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Episode 226: Three Preview Cards for the Gobbos! image

Episode 226: Three Preview Cards for the Gobbos!

Goblin Lore Podcast
150 Plays9 months ago

Hello, Podwalkers, and welcome back to another episode of the Goblin Lore Podcast! May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the plan is for all the episodes this month to relate to important topics within Mental Health. Today is a little different because thanks to Wizards of the Coast we also have 3 free preview cards to discuss!!

Each host takes the lead on presenting a Goblin and discussing the cool Melvin and Vorthos aspects of these cards!! After that the cast provides a little overview of last weekend's Mental Health Charity event raising money for NAMI!!

We also finally have a Linktree with all of our discounts/resources


As promised, we keep Mental Health Links available every episode. But For general Mental Health the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has great resources for people struggling with mental health concerns as well as their families. We also want to draw attention to this article on stigma from NAMI's site.

If you’re thinking about suicide or just need someone to talk to right now, you can get support from any of the resources below.


Opening and closing music by Wintergatan (@wintergatan). Logo art by Steven Raffael (@SteveRaffle)


Introduction and Gratitude

Hello Podwalkers and welcome to a very exhausted episode of the Goblin Lore Podcast. I say this, having talked to both hosts and knowing myself today, we are all very tired. However, we're also really excited and I think this is a key thing to do with
like multiple states, motionable, multiple emotions, all of it. We can be both. And I know I am. So my name is Hobbs Q. Mine pronouns are he him.

Self-Care Practices: Lego and Pet Therapy

We want to just right away say thank you for Wizards of the Coast for providing us with MH3, so Modern Horizon 3 previews.
I'm going to emphasize previews. These were free and sent to us and it is not just one. So we are excited. We want to say thank you to them. We're going to get to those in just a second. First, we want to do our quick introductions in case this is your first episode. Like I said, my name is Hobbs Q. My pronouns are he him. And the question is, what is something that you are doing for yourself for self care? Uh, I actually am going to shock our regular core audience by letting you know that I continue.
to be building Lego. What a shocker. This is a new one. I know I we should devote like a whole episode. I know we don't have time. I haven't mentioned it yet. Figure out how to do a Lego episode. I'm up to that challenge. Somebody asked the other day if there's Lego artists proofs basically or Lego proofs. This is that's a dangerous world. I don't even want to know.
rare pieces that the artists, the master builders get. I don't know. But during the course of the mental health event this past weekend, which we'll get to after our previews, I worked on the bonsai tree one and it was really like a bonsai tree. It was very like
relaxing in common, I needed to be present in all the streams were for most of them, and it helped me a ton. So it continues to be Lego that is continuing. And now we are now in month, like five of this being a fixation that has been providing mindfulness. I'll take it. That's great, Hobbs.
This is Taya, pronouns are she, her, they, them, and I've been petting my cat. I've been sitting here petting her for the last 20 minutes, and it does great things for my mental health.
Yeah, Callie is our honorary fourth co-host. If you watch the stream over the weekend, she made several appearances in My Todd. She did. Yeah. She actually did a pretty good job of avoiding all the cards I had out on the board. So thank you, Callie, for that. She was supposed to knock over the ones you wanted to play and be like, oh, that was in play. You all didn't see it this entire day? Oh, sorry. Yeah.
Not that I had a shortage of mana that game with all the treasures that I had. You know, when you're making people draw three or four cards a turn and you have a smothering ties and play, you really add up the treasures pretty quick. mana was not a concern. No, definitely not. Anyways, yeah, so it's just, I've been very much enjoying my pets.
petting my cats or having my snake wrapped around my wrist or just watching my bearded dragon chase crickets around his enclosure. No pets are great.

Candle Hobby: Exploration and Strategies

That is great. I do miss living with pets, but I have lots of friends who have cats. And I guess I should introduce myself rather than going on tangents, but I guess it's energy. I'm Alex on Twitter at Mel underscore chronicler. My pronouns are he him.
And I also am going to say something shocking, which is a parenthetical here, not actually shocking, just like Hobbs Lego revelation. For myself, I put in a big candle order and I've just been burning nice yankee candles for the last few weeks.
Did you get some of the good wick ones? Yes, I did. I got one of the standard like taller ones and I did two of the wide giant wick ones that are, they burn fast, but they like have a really good audible crackle, which is so cool. So I've not been burning those. I'm saving those, but there was a sale. I think those were like buy one, get one or something. I can't remember what it was. I got some gift cards and I stacked that in with some sales or two sales.
Regardless, I bought a bunch of candles and I'm feeling good. I really enjoy having that. And it was a thing that I hadn't realized it had been over a year since I'd placed my last order. And so I was like, I knew I was getting low and I hadn't really been burning them for a while.
It's just nice to have that stocked up so that I can do that if I want to. Not always, but most nights I have, I got one burning right now. Crisp fall night, which fits the theme, I suppose.

Goblin Card Previews from Wizards of the Coast

Well, we're recording in May. See, that's part of my trick too, is you can get some for pretty cheap if you get seasonal ones that are on sale. And this is out of season. If in the Northern hemisphere, May is not part of the fall.
So that worked out well for me. That's amazing. Yeah, I really like like piney type ones and Christmas ones. So it's, yeah. Well, we have not one, not two, but three preview cards for you all. And they're all goblins. Wow, there's three of us. What a coincidence.
Yeah, I'm sure that in their infinite wisdom Wizards did not think about at all when they decide to do a number three that there were three hosts and three goblins and I am I I even think that we could each take a different one Mmm, I know which one Alex wants Alex you introduced us first to our first one. Yeah, cuz you had you want to talk about that's right I did mention it to you. Okay. Yeah, so
The one that I'll preview then is a gold card, so it's a red and white, it's called Conduit Goblin. 2-2 for two mana, red and white. When it enters the battlefield, you get 2 energy. At the beginning of combat on your turn, you may pay an energy. If you do another target creature you control, it gets a plus 1, plus 0, and haste until end of turn.
You got to read the flavor text too. Yes, of course. Of course. Weren't against wearing metal in a lightning storm. Smurt took it as a challenge. I love it. The art is fantastic. He's got glasses built into his helmet. Like polarized glasses. Full metal armor. Artificer glasses, right? Goggles. Yeah.
Yes, for the Scotland Warrior. It is a common. It is a common. Yes, it is. But it's also, do we want to go through all the previews?
I do want to say I don't know how much energy is going to be in the set, but I do enjoy seeing more energy cards. And a Boros Goblin. Yeah, and this one is contained, so I mean there could be no more energy in the set and this card still works. Yeah, 2-2-2 for two that pumps your creatures.
Yeah, it says another target, so it can't give it self-haste, but still, you can play it on turn two, then on turn three, haste whatever you play and swing with both. Do the same thing in turn four potentially, yeah. But what I really liked about this is it got me starting to work on a deck that I'd kind of ignored because I was misreading a card. So remember, I never remember how to pronounce this guy's name, Agris Koss.
the ghost soldier from Ravnica. Well, he had a jumpstart card a couple of years ago that three, four, he's three, four vigilance. But the big thing is whenever he becomes a target of an ability that targets only it, you can pay two mana generic and a red-white hybrid. If you do, copy that for each other creature you control.
Because I have a Zodadek who copies incidences and sorceries, I have been misreading this card the entire time just assuming all of that text said spell.
Not ability. Ability, yeah. This is literally entirely different deck. I thought it was redundant with Zada being like, well, I can add a color, but it's not free. Totally different. Totally different deck. So I will be building this deck now, thanks to this preview card, getting me to actually read this card better. That's awesome. And the art is by Bruno Biazzotto. Yes, of the Conduit Goblin. Of the Conduit Goblin.
had done a goblin warrior previously in Dominaria United, Rundwelt Hordemaster, which is the one that gives goblins plus one plus one. And whenever a goblin dies, you can exile the top part of your library. And if it's a goblin, you can cast it until next turn. So they, the artist also has done some, did a bunch of stuff for Universe Beyond too.
but I just, I love the helmet on this card. The helmet is amazing. Yep. This is a metal card, right? Like this is a very- This is an absolutely metal card. Yeah. This is a death metal album. Like, yeah. Yes. So, okay. So Taya, I believe you wanted to take our legendary. Yeah. I mean, of course I'm taking the red card. Yeah. Okay. Fair. Wow. Yeah. That's interesting. Given something away there. Yeah.
Yeah, so I've got Skoa Ember Mage is a 4 and Red Red, 6 mana 4-4 for a Legendary Creature Goblin Wizard at Common. Common? Common Legendary. Let's just stop there. Common. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, so when it enters the battlefield, it deals 4 damage to any target. So you get a 6 mana 4-4 that
lava axis something or almost lava axis something well this is based off of a we're going to see here it's actually based off of a very specific card oh right yes yeah pyrokinesis yeah that's right so but it has grandeur which is an old mechanic being brought back
that is on legendary cards. And it says, discard another card named Skoa Ember Mage, sacrifice two mountains. Skoa deals four damage to any target. And my favorite part of this card is the flavor text, which says, I need kindling, you'll do nicely. Nice. I do want to correct it is Fire Blast. Fire Blast. Fire Blast is a card from Visions that people have wanted into modern. So it's kind of an interesting thing because this is on a body.
in the sense that it is fireblasts is a six mana card that you may sacrifice two mountains instead of paying its cost. This you could do that with grandeur. That's it. Well, yeah, and and as you know, as well we were we were going this being a legend at common has never really been done before.
There are, if you scryfall the Magic Podcaster's best friend, there are two creatures that show as common, but Chandler and Jovan are from Homelands, which was an eight-card set, and Rarity in the eight-card sets has always been weird. It's wonky. It's like uncommons and... Yeah, yeah. There's comments and uncommons, but there's different numbers of different ones printed, so you have some uncommons that are... Was it U2s and U3s?
So it's just a weird thing. So this preview card, Skoa, is the first card most have seen. We haven't seen all the set. There may be others, but this is the first card we have seen in a standard 15-card booster set with normal rarities as we understand them to have a common, a legendet common, which is super cool. And like Tei was saying, Grandeur,
is from future site, so now we know what set it was reprinted from when it was reprinted in future site that I think is super cool. For me, it's always been a cool design space because it lets you use that extra legend. If you have multiple legends in your deck, now we have Commander,
That is a big thing for that. But in 60 card constructed, in draft, you can get multiple copies of the same card. You put a legend in play, that second copy is a dead card in your hand. With the ability of grandeur, it isn't. Now it's a spell. It's an effect that you can do.
And yes, and it is interesting because we had this, it was on five cards and future site, one of each color. Having it at common means that this is much more likely to be able to show up for it. So like as a limited mechanic, it's very interesting. Yes. Because before it was always on these rare legends. It wasn't really a limited kind of thing. This has a lot of implications for playing this in limited.
Yeah, that's because we all know so much about limited, right? Well, I play limited. I know. Yeah, that's a good point, too. Like with with the rares this. Yeah, it is. I mean, that's the main reason I think I could see them doing the common. Legendary is with grandeur is for limited play, obviously, like you said. But, you know, whether a six drop for four
Is, you know, I guess a six drop four four that domed somebody for four is playable and limited most of the time, I would think. Probably. I would say so. I mean, it depends on how fast your red deck wants to go, though, or how low your red deck wants. Yeah, I mean, it can be a finisher, right? Like if you drop if you drop this at six and you have another copy in your hand.
Yeah, nobody for eight. Yeah. That's a that's a lot of reach at the end of the game. Yeah. Like for a red decker, that's a finisher, right? You could do without attacking. Eight right away. Yeah. With a four four body still on the field, too. Yeah. If for some reason that's not enough. I mean, that's that's that's that is a very good top end on a common. Yeah. That is really good.
If you haven't dropped two of them. Yes. If you have been to draft two of them, but still, at common it's a lot more likely, which is probably why they do it at common now. Like Future Sight was before Commander, so back then you're only putting, you know, you're putting your Legends in Constructed decks. You know, 60 card

War Insultrader and Community Events

for Max, Constructed decks, but now with Commander being the most prevalent format, most of the time you're playing just Singleton, in which case Grandeur does nothing.
But yeah, I'm thinking like limited is the only one I can think of a scene really a lot of play. Yeah. And I think for the most part that is just on the strength of the car itself. Well, you get an XX.
Well, yeah, but you can't get it, essentially. Well, in Commander, you can't. Yeah, in Commander. But I mean, back in, I think it's a decent point. Oh, you're saying back when these were... When these were actually printed. So our last card, this is cool for me. This is one, it's really funny because this is the one that... So as people may know, there was a lot of leaks. This one, I do know for a fact, was a leaked card. And we always want to thank Wizards for still asking us if we wanted to preview it because these free previews
are exciting to us and I will say that it didn't matter. For one thing, we don't always see the leaks because we put a lot of effort into avoiding them. And this card is just so good. I don't care. I just want to talk about it. I want to gush about it. It's called War Insultrader.
It is a black and two. So we have a mono-black goblin, which I love mono-black goblins. It is a three-three. Its creature type is zombie goblin wizard. These are like three of my favorite types in magic. I started as a zombie player when my first like typodex ever were zombies. And then like wizards, I just love because there's a lot of cards that double the abilities of wizards.
I just love wizard as a type and a goblin that's a wizard but also a zombie like she's pretty badass she's got like this giant like okay just one of the coolest looking goblins they have ever put on a card before yeah that is yeah she is just like well you'll be able to see these we'll be linking them though they'll be up it's Pete Venter's
Having Pete Venters back for goblins is amazing Venters does amazing goblins and this like you said there. This is no exception. She's got when you or when you get ahold of Pete or his agent to get Artist proofs for this when you've got her order some
Yeah, this thankfully, thankfully, this is somebody who I do Pete's agent is easy to get a hold of so that we can continue. Artist proofs of preview cards. I want to before I go to the ability because the ability actually with everything we've talked about is the best part of this card. But the flavor text is the living take their souls for granted the dead know what their work. Now, this cards text ability is pay one life sacrifice another creature.
colon colon that's going to be relevant. Create a treasure token. We have a life. Yep, sure. Okay, we got to pay a life in an aristocrat deck. Oh, I'm worried. sacrifice a creature to get a treasure token with literally not a tap ability. There's no summoning sickness is free sack outlet.
that is basically doing the same thing as your Phyrexian altar would, except you're paying a life. Yep. And, you know, I don't think that matters when you have
four or five different Blood Artist style effects in your deck? Yes. This card, as soon as I saw it slot straight into my Slime-Footed Squee aristocrat stack, which is evolved from Shatter Gang and then the Slime-Footed Squee, which is just Slime-Footed Squee makes it much better for me because I get to play Squee. And this card just, I mean,
You know, they keep pretty good goblins that happen to fall into that deck, because Dockside is also pretty good in that deck. But either way... Hobbs, Dockside is good in any deck. With any goblin deck? Yeah, I know. Fair Docksides are very fair, is all I'm going to say. Most of them end up not being fair.
because your opponents are greedy. That's what you need to remember. But yes, this card is gorgeous. The ability is impactful. I don't even want to describe the art. I want you to just go look at it. Yeah. This art is amazing. Nice job, Pete. Yeah. I definitely admire her aesthetics and would absolutely love to meet her dress designer.
Yes. Yeah, she's she's like ready for the Met Gala. Yeah. Yeah. So those are three goblins. We had two commons and a rare, a legendary in there. The return of grandeur, the return of energy. Alex learning to read a card. Yeah, just also see an altar on a creature. Yep. This is a good set. This is a good set.
for us. Goblins are eating well. Yeah. Goblins be doing good here. Yeah. So those are our free previews. Thank you again, Wizards. We want to just spend the last, like, maybe 10 minutes or so. This is going to be a shorter episode today, unless. Sorry, Alex, did you have something else about one of the cards before I moved on? No, no, you're good. OK. Heard the inhale entered my paranoid state. Anyway.
I mentioned that we were exhausted at the top of this. I just got done doing two days worth of a mental health stream for Nami. Taya played in that stream and donated a crap ton of money because she put stipulations that whenever she makes people draw a card with K and T, she has to pay $5 for every card that she forces an opponent to draw. Yeah, Nacho with K and T, every card draw thing in the deck.
Yeah, anything that you force an opponent to draw a card. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it was a lot. Is that your most that you've been doing this? No, the last time I played it, we got a little over $200 this time. We hit $185 and I rounded it up to $200. But it was it was good. I mean, Tap Temple Bell, that's 15 bucks.
So people don't know we were raising money for the National Alliance on Mental Illness. They are the organization that we include articles by in every single episode in our show notes. We talk about them. They have been the charity of choice for most of our fundraisers related to mental health over the last four years. This was the fourth year of this particular event.
I was not involved last year, but Seth and Davey were, and they came back again this year. Seth and I have done it the rest of the years. And then Beth, queen of cardboard, who has really moved to doing kind of a lot more charity work in general, and her and I are going to be doing a lot more coming, the community of cardboard. And we ran this event. It was fantastic.
But for me, it's always about, I did not do what I did two years ago, which I don't know if anybody remembers, but I think I played in half the pods over a two-day span, and we did eight pods a day. That is not smart. Look, Cobbs, you can have me play in more than one pod if you need to. You don't need to play in all the pods.
That was early on in the days of doing this. Yeah. And I think there was just a kind of an overzealousness on Hobbes' part. Hobbes managed to limit himself to two pods and a panel. And I actually think I may have been, I guess Beth did the opening pod and the end pod, but I believe we worked, we're doing our best to not duplicate guests as much as possible or duplicate players because we want to give people the opportunity to come on, to talk about their mental health, to raise money.

Fundraising Success and Community Support

I also had a counter going for my artist proofs. We cleared it before the final pod of the night because I was starting the final pod of the night with the all artist proof deck. So I had to clear out my first $50 that I had already owed any time over the weekend that I said the word artist proof. I managed in that last pod to say it another 85 times. And then because it was late at night,
They started a swear jar because I don't know if people know this, but Hobbes does very well at not swearing on this show. And that is not really Hobbes at baseline. Hobbes does swear. You have to channel it out. You have to use it up elsewhere. I have to use it up elsewhere. And apparently it was decided that that was going to cost me $5 a swear word. I think we topped out at $15.
Now I will say I swore more than that, but we also gave people the options to purchase a swear word for Hobbs. People could pay $5 and it would say donating swears to Hobbs. So I believe there was a minimum of eight or nine other swears that were donated to me. We closed it on maybe about 50 bucks more in swears that were allowed.
Yeah. Uh, I got a note from my wife at one point, uh, joking that, you know, wait, how much is in the swear jar on the screen? Cause she, she pulled up Twitch. It was like, and how much is that artist proof say you do know you've eaten through your Lego budget for two months or something.
But it's all going to a great cause. We raised all in told. So Taya jumped in to get us over the line of before matching 2,500. That'll most likely put us over 5,000 for the entire event. Woohoo!

Closing Remarks and Future Plans

For two days. That is just, it continues to blow my mind to see people step up.
to be able to, willing to talk about their mental health. I think, you know, Taya, as she does on the show, really took and talked about the DSM-5. As her character creation chief. Yeah, I mean, it was just, it was a lot of great conversations all weekend long. Yeah, it was good. You know, I really enjoy taking part in this particular streaming event because it's obviously a topic that's close to home for me.
And, you know, always enjoy playing my K and T deck for this sort of thing because it just let everybody do wacky things. So, yeah, I hope to get to participate again next year and I'm glad it was a successful event.
Yeah. So that's, you know, so I'm coming off of that. The Alex and Taylor both very willing. We knew we were going to be recording tonight. I think this is that making a decision. We're like, okay, we're going to, we're going to do our previews. We're going to get them out there. We're going to do a little bit shorter of an episode tonight and we're all going to take care of ourselves. You know, Alex, I think I saw you mentioned earlier today in the group chat too. Like you took off part of the afternoon to do some self care and just kind of give yourself a break even.
Yeah. Yep. Left work early, which was nice. There was a good opportunity. So I just, I did it. I just left the way I mean, I told my team, I didn't just, I responsibly just left work. You're going back tomorrow. Yes. And I'm going back tomorrow.
But we really just want again, thank you, everybody. The links and images will be up on our Twitter, our blue sky. And I mean, they'll be in our Discord as soon as we were able to show them there. We just really appreciate everybody. We appreciate Wizards again for the free preview. We have so much fun being trusted to do three goblins was was huge. I could not believe when the email came came in, I was floored. So. Yeah.
So thank you all, and we'll talk to you soon. Bye. And that's our show for today. You can find all of the hosts on Twitter for now. Hobbs can be found at HobbsQ, Tay can be found at Tayatransends, and Alex can be found at Mel underscore Chronicler. Feel free to send us any questions, comments, thoughts, hopes, and dreams to the Goblin Lore Pod on Twitter or email us at goblinlorepodcast at
If you would like to support your friendly neighborhood gobsugs, our link tray can be found on our Twitter account and in the description of today's show. This has everything from various discount codes to the link for our Patreon. The music for today's show was by Wintergotten, who can be found at vintergotten at The art was done by Steven Raphael, who can be found at stevereffel on Twitter. Goblin Lore is proud to be presented by Hipsters of the Coast as part of their growing Vorthos content.
Check them out on Twitter at hipsters MTG or online at Thank you for listening and remember goblins like snowflakes are only dangerous in numbers.