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Everything Action Commentary: Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

Everything Actioncast
34 Plays7 months ago

For the latest Everything Action Commentary, Zach and Chris are joined again by special guest Phil from Digital Pimp to watch another terrible comic book movie, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.

In the final Superman film starring Christopher Reeve, the madmen at The Cannon Group acquired the rights to Superman, even though they were hemorrhaging money, and pitted the Man of Steel against a radioactive glam rock villain, Nuclear Man (Mark Pillow) as part of Lex Luthor's (Gene Hackman) scheme.  Margot Kidder, Marc McClure, and Jackie Cooper return as Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, and Perry White, respectively, while Jon Cryer co-stars as Lex's nephew Lenny, and Mariel Hemingway plays the horny new editor of The Daily Planet, Lacy Warfield.  While watching the movie, the guys discuss how it seems like Gene Hackman had no restrictions on his wardrobe or set design, how most of the movie is a wacky 80s sitcom, Nuclear Man's absurd weakness to darkness, the bonkers gym scene, and more.

You can watch Superman IV: The Quest for Peace on Max.  Sync up the movie with our commentary to watch along.

Follow Phil/Digital Pimp on X/Twitter @pimptour and Instagram @digitalpimponline.  Check out their booth at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con and head over to

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Introduction & Overview of 'Superman IV'

Hello, and I'm welcome to another Evanation commentary. It's your commentary sorry. for July, 2024. I'm your host, Zach. I'm your co-host, Chris. And joining us again is Phil. Hello. Could I get enough bad superheroes from last month when we watched Madam Web and now you're back for Superman IV, the quest for peace. I actually requested this one. Yes, this is your special request by you. For some reason.

Financial Struggles & Production Challenges

um Yeah, the the movie that basically killed Superman for two decades until Superman Returns came out. And I think also like the reason that canon films like went bankrupt, or like one of the like last reasons they went bankrupt.
Because somehow they got the rights to Superman, then they just ran out of money.

Deleted Scenes & Impact on Film Coherence

Oh, you can tell they ran out of money it like during the production of this movie. I think wasn't it like they were filming four movies at once and because they all did terrible? It was some sort of money scheme that they were trying to do with this. Yeah. It's like they slashed the budget in half. They cut out like 45 minutes of the movie that they shot. So they just lost footage somewhere about this? Yeah, apparently there was like 45 minutes of footage that I got deleted from whatever test reading version they had.
45 minutes out of it. Yeah, so like, spoiler alert, I guess, because if you're watching the movie for the first time, I guess, um like he fights nuclear nuclear man in this movie, who's not a not a DC

Absurd Plotline: Superman vs. Nuclear Man

character. ah But like he like he fights a proto nuclear man in like the deleted scenes.
Wow, that's just the warm up to nuclear man. Yeah. And I think i've seen I haven't seen the the footage or at least I don't remember seeing the footage, but like I've seen pictures and the proto nuclear man kind of look looks like a hobo. Is he played by the same actor? I don't think so. Oh no. Unless unless he has really good makeup on, which I doubt it because they probably didn't have the money to do really good makeup. Party City wasn't a thing yet. They just couldn't get cheap props.
wow Did not know there was a proto ah-Nuclear man. Yep. I guess it sort of ties in because actually if you're hearing this like the like and the actual an actual like good Superman thing just wrapped up season two of my adventure with Superman. So that's what like one of the best new Superman things but we're watching one of the worst Superman things. Oh. um Can I put it in a request for the next one? Supergirl. Oh, boy. Maybe maybe maybe well we should probably maybe you take a couple of months off before yeah watching Supergirl, but yeah. Yeah, I mean, we're we're all like I think so like the week that come like this week this comes out is also the week that we have our regular podcast episode is X-Men Origins Wolverine.

Visual Effects Critique

Nice. So knight it's back to back just comic.
Yeah, comic nightmares. Yeah, comic nightmares. But yeah, so we're watching Superman 4 on Max, and we are paused right after the HBO movie presentation logo comes up. So like, I don't know, was that three seconds in or something? A couple seconds in? ah Just pause right before like the the Waterburys logo comes up.
And yeah, so I'll give the countdown, we'll get started here. So five, four, three, two, one, play.
I like that it sounds sounds like even like it's like a kazoo version of the Superman theme. It's like, we can't afford the John Williams version anymore. we're
So, yeah, even even like the credits are like, like you could tell like they don't got a lot of money. Yeah. I mean, if you tell me in the 70s, this was a thing you're like, wow. But if you look at the date, 87.

Christopher Reeve's Involvement in 'Superman IV'

Yeah. This is every like default computer. effect I'm going in here. I am shocked at like they got like everyone to come back, though, for like what was being like a low budget movie. Well, here's the thing, though. I think I think maybe one of the reasons they got everybody back is because um I think Christopher Reeve is ah like he might be a producer and he he co-wrote it, I think. and yeah That sounds familiar. I also they've they've read that they basically so like Cannon basically paid him they paid him six million dollars. And then they also agreed to finance like one of his pet projects, which is a movie called Street Smarts or Street Smart. that was That was also like Cannon put that out. That's also like a bomb.
I think I've seen that one. That was the one I think it's like he goes against Morgan Freeman. He's yeah, he's easier's a reporter. He's a reporter and he's like interview like and then he gets like mixed up like a murder case or something. Yeah, Morgan f Freeman tries to like come after him. Yeah.

Confusing Narrative Choices

I mean, that's got that that promise. Like, it feels like it's worth watching.
I think the poster is interesting more than the story. I haven't seen it. I've only seen the poster a few times and it just looks weird. It looks like Red from Shawshank Redemption. He's threatening Clark Kent. Essentially, he's a reporter again and this time he's not Superman, secretly.
Wow, John Williams really is in this.
these credits are really long though also they're saying that they're going away like they're flying away from this movie kind of yeah like this should be the end credits more than the beginning credits where you know it's like take me with you credits where you're going like don't make up the movie I just looked at like the month after this movie came out uh Canon also put out Masters of the Universe. Oh wow. and so this It had to be everything. was so like This was like July 87 and then the universe was like August 87. Was of the Universe the last one they made and then they went completely shut down? No, they i mean they they went until like 89 I think. are like Oh boy.
Like Cyborg was the last movie they made, and like 89.
That's a good high note to go on. I will say, this is actually not bad, like, effects-wise.
Yeah. I mean, compared to what we will see in the in like the near future, this is not bad.
Like, already, this is terrible. It's like a second later. Just when you thought it was safe to critique the effects.
Whoa. Yeah. Gravity, gravity. I but i i feel like that's going to be a ah theme in this movie, is that like people who should be dead, like if they were in the real world, are fine. I mean, yeah, because how fast is that satellite going in space? Like yeah thousands of miles an hour?

Unrealistic Depictions & Space Scenes

Was that satellite already like a problem, or they just accidentally flew into a satellite orbit path?
Yeah, I don't and don't know.
What year was the original Superman? Like, 79? I think so, yeah. 78, 79, yeah. seventy Actually, it's 78, because I think the um comic that they do. Actually, no, wait. I think it would be 77 now, because I think the comic continuation is 78. So be I think it's 77. OK, because I feel like they did not really upgrade much yet. Like, if you told him me if you saw Superman 1 and then this, you're like, wow, the effects are pretty good. like just i like like I like that the like the flying footage looks like it's like you just like cut it from the first movie. It's like, yeah, this is the first movie, right? Yeah, it's just like, yeah, it is like cropped out everything else. And I'm pretty sure like those three shots where he's flying at the camera are the exact same shots. Like this is new footage.
well Smallville somehow became even more small and depressing.
So like at this point, both of his parents are long dead, I think. um And he owns this land. Because I think that we saw four sales lines there. He's selling it. He is this motherfucker Superman. He should be able to take care of this land, right? If he's got superpowers, like if he can't do it, like what chance does anybody else have? He didn't really say to like do more far more. you know like It's still a skill. I mean, he couldn't learn it. He could absorb the book and do it, but. Now he I guess just but then it's like, what's the point? It's like to be the farmer. He's not retiring yet. He's got a city to save. He's got a a crazy rock still like a pit. Yeah, he's got a Lazarus pit in his barn. So here's the thing, like in the first movie, like ah like Jor-El talks to him, um I think
in instance Well, probably in the first and second ones. Does he get like different people talking to him throughout the the the series? Yeah. Because i guess they couldn't get Marlon Brando back. yeah Well, Marlon Brando might be dead by this point. No, he was i mean he was he had to be in, like, I love Dr.

Character Portrayal Deviations

Moreau later in the 90s and stuff, so he was around.
Why is he taking that out again?
Isn't this Kryptonite? I guess it's not Kryptonite, but it's like a green a green rock from Krypton. Yeah, they like so like the the but crystals that he uses, like because he uses one in the first movie to like build the fortress of solitude. That's not even properly, man! It's glowing! yeah
um But like yeah, Kryptonite is green. The the crystals also green. like You would think, like from ah like a storytelling perspective, they would want to make them different colors. but You figure. You figure maybe this is a good time and to make another color. Yeah. like like What's one of the most iconic things about Superman is like he's weak to green Kryptonite. yeah
Yeah, I mean if you took taking care of the farm maybe like a farmer would want to buy it But what is he farming here? ski and It's like it's so desolate. Yeah
Who's this rich Texan?
I like how like Clark hasn't really gotten rid of any of this stuff like he's just like like he's living his life his best life in in Metropolis and like he owns all this land and he's like I'm not gonna toss out this crib but
like ah Christopher here does so ah surprising lot surprisingly a lot of like physical comedy in this movie.

Absurd Plot Elements & Lex Luthor's Plans

I mean, he he was a good actor. He knew how to really be the dork. I think the one, richard the Superman 3, where he pretends to work out, I think that's like the worst one. But when he's doing things like this, it's... It conveys it enough. movie Yeah, there's there's a robot class in this one that's weird. Oh, it's like this one. Oh, no. Oh, no. I thought that was going to destroy that guy's house. Yeah. So that's the thing, too. I confused three and four together. Mm-hmm.
um Not to give too much of my childhood, but like Superman 3 terrified me as a child. like i was like um I watched it too young, and like I was expecting like you know a fun superhero movie. And like ah like it gets too intense as it like in the end for a child. but Oh, it gets like Cronenberg levels. Yeah. You barely understand what evil is. And then it's like, OK, well, now we made a robot lady. Yeah, exactly.
And then there's like goo, you know? like Yeah. A lot happens in that one.
What is going on with his car?
Wow, he has this name plastered across the side of it.
like there's this They're not strapped in at that point. like could have easily gone now it's it's it's a canvas top you could put your way out of it probably like like also they're they're they're not wearing seat belts they're dead right yep there's so many witnesses that saw this but also not dead see like god
how like i said it kind of becomes a theme in this movie like people that should be dead are not dead so this is just attempted murder basically where was this tunnel um i'm like
This doesn't look like Manhattan. Yeah. That is not a Manhattan train. This is Canada, isn't it?
Wherever the cheapest place is, forget I could film it, probably. Yeah.

Outdated Cultural Elements

Look at those handles. Look at this European-inspired train.
But that's an American heart attack right there.
I like yeah how she's like like she uses her reporter skills to figure out she's in danger, so then to yell for help. like Nobody else yells for help in that scene.
I don't know, some of those people aren't too afraid, they're just like, whatever. Just a typical day of Metropolis, like... I'm sure that was also the same scene as his face.
I always thought this was a cool shot though, like, because I think that shot's in the trailer. Him stepping on the power line? Yeah, and like with his hands out and like the electricity, I thought that was cool. Unfortunately, that is probably the coolest thing in this movie.
um think he needs a doctor
This dick, man. He feels the need every time you save somebody to tell him it's okay to ride the train you know or plane or whatever it is. I do like that they didn't even care to like edit out that like um Statue of Liberty like ah ad because it just said New York on it. yeah
Why is Losering French just to be annoying? like
Look at that coat. That is very much the 80s. Also the glasses. yep
Can you tell by my daughter's dress how powerful she is?
It does worry me that like this um this whole section is very current.
Who cares if it's true? Just make It kind of makes sense for newspaper prints because it's getting even harder. But I think I trust less about print. Or should we trust more about printed words and then internet words? I don't know. Yeah.
So you mean to tell me in the real world this guy won?

Lack of Creative Vision

Like Lacey won.
Oh, so at this point in the movie timeline, did Superman Returns happen? Is that canonical still? Are we just forgetting that? but I think Superman Returns, like, um negates both three and four. Yeah. I think it'd be funny if we still include in the timeline and it's just like, Oh yeah, Lois, what about your other, like your son and your husband's like, I'm going to France. Oh, wait. Um, it's maybe it's the, um, like it's, this is like the branching timeline. So like three and four is one timeline. And then like Superman returns is a different timeline. Um,
And like because he because Superman travels back in time in the first movie, he creates his branching timeline. So this all makes sense now. OK. Someone should fan edit it the first part of that first movie and then just continue on and then and have him do the round the world and then Superman returns.
Oh, that's right. This is supposed to be making fun of, like, Reagan, right? Yeah.
Do schools still do this? Just, like, have, like, a rap session? and Like, yeah, it's like, OK, we're going to have a fun event. Yeah, yeah. I feel like classrooms haven't done this since the Challenger explosion. Like, Mad 11 or something, yeah. Yeah. Ever since then it was like, you know the world sucks. Anyway, back to math lessons. Nothing. You were right to your congressman.
See, like, In a world where there is actually like an American hero, that makes sense. But if you did this in real life, people laugh at you.
Also, is it weird that his hair has this tensile strength? And then what does he do with like all of his excess body hair? Does he have to throw it in the sun? Well, does he? it to Isn't the comic he's like shave his face by like reflecting the lasers off of a mirror and like shaving his face. Yeah, that's how he shaves. Yeah. Also like, um, so, uh, Lex Luthor is going to try to steal this, this strand of hair. Um, so it is, it is strong enough to hold clearly a thousand pounds, but like he uses these bolt cutters. So then it's like,
Oh, you can still hurt Superman with just the right things. Yeah, it's just like a Simpsons joke of like, like, he use he pulls up the bowl cutters, but he uses a smash to glass. Like, he doesn't even use like the classic like cat burglar, like, like, uh, you know, hole cutter thing. Yeah. Then he, escape well I guess there's no security of the Superman museum. I guess he gets, he gets away with it really easily. Yeah, really easily.
Oh, don't mind me. I'm just kidding on my dad.
The chairs are too uncomfortable.

Poor Execution & Creative Decisions

Yeah. Lacey's watched The Graduate too many times. Isn't Brooke Shields younger than Christopher Rees at this point? It's not Brooke Shields. Oh, it's not? No. It's Muriel Hemingway. Yeah.
I mean, this is definitely like a look Bobo lookalike book she has going on.
Is the sexy jazz music coming from the movie or just her office? Did she just play it? I mean, it could be either, really, because I mean, she was sitting on her desk like that.
Say, Superman, can you fight Russia?
What's the quote from Gravity Falls Act where it's like, kids, how can I exploit them? It's like, i could kids fight it, I could sell this. ah Kids crying, I could sell this. Yeah.
Your letter's going to alter the entire fabric of the world. I like how A.C.'s outfit is like a linebacker shoulder. She's got shoulder pads. It's the 80s, man. Power shoulders. She looks like she's in a... ah Oh my god, what? It's like a David Bird. like say It's like, yeah, it's... Yeah. Superman said no.
He's just dropped dead to kid. Wow, that's way harder than a no. Superman says, I hope you fucking die, kid.
I'm confused. This guy, he owns a tabloid like ah the Warfields own a tabloid company and then they they bought the Daily Planet and then they're turning them into another tabloid company. Yeah. Yep. That's not a good business because it's like, don't you already have a tabloid company?
Like, if anything, a lot of companies probably own both. One for the truth and one for the tabloids. Like, that's the balance.
Oh my God. put all yeah yeah So I feel like in a like in a um in a ah movie with a larger budget, like he would have walked down this hallway and like you would have seen like that screen like like like all over the place. Like, you know what I mean? but it said we get one. No, it's all over over the screens. It wasn't all the screens, yeah. Was it? Yeah. Yeah.

Technical Flaws & Inconsistencies

Who is this guy?
Krypton's knowledge is leave. Just abandon this planet. Yeah. Kevin Costner's podcast must learn from this group. Don't interfere. Don't do anything.
So so so both presence that he's literally the exact same thing in the exact same words ah That's because this is a cabal and we're running a lizard people This is the problem with movies where there is just one super person It's because like once this This world, even though it's ah it feels very lived in, it's very closed off. it's like he If there was a Batman, if there was like another super power person, if there's a super villain that wasn't made out of nuclear waste, you know like it would have been more of an equal footing. but
ah i mean Was it two movies ago? They had other Kryptonians. And it's like, okay, Earth's still trying to fight each other. But once you're like, no, aliens are real. Like one came to the United the united States and like took over the White House. And they got over that in like an hour. Is Superman a tip of a Buccaneers fan? Looks like it.
And a Giants man. You see his house. It's all decorated. He lives in a frat house. It's all sports. And Yale... I don't know why she goes along with him in that, like... She has no reason to. Like, what? Like... well Yeah, why was why was she freaking out? She knows he's she knows he's super mad, like... Does she? Wait, what? She doesn't know he's Superman. Yeah, she doesn't know. He took her memory away in the first movie. No, he never gave her in the second movie, I think. He takes her memory away. She's not in the third movie. Weird. So you'll see. I think this is verbatim, actually, from maybe Superman II. I don't know.
This is all like this ah entire sequence is basically lifted from one of the previous movies. But like it's I think it is different footage. But same kind of like look and yeah, same idea, basically. um But somehow worse, somehow worse. He doesn't he doesn't. She doesn't fly. She's falling. Yeah.
Oh, yeah, it was it was two had the the mind erase kiss. That's what. Yeah. Yeah. And three, she's not in it. And now before she's back. And that's the whole thing. And then, yeah, that's I'm like, he has to do the reintroduction again. But it's a join me in a suicide pack. low Yeah. Yeah. But then, like, this happens.
You make me laugh and I drop you.
just like
Like, okay. Oh, yeah. ah yeah
She always remember or she just remember from that? the fall That fault shot by memory. So then this happens. Mind erased again. Yes, again. Not good for Lois, he can't keep doing that. Like, like okay, so we've we've seen him do this at least twice at at this point. Like he's probably done this more than that, right? There's this constant, caught there's is cost that is's like, oh, I screwed up again. yeah Kiss me, Lois. At least this time, she didn't try to shoot him.
Do you think he has control over how much he makes it? Yeah, it's like, if you if you go like, if you stick your tongue in you have your ears, like... They're wearing the same jacket though, right? Yeah, no, she's wearing another version of his jacket.
Like that doesn't seem like a lady's overcoat. That just seems like a man's dinner jacket.
Jimmy, drop dead. Also, why is Jimmy like taking this boy on a date? Yeah.
Is that Uncle Sam back there?

Climax, Resolution & Film Legacy

ah There's so many protocols that they're breaking in this UN summit. There's like a child walk in.
Like, I mean, when you're the most powerful, like, being on the planet, like, are you really gonna say no? Yeah. If anything, the government should have really buttered your van up. I'm taking you over the planet. Bounty your new king. Yeah.
I mean, the Superman story Red Son does an excellent story of what if Superman landed in Russia and Russia was like, we need to capitalize on this. And America is just sort of like, eh, do you?
I mean, this is like a morality test. This here is like a good place thing where if he says this and if a country goes, no, yeah, don't take my weapons. Like this should be like a a test to see that what country delegate doesn't get up and clap and like, like, like but like ever ever everyone's on board. Like instantly. Yeah. It's like great idea.
It's as if like they They wanted to get rid of their nukes. But like, they were like, I don't know, like, how am I supposed to do it? Like, we got these nukes. Like, do we just talk on the trash? Is it recyclable?
Is that so much a waste? Same shot! Where are they firing this missile into? it's just Target target at the moon!
Like weren't, are they at war right now? Was this an active invasion? Was this a, yeah each country trying to do the first strike? I mean, it's still the cold war. Yeah. So it's like, they're just building up nukes. Yeah, but they didn't fire them at countries. Yeah. So I think the idea here is that like all of the countries in the world, like are willingly firing their nukes into space. so that Superman can catch them. yeah by put giant yeah But doesn't know how nukes work because like he clonks them together. They're not gently placed in styrofoam or anything. They're just nestled. And I'm pretty sure some of the nukes have like a timer if they don't hit their target. like They still explode. Also, I thought this happened near the end of the movie. Not so much now.
This is how nuclear mag is made. like yeah
Shuff is like shot put, or like ah his hammer throw skills. Like decades later, this gets to the sun. You know, for so many nukes in the sun, small explosion. Yeah, it's like, well, somebody blew up the sun. and
Lex is living it up. He's hanging out with Sinja Lauper. Fixity Lauper, yeah. So the the guy in the middle, the, you know, the heavyset guy, um this guy is in Batman. He's also in Star Wars. Oh, he's porkins. He's porkins, yep.
Oh my God, I know that guy. He's in a lot of stuff. I don't know. He's in this movie. He's the he's the captain and hot fuzz. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. short Yeah. you but yeah but again I think the saving grace of this whole movie is Gene Ackman, which it's it's it's so shocking that he came back for like this. OK, the movie, it's like
Cause they could easily just had like a, like a knockoff of like, what can't get you hacking back? We'll hire like someone who's like cheaper in Lex Luthor or just like have not Lex Luthor at all. that when They didn't have have Lex Luthor in the other movies. So, you know, they kind of just continue that trend.
There's like some, like, like course, like Frank Langella to be like, it's like, you're a Skeletor, be Lex Luthor now.
I think Jack Cryer is basically just like evil ducky. like Basically, yeah.
so like Lex never has the same lackey in every movie, right? Well, he had that one dude in the first and second. yeah Yeah. He gets rid of like Miss Whatever Name is, his sexy assistant, and then This one's just, he's down to family. Yeah, it's his nephew, yeah. And then Judd Carver became Lex Luthor in Supergirl. I did like that nod. I like that connection. He was a good Lex Luthor. He was the best part of that show.
oh Have you guys seen like pictures of of Gene Hackman lately? No. like he's I think he's in his 90s now. like he He looks like a skeleton, basically. Oh, God. Oh, boy. yeah if you like like Google it. at like so because Joe and I have talked about this a lot. like I don't know why, but it's basically, have you seen Gene Hackman lately? and it's always like Like if you Google a picture of him, he's unrecognizable. He looks like a, like a, like a skeleton, basically. Oh boy. I mean, he knew that basically he can no longer deliver. So he's gonna, he's going to do welcome to Museport and just die here. I still can't believe this is the movie he's welcomed to Museport. I think he should come back for one more, do a voiceover or something. Just like had that not be his last movie. Yeah. Yeah.
He wrote like mystery novels for a while, I thought. Yeah, yeah. You got into like a whole just staying at home doing things. It's like him and Sean Connery just decided like the worst like last movie look of like like Sean Connery was like Leader of the Story of the Gentlemen and then like Gdak was in Welcome to the Boostport. Well technically Sean Connery did voiceover. Yeah, voiceover. Like last like on the screen like live action and role.
So did the U.S. Air Force forget to send a nuke for Superman and Hatch? I think they have too many nukes, so like they gotta send them waves, can't send them all along. His neck can only hold so many nukes.
it's it's good It's because know art the Air Force is so gullible with nuclear weapons.
ah You know how like missile math is very important? Like trajectories and trigonometry. I feel like if that wasn't going to go to space, that was just going to hit America.

Legacy Reflection & Franchise Impact

prop Somewhere, yeah. It was definitely like a very low trajectory. Oh yeah. Also, no net. I don't understand how, and it's the same equivalent, like 30 nukes with the same explosion as one nuke. I like that like to like alllthough all the other nukes were like, didn't make nuclear man, but like one more makes it just like- Well, no, they put DNA on the on this one. So that was- Okay, yeah. They created a hair metal god.
So like, um, the Superboy from the 90s, I guess the the current Superboy also, uh, Connor Kent, like this is basically his origin. Like, he He's like a combination of both Lex Luthor and Superman, um which Nuclear Man is also. So I guess Lex has the more dominant G yeah to be this blonde hair tan man. Yep. Here's your exercise scene. Oh no.
Aerobics are so hot right now. Aerobics with my boss. Yeah.
Do you think Clark Kent enjoys doing this, like fooling everybody? He has to at this point. It's been so long for his like facade. I like how he has his towel like tucked into his collar, too.
Ah, the old dip machine. That was more shoulder workout than anything.
And compared to like a fitness bro, this guy is barely like athletic. The guy in the back. but Yeah, we're athletic this guy. This like golems friend usually you want to be in my movie.
So there's something that this is like a gym culture thing. So this gym has not the right padded floor for these weights. So if you just like drop that, that floor is getting dented.
I mean, Superman is also kind of a jerk because he's going to do this next coming up. Oh, he's going to like threaten this man. Yeah.
Oh. It's almost as she gives aerobics.
He does this shit. yeah ah that What if that guy didn't reflex and catch that? That would have went right into this dude's chest.
i feel I feel like, I feel like Cannon just like, just like, he'd have me just do whatever he wanted. Like, there's like... Yeah, you wanna like, dance with like a Maria Twinette lookalike? Fine, whatever. Like... Maybe, maybe this is how they got him in the movie. Yeah. Like, you have, yeah yeah there's no restrictions, like, just tell us what you wanna do and we'll let you do it. like And he just made up the weird, you know, like, okay, and it's like, oh, fuck. Now I gotta do this shit. So, Newler Man's powers is weird. He can just phase through things?
He's like a... um I feel like he's like getting an extreme Superman, like, cause like, you'll you'll find out, like like, very soon that, like, uh... He loses all of his power if he's not in direct sunlight. So he's more like Solar Man than Nuclear Man. I mean, he has like a solar sun on his chest, yeah. It's like... It was more like a sunflower with a weird N.
I also liked that Mark Pillow, who plays Nuclear Man, was basically only in like three other things.
I think ah this isn't, it's not his original voice, right? Yeah, that's that's Gene Hackman's voice. Yeah. um But like,
did he I mean, have have you either of you guys seen him in anything else? No, nope. because like i He was in, is in some show called like Alaska kid? That was like his other, like he was in the 13 episodes of Alaska kid. hu And that was it. And then like what episode like that show wise guy, like the like TV show about like the mob. Um, but I'm curious if it's like an Arnold Schwarzenegger situation where like, cause like, uh, when, when Schwarzenegger did that, like Hercules movie, like when he's first coming out, like they they dubbed him.
Yeah, I guess I was like it just like a time thing because you can't really do that too well.
So he's day man, you know, and it works. If you just fight him at nighttime, it's pretty easy.
i mean it's That's a pretty like major weakness. Lex is just fine with it. like Yeah, there's a huge fall. Yeah. yeah you you you like You literally cannot have him do anything at night. like
Like, this movie is only 90 minutes long. And, like, they have time for this. They have time for, like, a TV sitcom double date scenario. And they cut 45 minutes out somehow. This is what stayed? Can you imagine what happened? This is what stayed, yeah.
Seriously, he must enjoy being a dick. Yep. Because he does all of this.
So like, so both Clark and Superman agreed to this double date.

Conclusion & Future Plans

um Like, and he knew. He knew going in that he was going to have to do all of this. Yeah.
It's not even like a like a Mrs. Doubtfire situation where it's like opposite ends of like a restaurant. It's like the same exact room. Yeah.
burns this stuff it's good yeah
He f***ing burns this duck! Yeah! It's done!
and just the steamed hams are burning and he and he plays it off like as if he doesn't have super senses yup that was as low as i'd be pissed and be like oh why didn't you warn me you you knew you had to have known
Well timed baggage cart.
Whose car is that? like There's like someone in it like, what?
Hey Lois, you wanna jump off this balcony with me?
Cause so far that's the thing they do. Superman just tricks Lois over the balconies on buildings. I also, I feel like this belt, like this exact balcony is like the, like at Supergirl, the show, there was like, there was constantly out in the balcony of like catco, like,
Did she? This is her apartment, right? Yeah. Did she read the doorbell? She doesn't have the key. Is it is it her apartment or is it like a hotel? I think it's her hotel room. Did he make the doorbell ring?
That's impressive.
The crudite.
With 7-Eleven, a ah ah big sponsor of this movie.
Also Clark, I saw Clark Clark leave too. Yeah.
You're going to get it, brah.
And i I feel like one of the concessions that you know they had to make to get Gene Hackman back is that he's not going to wear the skull cap. Yeah, yeah. same He's not bald. He's just Gene Ackman in this. yeah
Children animals?
Check it out, Superman. It's our son. yeah
And he's only two days old. Yeah.
So now I think about it. Batman V Superman. did it They made nuclear man again. Kind of, yeah. It was, like yeah I mean, doomsday. He uses his own DNA to like make doomsday. yeah And Kryptonian DNA. So this is their version of doomsday? yeah
Well also, in Superman, Lex Luthor has the whole like you know um real estate plot. Superman returns, same real estate plot. like are they just as Are there like literally like like three Superman plots for movies that they just keep recycling over and over again?
Pretty much. Lex is just obsessed about either money or land. Which makes money.
Oh, yeah. it was weird Yeah.
Like if someone did this now on a YouTube video, it's like obviously like a joke, right? Like, yeah. But this is Hollywood budget.
ah where Where is this set? like Is this in like some canon archive? there's like wall Yeah, know yeah there's there's no way they actually went to China. like yeah
but like So like okay he saves that that woman, a tourist, I'm assuming. um And like he does this Yeah, this is really this why He has super speed Like they there are there are like he there are explanations of how he could do this. Yeah, they just don't do it all He said while building lasers
Well, Mountain to Space.
one Wouldn't nuclear may not be hit by the sun, so he'll just be stuck there?
Like the two rules is it has to be daytime and it has to be like light. You know, or he's the outside. They can see the light. So he's in a volcano. His parents turn off. Yeah. He's good. He's got like a mom, like mom, Suvius again. Leave.
leave You can leave. You can go to that building. yeah could Go anywhere else. Oh, he's making it worse. Cool. Destroy another natural monument.
Again, were these friends of canon? Because they and some of the bactras are just not acting.
I mean, there's still kind of a lot of damage. Yeah.
yeah I would stop praying to Jesus, pray to Superman. He's real. I'm surprised no one in this universe makes a church based on Superman.
Oh man, it's fingernails. I love that fight, that move. It's like, they're very much like, like, doing like cat fights. Yup. Oh, uh, yeah. Nuclear Man fights like a drag queen. I mean, they're having a cape fight. They're flying around. Touching each other's arms. yeah i It's blatantly the Statue of Liberty and like Metropolis. like New York doesn't exist in this world, it's just Metropolis. But they have the Twin Towers and the Statue of Liberty.
like Yeah, I feel like you don't have, you can't have someone all those states national monuments and then yeah say that you're in and like, yeah like, a like if if this is supposed to be, that's supposed to be like Metropolis that is like, we all know it's not Metropolis.
So I like how Superman, it took Superman like a little bit of time and to realize like, like, huh, the Statue of Liberty is flying away. That's weird. Oh wait, that's probably Nuclear Man. Or unless Odd's back.
Sucks to be that Taurus group that's in the Statue of Liberty.
I mean, I don't know exactly how big the Statue of Liberty is, but I feel like they do not understand the scale of things. No. I also... Nukem is pretty considerate just like laying Superman just like, you know, return the Statue of Liberty back, like... Oh, sneak attack. Yeah.
Sup, bro?
That was very much like a Luigi drive-by. God, his nuclear scratches!
I love how, like, the effects of stuff like shitty on the blue screen, like, he just disappears.
They couldn't even get a cape and a string to act natural. Yeah.
Did this movie inspire the real Death of Superman comic?
i hope that I'm thinking it could be another few years and then that Superman would happen. Everyone involved in that was like, let's do this, but good. They don't even credit this movie, do they, to to be inspired by that? Yeah, because because we were saying New Man is Doomsday, and it's like, oh, he killed Superman.
I'm attacking a hobo bindle? Yes. I'm leaving. I quit. I'm hitting the train line. I'm gonna ride the rails.
Wait, does Superman live above a aboveva bar? You're like a shitty neighborhood. like
I'm confused, does his apartment didn look that bad before and somehow his apartment got sick too? Is she breaking and entering? Yeah.
pulls you to your apartment that you live in.
Feels like he's close by. I think what would confirm our suspicion about the comic things act is if he comes back and he's got a black suit or something in his closet.
Or, or, uh, Clark grows out into that, like, uh, set depression beard and hair. He was a mullet. Yep.
You know, guys love it when you confess your love to another man. yep
I'm tired from your confession, so
You need to leave. yeah You broke into my apartment. I'm gonna forget about that.
Also, does he does he have like no power? Like he's using a fireplace for like light and warmth?
I mean, if he hasn't been to work in a while, maybe he hasn't got paycheck, he's got his heart going off. Yeah. He got screwed over that farm deal in the beginning of the movie. He actually owed money.
Have you seen my son? My... My super son?
He's using these like metaphors that nuclear man just will not understand. Yeah. And what is going on with Clark? yeah what I get they cut 45 minutes of this movie. They seem very vital to explain this Superman how he aged like a in like two minutes of screen time.
Also, where is he? I think he's on his roof. Okay. I guess that makes sense. He buried his precious thing in a flower pot on his roof. Looks like a squirrel.
It's like ah already a shady neighborhood, but he's got a penthouse level in that building. Even though it has like no power.
Oh, sweet. In Lex's apartment, he has Black Knight, one of the best pinball machines.
Yeah, they kind of yada, yada, yada. And also, like, Nuclear Man's obsession with, like, Lacey. Like, he just sees one picture in the paper, and now he's just like... Also, Superman, like, figured out that he was, like, Superman was coming for him, for Lacey. He figured, uh, he would be horny to do this, yeah so he's been waiting here for a while.
Some people! right Out of everything that- okay. Like that and Escalates.
Okay. new book i also Oh no. Key versus the footage. If a nuclear man's powers is like vague, you know, like, I don't know how Superman's powers relate to this.
Yeah, sometimes these blow up, sometimes they like spin around and so they move like... That's new.
And he can do it too? Yeah, telekinetically like...
It's just him again with a wig.
Taking the elevator. I think he gives us the same roof like five times. Wow, that elevator was fast.
Also, is this Lex apartment? I mean, yes. But also, no. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a different... Oh god, it's dark! Yeah.
Yeah, the elevator doesn't fit through that door.
Wow. There's so much that happened and then so much that didn't happen. livespan that's That's where your 45 minutes of footage went. To explain all this? Because this is insane. I mean, we're at the last act and I feel like they just started explaining the second act. yeah His death was solved in one scene. His sickness was never explained. yeah
The sun! Superman, you fool! You're going to put him on the dark side of the moon. In the east!
I don't think that fight will be fly stiff like that. Well, like so I think like in space, like because there's no like gravity or whatever, But you can just clearly see the stick that's holding up that that flag. Yeah. The horizontal one. I hate America.
Would that hurt? It's moon rock dust, so it's not like concrete, right? Also, he's Superman.
See, in this world where you can fly, being thrown doesn't make sense. Because, like, can't you just fly? Just type yourself, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
but Weird bullshit magic powers. Yeah, this this is way better attacks than trying to stab him with your nails. that just gives Superman the flu. Also, what are these noises that like nuclear man's making? just like
We're going to write off whatever noises that nuclear man makes, because it's it's already nonsense.
See what I mean? You can just fly. If you're being thrown, you can just keep flying.
Just cover them up, get a little dirt out of the room.
it does become like a cartoon
It does become like a cartoon.
what What was the headline that... ah You still gotta represent America. yeah What was the headline that was like, like, most uncannappable person or something? And the nuclear man's like, oh, hell no.
ah This probably is a good idea. yeah Also coming up, ah she in space. yeah yeah made like deep space yeah because they do a reverse shot like great like it's coming up like you oh maybe she's like close to ourer space you know like the the ah to the atmosphere then they do this shot here he breath it she's big spaced yeah he is dead like jesus' a corpse floating with man
Yup, She's so mine. far from the Earth. Yup. Yep. Yup. You Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. hear her breathing. That's like... Her lungs would be icy. Again, the theme of the movie were like, you know, people should be dead, but they're not.
Goodbye, son.
So does that imply that the nuclear power like absorbed him? I mean, yes. but I think that's the implication. He's the reactor now, yeah.
I mean, like- Everyone should get Pepsi. Like, get on Mr. White to like, uh, like take initiative and buy his newspaper back. But like, uh, like we know in the future, he's not going to be making that money back. He's going to be like, new newspapers is going to be the future media.
<unk>ll Never go out of business. Is Lacey dead? I mean, she should be. She's not though, I think.
My favorite thing about this shot coming up is that you can clearly see the crane that they're using. too land in the reflection of the building.
Now I've done my small part. Let me give you a speech about things, whoever's personal responsibility.
I mean, maybe if you drove a less ostentatious car, or dressed like a normal person.
Here at Boys' Dow. Looks very much like a prison. Yeah.
There's something called like due process. You can't just do this.
I solve nothing.
Well, I guess I guess there's, there are any more nukes, right? Like that sort of, he knows of, I mean, it was all those things where the cops had to voluntarily throw them in the air for Superman to catch. They could, I guess they could probably build more, but yeah, they'll just build more. Yeah. Yeah. Just because Superman gave a great speech that one time, it didn't solve world peace. It just sort of did it for a day. If anything, Nuclear Man is proof that you can just make more Superman.
It's not as bad as I remembered, but it rushes that third act so fast. That's that's where you can tell I ran out of money. I feel like Master of the Universe has the same issue where it's like, oh god, I ran out of money. like i don't know ah should they they fight that They fight in a void. They fight in a black void. like Have you guys seen the ah the Roger Corman Fantastic Four movie? Parts of it. Um, so like I, like I i bought it on bootleg at a convention one time on VHS. And like, I watched it and I was like, Oh, I know exactly where they ran out of money. Like you can, you can like literally pinpoint the exact moment they ran out of money. Um, cause like, there's like, uh, there's is it well, at the end there's like a big CGI sequence, which is like, by today's standards, it's like very like amateurish, I guess. Uh, but like, I think for the time it,
it'd be decent. um So I feel like they spent all their money on that. And um there's one scene where like, I think it's Ben Grimm changes back into the thing or what or vice versa. And they just they literally do like a camera trick to to try and change them from one to the other. And I was like, Oh, that exactly exactly where they ran out of money. This one's hard to tell.
This one is not exactly like, it starts strong. That that spaceship in the beginning was cool. Yeah, but like 30 seconds later. Terrible.
Oh man. I thought Nuclear Man was way more pivotal. I thought there was like a, did I imagine a scene where he kind of like explores the city and stuff and and kind of like kisses women? I kind of remember there was something like that.
I don't know. oh I think the ah the protonuclear man stuff like um that happens in in the city from from what I've seen. um So maybe it's that kind of stuff. I don't know.
So like I said, two and three and four for me kind of blur because Superman does a lot of things that don't involve him being Superman. And then ah when it's time to be Superman, a lot of it is meaningless. You know, it's like it's him. uh trying like not to be superman or or like doing kind of like playful skits where honestly he's wasting time i feel like that was like a budget thing too of like hey it's it's cheaper to have christopher you do like wacky sitcom stuff than be superman so yeah that is true um but yeah like uh i don't i feel like well no actually i'm i'm thinking about like superman being a dick basically
um and like Superman 2 like he Like he gets bullied by that one guy when he loses his powers and then he comes back and like bullies him back um Superman 3 has the The awesome like a peanut flicking scene Oh drugs are man. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah and then like this one like he's like he's basically a jerk the entire movie and You know, I think I might be using three where he drinks and then he doesn't need like make love to some random woman. Well, it was like Red Crib Night and then he like, like it's like turn of evil. Yeah. Okay. See but that's the one I remember. So I again, confuse the two.
Cause I definitely remember watching this way more on TV when they used to do like Superman marathon on WB. where it was like, hey, it's like near a holiday weekend. um We're just going to play the Superman movies, like back to back. And I would catch this a lot.
Yeah. um So ah back when Digital Pimp first started, like we we we used to actually like um like get together for movies. like We put a like a ah thing out on our site and say, we're going to meet up at this location, whatever. ah So we we would watch movies. like so i think I think before Superman Returns, um we would watch like terrible movies that were related to that movie. So we watched Superman IV and Supergirl before watching Superman Returns. um I think the theory was ah it made the the movie that we we wanted to watch better. And did it? I mean, I like ah like i like i don't mind Superman Returns, I guess.
um The only the only the only The only one that I think backfired was When he went to see Street Fighter or ah Legend of Chun-Li, but we watched the Van Damme Street Fighter right before it That was way better than it was but suddenly is way better than Legend of Chun-Li like like like but like it's a million times better ah Legend of Chun-Li was awful. Mm-hmm
Oh, man. I think the only kind of same grace that movie is like, like, what's Chris? What's his name? It's like, like, like he's like Nicholas Cage's performance. Oh, yeah. The guy who plays Bison. No, like Charlie, like Nash, like Chris Klein. Yeah, where it's like this guy walks through the raindrops.
ah he's definite he's He's definitely doing it like I think it was Superman. Superman IV. The Quest for Peace. Yes. And yeah. Possibly at some point, maybe we'll do Supergirl. I think i think i think the anniversary of Supergirl is like November, so we have to like settle in for that. Because it was like November 1984, so it celebrate it's celebrating its, what, 40th anniversary? In November, so. Yet somehow that movie is better fair than this.
It basically got yeah basically got like a whole like TV show sort of based on it. I guess there's Superman and Lois now, but yeah.
But ah yeah, before we go, Phil, is there anything you wanted to promote or get out there? um So I i guess like if you if any of our i if your listeners are going to see any of your We have a couple of exclusives. um And if by the end of Comic Con, we don't sell out of that, we we'll put up the the shirts on the site. So they're ah new Turtle and Bunny shirts. We also have ah temporary tattoos that we're giving out of Comic Con. If you like temporary tattoos, feel ah free to swing on by and then show your Turtle and Bunny love. But other than that, coming up,
mostly comiccon just so
I mean, it's kind of a big deal. Kind of. And ah ah ah Chris, you're going to be at Comic Con, too. so Oh, yeah. I'll be there on Friday and Saturday. Yeah, possibly check our like social media for, if you're hearing this and you're at Comic Con or want to like see what's going on, ah potentially some like social media from us on Facebook or Twitter or whatever. Whenever I get around to it. yeah i might I might be at AvaFest for the first day.
which is ah the Edmonton Elementary Pop-Up Festival. Oh, okay. Nice.
And yeah, if you want more from us, ah head over to site, We got all of our regular podcasts, news, reviews, trailers, all that stuff. And we'll be back next month with another commentary, although I think we're definitely going to take a break from terrible superhero movies. We're probably going to do something else next month for a commentary. So come back for that. And yeah, so for Chris Phil, I'm Zach, and we will see you next time. For more from Everything Action, head to You can also find us on Facebook at facebook slash everything dot.action and follow us on X at Evieaction. We're also on Instagram and threads at everything.action. Find more episodes of the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your at podcast epic choice and be sure to rate and subscribe.