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The Fishes are battling the winter blues this week. They dig into the reasons behind Seasonal affective disorder and things you can try to mitigate its effects. They’re also identifying theri hobbies. Nancy wants to pick up her tennis racquet again and Kathy might actually open the sewing machine she’s had in her basement for twenty years.

The sisters also dish about the Netflix series Younger with Sutton Foster.  They've also started a book club. Their first selection is We Solve Murders by Richard Osman.  Pick it up and read along!


The Anti Social Century

The Benefits of Hobbies

What’s For Dinner:

Chicken Paprikash

We want to hear your comments and questions! Send an email to or leave a comment on our Instagram @3lfpod and be sure to follow us on our YouTube page


Rediscovering a Forgotten Gift

So besides golf, I decided that I'm thinking about trying a new hobby because my husband and I were in our basement and we're trying to clean it up and he found my sewing machine that my mom gave me like over 15 years ago that's still in the case.
And he's like, what are we doing with that? First of all, first of all, time out. There's so much to unpack here. Number one, I didn't even know that you had a sewing machine or that you wanted a sewing machine. And third part is, are you saying that you've had a sewing machine literally sitting in a box for 20 years? You've moved like three or four times before you've been in this house that you're currently in. did you Have you moved that sewing machine every time? I think that I was given it to it when we lived in Charlotte. So I think I had two children.
And I was thinking with mom about making a duvet cover. And she's like, and also, you know, like the Halloween costume. So yeah she gave me that sewing machine thinking that I would do it, but I never have had the time to do it. And I have no idea how to work it.

Meet the Hosts

yeah Welcome to Three Little Fishes, where three sisters who grew up in the Midwest together, but have since spread across the country. I live in Los Angeles. I'm in Nashville. And I live in Philadelphia. We are all married with children, have all had careers, but now we stay at home with our families.
Join us as we share secrets and stories about being women, wives, and mothers. We welcome you to laugh along, learn something new, reach out, and join our conversation. So let's jump in. What's up, fishes?

A Humorous Blouse Incident

What's up? So I am going to start today by sharing a crazy story that happened to me last week, or at least I find it to be a little crazy. I have a dog, Coco, who is a chocolate lab who just turned six and she's the sweetest thing ever. And I had just gotten people off last week of where they need to be. And I was so excited to drink a cup of coffee and check whatever I needed to check on my computer and go and sit down.
And I look up and Coco is scooting her bottom across my kitchen floor. Yeah. yeah disgusting. So I'm like, Oh, so I call the vet and I beg for an appointment because I know that this has happened before and it means her glands, her anal glands are full and they need to be drained. What? And when I call for an appointment, they're like, well, you know, she just turned six. So now the doctor wants to see her and then we can drain her glands. And lucky for you, we have an appointment first thing this morning and you can just bring her right in.
I'm like, fine. That's good. yeah Which is great. So I quickly run into my room, throw on a flannel shirt. You know, get Coco in the car. I get there in time for this appointment. We get in and they're like, Oh, Coco looks great. Her weight looks good. And for Coco, that's great. Cause she's a lab and she fluctuates in her weight and her teeth look good. She usually has plaque, but they're great this time. So she's getting this amazing bill of health.
And then we have this good conversation and they're like, okay, we'll go take care of her glands. And I do ask the question of, we haven't been in here for a glance for a while. Why is this a problem? And the vet's like, well, sometimes the dogs can do it and sometimes they can't. You just got a dog that can't always do it. And I'm like, lucky me.
So I finish up with the vet, get her back in the car. I sit in the driver's seat and I look down and my blouse

Fashion Mishaps and Celebrity Style

is completely unbuttoned all the way past my bra. And I literally am hanging out with my Lacey bra.
and for all the world to see. Nice. And no one said anything to you. No one said a word to me as my boobs are hanging out of my shirt. And the vet was, he was super nice, super like, hey, nice to see you. I'm sure he was. A free show. I come home when I told him this. Did you get a discount?
I did get a discount. So I come home and I tell Tim this, I'm mortified. I am mortified that my boobs have been out for the whole world to see. And he's like, well, Nancy, he starts laughing. He's like, hey, that's fine. He's just like, maybe that was a style choice. Is it a style choice? Are people running around town in their Lacey bras with their shirts open? Well, did you watch the inauguration yesterday? Because Jeff Bezos girlfriend was Yeah. I mean, that was definitely an interesting style choice. Yeah. She had this racy. Hoochie mama.
Nancy, I wouldn't say you're hoochie mama. I think that was it. Whoops. The good news is you had

TV Show Gossip: 'Younger' and Rumors

a cute bra. I mean, lucky for me. I mean, for whatever reason, I have to pick a good one. Because half the time you don't wear one. I know I don't. I find them, I find them uncomfortable. You're free. Let them be free.
That is true. That is true. So I think all of this is positive, but except you should have gotten a discount for the show. And everybody's learned more about me and my dressing that they probably ever wanted to hear.
Okay you guys, thinking about like boobs and like hanging out and like I'm too old to be showing my stuff at the vet. So Kathy, you were telling me about this show about Younger with Sutton Foster and Sutton Foster's been making the news because she and Hugh Jackman are now in a relationship after they've been on this play together and they were both married at the seat at the time.
And so they're both getting a divorce, and now Hugh Jackman and Sutton Foster are together. And I think that her show, Younger, is trending because of it. Because of this. Because of this scandal. I started watching this like a week ago, and I didn't know that she was in the news, but it kind of intrigued me because I like Hilary Duff.
And so I started watching the show and then I mentioned it to you. And then you told me about your hairdresser. She knows so she she just was telling me that Sutton Foster and Hugh Jackman really are. They are dating and she has good intel that um they were staying at a rental house with somebody that she knows. And they happen to be next to two teenage boys and they ran into Hugh Jackman and they like lost their minds because Wolverine was their neighbor.
for yeah you know many days. And she's like, it was hilarious to listen to his mom talk about her teenage boys go crazy over Wolverine. yeah I'm sure. The show itself is interesting, right? Like the premise is that she is you know getting a divorce. She's 40 and she can't get a job because she's been a stay at home mom. And she's competing with these 26 year olds.
Now, Sutton Foster, I didn't know really know who she was, and she's a pretty lady, but I am sorry. I mean, she does not look like she's in her 20s, and by any stretch. Like, she's lovely, but you have to, like, suspend your disbelief to think that this woman is, you know, in her 20s. It's kind of crazy to me. Yeah, I mean, I i think she's, in real life, maybe 49, gonna be 50.
and Hillary Duff is in her 30s. So yeah, well, well, this show is a I mean, this was 10 years, this is 10 years old, this show, like, it's not new. So she probably she was 40 when she did it. I don't think it's 10 years old, is it? But anyway, it's a cute show. I think, you know, what I'm finding sort of interesting about it is the generational gap, like, the talking the acronyms that 20-year-olds use. She was trying to figure out like what in real time is. And like yeah the parts of it make me laugh out loud. Parts of it are raunchy and like crazy. And she has to make money fast. And one of the 20-year-olds has all these side hustles. And she like teaches her how to do these side hustles. And one of the side hustles was like selling used underwear online.
I'm sorry. yeah I thought that was kind of nasty. $200 a panty. I mean, a fetish fetishes are real. And if you just have to give your underwear like i you're desperate. I don't know. Who am I to judge? I know I'm so out of touch. I enjoy just watching. I don't know. I like the men in this show for some reason. I'm kind of like I like both of them actually. i'm That Josh boy is cute. Yeah, he has nipple piercings. I noticed which I don't like. Oh, does he? Yes. Oh, no.
Yeah, anyway, if you all haven't seen younger, maybe you want to check it out. It clearly has got us talking. So I mean, there you go. It's cute. All right, you also today on the pod, we are going to talk about ah the winter blues.

Understanding the Winter Blues

hobbies, hobbies, hobbies, and book club. But before we get before we get into it, I just want to remind everybody to please continue to rate, review, leave comments, and invite three of your favorite fishes to jump in and join our conversation.
All right, y'all, let's jump in. Kathy, we've been talking a lot about the winter blues and you are like, I think you know people who struggle with the winter blues and it's a real thing. Like it's in the DSM, like it's a real diagnosis.
The winter blues is a real thing, also known as seasonal affective disorder. And it happens mostly in the winter months, like October through February is generally when it happens.
and I think common symptoms of it are just people like lose interest in doing things. They have no energy. They're sad most of the days. They withdraw from like activities. They sleep a lot. They're tired. They eat a lot of carbs.
um And some people even get suicidal. um It can be very serious. So you just kind of need to watch yourself and kind of say, hey, what's going on with me? um And they think like that this is caused by, just because there's less sunlight and it disrupts like our biological clock and we get a drop in serotonin. And serotonin is important because it helps regulate our mood so and sleep and all a lot of other bodily functions.
um so
you know, ah it also disrupts melatonin, which also affects sleep and mood. So there's a lot of things happening. And um this ah order also can happen in the summer, which I didn't realize that it it can happen to people in the summer. But I think for the majority of like where I live,
this happens to my friends that I know. so um And i I

Coping with Winter Blues

don't think I actually have it, but I don't like the winter. So when the days are shorter and you know the sun is not out, I do feel like it is depressing. it's more You're more lethargic in a way, right? Yeah. yeah yeah I mean, the clinical the clinical thing is one thing, but I do think of most a lot of people in the winter look forward to longer days and more sunshine and they plan trips and they, you know, look forward to something. Yeah, not winter. And yeah attracted him within your house, right, and being able to see the sun. But what I found really interesting and I forgotten is that it can happen in the summer, which I think is fascinating. I think it happens to me, like I live in the South now and i I get to the point in July or beginning of August where it's like, I don't want to leave my house because it's so hot and humid and like you walk outside and it's like this wall of heat hits you and you just get tired of sweating all the time. Like there's no reprieve, like you can't
And I hate to complain, because but we do have a pool, but the pool's hot in the summer. like It sits there heating getting heated by the sun, and it's not even refreshing. like I know that's a weird thing to complain about, but I feel like in the summer, I'm like, oh my gosh, please give me the fall. like I can't take the heat anymore.
which is yeah Which I think, Kathy, you might be the opposite. Like, I don't think you sweat. I think that like I got a gland that I sweat all the time. And you're like, I'm like, are you sweaty? It's so hot. And you're like, oh, I'm fine. I'm fine. Well, I don't know why. don't I mean, I do sweat occasionally. and And when I'm sweating, it's a problem. It's really hot. Yeah, I mean, it's it's really hot or I'm going to pass out. Yeah.
um But like this depression thing, I think for where we live in Pennsylvania, I mean, there are times that it gets dark at four o'clock in the afternoon. So it it does affect you. And I think the big thing that people need to know is who's at risk for it, because this kind of surprised me that people that have a family history of it are more likely to um suffer from this.
that people that already have depression or bipolar disorder are prone to get this and it's more common in women and one in 20 people in the north can have this, which I thought was that is a high rate. Yeah, it's a high rate. So um for the yeah clinical element of it, like, yeah, the yeah, clinical diagnosis. That's amazing. But people that live like, really north of the equator, like people in Canada and Greenland, they're even at more risks, because they have like, really long winter days. um But they say that
We really need vitamin D, which helps regulate serotonin. So you need to make sure because you're not getting enough sun maybe during the winter that you also need to you know up your vitamin D. so But they were talking about some treatments that we can do to help combat this. And I actually bought one of these because I thought, I'm going to try it out and see if it makes me happier.
And um one of the therapies that they suggest is called light therapy. And um I kind of looked at several different articles about the light therapy because there's a lot of different brands out there.
But these articles I was reading came from the Mayo Clinic. And they said that some people that really suffer from depression, they should probably talk to their health care provider before buying one to see if they recommend one. But I just did my own research and found one called The Happy Light. And I think I like the name, too. I thought it was a cool name. Yeah. Yeah.
But you have to have an exposure of 10,000 lux of light is like what is required. And I didn't know this because I don't really like to read directions, but
They don't recommend that you like, I was thinking, I'm gonna put this thing right in front of my face and stare at it, you know? But it's really powerful and you're not supposed to stare at it. It will make like give you probably a terrible headache. So you only use it like on the side view or put it in front of you, but don't stare at it. And you only do it for 20 to 30 minutes. And they recommend mostly in the morning.
Kivi, that's so funny. I have a vision of you like taking it out of the box, like plugging it in and just putting your face right up to it and being like nothing's happening. Nothing's happening except a headache. Yeah, no, it, it comes with like another, like lens to you have a low energy lens and a high energy energy lens. So you have to figure out what works for you. But I've used it so far. And I'm you know, I'll let you know. be I feel like You know, I need to keep using it more, um, to see, but so far it's not making me sad. So I think it's good. at beer um Yeah.

Social Connections and Happiness

But they, you know, though they do recommend other things like this is serious and some people may have to go on antidepressants. They recommend also people really get physical activity to help, you know,
increase your serotonin production to boost your mood. Kind of like what we're talking about. you You need to connect with people. It makes you happier. But if things are not going your way and you feel like you know doing more activity and things are not helping you or the light's not helping you, you need to seek help because you may need a counselor or something to get you on track. But I think you know for me,
the best thing for me to do in the winners, like I said, connect with people, makes me happy. So. Well, Kathy, did you see that article on the Atlantic that they are basically saying that, that there's research, that people have done research from University of Chicago, um USC of Riverside, that they're finding that people, that they did this one experiment in particular, I think at the University of Chicago, where they encourage people who take the train te interact with people as strangers, and then some didn't interact with strangers. And they found that the people that were that they were encouraged to interact with strangers were happier at the end of this experiment than not.
And they're finding that, you know, you can order all these things online, which are great. You don't necessarily have to go to the store. But what we're finding is, is that it kind of encourages people to be agoraphobic and to stay home and be by yourself. But these studies are showing that we are social human beings and we need the interaction and the people that are getting out there and being more interactive and just talking to strangers, shopping for groceries or, you know, going out to dinner and meeting somebody or going,
just being out and about for a walk and interacting with people that they're much happier than those that are staying isolated to themselves. Yeah, I think you have to try and get out there, see if you're friends, be connected, do stuff, be physical, go for a walk. Plan a Super Bowl party so you can see all your people at once. Yeah, have a party. That's what we do in the winter. We have parties.

Exploring New Hobbies

This seems like would be a good segue to talk about our next segment, which is hobbies, hobbies, hobbies. Because we started thinking about seasonal depression, it got us thinking about hobbies and y'all, this is, I didn't know that January is hobby month. I didn't even know that they existed. And then I started thinking about myself that I don't think I have a hobby. Like I don't think I have anything other than taking care of my people.
and maybe going on like walks or hikes and like seeing friends occasionally outside the house. But I don't have like, I don't cross stitch or I used to play tennis all the time and I don't do that. I mean, I bake and I cook and I eat. Is that a hobby? Is eating a hobby? Real question. Well, baking is a hobby, I think, for sure. I feel like Julia Child made a fortune eating and cooking. And so did Ina.
Like, so my question is, you girls, do you have a hobby and that can get you, and if your hobby is getting you out and about, that's good for your health, right? Yes. I think activities, they say, um, they're good for us because they make us happy, which then makes our mental health happy and physically when we're active is good for us. So I think it's good no matter what your hobby is. Yeah.
So I think anything could be a hobby, Nancy, I don't think it matters. I mean, I actually feel like I struggle with this too, because I get myself sort of like, busy at the house, I cook probably 80, 85% of our meals. And that's very time consuming. We have dogs, we have a cat, we have kind of a big house takes a lot of time and effort.
Um, I did start a sourdough starter this summer though, and I have been trying to figure that out. Although I fall off the wagon and like leave it sit in my refrigerator for a month at a time sometimes, but I am going to try and like branch out and like do bagels and you know. I'm intrigued by this. I want to get some of that. I'm happy to share it with you. It's really tasty and I actually gave some to a friend of mine and she did her very first loaf the other day and she was so proud of herself and it looked great.
So I am going to try, to but I also have all these ideas. Like I want to learn how to do graphic design on the computer. So I bought this like Canva that my kids use all the time, but there's so much better at it than me. Like I did a program for the hockey team, but it took me forever. Like, I don't know what's wrong with me. I just can't seem to get like clued into all the new technology.
And you know, I think did you enjoy it? Like, did you enjoy putting that together? I feel like that's the key. Like, if you enjoyed it, then that's worth it. But if you didn't enjoy it, then it's like, maybe that's not your thing.
I did enjoy it, but I also would say I feel like I'm not that creative anymore. Like I used to be kind of creative, but I didn't feed it for so long. So now I feel like I'm not creative anymore, which is a drag. So I don't know, Nancy, I feel, I kind of feel the same way. I don't know that I have any really like hobbies. I read every once in a while. I work out, I cook a lot, but I mean, is that a hobby? I don't know.
I actually think working out can be a hobby. You both are very, very good about working out. I'm not as consistent about that as you guys are. I think I i and move, but I don't think I'm consistent. And Kathy, you're obsessive almost with golf. Yes, golf is a hobby for you for sure. Yeah, like golf I do enjoy golf. I think I started playing. Like when I was younger, I was kind of resistant to our mom and dad wanting to play golf for some reason. I don't know what my problem was.
Yeah, because you don't like to be bossed around. Yeah, because they told us to do it. They told us to do it. That's why. Yeah, and you don't like to be bossed. I started playing was when I was in college, I guess. And then when I met Peter, he was really into golf. And I guess that's when I started playing more. And then I actually took lessons. Yeah. um And then I was like, oh, this is fun. And then I really got like the bug because I really, and I am a nature person, so I like being outside. So I think that's what gets me. It's cute outfits, which you like. yeah Yeah, you have to look good. You do. When you're golfing. Because yeah it's all about the fit. If you have bad shots. That's right. If you look good, who cares? Yeah. Look good, feel good. But now my kids play golf, which is fun. Yeah. And then during COVID, we played a ton of golf. And so
i think i even liked it more because we were doing it as a family together yeah Now they're all better than me, which kind of stinks, but I'm happy for them. But now I'm even more motivated because I want to get better. I mean, you guys are a competitive lot. I mean, I play golf a little bit, but I feel like I'm still learning. Like some days I'm doing great and other days I'm not because I don't play it enough, probably. boys golf But like when I play with your boys, they're like, oh, like to each other, they're like, oh, you, you know, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, I am not good enough to handle this heat.
Like I cannot do it. I don't think they'd be mean to Auntie Nancy, but. But I think that I'm going to try. I used to play tennis. So I think what I'm trying to give myself a goal is I'm going to try to find a tennis.
league or try to find a way to kind of get back in it to just do something for myself. I'm going to give myself, and if that's what I'm going to try to do over the next couple months is try to find a place to like pick up a racket. I think that sounds fabulous. So besides golf, I decided that I'm thinking about trying a new hobby because my husband and I were in our basement and we're trying to clean it up and he found my sewing machine that my mom gave me like over 15 years ago that's still in the case.
And he's like, what are we doing with that? First of all, first of all, time out. There's so much to unpack here. Number one, I didn't even know that you had a sewing machine or that you wanted a sewing machine. Then the third part is, are you saying that you've had a sewing machine literally sitting in a box for 20 years? You've moved like three or four times before you've been in this house that you're currently in. did you Have you moved that sewing machine every time? I think that I was given it to it when we lived in Charlotte. So I think I had two children.
And I was thinking with mom about making a duvet cover. And she's like, and also, you know, like the Halloween costume. So yeah she gave me that sewing machine thinking that I would do it, but I never have had the time to do it. And I have no idea how to work it. So it's just sadly stayed there. And then I realized I need to do something with that thing. So are you going to take a sewing class or something? Well, my friend knows how to sew.
So she said that she would help me get started. And then I talked to mom about this and she sent me like a article. It's like a starter thing that explains how to make a pillow. Sewing for dummies. i hardly ba like With my friend and mom zooming, calling me, maybe I could figure it out. So there are YouTubes, you know, I have a sewing machine and I used to sew ballet costumes and I can hand sew better than I can sewing machine sew.
I couldn't make a shirt or anything like that. But if you need help, let me know. Yeah. But I think what you would love about the sewing machine is like my sewing machine has this embroidery feature where you can monogram things. See, that would be cool. I don't know if mine would have that. I think you would love that.
You know, Kathy Monogrammy is so in right now because preppy is in. Preppy is a thing. And what Johanna was invited to a preppy party. So I feel like this is right up your alley. So what is she going to wear to this party? The preppy party is all about pink, bows. Blue, pink and green, plaid. Yes. Yes. I used to be into clothes.
Remember yeah my bow period in college?
Kiffy used to have the biggest bows. They were as big as her head. I mean, those are back. Like, that Johanna for shehanna has a headband that the bow basically sits, is huge. It takes up her whole head. And mom and dad saw it, and they were like, dad's like, that's not a good bow.
And Johanna was like later was like, why did he not like it? It's a bow. Right. What's wrong with it? Like she was like, honestly, we've talked about it many times. And every time she puts it on, she's like, Papa does not like this. I haven't seen that on Johanna. I'm going to have it either. zoom right now Right now, she's changed that bow headband into claw clip. She's obsessed with her claw clips right now. So those are on the rotation. Yeah.
Well, good luck, Kath. Let me know if you need help with your sewing era. Thanks, girls. So harold can I ask you one question? Have you brought it up out of your basement yet? Is it seeing the light of day yet? Or you're just thinking about it seeing the light of day? I actually am thinking I might get it today. I just thought about this this morning because I'm going to put it in my bedroom. We have like a little little sitting area. Yeah. And I have a desk there that yeah I thought it would be a makeup desk that I never sit at. so Yeah.
I think it's, I have a spot for it. Yeah. I love that for you.

Join the Book Club?

All right. Well, I feel like you're well on your way for a hobby and I am not quite there except with eating and maybe playing tennis. So you need to buy out a tennis skirt. Is that, will that help me if I get my fit set? I think you need to get your outfit ready. All right. Y'all let us know what your hobbies are or What you're interested in doing, we would love to hear some ideas to help us get a little bit out there and motivated to try new things. All right, you guys. So speaking of hobbies that puts us into book club. And we thought about book club because reading can be a hobby.
And since we're all across the country, we thought this would be something we could do together. yeah So we decided to pick a book that all three of us would read. And we wanted to invite you all in to join us, to read with us. And then next month, we'll come together and discuss the book. So Cathy, I think you picked this book. Which book did you pick? We picked We Solve Murders by Richard Asmond.
So you can, yeah, you can get it on Amazon. You can get it hard copy, soft copy. I actually listened to it on Audible. So if you're in your car, going back and forth to work, after you listen to your pod favorite podcast, Three Little Fishes, you could listen to We Solve Murders.
I love audibles, but it's perfect for me with the dyslexic brain. And I, it entertains me when I'm on the go so much. Yeah. And I think we'll, we'll, we'll discuss it next month on the 18th. Okay. So okay yeah get your audible or get your book and, um, that jump on and jump in a book club with us. Yeah.
What's for dinner?

Sharing Family Recipes

I honestly don't know what we're going to have for dinner tonight. We have a hockey game. We're going to be out and about. So I do have some leftover pot roast nachos we might make, or we might go out. I think we're having quesadillas tonight. Yeah. And soup. I love that. Because it's like really cold. It's snowed. It's really, like yeah. It's super easy, and it takes no time. I love that you don't even have to prep for it. Everybody's happy.
So we're doing chicken paprikosh. Am I saying that right? I can't say it. Paprikosh. Chicken paprikosh. Say it again. Paprikosh. Yes. Like paprika, paprikosh, Nancy, like paprika, paprikosh. Chicken paprikosh. Okay. I have a hard time saying it, but this was Tim's grandma's, one of her favorite recipes and her birthday.
was in January and her last birthday, she was here with us. That was what she wanted for her birthday dinner. So since she's passed, I try to make it ah in January around her birthday to kind of give a nod to her. So we're going to have that for dinner tonight. And I will post that in the show notes.
Love that. Sounds

Episode Closure

good. Well, we want to thank you for listening to season two of our podcast and letting us sisters jump into your day. Please make sure to follow, rate and review us and jump into our new book club. Happy reading and have a great weekend. Sisters out.