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What Am I Eating?

The Eliane Anita Podcast
13 Plays7 years ago
The book I mentioned in this podcast is entitled Think and Eat Yourself Smart by Dr. Caroline Leaf. The website I mentioned is Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! I'm @elianeanita! If you want to send me an email you can email me at Snapchat: ElianeAnita If you like to read and want a community to chat with join me! I would love to hear your perspective on the book of the month! To sign up click here: Track Produced by: Devo Beats Recorded, Produced and Edited by: Éliane Anita

Introduction and Personal Recovery

Hi, guys. Welcome to the Aliana Nita podcast. I'm your host, Aliana, and I'm so excited to have you join me for this week's podcast. Thank you so much, guys, for tuning in last week. I was incredibly sick, and I am doing so much better now, and I just wanted to thank you for your patience, as well as your prayers and support. So many of you guys still listen to the podcast, and I'm so thankful for that, even though I was

Condolences and Importance of Self-Care

Before I jump into today's podcast, I want to take a moment to let the world know and everybody that's listening that my heart, my mind and my prayers are with the victims of the Las Vegas massacre. I am so sick about what happened in Las Vegas and it breaks my heart into a million pieces.
And so I am praying for those that was injured and that is recovering and I am praying for the families of those who actually lost someone during that terrible shooting. I also want to send my prayers and thoughts to every person that is affected by a hurricane. I'm praying for Puerto Rico as they are dealing with the things that happened with Hurricane Maria. I'm praying for those in Houston.
that has had things damaged because of Hurricane Harvey and of course, the Caribbean's everybody that was touched by Hurricane Irma. So my prayers are definitely with those that has been affected by natural disasters as well as the massacre. So we have a lot to pray about and a lot to keep our heart and minds open for. So I just want to encourage everybody out there to make sure that you are taking care of yourself.
and reaching out to your loved ones every single day to let them know how much you love them because you just don't know what will happen next. So on a much lighter note, I am going to jump into today's podcast. Before I begin to talk about my subject matter, I want to send out a disclaimer. First of all, I am no health care professional.
I am someone who has did a lot of research and reading on my own and I just wanted to share some information that I've learned along the way so if you so decide to take any of the information that I put out into my podcast
Please make sure you run it past your healthcare professional first. Make sure that you are doing what's best for your body. So I'm just giving you information and hope to inspire you to do something different with what's going on with yourself.

Discussion on 'What the Health' and Vegetarian Experience

So with that being said, let's jump into today's podcast.
Today I am going to talk about health, what to eat. I'm pretty sure all of us by now have heard of the documentary called what the health and if you haven't seen it, it's worth checking out. It's worth looking into even if you agree with the views or not. It's just good information, I think.
So just kind of see and kind of think about some stuff. Now I have to say that there are a lot of claims that he makes. Some that are true, some that are false, some that I agree with, some I don't. But for whatever is worth, I will say check it out.
I am not here to dispute whether or not his claims are false or fake or real or whether it's worth looking into, but I just wanna say that I took away some things from it and I think it's pretty good. But I know so many people that have watched that documentary that was like, I'm going vegan, I'm never eating meat again, I'm never eating dairy again, but just to turn around and be like, I couldn't hang.
So I want to say that you need to take information with a grain of salt and make sure you know what works best for your body. A while ago, maybe in the first quarter of this year, I went vegetarian for 21 days. And I have to admit that after being vegetarian, I had never felt better. Like I felt lighter.
I felt energized. I felt like my thoughts were so much more clear. I don't know why, but I just did. But it just was a really really good experience for me being vegetarian. But what I realized was I was not healthy. I wasn't eating meat.
But I did not, my body didn't have enough nutrients that they needed. I was filling up off carbs to replace my meat. My blood sugar was spiked. And so in the end, it just wasn't a good move for me altogether, even though I really enjoyed it.
but I wasn't healthy. And so I remember I stumbled across, I bought a book that I had on my bookshelf for like quite some time and I stumbled across it and I was like, you know what, I'm going to read this book and see what's in

Insights from Dr. Caroline Lee's Book

it. And the name of the book is called Think and Eat Yourself Healthy by Dr. Caroline Lee. And this book gave me so much clarity about food and health and how to eat and what to eat.
Now, I'm currently still reading this book, but I wanted to talk about some of the points that she pointed out that I think that could kind of help center us and find us, you know, find a middle ground where you have extremists that says, don't eat meat, don't eat dairy. And then you have some that says, just eat whatever you want. We're going to die from something. There needs to be a common middle ground that can help you understand what's going on with your food before you enter it, before you put it into your mouth.
The problem is with our food is not whether or not we're eating dairy products or if we're eating meat. The issue is, is the monoculture society that we live in. And what monoculture is, is the mass production of a single crop. And in America, that is how we farm. We have adopted a system in her book that Dr. Caroline Lee says,
She says essentially organic farming is mainly based on biology or using live organisms rather than synthetic chemicals, while conventional farming is mainly based on chemistry using synthetic substance such as pesticides and growth hormones.
And that is the epidemic that we're in today. We are mass producing soy, wheat, and corn, therefore causing us to genetically modify those three crops to fill in for the things that we are not producing anymore.
In 1904 there were over 7,000 kinds of apples grown in America and today 86% of those apples are extinct. So monoculture is basically killing off our natural products and basically singling us down to this one basic kind of crop.
And that is the issue that we're having because now our food is becoming more genetically modified than it ever has been in its history. And that's why you see people saying I'm allergic to gluten, people are developing cancer, people are obese and developing diabetes and all of those things. It's because of the genetic modified things that we're entering that we're putting into our body.
So that is the true issue is the chemicals that we're eating because our bodies were never meant to process herbicides and pesticides and all of the things that they are doing to our food. So the key is to get good food in your body and make sure that you're eating things that is grass fed and organically grown.
So here are some tips about food. So let me give you her definition of what real food is, which I agree to. I really like how she describes what real food is. She says, real food is grown the way God intended it to be. Fresh and nutritionist.
predominantly local, seasonal, grass-fed, and as wild as possible, free of synthetic chemicals, whole and minimally processed, and ecologically diverse. It is grown according to God's multifaceted genius transfused throughout the interconnected ecosystems because He created our ecosystems.
So basically your food needs to be fresh and needs to be local and needs to grow.

Meal Planning and Organic Misconceptions

You need to eat what's in season and when you eat meat, you need to make sure that it is grass fed. So I want to give you a couple of tips for food. First of all, you need to think about what you're putting in your body.
We have grown into the habit of impulse eating and buying. So if you work, if you go to work and you have no clue what's for dinner, you're going to be like, okay, I'm tired. I'm overwhelmed. I don't know what I want to cook. So you're either going to go to your grocery store and grab a frozen dinner or something that's really unhealthy.
or you're going to drive through a drive through and say, I'm just going to grab some real quick. Either way, you're not supplying your body with the nutrients that it needs. So you need to be mindful about what you put in your body by planning ahead. It is necessary that you think about what you want to put in your body and where you need to get your food from.
You also need to not buy in-cap food. So what I mean by that is when you're standing in the grocery store line and you're waiting for the cashier to check out the person that's ahead of you, don't look to the left or the right and buy that, pick up that candy, like let it stay there on a shelf or stop buying stuff on the end of the shelf thinking, Oh, I'm just getting a quick deal. Because when you do that, you not only waste money, but you put unnecessary things in your body, things that you haven't taken time to think about or account for.
You want to make sure that you pay attention to what's in the food. I have a good rule of thumb when I'm reading labels. If I can't pronounce it, I'm not putting it in my body. Did you know that grocery stores, they often put healthier foods at the bottom of the shelves?
and they put sugar sugary or processed foods at the, they basically make it eye level and they put in them bright and bold packaging to get you to be attracted to that particular product versus something more healthier. So you want to make sure that you are reading labels and you know exactly what's in your food.
The next thing you want to do is make sure that you are aware of where your food is coming from. Now, this one was something that got me because when I was grocery shopping, I thought, oh man, I'm just going to buy organic. Organic is the way to go. I'll be healthier. It's better. I know that it doesn't have pesticides or any chemicals in it. And come to find out that even though I was buying organic, it didn't necessarily mean that it was healthier or better for me.
I went to the grocery store to buy some bananas and I bought organic and I just so happened to look at the sticker that was on it that said where it was made from. And so I looked at the sticker and the sticker said that it was made in Guatemala.
I live in Chicago. How in the world did they get fresh bananas to me? And I was able to keep it on my counter for five days and it didn't mold, it didn't rot, it didn't spoil until the fifth day. Well, that issue is because they are cutting the, what they do is they cut the fruits and vegetables off the vine too soon. So they don't give it time to ripen.
And by the time they ship it here, they spray it with ethylene gas and it helps the fruits and vegetables appear fresher. So now you have a chemically treated banana and it has lost its nutrients. So I'm not even getting the nutrients that I was supposed to get because the banana was cut off the vine too soon. And now it has chemicals.
After a study was done, after three days, broccoli loses its nutrient value. So if you have broccoli that's grown in, I don't know, let's say China, because I've seen broccoli in a grocery store from China. And if broccoli was grown in China and they shipped it here, after three days, it has lost its nutrients. So it's no point of eating it. It's just like you eating broccoli, but you're getting no nutritional value for it.
So it's important to make sure that you look to see where your food is coming from. And you want to predominantly buy somewhere local. You need to make sure that your food is coming from a local source. And another thing too is that you need to Google search to find out what fruits and vegetables are actually in the season.
Because if you're buying strawberries in the winter, chances are they don't hold the nutrient value that it should. So you want to be cognizant and mindful of that.

Finding Local and Sustainable Produce

So you also want to make sure that you buy your food from farmers markets.
Farmers markets are generally more healthier than your local grocery stores because your grocery stores are going to try to find the best deal and they don't care where your meat products come from or even where your vegetables come from. They just want to get the best deal. So you want to be wise.
and shopping so it is a group that's out that's called CSA it's called community supported agriculture and you can find them on I'll be sure to link them in the show notes below if you're interested
And what they have is they created a community where they have connected with farmers all over the country to talk about information concerning healthy farming. And they also have on their website where your local farmers markets are in your area. So all you have to do is type in your zip code and they'll give you all of the information
that you need concerning the farmers markets near you. It's kind of like they have their own community where they are holding each other accountable to making sure that nobody uses any synthetic chemicals to treat their animals or treat their plants as they grow it to make sure that they are doing natural and organic
farming so it is a really really good resource to check out so if you're interested in kind of just making sure that your food is completely fresh you want to go to and find out where your local farmers market is.

Future Podcast Plans and Listener Engagement

So I just wanted to share that little bit of information. I think I'm going to come back next week and talk more about what I am reading in this book and how you need to be very cautious and careful when it comes down to putting foods in your body and what you're putting inside of your body as well.
These are really good important factors to look into so you want to make sure that you are taking time to read your labels. Make sure that you are eating only if you're going to eat meat that you're only eating grass-fed and organic.
treated animals and vegetables. So be sure to look into that information. Remember guys that this is your body. You only get one so you want to take care of it as best as you can while you have the life that you have.
By eating natural and organic foods, it will help you preserve your health. It doesn't matter if you eat meat or if you don't, it's important that you know what's going on going in your body. If you have any questions for me concerning the information that I talked about, if you want me to explain or expound upon more points,
You can always email me at aliananitashow at I have posted on my social media actual pictures of some of the pages of this book that I wanted to share because this book kind of really just opened my eyes so much. So if you want to see small glimpses of the book, you can go onto my social media. You can go to any of my social media. I am Alianna Nita everywhere, so you can check that out.
it's posted on my Instagram page. So if you can scroll, you can find the pictures that I put up of this book. So I hope that you enjoyed this podcast. I have so much more information that I'm going to give. I don't think that I was going to make this a series, but I don't think that I really want to. I just think I kind of want to talk
for maybe the next couple of weeks. So I hope that you enjoyed this podcast. And if it helped you, make sure you share with your friends and followers. And as always, stay blessed and be relevant. Bye.