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It's that time of year where we indulge and the sisters are finding ways to lean into 'yes' this week.

Lynne is following Timothé Chalamet's movements through Nashville, Kathy is watching Red One alone and Nancy learns the difference between chop suey and chow mein noodles.

On a serious note the girls acknowledge this time of year isn't always the happiest time and talk about some coping mechanisms and how to find purpose from the pain.

Then the fishes share their favorite sweet recipes of the season, but not the peanut brittle.  That's a secret family recipe you've got to be on the inside for.

Great Grandma K's Caramels
1 3⁄4 C CornSyrup
2 C Sugar
1 C Butter
1 C Rich Cream
1 C Rich Cream
1 tsp. Vanilla
Chopped Nuts

Put syrup, sugar, butter, and 1 C cream over fire. Stir and cook vigorously until mixture boils briskly, then stir I slowly (that cooking may not stop) the second cup of cream. Let boil stirring often until when tested in cold H2O a firm ball may be formed. Then stir in 1 tsp of vanilla and a cup or more of nuts. Then pour in buttered tins and when stiM enough cut into squares.

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Introduction and Technical Apologies

Hi all, quick programming note. I had some technical issues with my camera this week so you won't see me much. What you do see might be wonky. No problem. Hope you enjoy the show. It's super easy. It's made of butterscotch chips, semi-sweet chips that you melt together and then you dump in uh chat chinese uh chop suey noodles yes cha yeah hello chop suey noodles yeah yeah channelo
Do it Do it again, Nancy.
Try it. Do it.

Podcast Introduction: Meet the Three Little Vishes

Welcome to Three Little Vishes, where three sisters who grew up in the Midwest together but have since spread across the country. I live in Los Angeles. I'm in Nashville. And I live in Philadelphia. We are all married with children. We've all had careers, but now we stay at home with our families. We've all been through ups and downs that come along with life.
and have always helped each other through shared stories and laughed together. We welcome all of you into our daily conversations and hope you have some fun with us. So let's jump in. What's up, fishes? What's up?
All right, y'all, how we doing? What's happening? What's the news? What's the

Celebrity Crushes: Timothée Chalamet

buzz? So I will tell you, I have like a little bit of a celebrity crush on Tim, Timothy Chalamet, who is now out there.
Um, you know, talking about his new Bob Dylan show and the other day, Sarah, our oldest sent me a text saying, Timothy is in town, mom. You need to go find him. Get yourself dressed up, go downtown, find him. He's promoting his new movie. Go stalk him. And I was like, no, no, no. I, you know, I'm not that girl, but Anyway, a friend of mine told me she saw him at this little shop in Franklin, Tennessee, which is about 15 minutes from me. And he was eating his dinner at this place called the Herbian Market in Franklin. If you're local, go see it. It's amazing. But anyway, he was there eating his dinner and she was grabbing a juice or whatever. And she saw him get into this like yellow spider car. And my daughter was like,
get dressed up. You know he's going to go downtown now. And I was like, I am not that fan girl. It's fine. but anyway how would you find yeah that's i mean be able to And beyond that, like he's 30 years younger than me and it's stupid, but I do admire his acting and I think he's adorable. So anyway, I will little say that you say that you're not that fangirl, but yet your girlfriend was able to tell you in time that Timothy Chalamet was at a particular place of business. And then you got it to choose Sarah who was like, okay, now go, now get out and go.
So I'm going to just call a little, I don't know, but you may be that fan girl. Yeah, it's a little weird because he is so young and I'm so old and all the things, but I think he's super cute. I love that like French look like that. Yeah, he is. He is a good actor. I mean, he look at little women in Dune. He's amazing.
I mean, he is a good actor. I yeah yeah but I am going to say you are that fan girl. So just own it. You're you're that girl. Yeah, I mean, maybe I don't

Family Holiday Traditions: Sing-Alongs and Concerts

know. We went to the Disney Hall this weekend and we went to that Disney sing along the holiday sing along. And it helped brighten my spirit so much because it's just like Buddy the elf said.
the best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing for all to hear. And I think that that helps. It like really made me kind of improve my mood and it's kind of trying to just get me on the happy side of the holidays. So that was super fun. Well, those pictures were really neat, Nancy. Yes, you guys looked amazing. And that was Like, that's a fun thing to do. So they have a huge Christmas tree there, and we've we've been we've been starting our own family tradition of trying to go there. So this was, I think, year four.
And we take a ah family picture in front of this gigantic Christmas tree. So that is what they're talking about. But yeah, it was a lot of fun. And I love being able to get dressed up just a little bit and just kind of lean into it a little bit. You know, mom used to make us matching holiday dresses. So I'm not putting us in matching dresses. let us in But I love those dresses. I did too. But I can't do that because I'm not. I can't do that. That's not in my I've, that skipped a generation with me, but I do like to get everybody, you know, dressed up a little bit just once. You guys all matched. You look incredible. That is such a fun thing. You know, there's nothing like a Christmas concert to make you, even if you're having like the worst year ever, you can't be at a Christmas concert and not be happy. Yes. It's just amazing. Yes. It was, it was huge.
I love Christmas concerts as well. And normally sometimes we go, but sometimes I watch them like on TV, like Michael Blueblaze concert was on the other night, which I always enjoy. But we have a special treat this year because we found out that we are going on Sunday to see the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and their Merry, Merry Christmas show. And we get to sit in the box, which is very lovely.
So. Yes, when we lived in Chicago, we went to this show every year. And I am so jealous that you're getting to go to do this as a family. Mom and dad are going to have such a good time. Thank you, Todd, for sharing his box with us. Yes, we thank you, Todd. I mean, honestly, you are going to have the best time. you I think the last time you went with us, your middle child was not feeling well. So it was kind of a drag. Years ago, when they were young. It's going to be fun.
Yeah, that Mary Mary concert is incredible. You're going to have a great time. I hope that they love this for you. My older kids now will appreciate it. They will. I'm just hoping, I think Chicago is pretty magical this time of year. It's always decorated so nicely. And so it should be fun. CSO is gorgeous. Gorgeous this time of year. It's going to to start the holiday. You're going to get to see Santa.
It's pretty awesome. I've never been invited to that concert. So I don't know what this magical concert is. The Will's Box have never gotten it right. But whatever. That's because you always say California. I know. Girl, get on an airplane. That is not true. That is not true. It is. It is. When was the last time you were in the Midwest for Christmas? A long time? No. It was two years ago. but Anyway, you guys and the willsnos have been to Philadelphia for Christmas. Jack Cook's has never been to California for Christmas is all out to California? I mean, how many times have I been out to California, though? Not for Christmas, but your family. All right. I feel like let's remember. Maybe we'll have it some someday. I would love that.
Cathy, I started watching a movie that you were talking about, The Red One. Oh, I ended up just watching that. I watched it last night. I watched like an hour of it last night and then I fell asleep because I started it super late and I thought it was really cute. What did you think? I actually thought it was cute. Yeah. It actually brought a tear to my eye at one point. I was like, what is happening?
But it has like a good lesson in it. And it's like Dwayne Johnson is really good in it. And I really love Chris Evans. He's so cute. So it kept me like hit entertained because he kept, yeah he's like the bad boy. And so yeah, one liners in it. And it was so funny, but yeah, they were talking about, you know, every decision it's opportunity. Do you do good or do you do evil?
Oh, and I thought, you know what? That's a good point. Yeah. Did your boys watch it with you? Like, did they like it? No. Sadly. like
Sadly, no. What are you trying to insinuate, Nancy? That's what I'm going to hear. Well, listen, I wanted them to, but my two younger ones,
are having finals right now. Yeah. So they're like, mom, we have to study. And I was like, okay, that actually is a good reason. But my oldest college boy didn't want to watch it. Riley's also in finals and he came to me last night saying that studying for finals is dumb.
and he should have learned it all over these few months. So why would he need to, you know, study for these finals? And I'm just like, that's just kind of what you do. You review because it's a lot that you learned over the semester. So just take some time and just, you know, review it. And he's just like, this is so dumb. This is so dumb. Finals are dumb. I was like, well, you are a joy. See you later.
Yeah, my kids are like so done with school. And I'm like, you guys, you have a couple more days, it really matters. But I don't know if I got through to them. Jack got exempt. So seniors here in Brentwood, if you have an A, you get exempt. So we're exempt. Yeah, that's that's amazing. um We've never had that. Only for seniors. Only for a seniors. Every other year, you have to take your finals no matter what.
yeah but I feel like it's a perk for being a senior and I love that. Well, good luck to those who are not exempt and that are in finals. Yes, exactly. this week this Today on the pod, we are going to talk about Lean Into Yes. Yes. We have a new segment we're going to introduce um called Fishes Go Deep. and Then our final segment, it was we're going to talk about For the Love of the Holiday Candy.
So before we get into it, I just wanna remind all of our listeners to please like, subscribe, rate, review. Please invite three of your favorite fishes to jump into the conversation. All right, y'all, let's jump and lean into yes. What are you all leaning into yes for this holiday

The Holiday Season: Indulgence and Saying Yes

season? I think, I don't know what it is about this time of year in my mindset, but I'm always like,
Yes, I want to treat myself. I need that sweater. like It's on sale. like I cannot pass it up. I find myself constantly doing this. And I'm like, what is wrong with me? but you but to I feel like the marketers are so good at that this time of year. like yeah I'm always getting these prompts and these emails. like I saw you looking and blah, blah, blah. Don't you want to hit? yet So I do feel like you are getting inundated with all of the marketing tools this time of year two, which just triggers it triggers me too. It's like, yeah it starts to my cashmere sweater's 50% off. Yes, I need that. I know. I bought a few. I've already like... You need it. And not just one.
I like have gifted myself so many things already. We had to go to a work holiday party and I was like, I don't know what I'm gonna wear and I was out doing something and I saw something and I ended up buying a whole outfit for my dress.
to new earrings, to shoes for, I'm not kidding you guys, a hundred bucks because it was all like on super sale. And honestly, I felt so good in my outfit. And I don't know if it was just because I know what a deal I got. And I'm just like, oh yeah, I look great. And it was all for like a hundred dollars. Yes. Yes. That's awesome. love I that. I totally feel that. Yes. You know what? I also feel like I do too. I eat more.
i don't normally I don't normally eat as much candy or like chocolates. Yeah. like I just find that I'm like, oh, that looks really good. Because you know we get some gifts for work and things like that that come to the house. And I'm like, oh, what's in here?
And then my husband loves eggnog. He buys like a gallon of eggnog. And I'm like, it makes me want to vomit. I feel that.
The other night was drinking out the carton. I was like, what are you doing? My husband loves it, too. It's disgusting. and must see it disgust It must be a dude thing. He loves it. Tim also likes it. But he you know has to have like the non-dairy stuff. And there's one brand that he likes that I can't remember what it is at this moment. like It's an almond one, I think, or a silk.
But I, it's disgusting, but I do buy it for him, but he loves it. I don't get it. yeah So last year, Tim wanted to host a party. He wanted to have people over and he, as you all know, Tim loves to sing. He has a beautiful voice. Um, and he was like, let's have an old fashioned like holiday party, but let's have carols. Like let's have, we'll do like a sing-along, but we'll let's do like champagne and carols.
So last year we did, we invited, you know, friends over and we said, we'll supply some bubbly. You guys come with your kids and your singing voices and something to share. Um, and we'll have our, our champagne and Carol's. So fun. We have decided to do it again this year. And so I'm leaning into the yes of yes. Champagne and Carol's, um, is happening again and we're going to try to make a tradition. So for,
you know, the second year in a row, we're having some bubbly and carols this weekend. That sounds awesome. I wish I could attend. I know. I wish you guys could too. You know, again, I'm going to quote buddy the elf. You know, it's funny is my husband lately. He's been more like Grinchy.
I think, and it's not just this year. It's like every, and I've kind of realized this, it's like every holiday season, he gets a little like, I'm not sure what's happening. Like, he'll be like, do we need a tree this year for going away? Like, should we put it up? I'm like, yes. Like, lean into the yes, we do need the tree.
I'm like, what's wrong with you? And I think, I actually asked him about this the other night because it's starting to bother me. Like what is, why are you like kind of blue?
And he said, I don't know. He's like, I just feel like it gets to be too much. It's like too much decorating, too much thinking about all these gifts we buy. He's like, you overdo it. And I'm like, so it's me? He's like, no, it's like, he's like, it's just like he thinks we overindulge in like all the gifts. Am I the problem? Am I the problem? For the kids, you know?
Yeah. Right. And he's like, I just feel like you just overdo it and like. And I said, well, is that the way you grew up? Like you didn't have any gifts? He's like, no, my parents were very generous. So it's interesting. But then it's like, he loves the decorations and he loves all that. And it's like, I feel like it takes him a few days to get into the spirit. And then eventually he gets there. But he always- That Christmas concert will do it for him. Yeah, the singing. Even if you're the grand. He's going to sit there
and tears are going to stream down his cute little face. And he's going to be so happy when he leaves there after he had like a hot chocolate with Bailey's warm his little spirit. You know, I don't think he's the only one who feels this way. I was talking to some friends, and they were like,
It stresses us out when we started having kids of how to manage the holidays and the gifts. And he's just, and they said what they did was they buy one gift from mom and dad and one gift from Santa and Santa brings a gift and that's all they do. And they haven't changed that as their kids have gotten older because there's like, there's enough consumption. And that's what we've done for us. And it makes us not go crazy. And we're very thoughtful about what we do. And, you know, it's just supposed to be the idea of it. So I think a lot of people struggle with that. I don't think that he's the only one. Well, I get it. I hope this true genus turns upside down because... It will.
i mean I'm ready to be married. I'm ready to be married. All right, y'all. Let's jump into our next segment.

Purposeful Pain: Finding Meaning in Challenges

Vicious Go Deep. So I um actually was working out ah a little while ago and the woman that I was following had this like very profound idea. And she said, you know, this month is such a time of joy and merriment.
for so many people but for some people it's also a time of pain maybe you're not in the place you want to be maybe you have broken up with somebody maybe you've gotten a bad diagnosis maybe you have something going on in your life that is painful And her idea is, if you are in pain, can you make your pain purposeful? So we were working out and she was actually kind of referring to working out and can be kind of painful and the purpose is to be more fit and more energetic, etc. But she also said it can extrapolate to all these different things in your life. So if you are in pain during this time of year,
can you make your pain purposeful in some way. And I personally know several people who are living in pain right now. yeah And, you know, when I talk to them, it or I, you know, pray for them, it's, I hope that they can make their pain purposeful. And I know that Kathy, you We're thinking about this too and came across a really interesting article that we're going to post in our show notes about this exact topic. So how can you make your pain purposeful? Well, it just, you know, there's a lot of people I think
they get to the holidays and they have a hard time just finding the joy in it and bouncing all like, you know, we actually have, you know, several friends, like one of our good friends lost her mom. Our other good friend is having surgery this week. I mean, there's a lot of like yeah bad things that are happening to people during this time. And it's not all like Mary, Mary. And so,
this article I found on WebMD that we'll post in the show notes, it just talks about things you can do during the holidays, because people like just get overwhelmed. And it's like, I think the one thing for people that are lonely is they need to be around other people. And I think, you know, trying to lean into friends go to church, go to a coffee shop. like you know Get out there and try and find a social network that can help you, I think is really important. But this article talked to specifically about just trying to like limit your expectations during the holidays, because
I think people get crazy and they try and like overdo it and try and like decorate every like little inch of their house. It's like, just take it easy. You don't have to like do everything, right? Yeah, you don't have to like a it was specifically said, don't overbook, right? So don't overbook yourself. Just limit yourself. Like yeah don't always like, yeah you know overstay your welcome. Don't stay longer than you should. I mean, it's just putting more like stress on yourself.
It's like looking like for self care and partner with somebody if you go to a party. So you're not like a alone. You know what I mean? And then another tip they had too was in there, you can make new traditions and it could be whatever, i even simple. Yeah, moon exactly move through their the pain. And they also talked about like,
Just kind of try not to like break all your routines. Exercise. Do normal things. It's not always like, let's drink eggnog all day. You know what I mean? like Well, it was to Linda's point of the exercise, right? like Make your pain purposeful and use it, right?
so Yes. So all your fishes, if you are in pain and this is your season of pain, it's okay, but make it purposeful. Try to be mindful and try to make it purposeful. And we have your back. Send us a text or an email if you need some ideas and read this article that we're about to post. I know we see you. We see you. We see you. You're not

Holiday Recipes: Cookies and Candy Adventures

first All right, y'all, let's jump into our next segment for the love of the holiday candy. So we thought that as we're heading into indulgence and all the things and all the sweets around that we would talk about some of our favorites.
So Linda, what's one of your favorites? Back in the day when I was in college, I got this recipe for sugar cookies from one of my roommates' moms.
um And so it's one of those sugar cookie recipes that we've all made. We all love. I've made several batches of it this year. We'll post it in the show notes. I hope you guys all try it. It's very easy. My little tip about it is um don't overbake it. like Don't make it so like your edges are brown because then the cookies are too crispy. I kind of like a soft, fluffy sugar cookie.
um And it is the time of year where we make, i I in particular make cookies and candy during this time of year. I don't really do it a lot the rest of the year. I'm not really a huge baker, but um sugar cookies are one of those things that I make pretty regularly during this time of year. So we'll put that recipe in the show notes.
That cookie recipe is not only good for the holidays, but I mean, it's good for year round. Like, yeah, I mean, I do do and during like Valentine's Day too, I have a hard cut cutter and I use it for that too. Yeah, there's so it's such a good recipe. of you so good It's so good. Yeah, it's so easy to it's ridiculous. Kathy, what about you? What's a must have that you do? So my favorite is peanut brittle, hands down. like It is not a ah Christmas without eating peanut brittle. And I think my entire family loves peanut brittle as well. And so I started making it you know on my own and I started
making it with my kids. And I remember making it like a few years ago with my middle son, Trevor. And we like, we're like, we love it so much. Let's make a double batch. And we made these huge pans and I made it. I didn't have a candy thermometer at the time, but I thought, Oh, I know how to make this. It's like going to be no big deal.
So we made it, and we didn't get it quite hot enough when the sugar is- Did it shred? Threading. Well, we got it to thread, but it must not have reached that ideal temperature. So when we put it on the pan, it just didn't harden. It was soft. Kind of soft. I've done that too. We were so disappointed. Trevor was disgusted with me.
So I said, this is no good. So I ended up ordering a can of thermometer. Cause I said, I must've really missed that, like did that wrong. So we remade it with a candy thermometer and I did better.
because it is a little technique sensitive. Like you have to you have to be mindful when you're cooking it. Yeah. You know, it's so funny because another thing I only do during Christmas time is our great grandmother. So our dad's grandmother has a caramel recipe that's been passed down from generation to generation.
Yeah, and I just made it the other day my second batch for the season because I give it away to people a lot and it's just one of those decadent things that you just never make but I My first batch I just made by touch because the recipe is so old-fashioned. It's like talks about putting it on the fire and putting your you know, the I don't know, the caramel into a cold glass and it once gets to a firm ball, then you're ready. The second batch I used my candid thermometer and it actually came out too soft. yeah So I actually am not a candid thermometer girl. Like I just, at whatever yeah my problem is, I just can't seem to get it right with a candid thermometer. I have to do it by touch. yeah So I do peanut brittle by touch. I do caramel by touch. I do fudge by touch.
I can't for some reason use a candy thermometer. When I do it, it doesn't turn out right. And I don't know what my problem is. I don't know if I'm not reading it right or my thermometer is kind of off or whatever. But this caramel recipe is so delicious. It's so decadent.
and um But i my second batch came out a little soft. So I was like, oh. It's disappointing when it doesn't turn out. Yeah, it is a bummer. Yeah. i In our house house, one of our favorites is also the chinese the um the noodle candy. Noodle candy. And that's like actually Riley's favorite. So you need chow mei noodles, semi-sweet chuck chocolate chips, and butterscotch chips. And you mix it all together after you melt it all. And you just let it, you put a make a little scoops like a tablespoon scoops.
and let them set up and it's as easy as that. It's super yummy and also rich. um It's a yummy treat. So that's one of our favorites. You know, I have squished up like Butterfinger candies and mix that in too, which is unbelievable.
But we have a daughter who is, yeah, it's so delicious. So um we have a daughter who's overseas right now. And she sent me a text actually this morning. She was like, I really want Chinese noodle candy, um which is what we call it. And I was like, go to the store. It's three ingredients. You should be able to find it. She's like, mom, you have no idea. It's so hard to find.
You should make some and take it to her since you guys are going. Yeah, maybe I will. I don't know. Or she may have to wait till she gets back to Tennessee. But anyway, that is such a great um thing. And so we'll put that recipe in the show notes as well. So people can try it. Other people might call it a haystack. um It's super easy. And it is very tasty because it's got that sweet, salty component. So All right, you also this is what's for dinner tonight. We are doing all our candies and cookies for dinner. We're just leaning into the sweet. So we're going to post some of these recipes, but we're not going to post the peanut brittle recipe because that's too much of a family secret. Yeah, it's too good to share.
We're those people. We're those people. So happy baking and we hope that you try some of these yummy recipes and indulge your sweet tooth. Say yes to the candy. Say yes. We would love to hear what some of your family favorites are during the holidays. Yeah, family, yeah. Please do.
We want to thank you for listening to our podcasts and letting us sisters jump into your day. Please make sure to follow, rate and review us. We'd love to have your feedback. Please also share our podcast with your favorite little fishes so we can grow. We hope you have a very happy holiday and enjoy the break and the season. Sisters out.