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Secrets on Hosting a Stress-Free Thanksgiving

S1 E35 · Three Lil Fishes
40 Plays3 months ago

The sisters continue to gear up for the holidays and are focused on de-stressing the hosting duties as much as possible. They get some tips and trips from Friend of the Fishes Janice Rewer who’s a near expert-level entertainer.

Nancy shares a story about sneaking around late-night at home trying to evade her up-all-night teenager. Lynne learns what Sheet Spray is and Kathy shares some tips about how to best prepare for house guests that maybe aren’t spring chickens.

Considerations for Elderly House Guests

Thanksgiving Hosting Checklist from Ambitious Kitchen

What’s For Dinner:

Prickly Pear Martini
1.5 oz Absolut Pears
.75 oz Apple Juice
.25 oz Grenadine
-Sliced pear
DIRECTIONS: Fill a martini glass with ice. Set to the side. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Pour all ingredients over ice. Cover and shake vigorously for 30 seconds. Discard ice from the martini glass. Strain cocktail shaker into chilled glass. Garnish with sliced pear.

Lamb Lollipops

How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days clip

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Importance of Planning for Success

The most important thing is to organize, to plan, plan out in advance, because, you know, if you don't plan, something's gonna sift through the cracks. Ultimately, you need to plan to enjoy, too, you know? Right. You know, try not to make it as stressful of an event as it might be. So I guess the other thing is backup plan, you know? Yeah. I have served pasta one time and want God to put the large bowl on the table. and the pasta all slipped out over the edge and I have pasta all over and you're like, I mean, what do you do? Why don't you take it from the table? I think the new way the Italians are eating it, but eating it all on the table is truly family style.

Introduction to the Sisterhood

Welcome to Three Little Fishes, where three sisters who grew up in the Midwest together but have since spread across the country. I live in Los Angeles. I'm in Nashville. And I live in Philadelphia. We are all married with children. We've all had careers, but now we stay at home with our families. We've all been through ups and downs that come along with life.
and have always helped each other through shared stories and laugh together. We welcome all of you into our daily conversations and hope you have some fun with us. So let's jump in. What's up What's up? What's up? How are we all doing today? Doing good. Doing well. You guys, I'm actually kind of tired today and I and going to shock you I think when I talk to you about this but and mom and dad I think listen to this podcast so I'm just gonna warn you I'm going to talk about s SEX for a second so maybe you don't you pause this part or turn it down but I am tired because I live with a teenager and we live in a smaller house all of our bedrooms are in one side of the house in the hallway and I
my child my 10 my almost 10 year old she's not 10 yet but she will be soon you know goes to bed at a normal reasonable time she sleeps she is really good sleeper like a little earthquake does not wake her up but my teenage son wants to be up at all hours of the night which is, okay, I get it. That's how their brain works. But for me, it's hard for me, like Tim and I will have time in our room. We're chatting. One thing might lead to another, but I can't relax because I know my teenage son is awake. So I'm like, and Tim is like, why won't he go to bed? And I'm like, well, he's a teenager. So, you know, so then I'm trying to stay awake to help like, so that my son will go to bed.
And you know, I'm like, okay, so let's just turn the TV on. Right now I'm watching, I'm rewatching Friday Night Lights. I don't know if y'all remember that show, but it's about football. So I'm turning up the TV so loud so that you're hearing like football in our room and maybe nothing else. If he happens to still be awake, walking the halls or like in his room, maybe he's sleepy or not. And I want to know, is this a new problem that I Think about this stuff. Is this a legit problem that other people think about with their teenagers awake in their house? Maybe you don't have this problem because you all have bigger houses than me and your rooms are on opposite sides of the house. But I'm asking for a friend, myself, like, is this a me problem or is this, you know, nothing to worry about? I don't know.

Balancing Personal Time with Teenagers

people should
Email us and tell us what they think. We don't talk about sex a lot. but The three of us, which I don't know why, because it happens. We all have it. But we don't seem to talk. We talk about all other things. But we don't really talk about it with each other. And I can't believe I'm throwing this out in the world. But you all, I am. This is what's on my mind. And this is why I'm so tired. Because then I'm up super late. TV's blaring. And then I am wide awake.
And I can't go to sleep. So this morning, I slept through my alarm. And I'm just like, we're here. Like, I'm a hot mess this morning. We should be, like, relaxed. and Listen, it was super fun. But I mean, there's a consequence to the fun. Yeah, I don't. I'm just saying, I'm like, how do I manage my life? And I also feel like I feel like I'm The hiding and sheepishly, what is happening that I am struggling with this so much?
I think it's such a common thing though, because there's like all kinds of comedy skits like, ah the kids away are the kids asleep? They're asleep. let's you know I think it's such a common thing. Teens stay up late, they wreck you. I mean, all you mommies out there that have littles and you just are tired, just wait. Wait, yep. Just wait. Well, they're always awake. These are always always awake. And ours always just barge in.
We're like, oh, we want to tell you something. I'm like, it's like one o'clock in the morning. What are you doing in here? Get out. And plus, knock, knock. The door is closed. Knock, knock.
But soon he'll be gone, Nancy, so you won't have to worry. You gotta lock the door. Listen, I will be super sad. No, she's been in it for a while. I'm just saying, I'm not that old, but I still enjoy time with my husband. I have fun with it still. And I feel like I'm struggling with how to have this balance. And I will say, having to turn on Friday Night Lights, full blast.
yeah You've done that too. her yeah sure You know, I think maybe because you have a little flexibility with your timing. So I think maybe you have to adjust your timing to like a mid morning or early afternoon or something like that, like a little play lunch break. Hey, Tim, don't have those feelings right now. Suppress tomorrow at 9 a.m. I'll see ya.
Anyway, if any of our listeners have any of similar problems, want to chat about it, then let us know. Let's chat about it. Let's let's problem solve.

Holiday Preparations and Challenges

All right. Well, I just want to, um, today we're going to be talking about all things gearing up for the holidays, like starting to get there. Cause it's November and we're thinking about Thanksgiving. So we are going to be talking to a good friend of ours, Janice, who's a really good entertainer. And she has some tips and tricks. Um, if you're trying to help wrap your head around your holiday meal. Mm-hmm.
Um, we also are going to talk about the aging guest. Like, is there anything we need to think about when we're hosting an aging guest? Um, so before we get into it, or I would like to talk about your hair.
Oh, your hair, your hair looks really good. But it looks different. A little bit. I um was going to share that in a minute as we get ready. But I did do something kind of I do have a hair confession. Do you guys want to hear it? Yes. So I have gone gray early in my life. I've gone gray. And I've had to get it colored.
but like years, like, I mean, I've been coloring my hair for probably no joke, like 20 years, not because I want to be more blonde, but because I'm gray. And I love the person who colors my hair. She's amazing, Amy. So if you're listening, you are amazing. But I am struggling with going every three to four weeks to color my hair for $150. It's a lot, and it's stressing me out to have to do that. So it's a time suck, it's a money suck. So I'm like, you know what? I like Drew Barrymore, and I am a marketer's dream because she now markets Garnier, Nutri,
the hair color in the box. I've seen that. And I'm just like, you know what, if she's peddling this, I bet she likes it because I don't think she would peddle something that she truly does not think is a good product. So I decided to color my own hair and I did it myself, read the directions, put the gloves on and I started and I did it myself and um What did you wear? like that How did you not get it all over you? so I just wore a robe and I did get it all over myself and I made a mess, but I do i do think I colored the gray.
And i at good we just did the roots. I actually did the roots, but then I pulled it through with the comb because I was worried that it would be blotchy. And it was OK. Like it went better than I thought. It was kind of stressful. And my backup plan was having Amy on speed dial if I did something horribly wrong. But I think it turned out OK. Yeah, it looks good.
I think it looks good. you know ah the mass like How did you do the mess? That's my thing. I think that's why I don't do my own, because I'm worried I'm going to stain stuff. it i played I just laid out the towel that I didn't care about on my sink. And then I had the gloves. And then I just used the Clorox wipes when I was letting my hair render.
um And I cleaned it up. And honestly, it was easier. It was easier than I thought it was going to be. um It was just I am happy with it. I think it's like a good fix. I'm not saying that I don't ever want to go to Amy and go to the salon. And there's something nice about sitting in the chair. Yes. But there is I do feel the pressure to not feel like I have to go in so much. And again, not to sound cheap, but you know, I'm tired of spending $150 every four weeks to get my hair colored. yeah right um So I just I wanted to try something different. So and the the also the other reason that I did that was is because I was making um something and I was making bacon the other morning.

Home Maintenance and Unexpected Frustrations

And I turned on my upper oven to make bacon and it did not come to temperature. And my, just to give everybody a reminder, our listeners who would not know, these ovens, I just, I got double ovens.
three and a half years ago. And I've been waiting my whole adult life to have a double oven. I bought these Bosch double ovens during COVID. And I was so happy. I love them. And are you kidding me Bosch that my upper oven is died at three and a half years.
like Are you kidding me? so I had somebody come out and look at it and they think the panel is bad. So now I have to have Bosch actually come out and take a look. And bonus, it's not under warranty anymore because it's getting ready to turn four. so That thing should work longer than that. Bosch, I don't appreciate that I'm having so much trouble and I think that you should honor your high-end product. I'm not impressed.
And then I will just also say I did a tiny bit of research and I looked on a consumer website and it looks like during this timeframe that a lot of there's problems with these appliances because they are suspecting it's a COVID problem with manufacturing, but the chair with with how they put it together. So I feel like it's another little slow leak of a problem dealing with COVID.
Well, hopefully they'll come out and honor your expired warranty because it really only expired like six months ago. I think that's so cute that you think that when I call, when I call Bosch to talk to them about it, the customer service person that I talked to was not very friendly and was just like, this is not our, this is not our problem. Like you, you know, you don't have a warranty on anymore. You're gonna have to fix it or buy a new one. Well, I'm not gonna buy a new one. I'm gonna end up spending like $1,000 to get it fixed.
Hence saving money on your hair, I get it. so I'm sorry that happened. Okay, before we get into our segment on hosting,
um Some entertainment buzz that definitely has been happening in our house this week is the season premiere of Yellowstone happens.

Entertainment Discussions: Yellowstone Premiere

Season five. I can't hear about this. I haven't watched it yet. So I will not say anything, Linda, to spoil it by any means, but it definitely raised some eyebrows and there are some people, some fans that are upset and they say that the co-creator
Taylor Sheridan, some people are like saying that was not a cool thing to do to that character. um you know Kevin Costner of course left the show and you know he wanted to do other things, which is fine. but People are just upset in the way that the show is having him leave. Where it's going. And yeah, where it's going. So, drama, drama, drama. I can't wait to see it. I can't wait to see it. In my house this week. Oh, I was like, oh. I don't think that Peter got excited about Peter. No, he actually, I mean,
He loves this show and he's obsessed with it. He keeps watching reruns. We love it at our house too. We just haven't seen any new episodes. So I'm excited to see it. I can't talk about it anymore. I can't handle it. no I'm so excited to see it. They did say that his co-creative Yellowstone is making a new show, which ah Peter actually was excited about. It's called Land Man.
and it's centered in Texas and they're going to talk about the oil industry and it has Billy Bob Thornton in it and Jon Hamm. So, you know, even though he was upset with what's happening in Yellowstone, he's like, oh, well maybe this new show will take you know over and like give him some reprieve. I don't know. My anger is short lived now that you're giving me something else. Jon Hamm, I'm in.

Accommodating Guests: Tips and Experiences

all right ya get to it Let's um I want to remind you all to please subscribe rate review and please Invite some of your three fishes favorite fishes to join it to our conversation All right, y'all so we are going to talk about the aging guests like so a lot of us hosts and our parents come and visit or aunts and uncles or Yeah. So it's something that we have started thinking about the three fishes. How, or should we think about the aging guests? Does that change of how we post for anything, especially Thanksgiving coming up? Yeah. So I was kind of thinking about this and ran across an article on neighborly, which I've posted in the show notes, but it does give some good tips about things to think about.
um you know Aging people need a little extra planning. like It really is ideal if you could put these guests on the first floor and they actually have their own bathroom. But in some cases, you don't have that. like I don't have that in my own home.
you know If they do have to go upstairs, you need to make sure that the that stairs are lit well so they don't fall down the stairs and they know, you know, there's they can tumble. So you just have to be careful with that. um There's also a tip about, you know, they get up at night and you don't want it really dark. So maybe a nightlight would be helpful. And this is something that I did actually Linda did this what a couple of years ago, you put in some handrails in the shower and the toilet area just to help with stability. And then she told me that I was like, I should do that also. So we ended up putting some handrails in our shower and our toilet area just to help, you know, with grip and being able to get up and not be stuck. Yeah. So think about that.
Like sometimes it's hard for older people to get like actually squat and get up. So they recommended extra blankets because they sometimes get their little colder. They run colder except.
Except our mother. Except her mother, who in the middle of a winter throws up the window. She has like a 30 mile an hour wind coming through her bedroom with her hair moving like, oh, this is so refreshing. She's an anomaly. She's an outlier for sure. I mean, meanwhile, our dad walks around hits their house in a parka. Right? Poor dad. Another tip was,
They, you know, you need to think also about like meal planning because they may have some like diet restrictions. Sometimes there's diabetes and health conditions that like are part of their equation now. Um, but they also eat more frequently. So you need to have snacks. Yeah. Like if you have maybe a little refrigerator, you could put in a room they're saying so it would have drinks and water and snacks so they can um eat. That's a thing. That's a fancy room. Mom and dad, I put in a little mini refrigerator for you. Yeah, but you know, it's just I think just thinking about how people live. You have to be mindful of when they're coming into your home. Are they going to feel comfortable in your home?
is kind of what I'm thinking about when I... Yeah, comfortable and safe. I mean, for me also, we don't have carpet in our house. We have hardwood floors, but we do have area rugs. So I pull those up and roll them up and put them in storage while I have some of our older company come over because I don't want them to trip and fall. Right.
And um honestly, when we moved into our house now, our toilets were kind of in bad shape. So we replaced them all with comfort height. And I'm not suggesting people go out and replace their toilets. But if you do end up replacing your toilet, do a comfort height. As we're aging, it is easier to get up and down. Yeah. Yeah. When you have a higher. Right. They're just a little taller. So it's just a little easier on your your knees. Right. So we did do that too.
um And I think that has made it an easier visit as well. Yeah. So I think those are really good tips because, you know, it's real. We're all aging and we want people to be comfortable and safe in our spaces. Yeah. You know, we even have like, yeah, we want them to be comfortable. We even have like a shower chair and we have, um, put little stickers on the bottom of the shower. So we have the grips, but then also the grippies on the shelf floor. So sometimes that for slick.
I mean, it is. And then stepping out of the shower, it's slick. So yeah, trying to think about all those safety things because yeah, I mean, as much as we love everybody, we don't really want anybody to get hurt on our watch. Right now. I mean, even my husband you know, sometimes if I get water on the floor, I mean, one time, he actually almost broke the duck. And he was like, what'd you do? You know what, we're terrible. Like, do you laugh when your husband calls or like, I do it too. And I don't know if it's a nervous laugh, but Kim's like, why do you always laugh when I get hurt? I'm like, I don't know. I don't know. I have like a- Twisted.
six sense of You're clearly fine. Yeah. But you know, the other thing that I'm kind of thinking about is I we are having overnight guests and I have a huge age range of people. So not only the aging guest is coming,
So we've done kind of all those things too. And I think it does make it more comfortable for them, but I'm having some young people at our house too. And we don't have young people at our house anymore. Everybody's like an adult. Yeah. So I had to dig through and get out some like crayons and markers and crafts. And I did start putting those things in the room that I know these younger guests are going to stay in yeah so that they can have be occupied a little bit, you know,
Yeah. and it's Yeah. I think that's a great idea, Linda. Yeah. You know, like a little activity. Yeah. I feel like when I have guests come to, I always try and call them ahead of time just to see if there's anything in particular that they would like me to have stocked in the refrigerator. That's a good idea. They need an extra creamer or you know something that they just have every day that they would feel lost if they didn't have or particular foods that in the pantry would make them feel nice or for young kids even. yeah There's some kids, you know they have these restrictions. So I think making a call ahead of time just lets your guests kind of feel
more welcome. think that's really coming I'm not as good about that as you are. the other The only other thing I can think of that I do is I make sure wherever their room is, especially for young kids, is making sure they have enough cords and things to charge their devices. Because sometimes people will forget to bring their charging cord or maybe they only brought one and they need like three. you I try and have some kind of electrical device that they can all plug into it. So they're not like freaked out when they don't have their devices. I know, Candy, you are really good about that. Like I remember the last time I came to visit and I was like, Oh, you have this set up. I don't even have to pull out my cords. You know, I was just in Chicago and I stayed at a friend's house for a couple of nights and it was so sweet because she put together like a little basket
of wash cloths and towels and and toiletries and um like a little scrubber for the shower. And it was just like, it made me feel you know very at home. So I think that is so nice. um but And the other thing I like to do too is make sure all the bathrooms that anybody's gonna use has a hairdryer. Because we have kids away at college and so they took a bunch of stuff. So making sure that everybody's bathrooms are stocked with all the things that they would need like a hairdryer. So um that is- Yeah, I never travel with a hairdryer ever. No, ever. So it's so you know it's nice for people to know in advance, like, I don't have to bring my hairdryer, you can come, everything will be here, just come and relax and have fun and enjoy your time away from home, because it is hard to live out of a suitcase. yeah So yeah, I mean, I think those tips for the aging guests, but also thinking about the younger ones,
and making it as homey and as, you know, friendly as you can make it when you're living out of a suitcase. Yeah, that's, that's really nice. So some good, some good ideas, girls.

Thanksgiving Meal Preparations and Advice

Okay, so speaking of entertaining, we're starting to wrap our head around the holiday meal, like particularly Thanksgiving. And I am not really great about the Thanksgiving meal itself. I love it when people come and visit. But that's not really in my wheelhouse. And I probably need to do it a little bit different and better. So I feel like I'm not a crazy person trying to put it together. So we have a friend, Janice, who is known to be a really beautiful entertainer.

Introducing Janice: Master of Hosting

And she loves to throw dinner parties, particularly holiday feasts. And she has some tips and tricks for us that we're gonna talk to her about.
Janice has been a friend of the fishes for about 35 years. Kathy, Janice, and I were all sorority sisters back in the day at the University of Iowa. Go G5. And um now I'm a neighbor of Janice's. I have been to her house countless times for different events, holidays, parties, et cetera. And we um know from experience what a fantastic cook and hostess she is. So welcome to the show, Janice.
Thank you. Welcome, Janice. Happy to be here. Thank you. How many holidays do you think you've hosted over the years? I've probably done holidays, probably to the tune of 100. But socially, we do a lot of dinner parties. And I've probably done maybe 200 dinner parties over the course of my history of entertaining, being married, et cetera. So I think I've got a good experience base with that.
and yeah and love to and love to entertain, love to have people in my house. How did you end up with holidays? like Did well you like volunteer for that when you got married? Because you got married really young, like right out of college. So did you get volunteered for that? Or did you raise your hand and say, OK, I want to take over? I kind of think that the whole entertainment concept has been, um for me, has been following in my mom's footsteps. You know firsthand, my mom was a delightful entertainer.
um She used to tell me funny stories that when they first got married, she would invite couples over for dinner. And because they couldn't afford to go out at that time, she would put out little paper doilies as decor on her little snack tables where she put her appetizers before she served. And she was like, she was like, I always, you know, I always just wanted a little touch and all that kind of stuff. And so it was kind of fun because she always made great foods at a beautiful table.
And she managed to make it look effortless. And i think I think her biggest thing was whenever I did something, whenever we started, I would be in the kitchen with her cooking and and doing anything. And she would say to me, you just need to watch. Now watch. It's always important to watch so that you learn the right process so that you know when to add X or Y or Z or of all those kinds of things.
She never rushed anything and everything was always made homemade. You know, we didn't buy store-bought potato salad. Mom made the potato salad and the devil's eggs and that all that stuff. So I think it was a very good cook. I have some of her recipes. Yeah. yeah there Yes. Yes. So she was I really, I really think the entertainment thing kind of just almost got handed down. Yeah. because that You know, at some point my mom was like, you know, I'm not really up for having, you know, 30 people for a holiday or what have you.
in In a couple of pinches, um, there was a point in time when I went home and I was married and I probably had a kid, maybe two, but my mother-in-law had been in the hospital and she had always traditionally had the Thanksgiving holiday. And so she wasn't getting out of the hospital. So she was kind of like, we got into town on Sunday and on Monday she said, well, we're having, you know, 18 people on Thursday.
hop to it. know like boy And I remember going to the grocery store, she didn't have the turkey. So I'm like, Oh my gosh, she had ordered the turkey. So the turkey was easy because it was a pickup, but it was a fresh turkey and I had never done fresh turkey. So I was like, I mean, it was, and you know, she wanted her stuffing. And so it was, you know, you know, kind of just going by what somebody else was telling you. And so,
you know, you had to, you were kind of trying to please everybody. And at the same point in time, kind of panicked because. So Tina, that would be interesting. That probably would have been like pre like really internet of where you would just go look up. What does I know? How does she cook a turkey? Right. Exactly. And it was before it was like, Hey Siri, how long the person 18 pound turkey with stuffing, you know, that kind of thing. So, you know, you're reading the directions. And then again, you know, I'm trying to do her recipes and mimicking her recipes. And some of this was,
You know, I had always done my mom's recipes. So, you know, I was trying to please that side of the family and, and had probably I think a tot or two running around, you know, and I remember going to the grocery store on a Monday and it was like $570 at the grocery store. And I was like, stick her back to the panic and, and, and, you know, pulling recipes and stuff, because we always contributed.
But um she would do everything. And then I might make like a pumpkin ribbon cake or something. you know and And that's kind of the way I've kind of done my holidays too. So you know I like to plan the whole meal. And then my guests, I'll ask them to bring wine or a dessert or an appetizer, something that doesn't.
Um, like I don't want to interfere with the meal, but just allows me to get all my ducks in a row, um, from a planning perspective.

Janice's Holiday Hosting Wisdom

So you prefer, if you're going to host, you want people to bookend it. You do that. You do them. You literally do them meet the middle of it and you want your guests to bookend it. That's a good idea. Yeah. Yeah. I just, I find that way, you know, they're not competing with the, the, the dinner and then going, Oh, well, I don't know what side I'm going to make or.
You know, I mean, this way I have it all planned. And then the timing, because the timing for me, that's the synchronization on, like, let's you say, that's a huge part on Thursday morning is key. So for me, um you know, I like to know that I've got I can make stuff ah ahead of time. You know, sweet potatoes can be made ahead of time, the topping and be put on right before you reheat them in the in the oven or what have you. And so to me that that's the key is just being able to get my timing right, because I like to enjoy the holiday, too. you know what like For me, I'm wondering, what is what are tips for people to have a successful holiday that they host so it's not so overwhelming for them? Well, you know i I think you know the the best thing, and i and I've said this before, is you have a game plan. You have to be organized to host the holidays, whether it's having overnight guests
or company in from out of town or any of those things, you need to plan. And and I start fussing a couple of weeks before the holiday. you know I start rummaging in my head, start putting doodling on the paper, what am I going to do? And then I start to rummage through recipe books, things I've earmarked, maybe things I've been like, oh, maybe I'd like to try this. And sometimes I'm more tried and true. I kind of rely and sit back on my laurels and like,
The family recipes or something that someone, you know, special requests, you know, so, uh, from that perspective, I like to do that and then make sure I start getting everything out and organizing it. And then from there, you've got to make the list. I mean, you really, you know, whether it's a, if you're a spreadsheet girl, you know, making your list of all the ingredients you have and you need for the recipes, having the recipes out, having everything together.
And then, you know, again, organization. I mean, I i typically, I'm a Monday for Thanksgiving. I shop a grocery shop on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday is all prep. And then Thursday morning, it's just, you know, the last minute, you know, I usually make the stuffing ahead of time. I like it to gel. I like the flavors to mix with the sausage. i I do a sausage stuffing. So, you know, I like to make sure that everything has a chance to work together. And then I can get my timing situated.
And I even go all, I mean, the table set, all the silverware's been polished, all that stuff has been done in advance. So whatever you can do in advance as far ahead of time as possible, I think that's the key.
and having your list, checking them twice, you know, um and, you know, you'll find out if it's gone naughty or nice. um But that' that's the biggest thing, I think, planning. um in And again, um you know, sometimes I have a tendency to to sit back on the old tried and true recipes, but sometimes we will go out there and make something new. One year I had 15 here. um And ah everybody wanted to make something. So it was like, you know, everybody was kind of under my skin a little bit. And I'm like, okay. I'm like, okay, you do the appetizer, you are in charge of wine, and you are in charge of the dessert. And that worked really well. Nothing too big. Exactly. And then my sister ah wanted, she said, I saw this White Castle slider stuffing, we have to make it.
Yeah, I'm like, Oh, that was a thing. fact brother said That's a Midwestern thing like Tim, like yeah like that one year and I was like, What are you doing? But people lost it like who they made it for. It was good. I will say it was good. But I will say my mother-in-law stuffing did win in the end, but we tried something new. So and and and you know you and it's And it's you being so organized that helps you direct your staff. The most important thing is to organize, to plan, plan out in advance because you know if you don't plan, something's going to
sift through the cracks. Ultimately, you need to plan to enjoy too. you know you know Try not to make it as stressful of an event as it as it might be. so you know My other question I have for you is, so do you I heard you say that you have your in-laws recipes. so Do you try and bring both families recipes into your Thanksgiving?

Family Traditions in Holiday Meals

Yes. And I found a couple of things that I like along the way that I've modified, you know, some people, ah you know, really love green bean casserole at Thanksgiving, right? for an man my husband loves that and And I do too, but I kind of jazzed up the green bean casserole. I've added water chestnuts diced in there and then some cheddar cheese in there and it comes out really nice and it's, it's got some color and you still do some of the crispy onions on top and stuff, but um I do like that, like there are certain recipes. And you know, you talk about like maybe signature dishes, you know, from people. And and it was interesting because when I was talking to my son when he came home this weekend, he was saying, oh, well, you you got to make grandma stuffing, which, okay, tried and true, that we're no more making that. And he said, but you know, I go, you know, they asked me a question if I have signature dishes. And I said, I don't think I really have dishes. And Evan said, no, you have traditions.
So, so they've over the years learned that, you know, we've got some, some, maybe it's a ah dish, but it comes along with a tradition. Yeah. Kind of kind of cool. So that's nice. Absolutely. Yes. Have you ever had a meal that just went completely sideways and you're like, okay, where's the pizza?
Yeah, in fact, I was making what I would consider a signature dish. I was making asabuko and he's a very good cook. um And I had him over for dinner and I was having trouble with my oven keeping the temperature. And here I thought I had put the asabuko in at like 330 and was gonna plan to eat at seven and it's a one dish. I love it because it's a one dish kind of mesh and all you have to do is make the salad and bread and it's so it's easy.
And the oven didn't keep temperature at 325. So um I pulled open the oven, and the asabuka was raw. And and so down to my um down to my freezer, I found ravioli. So we had ravioli with the Italian sausage, the bread, and the salad. I'm sure it was delicious. It was good, but it wasn't quite what I planned. and Yeah, that's terrible, and that doesn't work so.
and And that's I guess the other thing is backup plan, you know, yeah, because I mean, there have been times I mean, I have served pasta one time and and want gone to put the large bowl on the table, and the pasta all slipped out over the edge and I have pasta all over and you're like,
i mean what do you do i mean yeah want do like it back and um theate the new way the italians are eating made it all on the table and
Yes. Can I you more wine? yeah Exactly. How about another glass? So what cocktail do you serve at Thanksgiving? I veer towards like a cranberry, um cranberry kind of mimosa, where you can put some cranberries in there. And you know, you can put a little basil leaf in there kind of a thing. So color, I try to do color. um And and just kind of do something, kind of something festive, you know, but most, most of the time when I have um a cocktail party or anybody over, I mean, I have a full bar and most people, you know, just kind of help themselves. But I did cut out some recipes and I'm going to try them and they're all skinny recipes.
for the holidays. So I'm anxious to look at some of them. One of them's eggnog and I like eggnog. So I'm curious about that. And if it's low calorie. Skinny eggnog? Skinny eggnog. Yes. But one, late lately lately I have been enjoying a prickly pear martini with a champagne kiss.
oh it's very It's not too sweet, vodka-based, and you can make a prickly pear margarita. Also very good. Just and i had one of those at your house this summer. I think you probably did. Especially if your sister was in town. Is that the afternoon that you all like lost your ring because you were cocktailing? No, that was another one. That was another event. numberend A situation. That was an afternoon in the pool gone awry.
and And then I woke up the next morning with my sister's Rolex on my watch, on my hand, and I had no idea. how five
She wasn't real happy about that, though, because she was thinking... You saved it from falling in the pool. I think that is a win. ah Right, exactly. So one other thing I wanted to ask you is, we have a lot of sleepover guests.

Ensuring Guest Comfort and Recap

What are some of the things that you do to have sleepover guests during the holidays?
Um, I'm a big attention to detail person. Um, I've been ah that kind of ah away all my life. Like I'll walk down my street in my neighborhood and I'll be like, did you know there's three new houses for sale? And my husband will be like, what, who, who cares?
And to me, um it's the little things that mean so much. you know I like to think about who's coming. My sister is coming tomorrow. And so you know I know she likes the prickly pear martini. So I've got the syrup already. I'm all set. So we're ready with that. I do put flowers in my guest rooms when they come. And I leave toiletry items in case they forgot. Q-tips and toothbrushes in case somebody forgets something.
Um, and I like to add candles and diffusers to their rooms. So everything smells good and fresh. And then, um, I'm a big, um, proponent of sheet spray. Um, I yeah know it's sounds silly, but I like to freshen their linens and their towels. And then, um, I don't wait, wait, wait. I don't know what sheet spray is. Is it like your freshener? It's, it's sheet spray. Basically you can spray it on linens and towels.
And, um, there's like, there's a great Italian linen scent, so it smells so fresh and like almost like clean cotton. So it's perfume. It's basically perfume for your bed. Yeah. It's nice because then when they get in their sheets are crisp and clean and they smell good. And I think it, I think it helps people fall asleep faster, you know, lavender and all that kind of stuff. So.
you know water water bottles on nightstands and you know a kitchen stocked with some coffee and and and beverages so I think that's that's always a way to make them feel comfortable. It sounds like an amazing host. ge I like to think so.
ah yeah yeah Well, Janice, the three fishes are so grateful that you came on and gave us so many great tips for the upcoming holiday season. And we appreciate your time and effort. And we love seeing your smiling face. We hope you come back thank you jane soon. Absolutely. Absolutely. see you Thank you, Janice. All right, guys.
All right, y'all. That was amazing to talk to Janice. She had some really good ideas. I like the idea about the list and even a spreadsheet. I'm not known if I'm a spreadsheet kind of a girl, but I do appreciate the list. I am.
I'm a list person. I'm all about the spreadsheet. I feel like you would be, but I like the idea of like kind of wrapping your head around itemizing it so you can figure it out. So everything is- And day by day too. And day by day, yes. And I think it's smart if you have the room to be able to set the table ahead of time.
I don't have that luxury, so I wouldn't be able to do that. But I do think that that's a good tip if you. I think what we will do include on the notes is this list. um And it starts like a couple of weeks right now before Thanksgiving. It's from Ambitious Kitchen. And it's just a good checklist of things to think about to get yourself ready, even if you don't use it as kind of a good blueprint for people. So we'll attach that in the show notes. So her Ambitious Kitchen. yep All right ladies, what's for dinner? Well one thing that we
didn't really talk to Janice about, but I am definitely gonna make is her lollipop lamb chops. So we'll put those lamb chops in the show notes. And we also will put her prickly pear martini recipe in the show notes. So thank you for those two tips. When I think of lollipop lamb chops, I think of how to lose a guy in 10 days when he's like, do you guys remember? When he's making the lamb chops, he's like perfectly pink.
That's totally what popped in my head. I don't know. right And then she goes crazy and starts crying and talking about lambs. And how could you possibly eat a lamb? Yeah. crazy Yeah, that's what I just thought. with a lot money um um These lamb chops are easy and delicious. So you guys are gonna love them. Well, we want to thank you for listening to our podcast and letting us sisters jump into your day. Please make sure to follow rate and review us. We really need you to follow us. So we would love to hear your feedback. Also, please share our podcast with your favorite little fishes so we can grow. Please have a wonderful weekend, sisters.