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Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989)

S2 E23 · Everything Actioncast
32 Plays8 months ago

This week on the Everything Actioncast, Zach and Chris shrink down to talk about the 1989 classic Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, which is celebrating its 35th anniversary.

Starring Rick Moranis in one of his most iconic roles, Wayne Szalinski, he's an inventor trying to perfect his latest gadget, a shrink ray that will reduce the size of objects.  When his daughter Amy (Amy O'Neill) and Nick (Robert Oliveri) and the neighbors Little Russ (Thomas Wilson) and Ron Thompson (Jared Rushton) are accidentally shrunk and thrown out in the trash, the quartet of kids has to make their way through the massive backyard jungle to get back home.  The guys talk about the awesome sets and practical effects, question why Wayne couldn't sell any of his other seemingly useful gadgets, the military applications of the shrink ray as a laser, the traumatic death of Antie, and more.

You can stream Honey, I Shrunk the Kids on Disney+.  Next week, it's our monthly commentary, and Zach and Chris are joined by Joe and Phil from Digital Pimp Online to watch the theatrical bomb-turned-Netflix hit, Madame Web.

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Podcast Introduction

Welcome to the Everything Actioncast, the official podcast of
Hello and welcome to the Everything Actioncast podcast week of June 17th, 2024. I'm here with Zach. I'm your co-host, Chris.

Reflecting on 'Honey, I Shrunk the Kids'

And yeah, this week we are getting shrunk down and talking about The 1989 classic, Honey, I Shred the Kids, which is celebrating its 35th anniversary. It came out on June 23rd, 1989, the same day as Batman 1989. So that was a and insane weekend in 1989. Good time to own a theater. And obviously Batman was like the you know the huge blockbuster. But but I Shred the Kids became an unexpected hit as well. like
you know held its own, it like kind of, me like kind of programmed a little bit against Batman is like more of like the family choice. Um, and yet made a ton, like, uh, basically the equivalent of like half a billion dollars in today's money worldwide at that time. And then had two sequels and a music park attractions and, um, a TV show. So there's, there's a whole universe of financial to kids, but it all started with the 1989 version.

Rick Moranis's Iconic Roles

And I think, I think definitely one of the top, uh, you know, roles for Rick Moranis, I think, I think, definite I think it depends like when you were like growing up, but like, it's either like, I think either like no, Rick Moranis best is like, like, uh, Lewis and Ghostbusters or Wayne Zielinski. Yeah. and I did not know about his mean talking, uh, music producer. but fire Yeah. That was so goddamn like, uh, shocking. and and like And like dark helmet and space balls. Okay, yeah. But that one I almost think is like a mix of the two. He's like bumbling but then like crazed. Because there's some points in Honey, I Shred the Kids when he has those crazy eyes.

90s Family-Friendly Sci-Fi Trend

But yeah, this definitely started like a run of like, um you know, kind of more like family friendly stuff like Flintstones, like a couple of years afterwards. And I said the kids sequels.
It started a whole craze of mad scientists for kids, like family friendly mad science. Yeah, we got yeah. I mean and think a short while ah later, we got like the Robert Williams like remake of the S.M.I. professor, a.k.a. Flubber.
And then I think this is then I think the nutty professor or the yeah, that's they're all youre cut yeah kind of the same vein. Yeah. Although it's interesting to like Wayne, like because, you know, a lot of times like there's like inventors who are like they're all their adventures are terrible. Like, you know, like Rand Peltzer from Gremlins or something where they they never work. But like, it seems like most of the Wayne stuff works and then it's just

Wayne's Inventions and Shrinking Tech

the shrink rate doesn't work. You can't get it figured that out because that like, you know, the road control lawnmower and whatever, whatever the phone does and, um,
ah track machine effect sheets yeah in know in home like communication thing yeah I feel like those inventions, he just needed basically good marketing. He made good ideas. It's just that he couldn't sell it. He needed to meet the Billy Mays of the time. Yes. I don't know. because yeah i'm thinking like a lot of the inventions were practical and essentially whatever alexa is now is basically from a wincy just like matter of convenience tools
Yeah, but the only time that's like pseudoscience like he could have just made a fortune selling um home PA systems. Yeah, I think he would have done well, but then he started dabbling into the um shrinking business, which I get because he just goes to like science people to say yeah I got it like it worked it's like it's a possible science and no one ah accredits him and that's because he doesn't have a sample like he never brings in the laser he never does a live demonstration it's just laser Adams
mean I mean, he could sell it as a weapon because, you know, when he's working on it, like, it's not shrieking stuff, it's blowing it everything up into pieces. it's Yeah, he still made a laser weapon. Yes. You're right. Like, it even if it's like, oh, the application wasn't what it wanted, but if you focus this homemade energy that wasn't nuclear, was able to use it in an attic, like, he didn't have an illegal material to do something. You know, like, I think about Doc Brown, where he got plutonium, like the, ah was it the, like whatever terrorist group they were from? You remember what that was? The Libyans, yeah. The Libyans, yeah. He got like, he gave him pinball parts for nuclear parts. ah Wayne didn't even do that. He did everything by the book. And the only thing that um is suffering really is his like not being a good dad for a few months, I guess. Yeah.
And his wife should have leaves him in the beginning of the movie. It's just like, oh yeah, mom didn't come home. She's like sad. Yeah, that's

Family Dynamics in the Film

a weird, like, just down note to start things off of like, oh yeah, this family's falling apart. Welcome to this Disney movie. Oh yeah. ah ah But the thing is, I can't, I get like he couldn't be a good father for the moment, but it's the only thing surviving, in like it's the thing that I guess everyone bonds around. Like the family loves that he's a bumbling scientist. So it's a weird message that the movie sends in the beginning when the mom character who and just hasn't been home for like a day or two. And the movie does a lot in that intro where it shows you the zaniness. Oh, actually before the intro of me really takes off.
Have you forgot that the intro's a cartoon? A cartoon that has like nothing, it's not depicting things that'll happen later, it's just like, it's all like indoor things. Like it's ah like an indoor vacuum cleaner and like a fly swatter and like, cause the kid kids are like outside in like the yard for all the movie. But then yeah, the credits are, like it's like all these like indoor like scenarios.

80s Animated Opening Credits

Okay. My theory is that that was another set of kids at Wayne Shrunk.
That was their other their other son and daughter that that was the other brother and sister. Yeah. Or that was the other neighbors and they just been missing. I think we were definitely we were definitely in the era of like animated opening credits because like you know the vacate like a Christmas vacation had one and some some other I think definitely some other movies had like you know these like elaborate animated opening credits.
But yeah I feel I feel like it definitely gets like ah you know lost when people like talk about an action to kids.
and you and you And you get to hear like the ah but James Horner like score. um That's like very like Tim Burton.
Yeah, it's it's definitely this would have been a home. Well, I feel like at a certain point, it just turns into like um like the breakfast machine from P's big adventure. I was going to say, yeah, it it has that like jazzy like whimsical not notes to it that feel like the so tequila should be breaking out to kind of break up everything. So yeah, you're right. It does feel like Tim Burton influenced the musical. No, no, it's not Tim Burton.
Danny Elfman. Danny Elfman. Which is crazy. Yeah, which is funny because, you know, so it opens the opposite. One of the biggest Danny Elfman scores of all time. Batman. I know. And this would have been a Danny Elfman, like, like definitely banger summer, at least both of these.
But yeah, so but yeah, but but wait yeah wes so Wayne's working on his straight career in the attic with I want to know how the power grid works in that neighborhood because he's got like giant like generators going on in there. it's like yeah mean He's not using like like illegal materials. He's using the tons and tons of power, apparently. Maybe that's what like making that family go broke is that they are just... Their power bill is outrageous for the in the 80s. Yeah. I do like that in the next movie, they do address that. Like there is like solar things that he's more energy caught conscious, just because I guess the trend was to do that. But hey, for him to power a lasered weapon using just regular voltage in a house. Sucking the power grid dry, yeah. yeah but There's no scene where he turns on that laser in the neighborhood dims. There's none of that. Yeah.
And it's there's also apparently like some sort of like it's like Freon or some sort of like, you know Like ah liquid nitrogen or something they used like turn on to there's like it's all like free like elaborate This is why it's been turned into like a shrinking machine and But the main like, you know, like gun part of it is like pretty iconic and ah and awesome.

Set Design and Practical Effects

I Do like it. It it definitely has that Bear industrial look that you see all the loose wiring. You see all the components holding together. There's no sleek stainless steel metal like XO body frame. It looks like you just you rip that all away and it's just all wires and you know. Circuits boards and yeah.
Probably terrible if an airflow shows up and then just gets caught in that and weakens the wire couplings You know like ever open up a ah PC case and just be like yep I'm just gonna leave that exposed to the elements of your your office that should be caked in dust So he puts that in an attic that is poorly ventilated and I don't know not insulated Doesn't look like it, no. No, it's just a sweat box in there during the summer, which, yeah. I think it's the summer, because there's certain things in this area I can't figure out. Yeah, it's definitely, it's, it's, or it's, I think it's, it seems like it's close to summer, maybe. Well, there's still like prom and school. Yes, they're mentioning, they're still in school, but it's the weekend. Like, it's like, like in it's like their neighbors, the Thompsons are going on like a weekend fishing trip. Trip, which yeah only happens during like the summer, spring season, right?
Yeah, I definitely definitely get like summer vibes from this movie. It definitely seems like it's like in the middle of summer, but then they, yeah, they're mentioning like there's like a school dance or something soon. I'm just like, I don't know what a place this season. It's a summer dance. remember Summer, yeah. Summer school, we're all left behind. But yeah, that's the thing too.

Meet the Thompsons

It's like, I like that it's a slice of life. No one is ah particularly like the main character. Everyone's got their own issues in this movie. And they really take the time to introduce everyone. You spend time with all the Zlinski's, all the Topsons. Matt Fruer as Russ Thompson, the dad, who's putting out huge Jim Carrey energy. Oh my God, yeah. He was Jim Carrey. Before Jim Carrey, yeah. Before Jim Carrey, yeah. And that's- Max Headroom, baby.
Oh yeah. It's definitely like his timing, his comedic timing for doing things is very refreshing. Like it's very, um, I guess like just classic cause it's not volatile antics, but it definitely is a like, he's the goofy dad and like everyone kind of doesn't take him serious, but you know, he can be so mean. Mm-hmm. I love the part where he tries to lift weights. I was just gonna bring it up. Yeah. Yeah. His like physical comedy bit in this whole thing. I love that he falls and just gets back up. Yeah. All right. But he's like, he's just like gasping for, just like, try it, try it. Lift, lift, lift your legs. And then the best part of that is that like later, like Russ, like his side is like just doing it like super easily. you
But yeah, you meet, yeah, to get, yeah, Big Russ and Little Russ, you got Ron, who's like the, like, the younger son. Who I think has adopted. I think he's a secret, like, a fair child. Well, I mean, he dresses just like Big Russ, and then he's also like, like, he has the same, like, jock energy that Big Russ has. But he's way more jock-ish than his big brother. Because I thought the big brother's big secret was that he loved to dance or something. Right? And I was just like, nah. He said he was cut for the football team, but then you find out later he would quit the football team, because he doesn't like football. He doesn't want to fish. He doesn't want to lift weights. He just wants to sit there and write poetry. Or something. It's the classic 80s thing. Read the paper. I just want to dance.
But then he doesn't yeah he but then he does dance. or
so its My thing was with Ron is I feel like he's the kind of kid that hurts neighborhood animals in the area. like There's something about him that I was just like, he's he's basically Sid from Toy Story. Yes. yeah He starts out very like abrasive. He starts out camping in the backyard, making weapons. It's like a booby traps. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, what are you hunting kid? Maybe he left a scorpion in the in the backyard. Maybe he's the just like flinging prey into the baby. But yeah, that's I was like, there's no one like that. And the parents don't address how aggressive their razor son. And like, how is the how is basically Ron this like aggressive that he's the same age as Nick?
Maybe, yeah, I don't know. Maybe, we don't know. But yeah, we we yeah we we have Nick who's

Nick's Courageous Spirit

basically like little Wayne. Like he acts just like his dad. Yeah, Robert Oliver. Cool kid, like every kid wanted to be, wanted to have like a nerd friend like that. that less That's still like the interesting thing about Nick is like, you think, like he's the nerd character and you think you'd be like, yo, stereotypically you'd be like, oh, he's, he's scared of everything. Like, like, and then he learns to be brave on this adventure, but he's like gunco from the beginning. Just like, I'm going to jump on that ant. I'm going to jump on this bee. I'm going to like climb his flower. Like, yeah, his character arc is the same. he's he's got change and yeah he's got He's got like snarky one liners or everything. Like.
Yeah, he's not written like a typical nerd. You figured he'd be like more like a sister who when they go like, let's do this, he's like, I don't wanna, let's not do that. My asthma. He gets pulled into a flower, he rides a bee, he tames an ant. He almost, he watches his sister drown. He's pretty like level-headed. Yeah. The only thing that um I think is like, The only thing, his flaw in the beginning of the movie was that he didn't eat his sister's breakfast and he just kept eating oatmeal cookies. That's like his only thing. And that's like a throwback to bring up the fact that he keeps like eating oatmeal cookies. Yeah. Which I mean, but thankfully, thankfully he does and just like apparently just leaves them ah like lying around in the yard too. Like they leave so much stuff in the yard apparently, like there's a jets a dinosaur toy, there's a Lego, there's a
ah Oatmeal cream pie. Yeah. You know what? It took me years later to get an oatmeal cream pie. Like a little, like a little Debbie one. Yep. Didn't eat one until way later. It's never occurred to me, but as a kid, I was like, Oh man, one day I want to figure out what that

Nostalgic Moments

cookie is. And then I got one later. Like I was already in my teens. There's definitely not that much, uh, like the but the one, I mean, yes, maybe cause they're small, but there's definitely like that. Even if they were small, there's not that much like filling in the middle of those things. No. That version is like a double stuff. That was like a double stuff. Oh, typical cream pie or something.
Also, oatmeal cream pie tastes great calorie wise. God damn terrible for you. So, so terrible. But that, I mean, that scene when they're like eating that giant cream, oatmeal cream pie is less like That's just one of those things where you're just like, oh man, I wish I could do that right now. I really so awesome ah wish I can eat the, like be in this cream filling that is so fluffy and dense that it can coat your body in it. Meanwhile, if you just open an oatmeal cream pie and just like touch the filling, it starts deflating the moment you start opening it.
Yeah, there's there's there's so much stuff in the movie there where it's just like, oh man, that'd be so cool to do, like sliding up blades of grass and like but like the water slide part.

Disney Attractions

I mean, yeah, you could you could do that at like the at Disney World. and I did that a few years later after the movie. And then I remember not really understanding that like it's from the movie. And then like later on in another revisit, I was like, oh, wow, it's still here. I was there for a while.
Yeah. They had like this, like Disney world had like two simultaneous, like hunting the kids style attraction because they had the, uh, I'm sure the audience at Epcot, their place kept EO. And then they had, yeah, they had the like playground and Hollywood studios, which was cool. I got a few photos of that. I should post that if I can find them the photos, but yeah, man. But imagine now of a movie park opened up and it wasn't anything like a ride. It was just come check out this set. Kids can play on it. Mm hmm. I'm not sure it would get away with that. Yeah. Climb to say it, like slide the side of this grass, climb this Lego. Mm hmm. I don't think the if you did another kids movie and it's like the attraction for kids is just a playground. I don't think like they'll be that excited. Mm hmm.
I know you're a little too old for this, but do you remember Bugs Bunny Land at Six Flags?
Um, I mean, there wasn't really, there's not really a Six Flags anywhere near me. So I didn't really go to Six Flags that much. So but there was a Six Flags like area for kids called like Bugs Bunny Land and you could hang out and they, they try to rip off the honey. I shrunk the kids idea of just like, check how big this is. And all they did was make like the forest twice as normally big. And it was like, you're just like a woodland creature. And I'm like, this just feels like a knockoff. It's like, look at this tree. It's twice as big as a normal tree. So it's a big tree. OK. Just a big tree. Yeah. I'm like, what? Yeah, it doesn't work the same. And then that was like the one beautiful time where having a playground was the gimmick. What?
Will emit this movie practical effects to make stuff look big looks great. Oh, man. Yeah, it's I mean the set the sets are incredible Yeah, all like the like the the giant plays a glass grass and Like whatever that like slop that like Amy falls into at one point. Oh my god. How about nightmares? i watch that scene and like Falling into murky water is just a... I think it's an inherent ah scary scary thing for people.
Yeah. Something being about brown murky water just screams like, get

Impressive Water Scenes

that away from me. And now a person drowned in it. Yeah. It's just the biggest look. So like, there's just like chunks floating in it. It's all like, it was like, just weird, like white stuff filled on the top of it. It's like, and then when they, when like Russ and Amy drags Amy out of it, and they're like just covered in slime. It's like, God, what the hell was that? Like what? What's the bathroom out here in this yard? And there's like, there's like the earlier, like what when they first get into the yard and they like come across like the river, which is just like, so it's really tiny, like little run of water, but then it's like river. There's like a bug just like die. A dead bug is floating in it. How big of like a water stream was in that backyard? Like?
That was a solid piece of ground. So why is there just a river hanging out in it? And that was before like, like because like Wayne actually turns the sprinklers on, and waa way which causes like all like the, ah like just like's like but these like mud piles that pits the form and stuff. But that was like, there was no sprinklers on before that. It was just like, there's just like a random like river of water or like a little tiac goes well a water coming through.
But i love I love how like the um sprinkler, like the water drops are like bombs going off. They do a lot of like stuff where like the bees, when the bees like a fighter plane sound, it makes like fighter plane sounds and it's when it gets hit, like it's like starts sputtering, like at the end it's dying. Yeah, I did like that. That was pretty cool.
just to get the sound, like they at least did that, right? Where if you're this big, the sound effect would sound this monstrous. Yeah. Like, yeah, those, those, those, those water drop sound effects are awesome. We're just like, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop. And there's just like giant explosions.
And then did you, did you understand like the, uh, the French class joke when you were good, Chris? No. What did, what did, what? Nope. Did not understand that until like, uh, even now I still understand where it's like, how'd you learn how to do CPR French class? Like what's your future of make out with you? what's Yeah. Like, for yeah. French kissing. Yeah. But it's like, you were trying to save this woman's life and just like you accidentally save the life. who Who has better rescue skills? Russ or Madame Web?
Madame Web's not doing any mouth-to-mouth. She's just doing CPR truss compressions at the wrong tempo. And then Russ is just doing like French kissing CPR mouth resuscitation. He was doing drowning, so you do need, mouth to mouth resuscitation kind of makes sense for blowing air in the lungs, but the yeah like CPR is if your heart stops and then you need CPR to like restart your heart. I don't know. I feel like Amy was just her lungs are full of water. Yeah. So it's not the same as, oh, my heart stopped. Just pound her on the back. I mean, usually mouth to mouth for that.
Well, you did press on your diaphragm for like, for like a drowning victim, I think. So you push out the air and try to fill it up or something. I'm not quite sure. Also, do not try to drown around me. I am not gonna drown.
Yes. Yeah. Start humming, like stay alive. It's like, wait, is that, is that the right song or like, and I'm going to start remembering this advice. I'm telling people, I'm like, it great i'm just understand you're supposed to just pound their heart. You're supposed to like help them breathe. Yeah. You're a flashback to this or like the sandlot. See, but she did mouth to mouth. She didn't do a resuscitation. Yeah. she tried to pump the air and stuff. So that's all like, there's conflicting advice of the drowning CPR. And I'm gonna take a quick look so I can answer that just in case someone doesn't know and I just gave them terrible advice.
Anyway, keep going. But yeah, it's such an odd note for this movie. It ends on the French class joke too. That's the last thing you hear is to go like, oh, French class.

Ending on a Light-Hearted Note

And then that's the end of the movie.
Which I wonder how many like that like the the audience of kids that are going to see this in like 99 Like even if they even Nick says that like they still don't understand what the new quotes probably Yes, I you know, it's gonna be a while too because it's like not easy easy one Okay, by the way, so yeah Drowning ones are like a whole different step. Like if your heart stops, you're supposed to do chest compressions, right? But if you know the person actively drown, they do the rescue breathing, which i don't I think these days they say try not to, but I mean, you're you're supposed to I think for, like unless you have ah but the thing now that does it more efficiently and how and like put a better filter, because now they have like the rescue mask.
yeah But yeah, if not, like you're supposed to do the rest of your breath for like ah breathing when your heart stops from a loss of air. Anyway, that's why I'm like, there's conflicting advice about that. I don't think they did that in Madam Web, but when we saw Madam Web, I don't think she would drown in the water. I think it was like being hit in the face. It was like a whole bunch of we could figure out what's causing the problem. Well, the thing with her was like every every medical issue, even if it was like like a a gaping wound, it was like chest compressions.
There was no other like first aid ah tactic. think It was like chest compressions. You're bleeding out, but I'll pump your heart faster so you bleed out faster. Jesus. But anyway, but uh... Yeah, they hired the kids. yeah So yeah, there's a... One thing I like about this movie is that also it's just like the pacing, it's just like, it's just, you know, it's it's snap. They're like, they somewhat like one like danger to another, like in like a rapid pace.
It's like, the yeah, Amy was drowned and like five minutes later, they're getting attacked by like a scorpion.
I do, but I do also like the, they do like the cutaways like, like Wayne trying to find them, which I know I also appreciate it like Wayne like figured it out pretty quick of like, Oh shit, they're shrunk.

Wayne's Realization and Action

I probably should have smashed my machine.
Yeah, his thing was rage because he went to that science conference with like NASA or something. It was something like that. But he got like heckled. He got like my and God. Yeah, that one guy, one scientist, whoever he was, was like ready with zingers. He's like, just like these audience, it's shrinking. Like what? like You are. No, I start, sir.
The science is still kind of weird. He's like, he shrinks the atoms in something so they become smaller. I think it's the same. It's it's basically like Ant-Man has the same like idea where you yeah you shrink the shrink the space between the atoms and then you, that's how you shrink things. But his McGuffin of Ant-Man was the Pym particles did that. So essentially you replace the atoms with like the Pym. His thing was, I just make atoms smaller. Yes.
And then it's like, oh, can you prove it? No. Is there any science behind it? No. All right. I've got a bunch of blown up apples.
like Oh, I made a laser. like Even if someone made a homemade laser in 1989, it's still pretty impressive. That's that's like the entire MacGuffin that they wanted like the... ah like Real genius. Real genius key to make. like He didn't even need like lenses or some some fake crystal. He just harnessed the power of household like electricity. Yeah.
He should, yeah, he should just went to like, well, they didn't, NASA didn't want to, I'm going to go to like, uh, the army or like the defense department and sell like a tank laser.
That probably gets like Wayne's like beliefs. He doesn't want to like make weapons. Yeah. That'd be dark for kids movies. So I get why that wasn't, uh, an option. But I think that would have been a funnier alternate ending where it's like, dad, your, your laser is great. Like, you know, it's going to help humanity. He's just like, no, gotta rule the world. They're going to put it on fighter jets and tanks. Like you can shrink your enemies before even the war begins. Oh man. Like that, like that dude, Google weapon, you you trick him in his step on them.
But yeah, the, can we go back to the mom character for a bit? Diane Zielinski, who ah I don't know, she ran off to her mom's place, in the her parents' place in the beginning of the movie. And she's ah she's a real estate agent. Real estate agent, right. And then she comes back and is like, I sold that house. So like, OK, so you're doing well. You're like someone's least bringing in the money because Wayne left his other job to build this laser. And we don't quite know how long it's been of him building this laser.
Right. Yeah. and But their marriage is on the rocks where it's like his daughter's concerned ah sun's concern, concern. They're having open open arguments there. And Wayne still chooses to make the laser like it's just like, oh, no, I'm as much of my family's falling apart. It's laser time. It's shrink laser. So there there could have been a whole different movie where he just sticks to being a terrible dad.

Exploring Marital Issues

Yeah, he's a sort of like like like Nick turns to show him, oh, I built like a little model of your shrink radius. He's like, oh, that's nice. I got to work on this. Call up your sister. like Also, their house is unbelievably dirty.
Right? We're like, okay, we're cleaning the house. It's been a day since your mom the mom left and it's just like the fuck you people doing right now it's like It's like a Simpsons joke. We're like when like Mars leaves for like a day and then she comes back and they're like They have like a gun and their house is destroyed Yeah, that mom was gone for a night mm-hmm For some reason it just like everything in that house fell apart the marriage the family Not it not even like an elaborate ah like
dance mop sequence by Amy could fit clean the house. She just got to the kitchen and then started dancing. She like, she like did what like one slip of the mop and then it's just started dancing with the bop. I was like, Oh no, everyone's equally irresponsible in this house.
But I, I will have to say for, uh, uh, April Neil, the actress that plays Amy O'Neill. Yeah. Oh, Amy O'Neill. Yeah. She, um, she sells it. She sells it being a teen, dancing around and, uh, talking about like one of the mall, like that is an eighties teen right there. Yeah. It's a realistic thing. She doesn't have like, uh, I don't know, Teen Witch Powers. She doesn't have like, I don't know, there's this part where they introduce where she's like, they kind of bring it up later where it's like, oh, I became the popular kid and I kind of forgot like what it's like to talk to anyone else or something. It's just like, it's a monologue scene about that. And I'm like, she's really responsible. I don't know why she feels guilty for just being a teen.
Yeah, she's like keep she's like keep like making yeah making it making everyone breakfast, like trying to clean the house, like yeah looking after Nick. Like she's like raising Nick. She's making sure the dad eats. So like she's just doing a good job, but she's like i' popular at school and like, all right, and you're now you're just bragging.
I don't know. I just feel like they had to add a little bit of a weakness to her.
A vulnerability, I guess.
It wasn't the teen witch scene. Trolls 2, when the sister's doing the aerobics. I'm just thinking, this is the same error. This is where every movie just had a teen doing aerobics.
Well, unless I do like the, um, it's like the joke is being but like both, both families just look out and be like, weird family, like so the neighbors. Yeah. That was a good joke. I do like the the play of that. They're opposites of each other.
But then through this adventure, they all become, yeah they all learned to like put aside their differences.
They're all, they're all joined by the traumatic death of, of an ant. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's, that's up there with like Rufio for me, as far as like, you know, childhood, dramatic deaths. It's like antsy and Rufio. God, Rufio is such a, like a deep one because, you know, it's always legit was like raising these kids. Yeah, but it's just one of the things where you're like, you know, it when when you know it's coming, you're just like, oh, God, no, that's a really good step again. Well, anti one is heroic. You know, yes, it's it's a baby ant. It's a quirk are like the hero, the true heroes, the movie.
You know, it's even crazier. It's like. I don't think it affects them anymore after that. It's not like they keep an ant farm. It's not like they buried Auntie's body. They just sort of like moved on. Yeah.
but But yeah, a great you know a great like mix of like you know a practical ants

Auntie's Death

that they built. like it's like ah Actually, like elect tro like a like kind of like ah I think one point, it was probably just like a but like when I was like bucking Bronco. like Like, like ah if you see that bar, but then like a rodeo thing, a rodeo thing, but yeah, the on so it's like actual, like actual practical and, and then there's some like stop motion. They really, like this one really does all, like all the old school kind of like, uh, you know, PCG stuff, you know, like there's like projection mapping and like force perspective and stop motion and actual like practical puppetry and ah sets and everything.
Yeah, no, it's a mix. It's ah definitely like a high bar. It's put it for a special effects because they even have that like 80s green screen effects. They have that laser effect that everyone tried out. Yep. Like, but like everyone, everyone, like post ghost poster, like kind of like static energy kind of like effects. That's what I was thinking about when they do the wind up shrink ray. ah Frank Weller, is it? frank you know Frank Welker? Yeah, Frank Welker. He's the voice of the ant. He's anti. I wonder if the cat, too, was actually like, because I know like he also does like, if they can't have like a cat, like the animals do on command like ah noises. Frank will just come and and just do voices. Probably. I mean, he's credited as like voice effects. Yeah.
Yeah. um
I do like that this whole movie is about trying to get 10 miles, like in shrink terms, from the edge of the yard to the backyard, like back yard, front door. It's just 10 mile walk. um And it's taking them two days.

Perilous Journey of the Kids

Was it two days? because Yeah, because they get like halfway. They they get to that rocks like halfway. Then they get a little bit farther because of auntie and they get to like the Lego block. And then the next day, then they end up like actually, you know, ah well, because Quark finds them, and then they get the rest of the way next day.
But yeah, it's it's it's it's pretty much like that entire weekend. like ah if If it's like Saturday when they get shrunk, then they like yeah they get unshrunk on Sunday. just that so so I mean, it's pretty traumatic, but it's not like crazy. It's not like they've been out there out there for like weeks trying to survive.
True. They get like unstructured all like savage. They can't really just back to society. Yeah.
ah What did you think about um the montage of like of like when when Wayne is searching the backyard on the hanging thing or the clothesline thing.

Wayne's Desperation in Search

Yeah, i love I love all of his like elaborate like ways of like trying to like find the kids. When he first gets like the stilts and then, or and love when he first realizes like he he can't step on the grass or he might step on the kids. It's parkouring his way on the fence.
Yeah, it's a lot of physical things that Rick Moranis does. what It won't play. It won't play. He's like flung off of his like yeah his like hammock rig into like the tops of this pool. And they're like, they're like, they're like, they're cool. They're just like, oh man, that weird. So it's you guys like flew to our pool. He's such a weirdo.
I do like that the Thompson's. Well, one. Their whole mission for that weekend was to go camping until they basically said they couldn't and then they blamed it on a period. Yep. That was cool for Disney movie. But like, they call the police, you know, they're just like, we have to recall the cops. We can't look like crazy parents like we and then they don't call us like they don't figure out those Salinski's have the same problem. They're just like, eh,
Like it's not, they don't think about them as like people with kids too. Yeah. It's like they're, they're kids right away, but ours are probably just like hanging out somewhere. Like our kids are doing sports and doing all these other things that came about themselves, which how much, how much are they packing for this trip? Do you mean if it's like, if we're assuming there still is school and it's a slow weekend trip, they're packing like, like five months worth of supplies at their camper. They got like so much food. They're like, it's like water skis. and like I'm also thinking they they pack for their group and then the friends that are coming maybe. You know, so they're just like, you don't think the friends like bring their own stuff? Maybe. I'm just thinking what if there was more to share and stuff? I don't know. I could imagine it's like a month long camp trip and then just like, fuck school. The woods will teach you what you need.
I did notice, um, cause they're pretty prominent in i up the kid, but like the, like the micromagic like, um, food, there's like, like French fries and like burgers, like it's like all these like microwave foods. It's like, it was like a product and like, there's a whole scene of like Matt for just like, you know, like French fries, uh, field parmigiana, like it's like, like micromagic and like microwave foods. It was a crazy thing. I had the micromagic food before I had that cookie. Yeah. I had micromagic fries. But that that became kind of like a, like honey, I should, the kids thing because yeah, it's it's honey, but honey about the kid. It's like this whole scene, like Wayne just been like, all right, Adam, which one do you want? You want the fries or you want the burger? like
So there had to be some sort of like weird, like deal with Disney. I'm like, Hey, put micro magic stuff in here. You know, there would have been a micro magic Disney edition if that was made now, like at the peak Disney marketing thing. I'm surprised there wasn't.
but I definite don't i don't definitely don't think they expected this like to blow up as big as it did. I think they kind of expected it to be kind of just like a decent performing ah like family movie. And then it kind of was like, oh, it's doing super well. Oh, the movie did. Insane yeah compared to the initial budget. And yeah and especially like up ah directly up against Batman. like
And I think, I think there was like other, like, I think it like it was like last crusade. I think it was around this time. It was like that 89 was like an insane summer for movies.
being back then But and it ended up being like it was like, I think it was like the seventh highest grossing movie of the year that year. actually seven And it it was the highest grossing live action Disney movie for a while until, um, I think probably, I can't remember which one, which one overtook it, but it was like, Oh, it was for five years. It was the highest gross thing. So whatever, whatever came up like in 1994, I don't know what, what live actually didn't even come out in 1984.
I'm gonna say Ace Ventura. Was that a Disney movie? No, but no. He was at, he was at the parks though. They had like mid turtles and like a guy dressed as like Ace Ventura right around Disney parks. are I know like the nineties. even though they had nothing to do with Disney. I'm sure that was my first person in the crowd that decided to join. He's like a crazy man, just like, I'm Ace Ventura. Whoo. All right, I see. Because back then, Disney security wasn't what it is now. Yeah.
Uh. Yeah, I like the fact that in the they do set up plot points when the Nick's friend has to come by and mow the lawn. Yeah, whoever the friend who's just like, can I mow your lawn? i'm so I want to mow your lawn. I mean, that's because it's a cool commercial lawn mower. So I guess that's the reason. But it's like he's so gung-ho about mowing the lawn. And he's like, yeah, he's bummed he couldn't do it. Yeah. I just think how easy, like I would use a remote control lawn mower back then, but it's not a big lawn. I think it's going to be done in like 30 minutes or less. Yeah. It's a, it's a, it's like a, it's a push where they turned into like a real controlled mower. I mean, you still might have to get stuck and then you still have like probably empty the bag.
but That was, Wayne was one step away from like the ah like robot, the Roomba or whatever the whatever company does like the robot lawn mowers now. Eye robot. Yeah, eye robot.
what it Wayne's working on this trick, right? Why didn't he sell that road to a lawn mower? Do you know what I mean? There's so many other practical products he just had and it just, he never thought about doing that. That was just for him. That was just for him invention.
But that that' that scene the lawnmower scene's crazy, because that's that's like a like probably the most like legitimate threat. yeah of like Oh, they're going to die. They're caught in these like blades and get chucked up and die.
That was before the scorpion? That was after the scorpion. That's after the scorpion, which I wanted to bring up one thing. Yeah, just as ah Amy and little Russ are like making out that's when the cock block scorpion comes out the demon demonica red scorpion from hell shows up it's just like i'm gonna get ya okay we're still gonna figure out where this is because we think l la but i don't think la looks at that like
suburban. Like that looks like Seattle maybe. it's it's somewhere I think it's somewhere in California because like Wayne wears like a Caltech sweater at one point and then I think he goes to like some sort of like there's like it's definitely it's like suburban California somewhere but yeah but it's like you don't think of like scorpions being in like a suburban backyard and you think of them being like in like the desert
Yeah, but but they're like there, but they're yeah, there is like a scorpion. Evil red scorpion. Yeah.
ah But yeah, then then comes the the lawnmower that is just destroying that lawn and almost kills these kids. Yeah, which Nick's friend um like was it Chad or something or Tommy? It's just like, like, not even, like he's not even doing like, uh, you know, he's not mowing the correct way of like, you know, doing it in rows. He's just like driving, just driving all over the place. Yeah.
Yeah. It's just, it's like, it's like nonstop. They're just like, like the quartet of kids are just like constantly just in like a new, what's up for a new threat is like happening to them.
Uh, and I like that it's not anything out of the ordinary. It's not some crazy like invasion of bugs that you wouldn't see. It's not, uh, it's not a earthquake. You know, it's just, this is what happens on the weekend to a place, you know? Yeah. There's bees. Yeah. There's bees. The sprinklers go off. There's ants. I mean, the scorpions is like the craziest thing, probably. Yeah. Yeah. I guess it makes sense if the neighbor lost a scorpion. Maybe there's some hint detail we didn't see where the neighbor's like, hey, he's going to see my pet scorpion. Yeah. OK, just just say that. If not, it's just there's just a loose poisonous scorpion roaming around the backyard. I feel you like you could have done like a tarantula or some sort of spider that would probably been been like more like, oh, I believe this is in this backyard. Yeah.
Yeah, but yeah I guess you don't get like the you know, like the dynamic like the super dynamic like oh it stabs auntie in the back it kills him and I wonder if they had that Storyboard out a scorpion kills a baby aunt like how do we explain this and then it then luckily it has it really has like ah a Super likes if you hit the weak point it leaves because they they hit it and like that like it's like an eye or something and It's like yeah I'm going through a flame into the scorpions. eye I get that. It was just like a it was like a stick, but it wasn't even like a sharpie stick. It was like they weren't like sharp making spears. There was just throwing like random sticks at that. And it manages to impale of the scorpion. Oh, you're right. I thought it was like a special s stick that they got. No, because because afterwards, like I think Ron rigs up a bunch of like defensive perimeter somehow. fix up like It's like super elaborate, like
but perimeter around the lego block but before that they didn't have anything and they they they weren't like preparing by but by like making spears or anything so ah Luckily that scorpion had like very thin skin Well, that's why I said Ron is the more crazed one where he just he knew about defensive perimeters. Yeah, he reads like the like the ah anarchist cookbook yeah I Gotta pick up home defenses You know, the government one day may come and take me away.
But yeah, but yeah, look, I mean, look, after all these, like, it's all these insane things that happen to them. Like they they get rescued by Quark the dog, who is like the true hero of the movie. And then in some posters, he's just on it. Yeah. He's got that nose bridge carry. But I mean, but i mean yeah because Quark knows what happened right away. is And he's trying to like communicate in his dog way to Wayne. Like, oh, don't sweep up the attic. Like, don't throw this garbage out. like Like, let me out in the yard so I can find the kids. like But they end up they end up in, because Quark jumps on the table, and then they all fall off on the kitchen table, and then Wayne is eating.

Cheerios Scene

and Which I think this is by like, one of the most iconic scenes in the whole movie is where Nick falls into the bowl of Cheerios. Yeah. That scene where where Wayne is listing off the dangers that is happening in the backyard, yeah he was like, that should have been in the beginning or middle of the movie. I feel like I've seen that in the trailer, where he's talking about the dangers and the sites and how hard it's going to be.
but But yeah, it's the it's the end. There's like 10 minutes left of the movie that happens. So I feel like that that was that scene could have happened. Something like that could have happened early. And yeah, he almost yeah almost eats his own son. and But Quark manages to bite him on the ankle and make him look. And then they finally find the kids.
Quark is way, way more like of a hero in this one. And then I think then the next one.
I think in the show, there was like, I can't remember, there was like, I think they had a, I think they had a quirk. I think there was an episode where like he like got mutated like a giant alien or something. There was like a whole like episode, there was like a whole like quirk based episode or a few quirk based episodes. Did you have a family dog? Uh, yeah, we had one for like a little bit. Oh, they were not the same as like the TV dogs that were well-dried. That's a little why. you You wouldn't have been saved by, uh, if I, if you got to eat my guinea, my bull Cheerios. I would have been eaten by the dog. Yeah. The the TV, the TV show Quark is like a, it's like a, ah a much bigger breed of dog too.
I do like the small dog, I do like Quark as this mutt dog that is spunky and has got character and attitude. He's got he's got similar vibes like Rimshot from Ernest. Yes, I was thinking of that too. I'll be intelligent but like still happy to be there to do like dumb things. Although he's ill's he's very scared of the Thompson's cat. That, like, prevents of, like, rescuing the kids, like, right away as, like, the cat shows up and he's just like, I'm outta here. Like, you're on your own. Which there is, they do a great job of, like, doing all these, like, near misses of, like, so they, you know, keep the movie going where, like, like, they leave the rock just, just after, right before, like, Wayne, like, like, flies over and misses them. With, like, the mattifying glass, like, hammock rig. Yeah, yeah, I was gonna say, like, it, it, it's still pretty solid because the plot would have been if they stayed still, would they have been found?
Yeah, but they wouldn't have had an adventure. Yeah. And then it shows their journey from a different perspective because it's like a short thing for like the regular size event, but in their small micro, you know, their quantum universe version of things. um
You know, time moves just the same, but like everything else in there is just horrible because it's just like not meant for humans at that size. Yeah. The more I think about it, the more I'm like Ant-Man 4 should have been Honey, I Shrunk the Kids type movie in case they ever get the money to do an Ant-Man 4. Well, it's ah it's always been like a, you know, movie kind of like idea ah like here's the the c incredible shrinking man from like the 50s was like really apparently a big like influence on this movie have you seen that movie i see parts of it i i've seen the scene where like the like the main guy has to like fight off a cat but it's like a it's like a film it's like ah a film footage of a cat and then it's like like they like like put him in front of it so it looks like he's fighting the cat but he's not really
know Yeah. It's like, stay back, you cats.
And then other there's I think it's definitely been like other like, you know, shrinking based movies. But I mean, this when this is your kick this this series count came out and like took over that whole like, if you think of shrinking, you think of ah or your twenty kids. Yeah. I do like that the Salinski laser doesn't have a name. Yeah, it's just the shrink ray. The shrink ray, yeah. Does he even call it the shrink ray? I think he calls it like... ah I mean, that's what that's everyone calls it. I don't know if like Wayne specifically calls it like, oh, it's my shrink ray, or I think i think he maybe he does.
But yeah, it doesn't have you know it doesn't have like a crazy like, he doesn't get like a crazy technical name or something. That's what I was thinking.
All right, and I do love when, right before they're gonna like, you know, rescue the kids and get them back to normal, like they tested out a Matt Ferrer. He's just like, test it on me. I see you but i see blowing up apples.
And then when they when they bring him back, like his hat doesn't fit anymore. So it's like, uh oh. Well, I thought that's because they took the day his wife took the cigarettes off his hat. I thought the joke was like, oh, he's like, he didn't like come back the exact right size.
Like he's just he's like a little bit smaller now. Oh.
but yeah but But yeah, they get

Hopeful Ending and Future Inventions

all the kids back. And then you see, like, the Zolinski's and the Thompson's are having like like Thanksgiving together because they're friends they're all friends now. And and i do I do appreciate the tease of like blowing up things, because they have a a giant turkey and a giant bone for quirk. Yeah. I do like where it's like, now we can expand. and you know, you could solve a lot of world hunger, but they choose not to do that.
ah guy So we could do some of your things. He's like, he just decides not to. Yeah. He's like, you know what I want to do? It just, I want to keep researching why we can make things big. It's like, you're making things big. I'm going to sell out to a, uh, like industrial science company in Nevada.
And then let's bring a third kid into this and also never learn from our mistakes from the first time.
But then again, if he didn't do that, we have never, we wouldn't have gotten Kerry Russell. Mm hmm. Yep. Is it and it and um I blew up the kid, isn't it like was he having trouble like making things bigger in that movie too? So like, somehow i figured out the end of this movie but then like in that one they're like having trouble making things bigger or was it was it was it trying to keep them big or something i forgot i remember it was like a coat glass he was able to like get a lens on it and then that amplified it i think it was like a limit of how big it was because then it was like more power well there was like
It was like adam Adam got zapped with anything. But then it was like the microwaves when we went home, apparently, like mixed with like whatever energy from the enlarging ray. And then that constant start growing. Yeah, he was just absorbing energy. Electricity and stuff was making him big.
Because and then cause then they had to go had to go get the original shrink ray, because that was the shrink ray. And then the one at the the like the company was the enlarging ray, I guess. great use like You couldn't use the enlarging ray to like shrink him.
I didn't understand how i mean he was no longer maybe permitted to have that equipment in his house anymore. But then in the next one, he doesn't have like any other invention. It's just that was his one thing. Yeah. his car was his own invention. He made his own electric car. So they kind of upped the gimmicks in the second one. And then I think in the show, he works for like a specific company. And he's like, he's like trying to find like other a bunch of different like stuff for the company. There's like, ah there's like a wacky boss in the um the show and everything.
That's cool. Yeah, I got to rewatch the show again. This definitely sparked an interest into it. I don't think it's the show stream anywhere. Like, I don't think it's on Disney Plus, because I think all the other, like, ah I don't think the kids' things are on Disney Plus, but the show I don't think is. Because that was like ah there was like a syndicated, like, show. Play some weird 2B channel, I got to find.
Oh, you can buy it on, like, Apple TV Plus and Google.
Well, maybe there might be some on YouTube. but I'm sure i'm sure like there's some episodes on YouTube if you watch.
I remember so i remember still feel there was one where there was like an evil teddy bear that like like was basically like a Terminator bear that they had to stop. And I think it came back like multiple times. It got infected like a computer virus. And it was like, I am Legion.
like senti in and but yeah anything anything else uh for the original the og i shot the kids chris uh i still think it's a good classic uh a lot of good memories watching it with like my family it's definitely like I do like it's an 80s and 90s thing about shrink rays. There hasn't been a movie about it in a while.
i Again, like you said earlier, Rick Moranis, you know him in certain films just to be like, how do you know him? Do you like the family friendly bumbling guy from this or you know him as the like real estate lawyer from Ghostbusters? I think he was like an accountant or something. oh He's like their accountant, yeah Yeah, this I should get this I should get is definitely if you mentioned Rick Miranda says I'm thinking of hunter to kids And this and this was like yeah by like one of my go-to like if I was sick from school I watch Oh much. I presses right then I should get it's
with my, like i we taped it from like, I think of like a, like a wonderful old Disney, like ABC broadcast or something. on but Yeah. Mine was a grainy double copy VHS from like an official VHS. So I had the, um, the Roger Robert short in front

New Experience on Streaming

of it. Yep.
Yeah, it was it's definitely Jarrick seeing this movie in like crisp, like 4K on Disney Plus, where it's like, oh, I've never seen it this clear before. Yeah, it's like seeing it in theaters. Yeah. Yeah, I do appreciate like how in this ever family friendly movies were pretty good. Because they still like 80s family friendly movies were just ah touch of like adult movies at one point writing wise but then then let's clean it up and make it for kids mm-hmm you know there was probably someone who saw this and when I want to make an adult version of this like more mature themes and they're like no like you can't let's not make another honey I shrink the kids movie it's too soon and I'm surprised there wasn't like a ripoff of this yet you're gonna find we're gonna find like dark
Uh, like movies that like, oh, this is just like an asylum type movie of on issue with the kids.
Well, I know, um, I haven't read it yet. I have it, but I haven't read it yet, but there there was like, it's so it was one of those like Michael Crichton books that came out after he died, but it was a Michael Crichton book called micro. It's, it's basically like, if like the Michael Frightened version of like kinds of kids, where it's like, there's like, uh, you know, evil tech company has gotten shrinking technology and then it's like, he's like, They shrink down like tanks and they're like trying to like hunt down these like other like whistleblowers, they're gonna like reveal their plans. It was like a 2011 like... And that one even had like ants in it. So that was like, they're definitely like,
copying a either Ant-Man or Hintron to Kids.
But yeah, I think they'll do it for this week's episode. ah Come back next week. We're going to be having our Madam Web commentary. ah So you can sync that up with the Madam Web on Netflix or wherever you have Madam Web and watch it along with us. And also our friends, Joe and Phil from Digital Pimp. And then and we're going to be at too many games, 24.94 in know Pennsylvania. So keep an eye on our social media for all of our some of of our like antics from there. And if if you're going to be at the show and you're hearing this before, ah was it the 28th? Before 3.15, we're doing a panel, a panel about zombies in pop culture. So you can check that out. Also, Sunday at 1, we're doing a panel, our movie movie
game AI mashup panel. So if you're at too many games and you're any of those, check those trickckles out. Oh, would you play it? Yep. And Chris, you're also hosting both of the Steve Bloom panels. Steve Blum. Steve Blum, yep.
Yeah, it's gonna be an exciting time. Yeah. I'll probably do a preview article. Yeah. And just, you know, keep an eye on Instagram and Twitter for, you know, we'll probably be posting pictures and but anything else from the convention that we see, if anything interesting pops up. And have a site for all of our usual stuff. We got, you know, news, reviews, trailers, all that stuff's up there. And, uh, yeah, so for us, I'm Zach and we will see you next week. For more for everything action, head to
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