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Men Caring For Men dec 30,2024 image

Men Caring For Men dec 30,2024

Nonsensical Network
17 Plays1 month ago

It's time to bring 2024 to an end. In doing so we shall reflect and look forward to a brighter tomorrow!


Podcast Introduction and Network Overview

love that song. Welcome to the Medicare for Men podcast. This is on the Nonsensical Network. Jeff, please tell them where they can find us. but bio slash nonsensical network everywhere you find social media. We are there.
<unk> that on and's that's it yes Yeah, it's hot in front. but so We got the bump. You are. ah You are.
you are yeah Mentally. Mentally. ah Yeah yeah hinting part of your brains, but not in like a bad medical way, but like in a good feeling good way You know, it's good it's good for the brains. Yes, not like small brain. This is bad yeah Welcome to the men caring for men podcast men caring for men show on the nonsensical nonsense podcast Network Oh
but snap It's been a while. long yeah it's it's been ah It's been a busy month and a half or so for me. So I am more than a little out of practice. But it is good to be back.

Upcoming Podcast Topics

It is rolling into the end of 2024 and into the beginning of 2025. And so tonight's show, we're going to we're go talk about that. Mo Foes, we're going to talk about it.
Yeah, didn't you didn't know I could fucking do that, did you? Oh, anyway, I'm sure, sure you're in her hoodlum.
So we're going to talk about it. And and yeah, we're going to have a fun show. We'll be up here for an hour or so, an hour, an hour and a half, two hours. We'll see how we how we play. Glick may or may not show his face tonight. Dirty ho.
well you know ocean shit the supplement that's something that we we kind of talked about on saturday as well good it was after alis left and and shouted to alis he came up and saying kind of save my ass on saturday because glick was running behind cause he was out bold not like we were doing a fucking show or anything but whatever but ars came up and and after he left glick and i were talking was like in between christmas day and new year's day is that weird six days is a funny thing to do. I don't even know what day of the week it fucking is. Holy shit, it's five o'clock in the morning. I need to go to bed. I don't know why because I'm like, it's been a weird fucking week. It's it's kind of I hate this time of year. Yeah.

Personal Stories and Family Reflections

Yeah, I just got back from, I just got back from my parents' place in Columbus, Ohio. I was actually, I was planning on seeing Glick until I realized that from my parents' house, he was another 45 minute drive and yeah he didn't want to come see us. And I was just like, eh, I drove six hours to get here, even below me. I don't blame anybody. Not only the 45 minute drive, that's not a big deal. 45 minutes of traffic.
during the holidays, through downtown Columbus. but that Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we spent, we spent 10 days in total out in Ohio and got to see my brother for the first time in the last year and a half, almost. a And his fiance and it talked about their wedding out in Italy in Tuscany, Italy.

Property Tax and Financial Management

a and he asked me to be a groomsman because you know you can't leave your little brother out you know don't want me to go crying to mom uh but uh so that'll be fun it was uh it was an interesting it was an interesting week and it was nice to have help with the kids oh i bet but I'm fucking exhausted. I'm tired of driving. i Today's the first day that I'm back and I had to work today and my wife has to work tomorrow.
And so it's like, as soon as we get back, it's straight back into it. It's like the worst part about vacations is coming back and realizing, fuck, I have to go back to the real fucking world. as As somebody that lives in a vacation zone, I see so many people try to cram everything into their vacation. I'm like, dude, you're going to need another vacation when you get done with your vacation.
literally see people in Gancun, you know, during summer break. And even this time of year, they're like, we got to do this. And then we got to get up at six o'clock in the morning. So we go here and here. And I'm like, dude, you're on vacation. You know, you can sit by the fucking pool. Sleep till fucking noon. That that God lover, that was my mother for the longest time. And if we didn't hit like a time frame, if we didn't hit, you know, what what we were trying to do and when it was it sucked.
and Well, it comes down to i and I get the concept of we spent this much money to get here. We're going to see some shit like you don't go to Paris and stay the whole time in your hotel room. I get that. Right. But but there's also the and and you know, you don't drive for six hours just to sit in the car the whole time and you visit and hang out. Yeah, you like that, don't you, Chaka? About the same size. Yeah, I'm going to throw up.
ah like dude No, I'm trying to quit smoking. um not Not necessarily quit, but back.
you're You're trying to quit without saying that you're trying to quit because as soon as you say you're trying to quit, you can't quit. I'll stop. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Well, I was watching the new Dexter and the the Christian Slater who plays the young version of Dexter's dad quit smoking by sucking cigarette. It sucked on suckers. So I bought a. Bought a bag of tupa tupas. That's literally what they're called. Well, make sure you brush your teeth. Oh, I know.
I can get I can get a cleaning for like 15 bucks.
and they do a really good speaking This morning I woke up and today's the last day before like the taxes cut off for like property taxes and everything down here in Indiana. And I had to take my disability papers and my VA shit and my DD two fourteen everything up to the tax office so that we could get our tax exemption for next year's property tax. Right.

Parenting and Family Life Challenges

My wife and I are looking for a new house currently because we're going to try and sell this and try and sell this in April. Yeah, we we live in the **** Bronx, dude.
We we live on the corner of Crenshaw. House next door to my house next door to me is only thirty grand, dude. I'm just saying. It's a bit of a commute to work, but I so i submitted all this taxpayer work or all of my Veteran disabled veteran paperwork or whatever you would call it and I got my fucking shit back and they they were like you're not gonna pay like hardly anything in taxes and I'm like yeah hardly anything is like 50 bucks or a hundred bucks every month like that's hardly anything
And that's what I thought. my She was like, no, no, no, no, no. like You're going to get money back. You won't pay anything in property taxes, period. Nice. Because we'd been paying in up until this point. And she was like, let me write you up an estimate. My property taxes for the entirety of of the year will be $1.37.
Shit, I'll take five. Right. It's like, what's that guy who'd take drugs? Excellent. I'll take 15 of them. You know, yeah right like my wife's over here. My wife and I are over here looking for new houses and shit. And we keep going, God, property taxes on that are going to be stupid hot. I'm like, I don't care if it's quadruple the price of what we're currently paying us. Five dollars. Oh, God. it's It comes down to one of those things. It's like.
And all of a sudden it makes sense why you live in the hood. Like you're like, maybe we don't sell the house because I mean, property tax can be a killer. I'm just saying, what's a gunshot here and there. If the exemption, the exemption, words are hard, uh, is a per is percentage based. It's not a, uh, okay. It's not, it's not like a dollar. It's not because of the house. So, right. So when we leave,
it It'll be more than $1.37, but it'll be less than like 15 bucks. Unless I've got a million dollar house, I'm going to be paying less than $100 in taxes annually on property taxes for the rest of my life. I'll break your heart, doesn't it? Cha-ching. Right? Hey, I call that a win anytime. And you're fucking, you're a fetus too. Damn it, business is me off. Although my property tax is only like $25 a year. I'm a fetus.
you got to remember that one firm fender bender and I can't feel my leg. It's like, so there's a give to and it. Yeah, it's not necessarily a win-win, but no, but like my property tax, I think my property tax for the year last year it was 25 bucks. so Yeah.
But my house only cost 30 grand. so theres But we've been paying like $300 into escrow every month for property taxes because we were doing it based off of the previous owners allocations to their escrow account. And we we're like, you know we we got to keep it up and yada, yada, yada. And they're like, oh yeah, they're going to, if when you call the bank in April when it's tax season, tell them,
you know send them whatever paperwork they need, yada, yada, yada. And they will probably just put the rent of what you paid into it to the principal and to next year's taxes. They were like, you you're you're probably not going to have to pay taxes for another like three, four years before you end up actually having to pay into it. I was like, I'm down. That's a win. I call that a win.
makes buying a new house way less stressful because I don't really have to worry that much about property taxes, which is nice. Well, yeah because well and it's not even it's it's ah it's one less thing that you have to worry about. and with with you know We talk about it all the time, especially here on this show. Adulting sucks. Nobody warned me.
Yeah. Well, I mean, as a kid. My parents told me all the time that I was just like, fuck you, I want to be an adult. My parents cursed me. They said, I hope you have kids just like you. Oh, my God. So did mine. And then I had the gall to give my oldest child my middle name. Oh, it's a curse. It is a curse. As soon as you give him the middle name, he is just like me. He's such a little shit. Yeah. But it's one of the things. It's one of the things it's like.
Now that you have you don't have to worry about the whole property tax thing, that's one last thing that's like, yeah ah. 100%. Because you know I worry about stupid, granted, my property tax is only $25, but I'm like, i always what is it gonna be? well um I don't know, I don't know. And my wife and I were talking today, she's like, you know what, property tax is only $25. I was like, can we get three of them just so we don't have to do next year's?
Yup. But right now we're doing a whole bunch of, we're doing a whole bunch of educating on how much we're going to be able to sell the house for. We have to wait a year before we can sell it or before we go to the real market. We have to be, yeah, we have to buy Indiana law. We have to live in the house for 12 months. Otherwise, i was in there last fucking week i we move April will be 12 months. That's not bad. So, so eight months, nine months. What's a drive by here and there? Oh, God. that to be Speaking of, we so we went up and we saw my grandfather who lives in what used to be Podunk, Ohio. I know that. He lives on a place called Clyde. I know Clyde. You know, they put a whirlpool factory in up there. That's the only reason it grew. That's the only reason it got bigger. It's still a really small town.
Yeah, but it's like what it's like 4000 people tops. If that yeah, it's it's a very it's very small like it's it's neighbor city Fremont is five times bigger than it and it's still smaller than they and that's considered not even a town. So so we're up there and it's a village. They've always had problems like the biggest problems they've had in Clyde are like drugs. And that's that's like it.

Crime and Community Safety

They don't really have a homeless population. They don't really have gangs. They've had like one murder in the entire town in since its inception. right Well, we got up there and I'm unloading my car and I'm putting everything in the house. And the murder rate jumped by four. we We got to the house and I see i see my my grandfather's neighbor. He's putting saran wrap on his window. And I'm like, damn, he must have got rear ended real hard or something like that.
got inside and my my grandfather's like uh you see uh oh fuck I forget his neighbor's name. You see my neighbor over there putting saran wrap on his car and I was like yeah what happened? He was like drive by shooting two days ago. yeah like walk I was like no fucking way. There's no way. Crazy. I was like you'll never believe it.
Last week we had 12 drive-bys and it was Monday. That's Monday at two o'clock in the morning. We're on number 12. So it must be Monday. I get it, boys. You don't want to go to work. Whatever. You know, you know the best time to actually go into a, hey what was it? I saw something the other day.
It's like the best time to to go out and about in a area where there are gangs and stuff is like 6 AM. Because let's be honest, they're just not going to bed. Yeah. It's not like they keep normal hours. So, you know, um it's from six to like noon, you're good. I have noticed that it's definitely, and I mean, knock on wood, but it has calmed way down since it got cold. Cause ain't nobody want to be out in this fucking weather. i give Even murderers say no when it's below 30. Do you know how stiff my stabbing arm gets?
yeah that is is This takes a lot of work. and you You have to kill 14 people just to stay warm. It's a lot of work, and you've got to bury the body. it's It's bury the body. This is Evansville, Indiana. dude They leave that shit there, and the cops are like, bring out your dad. Hey, look at him. Bring out your dad. I was watching one of, speaking of British comedy,
there's ah There's a TV show i'm I'm watching on YouTube. It's actually QI. It's a quiz show. They were talking they were talking about, back in like the 1600s or something, some guy was doing scientific research on on what's the things that kills the most people like, you know, they they were like, yeah, this year there was 623 died by plague on and they showed a photo of the list. And there was 12 was like found dead. And I was like, what the fuck?
look up Don't look up Evansville's numbers.
No, this is like 1600s. You know, they're learning scientific. It was like found dead. They're like, wait a minute, there's 12. We just found the guy. What are you going to do? It's 1615. Who's doing it? They check him for fucking bullet holes and they go. No, but that there was like.
Uh, there was like, you know, a hundred murders and, you know, stabbed, you know, um, childbirth where there was like a hundred and because, you know, it was 16 hundreds is like, like the stick, you know, uh, but you know, like the plague, there was like 800 or something, but there was literally 12 pounds dead.
and I guess we can't ask him. That's what that's what they called hard attacks back there. It was so great. I laughed so hard. Poor guy. ah What are you going to do? put Write him down, Bob. Oh, fuck. But yeah, it was just one of those things. I was like, that's funny. Oh, I think you get a kick out. it I'll find that episode and send it to you. If Benji just so happens to listen to this. Hey, if you make trips out to Ohio, my crawlspace needs some work, homeboy.
ah I'll pay for the trip out. yeah I'll pay for the trip out here and materials if it doesn't. Motherfucker will ever check his damn WhatsApp. He's got WhatsApp on his phone and he got it just because I bitched at him to get it. And he got it and he never checks it. As I said him a couple of things about the, you know, when we were doing Jeff's garage, we've talked about that Mustang GTD. Well, they took it for a lap around the Nuremberg ring. Oh, shit.
and Official numbers are it's the fastest thing to go around the Nurburgring. We have America. Oh, yeah like Under seven minutes under seven minutes though. It's impressive. Yes, and I sent him the video about it He still hasn't seen it like this motherfucker He's like, oh, it's from Jeff Turnoff. read this nice No, he just he does. The thing is, like ah he and I were talking about it and he he says, I don't I forget that I have it because he doesn't have social media at all. He's got a YouTube channel. Yeah. And then he like he'll walk around car show and show photos, video. But that's you know, it doesn't he doesn't have social media. He doesn't have TikTok. He doesn't have YouTube but or he doesn't have, you know, Instagram stuff like that.
That man is living his best **** life. He's he's making back the whole way. But the hours this kid works, holy **** man. I like it. Take a drag off the cigarette and then pop that. I got it. I do. Which one? It's all fun and games. yeah You actually fight them so much.
It's all like you accidentally bite the cherry. I always did that last night. No, but then like. There's two flavors, there's. This is like a it's kind of like a root beer and cream. Like a root beer float kind of thing. Yeah, you like that. And the other ones are strawberries and cream. And I kind of like the stuff. I'm kind of like the root beer.
So, Jeffy, I got to say it's been it's been a little while. I have been more than a little bit busy. Yeah. It's been like it's been like a month and a half since I've seen you on the show. We'll be back and forth here and there on our on our unspeakable. But how and I have to ask because it's a Monday. How have you been? How have you been? Have you been good?
I don't know if about good. I'm bored out of my fucking mind. But you're not, you know.

Career Changes and Family Dynamics

No, I'm alive. Just barely. Well, you know, here's the crazy thing. You know, it's it's a one twenty four has been a weird year, like twenty three, twenty two and twenty one. I made so much money, I didn't know what to do with it. Like I was going to spend a couple thousand dollars a weekend and think about twice. And then the program I was working on ended.
And I basically had to start from scratch. And the past, two I've been kind of struggling. I'm working, but I'm not making, not even remotely what I used to. So in that aspect, you know, my mother-in-law was like, well, why don't you leave the kids at my house? That way you can focus on work. You don't have to worry about feeding and, and, you know, getting them to school and blah, blah, blah. And I was like, you know what, I'm i'm down.
because so when I'm not working, I'm actually my mother-in-law out of all mother-in-laws, mine's the greatest. Like this woman literally will send food over because it's Wednesday. I just want to make sure you ate and I'm like, fuck yeah. No, no, I haven't eaten in weeks. Yeah, exactly. Oh, no, I haven't eaten for a month. This should bring over a fucking dirty. In fact, you should bring me more. Well,
She she she uh christmas day. She was like she calls me uh The weekend before she's like hey, what do what do you what do you want for christmas food? I'm like, I don't know something. I don't have to fucking buy She's like it's turkey. Okay. Yeah, it's like you bitch. This is what a whole fucking butterball turkey And I got there and and Everybody's like, oh, I don't want turkey. And she's like, well, Jeff, this is all you. And I was like, nice. So I'm set for turkey. I'm not a big turkey guy, but I eat it in the holidays because it's holiday food. it's its You can't not have turkey on Thanksgiving. You can't not have ham on on Christmas. you know But turkey kind of is is's like one of the worst birds to eat. he just kind I enjoy it.
but But yeah, like, when when when but I'm not working, and I'm sitting here by myself, I'm like, fuck, this house is quiet.
I wish I could say that. You know, Vic was saying on Saturday, Vic was saying on Saturday, he was like, he's like, so I got the first time alone in a couple of months. You know, and he was, you know, he called and apologized for whatever. I still don't understand what he was apologizing for, but whatever.
I told him to man the fuck up, rub some dirt on it, get back out there, run a lap. But he was like, you know, it was the first time I kind of had a little bit of peace. And i I told him, I said, dude, I'll trade you because I'm bored out of my fucking skull. Yeah. You know, I'm, you know, unfortunately, my wife is stuck in Paris.
because I don't have the money to bring her home and she's, and we, we recently found out that she can actually get a job and get residency there so we can eventually move there. And I'm here, stuck here. And like, I can, so it's, it's been, I'm, I'm waiting for 25 because 25 is going to be my year. I don't know. I don't know if you'd follow Zodiacs.
ah miss last and i got fuck now no no No, I don't I don't Not but for some reason It sounds it sounds weird but for some reason on my tick-tock I keep getting these Chinese New Year Fucking year the snake and rat. Well, I'm you're the monkey apparently and I was like nice Apparently year the monkeys but supposed to be good in 25 because it's a dragon. I Don't remember but apparently dragons and monkeys get along. But I found like 14 videos just popping by FYP telling how I'm going to have a **** amazing years. I'm like sweet compared to last year. I can't get any worse. You got to build up that PMA, dude. It's it's it's dumb and cliche, but it's true. If you if you walk into the new year with just like this **** this mentality, I'm over it, then you're going to have a **** this. I'm over it here.
Yeah. Or at least first three months. I mean, it's the same with everything. And ah we'll we'll get into it a little bit more when we come back from break here and here in the wall. But, you know, I kind of put it in the description a little bit. It's right now is the time of reflection and change. And everybody does it every fucking year. And I'm guilty of it, too. I did better. I did better this last year. But the whole I'm going to set the biggest goal for myself that I've never been able to achieve in the past, and this year I'm going to fucking do it. It doesn't work. You set yourself up for failure. Just go in with a positive mental attitude. Go in and say, I'm going to do something different this year. I'm going to change something. Doesn't have to be. And that's why I came up with the bingo guard thing. Yeah. If, if Jera Vichy is listening,
The thing you might want to work on changing this year is your mental attitude.
like it's it's It starts with where your head's at. know And you can start every week out by making sure your head is right by listening to the Men Caring for Men podcast.
The facts. I'm just fucking saying. Surprisingly enough, it's not long after the Speedway Stories and Cold Blooded Conversations podcast, I'm just saying. And then. Well, it's happened on Mondays. Shortly thereafter, like the next day or something. You know, something like the next day is Books, House, and Music. I'm wondering how that works. And then you can and then you can take your positive plan. So, you know, it's Wednesday and you you roll into laughter with what the fuck news.
And then on, what are we talking about? All the news and news is making ah Jeff's garage is coming back on Thursdays. I'm working on a few interviews. I'm working on a few, uh, uh, and then the best part about Friday is nonsense and chill. Well, we sit there and talk about the funniest movies. We're actually going to be watching a claymation movie with, uh, I think it's Danny McBride's in it.
And we're showing it this time. And then next thing you know, it's Saturday. And you get to hang out when you come up on the show and have a couple of drinks on the nonsense nonsense show. We don't let it lose. Turn off the filter. And then we wrap up the week with unnecessary roughness. The official sports show, no longer just football, the official sports show of the Nonsense Bowl Network.
And then and there're obviously you you flip it back around on Monday and after that weekend of relaxing you get ready we Yeah, then with men caring for men starring yours truly sometimes Sometimes well, you're gonna be doing pre-recorded episodes this year Yes, so I actually I wanted to address that because I don't think I'll be able to come up on Saturday Depending on what the schedule is. I know that I work on Saturday again. Fuck me um
It's security work at a library in downtown Evansville where the 80% of the population that walks into that. Do you carry? They won't let us.
And Indiana is an institutional carry state. yeah So a patron can walk in with theirs, but I can't. Just horseshit. I'm currently working on getting that changed, but I'm too new and nobody's listening to me. You can just get your concealed carry and they won't know. Well, I'm so here's the deal. I'm. Already quite broken, so I feel like if I hire somebody to shoot. Then maybe they'll be like, hey. Maybe if he would have had a gun, he would have been able to fight back.
What? So you've set it up for the next guy? That's not bullshit. but But anyway, I digress with the whole deal. I've had a really busy last month and a half between school, trying to figure out the house, working now and very odd hours being part time, but still getting more hours than I thought that I would. It's just a terrible schedule because it's not consistent enough.
Um, yeah, between all of that shit and trying to be a fucking parent and do all this shit and try and be a halfway decent husband. It's, it's a lot to take on and then add on top of it, a podcast. Uh, so what I am, what the plan is for the Monday night men caring for men show on the nonsensical but is, uh, there will probably be at least one to two live shows per month. Uh,
I would love to do more but with my current schedule again, it's just it's it's hard to do that. It all comes down as the good Lord willing and the great don't rise. Yeah. And I don't want to put the burden of this show back on the Glick. No, a period. Nor do I want to just pawn it off on somebody else. I love this show. It's it's my baby.
like gave this to me and let this be my baby. And I absolutely love doing it. So what we're gonna do is I'm gonna start scheduling out times to pre-record. I'm still gonna play it on Monday nights. That way we keep that schedule going and it will probably be 8 p.m. Eastern time, which is 7 p.m. Central just because it keeps, again, more with my schedule. And we will roll it so that we have mostly pre-recorded shows but at least one to two lives per month.

Podcast Future Plans

That way we can continue to have the open the open mic. We can continue to let you guys be a part of this. um I can continue to get your guys' feedback on the show, which I absolutely love. I don't care if there are three people in here, 300. It's nice to hear from you guys and have you be a part of it. so
There is a plan going forward. I apologize for the last month and a half. Shit's just been so fucking crazy. I haven't even had time to go on fucking Facebook. So I get it again. It's been it's been a hell of a month and a half. We're all kind of in the same boat. I'm supposed to be starting a new job here pretty soon. So I'm kind of rolling in the same thing. The difference is I install. I'm going to be installing Internet in people's houses. So I'm going to be done by five. Well, I deal with homeless people assaulting each other.
and doing drugs in the bathroom and ODing and passing out in the fucking library. That's a fun one. And then dealing with idiots who don't want to leave. We had a couple of guys, one like literally a day after I left for my vacation, we had a couple of guys get into a fight over their baby mama. Two homeless dudes fighting over some homeless coochie. Dude, tell me you got a body cam.
Like I don't, but we have cameras everywhere. I'm just saying you get yourself a body cam, start your YouTube channel. World stars. I'm just GoPro everything. Yeah, fuck. I'd have to get approved with the fucking board. They're a bunch of charges. I mean, I like them a lot. Happy. I just happen to have your phone in your pocket. Oh, my God, it was on. Oh, no. I.
i I genuinely do love working for the library though. It's a very calm job and it's a great way for me to so transition from being wild and crazy all the time to what I can do now. So its's it's nice. it's It's a transitional period and I get that. That's, you know, I did the same thing. I didn't do security, but I, you know, you got to ease into it sometimes. You can't just go full hog. Yeah. I couldn't have done like,
Oh, hey, uh, I just got out of the military where I did everything. Uh, and I was running around all the time and like, you know, his head cut off. And now I sit at a desk and look at computers all fucking day long. No, I couldn't do that. I couldn't have fucking done that. It's not fun.
So there you go. I don't know what any of that meant, but okay. like Basically what what he's saying is you can do is you can go, we'll use the Freedom of Information Act and get that footage.

Housing Market and Security Concerns

yeah And throw it up on YouTube. See, I had no idea what FOIA was. Freedom of Information Act. I'm just saying buddy. We'll start a whole nother show called Connor's work life.
It's all fun and games until they put me in an administrative position. Fuck that. Yeah. Although that you wouldn't have more access to the footage. And I will make way more more fucking money, way more. i've been here I've been working here for a month, a little less than a month, actually. And as my first day, I was like, you know I would really love to have a full-time spot.
And everyone was on board with it. My supervisor's on board with it. The CCO is on board with it, or COO, rather, not CCO. COO is on board with it. But because it's a nonprofit, it has to get approved by the board. And then I was like, well, shit. And when I went to my supervisor, I was like, hey, you know I don't need medical insurance, right? She was like, can I get a medical insurance? Can I get that writing? You should. Give me a post-it.
fuck Yeah, I've been here for a month and they're already grooming me for a full-time position. I love it. I love it. Amen. Yeah, let's go ahead and go quick. Yeah, I was just about to say that. Words went right out of my mouth and into your mouth. It's pushing around a little bit. It works. that depend in Baby bird over there. I like it. All right, so we're going to play some ah James Lucre counting my days and we will be right on back.
Good song.

Humor and Light-hearted Commentary

I'm still trying to catch my breath from drinking some herbal tea. Sure. That's what you're drinking. I get it. It was was more of inhaling, but same thing. I don't know what else you could inhale that would be herbal.
Essential oils, herbal essential oils.
Sure. Some vaporized medication because my back and my legs are falling off. They hurt so bad. so Anyway.
Do I got a leg, Lieutenant Dan? just You're a dumbass. I hate all of you. If you are associated with this network in any way, shape, or fucking form, and you have steamies and supplies on here, mention my fucking name and said something about Lieutenant Dan. I hope you burn a slow, die a slow, painful death.
Speaking of people, people getting upset. And while you're dying slowly, while you're dying slowly, I hope that an angel comes down and whispers to you.
and then flies away. I scream Lieutenant Dan. Anyway. Speaking of somebody getting upset about things, ah right after he announced who the Angel of Death is, Jimmy Carter died. ah Sorry. Who was the who of the Angel of Death? Was it you? It was me. That's why I have Angel of Death underneath my name. Oh, no shit. Yeah.
Because um and I've been gone for so long, I have to congratulate you now. Well done. I appreciate it. Congratulations. I'm proud of you. You were what, one ahead of me? Yeah, one whole point. And it's only because I got the first one. And then you had two points. I had three, and Glick had one. He would have tied with you if Jimmy Carter would have died one day early.
Yeah. Fuck you, bitch. Who's the champion now? Slut? Definitely not you. Yeah. He's literally, I woke up the next day. How'd that go for you, buddy? I did feel good being beat by a first timer. I woke up Sunday morning. Well, afternoon, because I'm not working right now.
There's like 45 messages on Snapchat and it's all like mentioned about how Jimmy Carter just died. He's like, this is bullshit. so ah
I'll be honest, when it comes to the Snapchat, I've completely, I've started completely ignoring it unless I see, unless I see my name. If I see at ctos97, I'm like, all right, fuck. Somebody actually needs something.
but i Well, that's why that's one of the reasons why that's why we that's why we we set up the whatsapp because the problem with was snapchat is like I have a lock on my snapchat just because All of us send weird shit my kids sometimes use my phone But my whatsapp I don't and I set up the group in whatsapp that is members of the network and it's network shit only and hu And I get notifications. As soon as I set it up yesterday or Saturday, I started getting notifications. I was like, God damn it. Here we go again. Yeah. But on the good note, it's nothing but podcast related shit. It's not. Yes. Look at this fucking stupid meme, which we have another group of that. It's mine. I know.
fucking click. But but we have a group or if you want to send stupid shit, if you want to send stupid shit, we have a group for that. But business group, which is the members only group, this is all about business, bitch. Yeah, because we are going to take 20, 25, 30, 40, 49, 40. Jeff said, yeah.
yeah you You've been hanging around those cholos too long homie Hang out anybody. Let's be honest. I haven't left the house. I left the house today. We're going to Chinese food. Does that count?
Oh Good Jeff, what are we gonna do with you? um Anyway, ah so cuddle me introduction introduction welcome back to men caring for men and This is a show. It is on the podcasting network, the nonsensical network. Check us out on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, X, formerly known as Twitter, Instagram, or anywhere that you can find podcasting materials. If you enjoy all those podcasts, go walk to link wherever you listen to podcasts.
Find all those links at Link slash nonsensical network.
and And it's technically not the year new year yet, so I can still be creepy about it. You can go to nonsensical dash-nonsense dot.myspreadshop and spread us on YouTube.
I'm not going to be creepy next year, but it's not next year yet, so. Is that one of your goals for next year? I promise you will not make up with it. Oh no, creepy first time I do it. I'm gonna be like spread us on you big.
a feel It's just of a hat and spread it all over your head. Red is on you. and We also have face paint so you can spread us on you. You need to get masks, like COVID masks. say don I'm on your face. You put it all over your face. bres on I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I got it all over your face. I got me all over you.
If the masks have to come back, that's the only reason that they need to come back. Just so I can be like, I'm on your face. We'll start attracting liberals. not
no Yeah, wear them alone in their car. ah going win Welcome back to the show, the serious show. Yes, serious show. We only do serious things. And speaking of serious things, seriously, it's about to be 2025. Thank God.
And seriously, as much as I know we're all excited for a new year, we are all more excited to put this year in our past. So, again, in the spirit of the new year, seriously, we are gonna talk a little bit about reflection, okay? Reflection in your heart, and then your soul, and your mind, and then your spirit.
Usa. Imagine yourself as a ball of life. I saw this in a nightclub movie. but Anyway, ah we're gonna talk a little bit about reflection on how everybody's entire year has been. We always ask every Monday night, how's your week been? Do our weekly bro check. Well, it's time for your annual bro check. Check up on yourself. Check up on your buddies. See how their year was. See how they're trying to change.
maybe be supportive for them. Jeff, yeah I'm here to support you. How was your previous year? See, I go from serious to totally stoned out like a second. You know what? In all seriousness, I think it wasn't a terrible year. There was, I mean, like I said, financially, it was fucking dog shit. What?
I mean, that's kind of like par for the course anymore, but, but it's one of those things. It's like the one good thing you can do at the end of each year is be like, Hey, ah, you can mark down another one. I made it, you know, bucket list that shit because I made it through 2024. I mean, granted, I got a day and a half left, but yeah. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. But, but like,
um You know, I think, and and I know it sounds corny and it sounds like I'm making it up, but believe it or not, what got me through it was the network. kind Happy New Year, Arliss. Hey, buddy. What got me through this year was the shows that we do.
Yeah, no and it's it's it's Because I know no matter how shitty of a day A week or whatever I have that I'm gonna get to laugh my ass off at somebody else Or be the butt of the joke, which usually what's getting far for the course? Unless you're not there then it comes on me which is bullshit.
Yeah, I love it when it comes on you. Because the butt of our joke left the network fucking I jar. You mean the legs of your joke?
But I get it because he always jokes about my legs. It's a funny joke. Yeah, it's funny. My jokes are well thought out. I've had that written for I've had that written for months. Thinkers.
ah and then you still fuck it up. Nobody, like even this show, like I don't come on this show very often because let's be honest, it's on a Monday and Monday is kind of like, my day is like, oh fuck, I'm gonna go take a nap because I do. I come every Monday. Well, I mean, I too. But it's like, I do, my week for the network starts Wednesday Technically Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. So I do, I'm supposed to, every day for four days in a row. Which is fine, I have no problem with it. um But that's, like I said, that's where my week starts for the network. So Monday, Tuesday, I'm like, I don't have to do, I don't have a show tonight? No, I'm gonna fucking go to bed earlier. I'm gonna watch, I'm watching the The Day of the Jackal, by the way. I think you should check it out. You'll like it.
because it's about a sniper that kills people for money. It's dope. It's really good. I like money and killing people. Shit, I should stop saying things like that. Yeah, you got a job now. You got to be responsible. Yeah. ah But but, you know, it's like Monday and Tuesday or my day are like I don't have to do research for the shows. I don't like Fridays. I.
usually Thursday night and I'm watching the movie we're gonna watch or you know if it's a if it's a movie I like I'm like yeah I've seen it a million times I don't need to watch it. ah I have to do research for Thursday nights. Wednesdays, i have I do research for Wednesday night because it's the news. I got to find funny, fucked up, weird news stories. So monday in dues there Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday are the days I'm just like, I don't have to do anything. And I'm going to. It's my weekend. Spirit fingers. Spirit fingers.
jazz hands by the way jazz hands spirit fingers jazz hands spirit fingers okay just so we know the difference this is tickling the taint that's those are called glit hands because that's what they do anyway i digress i digress no but how was your year this past year well my year has been oh jesus how has my year Should we go deep? Is it? Is it a deep Monday night? we go Sure, why not? little bit Like deep. Yeah, we can. Shallow. oh i do make to go Yeah, we can go at least wrist deep. I don't have to go, you know, armpit. the Shoulder. like a My year's been in all in all. All in all, if I was to rate it, I'd say it was a four and a half out of 10.
Four and a quarter. Yeah, I'm about there. I'm about there. Not out of 10, out of five. Out of five. Oh, out of five? Wow. Out of five, yeah. Ed, you guys have watched me through this year.
Event by event, this year has been irritatingly painful. From the very beginning. I get it. We moved into a new house.
which is one of the most stressful things you can do. And this was on this was just when we moved to Vincent. We moved to a house and we got there and at the beginning of the year, my wife got a wonderful job offer to come work down here in Evansville. The stipulation was that you had to move to Evansville. ah So as the year went on, my wife continued with this job. We found a house in April. We got the house. We moved into the house. So we've moved now ah twice over the course of a year and it's been four months. The house just so happens to be ah on the corner of Crenshaw in Brooklyn.
God damn. But anyway, We got a house. That doesn't help the stress level. No. So so that that that helped the stress level a lot in the wrong direction. I was being a stay at home dad in a bit a bit of a mental crisis, trying to figure out what the fuck I was doing with my life, trying not to hate myself and my kids ah because I was just fucking mad at people that weren't done or myself.
And so that was a whole fucking thing. And then in the middle of the year, my wife changed jobs to something that we, I gotta to be careful what I say, but she changed jobs to something that we thought would be better for her and that she was excited about and for building her career. And it just so happens, come closer to the end of the year, she's kind of getting fucked a little bit, way more than we thought she would. And not even by me anymore. Chris would say the neighbor.
Anyway, so that's been a shitty part of this year. We had a lot of positives that can be swapped to negatives and vice versa. On the positive note, my wife's had two jobs this year that have both been the best paying jobs that she's ever had.
So those, those are awesome. I am very grateful for them. Despite the amount of work that she has had to do and the very small amount that I actually get to see her. Uh, we bought a fucking house. That's not a small thing. Despite the fact that this is like the worst economy ever. That's something that's still, still something to celebrate considering the stress level. It's still something to celebrate. Like especially my wife and I have been married for Coming up on nine years now this year this year will be nine years We were very very young when we got married I was 18 19 I was 19 and she was she was 21 when we got married um dont go in a car That's a fucking that's a fucking feet right there and we've done this whole time renting and being from place to place and
and being in the military and going here, there, and fucking everywhere and never getting a break. And for us to be able to purchase a house and whether it's the house that we stay in, which it won't be, but whether it's the house that we stay in or not, it's a place where we feel like we can finally slow down and calm down and put down some roots and relax a little bit, despite you know living in Baghdad.
ah it it's It's a comfortable feeling. It's a very comfortable, relaxing, calming feeling that I have not had before. So that's another really big positive. Right. Negative. I started school this year. Also positive. I started school this year. Holy shit, has that been a stressor on my life? I was going to say, that's that's you know some of the stress that you got this year. you Granted, you put it on yourself. but
the fact that you're going through it is kind of impressive. Yeah. Thank you. I'm, I'm proud of the struggles that I've gone through this year that I've like gone through and been able to overcome and like not eat a lead pill. Like I'm proud of that. Like yeah as as morbid that as that may be,
i'm I'm very happy with this year. I learned that I'm a shit stay-at-home dad because I can't stand not doing anything. And I don't like people enough to just go to the fucking grocery store because I'm not fucking weird. Anyway, I digress on that subject. No, but that's a fact. I'm kind of the same way. I'm a terrible stay-at-home dad. Yeah. Or work-at-home employee. I'm a goddamn killer.
I hate it. And it's it's just, I don't want to go places. I want to chill out at the house. But when I chill out at the house, it's watching the kids. It's not actually any sort of me time. It's not. Yeah. So there's nothing really relaxing about it. It's a combination of being the referee, trying to teach a class. Hello. Hello. um Hold on one second. Go ahead. Keep going, Carter.
Sorry, you confused me. oh Anyway, it's just, it's a whole fucking thing in and of itself. You're not a stay at home husband. You're not a fucking trophy husband. You're just a stay at home dad. And it's a lot of fucking work. And when you're the only one, you end up feeling like you're the only one doing things. And I start to like really feel for my wife because she was a stay at home mom for like four years while I was in the military. And Now that I did it for a year, I got to say, I absolutely love that woman because it's been a miserable year. Yeah, but like all that on top of going through a bit of a mental health crisis and just a ah identity crisis, complete like my my life got ripped away from me and now I've got to figure out how to do it without that giant piece of me.
with all of that that I feel like I've come out fucking awesome you know and that's that's the one thing you can uh that's the the quote unquote silver lining you need to check all the time like you know it's it's it's it's I'm trying to figure out how to say it's the it's that one day at a time. And thank God that day's over with. Yeah, kind of a thing. The days go by slow, but the weeks go by fast. Yeah, that's another thing that's great about the shows, man. They fucking make the days go big. Weeks go quick. and You know what it does do do for me when it comes to the whole aging aspect? Holy shit.
Have you seen the difference between you and Glick? And well, Glick never changes. That dude's like a fucking Stonehenge. Anyway, yeah but like the changes in you physically, fucking emotionally, just where you were at stress level compared to like right now when you like compared to when you started the show to when you end the shows. Oh, yeah. Now, like you just completely different. It's it's why i' watching how you get old.
Thanks a lot. it's It's kind of slowly seeing your future, right? I know it's terrifying you so i just saying At least I can grow a fucking beard though I can't do like i Like the fucking dirty Harry you got going on there, ah you know, and here's the thing um, I could totally grow the beard because I've done it in the past like if you look back and like I the first season or the first year of nonsensical nonsense. I had the full beer. I just fucking hate the upkeep. So I just get bored and I'm like. yeah man And I cut it off. So I just. I think kind of rocking right now looks good. And so that baby baby face bullshit you bring around here. Yeah, makes me look sexy. a But yeah. i mean
If you can look back at your at your last year and say, you know, I went through all that shit. How was I at the beginning of the year versus how do I feel now? Do the beginning of the year, I was fucking depressed. I was fucking anxious about everything. I was paranoid. I was losing my fucking mind. I was ah I felt like a deadbeat at home. And at the end of the year, man, I feel like I'm on top of the fucking world. I'm drowning a little bit in work. But here's the key. I'm on top. the you're the only one feeling that you're the deadbeat. Like when I was, because I did the stay-at-home dad thing as well, because my wife was working and I was at home with the kids and I kept the house clean and I took the kids to school and did all this crap that you just did the past year. yeah ah And i I fucking hated it. I was like, you where can I buy a bullet and rent a gun?
um like But i was like I would literally come, my wife would come home and I'm like, oh, they're your fucking kids now. I'm gonna go fucking take a nap. This is fucking bull. I feel like fucking loser. And she's like, you're not a loser. You're you're saving us thousands of dollars a year in fucking childcare. You're the hospital and you're doing what you can. You know, cause I did have my little YouTube channel where I was building things on it.
And I kept the kids entertained and I kept them alive. That was the only main part. Yeah, my kids didn't die. I may have had a close couple times, but they didn't die. That's a win. That's a win. That's insane. And, you know, what you've because you're not I think it's it's the
Um, you and I both have the same kind of background where it's like, if you're not working, you're not a fucking man and you're not providing, you know, you gotta put food on the table. And when you're not doing that, even though food's on the table and shit's getting done and you're doing skills, it's like, it tore me apart, dude.
I was sitting there and my wife just got like the job of a lifetime. And I'm sitting here like, have a good day at work, honey. I'm going to kill six feet of rope in a wobbly stool, see when you're home. But you know what's funny is that you mentioned job a lifetime. So there's a there's a couple of TikToks going around where it's like, if your wife got paid a million dollars, would you stay at home?
No, and it's not because, no do and and don't get me wrong, I would, but but it's like it's not about the money because yeah, I've done the stay-at-home thing. Even though my wife made decent money, she wasn't making as much money as I did when I was the only one working, but it comes down to you know bills were covered and house was covered and everything was covered.
But mentally, I was like, this is some fucking bullshit. Because of the simple fact is like you you feel like.
Like a biggest piece of shit because it can we get this because it's bleach, we can afford it. i But i I didn't pay for it. You're paying for it. Yeah. Yeah, but we need it. Yeah, but I didn't work for it. You did.
But it's bleach. I know. But, you know, it's not my fucking money. and And of course, the wives always say it's our money. Bullshit, bitch, you're the one out there fucking working. I'm sitting on my ass dealing with these hellions. It's it was it was tough for me with the whole disability thing. Because like my wife's like, you're making money. And I'm like. I understand that technically my money is providing for us, but for one, not working for it.
I'm sure everyone in their sisters heard of fucking imposter syndrome. That's what it felt like Yeah, like I'm sitting there and she's like you spent the last nine years doing XYZ so that right now we could have this and I know that ended bla blah blah blah way, but You're making money whether whether you work or not And right now you get free time with the kids and I'm just like that just makes me feel like a bigger piece of shit Because I'm not working for it Yeah. I'm just sitting here. I mean, I mean, there's, there's a guy on fucking welfare doing the same fucking thing I'm doing. Right. Exactly. I'm like, I probably may watch you go to work and she busts, she busts her fucking ass at work all day long and she comes home and there's a little part of me that's irritated because I didn't get to see her until she, because she was gone for so late. And she's so tired. And yeah, and she's dog tired. And I'm just like, the rest of me is like, Oh my God, I'm such a piece of shit for even like,
Wanting to spend time with her when she's she she's ready for a nap, right? Like she's been busting her ass to put food on the table for us And then I'm like god. I just I feel like and I feel like No stress eventually stresses her out and that becomes a fucking argument because you feel like shit because you're you're quote-unquote not helping and in your mind, in her mind, she's like, you're doing fucking amazing job. Yeah, you're my wife. My wife used to yell me all the time. She said, you fucking cut the grass, you fucking clean the car, you fix the car, you fucking, you know, you you upgraded. I've heard these conversations. And it's like, it's not the same. I'm doing because I'm fucking bored out of my mind and I'm not working. but who are yeah But there's no monetary gain from it.
concern saying and'
yeah she's like you're getting me easy to do nothing dude Yeah, I'm just like I get it I get it I'm getting paid but the thing is I'm getting paid whether I'm a lazy jackass or whether I'm being a productive member of society right now I'm not being a productive member of society and it was an argument of which is more important to me feeling like I'm contributing to the world or feeling like I'm contributing to to my kids. I'm like, why can't I do both? Because when I don't do one of them, it makes me want to lose my fucking mind. I feel like the worst human honor. And then when you do start working, you're like, this isn't enough. but yeah I mean, like, i that's exactly what happened. I got to work. or I was like, you guys got any full time positions? Yeah. And then I get home and I barely see my wife because she works like a ton. I work when she's off.
And I'm like, fuck, dude, I never get to see you. This is your job's fault. one It's also my own fault. But but as as me talking to my past, literally, because I've been there. Right now, I get the whole two ships passing in a night thing. Because that's what you and your wife are. it' like oh mom We see each other like for 10 minutes before we go to bed and shit like that.
i get But the one thing that has gotten me through and its it's it's cheesy and it's fucking cliche, this too shall pass. It sounds fucking dumb. I mean, look at me. My wife is stuck in Europe because we can't afford, well, right now she's gonna be staying because she's getting a work visa so we can eventually move there. So that's two years where she literally can't leave the country.
Yep. So it's like, but bright side is once we're there, the money will literally roll the fuck in and yeah the opportunity in, you know, because for what I want to do, the business I want to start, I, you can't do it in Mexico because nobody's going to a pay for it. And B, if you do make the money that I'm going to make, you're going to get robbed.
So it's like, it's, it's the, give you have to, you have to, you know what, right now, you know, and my wife, uh, I need to do a shout out to blaze because he got me to get discord and I got my wife on discord. We watch movies together on discord.
to kind of spend time with each other. And it's kind of like, it's, it's one of those things. It's like, you know what? I get it. We're far apart. And just like you and your wife, you guys are shipped passing in the night because she's working. And then as soon as you get home, you're fucking out the door to go to work. And it's like, did I get married to spend more fucking time with you? Oh, wait, that's right. We're not billionaires. We can't do that.
Right. And then I get it. It's it's that whole this isn't what I signed up for. Because I thought it was going to be one thing, but money gets is is a problem. We need that shit. It's really all these other things. Yeah, nobody actually and it talks about. And you have to remember that once you get to a point and in you guys are fucking fetuses.
once you guys hit like 35, 40, you're gonna have a fucking me, dude. Because but one thing the one thing you have going that I didn't, I was in my 30s before I was almost, I was almost, I was 39 when I bought my first house. So you're ahead of the curve, dude.
yeah I mean, not a lot of people at your age can say, I own a fucking house. Yeah, I got a fucking mortgage and I got to fucking work all the time. And I'm constantly stressed. But when when people that are your age now and they're all like, hey, I'm fucking at the bar every fucking night trying to hook up. I want to punch those people in the throat. When they hit 39 and 40, they're like, fuck, I got a fucking fuck. I wish I would have
it's gonna be so cool when all my buddies are like in their 40s and they're like dealing with teenagers and like young 10 year olds and shit and my kids are all gonna be out of the fucking house and I'm just gonna be like I'm sorry I'm gonna I'm gonna go for a cruise with my wife I gotta go boys it's naked Tuesdays with my wife i got go
Like, it's going to be really dope. But it's that whole, this too shall pass deal, right? Yeah. Even so the tough shit, obviously, this too will, well this too shall pass, right? At the end of it, when that when we are empty nesters, we're going to have way more money, first of all. Oh, yeah. so Secondly, the house is going to be quiet. It's going to be me and her. And it's going to be pretty much paid off by then. The house is going to be ours. Our life is going to be ours.
But at the same time, right now, I don't want this to pass because my kids are two, five, and seven. And even though every once in a while I just want them to get out of the fucking house, I don't want them to be 18. I don't want them to be 18. You're going to put them through a fucking wall. This too shall pass. And I'll be fucking begging for five, seven, and two again.
You ain't just whistling this. This is Dixie. Jesus Christ. Especially when they're out of the house, my fucking parents, I asked my parents. to Oh, shit. No, shit, it's Tony. What's up, sir? Wait, I'm waiting for the penis. What's going on? What's happening? Tony's here. Look, but what's up, buddy? Who who who say how to you?
No, who was you just talking to? or But you're talking to somebody else. like Yeah. Yeah. Look, see, you're blocking my camera. Put your dick away, dude. but the fuck kind of How you doing? no do alo Men care for men. First of all, Happy New Year to sons of bitches. Yes, sir. well Not yet. No, it was coming. And I doubt if any of us will be able to broadcast or not soberly. Mandy.
How are you, Mandy? How are you doing? We're actually we're not actually. No, it's it's Wednesday. It's Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. But we're not doing a show Wednesday just because I'm going to be at the in-laws clicks. We're going to be hungover. ah I'm going to be getting a free blowjob. From Tony. No.
What do you think you're here for, buddy? You can deny it all you want, sweetheart. I'm tired of it. Tell the truth. came up here to Tell he so the truth. Happy New Year.
i'm an and
who well tony what man we're doing We're doing reflection night because we're doing men's fair and fair men. How was your 2024? Mentally and I kept my pace. Let me go ahead and do it let me do this. I kept my pace on what I said I was going to do from the beginning of the year. I am grateful for that. That took the discipline that I said I was going to give because I literally stayed in the house all year.
fucking let get open He bought our merch, he's spreading us on you. I'm literally going to stay in the house and not do anything reckless or crazy, so I don't overspend, which I did pretty successfully. Mind you, I did take a couple of plan trips, then I had a couple of, go out to a couple of plan trips, had a business trip, so I did get out the house, but I maintained the pace all year, so I didn't overspend.
ah and Jason was here with me the whole time. you know That was a blessing. Saw a family on both sides. Definitely a blessing for the year. I can't complain. I can't complain. um As far as me broadcasting, there has been a hiatus since the summer. And I will admit this, I said this on my show and others, with the controversy going on in the industry, I took a break for a minute.
There's a lot of names being dropped. I don't know who songs going to trigger what as much as I enjoy him I don't want to set anybody off or give anybody a flashback even though I could still do it and I care and a lot of these stories are being debunked I just took a little high so I'll do your buddy Diddy Diddy can't hang out no more. Sorry about that. I heard he's down there with you
youd probably be better off oh j he's the one at your house right now jay z's hanging out tony's still and make way door fire
but i yeah all the This network has done good I've been seeing y'all all year y'all been kicking in this for real big us We're gonna get into fucking high gear man 25 I got to see what I'm gonna do. I know the plan that I got in play and um Since y'all don't know I don't know if you could do it with streaming or but TikTok is now allowed to restream So it's about to be on the proper for me with what I yeah As long as TikTok doesn't go away in the States. It ain't going away. No. Yeah, I want you to news I ain't going nowhere. I just saw Trump asked Congress black. Hey, hold up. Wait a minute
schools. Wait a minute. He said that the other day he said we're going to have to we're going to have to reevaluate or rethink this and I'll let you it ain't going to it because I gave him a lot of his training balls. Yeah, Jesus. A lot of traction. They gave him a line. I know what I saw up there. They gave him a lot of traction. Everybody was against Biden on all social media platforms. Can you blame them? Let's be honest. I mean,
oh cu haman comes excuse forty percent of his prisons are vacation 40%. If I took 40% of my job off, I'd be fired. Depends on the job.
That's true. I work from home. yeah Depends on the job. I only work four hours a day. I know he doesn't like to talk politics up here, so I'm not going to do it too much. Just came up here to say lets like what's happening. Mandy, it is definitely good to see you. Holler at me anytime. You know, you can find me anywhere. They can damn sure find me. There goes to you all of what you all have been doing with the expansion all year. Seriously. Y'all be kicking ass for real. We're looking at we're looking at adding and some more shows.
Um, yeah, we got the speedway stories and cold blooded conversations ramping up. We got, uh, Jesus Christ, is that got the resident communists and, you know, the, the one, I think the, the one thing we, uh, the new horror film for Republicans, the resident. Um, yeah.
No, well, I mean, like even even last Thursday where we're blazed I had an argument for five fucking hours. It was fucking genius about what? Oh, everything. Oh, everything. It was fucking we we were we started off talking about Luigi Mangione, the guy that shot this allegedly shot the scene um alleged penis leg too small allegedly. Yes. And then we got into the fact that that blaze doesn't believe in free will. And it fucking blew my mind. And both of us were running die on the hill. Exactly. Tony, thank you.
yeah rule of things people as far as Like if you're walking down the street, you don't choose to turn left. it's pretermed According to him. That's a toughy. Even that doesn't sound like him. That's a toughy though. That was the it's it's it's it was a great argument. It was one of those things where because we did it on his new show, which is who goes argument is it anyways.
Uh, so it was, it's an argument show and it, and it was a great little debate. We expected to go for an hour and a half. We ended up doing five and a half hours fucking hours and show all the way through, but I can't make it. I fall asleep. No, it's been through.
It felt like five minutes. Well, we've done that was a bit of flown, not, not can remember those days. And then, of course, you know, Saturdays, of course, are still a five six hour shows, which this Saturday I started off 100 percent by myself, which is very rare. And then God bless our list from Southern Outlaws Band. He came up and kept me company. ah And then Blaze came up and and while he was up, Chris was up trump with from his from his in-laws. Oh, excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. I hope you said that.
Here's the funniest thing is Glick had Jimmy Carter on his list and after we announced the winner then Jimmy Carter died Got him good didn't get the point he didn't get the point His fucking snapchat Glick blew up the Snapchat bitchin' about how fuckin' Jimmy Carter couldn't wait six to work days to die.
Or coulda died two days ago. Listen, he lasted the election, and I'm gonna give him that. He said he was not gonna die until he voted for Kamala Harris. That shit was hilarious.
that waste of that wasn was of might as well have been And then yeah he was like the only one, him and Tony.
And then of course, you know, so, so whoever got the first celebrity that died that was on their list got an extra two points or no, got an extra point. And I picked Willie Mays, buddy.
I got the sports guy win. I'm going to pick Reba again this year, just to make Glick mad. this off but it but great but yeah i I won by a total of three points. Unbelievable. And I got two deaths. I got Maggie Smith and Willie Mays. Glick got Shannon Doherty. And Connor got. I got the but Bob Newhart.
and bobno art somebody else. I can't remember. Did you see Linda Lavin died today? a yeah she was She went on our list. so course she was nobody remembers a for real You gotta to be old to remember her.
fuck what But this Saturday we're doing our new list. This is the list from 24.
Bob Newhart and James Earl Jones. That's right.

Celebrity Death Predictions

Yeah. That's the one. That was one where I was like, oh, I kind of don't want you to die. But yeah, Glick had Jimmy Carter. It was his first pick and dude died right after we announced. Is it worth the point to lose James Earl Jones? I don't think it was. I don't either. Now, Jimmy Carter was worth the point. Yeah.
But it was one of those things that was, uh, this Saturday we're doing the new list. So there's going to be what, five people in the poll this year. Plus we're doing, uh, the guests. Do the celebrity that you're expected by this year. Yes. Well, they're circling the train. Yeah. 10 celebrities that you think will die this year. Yeah. I picked my two, my two low balls because I couldn't think of anybody was a fucking, in Reva and um the Tomb Raider. Fuck. What the hell is her name? Yeah. absolutely joe leans Yes. She was my other one. He was like, you know, cause sometimes people die for no reason. And I was like, yeah. So he's like, Reva's going to fall down the stairs, dude. Like we all out of hell. Is Jerry's going to die the same way I would. Right. Was Jerry's dusky still alive?
I know, Bob Euchre too. I had Bob Euchre on my list. Well, here's what he did. No, Bob Euchre is still alive because I've been keeping an eye on him. Because trust me, every time one of them does die, it's all you here on Snapchat for two days. I hate to say it, but I think next year or any day almost is going to be Bruce Willis. I hate to say it.
Oh, I agree. He's on. I think Glick has him on his list. He's hurting. He's hurting better. Michael J Fox. I think it'll be a relief for him, but it'll be a sad day. Unfortunately, you know what I'm saying? Because they say he is suffering better. I hate it for him. Yeah. I think I'm going to put Bruce Willis. Elton John is hurting bad. Is he really? Yes, he's been sick for a minute. They said it's not good.
Putin's ass been up there for a couple of years. I don't know how y'all didn't have him on there Yeah, but he's he has the money I didn't want to get shot in my house by Russian what when I live on this corner Somebody in Jesus for the past two years they've been talking about it. That's why I waited before sitting
Anyway, Tony, so this is Tony's hour of, hey, I'm going to judge you and then do the exact same fucking thing that I was judging you for doing. You're sitting there picking celebrities to die already, motherfucker. You think about this bullshit. You're no better than us. You are no better than us. This is how we roped you into the fucking network last time with the starting five. We're also going to be bringing back, we're bringing back a new version of kind of like the starting five, but it's, we're calling it, um, uh,
Like so, for instance, I found a TikTok where it was like, the guy was like, I can name five NFL players. And the next guy, the other guy said, I can name 10. And the one dude said, I can name 50. And he had one minute to do it. And Glick had got on his high horses. I could do that. He can't do it. And I said, he didn't. He got to 30. He got how many? 30. In a minute. Forever. Ever. ever The thing is, you have one minute to do it, and a minute goes fast. We're calling it. That's one every second. We call it.

Games and New Year Reflections

Yeah, we call it cap.
so So that's going to be the new starting five we're doing in 25 where somebody will say a subject and everybody will take a turn and say, I can name, you know, like I can name four fast foods or encounters. Like I can name six. And once I, once you get to a point where like, no matter what you got a minute, you'll fast forward with me don't do fast food with me. You know better. You and me both are fat as we can. only you know better don' do fast But the point is, once we get you to a number where I'm like, you can't do that in a minute. I call cap. Then you have to go right then and there, and you have one minute. We start a timer and count them off. If you don't, you lose. If you do, you get a point. And whoever's got the most of the point is the champion of the month. Okay. But yeah, we're going to be bringing that.
That's coming new for twenty-five. He's got to bring back the football players and he's got to do the fast food. Then he's got to name action movies. Oh, that's too easy to. Now, how many Christmas movies can you name? Uh, he's not just. Die hard. Die hard. Fucking die hard. One and two are Christmas. I'm from Evansville. You don't know. You don't know me up in these streets. These Evansville, Evansville streets. Indiana.
Yeah. yeah red drive i magic week Dude, I lived it back then. Classic. What's good, man? How you been, bro? What's going on? I just came home. That's all. Holy fucking shit. Tony D is in here. I know. It's crazy. I'm about to. Ironically, classic. You're rolling up. You are. Halftime show. Do you want to jump in and say what's up? Get ready for this halftime show. Gentlemen, behave yourselves. Happy New Year's to all of y'all. You know I won't. Bullshit and no bullshit.
I'm glad we made it through this year. Maybe we'll make it through next year. Everybody. and that All the pause. Everything. All for real. Alright. I'm gonna drop my friend. Love you, Tony. No, you go to hell here first. Bye.
That was good. I love that dude. I love that dude. But yeah, uh that's good since we went on track there. A little bit. Just a hair.
But, you know, it's par for the course. I think that's something else we need to work on this year right in 25 is staying on track because we're still focused. Back baus Yes. We must stay focused. Yes. Yes. Tis is that bring in full circle with Tony. Tony, what a guy. Yeah. Yeah.
I'm pretty sure Tony's gonna eventually slowly get back into the network. I think he's he's dipping his toes and I think I got him wanting to come back with- Has Nick been sending him KY? I think so. And baby although- And I get why Tony laughed you know with all the shows we do, it's hard.
you know, you know, it's it's like a full-time **** job. I have part time but yeah. Speak for yourself buddy. You do one show a week. **** you. I think you do 40 hours worth of work on this show. Every week. At least.
poorit I upload most of the shows I'm on. I'm uploading a show as we speak. That takes how long? That takes how long? On a six-hour show, it takes like a good 45 minutes to an hour. OK, OK, OK. It takes a good 15, 20 minutes just to download it. Then it takes an hour to upload it. You're not making 40 hours a week, though. I can see 30 or 25. I feel like that would be more hours. No, because I also, when I do it,
When I do it, I also do a lot of the promo stuff too. Like all my clips of the show, that could take a couple hours right there. I feel like ah feel like you're exaggerating. But then again, I don't do shit for the show, so I don't have room to speak. like Like it says, they're underneath my name. I just fucking work here.
um Yeah. I also take part of the fantasy football, even though I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
I don't think that counts as well. It does for me because I don't fucking understand what the fuck I'm doing. I usually got to make it up. and I don't know how I did so bad this year. I'm going to let the next year auto draft. I did better. and I did better when I auto drafted.
i i did better when i auto- drafted than when I actually drafted. And I actually tried.
Just saying. I can't win. It's football, I don't care. However, if I ever win the fantasy football league, you guys will never hear fucking it. Dude, you act like I'm any better. That was the first time I'd done it. Ever. Yeah, but you actually care about football.
I have an understanding of football and that's about it. yeah I don't give a damn about the NFL, which is what fantasy football is based around. I don't like I, I can't remember the last time I watched the football game. I actually, I do. It was when Tony was still in the league and and super bowl was around. I asked them who to fucking bet on and I went and made $4,000 and fucking did nothing.
because they were like, this team's going to win. And I was like, put the money on them to win. I called them from the casino. Who should I bet on? And I made four grand. So I wasn't mad. I mean, yeah, that's hard to complain about.
But it's a real life game. I feel like I feel like we're starting to wrap up here a little bit there. Yeah. In doing so, obviously I want to reflect on the topic of the night.
Um, and, and kind of bring it full circle with Tony's with what he said was just, ah we made it another year. God willing. We make it another, like probably everybody, everybody who's listening has fucking had a tough ass year. And I know I've had a tough ass here, but I feel like I fucking landed on top because I made it through this fucking year. I can try again next year. You know what I mean?
as as as morbid as it may sound like you just gotta accept the defeat on some things and just move on and be happy to be here. My my thought every year is if I make it through the year without ending up in a pine **** box, it's a good year. Yeah. Especially if I don't end up in a pine box by my own hands. That's a that's yeah, that's tough sometimes. That's why we have this show. I'm a hell of a car burner buddy. I'm just saying.
Nailed that bit shut from the inside. Yeah, it's not easy to do, but it's possible. But it's ah what if you can if you can just say that you made it through the year, it's a positive thing. Reflect on what you did this year or this past year, rather, and think about what you can change and make work for you next year. Stop setting these big ass goals that are completely fucking unattainable. And just live your life and try and do better. That's all you can really care to do.
yeah If you want to set a large goal, you have to set increments. Yes. Like, you know. Step by step with you ducks in a row. you want If you want to lose 100 pounds, get divorced. Then start going to the gym. Yeah. No, but it it comes down to if you want to lose 100 pounds, you've got to set a goal for five pounds, 10 pounds, 15 pounds, and you mark those off as you hit those goals.
wife, 25 pounds, 30 pounds, kids, alimony, fuck, child's foot, fuck. Well, you can do what that one guy did, fake your own death. Fake your own death. Smart play. That guy did it. They found him in Eastern Europe. Be fucking happy about it. Be happy that you get to see 2025.

Closing and Future Optimism

I'm surprised by everything that every new year brings.
Uh, Jeff, if you have any final words, my friend, send them out to the world. No, I'm good. Uh, like I said, keep on keeping on. It's the only thing you can do. There's always a silver lining somewhere. Yes. Well, I think that Jeff said his piece. I think I, for the most part said my piece just moving to the next, the next year with the clean slate. And as Glick would say, uh, a strong man is.
Someone who builds their foundation with the bricks that the others throw at him. Something like that. I don't know. I fucking made that up. It's like a wall. So have a great 2025. We look forward to seeing you there. Some changes coming to Monday night. But all in all, we will always be here for you. See you next time. Hit that button. I'm trying to. It's not playing.
I don't want to remove the outro. I just want to play it.
nonsensical network good for flavor every day movie talks new flicks hidden and display microphone magic music should spill the graze from repops to motorports ferning ruer craze football Crashes, touchdowns, epic plays You spin it, caption on the worded stories we embrace
nature's arrangement cars with
of nonsense forga vox just write tune
ah That was kind of fucking cool