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Curse of Strahd Ep. 17: Battle at the Church image

Curse of Strahd Ep. 17: Battle at the Church

The Blade's Edge
16 Plays2 months ago

The battle against Strahd in the church heats up! Vicar Jim goes super saiyan, Alma stares down the Count, death saves are rolled as vampires surround us... this visit to Vellaki got hands!


Welcome and Group Naming

Hello and welcome back to the blades edge D and&D actual play podcast where we are playing through cursive Strahd. Um, we left off on a very tasty note. The group, the new, uh, newly formed group, uh, currently unnamed, call the lightning, call the lightning.
Sounds good. Silence is never good. down I like that. Okay. Well, that's good. Call the lightning. Okay. ah but yeah Potentially called call the

Arrival in Valaki and Meeting Locals

lightning. um ah Just got into Valaki. Ismark and Irena are laying low at the blue water in.
Uh, the gang met Erwin and his wife, uh, Danica, Danica Patrick, for those of you keeping track at home. Uh, tennis player. And I'm not talking challenges, baby. Um, Danica Patrick was a tennis player, right? No, she's NASCAR. Oh, I knew that. I knew that, uh, challenges, right? I thought, I thought challenges was a real story. So after I got out, yeah. Dodge challenger. Come on, dude.
Yeah. um Yeah. Dodge Chounder. Yeah. Yeah. That's a whole different story. um Yeah. But it's that's about the guy who says Kachow and another one of his car friends in a threesome with a car lady. Yeah. Yeah. It goes Kachika Kachika. Oh, yeah. since All right.

Attack on St. Andrew's Church

You guys were um about to tuck in for the night, but you saw the St. Andrew's Church under attack.
You guys went and are in the midst of helping out a vampire spawn slain, one on death door, one completely healthy as Desan, Inabi, and Bash are outside facing off with those vampires. The congregation got away completely free. ah Nobody was injured, but inside.
swarm of bats attacking the priest vicar Jim as Alma graves came and helped but as these bats were killed and fells one bat entered and Turned into the form of Strahd von Zarovich And as he enters his feet touchdown He looks at Vicar Jim and says, ah good to see you again, Jim. It's been a while.
Your band of adventurers helping you out.

Battle with Vampire Spawn

Would they die just like the last one? And then he looks at you all and says,
Just like, oh brother, it's not really the fate of all that are drawn into the flame. Vicar, you light the flame and these moths come and you watch them all die.
So be it. Bars. Sick. And at the end of the turn, Shrod draws
his sword che off of his back and Abi you're up you're outside don't think you saw any of that happen thank god you are there are two vampires attacking you guys one is right I'm going to
You know what? I'm gonna be a little weird and a little squirrely. Kinda. Let me, uh... Not too squirrely. I'm just gonna try a little thing, you know? Why not? Uh, I'm gonna... Like... Kinda like pump fake this army right here. I'm gonna like reach up my blade as long as I swing down on it. Yeah. Alright. And I actually sheath my blade.
And with my bonus action, I'm going to cast, uh, sack tap sack, tap. You have to kick, kick it in the sack top front. leding Yeah. Uh, I sheath that bonus action cast shadow blade second level and calm down with the shadow blade and try and hit it with this, this long black, smoky, dusty looking blade. Love that.
Um, should I just roll the same weapon, like to hit that I've been rolling? I assumed for like the, does that make sense? It doesn't say in the. No, I mean, it just says ah counts as a simple melee weapon with which you're proficient in and then it deals its damage. So it doesn't like give me a roll to hit thing. It just gives me a damage thing that I can roll. So I assume it'd be the same. I'd calculate it the same way I would calculate. When you use a sword to attack a target that is in dim light or darkness, which it is, you can make the attack roll with advantage, which you will. Let's go. Yes. So.
You create a word solidified gloom. So yeah, I guess the, yeah, any simple weapon. So is yeah, your rapier is a simple weapon, right? Yeah. Yeah. yeah Cool. And you have advantage. 21 21 hits.
Let's go. Let's go and for 10 damage.
um And it does psychic damage, right? Yes, sir. So o up their resistances, because I thought it was going to be necrotic. But as you create this blade and stab it, what does it look like as you kill this?
Oh, that's fun. go Oh, it just goes straight into like the side of it. Like it's clavicle. You know what I mean? Just like and then like cut straight through like no resistance. It's just made out of like shadow and smoke. So it just goes straight through like, you know, like absolutely from buttery to have dropped. Only one remains. Any movement?
Yeah, I'll step up.
Right here. All right. That's my turn. Desan, you're up. Swinging two time. I'm so grappled, I think, by this one. Mm-hmm. Yeah, still grappled. Stay in grappled. Does that give me advantage on attacks? No. No. Unfortunate. Doesn't give you a disadvantage, though.
Okay. Uh, watching the sword down twice in this thing's neck. I'm going for the decapitate baby. Okay. Uh, first attack. Come on. Okay. That's not going to do it. 13 13 misses. Okay. Uh, daddy needs a new pair of shoes. Swing it. 20 dirty. hits dirty. 15 15. And more importantly, this thing has regenerated a couple of times, which is why it was at full health. And now your radiant damage has negated its regenerative property. skioo ah Okay. I'm not going to smite. I will, uh, I'm, I'm wriggling. I'm wriggling like a little worm, uh, wriggling, like a little worm in her, ah in her arms and help me. That's my turn. Okay. Um, on vicar Jim's turn Alma.
He looks at you and he slams his staff into the ground as his hair begins to lift as if in zero gravity. oh And he looks at shrod with his sword and he looks back at you Alma and he says, do you believe I believe He begins to lift off the ground as his cloak is billowing. And you, all three of you outside, ah see the symbol of Lefander hanging over this church, light up like a neon light. And the three of you here, as he says again louder, emanating almost as if from this symbol outside,
Do you believe?
We believe, we you believe. I look up from where I'm looking and see this guy floating and just stare. Okay, so no answer from Bash. Anabi says we believe. I think I believe. Okay.
Um. The song as you look up at this symbol. You see behind it in the clouds. Come on, most like from Stranger Things. A being.
A spider. Larger than a mountain. As thunder cracks. You see the image of it behind the clouds.
as it begins to rain and it disappears. I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe. Vicar Jim slams his staff down and Vicar Jim, Alma, Dassan, and Inabi will all roll religion checks.

Strahd Confrontation and Expulsion

h um Kyle Gerard, I will let you roll for Vicar Jim. We need a natural 20. I'm standing up. ah ah He has a plus five. Kyle Gerard, you can roll a 20 20 plus five for Vic or Jim. We need a natural 20. Yeah, but there's varying degrees of what happens based on what you guys. roll I'm going to use my heroic inspiration to. Plus does not roll again. OK. Fuck. May not be with a 13 all my way to 14.
Stand with an 18. Come on, Tommy. Call the lightning. And when the people needed him the most, we send out a prayer to Lathander. Here we go. Religion check.
Dirty 20. Not sure if my thing is there. I'm not sure, fellas. Okay. wow and Wait, was I rolling a straight D 20 or religion check?
It was like a religion check, but it was for Vic or Jim because you didn't say you believed. Mine is okay. Yeah, I got it. I wasn't for bash. Do you think does bash believe?
I'm looking at my wisdom. I got a plus two to wisdom. I'd say bash believes. Yeah. Well, me religion check that we got a lot of believers in chat. I like it. Yeah. Believers in the chat. Hands up. Hands are up.
Believers at home, hands up. Lathander, guide me. Lathander, guide this man. Oh. Ah, frick. It's cooked. I would have had to have give you the sunsword if that happened. True. Legally. Yeah. OK. With a dirty 20.
That is good enough. Oh, thank you that you hear as vicar Jim begins to stop floating and comes and slams his staff back down. You see Strahd von Zarovich pushed along with dust and debris. He's pushed.
outside of the building. Oh, shit. We got to get inside that building. You can still see him through the crack in the window. Let's go. Because he pushed out like the but I guess I wouldn't know that he would know he has pushed out ah no longer welcome in this holy place. That is Vicar Jim's turn. Alma, you're up. OK.
I see- What a fucking turn. Strahd thrust out the window. I'm going to use my movement to run up to the window and see where he moved, where he is. Okay. You can see him. Okay, how far away is he? Not very 10 feet away. Okay.
um I'm gonna cast Guiding Bolt at him.
Go ahead and roll to hit. It's 20. 20. 17 radiant damage. OK. As from my horns. Look kind of like a like a mouth blast from Dragon Ball. pra Love that.
I take 17 rain damage. Yeah, and I just want to see if he'll keep a being flung. And then I back away from the window just a little bit. OK. And that's my turn. At the end of your turn, he's going to use a legendary action to move up to the window. Yeah. All right, it is the vampire spawns turn, I think.
Here's what we're going to do. We're going to go. You're already grappled this on. This first bite is on you. Okay. Because you're grappled. AC 16. 19. Okay. Mathematically, that hits. um Not only does this put you down because this is what it was your age. Yeah. Seven. Okay. So you take four piercing damage. Okay. And seven necrotic. Down.
But you also will minus that seven from your max hit points again. Hmm. Okay. No, no, you keep saying again, you're not doing it twice. So you only take damage. No, it's happened three times. Right. Exactly. So you're, it would have been, this is now 20. You'd have 20 points off your max age. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Is your max HP zero as you go down? No.
What's your max HP? My max HP is 19. Cool. You get the sense that if it would have been zero, you'd be dead. Classic. Classic me. Cool. Uh, first attack bites Dusan. Dusan goes down. Um, he, um, will then move off of Dusan. That's just a step further to you and Nabi and take a claw attack on you. Okay.
and he will that's it' just a 15 coat that's the myth all right he misses that's his turn bash how's this guy looking is he is he full hp he's not full hp and he won't and he didn't just regenerate hit points but he's not bloodied which means half health okay I am going to, again, attack recklessly, um which I just read here. um It has to be on my first attack. I have to declare reckless on my first attack. Okay.
We're going to run this. 22 to hit, or 14 damage.
First attack. Oh, wait a minute. It's. I didn't roll at advantage, did I? Oh, no. Take your crit. I do not. OK. OK, second attack.
ah Fifteen to hit. Well, you will hit your advantage. 15 speeds of pizza, but yes, an 18 hits. My speed rules have been so low, man. That's for another 11 damage as you bring him into the bloody territory. You say your roles have been super low.
I know that sounds crazy, but yes. i one of them they would be really great if they were higher than My brother, my brother, Alexander, you've rolled a bunch of 19s. He's talking about his damage rolls. Cause he hit like a 12 damage is a five on the dice. Imagine rolling 28s. I mean, like my rolls just fucking not clicking a day. 12 on the die would be 21 damage.
True. 21. Okay, Bash, anything else? Two attacks? um That's gonna be it for me. All right, at the beginning of Strahd's turn, he looks through the window, Alma, face burned from the um guiding bolt as he looks at you and smiles and says,
I like your spunk. In fact, I like it a lot. He holds a hand out to you. I need you to make a wisdom saving throw. Okay. Coming at ya. That's a soft 20. Okay. He looks at you, raises an eyesrow an eyebrow, arm out. That's his turn. Anabi, you're up.
o o for I'm going to take a swing at this guy right next to me with my shadow blade.
Tranage cousin dim light, come on please please please. 25. of it
11 psychic damage. I love it. And then with my bonus action, I will just try and hit him with my rapier. Oh, yeah. Oh, that hits at 20, which is just a D eight modifier six damage. Nice. 17 damage to this guy looks hurt. You know that if he doesn't take radio, which he will, um,
regain at least some hit points on his turn. um You see, to sign is down. You know that there is a priest inside who could help him if you guys are able to get his attention. But to sign, let's get a public D20 rule, public D20 rule. Yeah, I don't want them private. OK, I'm not good at this. So public role.
Oh, baby. Let people know what you roll. Nat one. Holy shit. I'm fine. Oh, shit. Why did you say that? Tommy is one of the worst people at rolling death saves I've ever met in my entire life. It's so crazy. Unfathomable. I have so many. Does anyone have a rich left? I've killed more Tommy characters than anybody I've ever met in my life. And part of it is because sometimes when he rolls death save, he'll just roll Nat once, just like that.
And like, Brian has never like been like, oh, like I'm going to like straight up kill your character. He's down. I'm going to whack him two times on the ground. Brian is like, hey, you're rolling in every like. Yeah. oh It just happens. Only yeah ah my butthole is this tight. All right. Go on to death save fails.
Vicar. Jim is is using his entire action to maintain whatever he's doing to keep Schrod out of this building. I need everybody to roll me religion saves again. Religion checks again. I will roll for him. He's plus five. Oh shit. Natural 20. Oh, beautiful. Balance and all things. Beautiful. Nice. With that natural 20.
Unfortunately, I can't keep this fun game going. I was doing with Alma, which would have been very funny, but with a natural 20 per, per the, uh, the rules of this engagement, he says, be gone. Let Thunder says, be gone and slams his staff again. And as he does, all of you blink as another blast is sent out and Alma, when you open your eyes again, trot is no longer there.
Oh boy. ah You you swear you see the fade of a smile and lingering eyes in the darkness. Stared him down. Live to tell the tale. That is Victor Jim's turn. Alma, you are up. um I start running back towards the hallway and just whoever I can see bash, I just like yell out to bash bash. What's going on out there?
Uh, we need some help quick, please. Um, well, I am going to move here for my 30 movement. Mm hmm. And then I see. Can I see anybody? Can I see the sun? Yeah, you can see what your token sees. so Oh, yeah, I see right there on the ground. Yeah. I'm going to pump out a healing word. Wow. On him. We're so back, baby. Very fire.
for healing word while that for 11 healing yeah we're up we're back wow just like we never left was not making a new character on a new tab okay you are so back um and then um so that was my bonus action i did my movement now i'm gonna take some fucking eldritch blasts on this vampire okay
Give me a dude. Well, anyone when it's 21. 13. 13 misses. Oh, yeah. 13 misses. Their AC is 15. Thing is shot in the back. Rawr. Rawr. All right. Is that your turn? Yeah. Dishon your eyes. Flutter open.

Aftermath and Healing

As you see the sky.
and a bulbous shape behind the clouds. um This vampire will um bash.
Two attacks, first one claw to grab. This is at, okay, well it's at advantage. 25 to hit. Oh, it has a advantage. Yeah. Okay. Um, yeah. So 25 to hit. Yeah. Oh, I didn't need to grapple you for advantage, but it doesn't know that. Um, okay. It's going to try and bite you now at advantage. Okay. 25 to hit. Yeah. You take five points of piercing halved to two because you're raging.
Um, however, this necrotic damage, you do not have eight. I hate necrotic damage. And you take that eight off your max HP until you take a long rest.
And just spoiler every time it's done that they've healed for the amount that they've done. Um, he has you grappled and his teeth are sunk into your neck and it's your turn.
Um, if I say reckless on my first attack, but I'm grappled, does it count? Like, well, I have advantage for my actual attack. Yeah. You have advantage no matter what was reckless because grappled doesn't give you disadvantage. Gotcha. Well, so I'll use that first attack action to get ungrappled. Okay. So yeah, athletics check at advantage.
because you're raging. DC is 13. You do have advantage, but you got it on the first roll. um Push off. i'm not Yeah. And I'm gonna take two swings. Only one swing. Cause you just use one of your swings to get ungrapaled. I met two, two roles. Oh, cool. Natty one. Natty 20. Followed by. Balance and all things. Are you kidding me? It's honest. It's on a 20. A one and a two.
I'm mad. It's because you were talking about roles. so It heard you. It heard you. It was all, you know, like the 18th and 19th. How about a one and a two, then? yeah Just what we're looking for. All right, DM, can I say that that ah first role was the advantage for the athletics check and that I actually still have advantage for my attack? ah No. That's fucked up. We're the shot. Sorry.
Um, you know what? Hey, you know what? Roll me a d20. And if it's on a one through 10, no, an 11 through 20. Yeah, sure. Okay. Damn. The dice want you to do it because the dice will tell the story. They do. They want you to do it. So reroll that. Yeah. Your second role for the athletics check was a natural one. You still got to out with a 28 and a 28 does hit.
That's for 19 damage, Brian. nineteen damage Nice. Okay. Yo, jing had this thing not just regained HP and then also sucked your blood to regain some HP. It would be dead. However, it is not.
Anabi bash is grappled teeth in his neck as he swings at this thing. Tight quarters to catch it or un-grapples himself swings at it slices his chest open. You're up. Hold him still.
And I'm swinging I'm gonna swing with the shadow blade hits
That'll be o eight damage. Oh, it doesn't quite do it. It's not enough. and All right. I'm going to swing with my rapier for a bonus action. Okay. It's bleeding out the ears, bleeding out the eyes, bleeding out the nose, bleeding out the mouth. 20. How do you kill this guy? Oh, well, I guess it's just a D eight, right? It's just a D eight. Okay. Well, you need a one. You need a, uh, it can't be lower than a three. You have three or higher on this D roll.
That's three. Oh, my God. All right. How do you kill this? Your mastery over your body allows you precise control over the damage you deal. Yeah, just enough cleanup crew coming in. No extra energy expended. Yeah, I think it's like a sword straight up through the like the bottom of the chin. You know what I mean? That like. Mm hmm. Through the face. Yeah, one of those. As it dies.
Combat ends.
That's Alma, you come outside. Holy frick. I look around, i check I check in the sky, I look for bats, I'm like, kind of freaking out. Is everybody okay?
I just like to stumble past everybody, kind of like, it's just go into the church and just pass out. Just crawl into the church. He's gonna cast Cure Wounds on 11 to Alma. This is a seven to Inabi. Seven to Bash.
Those are all his first levels. Second level for you, Tommy. Only a five. but Second level is a low stroll. So funny. I'm going to give you some healing hands. I can only heal three three more HP. OK, then I will just do one hand. And as a fellow devout of Lathander, you did well out there.
I'm just gonna, I'm gonna walk into this church of Lathander and like. You get one health for that. That's crazy. I'm fucking crazy right now. You're cursed, bro. I'm gonna walk in to the church. um I'm gonna like drop the sun sword like kind of like in the door and I'm just gonna go and like sit and like like cradle my head in my hands and like sit by the altar. As the sun sword drops, you see Vic or Jim take like a holy towel of Lathander and like ah pick it up gently.
put the towel under it and then lay it back down on the towel. those Was it to keep it from getting dirty? Yeah, I'm just going to go seven is going to go. ah take ah Take a breath over here. I'm just kind of rocking back and forth by the altar. Thank you for your help. I. i um so I think tonight would have been the night. It's tonight was worse than the rest, and it was Lathander's will that sent you here to help. The only reason I and the congregation are alive.
Tonight would have been the night for what?

Mystery of St. Andrew's Bones

He says, this has been happening. The attacks on my church, St. Andrew's Church have been terrorizing and demoralizing this town. The fear has turned to rage. The townsfolk blame the burger master and his mantra all will be well. But things have been bad ever since
We lost something. Our church was protected from Strahd's depredations by the bones of the titular St. Andrew. The bones of St. Andrew are missing? as of which this church was known, named after. Yes, they were sealed in a crypt beneath our main altar. But ever since somebody broke into the crypt, nights, maybe two, ten day ago, and stole the bones, we were safe until then. Until recently, I was one of very few people who knew about these bones.
Who else know about him? Well, and let me think. I recall mentioning them to Jeska over a month ago to put the fearful boy at ease.
Yes. Yes. And I, when I asked Jessica if, uh, the bones and I asked if he, if he told anybody else about the bones, he, he, he nodded, but would not divulge a name.
Yaska, you dropping family secrets? Where is the boy? Um, he says, and also is the city safe now that we have thwarted this incursion? He sort of, his shoulders drop a little as he, uh, smiles, like very weakly in defeat and says, no, the city's never safe, but Specifically the Church of Lathander, which is hope to the people here, has been under attack every night. But it's never been this bad. Wow. Well, luckily we were here. They're gaining, they're getting bolder. He's never showed up before. Well,
um whatever you did, managed to scare him away for now. We'll get the bones back. He goes, that's it. It's nothing that I did. It is Lathander. Um, he says, yes, guy is an orphan and an altar boy here. He is at home. I'm sure.
Do you know where he lives in the city? Uh, yeah, he gives you the kids. Um, do, do, do address.
Um, yeah, he gives you the kid's address, the orphanage.
Cause the kid is an orphan. Well, I greatly appreciate you you coming at this, this relic. He mentions the sword on the ground, which he's placed on some like towels. This relic has been sought after for quite a while. You should tell your friend when he wakes to not leave it lying around. This is a this is a holy sword of Lathander.
Yeah, is it just hanging out there, Tommy? Uh, yeah, I just I dropped I like entered the door and just dropped it like on the inside of the door and then just like left it there. And he put it on a girl. I'll draw the. Yeah, he put it on a ah it's great there towel like an engraved lavender towel. OK. Well, he's leaving his tools at the door. um Yeah, well, I'd be interested in going to the ah to the orphanage and potentially ah
learning what we can from Jeska back at the door at the sun. And that bash a little bit and says, I, I do think you, if you have someplace you guys are staying in town, you might want to take your friend and get a good night's rest. I imagine the orphanage is probably closed for the day. Anyway, as this is late true except about the moon. You're right.
And we were just settling in for the night. Thrill of adventure, you know, gets me fired up. A bit too much excitement for my blood.
um All right, well, let's head ah let's head back to the end then. Desan, would you like a hand? I'm not leaving. I'm staying i'm staying here for the night. I'm not. I don't.
I'm, I'm not, I'm staying. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, you can stay here. We'll come get you in the morning. Okay. Vicar Jim, uh, opens a door and says, yes, I do have a, it goes over and like helps you up to bring you over to this room over here and go with them to the room. Yeah. He says, you, you may, you may stay, you may stay there. That is, um, that is, uh,
For the rest for the weary so he he places your your sword on the I cut it in half ah short on the breaks up table the He places it inside and says, well, sleep tight, Mad Mage. I mean, just kidding. Allegedly, allegedly. He places the sword inside on the towel and closes the door for you. I'm gonna like wrap myself up in like some blankets and I'm just gonna like, I'm gonna like move the bed like in front of the door. Does that have any windows or any windows in this room? No windows. All right, I'm gonna move the bed in front of the door and I'm gonna go like lie in the corner. Okay. Make an athletic check for me.
All right, I'm strong. I'm so strong. Desan, you're so strong. Twenty five. Twenty five. At least you can rely on pushups, dude. Yeah, yeah. So crank it out, some pushups, assuming some like calisthenics. Remember, I remember we were recording this, I won't say his name, but we played D&D with that one guy who every time I was like, cool, what is your character doing? He's like, my character is doing pushups to increase. Yeah, to increase their score. And I was like, OK, and then every day I'm like, OK, pushups. I'm like, OK, what's your career tonight? It's like pushups. Am I getting stronger?
ah yeah I was like, no, not work like that, but eventually yeah it's like trying to gain the system. Just every time. script yeah Just just mad mage enough to work. Yeah. What'd you care to doing? He's finding God relics. yeah I would love to do that. ah the Sacred toms. Uh, Vicar Jim says, well, I thank you for your help.
Your friend will be safe here for the night. I'll see you in the morning. All right. He goes, depending on when you come by, Jeska might even be here. Oh, I'll look at Alma and Bastion to say, you guys you guys go ahead and get back. I'll stay and just ah just keep an eye on him. Make sure he's all right. OK.
Up to you. um Yeah, and I'll ask the vicar if he's got an extra, if he's got somewhere that I can stay, and if the if I could help with ah like cleaning up for a little bit. Because as a Shatter Kaira, as like an elf, I only need like four hours of meditation, kind of, to qualify for a sleep. So with the extra two or four hours, if he needs help with anything, I would just offer to help.
as a thank you for letting us crash here for the evening. Yeah, he's got a little, as a little caught in this room. Just draw one. He's got like a little, theseoo st st little caught on the ground in this room. um And ah yeah, he helps you clean up, but probably only for like 30, 45 minutes before even he is like, I must get some

Disturbing Dreams and Morning Preparations

rest. I'll see you in the morning.
Alright, thank you. Yeah, I'll hang in here. I'll leave the door open too so I can kind of hear what's going on outside. Cool. Yeah, roll me a perception check.
16. Yeah, let me know if you can hear this. Let me know if you hear what I'm about to do. This is what you hear.
Do you hear that? Yeah. That's what you hear? Does it just happen the once? ah Well, you're you're in your room. You have the doors open. You're in your room. Yep. um Yeah, you but you you just wait. Yeah, does it just happen the once? Well, it depends. Are are you are you doing anything once you hear it or? Not immediately. OK. Yeah, a minute passes.
Ooh. All right. Let's get fucking weird. I poke my head out and see if it sounds like a knock that's coming from the front door.
Seems like it's coming from the front door. All right, I'm gonna do something a little weird. um Do I remember, if I was out front, do I remember if there was any windows for many of these rooms right here? There's not. There weren't? Okay. No. I'm going to get a little weird. I'm going to cast Slither at second level. Okay. Oh shit, I didn't mean to do that. What did I mean to do? I meant to do that.
Momentarily become a shadow, a humanoid shaped absence of light, not the undead creature of that name. You can slide under a door through a keyhole through any other tiny opening. All your equipment is transformed with you and you can move up to your full speed during the spell's duration. In this form you have advantage on Dex checks made in darkness and dim light in your immune to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, slashing. You can dismiss the spell by using blah blah blah. If I return to my normal form in a space too small for myself, I take that 46 damage.
um That's a sick spell, what the hell? Isn't that crazy? ah While in shadow form, you can't talk or manipulate objects. Any objects you're carrying or holding can't be dropped, used, or otherwise interacted with. In addition, you can't attack or cast spells while in shadow form. So yeah, I kinda just wanna like turn into the shadow you form, like just turn into smoke essentially, and like fucking slither and smoke down, and then like kinda like half slither in through the keyhole and see if anything is
On the other side. Yes, please. Yeah, make a perception check. He's wriggling. I'm wriggling. And also a stealth check of what you have advantage. 19. Okay.
And 18 for stealth. Okay.
Um, you see standing outside with a little gift basket.
in a hamburgglar The The Hamburglar. Oh, my goodness. No gift basket in hands. And as you look through the a keyhole, sort of half going through it to look, you see.
Oh, what the fuck?
I know you're there and I'll be. I do open. I don't see anything. I can't say anything. I can't say anything. You OK. You see Strahd damn holding a gift basket. Open up and I'll be.
Cool. I slither back and slither. Back into the little room. OK, and I just hang there for a little while and just keep listening, seeing if he wants to say anything else or not. I'm not inviting that guy.
Eventually the knocks stop. As I'll move the other two guys back to the blue water and by the time you guys get back the Uh, everybody is asleep. Uh, the front doors. Actually would be. Locked. And we access from the outside staircase. Yeah, your guys, your guys's places access from the outside staircase of which you ah you each got a key, including bash key to that door and to your your personal room.
That's this way, right? Yeah. I'll actually been, I'm actually gonna put you guys up here. Whoop. Where'd you go? Okay. Sorry. I went over. nor guys Over here.
Yeah. The stairs are right there. Okay. Anything you guys want to do? before you call tonight? No, I'm just, uh, I'm using my great axe as kind of like a cane. Um, not that I'm hurt. I'm, well, I am everyone else, I just look really irritated. It's like, if you were to talk to me, I would just like blow up on you. So I'm just going straight to bed. Right. Sure. And this is, this is also because mechanically you have one level of exhaustion.
Uh, no, I don't. I just, uh, Oh, cause you never used the frenzy thing. Yeah. Um, but I just, I raged. And so I'm just like, yeah. Um, residually angry.
Okay. So basher. So you see it's over here. Do, doo doopop do,
And I'd just be getting cozy in bed and just kind of being proud of myself for chasing after Strahd rather than running away from him.
um What's your guys' passive perceptions? Passive perceptions, 10 from almost. 15. Bash, in the middle of the night, you wake up to this sound.
Ignores. Is there a, is there, is there a, uh, like, uh, a peephole on the door? Give me a perception check. Cause this is a in. Okay.
24. So here's what happens. You go to check if there's a peephole on the door as you're standing there. Looking through the peephole. You see one, you look through it. Seems like the hallway is empty. And you hear the sound again from behind you. I immediately turn around. You see, um, I guess you don't know whose bed is whose, but these little foot lockers at the edges of the bed. You see it, the sound is coming from this one.
Oh, I don't like that at all.
Uh, I'm going to wake you up and just be like, Hey, what, what, what, what, what, what's going on? Coming from this footlock from the fucking locker. Is that where fucking Desan put his, uh, spell book? I don't know. But I first heard a knock on the door and now it's coming from the Uh, can I turn around and check the hallway again? Um, yeah, you, you looked back through, seems empty. Uh, I get out of bed and I walk and look out both windows and then look down at the, uh, chess.
Oh, I want to open it. What do you think? What was that? I don't know what to do. He did. It's like a ghost or something. Uh, I open it. Okay.
Both of you watch these limbs much bigger than that could fit in a small trunk. A massive limb comes out.
and hits the ground a second as dragging through this small chest is the massive arachnid eight legged form, but not only eight legs, eight legs, but you see helping pull it out of this thing to arms. Oh.
And when its head finally comes through, it's got these things coming off of its neck that almost look like pincers, but you can't really tell what this thing is. It's too dark. It's got these things coming off the pincers that almost look like scorpion stingers. Oh, no. um And as this thing, which I hope I described it well for those of you at home, but I have a picture for you guys as this thing crawls out. Oh, no. ah Oh.
Holy shit. I want that thing to go back where it came from. Both of you at the same time wake up. You both shoot up awake. Both of you are sweating. You both instinctively look down at that chest and it is closed. The door, the door's locked. You look at each other knowing that you just had the same dream.
What the hell was that? Jesus. What the heck was even that? What the heck was even that? Did he stomp? Yeah, I don't like that very much. I don't like that that kind of spider. That is very gross and scary.
I'd say you guys and and the other guys, you guys get a, you you eventually find rest again. You get your full rest. Feel free to hit that long rest button. Mash that long rest button. Yeah. I don't know if you guys remember. So well the way that Dungeons and Dragons works is that when you have multiple days back to back of adventuring.
However many hit dice you used the day before, you only get half of those back the next day.
So, uh, do you guys know how many hit dice you used yesterday? I did half a point. I used one. I used none. Yes. I didn't use any for that short risk. Cool. Just good to know for future reference, when you're going back to back to backs, good way of representing, um,
Exhaustion of just keeping going, you know ah you can't just keep going and keep going and then have short rests you can take every day and Go ahead and just get a couple tokens here Is not a yes good token, but now I have one I
All right, so first I will, um Alma and Bash, when the two of you wake up, you wake up pretty early, ah what do you do?
I'd get ready and head downstairs, probably tried to get a bite to eat and maybe some wine. Yeah, I would do the exact same thing. Cool, wine as well. Pulling my axe across my back and head down.
So as you guys head down, you see that today, the only person who's awake at this hour is Irwin. And, um, he says, uh, you'll have to, uh, forgive me. I'm not.
Uh, first of all, I'm not a morning person. Second of all, I don't know if, uh, as Mark told you, but the free drink situation was kind of a yesterday thing. Unfortunately, if you guys want some wine, I got to charge a, the purple grape mash is three copper, uh, red dragon crushes to silver. We'll go with the crush. I don't say anything. I just pull out three copper, just kind of like right on the table.
Uh, I take his three copper and, uh, buy him a full flag in full. Cool. You guys get some breakfast, red wine, red wine for breakfast. Warm room, temp, red wine for breakfast. Anybody? Yeah, we but we've all been there. I remember college.
Dude, that was how that was how I learned, by the way, especially for you listeners, if anybody's young, that was how I learned that wine can go bad. Was I woke up after being hung over and I had left a wine bottle open, not just for that day, I think for like multiple days. Oh, God. I went to take a sip of it like a hair of the dog style and it had turned to straight vinegar.
Oh, oh God. And I turned to straight, straight vinegar. I can't remember if I barked, but it was fucking gross is when I lived in. I lived in this lady's. I live in this ah this widow's attic. It's crazy. It's weird. um But yeah, this this nothing like that. Delicious and smooth and velvety, but still still red wine in the morning. um ah You get some sausage and bread comes with that.
um Then where do you guys go? I guess we should head back to the church. Check up on the game. Yeah, we'll probably head back, check in on the boys. I'm sure Desan's going to be looking for some coffee. I doubt he's going to find it, but they did say there might be somewhere we could find some. So maybe we surprise him. He looked like he was a little out of source last night. So I think I would go looking for a coffee shop.
Yeah, before we leave, I'll ask Erwin if there's a place that happens to sell coffee here. Um, what a good, even if it's just cold brew. Um, yeah, you know what they, let's do this together. We're going to create the coffee shop in the lucky because, um, Tommy, there's a, so what's the sushi place called?
Oh, it's a, it's a, it's like the tasty tentacle or something like yeah that. It's like the, it's like Brock's. Yeah. Well, there's Barovia and then there's barista. Yeah. That's something. That is something it is something for sure. said we had a know but coffee Since 78 years have passed and Vicar Jim is, is Vicar Jim is now cannon from a home game we played years ago. So is the tasty, the tasty tentacle.
Yeah, and I think that's just what we call it. I'd have to go like go way back. Yeah, yeah. So that since that exists, we're going to go ahead and say ah with with the TPK came the rule book going out the window. There's a there's a technical. There's also a coffee shop. We're going to roll for it together. So I love the power of friendship. Let's go ahead and do. Um.
OK, I think but we're going to have both of you guys roll something here.
Doo, doo, doo. By the latte of Lothander. wow That's good. That's something. Oh, yeah that's a guy you there's a cop you know i say that Some churches have like coffee shops like Starbucks in their like ah Churches we use something like that dudes a little like one of the rooms just a coffee shop. It's like just an espresso machine. What church have you been to?
look it's it Look, hey, I don't want to get into it here. He's from Orange County. He's been to the ones that have that. Trust me, those exist. Trust me, those exist for sure. Trust me, dude. Someone's never seen righteous gemstones, and it shows.
And if you think if you watch righteous gemstones and think that's crazy, just drive an hour south of LA. Yeah. What are you trying to say, dude? All right. OK, so as they head off, I'm trying to find, there's obviously an easier way to do this, but what are we here for if not silly things like this?
All right. Uh, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Um, Kyle, roll me a D 10.
kle b Yeah. Yeah. And let me know what you're doing. You're the one trying to get the coffee. Yeah, buddy. Boom. Five. A five. One, two, three, four, five. The delirious is the first name of this coffee. Okay.
And then Tommy, since you are the one who wants the coffee, I need you to roll me a detent. All right. Here comes a one. Okay. Here it comes. It's a three, three. and Okay. The delirious bunny, the delirious bunny. i mean You know what? A TDB. the Delirious bunny. That's what you, that's a, that's what all looks. Hey, you go to TDB this morning or what? yeah Hey, sorry. I'm late for workout. It's not by the TDB for a large mocha stop by T deeps. Hell yeah. T deeps. Um, okay. So deeper. I'm a deeper. If you know what I'm saying, you guys grab your, your food, you get wine on the way you get, you find the one coffee place, the Delirious bunny, you, uh, get out of money I would spend.
And let's go ahead and put that somewhere in between here and here. Okay. So this is the, between those two places, let's say maybe this corner place right here. Yeah. I like the court. Yeah. This one, this guy, big one, but maybe this one. Hey, you tell me, I mean, how big is the coffee shop? I mean, maybe it should be a small, it should be this small place in the corner right here. Yeah. Business is good.
The delirious. I got a delirious bunny, the delirious bunny. Yeah, you tell me where it is. There's bunny. Half these houses are just. Unmarked for me, so I got it. I got you. The delirious bunny. I like it. Hey, we're coming up with names. We're coming up with names. Well, we're making a determined. Yeah, we're making bro and should do a big arrow. It's going to be blue. Did you just say too deep or determined? Yes, it is I You guys make it your way to the church and for the rest of you What what did do you think your guys morning would have looked like before they they arrived I'd say as you guys woke up ah the
Vicar Jim is already up and about and he has left out some bread and some water for you guys. Oh, nice. What would you guys like to do with your morning? I'll slam the bread and water. I probably pretty gingerly ah exit the room and I just like I like to make my way towards the altar. OK.
And, uh, I don't want to take liberties with this too much, Brian, but i don' like, I don't, like, I'd acknowledge Vic or Jim, obviously. What up? Um, yeah but I'd like to kind of like, what up yeah, what up. I'd like to like run my hands along the altar and like, can I like do a religion check to see if I believe, you know, I feel like I was really wishy washy back there when he asked us last night with Strahd. Right. Whoa, whoa, not sound good. Give me two seconds. It's all good.
Strahd is canking Trevor's house. Strahd is stra he's breaking glass. Oh, shit. He's the reality is ah a cat just did like a drift around a corner. oh Yeah, that's something expensive for sure. That didn't sound cheap. Running in the 90s. Yeah, I'd like to like. Yeah. So you want the dice to tell you because as as the DM, I would say that choice is completely up to you. I'm just I just want to see how the dice are feeling, you know. Yeah.
Cool. So on on a low check, you're not feeling the thunder on a high check. You are feeling the dinner. Yeah. Is that is that fair to say? Like weren' weren't you interrogating someone in the name of the thunder? Like I'm having a lot of doubt. Yeah, it was like yeah it was like one day ago that he was like my new nickname is like the light of the thunder light of the theater. I was having a lot of doubts. OK, I don't know. I almost just got killed back there last night. I got ri I got risen from the dead like a day ago. A lot of stuff happening here. Change my name.
Picked up in a sword. Yeah, give me a religion check.
What is happening? I love that. um I need you to make me a wisdom saving throw. That's a nat one, baby. Yeah, you don't give a fuck about Lefander. Wisdom saving throw. 21. Okay. um You go up there to pray about Lefander.
And you look through the window and the same creature, the same artwork that I put in the discord that the guys saw in their dream, you see that like you see off in the distance is like a graveyard and there's some trees and you see in between the trees, that creature.
staring directly at you. At that moment, you turn and you see Vic or Jim in prayer and you reach for your son's sword and you swing to take Vic or Jim's head off. No, what?
As you see spiders all around you, spiders, spiders, spiders, there's spiders on your hand. There's spiders everywhere. There's spider webs in this room. If you look down, you have eight feet. The only reason as you swing and Vicar Jim's head is not taken off is that you left the sun sword in your room.
As you, as you snap out of it, you look back out the window, you don't see that thing. But within a that one, if you want the dice to tell the story, You don't feel the presence of Lathander. You feel one presence, and it's heavy. I just start running. I'm running. I'm running. I'm running out. I'm running. I'm running. Right. And now you just start to sprint down the hallway as you exit early. We brought you classy, buddy. Great running. We brought you great running. i i You guys aren't there yet. it is got anovi Reach into the room. Grab the sword. I run out the front door. I'm gone. I'm outie.
ah Well, we'll let when Trevor's back from whatever broke in his household. well Yeah, yeah. See if he doesn't even stop you or whatever. um Vic or Jim doesn't notice deep in prayer, never noticed the the the swinging motion with no sword in hand. Practicing my golf swing in front of a mirror. Yeah, maybe since Trevor's not, we we don't know, maybe as the doors open.
And Desan begins to run out Alma and bash. Maybe you guys are approaching from this way. And you guys see approaching from the left. ah
This little guy. Oh, and this less little guy.
Uh, as they, as these two guys are approaching, uh, and you guys are approaching from the right, the doors swing open and, uh, dison is sprinting. Hey buddy, I know where I'm going. I'm sprinting. I'm running. No acknowledgement. Just running right past you guys sprint dead sprint.
I tried to get in his way. I'm like, Hey, we got you coffee. We go. We got coffee, man. Can I jump? Can I hurt him? Can I hurt him? You can make, yeah, if you're, you can make, uh, this is what athletics checks are. You trying to jump over somebody trying to get in your way. Is a, is a opposed, opposed athletics check. I'm sake one Barkley. I'm turning 180 degrees and jumping up and over. Not when you're not one, hey I'm calling, I'm calling under. This would be the most fire call of all time.
All right. a vo check it go yeah Thunder. 15. 15. 15. But almost still going to beat it even with a minus two. Okay. i be I'm doing i'm doing in athletics. Now 20. Okay. And I'm also going to cast hypnotic pattern. yeah I knew it. I yeah you you literally cannot. You cannot be Kyle and roll offs like a no need to, to, to cast this. You can save your spell slot. Um, but so Trevor, since you're back, everything okay, by the way?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. All good. It was just, uh, it was like, it was glad, like a period bottle. They got knocked over and whatever. Hey, don't go see smile too, because that'll change your, that'll change your old perspective on just a bottle breaking when

Desan's Panic and Hope Revival

you're out lugging. I just, we just watched the first one of those recently. We haven't seen the second one yet. Wild. Nice. Um, well, the second one is sponsored by Voss has to be. Oh, so many Voss water bottles. Um, okay. So, and Abby, you saw.
As you exited your room, you saw Desan, something had happened with him. he was He was by the altar praying, you exited your room. And before you know it, he's sprinting towards the door. He sprints right past you, exits the door, you watch him sprinting. Grab the sword though, grab the sword. As he's switching out, um you see, maybe maybe you followed him or whatever. up Yeah, for sure, following. You saw Bash and Alma approaching from the right. You saw these two little kids approaching from the left.
Oh, one's little ones, maybe early 20s. So they maybe work for the church and Dassan tries to jump over Alma, ah who gets in the way and Dassan jumps and in the way, doesn't jump high enough and doesn't clear it. yeah It doesn't clear Alma and then Dassan sort of falls to the ground ah on his back supine, supes hot. yeah Easy there buddy. I hand you your coffee. I'm like, you get a little crazy when you're when you're low on caffeine.
I can see the spiders are under my skin. There are spiders. I can feel them crawling. The spiders are under my skin. I would like to misty step Brian away from Alma. Hey, by the light of a fender buddy, are you all right? Whoa. Hold on. I'm counter spelling. Okay. Oh, can you really relate if he has no, he wants to use it.
Yeah, I kind of spelled. That's the new kind of spell. That's if if it's just if you're just using the regular, the old kind of which we are definitely using you kind of. Cool. Yeah, kind of level or the second level. Hey, buddy, buddy, buddy. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. And I just give you back. I give you a big hug. I'm holding you. What's going on talking? I'm trying to I'm trying to get it I'm trying to get out of here. Talk it out, buddy. I'm trying to get a grapple.
I got to get out with it. Hey, you're right outside the church left. They have. You heard about our Lord and Savior. I didn't get out of there. It's under the skin. There's spiders. Hey, let's get you in the church. Crazy. Okay. Let's get you in the church. It was in the great. There's a spider in the graveyard bash bash. Help me out. He's going crazy. I forgot. I forgot something. I need to get to the control. I got to go. Can I go get the priest and see if you can win anything about this? Yeah. You go, you go get the priest as this guy goes, Hey, you know who is always under our skin? La Fander because he's in our blood in our heart. No, no, no, no. Um, hold on, hold on, hold on. Uh, bash goes inside. And now you do anything. Uh, no, I'm just kind of watching this unfold. I'll be over here just keeping tabs on everybody. I'd like to grab, uh, you're about to get away because you're going to roll another athletics check. Yeah.
I like to like grab trying to get up this guy like the new guy that just walked up who's like tell me about the blood of Lathander and I'd be like I I i gotta to go read the hymns at the limbs of the spawn I got I gotta go I gotta go and I'm trying to athletics check out of here you got it you have to read the good word my man
All right, can I can I try to get out? it to Yeah, it depends at all. I'm going to try and stop you again. Oh, I am. Yeah, absolutely. Is it my turn in this? one game It's just and if he's trying to run past you. Yeah, I'm trying to do a check. I'm going to cast alter self. Okay. And I'm going to transform my face to look like um like a spider, like a spider.
Hey. Okay. Just adding everything else is the same, but your face is this, but your face is a your face faces a spider. everything else Your face is not your face is not the the face of a spider. Your face is the whole spun spider. It's a whole spider. The spider and his body on top of your body. I look like a fishing lure. Yeah. Okay. um well or so Hey, it's okay. It's okay. Just calm down, buddy. It's going to be fine. I'm running. I'm still running. I'm trying to run. So they oppose athletics checks.
Yeah, athletics coming at you minus two athletics. It's going to be a natural. I just fucking know it. That's a 16. That's great. Now, when I'm calling the thunder. tear roll one go am i rolling that when i'm going commato I'm calling the thunder. Oh, please. All right. athletics ja There's no way.
Yeah, no shot. Yeah, nine. Nine. Yes. Dude, it's so crazy. You cannot be Kyle in a fucking roll off. I don't care what the negative modifiers this man has. You cannot beat him. it's crazy I am. I have a plus for those of you listening at home. I have a plus six to athletics. I don't have that minus two.
um um By seven. I also need you to make a wisdom saving throw now. Me? Yeah. OK.
as bash arrives outside with Vicar Jim. Oh, is he coming at you? Going hot on the Wizzies, though. It's a dirty to call emotions. Yeah, he tries to calm your emotions and it does not work. Oh, that's what's been happening. I've not called. I am not. I'm not OK. That's not what happened last time. Last time was something different. I want it. I mean, this is because bash went and got Vicar Jim. He was like, I can he's like, I can help, I think, and comes outside, attempts to cast calm emotions. Doesn't work.
um i I just I need I need my book. I just all my I need I just I need my book Hey, buddy. Hey come inside me. I got a book for you. No, I need I need the good look. I need my book Well, hey, you know what the fender says every book is all our books when all of us are one under the fender That is not my book I need my book It can be your book if you just let me talk to you for a good five, ten minutes. I'm sure we could come to an agreement that it is your book. I need... I need my book. Okay, let's get you to your book. But let's do it together.
I'm about to... Let's do it together. I'm about to use another ability. ah I'm about to go crazy mode. Hey, hey, guys, can you help me with him? Let's let let's let's head with. Yeah, I'll walk. All we can do is keep up with him.
All right, we're with you wherever you're going. All right. You heard us to do it. I am sprinting to the blue water in to my my footlocker. OK, because that's right. That's why I had saw my book last okay coming.
We're all behind you. You're heading there. Alma is following bash following. Yes. And I'll be following. Oh yeah. Yeah. Okay. Uh, as you guys are, as you guys are running out of stickers and goes, this is, uh, yes. Go by the way. Oh shit. Okay. We'll be right back. Our friend went crazy. One second. Yeah. I'm not okay. You need to play or not. Okay. I don't know what's happening. I'm rolling that one. I don't know where I'm at. Hmm.
Um, okay. Yeah, you guys head. Unwell. While we're sprinting to, I think Anabia would be trying to gauge the, uh, town, look for like some sort of Smithy or, uh, like a general shop or something. Yeah. Make a perception check.
18. Um, yeah, during your, um, run, you do, uh,
um, you do see a place called, um, Romeo D10. Oh, here it comes.
seven seven one two three four five six seven a place called huh mr smith mr okay mr miss miss we as a role for that wait yeah mr all mr and mrs smith you are beyond smith shot somewhere and it's called the mr mr smith mr mr smith did that's so funny show Mr. and Mrs. Smith was very good. So, Vlaki names, so we don't forget. I'm putting this in info and loots. We've got Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and we've got the Delirious Bunny. I gotta to make sure I put these in my notes, too. And there's and then there's the there's, just in case, from a previous campaign, there's the Tasty Tentacle or something like that. Sushi place. I mean, I'd go there.
Um, okay. You guys run back to what you guys on this map. What was mr. Mrs. Smith? What was the Smithy? I love that. That's so funny. Um, okay. You're outside. I'm just, I'm just going to rerun it upstairs. I'm going to be lining for the footlock for my footlocker. Okay.
Yeah. Feel free to go in there and we're just keeping up with him. I'm just keeping up with him. It's, it's up. So it's outside, right? I don't know. Up these, it's up over here. Come on, buddy. Come on. Let's go. I was only here once. I was only here once. I'm running. I'm running. I'm running. You click the door. It'll open. You guys ain't running. Open the key. Yeah. You see down below in the tavern. There's two, there's two people there with Irwin. Okay. What's going on, man?
Oh, Brian, I opened the Foot Locker. you open but You get there, open, fling the Foot Locker open, and it's empty.
I'm so lost. I don't know. I um i i don't know. i i it's okay It's okay to go a little nuts. Sit on the bed. I'm going to sit on the bed. What were you looking for, man? My spell book. I lost it. I lost.
I lost the feeling of the theater. It was a quick 24-hour run. I don't know what's happening.
I had it. I had it with the sun sword and the bone grinder. I killed those two hags. Jogging after you guys, just making his way upstairs. but you know who help oh shit so but yeah za guy die that guy actually follow us yeah did oh shit oh Well, you know, seem like you're struggling with your, with your faith. And you know, who's a good person to talk to is the good Lord. He knows he does. He'll get it. back oh yeah I'll listen to you. Hey, give me a sermon. How about that? Give me a little.
Give me a little something. Give me a little something. Oh, absolutely. Um, what's this guy's name? You never asked him. You're right. Uh, what's your, what's your, what's your name? ah My name's Jovim. Jovim. Yeah. Okay. All right. Are you ready? Close your eyes. Okay. I close my eyes and take my hand.
Oh, okay. All right. Here we go. Take his hand. Take his hand. yeah So sweaty. So sweaty. Unreal. Oh, it's a sweat boy. It's so clammy. So clammy. Sweat. is any Hey, anybody else want to get in on this on the on this prayer? Sure. I'll join you. wall ah All right. ah holt And then gather in. What about you, Mr. Muscles? Yeah, Mr. Muscles. No?
No. What about your your friend, your ninja friend all the way down there? Uh, look behind He looks behind him. The other behind you. yeah like you I don't see I see him. I think he's down the stairs and obviously in the rafters like you know he's doing like that forced phrase he's like spreading the ra you know he's like mo himself He's up in the corner of the room like yeah just kissssing at him he's yeah Everywhere and nowhere at the same time sunglass sunglasses on yeah so is it Don't interrupt him just the two you talk to him
He oh okay. He looks a little bit. All right. Close your eyes with me. We're holding hands. Holding hands. ah Does anybody have a candle? So so yes. Sure. Or a way to, I see that there's a, there's a lantern on the table here. that' We can light this thing up. You want that? Will you light that for me? Yeah, no problem. I'll use just a, um, one of my cantrips. I'll use a just a little fireball or something. Yeah. Firebolt.
fireball fireball fire volume yeah if only guys um He says, okay, okay. Everybody close your eyes. Oh, the fender dawn's first light. You chase away the endless night, but every way new hope is born, the world awakens with the mourning.
Jesus. Bear with him. Bear with him. Bear with him. Is that John Raphael? Hold on. I'm just doing it from my memory. Your warmth renews, your colors rise. A spark of life in darkened skies. In golden glow, we find our ways and leave behind the yesterdays. O morning Lord, we praise your name in your light. All things reclaim. ah Guide us forth through brightened skies to new beginnings where dawn lies. Now don't you feel better?
I feel pretty good, yeah. I don't know. I don't i don't know. You're going to need to find your your confidence. what do you want What do you want to achieve next, Desan? What's going to give you that hope you desire? A win? We just got one. I almost died. Again! Well, you know what that sounds like to me? Almost died. That sounds like rebirth.
The renewal. That is what it's all about. New beginnings. That's what it's all about. Oh, God. I just.
He goes, ah would you like if you come back with me to the church, I'll get you a book called Hymns of the Dawn and that can be your book. Hymns of the spawn. Oh, Hymns of the Dawn. suspicious All right.
Lift up the spot. All right, I'll go. Yeah. Come back to the church. I'll get you your own your own copy. Hey, heck, you can have mine. maybe up Maybe I just need it. You're right. Maybe I just need a new book to replace to one when I don't have anymore, right? Yeah. A new book. You you you see this guy is clearly not understanding what you're going through and says,
Sometimes and i I had a girlfriend and when she left me, it was like losing my favorite book and I needed to go out there and you know what? My pops told me, he told me that there's plenty of fish in the sea, right? And there's plenty of books in the library, read right? Okay. there's So you're telling me there's plenty of books to read. Yeah, exactly. I'm getting it. When you lose one book,
Another book opens, right? I mean, you could go to the library. Going to the library is free, right?
Yeah. let's let maybe we maybe we Maybe we should head back. maybe we I don't want to be here in this room anymore, I feel like. That's good. We take one step from this room to this hallway. All of a sudden, and it's a new beginning in a new room.
Oh, Joe, there are unlimited chances, unlimited chances. And hey, listen, but we also hold a lathander mingle at the church yeah every other week. If if you're looking to find that new book, you're going to be your book. No, no, I will give you my hand to the dawn. But I'm saying if you need a new book in your life,
We do hold the Lathander Mingle every other week where singles come who are ah ah followers of Lathander. Oh, and maybe you could meet your new book at the Mingle.
i thought ah just well ah Maybe my new book won't have to have eight legs and they won't need it. They she want to have. ah have Maybe the book won't disappear on me and give me, um... Yeah, I'll bet you that she'll have the perfect amount of legs. Two. Right, right, right, right. Two. Two legs. That's the perfect amount. Two legs. Right, right, right, right. And she won't be immortal, right? She will be a-mortal, yes. Okay, alright. Okay, uh...
Is that what you said? And hopefully immoral. Yeah. Jove him. Jove him gets me for sure.
Um, I slap you on the butt and say, well, let's get going back to the church then, huh? Um, I'd like to like do one last glance back at the footlocker that I, that I like left open. I'm like, am I sure the book's not in there? I give you a persepia. I'm looking really hard, Brian. Hey.
I don't like the dice telling the story because I left the fee. like You're like, am I dealing with Vander? I was like, you can totally tell me if you're feeling at the end or not. It is up to you. I want the dice to the story. Not one. What can I say? That's a six of the story has been told. I mean, with the six, you look back at ah at a closed ah thing that you're there's no way to know unless you open it back up.
You don't know what's in it. Okay, what if I just open it? Okay, one second. Guys, one second. I go back and I... I'll catch up. and I open it one more time. It's cool. There's nothing in there. Oh, okay. All right. new And then the minute that you close it, you're not sure what's in there anymore because you can't see it.
Okay, well, what if... What is it? He has no object. It's Schrodinger's. It's Schrodinger's Spider. Schrodinger's book. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Schrodinger.

Mysteries and Decisions

Okay, open it one more time.
You open it. Yeah, there's nothing in there. OK. All right. OK, I'm leaving. I'm leaving. I'm leaving. I'm done. I'm done. Do it faster next time. You know. OK. Feeling unwell. ah Spiders under my skin. ah Dark it's this shadow figure in the cemetery. Maybe we should go to the. Hey, guys, maybe we should go to the cemetery. There was a spider guy spider thing spider thing in the cemetery. Do you guys see that cemetery? Was that just me? Do you see the cemetery? We saw something pretty freaking weird.
So I get what you're saying about the spider thing. That's kind of why I'm giving you a little bit of the benefit of the doubt right now.
Just saying there's what do we want to do about it? I would say, yeah, let's, let's, maybe we go back. Maybe, maybe we go back to the church, maybe go back to the church. All right. Let's go back to the church. Okay. I look back in the room and I go, now we get, now we get down from the rafters day. he's been yeah the day walker day damon Oh my gosh. Could you imagine blade mixed with Keanu? Oh shit. I say Keanu because he, it's just all of his roles. Yeah.
Um, you, uh, do. Could we, if we pass by that Mr. And Mrs. Smith spot, could I, I would either just see if the, you know, just tell the party that I want to stop in here if we all want to, or I can catch up. If they want to just get back to the church, I can meet them there. Up to them. That sounds like yeah what what does the party think?
That's fine. That's fine with me. I'm with it. I've got spiders on my skin. So because you guys are stopping with him or you guys are going along while he stops. I was going to go along, go along with us.
OK, I'm confused as to what as to where everybody else is going. I'm going to the church. Cool. All right. So anobi you stop at Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Yeah.
Uh, you enter in and there's a man and a woman working and he goes, Hey, uh, new face around here. I'm mr. Smith. Hey, an hobby. Um, I wanted to see if you guys had any sort of tools or like a sharpening stone, something that I would be able to kind of sharpen and fix up these blades. And I take my swords off my back and just kind of set them on the counter. Yeah. What are you trying to do with them? Cause we actually do, we provide that service here.
I really just wanted to find something that I could take with me to just keep them, you know, I travel around so much, it'd be hard to make my way back here. um If you guys could give it a tune up as well, I'd happily, you know, if I can afford it, you know, get them sharpened up a little bit, I'd love to do that. But yeah, I really just wanted to see if you had some sort of like sharpening, like a stone or some sort of like wet blade that I'd be able to bring with that I can keep them keep him sharp with myself. um I absolutely do have that.
I will say we ah but if there's anything special you want ah we we ah make custom weaponry all the time and we ah Can modify people's weapons as well Sweet. Yeah, what what kind of work? Can you guys do but whatever you're looking for? What are you looking for? I don't even know I don't know what what options are out there. I don't know what kind of Customizations, I'd like to make to these swords Hmm other than make them sharper Make them sharper. Yeah. I mean, we can absolutely ah do that or I can sell you a whetstone. You tell me. Yeah. How much does a does a whetstone would that run me of game? What are you asking for? Literally, just it's more of a flavor thing than anything. It's literally just something actual whetstone. Yeah. Yeah. Like something to sharpen my blades with like on the road. Yeah. Just for flavor, though, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cool.
Um, I'd say, yeah, he, he pops one out. He's like, um, make a persuasion check.
Not very persuasive. Ten. Ten. Um, he says, you know what? Uh, it's always good seeing new faces, uh, as, as in the window, as you entered the four, four other guys ran, four other heavily armed guys ran by. He goes, you know what?
Take this one all in the house. Uh, make sure just to tell your friends, tell anybody in me that they need anything, any weaponry, anything of that kind. Uh, Mr. And Mrs. Smith is the place to come. This one's on me. Are you sure? Yeah. As long as, uh, just spread the good word. And I'm not talking about Lofander.
That's good. Um, sweet. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you very much. I'll definitely let them know. All right.
Uh, and, uh, he says, uh, yeah, if you're in the, uh, I hope to, uh, hope to see you at the, uh, festival, the blazing sun. Oh, I heard about that recently. When is that tomorrow? All right. Yeah, we might see you there. All right. See ya.
Um, give him a little nod and walk out. Hell yeah. As he was doing that, the rest of you. Uh, got over here maybe a little quicker. As, uh, Jovim says, uh, yeah, inside, come out, uh, come with me, son. Okay. I'm following him. I'm like, just gotten feeling itchy and feeling really itchy. Spiders under your skin. Yeah. Feeling really, feeling really itchy right now. Yeah. Yeah. Mainly spiders in my eyes, but he says, all right, he,
All right, he goes over this ah bookcase, grabs a book out of it, looks at it admiringly and says, ah, me and old Bessie have been through a lot together. o Hey, been through, been with me through some hard times, you know? Tons of prayers in here. There's prayers at dawn, there's prayers at dusk, there's healing prayers, there's death prayers, birth prayers, never more prayers. um He says, I got the one right here that I've always loved, which I like to say this one in the morning, it's called a shining path. ah Shine your light where my foot will tread to wake me when my eyes take rest, like the way for sword and heart to follow where you think is best. Let me your strength and times in need in darkness. With my heart and chains, your light still shines across the sea. And I forget my earthly pains. Isn't that beautiful?
It's so beautiful. Yeah, it's great. It's great. Dude, can't you just feel that right here? You tap your heart. Tap's like where your heart would be. Can't you just feel that right here? Yeah, I feel it somewhere for sure. Well, you know what? he As he's tapping your heart, he takes the book with his hand, he puts it like right into your heart, just presses it there and says, well, I want you to have this, DeSalle. I want you to know that the morning Lord's always with you.
This dude, in my mind, is 100% Glenn from Letterkenny. Okay,
ah yeah so what can I add to my inventory? What's it called? The prayer book? Yeah, it's called Hymns of the Dawn. Oh, that's right. Legs of the spawn. Yeah. as you So he presses it into your into your chest and you go to put it in your bag?
Yeah, I'm adding it. Okay. So as well, don't add it. Okay. I'm not adding it. Uh, you look down at the book and he just pressed in your chest. You take it and look at it and it says limbs of the spawn. God damn it. I take it. I pocketed it. Okay. Cool. That'll be good. Trust me. Yeah. I think it, you know what? I i think it will. And I, a new book, it's a new,
book for new beginnings.
Nice. Yeah, as a as he was saying that you you were hearing something in your. um As he said that. You heard what he said, but you also heard another voice as he was saying it.

Interrogation and Revelations

another voice somewhere in your subconscious maybe and as he was Presiding that him you also heard She's not what she seems a weaver of dreams Behind beauty lies a monster of horror and lovely disguise She's not what she seems a reaper of screams She hungers for flesh enchanting deceivers the ductress of death
Bars. Vic or Jim says, ah, welcome back, my friends. Uh, good to see you again. I hope everything's okay. I ran off, uh, quite fast earlier. Everybody's all right. Yep. It's all good. And I like show them, show them the book. We had to brawl.
You had to brawl. Yeah. We were brawling out. Oh, who were you? Yeah, hopefully you weren't brawling with anybody too, uh, too close. Hopefully it was a, it wasn't a friendly brawl. so It's always bad when you're brawling with your friends.
the The spiritual brawl. Ah, yes. We are in a house of the Thunder after all. Well, I ah told you this story about Jeska with the bones of Saint Andrew, and here he is. He points this look at. Well, hey, little kid. I've told Jeska about about you all, and um I figured you could talk to him if you'd like, but you don't have to. Yeah, we should talk to the boy.
I'll sit down next one.
a Tiny human. Yeah. I'm going to go stand by the window and like look out by the cemetery. You don't see anything. I was just going to like lean back and I don't want to get, since I'm like a big huge dude, I don't want to like get too close to the kid as not to intimidate him until he starts not cooperating.
threaten the kid No, no, no, but it's it's the implication Well, um ah Alma and bash you can both roll and Nabi, where are you during this? Such a good question. Probably just sitting back here leaning up against the wall Okay Alma You can just roll me a persuasion check at advantage. We'll call you. I have an idea. I i you need that
Oh, I don't like that. Oh, so now you're not one. Twelve. You sit down next to his it and he looks ah nervous, but ah not scared. OK, two guys. I don't know. You sit down with this kid. He's not intimidated, even though you have a buff drow, a buff orc, this ninja looking guy and like shadows and you are a tiefling.
um ah Your persuasion check of 12 is enough to, he's at ease and is is sitting there and is awaiting what questions you guys might have for him. Yeah. What did you tell, um, Vic or Jim about, uh, about the question that he asked regarding the bones? Um, he asked if I told anybody else and I did. And was this a friend that you were talking to?
Yeah. um Where do you guys hang out usually? um Make an inside check.
I'm new to the city, and I want to know where the cool places to hang out are. um He doesn't answer, but his eyes are darting around the room. OK. I kind of look back at, um bash to see if he's clocking the kid's eyes and see if there might be a place that he's like maybe focusing on that I can't see. Um, yeah, do it. Cause I am, I am, I am locked on this conversation, not in a way that I'm just like death staring him, but I'm being very attentive to, you can also make an insight check. Okay.
11. No, he did just he doesn't answer and he his eyes eyes are darting around the room, is what you see. um I ah say, hey, look at me. He looks at you. Can we hang out together with your friends sometime? He nods. Do you wanna come get me the next time you go to hang out? We don't need to tell anybody else. He shrugs.
Okay. I'm just going to leave it at that. See what happens.
Okay. Anybody else want to hop in there? Um, I'll come up. I'll come up and talk to him. Okay. Make my way around the altar, come up to the side, kind of sit in the pew, kind of next to him. That's all broken and stuff.
Listen kid There's some there's some bad spiders Running around here. Okay. I'm sure you've seen them. I definitely see them all the time um We got to know what happened to the bones, okay Where they where are they spiders?
Just the ri the random way. Why did we let him talk to the kid? ah The kid looks at you and says, well, the reason why you're paranoid is because nobody likes you. What? Yeah, you're your whole life's kind of directionless and pointless. And I don't really think anybody shed a tear when you die the first time. And I think if you died again,
everybody would forget you ever even existed i stay but i that that's not allll hear that um know but the he buried me with the sword But you do hear Desan stand up and start yelling. He buried me with the sword. Okay, as soon as he does that, I come up to Desan. I'm like, okay, okay. We're gonna maybe stop the questions here. And I pull him away from you. No, get off. Where are the spiders? Where are the bones? Oh, no, no. And now, yeah, now I'm just like... Yeska's head is following you, Desan, as you leave and Everybody would forget his you mouth opens as ever even existed. eight legs start to crawl out of his mouth. Where are the bones? I was buried with the sword! I was buried with the sword! I pull him away.
ah You pulled this on as Vic or Jim is like, this is quite unusual. I don't know. ah and I'm sure Jessica would love to divulge more information if we asked maybe some more pertinent, gentle questions.
um Anybody want to ask him some questions? I got to deal with just a nob boy over in the room now, so. And I'll be. I'll go for it. I'm not a very persuasive. Well, you can suggest things to I can. And I already kind of gave a go. So someone else is. Yeah. If you guys want to figure out where these bones are and do this, this is the time. Otherwise, ah you know, this isn't necessarily one of your guys's main quest points.
You just move past this side quest, but if you guys wanted to follow this thread, now's the time. Otherwise. Yeah. It seems like this, sort of this kid knows something more. Um, but we can't figure out the identity of his friend. So any inroads questions.
is are Is his eyes still darting around? like is he's still looking like Does it look like he's just looking at the room? Or can i like is he looking at something specifically? Or are they just moving it too fast? he's not He's not doing that anymore. He only did that when Alma asked that one question. And then she said, look at me. And he looked right at her. And then they had a conversation. and then Um, and then the sun sat down and he was looking at the sun and then the sun started asking a question. He never even answered and the sun started yelling and he kind of coward away. Oh, damn. Uh, so now he's just looking at you, but maybe Joe will miss standing right behind him now, like holding his shoulders.
but he's If you approach, he looks at you. Yeah. Is there. Anything at all? You you could maybe tell us about the friend that you you told about this. um He shrugs and you can make an insight check.
Eleven. um As he shrugs, he ah used watch and yeah his ours his eyes begin to dart around the room.
Not anywhere specifically.
Hmm. Can I make an inside check on Vic or Jim? Yeah. Go for it. 15. Seems like he's telling the truth. Seems like a good guy. Okay. In a fucked up town who truly doesn't know. What about the other guy that they're with? Yeah, make an inside check.
Twenty one. One. When you ask him about the friend, he squeezes his shoulders a little harder.
Not hard, not hurting him, but just like. Little harder. Hmm. I look at the person holding him, Jovem, Jovem. Is there anything you might Any information you might have that could help us out? Cool. Make an intimidation check. DC is 10.
Five. Okay. Do you have your inspiration? No, no, that was gone fucking 30 seconds after he gave it to me. As, as he approaches and seems to, uh, have a line of questioning, he's going after Alma, you recognize this. Is there anything you'd like to do to give him ah the help action for this?
Yeah, I would like to ah interpret the body language between the boy and Jovim and ah see if I can help Inabi loosen this guy up a little bit. Yeah, how would you do that? ah Why don't we go for the minor illusion spell um to, let's see. Actually, I'll just cast it like just to make like a kind of bright glowing light that looks kind of enchanting in my hand. Oh, yeah. Very lathander coated. And you can roll the vanish. Oh, let's go. We're doing it. I believe. Oh, what's a one. Give me an unnatural one. An unnatural one. He knows very often he says, I'm I'm in the same boat as you guys. I don't know what yes, he did. Did with the bones, he he he did tell us that he took them, right, Victor?
but No, that's fine. I mean that's I just noticed that you squeeze him a little bit harder when I asked him about his friend is all well He's going through a lot your friend outside yelling and stuff. He's he's rightfully so he's been bit freaked out Well, where did you where did you take the bones buddy? Um, he says i I didn't I didn't take them anywhere Okay, where did your friend take the bones I Because I don't know. They didn't tell me. And have you seen them since then? No. No? I've never even seen them. They just talk to you and you listen? Oh, the friend. The friend. I eat drugs. Huh.
I say we murk this kid. yeah ba hash Just give me another I just want to talk to him. could Just give me nu come on. Just let him get back in there. Absolutely not bash. Let me just zone a truth. them i look I'll get answers. I'll get the answers bash. Will you be calm? Yeah, absolutely. There's no calm collected. You're talking to a child. Yeah, there's no spiders on my skin. That insight check him. Yeah.
There definitely are spiders under my skin. ah so that's an eleven He's holding the book that he was just given in his hand. All right. I get that you're freaked out and you're going through a lot, but just hold it together just until we can get the truth out of this kid. Okay. I'm cool. I'm cool. I'm cool. I'm cool.
All right. I'm going to do a teeny little zone of truth. We're just going to. So this will have to be either this works or this side quest thing is this is like, yeah, fruitless. Yeah, it's all I got. Hey, Brian, this is all I got. We're two strikes one more and we're and we're at the last strike level two. You see me like salting a big circle in in the shape of a sun. I'm sure I'm salting a big circle and I go, OK.
We're going to get some loves this we're gonna get to we're gonna get to the bottom of this right now. There's no more spiders in this room. And if there are, we're going to find him.
ah so I saw I saw the big sun. I walk in a big circle and I go, OK, I draw. um I draw the sun sword and I point it at the kid and at Jovem in their direction. I go, Zona truth time. And I like plant my sword into the ground in the middle.
Okay. Uh, is that a wisdom saving throw? It is. Let me just, charisma yeah, charisma saving throw. So in Nabi Alma and bash and design, you each also have to make a charisma save or you can willingly fail. I willingly fail. Yeah, that's fine. I'm willing. I'll fail. I'll fail it back.
Uh, yeah, it just means you can't lie. Yeah, you also don't have to be in the circle. Um, I'm I'm gonna do the Christmas Eve. Yeah, there's it You made it you succeed you do not have to you can lie Desan you know that he's saved Okay, I like glance over him. and I'm like You got the spiders He could see the spiders ah Okay, kid. ah Yeah, that you see you see vicar Joven and Jessica all ah Fail. Yeah, I'll fail it. Okay. I'll take a knee in front of the kid. I go. Okay kid That was some mean stuff. You said to me a little bit earlier. um I didn't say anything to you Where are the bones?
um He Uh, says, I don't know. And Jovim says. I sold them. I look up with Jovim. Who'd you sell them to? I've I have already repented, as is the good word, at which is ah rightfully so. I will be accepted into Lothander's Upper Plains. You see Vickers looking at him with a furrowed brow, but not necessarily like.
Mad, mad, but just like, how could you? Um, yes. Well, listen, that, but then there can do a lot in this world, but over at the orphanage, we needed money. We needed money for food, for clothing, for the kids, for all my younger sisters and brothers. You know, so I took the bones and I sold them to Henrik Vandervoort.
henrik vanderfort Okay, okay, okay. Uh, he says, and then you hear Vic or Jim say, the local coffin maker. Wait a second. so That place is closed down, Jovan. He goes, as, as a win, I do. It was only a couple of days ago. I sold him the bones. Well, it was extremely, extremely dilapidated as a, uh,
place of business, I would never choose to visit something so decrepit. If I was looking to buy coffins. there's ah Well, it wasn't like that when I ah met up with him, he had cash for the bones and I brought him in a little sack. I used to shovel the prime open Vicar gym. I fixed it. I fixed the church. I didn't know that it was going to take away our, our protection. Had I known that I would have never done it. I tried to get them back.
Once we started being attacked and I couldn't find him. Couldn't find the man. All right. Well, we know where to start then.
I have I have a good man or forgive me. Did you repent to Vicar Jim, Jovan? He goes, well, that's not necessarily required by the religious statue, but I am sorry, Vicar Jim. i I had I known I would have never done it. I was trying to do right by Jessica and the other kids, the orphanage.
I believe you. At least we have the lead. yeah yeah he's in it another truth with united our truth Yeah. Does anyone have any other questions they want to ask? Well, we're zoning truth up. Vicar Jim looks at you, Desan, and says, why did you why are you freaking out? Say, Desan, why are you? My son, why are you freaking out?
It's the Weaver of Dreams. It's the Queen of Chaos. I could see her everywhere, Vicar. She's in the book. She's in the Foot Locker. She's in the graveyard. She's in what book? She's in this book, this book that he just gave me. Look, read it. Read the cover. He opens it. You all see it says Hymns of the Dawn and he begins reading a prayer out of it. It's the limbs of the spawn, Vicar Jim.
It says it. It says it right there. Take a screenshot. He's reading something called greeting of the dawn. And when you look at the book, you see greeting of the spot. I point. I point. I got this. This kid told me that I.
You're he says, um gentlemen, your friend is deeply troubled by something. Um, I'm gonna, I want to take the book from him. Okay. This is the book that Jovim gave to son that Rick Vicker Jim was just reading out of. He hands it to you. Yeah. Okay. And I just toss it aside. Okay. He tosses it. Yeah. Can we do like an exorcism or something? Yeah. There's something much more powerful than Strahd.
Running around, someone has opened the door for something much bigger. How you can't see it, I can feel it. He grabs you by the shoulders and he says, Desan, I can feel it. I can feel the thing bigger and more powerful than Strahd himself. And it is the light. You can be saved, Desan, but you have to be the conduit and exorcism as your friends so boldly put it is possible, but it's only possible if you are willing.
We got, we gotta go get the bones. Let's exercise this kid. We gotta get the, we gotta get the bones guys. We got, we can't, we can't, we can't, we can't, we can't spend one day sooner.
We gotta, or get Strahd. What are we doing? The bones? Strahd? The cards? You're freaking out, man. You're freaking out. Turoka, this is air pools. The bone grinder. Okay, okay. Take a deep breath.
Yeah, we need to get the bones, but we know where to start, so let's just head out for them. Yeah, let's get out of this circle. Let's get out of this circle.
the circle that you made. Disrupt the ritual, bro. I

Coffin Maker's Shop Discovery

think kick the salt. I kicked theer the salt in circle. I'm trying to end the spell. Yeah, it ends. You can drop the spell at any time, but not for you. Okay. Let's, let's go to the coffee maker shop. All right. Sounds good to me.
OK, you guys go to the coffin maker shop and here is the where we will leave off tonight um as I do to do. Take your guys tokens. Bring you over there.
Well, if they interview with you and also with you. All right. ill say yeah another one for jova and say it back say it bad's ya Okay, as you arrive can see your tokens, right? Yeah bottom left. Yeah but bottom left um As you approach
The coffin maker shop. Do. do
You approach the shop. On the ground floor and you see the door. In front of you.
What do you do? Um, we know that this place is decrepit boarded up, right? There's also, yeah, there's a making investigation check as well. Yeah, I'm going to investigate it. Can I also make an investigation check? 16, 22.
Everything's boarded up. This is the front door and it's locked. But in your guys is casing of the joint. There is a side door. And you can also see through the windows of the side door coffins.
OK. OK. And so you know that that door is not locked. Oh, let's go in. Let's go in. are Are any of the coffins open or they all closed when I can see? Make a perception check from outside. Yeah, I think if any are closed, we should ah we should either check to see what's inside before any shenanigans happen ah through the window. They all close.
Like sealed. Yeah, they look they look they look closed, but not like they're they have a body and then ready to be put underground. Let's just go in and check them out, guys. go Let's go in and check them out. Yeah, let's just go in. Let's just go in. I'll cover you. All right. Bash. It's bashing time. I will take out my axe and I will open the door. You open the door as you guys step inside. You all hear.
above you as the door opens. You hear on the floor above you. As you stand in a room full of coffins, this arranged haphazardly about the floor of this musty L-shaped room, you see there are 13 wooden coffins. You hear the noise above you and as the camera pans out,
bash. You noticed that the first four coffins are all labeled bash blood singer. Oh no. Alma graves. Oh no. It does not say this on, it says Vess rack. Bane vol don't even know who that is. And Inabi.
Oh, for the coffins closest to the door, as you hear a boom, boom, boom, boom, come upstairs and pan out through the fog to another dreary day in Barovia. And we will pick up there next time. Woo. Let's go. Gee, gee. We did it. um And you guys have leveled up. You guys are now level six. Oh, hell yeah. boy god I've been level six this whole time.
yeah No, I'm just kidding. Just imagine. um And before we go, yeah, Tommy, for you, it is up to you. So if you want, I will the the exorcism of it all um is not something that I'm going to force on you or not saying I'm going to let happen to you. That's going to be a player choice.
I want to see. Yeah, I want to. I just I want to explore. Yeah, we'll see what. Yeah. But just like, not those yeah, in in game like it won't work if if it's if like, yeah, you can't force me to exercise. It has to be at least ah a majority vote part of yourself that is on board. Right. Right. I got you. But I love it. Good shit, guys. um Yeah, great job. Yeah, we'll see all you guys tuning in next week. Thanks, y'all.
Bye. Bye.