humor, but also realness. And so much of that came from my dad, who I lost a little over a year ago, but he had the most vibrant, beautiful,
big love for life and joy in people. He was a hard worker and he would just walk in a room and start hollering at people with their nicknames and stuff. You could just feel the energy building. So I've always had that. I do believe that laughter is medicine and it helps us all. So I've always used that in whatever line of work I've been in.
whether it was hairstylist, whether it was, you know, real estate. Um, I'm actually a caregiver now when I'm not, you know, doing stuff. I mean, I don't make any money on social media.

Family Influence and Personal Growth

I just love spreading whatever my message seems to be that day, but, um, I'm just.
It's a gift it is and i am aware of it and i just try to share it with as many people as i can because everything can get really heavy. And when it does you tend to withdraw i do personally i was drawn and i pull away from everything and.
Finding somebody who can bring a little bit of white, a little bit of love, a little bit of humor, a little bit of encouragement, anything through social media or in real life to me is just free therapy and it's what we should all be doing for each other. So, you know, I just keep trusting and I just keep leaning in and going with it. I don't even know where I'm going. I'm just going.
I know that is part of the charm that you bring through is, first of all, I mean, I was telling you before we got started, I just, you know, I fall hard and I fall fast for people who make me laugh. And I think too, like when you were talking about your dad that really touched me because my grandfather was that way. He was just...
childlike and funny and would crack the waitresses up and call them names and you know the way he was with my grandmother like you're bringing me back to my family like I told you I feel like you're my my southern sister and my sister and I have I've gone back and forth bantering about what you're talking about now for you know for a while and she's in southern Virginia and I'm a transplant to Wilmington, North Carolina. So we are in you and I are in the same state now, which is cool
But just that lightness that you bring forth, I just think that more of that please. And yeah, it's so authentic. And I was telling you, I showed up today with my hair and crazy little buns and I said, this is so bad, I am bringing it. And she's gonna get it because she just has been an inspiration to me to take messy action. And you were saying something about that before we got started.
about that. So just that is a gift in this world is to see someone who's willing to take messy action. Yeah. So we were talking about that. And you know, I told you that to me, that's where the beauty truly lies is in the imperfection. That's where the growth happens. That's where the, the small realizations about cold shields of the beauty, um,
what life truly is all about, which is the journey. And we get so caught up in achieving goals and whatever they are, whether it's a materialistic thing or some sort of accolade, whatever. And then when you get there,
It's like, okay, what's next? Instead of actually learning to just enjoy each little step, no matter how messy, no matter if you're covered in dirt from working in the yard all day, you're still beautiful in that. No matter if you're struggling with this problem, but you're working on it, that's beautiful.
That's just what life should be. And I think social media is very, very bad to push the influencers or big accounts that show perfection all the time. And that's fine. I'm not knocking anybody. Like I said earlier, there's room for everybody, but I think it's so unhealthy and unrealistic.
because people start slowly feeling like they have to attain that certain level of whatever like the perfect house or the perfect wardrobe. And it's all nonsense. It's all bullshit. Can we cast some here? Oh, yes, please. Yes, we. But so to me,
I'm drawn to accounts. I'm drawn to people that are real, that show the imperfection and stuff. That's just been really important for me to embrace and share with others, which is why most of the time I don't wear makeup. Lots of the time I hadn't combed my hair. I've never used a filter.
because I'm just showing up however I am that day and they're all okay. So, yeah. So much wisdom going on. I love it. That is the truth though. It's like giving permission for people to be literally wherever they're at and to meet them where they're at and to be okay with it.
Yeah, I personally struggle with that need of, but it needs to look a certain way and be like this person that has this polished appearance. And then I meet people like you and I'm like, wait a second though, there is such a resonance inside me that stirs when I see someone that is just in.
in the moment, as is, being them, which in your case happens to be hilarious. And so your timing, girl, like I tell you, you can deliver.
We're gonna tell the listener how to find you and how to fall in love with your instrument. We'll definitely include all that because you're timing sometimes in these really short videos, right? They're like short ones, but they just get me. They get me rolling and laughing in the middle of my day.
like out loud. Thank you so much. I still share full disclosure and in all honesty there have definitely been periods of my life where I felt that same pressure and that I have to have everything perfect and this has to be perfect but when I got down to the root of it so much of it was anxiety and a little bit of depression because I wasn't living my
life the way I wanted to. I was still letting outside forces, whether it be family members or community or whatever, I was in a very, very small town. Okay. Take us there. Where is the small town?
This is Elkin, North Carolina. So it was actually Wilkes County, but our mail-in address was Elkin. And it's very, absolutely beautiful. One of the prettiest places you'll ever see. I mean, it truly is. It's in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, lots of farms. I grew up on a dairy farm, worked in chicken houses. You know, so I've always been outside nature, animals. My mom loves flowers and gardening and all.
But I knew from a young age, I was just different. And I never knew why. And I always, my family is very religious, very religious, Southern Baptist. And none of it ever just said exactly right with me. Like it thing, I don't know. But anyway, so I always felt like there was something wrong that I just couldn't

Wellness and Yoga Transformation

conform and mold myself into this.
the way that society, that society thought I should be. For sure. And so I was always trying to keep it just together enough to keep everybody calm and not have anybody on me about being crazy or, you know, what's she doing with a crystal over there and that kind of stuff. It kept me in this constant state. I wanted to balance everything was always like,
Like if you're on a, um, what is that thing? A seesaw? You're on a seesaw and you can't get it leveled. So you're just constantly using all your energy to try and find some balance. And I just, I couldn't anymore, but, um, you know, the older I got and the, the more, the more I realized that my life.
is up to me and I don't want to look back with regret. I just became stronger and stronger in the fact that I was making moves that were right for me and I have lost a tremendous amount doing this. But it's okay because I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life.
So there's pain in that and there's growth in that. You know, we talked earlier about the beauty and the imperfections, the beauty and the growth, the beauty and the pain. I say that because I've been there. But once you kind of get to that other side, it's like this freedom. I mean, I can't even describe, it's like your whole body opens up and you feel calm and grounded.
and you know you're okay. I don't have the anxiety I used to have. Meditation has helped me a lot. Yoga has helped me a lot. Breath work has helped me a lot. I think you use all those tools together
to really dive into who you are, what you want, accepting it, being okay with it, and then embracing it and letting it go.
It doesn't happen overnight, it doesn't. But you start the journey and you get there and it's a beautiful place to be. And what you're speaking to affects all of us and some of us more than others and that sense of that push and pull, like you were saying, of choosing our authenticity or
the need for belonging and being a part of communities, families, all of that. We always think that what we want is in the belonging, but it's actually in authenticity. It's actually in that and showing the world that's who I'm here to. That's when I personally, on my own
Tramp, I'm here to be, and do. And do you feel like you did that at a certain point, really pivoted hard? Or was it kind of gradual and just as you've evolved and grown, kind of ended up there? So it was gradual for a long time.
It was gradual for a long time. And I have to say one of my biggest inspirations is my husband. He's a musician. He is hood on this earth to play music, to write music, to sing and to share it with the world. And it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. He is truly living his purpose. And it's such an inspiration.
And in all honesty, and I mean, I've told him this before, there was a lot of me that was envious because I wasn't doing that.
Slowly, I was being inspired by him because I would watch him on the stage and how just strong and powerful and beautiful and happy. It was almost like his soul was floating because he's doing what he's meant to do. But I realized it's not up to anybody other than me to make sure I'm doing the same thing.
So it had definitely been gradual, but then at a point, I'm going to say five years ago, things really started shifting for me. And I was very unhappy with work. I was still doing the hairstylist thing. And physically I was exhausted. I just didn't care about looks and stuff. I cared about the people, but I didn't have a passion for the work at all.
So I actually built a salon at my home and thought if I could cut significantly back and have this beautiful space, it would rejuvenate me and I could keep going. So I did that and a year in, I was still like, this still isn't it, this isn't the right thing.
And so my husband and I talked and we had both always wanted to move out of the small town and move, which is where we are now in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. My husband worked here at a store called The B String, a guitar store, and all of his bands and music are based out of here. So it made sense for us to be here.
And I love everything about this city. It's very artsy and funky and great food and great music. And the community is just unbelievable. So we finally decided just to do it. And that's when it clicked. That's when everything started happening. And it started happening fast. And it was really intense. And there was lots of screaming. There was lots of resistance. There was lots of ultimatum.
And we stayed true and steady. And it's been the best thing that's ever happened to either one of us, which then led me to even go further on my journey and my discovery. I wound up, the town I grew up in didn't even have a yoga studio. So I had been doing yoga at my home trying to figure it out.
But it's really different to be in that space and have an instructor and a guide. And so, COVID was going on, but this beautiful place here in Winston-Salem called Wild Light Wellness Collective was doing a special, like an unlimited summer thing. And I thought, oh, I'm going to go for it. I'm going to do it.
And the first class I did, of course, I had a full emotional breakdown. I don't know if you've ever had that experience, but there's something so beautiful. Wow. And it felt like home and it's been home ever since. And the people I have met through there, the knowledge they have shared with me, the way they're helping gently guide me when I need it or ask for it to find my gifts and my path is just.
Lord, have mercy. I love those people. I mean, I tell them all the time, I just love all along. So through all the bad and the loss and the, I mean, I have basically lost my entire family over this move and I'm also completely okay.

Setting Boundaries and Social Media Connections

So that should speak to people.
How powerful it is to come into your own, to have peace with being totally who you are, that you can lose everything. Everything you've known to that point and still be the happiest you've ever been. That's when you know it's right. That's when you know you did the right thing and
That's just where I'm at in life. Oh my goodness. Yeah. I am feeling your heart. I am feeling everything you're sharing right now. Good. I mean, what a journey. I mean, that's. Yeah. That's profound to move through lost and finding yourself in the process. Whew, it's been.
exhausting and invigorating and terrifying and joyful. It's been, it's been all the emotions intensely. And it's funny because I was just telling my husband last this morning, actually,
I've been working through some stuff in meditation and last night I had a dream and in the dream I stood my ground in the most beautiful kind way.
But it felt like this perfect closure and like, this is the light. We won't have this conversation again. This is who I am. Take it or leave it. And I just woke up today feeling amazing. Like that was that last little link.
You know, I had to really get to that spot. And I got there last night, which is kinda cool considering we were gonna be talking about all today. And it was just a beautiful thing. And I feel like that was, you know, the universe saying to me, you're here. You've done, like you've set the boundaries, don't turn back.
100% dive in. And so like today I woke up and I've declared it spring because my rose bushes are covered in my freakiest blooming. I've been out in the yard with booper. I just feel so alive, you know? I do and I am loving, I love this for you that that has landed and that
the unfolding of going through something that is a major disruption, a major transition. And to feel these little pieces start to click in of closure, of reassurance, of God winks, of you're on the right path.
I love that so much. And yes, I mean, spring, like I feel, you know, it's funny, I was like feeling into you and just how you are and come across. It's like, you feel like eternal spring. You feel like that sense of like, just bright brightness and like, yeah, it's like, I feel like you embody that and I'm picking it up. I'm picking it up. You're putting it out there. Yeah. I mean, it's a part of also, it's like,
There's so many things that you're sharing and also just from seeing like your love for your cat. It's just like I'm a cat person through and through. Like I am like just the way you dote on booper. I just love that boy.
And then his natural sandy blonde hair flowing. Oh, he is majestic. He's majestic. He knows it. But he reminds... It's so funny because he reminds me a lot of me because he'll strut around a little bit, but then he's clumsy, so we fall. I mean, I get... I'm like, that's me every time I think I'm stuck and I stumble a little bit. And then I get back out and I'm like, oh, well.
So it's always like he's my little animal, spirit animal, you know? And I'm so thankful for him because truly, so he is seven in April. And so he was here before the big transition started, the Grand Awakening, whatever you want to call it, World War III.
He was there and then he has been with me through the highest of the highs and the absolute lowest of the lows. And you know, animals truly feel your energy. They know your pain. They know your joy. They know what you need. And you know, the, the weeks after my dad died, uh,
I truly did not know how I was gonna move forward or if I could or anything. That little booper butt laid with me constantly. I think he would get up to go to the bathroom. I know he had to, you know, I know my husband had to be feeding him or maybe I was and just don't remember it. But he stayed with me and he would purr and he would like nudge into it. The love he gave me
was so powerful. I've never had a relationship with a pet like this. Oh Lord, have mercy. He is...
all animals truly are special if we just take the time to to really connect with them and and let them kind of show us what they need and well didn't they give it back but yes a little voper butt he's my angel. I love that he's so prominently featured on your I mean I'm an Instagram girl I know you were over on TikTok too but you know I just love he's prominently featured because I look forward to seeing what he's up to.
Now, what's funny because I have really kind of pulled back from TikTok. Oh, have you? No, typical me. I mean, here's the weird thing. So TikTok just seemed easy. Like I grew there really fast, but it was hard. Like they really push you to put up three videos a day and you got to interact for 30 minutes before that. And then you immediately, like there's all this stuff.
And I was exhausted. And I thought, I can't just do something to be doing it. Like that goes against who I am too.
But yet here on Instagram, I just don't grow. I just kind of stay where I'm at, but I can have these beautiful relationships. I have met the most amazing people on here and actually gone to meet a lot of them in person. Are you serious? That's awesome. Yeah. And that's just a much more real thing for me. So I don't know. This just feels more like home.
I feel that. Yeah, I do. I love that. And I, you know, I feel like we are, you know, so many people have gone through transition with, you know, relationships and boundaries and choosing, choosing themselves. And, you know, I do want to just say that I appreciate your vulnerability with sharing all of that.
I don't take that lightly, that's some heavy stuff to move through. And I also think that, and I wanna hear what you think, I feel like we're moving into this space now, like you were saying with finding people on Instagram that you connect with. It's like we're moving into this place where we're finding, it's like some people say like your soul family or like your people. The people that are just here to support you and get it and we're kinda,
We're moving through some heavy stuff and we need our people. And so I love that you have made these connections on Instagram. And I'm immediately like, how do I get to win some Salem? I'm so like, I'm sick. Well, that's why I put them on over there. No, Liz, I'm coming to Wilmington. And we're going to go eat at K-38 and Great Margaritas. Oh my gosh, I know. There's some good options.
Yes, that is a good one. But you're always welcoming Winston-Silence, always. I appreciate that. I'm feeling what you're saying. I feel like there's been a lot of us shedding these old identities or moving into places and really honoring our calling. When everybody does that,
We all shine brighter and we can find each other and clearly have that signal out there. It is. It's amazing how it works. I mean, I've got cold chills again. It's almost like I picture it as like these spider webs of energy that are just shooting out around us and we draw in
the people that we need, the force that we need, the energy that we need, to haul it, whatever. You know, my country doesn't know exactly what it's called, but you know what I'm saying. The Jews, you know, the good stuff. And I can, yes, everything you just said, it's like I meet one person and then it leads to this other thing and this other person. And it's so beautiful because even going through so much extreme walls,
I feel like I have the most beautiful family right now. And I mean, yes, I have my husband and son and my in-laws, but you know what I'm saying, the extended family, your real family, the people that get it, that get you, that support you, that sit back and applaud when you're growing and changing. And whether they understand it or not, they want to learn about it.
So that is one of the beautiful things about social media. And I think it's really important to give social media what you want to, but also don't let it control you. Again, probably why I'm never going to grow that much and don't give a rat's ass.
I'm not gonna be forced to post this many times a day, or at this time of day, and do this and do that, because that ain't real. That's not who we are. But we're still slowly making the connections like you were talking about. It's happening. So that's the real beauty of social media. And as long as you can keep that in mind, and not the perfect homes, the perfect hair, the perfect whatever,
you focus on that, then it's a beautiful tool. It truly is. Yes. And I'm a big fan of making it what you want it to be, too. Because I have, again, fallen into that trap of thinking like, oh, I got to follow the rules and I got to do the things. And that does not work for me either at all. I'm quite a little rebel at heart. I just don't want to be told. They do.
Yeah, I don't do well with rules for the sake of rules or, you know, I'm like, I sniff that out. I don't know. Here's the plan. Yeah. Yes. I know. And so I appreciate you. You know, yes. And you know what? Here's the thing, Beth, like,
You have the ability to touch as many people as like infinite

Future Ambitions and Community Engagement

people. You are that kind of person. So yeah, I mean, you may not follow the rules, but I still think above and beyond, you're going to grow into like an infinite possibility space with who you are and how you show up.
Seriously, I just gotta preach that for a second because you are like I want you to make a million dollars I want you to be on whatever path you want to be on I don't know like do you see yourself ever doing I wanted to ask you this do you see yourself ever doing comedy like Live or are you like not feeling that path at all? You know, I I have thought about it, but I don't know
I don't know. I'm open to, I could see myself doing more like interviews, talk show kind of stuff like you do. But I'm also really on a path right now where I want to, I'm going to take my yoga teacher training. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I want to do that. And I really want to find a way
And this is so, you know, the idea is big and there's moving parts and I don't know how it's all going to happen, but I'm trusting it is. I want to use yoga and movement and meditation and humor and love and encouragement and, you know, as a way to help people.
And I just don't know how that's all going to happen yet, but I believe it will. That's right. Um, I know sometimes even like in, you know, the whole yoga world and stuff, people can think it's really heavy. So to me having this humor and this lightness, we can find that balance of, okay, let's do a little work.
But then we can go out here and have fun and sit around in the grass or whatever. So I would love to do a talk show someday of some sort. But if not, then I definitely want to kind of merge the two worlds together. I mean, that talk show has to happen. I mean, I don't know. Like, I'm not going to. That's weird. Get the people on the phone.
Just create it. It's the DIY time. You just do what you do. And yes to the bringing of humor to yoga. Come on. Look.
I did yoga training, I've been through a lot of yoga training actually, and I've been in a lot of yoga classes, I've been in a lot of yoga situations. Yes to the humor, yes to the not taking ourselves so seriously, and bodies are funny. What you're doing is making shapes with your body. Why isn't that hilarious? I don't know, but I think there is a real market for that.
Listen to me. You have got to come up here and go to wildlife wellness with me. It is the most, I mean, it is. It's all about being wild and embracing yourself and laughing and cutting up and talking during class. And then you know, you. Okay. All right. I gotta take a trip. All right. Yeah. I'll just get in the car. No, I,
Part of, okay, this is a little behind the scenes of my thinking and process, and I didn't necessarily plan on sharing this, but I used to go to yoga studios, and let me tell you, they were profound experiences in their own way. I really grew. I found there was some stuff there that it really helped me to see and to reflect on, and some of it really was very heartfelt, potent stuff that has changed me, literally, and that's why I love the continued popularity of yoga. I think it's an amazing way to get in touch with yourself.
And at some point it got a little too heavy and kinda getting into the competitive.
Look, I'm not trying to win the yoga award or go the distance. I just want to feel better. Ian, I love what you're saying because I haven't really found, since post COVID and stuff, I haven't really found that studio space that just feels like home, like you're saying. It feels like you can just let your guard down and
be all messy. Because right now, if you saw my yoga practice, I don't even know that's what it's called. I just roll around on the floor and intuitively kind of stretch. I mean, it feels great, but I'm like, I don't even know what it says anymore. I'm not sure we can call this yoga, but it's like I crave that sense of that feeling of community and being in other people's energy.
and not taking it too seriously and being able to just be free and wild like you're saying. That sounds amazing. Renee, so I think they still do the online classes. I think they stream them. I'm not sure. But if they do, you've got to check it out, especially like I call it yoga church on Sunday.

Southern Charm and Humor in Social Media

It's like a 75 minute class and it is
So freaking awesome. And I mean, it's wild to all people, like they're busting at the seams. And it's the most powerful thing because all ages, all shades, all levels, we're all in there together. And you have to touch each other because we're so close and you just feel this love from each other. It forces you, called Jill's again, it forces you to really connect with people.
Well, that's the, I'm gonna have to get you a number and look at the next, because you're coming to Winston. That's all there is to it. That's all there is to it. I'm telling you, and you know what? Oh my God. There's something to say. It's been a bad day. It's like four hours. I don't even know where I am. Sometimes North Carolina feels like the biggest state ever. I'm like, how am I that far from that? But anyway, I can figure this out. I know I can. And listen, you could be out of my house. I'm at my core. I am an introvert homebody.
You two, would you consider yourself an introvert? 100%. Let me say that I'm an extroverted introvert. I want people, and I love connections, but I love home. Let me be home. Let me be in my yard. Let me be in my space. I love to go eat alone. Yeah, big time. My friends will be like, Beth, get out of the house.
And I also am fully aware now so like this weekend is my husband's birthday and i bought him tickets for the billy string show that's in town molly turtle always to be amazing. But it's friday saturday night and then on sunday there's an outdoor they're doing like a he's using his birthday to do a fundraiser for a business in town.
And about two weeks ago, I said, you know what? I'm not going Saturday night. I'm going to sell my ticket because that is way too much people for me. Like I've gotten great. So yes, I am.
I'm very picky and choosy about where I go and how I spend that amount of extrovert energy. I feel that. I feel that. I feel this shock state. You're not an introvert. I'm like, I am happy as the Lord by myself, me and my kitty cat.
That's right. Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. And I do appreciate, you know, I'm sensing or picking up from, you like to spend a lot of time laying down, you know, talking to us on Instagram. And I'm like, oh, that's, that's my, my person there. I'm, I am, I am, what is it? Horizontal. Anytime I envy. Me too.
I love it. I mean, I'll just go out. My husband will come home and catch me just sprawled out in the yard in the grass just laying there and he'll just shake his head. I've had people stop in the road and ask me if I was okay because they thought I'd had a heart attack or died or something. I've been like, no, I'm good. Just serious.
You should try it. It's amazing. Oh, that's too good. Yes. I just see so much possibility in terms of your talent and your natural gifts, like the things that you are naturally good at.
Okay, the Southern expressions and what do we call it? Anyway, expression. You get me every time. I mean, I grew up in Virginia, but I grew up in Northern Virginia, so we're like a whole different animal up there. A whole different world. Yeah, a whole different world. And so some of the things I'm like, I have never in my life known that that was a saying. I'm like, she needs one of those books,
Not like a little cute book that's just like a guide to Southern speak or something. That is what I see when I hear you talking. Someone needs to document her telling us all this because it's too good. Well, you know what's funny?
I didn't even realize, I mean, shit, I grew up in the country. I grew up in Wilkes County. And that's just how people talk. And so, really, I've always loved to travel. Travel's huge to me. So that's the thing. I'm an introvert and I love to stay at home or I love to travel. Those are my things. But I would be traveling and people would be like, what did you just say? And then it just started clicking like, oh yeah, y'all don't talk like that. You know, well, let me tell you what I meant.
And it's such a great way to bond with people. Um, I don't know. I've never found it offensive when people look at me like I'm crazy. Cause I know it's just different. And then once we start talking about it, we always end up giggling and kind of bonded and you know, so it's, um, I don't know. It's a gift. We're just going to call it what it is. It's a gift.
It's a gift to the world. Well, you've picked it out there that I've got to figure out a way to put all this together because I'm definitely... Oh, it's coming. I'm trying to work it out. Listen, you're already on the vibration. It's coming. I mean, the action part, that's like down the road. Like that's like the least part that, you know, you don't have to effort your way. You just are. And I, you know, I just, that's one thing, you know, that, I mean, your love for,
Cat, your southern speak, and then your character. I mean, how did you get into doing this character? Were you just goofing around and was like, this is so, like, this is Molly. Okay, back to my dad. Molly Trundasher, your fake, well, I wouldn't call her fake, yes, yes, thank you. She's, yes, she is the best.
the baddest straight up, my dad, Ronnie Swain. When I was growing up, you know, if my dad would be talking about somebody and telling a funny story, he'd say, you know, old Molly Churn Dasher down the road down here. And I just loved it. And then sometimes he'd say, old Beth, you know, old Sally like washer at the road, you know, he just had these crazy names. So one day, and this is when we still lived in Ilkham,
And the weather was supposed to be one thing and it was another. And I just looked at my husband, I'm like, come outside and video me, I'm going to do a weather report. And we had been kind of doing it back and forth with some friends of ours up in Sparta. They all had like, one was, oh God, it'll take, I'll think of their names in a minute, but everybody had their little news reporter.
do the thing. So anyway, we did one and it was just fun and people loved it. And I just kind of kept going with it. So yeah. And the fun thing is always finding some weird thing to be my microphone, like whatever's laying around that's my microphone. You had me in stitches the other day with your crab claw for the microphone. I mean, that's too perfect.
I mean, yeah, I mean, this is the kind of childlike humor that I need in my life. It's a non-negotiable really. I can go without a lot of things, but I got to have that sense of like, this is all too funny when we really stop and take a minute to look at it all.
Yeah. I mean, having things going on in the world and the shit that people are, you know, tore up about, there's some heavy not knocking that, but the little nonsense stuff, I don't know, like maybe people get going on in Hollywood.
I mean, I don't, I don't know if you're in, I mean, take yourself a little less seriously. I like, I have to laugh on, you know, we're in an HOA situation here and I don't know. Are you in an HOA or are you kind of free, free room up there?
Yes, and the neighborhood's getting packed. It's a new neighborhood. It's getting packed. We're getting a lot of personalities in the mix and I just sit back and observe. I'm a big observer.
You don't catch me down getting involved in too much around here. I think my neighbors probably think my husband's single because I'm just like, honey, you have a great time. He's a true extrovert. So he gets all juiced and fed by people. And I'm like a little balloon dying in the corner. But it cracks me up because I'm like, wow, people are really coming online and getting upset about a lot of things. And I'm like, I can't help but just think,
how lucky we are to be able and positioned to even care about how fixed. Like putting energy in doing something for somebody or making a positive change. I don't know. Trivial shit. I just, I have zero tolerance for it. I just, I really do. Now I have gotten much calmer the last few years with meditation and yoga and the whatever and the whatever,
It's very difficult for me. I have a very low threshold for nonsense.
I don't bring some drama, don't bring some stupid childish bullshit. I'm just, I'm not doing it. It's getting zero energy. And so many people, I just think, God, if you use that energy to do good stuff for the world, for your community, I mean, what a beautiful place this could be, you know, instead of getting tore up over somebody's flat holes too tall.
I mean, it's, it's, I don't even know. It really does. Do you know your astrology signs? Like your, your big three? Do you know your son? I was just curious. I was just curious. When were you born? March 16. Pice? Yeah. You're a feeler. Are you a feeler? Yeah. Yeah. Big time. It's exhausting.
Yeah, I mean, I hear you. I hear you. I'm a water sign too. I'm a Scorpio, but I kind of have a lot of fire going

Empowering Others and Self-Discovery

on too. So I was wondering if you had a lot of fire going on with the water too.
with the feeler. I definitely don't know much about that kind of stuff. And I'm actually, I'm really looking forward to kind of learning more about it and stuff, but I don't know a lot about it. No worries. Yeah. I mean, I, I don't know. It's like a hobby of mine, just to be curious. That's my hobby. Just to be curious. My son is really into it.
But yeah, I'm not. Sometimes I want to learn so many different things at once. It's hard for me to focus. So like I've learned as I've gotten older to really like, okay, I can do that later. But right now I want to focus on this, pay attention to that and learn. So I'm doing better. So right now I'm in that like meditation, yoga, you know,
And you're doing a 200 hour training. Is that what it is? A yoga? Yes. I haven't started it yet. I don't know. So actually, I'm hoping Jeremy and Pam, who are the owners of wildlife,
Pam is from Columbia and they just are on their way back today with the first group. They took a bunch of people down. They called it rewild and it was a retreat. And we were talking about it before they left and they may offer an intense like three or four week yoga teacher training in Columbia. Okay. Columbia as in South Carolina or Columbia as in the country?
the country. Yes. Okay. I was like, isn't there a school on the, okay, I'm just geographically making sure I'm on the same continent. I'm not like winning this. I'm not like winning this. I'm not like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I'm like winning this. I
But we're getting crazy down here. No, that's the tracks. I got you. Wow. Yeah. I mean, I think that, you know, we're going to talk some more when they got back and see if that's something they're going to be able to put together. So I haven't booked anything yet, but I'm working with them to figure out.
When we're going to do it. And if not, I know they're doing a regular, the 200 hour training in the fall. Yeah. I'm not a person who really loves to dive in and totally just get in it. So I'm, you know, we can work out through the three to four week thing, but we'll see. Yep. That'll, it'll unfold. I'm sure as you know.
I love new places. I love new people. I love, I just love, so that would be really good for me too. Really profound to go away and have a yoga teacher training because I did mine. I did my 200 hour with, I think my son had just been born ish. So I was like, you know, going back and forth and, you know, being there for the weekend and then going home. And I think mine was a longer stretch. Like, I don't know. I can't remember.
Yeah, how amazing to be able to be immersed in it and to be able to be in another country like that and just to be powerful. Well, I can literally talk to you all the rest of my days. Is there anything else? What do you see when you, I know we talked about a few things, but in the future, the next future, near future for Beth,
What are you calling in? Like, what do you feel like is manifesting that you are ready to step into? I'm going to say this and it's going to sound different than how I mean it. So I'm going to say it and then explain it, but power.
and knowing my own power and my gifts and the fact that I shouldn't hold back. I shouldn't listen.
settle down, quiet down, I should become more. And so not power over anything or anybody, but my own power to heal and to move forward. So that's, that's really, that's where I'm at right now. Let them so powerful into that, calling it in. I want, I really, my whole heart just wants to help people.
I love people. I hate seeing pain. I hate feeling pain. And if there is anything I can do, whether it's through laughter or hugs or leading somebody in a meditation or a yoga practice or sitting down and just having a conversation with them, I just want to be able to do that. And so I'm just really calling in.
power to keep moving forward and expanding and finding my way. That's powerful.
You are. You are. You're already doing it. You're already not dimming your light to fit in.

Conclusion and Listener Engagement

You're already in that space of your inner power coming on, coming online. I feel it. I see it. And it's so exciting. And I love your heart for helping and your heart for loving on people. And it's contagious and that is
something I feel like is really powerful that is. Yes, exactly. You know, you are we could all just read that. That's right. That's right. Well, you certainly do it with laughter and ease and you make people feel so good. And I'm so grateful that you came and talked to me today and shared with us.
I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I'm going to be coming to see you. That's a big statement because people know I don't leave the house or you're going to come to see me. If I have to, I'll come see you first, but you got to get up here because we're going straight to wildlife. All right. I'm down for a good old
When they say rewilding, I'm down for that. I need that at this point. I'm a little too domestic. I am like, yeah, dishes, kids, like, you know, all the things. Yeah. We got to get you ballots back out. Oh, please, please do. Thank you for being here. You are so welcome. Tell the people how do they find you?
Beth's Boho Life on Instagram. It's the same thing on TikTok, but like I said earlier, just not there as much anymore. So basically here. Beth's Boho Life. I love it, my friend, and I will make sure that's in the show notes too so everybody can find you and love on you and just be lit up by your humor in the world. So thank you. Thank you for being here. Renate, thank you. Talk soon. Yes, ma'am.
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