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Happy New Year Fishes! image

Happy New Year Fishes!

Three Lil Fishes
45 Plays2 months ago

Just a quick episode today to pop in and say Happy New Year before we take a few week off.  We'll give you some tip to help you goal-set for 2025 and tell you about a holiday you might not have heard of, share a drink recipe and a holiday jingle for 2024.

Look for our next episode in mid-January.

Ginger Cranberry Drink

Women’s Christmas,and%20handle%20all%20the%20chores.


Holiday Break Announcement

going to be a little different. The three little fishes are going to take a few weeks off and then come back in the middle of January. So we're going to have a shorter episode today before we take a little time off.
and recharge the batteries. So we hope all of you had a great holiday and ah hopefully you're not all worn

Women's Christmas Tradition

out. We found an interesting article that talks about traditions in Ireland that we wanted to share with you all. It's called Women's Christmas and it happens on January 6th. It's called, it has like this weird long name. It's called Null A na man. And Gaelic. It means women's Christmas and what it is essentially is they celebrate the women who have worked so hard during the holiday season and the women get together with each other and it's like a day of rest and sometimes it's a day of partying
sometimes they go to pubs, go to restaurants, they just like celebrate with each other that they got through the holidays together. And the men, I guess, in traditions past have stayed home with the kids and um let the women have a break. And they still celebrate that now. And It also happens to coincide with the Feast of Epiphany, which is a Christian tradition which celebrates the manifestation of the Son of God on earth and marks the end of the 12 days of Christmas. So they all have this
big party on the 6th of January, which I think is pretty cool. I love this idea.

De-Christmasing and Traditions

I mean, this is such a spectacular concept to, you know, you're done with Christmas, you're done with like all of the things, you're taking your Christmas down, and then you're taking a deep breath. And you're like celebrating the gift of the Magi, they're coming, they're celebrating Christ.
and you're celebrating each other and you're taking a deep breath and it's just such a great idea. I love this. I'm totally on board. I'm going to have all my girlfriends over or we're going to go out and we're going to make it easy and we're going to like drink margaritas on this January 6th and have a great time. I love this idea. That's such a good idea. I think that they also like de-Christmas at that time and take down all the decorations. And I think if you were to do it earlier, it was supposed to be bad luck. Yeah. Oh, January 6th. This is the day to take down Christmas. I traditionally do it like right after Christmas before New Year's. So I start the New Year fresh, but I actually love this idea. January 6th, like
you know, or even January 5th, and then the 6th is really a day of rest. I love this idea. I know. I know. Taking down all the decorations is so depressing to me. It's like... And it's a lot of work. It is more work than you think it should be, but it is work. um I love this idea. So, Women's Christmas. Let's all get on board and do it. I love it. Yeah. Let's do it. All right, Fishes, I have a question for you.

Setting Resolutions for the New Year

Resolutions or no?
What are our feelings? I always have resolutions, and I always ask my children to have a resolution, at least one. Because I think it is important to have something to strive for. um And I think at times I have met my resolutions, but other times I've not.
and i don't I don't know what the hang up is with me. Like sometimes I'm better than not, but I think Linda, you were talking about maybe there's a way you can be better at it. Yeah, so I agree, Kath. I try to make resolutions at the beginning of the year, but I don't always follow through.

Goal Setting and Community Engagement

And I was reading about Sarah Blakely. She is the founder and CEO of Spanx.
Yeah, and she is a huge proponent of writing down her goals and she Her who um reason she does this is she read this this study from Harvard who um interviewed graduates from 1973. And they asked, like do you all have goals? And 100% of them said they had goals. But only 5% of them wrote them down. And then in 1993, they revisited these graduates. And the 5% that wrote their goals down
were 100% more financially successful than the rest of the class that did not write down their goals. Wow. Wow. Yeah. I mean, it is a huge percentage. And she said, you know I always write down my goals, so I have accountability for myself. And so I think this year, I am going to try and write down my goals so that maybe I can actually achieve them. like It's not that don't feel like I don't do stuff right. But I think if you're mindful about it, that mindful word, um and you really give yourself accountability, it probably does come to fruition better. And I think, you know, the three fishes have really talked about this last year has been so amazing to have our listeners
like tune in and like engage with us. And I think we, as the three of us have really talked about like what we want to achieve in 2025 and we're going to write them down. And hopefully that writing down our goals will help us, you know, grow our business and help us connect with people more. Cause that's what it's all about is connection.
We want people to not feel alone. We want to engage with people. We want to feel like we want everyone to feel like you're never alone. We're with you step in step. And you know, community is so important. So I think we have kind of talked about writing down our own goals and maybe we'll be like Susan Blakely and we'll achieve our goals. We don't know. Yeah.
I think writing down is important. Yeah. Well, it's kind of in step with like, I know somebody who really believes in a vision board. Like she does a vision board every year. I know people, too, that do that. Yeah. And and I think it's ah it's the same lines of like writing it down. Right. If really you put it up there, you have. Yeah. You have something to look at and really put some thought into it and it happens. So I am all about it this year of trying to put my thoughts and my goals on paper or on a board.
so that I see them and I have intention every single day to try to achieve. Let's do it. Let's do it, girls. Everybody out there, like, let's let's set our goals and let's achieve them. We can do it. We can do it together.

Holiday Wishes and Closing

So everybody do it. All right, friends, as you guys remember, as the three, us three little fishes love a good jingle. And so to send us off into the new year, we three little fishes have written a New Year's jingle.
to all of you out there as we toast into the new year. A happy holiday cheer, cookies, baking, candy, sweet. Gifts and family make it complete. Travel far, though it's hectic too. Love and fun will carry you through. Happy holiday, happy new year. Raise a toast, let love draw near. Fustry moments, joy and view, turning the page for something new.
Let go of worries, start the day, a holiday toast to light the way. Have a very Happy New Year. Happy New Year. Happy New Year. Our listeners, we love you. We will post a cocktail, a non-alcoholic cocktail onto to our show notes for you to enjoy during this holiday season. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Cheers to the New Year, fishes. Cheers, girls.