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The sisters share secrets and stories about Valentines Day, Galentines Day, and their must-see rom coms

They also invite their husbands on for a round of the Not So Newlywed Game.  Do the fishes know their husbands?

What's for dinner


Teenage Romance Dilemmas

My teenage son said maybe he's going to get candy for this young lady that, you know, he kind of likes. Oh! It's sweet that, you know, the boys still do that traditional stuff that we've all experienced over the years. I actually got a little bit of info from my son. Oh! He does have a girlfriend. I said, are you getting her something? He's like, I already did, Mom. Is it a plate? No, it's not a plate, but. There were a little ring with a little tip of a diamond on it. I would love to tell that story on air, but you told me you didn't murder me. First of all, the plate was for Christmas, so.

Podcast Introduction

Welcome to Three Little Fishes. We're three sisters who grew up in the Midwest together, but have since spread across the country. I live in Los Angeles. I'm in Nashville. And I live in Philadelphia. We are all married with children, have all had careers, but now we stay at home with our families.
Join us as we share secrets and stories about being women, wives, and mothers. We welcome you to laugh along, learn something new, reach out, and join our conversation.

Eagles Super Bowl Victory

So let's jump in.
What's up, bitches? Kathy, are you in the best mood ever? I am in a good mood, I have to say. Sunday it was awesome. The Eagles won the Super Bowl. Yes. It was just a great game. And I was just happy for them.
I couldn't believe the score. I could not believe that game. I never in a million years thought it would be a blowout on the Eagles side. like Everybody was saying it was going to be a tight game, yeah or the Chiefs were going to blow out the Eagles. But then it happened on the other way. And then at the beginning of the game, there was like that questionable call that went the Chiefs way. And I was like,
Here we go. But the ego's like slam-bam. Thank you, ma'am. They were amazing. I think that they play one of their best games and they have a lot of talent on that team. So I was happy and my kids are super happy. Everybody are in the community that I've talked with is just over the moon so they were hoping the only downside is my kids were hoping that they're gonna do a parade for the eagles they're hoping it was going to be on Thursday so they would miss school but the parade actually it's going to be on Friday and there they already have off so
No school day for them. like there They yeah have to go to school all week till Friday. I think that I assume that they were going to get Monday off, because I feel like the last time the Eagles won, your school called off. yeah So I think I'm surprised to hear that they had to go on Monday. Well, it's interesting, because I actually had to work on Monday. And you would have thought there was no school, because there was there were no kids.
like The seniors had a skip day. So none of the seniors came to school. And then I think a lot of the other families just ended up letting their kids sleep in. And then they people start trickling in later in the day. But literally, it was a ghost town in the morning. yeah Like on the roads and on the road to school, I was like, those winds what is happening here today?
And I think you have something else to be happy about.

Winning Streaks and Luck

Do you feel like your wallet is a little heavier? Oh, yeah. Oh, I'm glad you brought that up. So we want some money in our the Square Game that the Wills box put on.
Not only did our son win one, but then Peter won the last quarter. So yeah, we two, we won twice. It was awesome. Like it was so fun. Yeah. love it Such a fun night. Well, congratulations. Maybe, maybe lady luck is turning your way. I hope so. That would be nice. All right, y'all.
I keep saying that, Tim. I'll write you all. You'll have to cut that out. I don't know why I keep doing that. I like it. Our Southern Belle.
um Please continue to like, rate, comment, and subscribe. And please ask your favorite fishes to jump into our conversation.

Valentine's Day Traditions

Today, we're going to share secrets and stories about Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day history and stats.
Galentine's Day, rom coms, not so newlywed games, and what's for dinner. So let's jump in. Okay, love is in the air. Valentine's Day is here. So we did like a little research and there isn't really a hard and fast like history of Valentine's Day other than it is steeped, it's very old from like the 14th century there was a Valentine guy, um monk I think, who um either kept doing marriages when they were forbidden because they were at war and they thought that single men were better warriors than married men and this guy kept marrying people. I think he was a priest, was he?
Yeah, or it was somebody who helped people who were getting beaten by like their jailers, they were like in jail but unjustly or whatever. And then they he would write notes, and then he would sign it your Valentine. So um just from their Chaucer wrote a poem about Valentine and, you know, love,
And I do think like, just historically, everybody's sort of fascinated by love. um And then Hallmark started doing Valentine postcards in 1910. And then they started doing greeting cards in 1912. So, um you know, I think at the end of the day, Valentine's Day is a day to acknowledge whoever loves you and whoever you love, you know, I think sometimes we get caught up in like the candy and the flowers and the little candied hearts and yeah everything, but whether you're in a romantic love relationship or you have friendships or family or your pet, like it doesn't matter. care Take it to the same person you will love to whoever or whatever is around you and enjoy it. yeah So,
um I mean, I think Kathy, you have a couple little nuggets, don't you?

Valentine's Day Fun Facts

Well, I was just kind of looking up some Valentine's facts and I was kind of surprised because I actually thought flowers were like the most popular, but they're not. It's candy. Yeah. It's the most popular gift. Um, we, like in the United States, we don't really get grow our own roses because it's too cold. So we get a lot of our roses from like Ecuador, Kenya and Columbia.
Really? Yeah. I didn't know that. And then the other thing that surprised me was people do spend a lot of money. I mean, I don't think I spend this much, but they spend like about $200. Oh, I mean. Yeah. Do you guys spend that much? No. No. But once my kids were little, I would do like a little bag with candy and maybe a stuffy and like. Yeah. And my cheap. I don't know. Here's $5.
Right, you know the only the only time I ever did it big so for my kids and and now I just give like a little chocolate and a card something very little but when Tim and I first dated It was our first Valentine's Day and I was all about it. And I surprised him with a pair of Birkenstocks. And it's the only time I think in our whole relationship where I legit surprised him with something. And I actually spent a little money on something. But that was a fun gift to give, but that was like a one-off. That's something I always do. Did he just love that? Did he love that? He did. And to this day, I've never been able to surprise him.
again, like I really caught him off guard and he loved it. Well, it's hard when you live in the same house with somebody to surprise. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Well, there was one other thing I thought was cool. So you know, the name lovebirds.
It's actually a real bird. And it's a parrot. And I probably am not pronouncing this correctly is agapornis. They have like the rosy cheeks, right? like They can be like multi-colored and they mate for life. So they're they're truly like a couple. So I thought that was sweet sweet yeah and it's sweet. So I do have another fun fact to share with you guys and it's actually a secret. I mean, I did not know this and I was kind of
blown away by this because we all know the little sweetheart candies that have the little sayings on them like love you you're awesome be mine that actually was started by a boston pharmacist he was inventing a machine to make medical throat lozenges and that's how the sweetheart candies came about And that was in 1847. And then in 1866, his brother then started printing the sayings on those little candies. So they like started their own company. And then it was sold to a different company. That's the New England confectionary, Neko.
And then that company was eventually sold. And to this day, it's I think the Spangler company, but they make like dumb, dumb lollipops. They make candy canes, but they still make the sweetheart candies, which we all know and love. In 2022, they started putting encouraging words on the sweethearts. So like, way to go or like, keep your chin up, high five, like stuff like that. So I love those.
Yeah, look good. Those conversation hearts are kind of like a yummy little tree. Yeah, I think it's kind of cute to see like what are you gonna what's saying are you gonna get and you can actually do personalized ones now so you can put your own spin on whatever you want. and But I thought that was a cool secret like that. I mean, um would anyone ever suspect that that's where that came from? No, have no idea. That's no. Yeah, that is fun. Yeah. All right.

Galentine's Day Celebration Plans

Let's move into Galentine's Day and Ron Com's. And I kind of have been inspired by our talk this week. And I actually have invited some girls over for a girls night, Thursday night.
for a little Galentine's day. Oh, that's cool. What are you gonna watch? So I don't know if we're gonna watch anything, but I definitely am gonna have people over for appetizers. I think I might make some sweet treats. And it's just a nice excuse to like get together with some girlfriends and, you know, appreciate each other. I like it. That's awesome.
I just did that last night and my husband was in the other room. And after everyone left, he was like, that sounds like ah you guys had a really good time. And I'm like, it was. It was just great to just, you know, spend time with a group of ladies that, you know, you enjoy being around. I'm going to go to a dinner on Thursday to celebrate one of my friend's birthdays, which is around hu Valentine's Day. We're having our own little Galentine's birthday dinner.
I um have kids that are in college. And so this year, instead of doing my tradition a little plushy and stuff like that, I think I'm just gonna put like a little bit of money in their account and tell them I love them. My teenage son said, maybe he's gonna get candy for this young lady that you know he kind of likes. Oh, it's sweet that the boys,
still do that traditional stuff that we've all experienced over the years. and I actually got a little bit of info this morning myself from my son. o He does have a girlfriend. I said, are you getting her something? He's like, I already did mom.
Is it a plate? No, it's not a plate, but- There were a little ring with a little tip of a diamond on it. I would love to tell that story on air, but you told me you didn't order me. No, first of all, the plate was for Christmas, so. Okay.
But anyway, he already bought something for her. I asked Riley if he needed to think about anything for somebody else, and he goes, no. I also was thinking about like pet valentines cause we have a dog and I was like, should I get her something? But she's been naughty lately. So I'm like, no, you're not getting anything. No bone for you. So you all, do you have a rom com that you love to watch this time of year?

Favorite Romantic Comedies

I have a guilty pleasure one that I love. And do you guys remember this one, the notebook? You know, that actually was on the other night and I watched it for a couple. That is like drama, drama, drama. It's kind of intense.
yeah It's a love story though. yeah it's so it's I love a of it. But what's your must have? like ah We watch a lot of movies. I like a lot of the older movies like His Girl Friday or um You've Got Mail or you know any of those. McClintock even is kind of funny to me. But recently one thing that I really do enjoy watching and it's more current is um Crazy Rich Asians.
I love the music. I love that guy. He's so cute. It's just like adorable and fun. So that's something I can watch over and over. That mom is kind of mean though. I can't handle it. The mom's mean, but she comes around.
She does come out. She does, but I don't know how much she's going to really come around. I know. She better. That's all I can say. But I like that movie. I think it's cute. Yeah. Kathy, do you have one? Well, my favorite one is How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, because I love Kate Hudson. And I love that Catherine Hahn, who's like her friend. Oh, yeah, literally. And then she becomes the therapist. So funny.
It is. The love stern is hilarious. Twisted. I know that little dog dressed up in Burberry. That is so funny. He pees on like, yeah, that's so. You think, down the felt on the table. On the team the pool table. Did you think it's grass? He thinks it's grass.
Oh my goodness. Okay, so there are some good ones guys. So hopefully you can curl up on the couch with a friend or just yourself and um enjoy a little rom-com.

'Not So Newlywed' Game with Husbands

All right, let's move into the not so newlywed game. So today we have a fun twist on our normal show. We're doing a little riff on the old Hollywood game, um the newlywed game, the not so newlywed game, and we invited our husbands respectively. So my husband, Rich, will we be here, um and then Kathy's husband, Peter, and Nancy's husband, Tim. Rich and I have been married, what, 22 years. Kathy and Peter are celebrating 25 years. twenty five And Nancy and Tim are celebrating 17. So let's see if we can get our answers right. yeah That's a really good game.
Hey fishes, we're gonna play the not so newlywed game. Do you remember Peter? And here we go. If Kathy was given a thousand dollars, what is the first thing she would buy?
Peter says clothes. I said a new travel bag. You got that wrong. Okay, if you two could travel anywhere in the world, where would Kathy pick? Hmm.
I said Bali. I said Barbados. We're not doing well. We got the bees out, we're close. We're both bees. Okay.
Have you been to either of those places? I've been to Bali. Well, we're supposed to go to the Barbados for our honeymoon, but they got hit by a hurricane, so we had to... Pivot. Pivot, yeah. All right. You all are on a road trip together and you stop for gas. What does Peter get at the gas station for a snack?
I say Twizzlers. I say Bugles. Oh gosh, we don't know each other at all. You wouldn't eat a Twizzler? Twizzlers is if I was getting candy, but if I was getting like a food snack, it's a Bugles. All right. What is Kathy's favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
Eggs Benedict. Yes! Woo! Is it a classic Eggs Benedict? She gets the classic Eggs Benedict. She likes it straight. What is Peter's favorite animated Disney movie?
Well, this will be interesting because I'm not a huge Disney movie fan. Gently now, with the kids being older, I don't spend a lot of time focused on Disney stuff, but it was a couple of cool ones. This is my guess. My guess, my guess. Ready? Cars. Cars. Yes!
A close second would be 101 Dalmatians. So now I'm going to get a little personal. Buckle in. Here we go. here's it Where was your all's first kiss?
Like the state? I would assume you would have to be in the same state for that. Yep, Kathy.
you right What What did you say? I said in Pensacola, Florida after our movie date. are for Well, I said Perdido Qui, which is the same. All right. Do you guys want to elaborate on that at all? Well, she showed up late. I went to my squadron mates party because she was going to be there because a bunch of her friends from the dental clinic were going. And so I went just to essentially see her and she didn't show up for an hour and I was getting ready to leave. And she was strolling in late when I was getting ready to walk out. So we meant to be a little bit set up set a second date. Oh, that's sweet. All right.
Well, this kind of at my next question is, do you all remember what's the last movie you watched together? We know your movie, people. What was the last one you all watched together? You should know this. Well, no. This last night. Yeah, we watched a terrible movie last night.
It's a movie because we were trying to think about Valentine's Day and romantic comedies and all these different kinds of movies. Just write it down Peter. And so we were lying there watching it and it's with Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon and it's called You're cordially invited. And it's not a surprise I hadn't heard about it before on the TV because the movie was not good. In fact, we still maybe have 20 minutes left to finish and it's a struggle to try to get through it. Kathy has more blank than anyone I know. Did I have a lot of? More than anybody else.
Like things? Anything.
Sweaters. Generosity. Oh, oh um that was a really, that was very sweet, Peter. Rich, if you two could travel anywhere in the world, where would Lynn choose?

Dream Travel Destinations with Partners

Have you all been to Paris together? We have. We have. And we had an incredible time. We had fun. Yeah. We had the kids. we But it was an amazing time. Yeah. So would you want to do the next one, kids or no kids? I could go either way because the kids were young at the time. And now theyre they'd appreciate it even more now when we went to Scotland. We had a really good time. So i I'd do either one. They they both would be fun for different reasons. so hi and we And the kids can all drink with us now. So, yeah you know, it's kind of fun. Yeah.
Yeah. Our kids are fun. I mean, it's always fun to just do ourselves, but the family thing is fun too, especially somewhere at that age where we don't spend a ton of time with them anymore. Yeah. We would do both either. Yeah. Paris is always a good idea. Whoever you're going with. All right. Next question. You're on a road trip together. What snack does your husband buy from the gas station?
Charles and two Best thing knew best candy bar ever underrated love You know, I never heard of a Charleston shoe until you came into the family and I was like, what is this Charleston shoe and every time I see one which is not that often I do think of you they actually are hard to find and Strangely, they are at gas stations when you stop to fuel up across the country. They're not that hard to find. All right, guys, next question. What's Linda's favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
Cinnamon rolls, but I spelled it wrong. Yogurt parfait. So you're actually right. That, if I'm not trying to be healthy, a cinnamon roll is my favorite. I was gonna say, you gotta tell me whether this is a healthy day or a non-healthy day. But traditionally, my favorite is a yogurt parfait. Like an everyday thing I eat, I love. But if I'm having a special breakfast, you are right, a cinnamon roll.
special breakfast Yeah. I call that Wednesday. I know. Don't you wish you could eat cinnamon rolls every single day and not worry about it? I do. It's like I love a sweet breakfast, but I'm trying to cut down on sugar as I age, and so I'm a yogurt parfait with fruit girl. Okay. What would Rich say your best quality is?
You mean like personality or I don't know.
out hair Smile and hair were the two, I couldn't decide. ah Thank you. Yeah, you're beautiful. Aw, thanks honey. All right y'all, I'm gonna get a little personal. Where was your all's first kiss?
if we can answer this one I love.
My apartment. Lynn's apartment. All right. Do you want to any story behind that or you're just going to leave it at that? Oh, my story. Did you just elbow me under the camera?
No story. All right. Who would survive a zombie apocalypse out of the two of

Zombie Apocalypse Survival Debate

you? So somebody has to survive. And somebody's not going to survive. The longest. Well, if it's a zombie apocalypse movie about us, you know, you always see the woman always dies. The mom always dies. But if it's just reality just between you and I, gosh, I don't know.
Me. I'd be fighting off the bad guys. And I'd get myself killed. Thank you. Lynn has more blank than anyone I know.
Shoes. Emotional strength. Oh, that was deep. Thank you. Lynn, if you could use one word to describe Rich, what word would it be?
we first met, and he can't let it go, but he is fun. We were, where we met playing football. So that's, that's why she's, you know, that's where that comes from. Not anything else. We were playing, you know, two and touches and she was on my team and she couldn't understand why I kept trying to tackle her. I liked her. If the two of you could travel anywhere in the world together, where would your partner pick?
when it's Paris and Paris. Very good. You're on Road Trip together. Nancy, what snack does Tim buy from the gas station?
I don't really know either. to be yeah I'd say peanut M&M. Oh, I say chips. Oh, right. Can we say would you like some chocolate? Yeah. Whoops. Some type. Yeah. Nancy, what is Tim's favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Oh, she definitely knows this.
I hope I know.
pancakes. I said corned beef hat. Oh, you're right, corned beef hat. She never makes it for me, so that's why she didn't write it down. Definitely corned beef hat. You're right. Exactly. I knew that that was the answer. Nancy, what would you say is Tim's best quality?
We're not gonna get this one right. I I like how he thinks, so how thoughtful he is. Oh, I said my sparkling personality. That too. i That too. But I i like how he thinks. Yeah, you know what? I should have got that. She says that all the time. I like how your brain works. I do, I do like it. So I should have got that one. Yeah. All right, Tim, we'll give you another one here. So where when and where was your first kiss with Nancy? I know this, too. I think I do, too. I mean, you guys were involved. Yes, that exactly. We know.
When you stranded us in Broad Ripple. I said in the downtown apartment. Yeah. It was both of your apartments at that time. So because that was a really good kiss to this day. That was like one of like, I still remember it. It was super good. okay You better. good Whoa. whoa who Okay. What was the last movie the two of you watched?
Oh, shoot. like Does it have to be at the whole movie or one that we started and fell asleep to? Yeah, this is the last one together. What's a call, though? I don't know what we want. No, I don't.
Is that right? I know Bob Dylan. You can't ask him, Nancy. I already wrote it down. And we're going to get this one wrong. We're going to get it wrong. Like, I don't think it's right. I said the unknown. The complete unknown. You mean the Bob Dylan movie. The Bob Dylan movie. Kind of Pregnant. It's the one that I love. Oh, yes. We just moved.
Have you guys seen them we have that that's Netflix? Yeah, um I was not. I was like, this is going to be awful. And I laughed out loud multiple times. um I don't think we watched the whole thing because I think we both fell asleep. um But it was it was there. There's this particular yoga scene with a bunch of pregnant ladies that is laugh out loud.
so All right, we'll have to give it a look. All right, Tim, this is what question is for you. Nancy has more blank than anyone I know. Oh, boy. I think I know. Don't say drama. I know.
I'll cross it out now. I was going to say that. I don't know. Guys, I'm lame. I don't know. I don't know. Nancy has never made the same recipe for chili twice.
Just more chili recipes than anyone I've ever met. It's a surprise every time. but That's true. That game was a ton of fun. Thanks to the husbands for playing along. I can't believe I got corned beef hash wrong. Aye, aye, aye.
All right, let's

Dinner Menu Suggestion and Farewell

move along. What's for dinner? I posted in our show notes sort of a small little menu for a special meal at home. It's a Caesar salad, a filet, and a baked potato. So give it a try for where all the special people in your life. Nice. Very easy and delicious. We want to thank you for listening to our podcast and letting us sisters jump into your day.
Please make sure to follow, rate, and review us. We hope we're wishing all couples, singles, friends, pets a happy Valentine's Day. Just let your love in that day, okay? Sisters, out.