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Chris and Jarod talk about the Knicks/Wolves swapping Karl-Anthony Towns and Julius Randle and Donte DiVincenzo and how this impact both teams, WEEK 3 NFL reactions, why Carolina failed Bryce Young, make predictions for WEEK 4 and so much more! 

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You know they wanna stand point, you know we straight to the point Ball Chris with the sis, fast breaks like a joint square in half Ball J with the J, we throwin' heat No gas, that's a touchdown pass You know just how we comin', so it's nothin' left to say Now they hard-leakin' guard me like Dirk fade away You know just how we comin', so it's nothin' left to say Yeah, you know just how we comin', so it's nothin' left to say They wanna stand point, you know we straight to the point They wanna stand point, you know we straight to the point They wanna stand point, you know We we straight to the point. They want standpoint. straight to the point You know, we straight to the straight to the. He me 76 bringing us in the episode number 193 of straight to the point. My name is Chris here. Oh my God, Jay Doug. What's going on? What's going on? What's going on? Major news today, huh, Chris? Major news did come out as the New York Knicks, the Knickerbockers made a trade with the Minnesota Timberwolves, bringing Carl Anthony towns to New York.
treating away Julius Randall treating away Dante B. Vincenzo. We're going to start there and then pivot to the NFL. Jared, what are your immediate thoughts about this trade? And does this make either team that much better? Um, immediate thoughts about the trade is completely out of nowhere. So, you know, players got bought inside it, right?
I, from report, I don't think don't think you can change it up on inside it. I think from the report, he was already out. Uh, either his teammates didn't know he was already out, but the organization knew he was ready to go. The only reason I say this because you're seeing the reports now. Cause I was saying, don't even change the game. I'm going to take a lesser role. But if you look at that caliber of team, they had, he was going to have to come off the bench. Somebody was going to get regularly to the bench and it was more than what was going to be him for Julius Randall's case. He was looking for an extension.
he wasn't staying either. Like they just paid a lot of guys money. Brunson just took a pay cut for guys to stay. he But Julius Randall, he was coming off another shoulder. He was coming off a shoulder injury. Another injury that has prolonged him from playing in the playoffs, derailed him. He wasn't going to play much either when it came to the Knicks.
The Knicks got better. I know towns was blindsided. me actually The Knicks got better. That's my first. like That's when you look at it in a hindsight, the Knicks got a lot better. just so now they feel I feel like they have a complete starting five. A lot better. A lot better doesn't really, I don't know if it's a lot better. well here we say this and we go but you go yeah Their whole identity last season.
and into the playoffs and into their run was, in tears you know, banging in the interior. You got Hartenstein, you got Mitchell Robinson, you got these big bodies in this in the paint and letting these other guys facilitate around them and knock down shots, etc, etc. Carl Anthony Towns is not playing in the paint. Carl Anthony Towns is not getting you 12 rebounds, scrapping against the other teams, you know, primary, primary big every night for 82 games. He's not doing that. That's not how he plays. He wants to go play on a perimeter and spread the floor. Now, if the Knicks are doing that, you know, they're going to completely change their, their entire identity. How was Kat going to fit with Tibbs again? You know, how was Kat going to fit with?
and you know, be in bridges and, and, uh, I'm assuming heart is starting. Yeah. Heart's probably going to play the four hearts going to start. Why would he play the four? Wouldn't, and you know, be late for nothing. You play it and they'll be at the three. I mean, you could slip them, but hearts was really good at the four. Even when the playoffs, they played hard. Okay. But even, okay. Okay. playoffs were hard at the four because of necessity. They had no random.
They still don't know, but they had no Randall. Uh, I mean, none now that the trace happened, I still think you start hard at the floor. I don't think you, I mean, it doesn't, he's entertain so to beyond super undersized. I mean, so was OG, OG and hard about the, I think hearts taller than OG actually. I don't think so. I like, are they both i around like six, six, like that thing? They're both hearts, like six, four. Is he? yes It's like a guard.
He just plays bigger, but he's like, zi four then you can play with three. well Here's the thing. here's Here's the conundrum that the Knicks find themselves in. In my opinion, you got a seven foot guy in towns that plays small. You got a smaller guy in heart that plays big. It's a weird kind of dichotomy you have here. Then you got bridges. Then you got, and you know, beat and you got broad still, you got Brunson. Like it's a lot of mismatch. It doesn't seem as fluid as I think everyone wanted to to make it seem to be.
Divincenzo stepped up supremely last season. you know When they lost a lot of bodies and they lost a lot of people on that Nick bench, Divincenzo stepped up, Hart stepped up, Brunson stepped up. But is that a fluke? Or is that what what should we what should we be expecting with Divincenzo? What should we expect with Minnesota? that You want to talk about a clunky starting five now.
Like that, that whole five is clunky. If you're going to go bare, Randall, ah McDaniel's, Edwards and Connelly. That's a clunky five. I don't even know if you're doing that. I feel like you're starting the Vincenzo over. Over who? Over Connelly.
No, no, you'll go Carly. No, it was starting at the four. And then I think I'm not starting Randall. I don't think you started him. He's still coming back from the injury, right? So I don't think you start him. He's right. He's probably ready to go.
I don't think he was going to stay anyway, to be honest. again i'm not saying I'm not saying he was going to stay in New York. I'm saying in Minnesota, why would you, why would you ship out towns? You ship out towns. Are you going to start Nasri? Are you going to bring Julius Randall off the bench? Julius Randall is not really a bench. i that book Nas, Nas is needed a bigger role anyway. Uh, in reality though, they couldn't keep, they couldn't keep any because of tax Abraham. Like they couldn't keep them. They would have had to have moved off of, uh,
because of the fact that they couldn't afford Towne's contract coming into this year. How the how the how can the Knicks afford Towne's contract? Because Brunson took that huge pay cut. Huge. Left millions of them. Even still. Even still. They're paying. And you know, they're playing bridges. They're paying Brunson. They're paying. They're on the hook for Cats Contract now too. That only pushes them over the second half. They were under the first apron.
So that only pushes them above the second. They don't look at the rest of their guys. Nobody's getting paid money like that. You think McBride's getting a ah big check? um The backup center that we don't remember his name at this current point in time, because I really don't remember it. What were you talking about? Mr. Robinson? No, no. Mr. Robinson started center. Here it was. The other guy, MacDoo, who's the who the other center that they play that and be kills on a concert? Basically, they had to throw him out there for a body, because ah they were without Randall. You know what I'm talking about?
see random names that we just don't know. That's when the next roster at the bench at this point in time, like this, they have random guys. Al Burks is still there, I believe, but he's not getting a bag. So it was just like. What are we doing? The Knicks have the money to do it right now because of the whole Brunson concept. Brunson made it where they can bring guys in or pay guys money that need to get paid or brought in. They did that. They brought in an all-star caliber player. And now they've basically got a solidified starting five. And when I say they got a lot better, because if you think about this team being going into the season, we say, oh, this is a top 10 of 12 team. Now push them up.
I think you pushed them up four spots. And I'm talking about the entirety of the NBA, not just the just the Eastern Congress. Tired NBA, they're now top six to eight, in my opinion. They could be top five to some. That's because of what they have now when it comes to this starting five and this trade they just did. Who is, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
yeah whoa I can see disaster coming a mile away. Do you think there's 10 teams better than next right now? 10. You can argue. Denver is better than them. I got them better than them, too. That was better than them. okay so does Minnesota, I don't know. I don't think Minnesota is better than them anymore. Minnesota was, I mean, we got to see. I would throw them in that list.
I have the Celtics. That'll be the third. Celtics are better than them. i got this six serious that's your homerenesss that's your homer is speaking be nurse yeah I got the They're in the Minnesota camp. They're in the Minnesota camp. I like they're in the Minnesota camp. Then they're there. They're there right there. And then you only got three teams before I read it. Just three. We made three teams better than them.
that you where Where's the other teams coming from Chris? Like we're talking about I think she's better than them. That's four. I said 10 teams, not five teams, just four. So I already got four guys over them and that's five. Four teams is right there. Then where do you start? I would argue this is just me. I would argue that the Cavs are better than the Knicks still. That's just me though. I like the Cavs. The Cavs weren't better than the Knicks before. I don't know where you could steal from.
because the calves are banged up and hurt. I think the calves are bad. Even when the calves are healthy. Okay. Are we talking about this next team as currently constructed with cat? Yes. I like that. Are they buried in Cleveland? I mean, we split the hairs now it's Cleveland. Who cares?
oh It's Cleveland, no Braun, who cares? And then it's like, where, where do you go then? Where are you going in the West? That's vastly better than Nick or better than Nick's. If you're not saying, you're just saying it's Denver and and temper and all the maps. That's three things. Then the South is in the East. I can't, I can't put Minnesota there because we don't know what, you know, we just don't know right now. Then you got Boston, but Boston is one of the chips. So obviously Boston is better. Boston, I think is better than them.
Are the bucks better than them? in like ah We don't know what the bucks are. You're a coach by doc. That's already an actress there. Even if you take coach by doc out of it. which but cant you though we have I'm talking about just pure roster on paper, because coaching aspect does matter. Because I mentioned that earlier about Kat and Tibbs. Is Kat going to be receptive to Tibbs? Is Tibbs going to wear out his guy? you know it's not like It's not like we they lit the world on fire in Minnesota. Let's be honest. It's not like they lit the world on fire in Minnesota. You bring them now in New York, it's ah it's a different media environment. It's a different pressure. The Knicks have actual expectations for the first time in a thousand years. Their fans actually think that they're going to do anything. You know what I'm saying?
like Yeah, we talk, up like we're so we're Sixers fans. We talk about how miserable the Sixers are. you Can't get out the second round, blah, blah, blah. Nick's just as bad. Yeah. Just as bad. yeah So there's a lot of pressure in New York for them to finally get over that hump and for them to finally make a deep playoff run. I don't think this move makes them that much better.
Does it make them better than the team that went to the college finals this year? In the Pacers or, closely enough, even in the Magic or Cavs? The Cavs went. Cavs went to semis, they almost did it. Pacers, Magic, are they better than those three? they I mean, are they better than the Pacers? No, I think so. I think so. OK, OK. Yeah, but it's close.
If the Sixers, if the Sixers played this next team last year, no You take out David Chenzel, you put in Kat, and you you know you have Kat in the paint instead of Isaiah Hartenstein and and Mitchell Robinson and Precious Chuchua. Does that look different? You can have these hyper but you could have these hyper hyper hypothetical questions all the time about the Knicks and how this team is going to look.
But I just, I've seen, we've seen towns' is track history in pressurized moments. yeah yeah We've seen towns have great moments. We've also seen seen towns fall flat on his face. Oh, Chris, I just remembered his name. I'm sorry. Jericho Sims. You know, you picture the face through, and I say Jericho Sims. That was that young man's name. OK, OK, whatever. Jericho Sims, Jackson Hayes, same person. Anyway.
ah Come on, I don't. my My immediate reaction was, because this this doesn't make either one of these teams better. In fact, I think it make me i think it might make easy to i think it make both worse. You create this log jam in Minnesota where, OK, yeah, you add divincenzo to the outside shooting because they needed more perimeter shooting, which is fine. But what the hell are you going to do with Randall and go bare?
I mean, Nas and Randall? ah We'll see. Because I think that's a little bit more fluid than go bare and Randall. Well, this is no defense. But there's like, I got it.
I don't know. This is supposed to maximize it's full potential. Now, I guess you're taking the ball out of town with his hands, but town was. Why the hell do you bring in Julius Randall? That's what I'm saying. Like Randall literally is not a catch a shoe like talented random needs to create his own shot. And he takes a lot of the shot clock and do it. And that's nothing against it, but he doesn't put the ball into the basket. But dang, like what does this take away from? You know what? You know what?
No, I think about it. Minnesota playing mid 2000s ball. Oh my gosh. They got the, they got the back you down four in the post in Randall. They got the paint protector rim runner and go bear. Yeah. pet petfis yeah d Yeah. Yeah. They got, they got the wing defender and Alexander Walker slash McDaniel's. They got the Pullman two guard and Edwards. They got Connolly who's real deferential at the one they play in mid 2000s ball right here in Minnesota. They broke up their best team in the past decade.
they bright but messing that they've had in the last fifteen years So unless they're gonna make major moves by Christmas was good but still could be a thing or to trade on right? I mean, these are things that are still available to them It's really concerning what I saw from this tree really is like again just beside the blinds. I didn't have talent even though he was getting trade He probably woke woke up finish drinking a shot play the game do whatever How you gonna just get this man alcoholism Well I mean hey man, it's a set it's a Friday night when he got traded, Saturday night? I would expect the young man like him to be out. If he's not, he'd be at the house doing your thing. I just know you clearly were blindsided by this trade, by his reaction.
the tweet that he put out immediately when it happened. Then you're looking at guys like Mr. Robinson saying, oh, I'll wait till something happens with me. Dude, you're coming. You're not back till Christmas, like basketball wise. You're not back till Christmas. So they were making a sizable move, regardless of trying to try and help shore up their big spot. I don't know if this is the move to do it, because ah Chris, just a like just to show you some stats here, even under Thibbs for the three years that he played with him, talent only averaged a block of game and a stealer game under Thibbs, who's a defensive minded guy.
In a couple, and in two years, he had Jimmy Bower and Wiggins and that team defensively still net rating, wasn't higher than the top 15 team. So are you surprised? We're getting out now towns, town isn't offensively that isn't towns, isn't the defensive stalwart that, you know, he's not, that's not him. That's not his deal. That's not what now, now though, this is a team that from the one to four, they're defensively better. If you want to brush in as a good defender, because he has shown that he can play defense. McHale's a vastly good defender. OG is good. Josh is hard. It's good.
It could cover up a lot of the things that town misses on, but that's literally what the Temerals did when they brought in Gobert. And then you had a Connolly Gobert. Yeah, but they don't have a Gobert here. They don't have a Gobert. But that's what I'm saying. This is what you're kind of losing if you're the Knicks, in hindsight, the Temerals, because that's what Gobert was covering up a lot of talent mistakes and the rim protection. A lot of them. Yeah, but if you're the Knicks, right, why would you even Why would you pin your hopes? Why would you pin your hopes on towns to protect the pain? Be your, be your big. He's your, he's the big and you're paying him four for the next four for two 20 over the next four years, four for two 20.
The Knicks, the Knicks for all the praise that everyone gets. Oh my God, the Nova Knicks, blah, blah, blah. Everybody's slurping the Knicks. Have fun with towns.
Even, even D'Vincenzo tired of Villanova. Man, I mean, honestly, cause you shook how great he was playing. And I would say I would preface the word great. Like he was playing very great basketball. And then you're talking about, yeah, bro, you're back to the bench this season.
You ain't going to work with me coach like that. That ain't for the flock around here, coach. I'm not doing that. Leave a chance. I want to mix this year. It's like me up close to him. I had my phone. It's time to go. So it's just like, yeah, is it? um the warm like i'm I'm sick. All right, y'all cool. We can be cool. But y'all stepping on my money. And that's a problem.
And then literally we was now stepping on toes. A a for most people ain't say stepping on toes. I said, stepping on my money. Well, I mean, he's getting paid more.
Will you pay more with the Tim rules? Hey, he's in the mud. He's on the the the West. Ironically enough, I think it's easier to beat the top teams in the West for the Devencenzo on Minnesota now than it was for the Knicks to beat them, for the Knicks to beat Boston. yeah are there easy and easy for me I think it's easier for Minnesota to get out the West as currently constructed than it is for the Knicks as if they would have kept everyone in the Nova Knicks together for them to beat Boston.
Yeah. Oh, and then, I mean, if you look at his contract too, Chris, do you attend who's under his contract for next three years? Like this season in the two more included? that makes If you're, is you got do out he may end up start. He may end up starting in Minnesota. I think Minnesota is. I think Minnesota may, may want to run it as the one and mean he can maybe.
can kenny I'm not saying he can't, can he? Sure. He can. Yeah, but is he going to be good at it? That's where you're at. He's good at everything else. Well, you need to play. We were making the argument about Devin Booker. How much passing to the ball you think Minnesota about to be doing? They ain't about to be swing swing. They ain't about to be swing swing. That's literally what colleagues there were to swing swing. No, no, no. Yo, let's go, OJ. You got to roll. Come off the bench. You can swing swing in the second quarter. Right here, we playing cook'em ball. We out here playing.
Jay, you know about cooking ball. Does this put the Timberwolves out of the top five in the West or just the conference teams? No. Does this move the Knicks into the top five if they were already in the top five of the Eastern Conference? They were already in the top five. just on top So you ain't do nothing with this tree. That's what I said. Minnesota was a top two team in the West. Are they still a top two team in the West? No. New York was in conversation to be a top two team in the East. Are they still ah the definite top two team in the East?
They were in the car. No, they don't i don that's crazy. We had a conversation, but no, no, no, no. So they keep it with the same spots where if you watch ball, no ball, you'd have them. Let me ask you this because you're, you're, you're an unabashed. Biased ass Sixers fan. How dare you. I listen. How do you, we know the truth. Do you fear the Knicks now more with towns or did you, did you have more concern about them before with all the Nova guys?
I think I am more concerned with all the Dover guys. Me too. Come on, man. What are we doing? Towns in Boston in the playoffs.
like Terrell's doesn't switch on screens. You don't play the perimeter. Like I'm running with Indiana. Now running them running with Indiana might be a, that might be a fun series now because you're going to be able to run. Like the chemistry between heart David Cenzo bridges and Brudson would have did some things at the playoffs. Like that's just, you don't ball. When you talk about Chris, you talk about is the ball connected? Yeah, they it's flowing.
Now I'm like, it still can flow, but I'd much rather, you know, town town towns when he start chucking, when he starts chucking, if he not making it, the boobers in New York won't come after him. Chris, you and I talked after we watched Tails put up a, what, 69, 70 piece. And and got and Chris Finch said, you know, what kind of ball is you playing? So like, if that if that's the case, it'd been a soda.
What do you think is going to happen to the Knicks? I'm like, I actually have a lot of fear for the Knicks now with this trade that I was before. I was like, man, the Knicks kind of won the free to see. If this is all it took to get towns, I don't know why other teams weren't lined up to get them. That's a good question. Why wasn't a team like Atlanta since they're fake competing? If they got towns and paired them with Trey Young in the East, Atlanta would be the top 16.
with especially if you were able to keep Capella too. I like that. You know what I'm saying? If you were a team. That's why I said the heat dude. If you're the heat, you're a team like the heat, right? We talk about, I mean, I don't know how, how that would work at a bio. So maybe that's why I'm still saying that the center, cause he's such a defensive. Bam, bam, bam kind of one bam kind of is floating in the mid range in the pool. I don't, yeah I think and And him and Butler, I don't think him and Butler would have worked out again. i Oh, that's why. you i'm saying but But then how much is Pat really willing to keep Jimmy happy at this point? where he He fed up with Jimmy Butler. Not even to be but not even the be like rude or mean. how many How many more years is Pat going to be calling the shots in Miami?
No, for real. I'm not and I'm not trying to be rude or nothing, but the man is close and close to 80. He's pushing Belichick years when it comes to you pushing Jerry Jones. You know, you might be here too long. You might. It might be tough. But I don't think I don't think Pat Riley's a negative like Jerry Jones is. Jerry Jones is like media circus, blah, blah, blah. Pat Riley like, you know, let's like, you know, ball don't lie. Like, let's go. He turned gems into diamonds and then as soon as they leave Miami, they turn back into Blaine Jones, man, people out here talking about Heywood Highsmith. Come on. So I don't think teams are like, there are more teams that could have easily went and got tariffs if we're being like, like what like but i wonder why this toan pelican i wonder but I wonder if Minnesota didn't want to trade them in the West. And that's a fair, and now that'll be a fair point that I would, cause if I'm a GM, if I, if I know tails has talent, cause who can, who can really guard towns?
There's not really, there's not really a lot of guys that can guard towns. So and the west if you're in the West, you know what I'm saying? Like, if you're in Minnesota, I don't want to have to deal with this before I had, like and then the last time, the next time they're going to see towns, anything real substantive, it would be the finals. You know what I'm saying? Like it would be the finals. And at that point, I feel like you just deal with it, right? Let me ask you a question before we move on. What's up? We give you this one team in the Western conference. Is this team now on par or better than the Minnesota Timberwolves with this trade? Did this happen?
The Memphis Grizzlies. You got to see what John looks like. We got to see because they're now fully healthy where they're going to see what Memphis looks like. They got Jared Jackson. Jared Jackson that doesn't have to sit there and try to defend Carl Anthony towns. We see what we'll see what Moran looks like. We'll see what the the other pieces look like in Memphis. I think it's too early to tell. That's the team. I'm just like man, do they shoot up in the?
Powering is now yeah everybody. Everybody's thinking that way about Memphis, Memphis, because of, you know, what they have on paper and and all the talent and whatever. But you got to see it. Yeah. Because if I told you, if I tell you right now, Minnesota would finish six next year in the West. Would you be like totally shocked? No, I don't. I would be like, man, they underperform for me.
What they did with them for me, but if I told all right, so if they underperformed I told you they finished four. Yep That's exactly where I have them. That's exactly where I have them. And if I tell you they finished one, would you be shocked the other way? Yeah, I'll be shocked if they finish one. So now the expectation from Minnesota is not top. You have top four, right? But you don't got them really one or two. No, you really got them like You really got them three to six, for real, for real. And know what's crazy is before the season even began, I had the Temeros win in the conference this year. Like winning the West. They get the number one seed in the West.
And the reason I had that is because look at how close they are. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Let me let me fit just for just for technicalities purposes and winning the West and getting the one seed on two different things. Taking the one seed and having the best record seat that's record in the ah Western Conference. They were going to hit the number one seed. The reason why I said that is because I was telling, I think I was talking to somebody, I broke it down. I was like, man, they were a half a game away from the Thunder. That's all they were.
You're coming with the same combined talent, the same expectations. I think they take it this year because guys are now going to know how to play the Thunder a little bit differently than what they played him last year. Tim was wise. All they got to do is come in and gel because that's the same chemistry. Now the gels there, they know it's here's the thing that here's the thing that Minnesota, Minnesota don't got the. I mean, yeah, they got the dual bigs, but they don't get the trio of bigs they had before. Well, we'll see what ranll will it's scrap for me down. I don't think we'll see what we'll see what random looks like.
If Randall can come in and, and, and maybe Randall does, maybe Randall is the starter Nasri and Nasri is the bench Randall. Are you know what I'm saying? Like maybe they, some way, somehow they are kind of, they're able to play off each other. Well, Minnesota was still then. And this is just me playing devil's advocate here before we move on. Minnesota would still have the dual big component that took down Denver.
that Oklahoma city and now is, is, is, is, you know, Oklahoma city got that. They got hurt and sound. They got chat that the teams in the West, you're going to, you're going to need quality bigs in the West. Think about it this way. When been Yama's coming. do ah so You got 80 in the West. You got Chet in the West. You got Jaron Jackson, the West.
You got quality bigs. Don't forget about the Slim Reaper. We don't consider him a big, but he's a little bit more this year too. I'm not a Lottie. Let's be, let's, let's, you still got, you still got Zion in the West. Yeah. You need bigs.
In Minnesota, trading towns away, I think, is more so they didn't want to pay them, and they were maybe they were frustrated with them. OK. If that's the case, then you out. You idle up. You idle up. All right, Jared. Not really much to talk about with the NFL. I know you there's some things you want to talk about before we start predicting games for the week. What week are we in? 4? 4-4, dude. We 4-4.
all right Anything else? Anything that you saw in week three? I know you had a great conversation last week with Coach Defense for the Lockdown Defense podcast. Shout out to him. what do what What did you see this week that kind of caught your attention? The Vikings. we He and I talked about it. We were like the fall was coming and it still hasn't. ah This team could Potentially be legit this season for as a playoff contender playoff way they can get it getting in the playoffs. Maybe when you Maybe this is all to say like that aren't gonna take McCaffrey and just start him right away like You know the JJ they bring JJ McCarthy and mapside mccary they fill JJ in when he's healthy like they throw him in right away when healthy the team the scenes I think the seasons going down here from there because you're messing up all this content i don't i don't i don't think i don't think they would do that i don't think they would do And if they don't which I don't think they would do either
if ella darno has like If he's at the cliff and he takes a huge fall dive down it, I like what I'm seeing. I really, really do. And yeah you know, they say what, third or fourth time's the charm, but this, this is the charm I think for Sam Darno. Cause he's really playing good ball. He really is. and sometimes yeah Sometimes you gotta get fired a couple of times before you get it right.
And I, Hey, I can't, I can't knock him on it. Cause he's like, it's finding the right reads, making good decisions. And it's not like that team is like immensely better. It comes to the offensive line. It's just, they're committed to blocking for him. And he's getting the ball out in a timely manner where he's not holding it like he used to for too long, where he was like, you know, the the quick throws weren't there from the the first or second read. He wasn't ready to do it. Now he's just doing it it's in a seamless form. So he keeps this up. The bike is a real surprise to me. Real. um I'm going to go the other way. I said all the time that Bryce Young wouldn't go and work in Carolina. Oh, God. And everybody talked there and talked to me about, oh, you put Andy Dalton back there. Andy Dalton would look terrible, too. Andy Dalton scored 36 points against a a Vegas team that held Baltimore in check for the most part, and a Vegas team that has quality defenders, as we talked about on the show.
Maybe, maybe Bryce young isn't as bad as I've said, but he ain't, he ain't working out in Carolina. And all you need to see is how that team looks with him and how that team looks with dolt. Maybe Carolina would have been better off taking Bryce young and sitting them. Yeah. However,
however I think the damage is already done. You got to get rid of them. And you got to move. However, they spent a lot of draft capital on a swing and a miss. And it was a bigness. Cause like them, cause like, where do you go as a team from here? You've already betched them twice in two different seasons.
You got to, you got to move them. Listen, you, you, you listen, you might, you, you, you know, you good young kid, whatever you have a bright future. Sorry. I ain't workout bar. Take your chances with Andy Dalton for as long as you can. You bring in a, bring in a new quarterback and let them sit and learn and develop as long as you can and bring in a quarterback that's taller than five foot seven. Yeah. Cause I'm old. You don't have a pick this year either. Right?
Wow. So it ain't no incentive in losing, you miles la around Andy Dalton. Because I think the Texans have their first round pick this year, which is like, shoot, maybe you try and beg the Texans to trade it back to you, because it's going to be a hard draft pick. But yeah you're out of luck. You're in the mess you might, best you might recoup for a young is fourth, maybe third.
but yeah You're being super generous. I went to Carolina more than a six round pick. And that's, that's it. So it's like, for who and fact it that it's almost, it almost might be as like NBA, NBA bad. Like you might have to give me something for me to take them. So then if it's like, if that's the case, then I team I have right now that I'll say you should consider it jets. You don't go a six round fire at them. Haven't played behind Rogers. Rogers is still there for a year or two. And then you can see what what it looks like after that.
No, no, wait, too much media market, too much scrutiny. If it go left, it's the same old jets. No. Jets need to be out of the Jesse to be out of the out of the quarterback. You need to go get another veteran quarterback.
I'm serious. No, no, no. They need, they need some, they need as much stability at the quarterback position as possible. And Bryce young does not provide that stability, especially not in New York. Bryce young, it had fun, half on the Seattle have fun in, you know, somewhere else. That was like the only team because they go for Seattle somewhere else Dallas don't need them. Who knows a trail who knows the trailer answers any good.
Well, they still got it. Like that's why they brought it truly as a sit. All right. whatever his game dad ram all right Let's say you go to Rams. Okay. That's effort. Get you. I can do that. We'll have, we'll have Cooper cup. We'll have Pukin to cool. It's not horrible. Not horrible. Burden Carolina. Yeah. And I'm not putting all my, and I'm not putting all the blame on Bryce. And I know it sounds like I'm just piling on my son, but Bryce young couldn't see the field.
Literally and figuratively, could not see the field, made bad throws, made bad decisions, took bad sacks. Was all of this his fault? No, but it's he did nothing to actively stop the bleeding. When you're a good quarterback, you're able to stop the bleed at some point. You know what I'm saying? You're able to take the check down, calm the offense down. All right, let's let's run let's hand the ball off. Let's do a little play action. Let's do a little screen. Defense is not scary to Bryce Young.
Defenses, no, don't. Defenses did not respect Bryce Young. Andy Dalton, we, the casual fan might, oh, yeah, Andy Dalton, whatever, blah, blah, blah. The defense respected Dalton because he put the, he made the throws and made the plays and made the defense respect him. That though, the Adam Thiele, Adam Thiele's legs blew up because he's 100 playing receiver. Come on, man. That's a, that was a dime. Too bad Adam Thiele had to sacrifice his body for that.
pressure ain't making that throw. yeah We haven't seen it yet ever happening. Not even yet. We haven't seen that. Like there's team. There's teams that you can excuse bad quarterback play because of the result. Yeah. Right. There's teams where the quarterback play is good, but the other teams, the other part of it is horrendous. And then there's a combination of like, all right, you know, the quarterback had many chances and he didn't do anything with him. Carolina was,
Couldn't get off the field. Couldn't put a drive together. All of a sudden, you're down 30. Doing no life. like there's no Carolina was never in any games, any, with Bryce Young. At least they're in games currently with Andy Dalton. We'll see for how long. But we saw this last year, too, when Dalton played. And Dalton looked exponentially better. And I'm sitting here like, why would they go back to Bryce Young? Why?
I get it. That's what the owner wants, but if this ain't enough evidence of this, this ain't working, I don't know what is. I don't know. I don't get it. All right. At this point, you got to cut your losses. Like you said, like just cut them. The cord is there. Strip it. Hang it. Let it, let it go. Wait. I don't know what else we're going to say. Let it go. Like.
If you're Bryce you're asking for a trade before the team even decides to trade you that yes, what you and your camp should be discussing and doing Because how long do you just sit through this watching don't continue to play better than you? When yeah, you say oh I'm learning or you keep trying to media spin it all you want, but it's not gonna get you anywhere. It's not It's not But that was all I got for the early talker. That was it. Yes, that's all I got. That's that's that's all I got because I Don't care about the cowboy game. They won you they won If the Giants was a legitimate team, they would have beat them. They would have beat them. That's it. That's it. If the Giants was good enough, they would have beat them. If the Giants could score a touchdown, they would have won. Yep. Got it. What else? What else you got for me? That was it. I ain't got nothing else. That's it. That's all I got. That's all I got. All right, Jay, let's make some predictions. As we record before kickoff, 1 PM on Sunday,
We start first with two teams that we just talked about. Cincinnati traveling to Carolina, Andy Dalton playing his old team, his old team struggling, struggling, lost to Washington on Monday Night Football. Derek, does Cincinnati finally get on the board at Carolina? Yeah, I think they will probably get their first win. This season has been bad for them. I get it. You've got a quarterback that's coming back from injury.
Understand you're having the contract issues with both your r receivers, but this team should have been still been better. um As of right now, if you're looking at this team, you're thinking they gotta get one of the borders time to start making trades.
It is. It's something, something about to happen. So I agree with you. Denver travels to New York and take on the jets. Jared, you got, I like the jets. I've been hearing things from your and Chris that other guys forward forward elsewhere with the Bronco, but I like the Jess to win this game. I like what I've seen from Bo Nix in Denver, but they don't have enough for me to win you a lot of football games when you enough football games at all. So I think the Jess got it right now. Our esteemed picker, Amy 76 is who you're referring to. We took Denver last week against Tampa.
to make that his lock of the week instead of Chicago, but whatever. But I think, ah I mean, Denver Inc, Denver cool. But I think the Jets are better. I think the Jets better quarterback I think the Jets have a better better off offensive on. ah Crazy to say, but Denver's offensive. I mean, Bo Nix ran for his life against Seattle. And they were in a punt safety turnover fest in that game.
you're not going don't if if the If the conditions aren't as seemingly perfect, the Denver, because Denver's defense did have a have a great game last week against Tampa Bay. Yeah.
I don't think you can run them same concepts at Rogers. just but Maybe Rogers physically stilling know me roger physically ain't the guy he was five, six years ago. But I think mentally he can still manipulate the game as as good as any quarterback actively. So I think the Jets win this game. Yeah, um I agree with you on that. So I don't know where where else. We're wherere we're falling. at if this is The game must be a loss. I don't know what research we're doing wrong.
Saints travel to Atlanta, Jared, who you got? Saints. I'm kind of, um i'm a little I'm a little on the Saints train. I don't know if I can still be heading queue with you on this. I think Atlanta wins the division, Chris. i don't I just don't know what I've been, I've seen some good things from the Falcons. I just haven't seen enough of it put together in a single game.
to warn me saying that this team is good enough to beat the saints around the saints. Yeah, they lost to the Eagles, but we, we saw that coming. Like you, you don't have those two high offensive spurts and not come back to reality. It was due to come this game. I think it's getting into vision game. It's more even keel. I think the saints scrap out of it, but here's my thing too. You see the, the, the come out of it. The saints were so high. They had no choice but to come down. And I think Atlanta,
people discount Atlanta because, oh, they haven't, you know, you know they, they won, you know, the one game in and Philly. And yeah, if Saquon don't drop the pass, maybe they lose that game as well, but they, they beat Philly and Philly didn't turn around and almost beat Kansas city. Right. Let's not sit here and discount Atlanta and say like, Oh, they can't beat New Orleans. When I seen New Orleans struggle to put up points last week, Atlanta has no defense.
Atlanta's at home, coming off a tough loss to the Chiefs. Saints have to travel, coming off a tough loss at home to Philly. I think Atlanta wins this game. I think Atlanta's a better team on paper. I think all the differences that you would normally point to don't, like there's no there's no great big, I don't think there's a great big difference in terms of coaching, in terms of top level personnel, personnel from both teams. Like I think both teams have like Camara's a great weapon. Bijon's a great weapon. Alave, London, Pitts, you know, you can go check, check, for check, check, check defense. You know, did Jesse Bates and Matthew Judon and whatever you can, you can go piece by piece and break it down to a nuclear, you know, granular level. But it comes down to the tried and true checklist, Jared. It's Kirk Cousins.
One o'clock on a Sunday at home. It's one of his, uh, it's one of his favorite games. It might be generally his favorite game hall of all of NFL Sunday at home. One o'clock. You can't be the numbers. Amen. The numbers don't lie jets. I'm sorry. Vikings travel to green Bay. Jordan love is back.
Jared, who you got after you talked about all that, you love Minnesota nonsense. It would be so on brand. It would be so on brand for you to flip flop and take Green Bay. Is that what you're about to do? No, I like the Vikings winning. I'm betting why I got them at a six spread, obviously. But if I'm going straight money on, I already got them in the money line. So you don't think they covered a two and a half?
I don't like that one. All right. Two and a half is disgusting. That's disgusting. But I like the Vikings to win the game. Jerumov is back. Woo-hoo. Great form, but he's still back from an injury. He's not going to be moving a lot as well as we saw week one. He's still got to get a sea legs under him again. It's going to be a dog fight of a game. And right now, the Vikings are quick.
Um, Jordan Addison's back on the Vikings end as well. Aaron Jones is here for his revenge game. I don't see why the Vikings can't win this game or you again. I don't, I'm not saying it's going to be a blow up but by any means of the term, but I think they have a very good and strong chance to win. I think they so they come out of this with a win. viking I think, that I think we're going to see if the Minnesota is legitimate. We are. Everyone thought green Bay was legitimate. They won without love.
Let's see if with love comes back and if if they don't miss a beat, because if they don't miss a beat and love comes back, I think people can be more and a little solidified about their green bay being legit. If green bay comes out and loses to Minnesota, I think there's the perception shifts. And I think people start to be down on green bay and a little bit higher on Minnesota.
It's a divisional game. Green Bay's at home. Darnell on the road. Do we trust it? Do we trust it? I've seen it. ah seen have seen I don't trust it. I don't trust it. I got Green Bay home. Jared Jacksonville coming off getting the ass kicked in Buffalo travels to Houston. Who comes off? Well, honestly, a tough loss in Minnesota. Jared, who you got?
I got Texans bounce back game. Uh, Jacksonville is done in my eyes and they scraped this one out. And this, the argument would then say the same for the bangles. Right. If you lose this game, Tracy to get made, you guys got to either win, but I had the Texas coming off a tough loss. You come up a tough loss like that. You're not, you're looking to bounce back at home. They go, I think they're going to get this win versus the Jax. And the Jax is all over the place. They miscombobulated.
I don't think they know what they want to do as a team or as an organization. So it's time to start plucking leaves off the tree and figuring out where you want to rebuild or grow from there. But some of it's got to die. Ducky P had a good run, man. Ducky P had a good run. Steelers travel to Indiana to take on the Indianapolis Colts. jaredtt Who you got? Steelers. I'm not against what I've seen from Justin Fields. Oh, please. Oh, God. Oh, here we go. on I'm not saying he's playing good football. I mean, he's playing decent football as a quarterback. I'm not saying he's winning these games either. oh took It only took him five years. And again, decent football is all you need in five years to show that this team could still win without Russell Wilson or with Russell. If they would ever decide to bring Russ back and start him,
just feels getting the ball down the field and they're they're doing enough to win football games. The defense has been exponentially on fire. They're lighting the world up. TJ Y still, but this player of the year candidate and I think he's the defense player, of the winner winner. So that's just the guy I had locked in for that. But again, the coast just looked terrible. Uh, Anthony Richardson has looked like the quarterback that's in the sophomore slump.
And he just, the accuracy is not there. He's holding the ball too long. Like we talked about the thing you're talking about with Bryce Young, just add a taller version of Bryce Young right now. And that's what Anderson is holding the ball too long, forced turnovers. It's not really escaping his legs the way you need him to. And the accuracy just isn't there. He's not finding these guys when you really need him to. If his first reason out there, he's still scrambling a little bit. So until he starts to get over that and really mature and develop as a quarterback, the team's not going far. Yeah.
I agree. I mean, they need to get, they they need to get together in particular. We're just needs to get together. Like he had, ah reads he needs, he need to get this accuracy issues there. He's got the, ah he's got the cannon. He's got the arm talent. He can throw the ball as far as anyone, but you has, he has to get this accuracy under control. You have to accuracy on it. Pittsburgh on the other hand,
Averages 1.1 touchdown a game offensively If they can't put up points against this this calls defense Which is bad I repeat close defense is bad. I Don't want to hear that you can move the goalposts for fields as much as you want You can move the goalposts for the steers as much as you want.
That team, if they aren't absolutely perfect on defense, week to week, it's not winning games. I mean, absolutely perfect. Don't sit up here and tell me, oh, Fields makes all these doms and all these great throws, and he's leading them down. don't Please don't give me that. I know what I'm seeing with my eyes, OK? He still takes the bad sacks. He still has the bad throws.
maybe maybe one Maybe one day everyone will see what I see with fields. He's Black Daniel Jones.
Oh boy. Oh, that was bad. ah That was a good one. That was a good one. All right, Jared. Uh, Steelers win because of course they do. Uh, Rams travel to Chicago. Maybe 76 is not big this week. He's going back. He's taken Chicago. I got Chicago as well. I think Chicago wins this game. Um, I do believe I don't know if it's correct, I don't have to check reports again, but Pook and the Cool may be coming back this game. If that's the case, I like the Rams to have ah of more of a fighter's chance. I do, but I still don't think it's enough. um And if he's not playing in this game, which could again, he could be out another month with that knee injury. Rams, like the Rams don't have enough firepower. I like what I'm seeing from there the rookie.
in, um, Whitington, they just reached the draft. He actually looked really good. And if they start doing what they did, play calling for him, like they did with Nakula, then yeah, I think they got, they got a real shot at starting to find another, another piece of that offense that they keep finding. Like they, right now they're like the Miami Heat, they find and develop some guys, but they just don't have the offensive firepower. That defense is terrible. Bears got, bears can't run the ball. They got to figure out where to run the ball effectively.
Rams can throw the ball, because Stafford can throw, you know, from his many years in Detroit, is used to throwing the other bums, except for Calvin Johnson. He's used to throwing the bums, right?
Chicago. See, the problem is Chicago plays these games where they they look like garbage for long stretches.
But some way, somehow, at the end of this game, they're down one possession. It's because that defense is so good. Some way, somehow, it's a one possession game. I think them being at home makes a difference. You get the Rams coming across the country, playing at 1 o'clock. I think Chicago wins. I think I'm muted myself. I saw. I was like, what the heck is happening there?
I think we have to rock and hear me 76 and go with the Bears. So I'm going to take that. I like that as well. And then um it just was announced by Jay Glazer. Yeah, Pook and Nicole is going to be out at least another month. And Kuberco is missing at least the next two games. All right, Jared. The Eagles travel to Tampa Bay. It's always tough when the Eagles play in Tampa Bay. Jared, do they win tonight? No. Or today. today No.
I think the bus I'm doing hurts his number. They're just coming off a hurricane where no, but it's going to be like never. You never pick against the Eagles. I really don't. I don't want to again. I think I even bet you I they don't want to. But you have to when we look at this. The Buccaneers. I like the town pool. These they're used to these type of games, used to the weather.
You look at the Eagles bereft of weapons across the board comes the y receiver. I'll still like sake when I said I got it, but who's the next man up, right? Who's in there? I'm talking about who's the next man up. We gave you some names, but does he really step up? Like we've been asked for John Dawson to make a play for three weeks and he's still ain't done it. Yeah. I love the.
Mesh route he did to get got her so open, but you can see the ball yourself like okay I'm um'm loving it, but it's not there does Johnny Wilson do it is John Dawson step up Are we really going bank on the speed air quote speed of a Paris Campbell and John Ross? I mean like are they still there? ah These guys have got cut in practice squad for a reason ain't showing up in the preseason And if this is a dog and dirty run game How much, how much of the tank does Saquon and Hertz legs and body really have when we're not trying to get them hurt week four? We're not. We're not trying to get them hurt. We have an early by this week. this yeah they They got a pod next week. I ain't trying to hear about them. I'm good for it. Don't leave them to get hurt. So obviously if you're an Eagles fan, you don't want them to get hurt, but they may need to win this game because they may need to have this win for playoff seed and playoff positioning. we Tampa may be in it at the end of the year.
New Orleans could be in it. Atlanta could be in it. The Eagles had a bunch of teams in their division. They had to worry about Washington now. They got to worry about Dallas still. they They need to win this game. this is This is the type of game that you pay a quarterback all that money for. This is your show-off. Tips are down. You go make something happen. If you're a coach, if you're a Syriani, you go make something happen. you make You find a way to win this game.
Will they do it? I don't know. But if I'm, if I'm Holly Roseman, if I'm Jeffrey Lurie, if that coach was Andy Reed and that wasn't Nick Sirianni, or if that coach was somebody else and it wasn't Nick Sirianni, would we feel as unconfident as we feel at this moment? Yeah. how some things I think I don't think so. If it was Doug, I'd be like Eagles by a hundred.
because I know Doug would be out there and Doug would be going for it on four down and Doug would be smart about it. And Doug wouldn't say, no, no, no, no, no. You missed my last point. Calling stupid plays. Doug knew when the Doug knew when to press the right buttons, Syrian type bull. He just kind of put his hands over the keyboard and just see what works. He can't beat it. He got to be, he got to move with finesse. He got to move with precision. This team can't be out here.
I actually days ago and playing around and looking dumb and playing with a fool like they done basically the past two weeks. Cause that Atlanta game, they should have put Atlanta away. And they didn't that New Orleans game, New Orleans couldn't score. Yeah.
That game had no business being as close as it was. We left 12 points on the board. 12 points. General Hurts can't play stupid football. General Hurts can't turn the ball over. General Hurts can't make um dumb decisions and dumb throws. General Hurts doesn't need to play hero ball. And I'm afraid I'm going to see a lot of General Hurts hero ball today. And that's not good for the Eagles. They don't need hero ball hurts. They need game manager hurts.
I think I was winning. He didn't say you got winning. ah I think the Eagles find a way to win. There you go. I would say, lock it in, man. Lock it in. I'm not confident at all. New England travels to San Francisco to take on the Niners. Jared, who you got? The Niners. Yeah, let's lock that in now. Arizona hosts Washington. Jared, who you got?
Cardinals. I like the Cardinals this season. The man is going to be sneaky. They could, they couldn't got a win, but I like the ah Cardinals a lot more. That offensive firepower they have has just been rolling. Uh, I agree with you there. I think you got to talk about Washington and they're, they're very sneaky.
And the sneaky part about it is every so often you have this wave of Washington where They're good. The defense makes some stops. The defense has always kind of been solid for Washington. They just had no offense, right? Now, Jaden Daniels comes in. They're making passes. They have a dual threat in the run in the back field. He can make accurate throws. Him and Bryan Robinson can run the option, can run the reads. You know, they're utilizing Zach Hertz. You know, they're utilizing the tight end down the middle.
Terry Maclaurin, getting some run with another quarterback. I think San Francisco, I'm sorry, I think Washington has sneaky good pieces. yeah However, they're traveling across the country to go to play Arizona. I think Arizona at home coming off that loss to Detroit. I think Arizona is a physical team.
I'm curious to see how Washington's offense will compete against Arizona's defense. Like Arizona's defense is very physical. Especially the run defense. Hasn't even stopped in the run. but We'll see how that plays out. I think this is going to be a test for Jayden Daniels. I think he's going to get a lot of different looks from Jonathan Gannon, who's not really a blitzer, but I wouldn't be surprised if you saw a little bit more blitzes just to make him uncomfortable just because he's coming off such a high on Monday night. um So I think Arizona wins that game home.
Jared, Kansas City travels to LA to take on the Chargers. What do you got? Chiefs. I think it's going to be a big, big Chiefs game like this. I don't know how high scoring is going to be for the Chargers, but this is another game where Herbert's playing on that ankle. He's not going to be moving as well. It's going to be a lot of throws for him, like when it just comes to just staying in the pocket throwing. I think the Chiefs defense is going to be gunning for him. I like the Chiefs to win this game.
I think the Chiefs went too, but I don't think they covered a seven and a half. That's a lot though. That was a little bit too high for me. They're traveling, so you know, on a road divisional game, but this is why the Chiefs, this is one of the Chargers hired Harbaugh. Help us close the gap on Kansas city. Help us close this gap on the coaching aspect, because I think Harbaugh X and O's wise and coaching team up in I think he's as good as, as, as, as anyone in the league. Honestly, they, the Chargers were always at a disadvantage because they had old boy Staley back there calling the shots. And that ain't, that ain't, that ain't the case anymore. So I think Kansas city will, will win, but I think the Chargers will put up more of a fight and make it a closer game. So I got the Chargers, one I'm sorry, I have the Chiefs winning, but the Chargers making it a close game.
Jared wrapping up Cleveland Travels of Vegas to take on the Raiders who you got. Where's it at? In Vegas. I like the Browns. I like the Browns. They injured the Raiders too. They got a lot of guys missing this week. I like the Browns. Cleveland sucks. I got the Raiders. Buffalo Travels to Baltimore to take on the Ravens, Jared, who you got? Ravens.
I like the reasons this week. I like them last week. I like it. Listen to me. The bounce back is here. I think Buffalo wins this game. Oh, I don't put them on the mat for me. fuck the those for when this is On fire right now. Baltimore almost gave up that game to Dallas. Yeah. That defense has been shaky. that They, they, Buffalo has been clicking on all cylinders. It's a familiar opponent. They, they, they always tend to have these crazy games.
McDermott and Harbaugh who go back to that mid 2000s, Eagles, Andy Reach, you know, coaching staff tree. They know each other. AFC, the you know, opponents. I think Buffalo's offense is clicking on all cylinders. Like you said, but Baltimore's defense has been a bit shaky. um I think Allen is playing with You know, like I got to talk about hurts, not turn the ball over and things like that. You ain't seen that them them stupid throws from Josh Allen, the vitamin S that the no he normally does. So I think that if he can put, if he can calm himself down and keep himself from doing something crazy, I think Buffalo has enough talent to win that game. Baltimore has been struggling. I think Buffalo was that game.
Jared to my night games, Tennessee travels to Miami. Uh, doesn't really matter. This game, this game sucks. Like, can we not, can we not put this on my night football, please? it's bad But Jared, who you got? Titans.
How are we going to be starting from the dolphins, but it still? I don't care. I don't care. Tennessee, Miami, we all lose. And then Seattle travels to Detroit, take on the lions. Jared, who you got? lines it's at home it's in the dome, um, golf, golf, and the lines build a really good defense has been shaky against the site in the secondary wise against labeling quarterback, kind of throw it on them. But I like the lines to win this game out. I want to take the trait, the traits at home, man, a football. I want to take the truth. However,
The last time these two games, these two teams play in a shootout, I believe it was Seattle that won, correct? Yep. They came out of it. And they came out of it. i think i think the same I think the same thing plays out again. I think we're going to see a repeat. And I think Seattle wins again. and that I mean, then thats this would be the revenge game for the Lions, which I would go Lions way.
I, I, it makes too much sense. That makes a lot of sense. I don't think that that's what's going to happen. Yeah. Um, I think Detroit, Detroit's a good team. The thing is like, I've just, it's just, they, they play Dallas next week. Maybe they're looking ahead to Dallas. You know what I'm saying? Like it's human nature. Maybe you just discount Seattle. Like, yeah, yeah, we got Seattle. And I think that's, that's not a good, good, good way to be. So how much you want it?
So we'll go from there. All right, Jared. Thank you all for listening to another episode of Straight to the Point. If you like what you hear, make sure you telephone and telephone to tune in. We're still a five-star rated podcast on iTunes. So if you like what you hear, please leave us a review. Make sure you follow us straight to the point on all your favorite socials at STTC Podcasts. Make sure you follow me.
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uh he said he's going again with the bears so we'll ride the bears again shout out to Caleb Williams make sure you paint your nails ladies and gentlemen we are tailing the bears the bears the bears all right anything else jared before we wrap it up yeah let's get straight to the point all right let's get it