Ageism in Relationships: A Double Standard
The ageism thing is sort of interesting because when I watched the beginning of it, I was like, okay, sort of like the generational communication style is different, the side hustles, the younger generation does things differently. But then I feel like, you know, it's so common for men to date younger women and marry them and have second families or even third families.
but when women do it, there is that it's a double-edged sword, yeah especially because like, remember when Debbie Moore got with Ashton Kutcher and everybody was like, there's no way they're gonna last? And they didn't because I think he probably wanted a family and she couldn't do that. And everybody felt like, oh, poor Ashton. And then they broke up and poor Debbie was so sad. Like it happens all the time on the flip side. So it's sort of interesting to hear Well, it's mother nature is not fair. Because it's like women should not, all of a sudden, when they hit 40, be out of commission.
Introduction to 'Three Little Fishes'
Like, i I don't think that's fair. Welcome to Three Little Fishes, where three sisters who grew up in the Midwest together but have since spread across the country. I live in Los Angeles. I'm in Nashville. And I live in Philadelphia. We are all married with children, have all had careers, but now we stay at home with our families.
Join us as we share secrets and stories about being women, wives, and mothers. We welcome you to laugh along, learn something new, reach out, and join our conversation. So let's jump in.
What's up, What's up?
Football Conspiracies: Chiefs and Referees
All right, y'all. I am curious how you all feel about football. I know we all watch football and they just had the finals of who goes to the Super Bowl. And I am trying to not to be a conspiracy theorist. Am I saying that right? But I feel like maybe, are we in a rigged situation with how these...
with the Chiefs, with how they rule these games, like with the referees, like are they on the take somehow? I mean, I could not stand watching the Chiefs and the Bills game with some of the calls that were being made always, always in favor of the Chiefs. Does anybody else feel that way or am I just like a sore loser because I wanted Buffalo to win? Real question. I wanna say I'm like thrilled because the Eagles are in it.
Our whole family is super excited. so Listen, it never have I ever in my life been an Eagles fan, but I'm like, go Eagles. Yeah, me too. Nancy, I kind of feel like I've seen this with professional sports in general over the last, I don't know, 10 years. And I do feel there is some powers that be that sort of like drift these like questionable calls. Like if it's on the edge, they kind of know we want the Chiefs to win. So let's give them the favorable, like, it just yeah really feels that way. I don't know. if you're that way I don't know. Like, do you have a meeting with all the refs beforehand? Like, okay. Remember, if it if it's questionable, we want so and so to win. If it's not questionable, okay, we don't want to be egregious. But
I mean, is there like a mass meeting? I don't know. I can't imagine that there is, but maybe if it is like a questionable call, say, you know, the Chiefs bring a lot of ratings, right? And it brings a lot of revenue others and Taylor Swift. And yes, yeah, I mean, that that's a lot generating a lot of money, money talks. And I think there is some it's talking like, give them the calls.
Yeah. I mean, i all I'm going to say is, I mean, not to be, not to be doing craziness, but I was like, I kind of didn't even enjoy watching it at one point because I'm like, this feels like they are totally want the chiefs to win. And it didn't feel, it wasn't enjoyable to watch. I agree. I felt the same way. There was definitely one call that I was like, what? And they even reviewed it and they did it. I don't know. I just was like, I don't know. I don't, I don't, this doesn't vibe with me.
Yeah, I know. It's kind of it's kind of bananas. But I just wanted to throw that out to the world. And yeah, I'm curious what you know, people think but I thought let us know your listeners his football rigged our professional sports in general rigged. I mean, are we all part of some sort of grand conspiracy? thats I don't know. We're getting lots of extra money on the side are being manipulated as viewers.
TV Show 'Younger': Age and Relationships
um All right, so I wanna quickly circle back with Kathy for a minute because she got us watching the show that's like 10 years old. So I don't think I'm giving any spoilers away about younger.
with Foster, Sutton Foster. right And it was about the premises. It's a Darren Starr sitcom. And it's about how she's a 40 year old getting a divorce and she lied about her age because she couldn't get a job. And so to get this job, she lied about her age.
So I was like, Kathy, you said I did not like how they ended it. I did not like the choices that this woman was making. And I'm like, OK, well, what's she doing? What choices is she making? So I am binging the show to figure out what this woman is doing that you find so egregious that she's done. Like, has her personality changed?
And I actually am confused at why you were annoyed with her because I actually thought I liked how they ended the show. In my opinion, I mean, I don't think she's a bad person. She lied about getting this job for because she needed money. And then she lied for seven years.
Well, not really. You haven't watched all the show and seek and she, I mean, you can't, you can't even like tune in on this because you haven't watched the whole show, but people did find out eventually her age and people were also in on the secret. So there's a whole like twists and turns there, but she ended up with the younger guy. And I kind of love that. I kind of love that she ended up with this guy who took her for what she was and that they're a good team together. She doesn't want to get remarried. So I'm curious, what egregious thing did she do that you find so off putting? Well, OK. When the show first was going, I actually loved Josh. I still love him. I think he is darling. I mean, how can you not like him?
Yeah, he's so tall. He's a cutie patootie. But yeah like her character, I think it was the last season that just kind of did me in, because I was just like, OK, in the beginning, she was kind of with Josh, and she's not with him, then with another person. like It's OK. And then she gets into Charles. But and I don't know. I just felt like the last season, when she ended up with that surfer dude, I was like, what are you doing? like I thought that was ridiculous.
And I just felt like she got close to Charles. And I think what made me upset was she got close to the girl his girls. And I was like, that has to be so hard for them, her coming into the family. And then now she's not in this picture. And then her mom's like, I don't know. I think it just pulled on my heartstrings. And I just felt like she was just being like an idiot. Oh.
Well, so yeah do you feel like she was being too self-centered? So this is kind of like the ageism thing is sort of interesting because when I watched the beginning of it, I was like, OK, sort of like the
Societal Expectations on Women's Age
generational communication style is different. The side hustles, the younger generation does things differently. But then I feel like, you know, it's so common for men to date younger women and marry them and have second families or even third families.
But when women do it, there is that it's a double-edged sword, yeah especially because like remember when Demi Moore got with Ashton Kutcher and everybody was like, there's no way they're going to last. And they didn't because I think he probably wanted a family and she couldn't do that. And everybody felt like, oh, poor Ashton. And they broke up and poor Demi was so sad. Like it happens all the time on the flip side. So it's sort of interesting to hear Well, it's Mother Nature is not fair, because it's like not fair. Women should not all of a sudden, when they hit 40, be out of commission. Like, I don't think that's fair. I think it's interesting that you put that all on her why she didn't end up with Charles and those girls.
Like he is the one that said, I this isn't going to work for me. Like he is just as responsible for that. I think she would have gone that direction. But he was like, no, I don't want to. And I think she's mature. I'm 40. Like, OK, you don't want this. And honestly, well, that's like totally distant. You know, she's like, no, I don't want to marry you. And then it was like in the end, she kind of gave in and he was probably like, you're not all in in this. And he realized. yeah Yeah, maybe. I mean, maybe. I don't want somebody that wants something else. I think that when you come off from a bad relationship, like she had a terrible, like her marriage was not great.
And she's trying to figure herself out. She probably just wasn't ready. And I think this is such a like, this is so unique. See, you are always like analyzing therapy Nancy therapist Nancy comes out. Oh, she is not in the right place. And she needs to spend time evaluating her needs.
I mean, well, it's okay. And it's fine. Yeah, you're right. Listen, I think you should go slow. Like if you're not ready to get married, you shouldn't, you shouldn't do it. But I don't think she's a bad, yeah I don't think she was a bad person for trying to figure out like who she is as she's having to like reinvent herself. So I thought it was a fine way to end it. Like Darren star, if you think about it, writes very strong women, sexual characters, like he's done Sex in the City. He's done Emily in Paris, and now this. So I don't know, it's just kind of interesting. Yeah, I do think it's I do think that the rules are not same for men and women. And if this was a guy doing this behavior, I wonder, would you say as much as all I'm saying? Well, it's kind of i do think theyre a different rules. Yeah, yeah, I do think that men
get away with a lot more than women do. And I think that is no good. And I don't think that's right. I don't think it's right. Either. Some of it is Mother Nature. I mean, some of it's out of our hands, but the rest of it is like You know, and so it's like the same maybe it was like a little bit of a feminist take to on that, which I never thought about until this second is like, you know, she's an older woman, she's decided she's going to have fun with this young guy. She doesn't want to take on the responsibilities of all of the adult life that goes along with like kids at home and all that stuff. So maybe she's just decided, you know what, I'm going to have fun and effort like Who cares? I hope it works out. ah Josh is a cute dude. I hope these fictional characters
I can't handle it. Why do you notice that? That's what's happening. They're bringing back all these shows years ago. That's what's trending now. Trending. It is because there's no new
Podcast Engagement and Current Topics
content. It's annoying. Because Hollywood is not shooting new stuff, which is so sad and crushing for people who work in the industry. Please bring people back. Shoot the stories people want to hear. We need some current stuff.
Although I will tell you I just binged night agent. Oh, good. Oh, yeah, I watched that. That's good. Pretty good. The second season just came out. Yeah, it's pretty good. I enjoyed it. All right. I'm gonna move us along. I just want to remind everybody to please continue to subscribe, rate, review us, send us comments. I love hearing we love hearing your comments. Please invite three of your favorite fishes to jump in and join our conversation.
So today on the pad, we are gonna revisit hobbies. We are going to talk about how to survive the winter with some products that we love. And guess what? It's Girl Scout season. yeah All right. Let's jump in.
Cathy, how are you doing? Did that sewing machine make it up from your basement? So I want you all to know. Yes, it did. Okay. I hear some joy in that voice. I like it. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna ask one more question. Did it actually come out of the box? And did you plug it in? Okay. I did it personally get it. Peter got it for me.
But I watched it all the way up the stairs. It took it out of the box. It's actually like a case, like a plastic case. So it's nice. Yeah, it just lifts off. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mom doesn't gift things that aren't nice, Kathy. Yeah. A plus worth, Mom. Thanks, Mom. um So yeah, I've checked it out. It's on my table now.
I haven't broken out the little bag that has like the parts in it. So my girlfriend Donna is coming over this Friday and we're gonna go to Michael's and we're gonna get like the bobby pin or the bop, what's it called? So you need thread so that you can do the bobber. You probably in your little bag already have some needles and you probably have an empty.
Yeah, but this is how clueless I am. I don't know anything what the names are. Yeah. What I'm picking up is that you haven't even gotten a book for like sewing for Demi's or like, or like looked at a YouTube video. Like you've done nothing except like literally bring out like does off the cover. I mean,
Hey, I can like, I said see is buttons and stuff like that, but I've never done a sewing machine. Listen, I give you an A plus because I have my jars of sourdough starter in my refrigerator. And I did intend to get them out and like try and do a different recipe this weekend, but I didn't. I looked at them several times, but I, I didn't even feed them. So they're like sitting there hungry, waiting for them. I have not done it. And I don't know what my problem is.
Girls, we've only worked one week in and we have not- One week, nothing. This is my problem. I like- Nada. Analysis by paralysis. I just can't seem to like get it handled. Nancy, what about you? I also am still stuck on go, but in my defense, I really have taken on more stuff than I know what to do with myself. So I still have my youngers that are sucking up a lot of my time. um And then I'm also much to my husband's dismay is that I agreed to help with our end of the year school auction. What? Nancy. Nancy, so last year we said, don't do this again. You're like, oh, I'm out. I'm not doing this right. What is wrong with you? Just say no. Because I love my friend who's doing this and she asked for help and i I just, you know, so I come from a place of, okay, sure.
Um, yeah. and so oh that's and Oh, you got to learn this word. Yeah. Say it now. So my hobby is auction and school. Oh gosh. Yeah. um And also to jump into our next but topic was Girl
Nancy's Overcommitment: Responsibilities
Scout cookies. I'm also happened to be a co-leader for our Girl Scouts. And so it's now Girl Scout season. And that is also sucking up a lot of my time. So I'm tired.
Yeah, I get it. I get it. That's why you have to say no. Yeah, you do have to learn no, Nancy. And know I'm sorry, as much as I would like to help you I can't do it this year. Maybe we should do a podcast on this. Yeah, and how to do it because there is an art to it. It's not like, no,
It's more like, thank you for asking. i can just I'm at capacity right now. You got to be tactful. Yeah. I know. There is a path there. Tim always says that there's the power of no. There is. So there there is an art to it for sure. And I definitely have not mastered it. I mean, boundary girl, I don't understand how you can't set this boundary. You're all boundaries. Maybe. you know Except when I feel like there are people really that I really care about and like, like, and then I really struggle with boundaries. I'm like, I have, I struggle. Well, got maybe baby steps with you. Maybe you should buy some tennis balls first, um hitting in the driveway. Then you can like branch out to the outfit.
Yes. Well, Johanna is interested in learning tennis and she does have a racket. And so I did help her um try to hit the ball, the tennis ball and the racket against our garage door. So I did do that with her, but that wasn't for me. That was for her. So she's, she's practicing on our garage door. Hopefully it doesn't damage it. You guys, I, our garage door looks like a serious hailstorm like ah happened on it. Like there are so many dings in our garage door from my son hitting his lacrosse balls against ours. And if you guys know lacrosse balls, their hard guard can be. yeah They're like rocks. And I was like, what are you doing? He's like, oh, I'm just practicing out here. I'm like, we need new two new garage doors.
Well, Kathy, he does want to play in college, so you don't want to stifle that. OK. He's got two.
We have two that never get used. If that was happening at our house, we would somehow blame our cat, Loki. It's Loki's fault. Well, Peter's like, we're not replacing those until they move out.
So I have to like- I have a list of stuff. Every day. Same. You people get out of the house and then I'm getting new, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I got a whole list. yeah Everybody out. All right, you guys. So that moves us into survival products for the winter. So you all are really good about like, you feel like you need all these survival products for your skin, all these products.
Skincare Importance and Routines
And I must be, I don't know if I'd missed that gene From from you all I don't really care about products like you guys do I just am like you what you see is what you get like So what do you guys feel like you cannot live without and why should I get them? So first of all, I am eight years older than you so when you get in your 50s and you get there deep it's like no joke and
I actually was talking to mom about this recently. Like inside, I feel like I'm 30 and she does too. But then you look in the mirror and you're you're not 30 anymore. And that's fine to a certain extent. But for me, and people have their own feelings about aging, I am kind of trying to fight the battle a little bit.
And for me, like hydrating my skin in the winter is such a huge part of that. You know, and I will confess, I actually had like a little exchange with my husband that kind of pissed me off a little bit over the weekend.
we were out the two of us having a date and he took a so he took picture of me and he was like no that's bad and they took another picture he's like okay and then later in the night he had had like a couple old fashions so he says to me
I don't like what you did right here. And he's pointing to the middle in between my eyebrows. And I was like, why he goes because you're not as photogenic as you used to be because you know, you did that Botox or whatever you do. So I do do Botox like a couple times a year because I was getting this like very deep M like in between my eyebrows and it really bothered me to feel like it was just so pronounced and so I don't do it a lot but it smoothed that out and it probably like my forehead move like it moves and everything but it has probably affected my picture quality. He was like so annoyed with him because he does nothing
Like he does nothing. He doesn't wash his face. He doesn't put moisturizer on. He doesn't use lotion. He does nothing. And it's totally fine. I love you the way you are. But that is not how I can roll. So for me, hydration is like a huge thing. And I have this day glow oil, face oil that I use from OC. It has seaweed and all these like,
hyaluronic acids in it and I use that every single day and it does help smooth out my skin and make it more even which is also a problem and it hydrates it so that I can put my makeup on because if I don't and I try and put any kind of no matter how light the foundation is especially in the winter, it doesn't go on smooth. So that is a huge, like hydration and hydrating, you know, products for me are huge also with SPF because I don't want skin cancer. But I'm fighting the fight. I don't, I'm not going down without a fight. I'm going to be in my coffin with my hair colored and lip gloss and, you know, I, you know, I just. Yeah, I definitely feel the same. Like I think,
After I hit 50, I just started noticing more like saggy skin and I'm just like, and I've always actually suffered from dry skin in the winter. which is always like. You have always, you have always, can I just, you know, one thing I just remembered as you said that that you've always struggled with dry skin. I remember as kids, like you're a teenager and used to take baby oil in the shower and you would take a shower after you. And then it was like a slip and slide in the tub because there's all this oil everywhere.
Like, just still do you still do that? Do you still use baby oil? Does that help? So I did use to use baby oil, but as I got older, I think I developed like a sensitivity to it. So now, because I get really dry on the sides of my, on my sides, like under my armpits down to my hips or like and in my back. And like, I get like a rash. Yeah, like that.
When I was using that baby oil, I'd break out and like my whole belly would be a rash. So I had to quit using that. And I switched to this product that I use now. And I posted it in the show notes, but it's called Silganic Joba Oil. It's like an all natural oil that's very light. So I use it in the shower and I just lather my skin with it. I even put it on my face.
And it's not like real thick or anything. And it won't clog your pores, but I really like it. And I haven't had any. It doesn't absorb quickly. Yeah, I feel like it does. Yeah. Yeah. And is your shower a slip and slide after you're done or no? No, not as much as like the baby oil. But look, I don't like I really honestly.
I don't know if it's a texture thing, but I never have been one to love creams and moisturizer. So I think that's why I like this oil so much, but I did use a cream and I still use it sometimes when I'm desperate. Like I'm really dry. I will get out the cream and it's called Vanna cream. And I actually got it from this plastic surgeon and I really like it. It's pretty, it's kind of thick, but it does work.
So if you have really dry skin, you should try that. All right. You know, another product that I really love is called Jane Airedale Circle Delete.
Beauty Tips from Generations
So those women that have like dark circles under your eyes, which I actually don't have, but I actually got this from that plastic surgeon as well. And I use it to cover up just like little freckles and things on my face. And I use it for my eyelids.
to help you know get kind of a base there. So when you actually put on your um you know your makeup, it doesn't stick to it. It's really good. Kiv, you remind me so much of Grandma Kay. Doesn't she, Linda? like Do you remember Grandma Kay that used to put in like all this stuff on her face to cover up all her life? She would do pronged ice every night. yeah ah Every night, ponds, cold cream. She had actually beautiful skin. So there is something to it. Yeah. And she would take her and makeup off with an Xena. Then she would do ponds, cold cream. And she would like but like, she would like massage her face with it. And then she would like- She would give us facials. Yes. And then she would take it off with a tissue and she would sweep up. She had this whole thing every night, religiously. It worked for her. She looked amazing. She was a beautiful woman.
Yeah, she was gorgeous. Cathy, you just remind me so much of her, like, as you're trying to describe all these routines. And I'm thinking to myself, I don't think I have the discipline to do all this stuff. Like, I just just you wait, Nancy, in a couple more years, you're gonna be like, yeah Oh, yeah, I'm gonna start doing it. Can we talk about that again? I, you know, the only other thing that because I, you know, I don't love being cold,
The only other things in the winter that really saved me, I love my Ugg boots because they are so toasty warm. I bought them, I told you, I think on our last podcast for my kids for the winter. And then um I always have fuzzy socks, like bombas socks. Yeah, bombas are great.
Cause if your feet are nice and warm. You know, Ugg makes socks too. And they're really nice. Yes. yeah i have Yes. And I wear them under my boot, like my tall leather boots. I'll put those on and my feet stay warm. Cause sometimes your top tall leather boots in the winter aren't like warm enough.
So UGG also makes blankets, you know, so I have a new i haven't blanket. I have an UGG blanket on our bed. I changed it out because I've been cold at night. So I'm like, I'm going to put on our o blanket because it's, you know, it's winter here too. Yeah.
Sam is like, Nancy, I think this blanket is just too hot. So now I'm living with mom because he's cracking the window open at night, but we still have the ugly blanket on like, what are we doing here? yeah What is happening? Well, winter is a tricky time for everybody. So hydration, drink your water.
moisturize your skin however way you can. It definitely makes your skin feel better and it looks better and yeah hug your face. good hug your face it's good for you All right, let's move into our final topic, Girl Scout cookies.
Girl Scout Cookies: Cost and Support
It's Girl Scout season. How are we feeling about it? Are you guys excited or not excited? I love Girl Scout cookies. I already bought from Johanna because I have to have them shipped. I find it very, I have like a love hate relationship right now though, because each box is like.
more expensive than it used to. Back in the day, it was like $4. Now I think it's like $6. They're $6. Yeah. They're $6. And I had to pay an outrageous amount for shipping. So I love them. I love supporting you know the Girl Scouts. We were all Girl Scouts at one point. I love them. But they're getting kind of expensive. And I find that annoying.
There's not that many cookies. You know what I mean? It's like my teenage son can eat a box of thin mints in about 20 minutes. I can too. Yeah. so Yeah. I think that there is something, something happened with production and they are fewer cookies in a sleeve. So why us that? Like I think because they've gotten more expensive to make. So I think that they said instead of continuing to increase the price. They were just going to have less cookies. But to me, that logic does not compute. But they're also more expensive this year, too. So there's $6 a box, and then there are some s'mores, I think, are $7, and toffee-tastics are $7. I was like, we don't need those. I drew the line. I'm like, we just need the thinness. And then my husband was like, oh, let me see the list.
um My family loves those samosas those samosas with the caramel and the coconut and the chocolate like I don't like those but they love them.
My family likes them too. And you know that they pair really well with whiskey. oh So for Rich, I feel like that's a good little nugget to know. you like A little smack for the hubby. Yeah. yeah hell yeah um So Tim actually just tried one with an old fashioned and he's like, I don't know if it enhances it. I like an old fashioned. I like the cookie. It's a win-win. So Right. Yeah. Just so you know, they pair well together. But thank you for supporting the Girl Scouts. Yeah, we bought some last night for Johanna because I was like, I definitely have to support her. And I brought it upstairs because I was like, Peter, I want you to have a say in this. He's like, I don't care. Do whatever you want. But then he cares. He's like, so what did you do? How many boxes did you get?
Well, I thought you didn't care. I know. We ordered ah some shortbreads, too, because he... We did some shortbreads. You know, it's so funny, though, because the cookies come. And I ordered quite a few because I'm going to just try to have one order this year.
And people will give me a hard time like rich will definitely give me I didn't give him a voice, but he'll be like, Oh my gosh, like I'm trying to lose weight, which is a perpetual thing at our house. I can't believe we have all these cookies. But then he'll be like, we're all the cookies. see That's my thing. When we lived in um North Carolina,
We were living in Cary, North Carolina, you guys. And Peter and I were newly married. I didn't even think we had Grayson at this time. yeah Peter literally ordered like a case of Thin Mints, but he didn't tell me. And he had like a freezer in the garage and he ended up like stashing them in there, which I never really went in there. And then he would like,
keep bringing up a new box every now and then. I'd be like, where'd you get those? It's like, oh, I got them. I got them. I love that. I love that Peter hid them from you. And I think he probably did it because you're constantly like with Peter. Peter, do are you sure you want that cookie? Are you sure you want to eat that? How about a carrot? Do you want a carrot instead? So the poor guy had to buy his own stash of cookies so he could enjoy a little treat.
I actually asked him about this last night because I was like, what's this? Do you remember? He's like, no, I bought it for you, Kathy. So you ate a case of thin mints. That's what I'm hearing. I got some help there. That's for sure. Well, anyway. We lasted one month.
Girl Scout, I love Girl Scout season time because you can't get these yummy cookies. But I do feel bad when I ask people to buy. But so it's a push pull thing. But yeah, like hopefully, yeah guys are all going to enjoy your yummy treats and find a Girl Scout near you to help support these girls.
Yeah, I know I feel bad when I see all these girls at the grocery stores. And so I'm like, I've already bought my limit. You know what you don't have to buy you don't have to actually buy a box. Just so you know, you can also just donate them to the community so you can give to them.
and not actually having these. So there's a little nugget for you. Good point Nancy. Thank you. If you really feel guilty, that's what you can do. I'm at the grocery store too much to do that every time. My friend this morning said they came across a cute meme from the Girl Scouts and I posted it on the website, but the meme reads, I got clean for nearly a year until I ran into my dealer. And it's a picture of the Girl Scout with her cookies all behind her. but So true. God, that is so true. You do so well. And then it's all a sudden, then it's like, what? The cookies. You know what? I say you only go around. We only go around once. Eat the cookie. Eat the cookie.
All right, what's for dinner?
Shepherd's Pie Recipe and Family Feedback
So we made shepherd's pie. We started reading our book. Our book is set. um We Solve Murders, everybody. I hope you're reading your book. We Solve Murders. It's set in England. Yes. And this older guy, one of the characters, goes to the pub pretty regularly. His wife has passed and he eats the shepherd pie all the time.
And so I made shepherd's pie over the weekend and my people loved it. It was very good. um It's very simple to make and we had leftovers. I will say like making the mashed potatoes and putting them on top was an extra step that maybe I don't love. But if I did it more regularly, maybe it wouldn't annoy me, but um the flavor was great. So we'll post the recipe.
in the show notes, if anybody wants to do it. I made it on Sunday, and we actually ate it yesterday. And I was kind of nervous because I was like, are my kids going to like this? I was even nervous about Peter having it. But Trevor was the first one that took a bite. And he's like, oh, this is good. And I was like, yes.
so um I didn't, I put peas in it. I think you didn't put peas in it. No peas for me. I don't like cooked peas. We did peas and carrots. I didn't do, I've only put a little smidge of onion. I didn't do a lot cause I don't like onion. I don't like onions, but give me a good old fat onion ring and I'm in. But it's good. I actually thought it was really good. Yeah. Like for winter, for it's a good winter food. It is. I'm not sure I want to eat it in July.
right it's hardy so i don't know if i'm gonna make this one because i don't love mashed potatoes um so i don't think i'll make it now tim and joanna would probably like it feel like riley and i would not so because only half of our house will eat it i probably will skip this one i mean you could do like you could leave the mashed potatoes off and make a baked potato or something and do the You could put like a puff pastry c crust on top instead, which I think is called something else. It's a similar thing. But yeah, I thought it was pretty good. Yeah, I don't know if I'm going to make it regularly because it was a little bit of work. But yeah, we enjoyed it.
Podcast Closing and Book Club Invitation
Well, we want to thank you for listening to our season two of our podcast and letting us sisters jump into your day. Please make sure to follow, rate and review us. Don't forget about our book club. Please read We Solve Murders by Richard Osman. Happy reading and have a great weekend. Sisters out.