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The Evolution of Dating Language

E36 ยท The Man Cave Podcast
38 Plays5 months ago

Summary: In this episode of The Man Cay Podcast, hosts Briceson Young and Luis explore various themes surrounding modern dating, self-perception, and the evolving language of relationships. They discuss the importance of audience interaction, the nuances of terms like 'bread crumbing' and 'cuffing season', and the impact of self-image on dating dynamics. The conversation is both humorous and insightful, providing listeners with a candid look at contemporary dating culture. In this engaging conversation, Luis and Briceson explore various modern dating concepts, including cookie jarring, relationship flags, gaslighting, ghosting, love bombing, and more. They share personal anecdotes and insights, shedding light on the complexities of contemporary relationships and the impact of social media on dating dynamics. The discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding these terms and their implications in navigating romantic connections.


00:00 Introduction and Interactive Podcasting

02:59 Modern Dating Dynamics

06:04 Self-Perception and Attractiveness

08:58 Cuffing Season and Relationship Trends

12:05 Navigating Modern Dating Terms

15:01 The Impact of Self-Image on Relationships

18:00 Understanding Bread Crumbing and Cobwebbing

21:01 Cyber Flashing and Digital Boundaries

24:04 The Evolution of Dating Language

27:02 Cookie Jarring and Relationship Roster

32:14 Understanding Cookie Jarring and Backup Relationships

34:02 Navigating Relationship Flags: Green, Red, and Beige

36:43 The Impact of Gaslighting in Relationships

39:11 The Ghosting Phenomenon in Modern Dating

41:05 Dating Profiles: The Art of Attraction

43:47 The Dehumanizing Effects of Ghosting

45:06 Love Bombing: The Fine Line Between Affection and Control

50:08 Orbiting: The New Age of Social Media Stalking

55:35 Rizzing: The Charisma Factor in Dating

57:44 Situationships: The Undefined Relationship

01:01:13 Soft Launching: The Subtle Introduction of a Partner


Live Streaming Challenges

yeah do do do we back the manka podcast going on everybody we're also streaming live on youtube for those yeah ah you probably won't find it but cause i didn't announce that i was streaming live on youtube but now i think it alert some people though Well, it won't alert anybody because it's going to my, it's going to the man cave account itself where we only have no subscribers. So there's nobody to alert because it's all good. Don't subscribe to us guys. So, uh, show us some love on YouTube. this Subscribe to man cave TV on YouTube and you can tune into us live as we record the episode. You can also.
If you want to, I'm gonna start putting out a... um a request sheet or something on Instagram post or Facebook post, you can join the audience live in this actual studio as an audience and you can talk to us and make comments and shit as we are actually doing the

Engagement Strategies

show. Yeah, like right in the chat. Like you won't be able to talk, but you you could like put your points in and and we could like put it into the podcast. Well, actually too, you won't be able to talk necessarily, but if you want to have what they call a quote unquote call in,
We can tag you in to actually talk temporarily in you know for a comment or a question or something like that. So there's a lot of cool features you can use on this platform. So if and if if people are interested in that, I'm going to find out. I'm going to make a post. Luis is going to make a post.
and Yeah, make the show a lot more interactive. You know, you guys can and probably think of things while you're watching the show and you don't want to slide in our DMS. And, you know, why the fuck not? We don't bite. We do not. Well, I don't bite hard, Bryce. I don't know about him.
Don't have a fresh pedicure. Oh, damn. Just getting this kid. Watch the old podcast, cash you'll get that. I'm just kidding, but ah yeah.
It's a really cool way you guys can interact with us on this platform. So I'm going to start looking into that and put out the call out and see what you guys want to do about that. We also, I'm going to put out a post for you guys to put your questions

Guest Expertise

up. I'm trying to set up guests for a licensed couples therapist. Yeah, that would be a good one too. Yeah, she's supposed to come on. I'm trying to set up a time with her now, but she showed interest in joining the show.
If you don't want to get all your advice or suggestions and shit from two complete dumbasses and you want it from a person that went to school... Someone that has a piece of paper that says they know what they're doing. Not knocking you, Hunter. Yeah. Not knocking you. You know, if that makes you feel better, then we got that coming down the pipeline too.

Affectionate Nicknames

But to get into today's show, hold on, let me take a sip of my drink here again.
Well, while you're taking that sip, I got a random question for the listeners. You guys, I want you guys to not like just in the, when you hear the podcast, just shoot one of us the message and give me your answer. Now this obviously is going to be for the women. So if a guy that, ah if a guy goes up to you, not really necessarily hitting on you, but if just like someone, you know, or maybe somebody you just meet passing, if they're like, you know, thank you, Han or something like that, does that bother you?
Cause I know that some women, it's all on the presentation. And then I have, I've met women that get like instantly fucking angry and because I guess to them, it's like.
I guess like derogatory or not really derogatory, but you know what I mean? Like I can't think of the fucking word right now. This probably isn't helping, but you know what I mean? Like I was just curious because I, it's only happened to me twice where one woman, I was like, Oh, thank you. One cause she held the door for me and she flipped out on me. I am not a hon. I was like, well, that's why I said honey. Cause I don't know you.
Well, now that I know you're a bitch, have a nice day. and I walked the fuck away. You don't need to be rude. What the fuck? Yeah, what the fuck, man? Like, I was being fucking polite. That's how I was raised, hun. You know, ah like, don't get wrong, but like a younger woman, sweetheart, honey, like something like that. That's how I was raised. That's how the older gentlemen that I was around were. Like, I didn't, you know, what the fuck? Oh, I know times change, but what? Your fucking pussy fills with a giant, with fucking sand? Excuse my language, but what the fuck? There's no need to be rude.
I wouldn't be able to say that to a woman because if I said it, I know what my intent is when I'm saying it. I want to grab their attention. I want them to recognize, oh damn, he called me sweetie. He called me hun. He said cutie. Okay, so I agree with that, but to me, there's one word, beautiful. If I call you beautiful, that's because that word that has fucking weight, like the only people I've ever called beautiful was my girlfriend.
No, my ex-girlfriend. I was about to say, when did you start dating? no Sorry, my ex-girlfriend and my daughter. Because like the fucking word beautiful means more than just physics, physically, I mean. i mean right i'm getting we See, we always fucking do this. I want to say, i don't think i know now it's about to drive off into something else, but if I don't say it, I won't remember.
but I feel like women get that so fucked up. I watched so many of these little street interviews and they these guys asking for a rate or a woman's asking for a rate.

Attractiveness Judgments

And they started talking about, well, I don't know your shoes. It's the shoes. I'm going to give you a six. And I'm like, well I mean, if you're out on the street asking for a random rate, is this is simply on physical attributes. Well, technically that's my fucking outfit today. I'm not asking. I'm not asking.
Go I'm not asking you to rate my fucking outfit. I'm asking you to rate me me physically just me Bear me my eyes my head shape my every all of that. I don't know you're not rat i'd be a fucking date morefu You good well you know and like know, they say you know, they say that um People don't realize it, they do it without recognizing, but you are judging your attractive, how you'll find somebody attractive based on how their body symmetry is, how their ratio, their hip to waist ratio or some shit like that. Hip to thigh ratio, I think it is for women. yeah And chest to shoulder ratio, I think is something for guys, or chest to waist ratio, I don't know.
yeah like I'm saying these women be wanting, and then these women be wanting these high ass numbers, too. They get mad when you rate them like a six or a seven. All these women for some reason, and then they be buddying their friends up, too. What the fuck you 10. What you mean she's a seven? She's a fucking 10. No, she ain't. She's a fucking seven. And then after like she's a 10. Everybody has room for improvement, man. You can't be a 10. I'm sorry. Everybody. I'm not a 10. I'm not a 10. I'm a fucking 10.
6.8 That's what I give me, but i do think no I do think I'm the shit. Even though I give myself a 6.8, I'm a great fucking 6.8. Actually, I'm sorry. I i said I called myself wrong. I give myself higher than a 6.8 because I got in the gym and made myself look better. I went out to try and help them. Yes, I agree with that. so I actually give myself a 7, 7.2 because I'm short. I realize that's not mostly that's not really found attractive generally for women.
You're a short king. You are. But you're the fucking man, so to no use the fucking... I'm the fucking man. And if you gave me fucking... Bro, if I was... If I had a whole nother foot on me... Yeah, but that's the thing. Fuck that. No shit. Don't fucking hold the shit like that, bro. I gotta say it. I gotta say it. If I was a whole nother foot, bro...
I'd be a 9.5. I don't give a fuck what anybody tells me. You're a black guy too, so of course cause i think he's bringing the hammer. That's the the first fucking thought for for pretty much every woman and man. I think at five foot three, um I think I'm the baddest five foot three.
male walking around Massachusetts. Well, I'm talking about. I love you. I got love for you, bro. That's you. You're going to start a competition. I don't give a damn. I get all the lights game dudes is fucking line up, line up every other five foot three 36 year old male and tell me I don't look better than the than the majority of them. Eight out of 10. I look better than eight out of 10. Oh, if not nine out of 10, if not all 10 of them.
Bro, fuck it. Let's set this shit up. Set it up. We'll put it to a vote. We'll put out, we'll put on a vote. Anyone who's fucking listening to the podcast, we'll put out a vote. We can all vote and see if we now if we can get a lineup

Changing Priorities with Age

for Bryson. That'd be nice. We can do like a pageant.
put it on the chat knowing that you know how the host Bryson looks do you think out of all the five foot three men you see in your life he is the most attractive yes or no I think most people if oh yes to that I'll do it I'll do that shit right now I think most people will vote yes to that question. Let me see. Actually, I'll do the shit out of the shell. I don't want to get distracted. As most men get older, as most people get older in general, they start putting on weight. They start caring less about their body. It's called being comfortable. Yeah, they get comfortable. I mean, and look at... I got... Usually when you're in a relationship... That's what happens God damn that was good Hey, I feel you that's fucking good dude Suck in Portuguese Somal and it's a weird mix.

Homemade Moonshine Taste Test

Honestly Apple cider Moonshine Appetite moonshine is good with its passion fruit Somal. It's just like Portuguese soda drink Just so good
Alvarez knows his bar down in work and this good woman, I guess she makes her own homemade hard apple. I mean a hard apple cider is fucking man. No, it's apple pie. is Yeah, apple pie apple cider. Dude, the moon dish is good. The moon channel, even with the flavor, it still just fucking burns the shit out of your throat. Her tastes just like a fucking apple pie.
Like, bro, you can sit there and knock these shots back one after one after one. You'll be enjoying them. You're gonna be fucked by the... I mean, bro. Yeah, nah, that's not me, bro. But they're delicious. I hate shit. They're delicious, though. But but um back to the the rating scale. I feel like people take these get these rating scales mixed up because...

Male Modesty in Attractiveness

Okay, hold on time out. Nope. I'm gonna be the one to say it. It's not people bro. It's not most Most here not all men are modest and they're fucking humble and they'll be like well now we're a five and like I know homo I've I have two friends right now that are very attractive guys on them for a very long time and They're both modest as fuck. They do not walk around saying they're fucking test
So most men I've met, want I am definitely the person that boasts about being confident about yourself. But to believe that you are perfect with no room for improvement, that's fucking delusion. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be mean. That's just the truth. You can disagree with me. We can still be friends. For real, like it's okay to disagree.
I, that's just the way I look at it. I, if you think you're a fucking 10, like I've, one of my friends I went to school with, her name's Nicole. I'll tell you her name offline. Dude, she is the model. Like she is a beautiful woman. She's a sweetheart. She, she's probably a 10. I haven't talked to her in a really long time, but ah she's probably a 10. She's a good mom. She's been married since we got out of high school. Like.
Me, look, yeah, this is my only 10, but I think oh la she is so fucking beautiful. I think men, uh, well, yeah, like you said, it's it's mostly women. Yo, i yeah um I love you ladies. I do, but I'm sorry. When it comes to this, you guys, again, I'm, I boost the confidence shift and turn it down just a little bit, like to eight, yeah eight, eight, nine, just leave that number for improvement. Just a smidge. Just a smidge. cu Imagine if we turned it around.
If we turn around, we're doing that. All the men were doing that. ah We're tans. All the fucking women be like, you're fucking crazy. Yeah, would be, definitely. Like, yeah, nuts, you're fucking nuts. No, don't get me wrong. When we say women, I know we got to say this every fucking episode. When we say women, it's not all of you. Because I know there's some out there that do their own, but also understand how relationships go. There's always an exception to the rule.
Yeah. Tiffany, I know you out there listening. We know you think you're a six. I appreciate your honesty. it's Yeah. The modesty. Who's talking about that earlier? I appreciate that. Well, I think we, yeah, we spoke about you before we actually opened up the show, but, um, because we're coming down to visit.

Attractiveness and Self-Perception

That's why so whole thing about it being able to honestly say you're a six and not spout off this 10 shit because I mean if we're talking about grand scheme like on the street or whatever I'm talking about just straight up physical physical attraction, but we're talking about
dating rating, like as a woman, as a whole, too many women think they're 10s and you're a 10 but you're out at the club every weekend, you're a 10 but you can't cook or clean, you're a 10 but you can't raise a baby well or don't even wanna be at home with the child. oh dude you did You got all these other, like you're not a 10, yes, in the looks category you're this, but as a whole, as a person, you are not a 10.
you might be ten physically You might be physically attractive, level 10, but as a whole as a woman, you're like a seven and a half. And I'm just throwing a random number at them. I'm not speaking about them specifically. The thing is though, if we were just talking about just physical looks, a girl can have the right curves, the right color eyes, all that kind of stuff. And to me, I still wouldn't call her a 10. I still wouldn't. Because me personally, I would never want to give someone that mindset. Because to me,
You know, or you understand, like understanding the psyche to a point, don't get me wrong. I don't have no degree. I have done my own research, so I'm not a professional at this shit. I just have my own opinion on it. And I just know that that would feed into someone's psyche and it it would be bad in either way, but in the relationship or to that person. So that's why I would, I would never do that. I would never be like, you look perfect. Well, no, never because you're always changing. So there's always room for improvement. Always.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Impact of Drinking on Podcasting

I can't stop drinking this shit every time ah I to get this. I was like, let me get this couple of times. and I drink the so damn fast, bro. I had the first one I had. I drink it so fast. I'm just talking about the Arizona hard, uh, lemonade seltzers to everyone wondering these things.
ah like up at there have gar going to try so I I like it that it's more of a juice and not like a carbonated beverage. I think the one I tried was just the like the regular flavor, you know, like the whatever Arizona tea flavor, because I knew I liked that flavor. So I'm like, fuck it. I'll try it. It wasn't bad, but you could definitely taste the, you know, that the hard flavor.
It wasn't bad. Personally, I'm just a beer guy. I just wanted to try it. Yeah, I'm i'm probably gonna have my second. It's probably gonna be a beer. I'll probably have a beer by minute 30 of this podcast episode. And halfway through that beer, you'll probably be able to tell that I'm halfway through my fourth drink of the day because it's gonna come out. It's getting wild. It's gonna come

Modern Dating Terms

out of me.
So, uh, we cleared up all that pregame talk right there. yeah and We got, good we got, we got, we got for a topic. So tonight, uh, because we're all getting old and yeah, my daughter pushing up days to keep saying that shit though, it is.
my daughter knows these uh these new this new terminology to me that i don't understand and shit so oh all right we're gonna talk about modern dating terms today so for you people older gentlemen like me louis that are you know we still run into things know i i'm in it i see All right, let's see what you got. So what we're also going to try to do, too, is I'm going to speak what the term is, and we're each going to try to guess what we think that ah term is, what it's referring to. All right. I know there's a couple of younger guys at work that listen to this, and they don't have 20s. They'll probably know right away. Yeah, they'll probably know.
Gonna play a little game with this. You got a 36-year-old and a 40-year-old here about to play. What's that term? All right? In a modern dating world. So we're both gonna take a crack at it and then I'll read off to you what it says that term is referring to. So the first chrome oh the first term is breadcrumbing.
Can you want to take get a snag at what you think that might mean? I have a pretty decent guess. I want to say it's like leading on, maybe. That would be my guess. I would assume it is in the vein of kind of like trying to lead you on. Yeah. Yeah. Trying to get you there. So let's see. Breadcrumbing.
is when someone consistently checks in with a romantic prospect dangles the possibility of a date and keeps them interested but never follows through with what they really want a relationship
So, oof, oof. That, mr what the fuck dude, that seems kind of oversimplified, but not oversimplified, it seems like that was like a, I don't know, I would have never thought that, honestly. Nah, that ain't the way I was thinking about it. No. Consistently checks in with the romantic prospect, dangles the possibility of a date.
and keeps them interested but never follows through with what they really want, but a relationship. I would think a person breadcrumbing doesn't want a relationship. Well, see, that's the thing. That's two different things. like they They're breadcrumbing a date. Okay, first of all, that's how it usually starts. You don't just be like, hey, oh, you're cute. Want to be my girlfriend? you know Unless you're like fucking gorgeous, it doesn't work like that. You have to start with dating. So that's why I was confused about the description because They're saying yes trying to get a date, but then they just keep like not agreeing to it But then ultimately they don't want a relationship. Oh, yeah, what the fuck? Obviously if they don't want to fucking date you man, honestly, ah the three rule you ask them three times or like in two or three times No, all right fucking move on. Wish you the best so
I don't know so what I'm say so women will do that bro some women will do it like straight up knowing their breadcrumb you could they just want someone to talk to her father to what they really want I don't know what I think I got what this is I think I know a couple people that do that shit yeah dude baby right now I know one I know one guy and a girl and two girls right now and do it So we're saying they really want a relationship, but they won't letting they will never ask relationship But they want to keep you around pretty much. Yeah, so yeah, they won't be cutting it around It's what I do when I say is like you you check off two-thirds of what they want I mean, you check out two-thirds of what they want There's one guy where they think he did they'll get all three, you know, three-thirds full but there's a guy that's the two-thirds and oh You know like one of those
Have I been that guy before? Yes. Not recently, but yes. I don't know if I've ever been, I don't know if I've ever been a bloke. I was like kept on the wayside. I didn't know it until it was too late. And I was like, wow, I'm a fucking retard.
Well, have I been the breadcrumb? Yeah, I've been oh yeah the one that the crumbs will live for. Yeah, I've been that guy. i'm yeah I've been that guy. Pretty sure I have. Have you ever heard of that? Have you heard that term before? Is this your first time? That's my first time, dude. Like, literally, that's what I thought. Like breadcrumbing, like leading someone. Which that's the thing, dude. That's technically the same fucking thing. Literally, yeah they were leading you on. So, OK, so that's why. Why don't you just fucking dumb that whole description down and just say that person loved that person.
Yeah. But okay. Alright, next one up here. Have you ever heard of cobwebbing? Oh my fucking god dude, no. What would you think cobwebbing would refer to in dating terms? Oh my god, dude. Honestly, it sounds creepy.
It sounds like fucking like a set trap because that's what a fucking cobweb is I've I was setting like little you know what no okay, is it setting like little hints like little fucking things around so like I'm trying to think what it I Think it must be referring some way into trapping you trying to see that you went to liking them. Maybe yeah, all right We're gonna go with that. Yeah, let's see what it says Cobwebbing, this act of self-love refers to purging any mo mementos from previous relationships, old sweaters, text threads, or photos in an effort to move on. Holding on to old phone numbers and pictures, Ms. Boardram said keeps someone from being fully present and invested in their dating journey.
So holding on to old items for makes boyfriends. That's cobwebbing. Oh, so like the webs of a memory. Okay. That's true. Cause that's how they consider memories in the brain. Like a cobweb. Yeah. Yeah. I guess that's what they're saying. Yeah. Cause I, okay. That last statement keeps you from being fully present invested in your dating journey. You can't really move on with your journey of finding someone else because you're, you're holding on to the old shit. Oh, I've never heard of cobwebbing before. I've never heard of that.
man i wonder if my daughter has you know if my daughter knew more shit off this list than me you know how embarrassing that is i will do this generation bro i'm sure if i ask my niece uh she's just turned 21 yeah she just turned 21 i'm sure if i asked her Shoot a fucking kill. Yep. I've heard that. Yep, maybe no one shit, bro it's whatever it's is Smart these days i oh no man not all of not well My daughter uses his word now Sigma
is that something you've heard isn't that a fucking like fraternity that's a i mean that's a fucking something that's called the um the alphabet i can't think of the name right now she uses it as some she uses it as a replacement for a swear word in my opinion because i heard her always saying what in the sigma is that right yeah Who would Sigma do that? like she like so what do you I mean, it doesn't even sound right. It doesn't even roll off the tongue properly and no sentences and no statements. It sounds ridiculous. Why would you make up that shit?
Hell, I just read it. I just lingo, bro. That's how it is. You know, kids are. They're weird. Yeah. Because we, because all right. So as a parent, when you look at your kids, you think about like well your mindset. If, you know, like if you can remember, some people don't have that type of memory. They just can't, or like, because if that shit happened, your brain will block that shit out. And that's it. you know Remember it again. But, um, I got some, uh, fortunately everybody does, bro.
um So yeah, that that shit will happen. What the fuck was that? Sorry, I almost just lost my power cord. It's Batman. So this next one, everybody I think knows this one. ah The next one on the list is Cuffing.
ah soon all means you know wrapping up your man badty cause she bad i need that one that's mine right there you you my lady you might you belong to me I've heard that because I've heard like cuffing season so it's like usually when it's cold and it's just isn't that just like getting a relationship just for the season or whatever? Yeah. like just just yeah but It's it's guys and girls. All right, cuz I've seen it on different. Yeah, it's not just guys. Don't be able to coming up on teddy bear season Girls want a big yeah, they big man and big guys yeah and then it's coming up, too So, uh, I know guys are looking for them fat bitches with kids They're trying to love them over this season so they can get them that tax money. Yeah, they be doing
brothers is brothers that fucked up man sorry that's fucked up Have you seen the tax returns somebody's when we get bro, yes when you're no a single mother My egg is not what a happy job, bro. It's ridiculous even with a high paying job You could still get a fuck hun, dude. Trust me. All right, we're gonna say who you know who you I'm not a lot double digits. We'll say that Yeah, I I know people get to tell booth. Yeah, yeah, there's something like damn old digits, dude And maybe I should have texted her starting making making good money, too Nice, and I'm not talking about me Before let's get it. That's your straight. I'm not talking about me
payment kids so their ah definition of cuffing is de derived from the word handcuffed no shit It's the act of getting tied down to one partner usually during the colder months of the year yeah see see if that's what it was i fucking knew it to great Also referred to someone in a serious relationship outside of cuffing season Shout out to Eric Bellinger. um Wouldn't that just be fucking a relationship at that point? Not really. Getting you a big girl in the in the cold months or just getting a woman for the cold months in general is, I mean, but it's the holiday season too. you You're lonely. You want to be next to something. I mean, you're more likely to lower your standards a little bit too, just because of that time of the year. I'll take something a little less than what I'm used to because it's better than sitting at home jerking off in my cold room, you know?
now guess in my message i disagree with you on that one o but those big girls, bro. I'm telling you guys be locked down in big bitches in the, uh, I'm sorry, dude. I can't, I can't do it. No, I have this, I got a rule. No big bitches. No, I love about that. No, I, nothing. You know, it's called fuck. It's going to get me in a lot of trouble. I want to say it. Say it, say it, say it. It's called fucking up for a reason. So you always just go harder than your ex and I'm not going to lie. My ex was beautiful. So it's only going to be harder from there. So.
it I don't even try to go up. I just just try to go, you know, that's not what I was trying to do. Just go. No, I'm not trying to go up. I ain't trying to go down. I ain't doing nothing right now either way. I'm just fucking trying to build an empire. That's it. That's all I'm trying to do build a little school of mechanics over there, huh? Pretty much. Yeah. I think my daughter's going to be better. Love you, son. My daughter's just go for it, dude. She's just ready to cut panels off and weld and all that shit.
down Don't this one I have not heard of before so this one's gonna throw me. I have no clue where to go with it Cyber flashing have you ever heard of that?
Man is that just like a fancy dick fancy way to say dick pic like um I was thinking Titpix, but... Titpix. Cyberflashing. Cyberflashing. Internet. Oh, so in internet news, and it's in the news on the... Yeah, something like that. ...gram, and that would be my guess. So... Yeah.
hey Cyber flashing is the act of sending unwanted sexual images to another person through digital means. We're fucking, man, we're the shit. ah Such as on dating app or social media platform, but also via text or another foul sharing service like AirDrop. Why is that called? Why do y'all gotta give this shit a fancy name? Okay, so the reason why is because it's not always a dick. So that's just what I'm assuming. Cyber flashing.
I feel like I wanna, who use that? I ain't never heard that term before tonight. Cyber flashing. So should I said, when I send a fucking like shirtless photo, should I send like nipple flashing? as all I do that. Send a nipple. When you it girl ask girl, they want a picture. Just send them a picture of your tits. Men, let's stop sending the dick pics. Let's start sending tit pics. Okay. Pictures of our nips, nip pics. I'm pretty sure if you, okay, I'm pretty sure most women will not disagree with that.
but Yes, definitely. But then you get that small percentage that are like, no, we still want to see the penis. but know why They won't always say it, but that you know they want to. This is how you find out, because so you send your nitpick, and if they seem like they give you if they give you that response of not really being that interested and like, what the fuck was that? I thought you're going to send something else. Now you know, okay, now I proceed with the dick pic. Then you send her that.
I don't know, I still wouldn't bro. I've been asked before and I say the same thing every time. No, that's an in-person fucking thing. No. Send her a picture of your ass then. smart No. Why don't guys- You're gonna realize that just like most other guys, guys have every asses. That's it. It just happens.
I want to start something new. I think guys the stars in the pictures are not only their chests but also their asses. and we just need which is that i thought Oh I'm going to say I'm pretty sure the women will disagree with the ass part. Let's send our tits and ass and see how they like it. They'll be like, no, send the dick pics and shit. Alright, stop with the fucking ass pics.
I feel like women back in my time were more inclined to send tittie pics and pictures of their ass, but I wanted to see the pussy. and they they were So they were worried more hesitant on the pussy. So why can't yeah I be hesitant on my dick? I'm going to send you my nipples and then I'm going to send you my ass. And if if I feel like... You have worked your way open though. Maybe I'll let you see my name. Aww bro. This shit is funny. This shit is fucking funny saying it like that. like because it's just It's just guys but it's just funny cause if it was a woman it would still be as funny. fuck a
ah It's just different cuz you know for we should move that come on guys What do you guys think let's start guys the guys that listen? What do you get what the guys think the movement starts now with a pancake podcast from now on? I won't let you guys know Lewis can say what he wants, but he's on board secretly over on video. He's giving me a thumbs up He's just putting on a show for the crowd. Let's tell it he's down tit pigs and ass picks shit fucking ass picks. Oh my god. Sorry ladies could i sorry
moving forward for my be that brought it up have you heard of cookie jarring before? I think I know what this one might be. Cookie jarring. I would say this one is likely referring to having a bunch of people on in your, in your lineup, having a lineup. So having like a roster essentially. I've heard women say it, but okay. That would be my guess. Let's see what it is. Never heard of it called cookie jarring.
Cookie jarring is when a person seeks a relationship with someone else as a backup plan. In the same way that people might reach for a cookie when they want an instant treat, someone who is cookie jarring pursues their backup person when the one they actually want isn't available or has rejected them. I call that a plan B. I was just going to say, yeah isn't that like, yeah, that second, second choice. Yeah. Like a best.
Yeah, plan B, back up. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of men that have felt that. I know I've had some backups. I don't know if I've had backups, but i've I've been the backup and found out after. Yeah, I knew though. Oh, I didn't know. I found out after I was like, you bitch. Found out through one of my boys.
ah Shit Yeah, it was fun though. She was great. It's fun. Hey, whatever you learn from it, bro. Learn to keep going Yeah, she was a knowledge is fucking power I was okay being her backup. She had a high drive though Yeah, yeah, she had a high drive I couldn't keep up with that I was like a lady calm down, and okay I don't think I've ever said that. I can't say her name or I can't say her name or even mention her characteristics because that would kind of blow her cover and I don't want to do that to her. Yeah, I was going to say the same thing but I won't. Just to keep that part of my life quiet. So I think we all- It wasn't bad but I don't want to keep her. I don't want to put her out there.
Yeah, definitely. I think we all know this one, so I'm not going to like as if we know, but ah it's the three flags, your green flag, your red flags and your beige flags. Obviously your green flags are the good things about a person. Your red flags would be the bad things about a person and your beiges would be the cautions, the things to look out for, I would assume.
So it does say here red flags are negative, potentially harmful traits. um Where am I at here? Green flags are positive, ah compatible traits that a person possesses. And a person displaying a beige flag is not necessarily good or bad. They are just dull, boring, and like and lack effort in dating.
Oh, I think that was kind of harsh. God damn it. Yeah, I think that was whoever did that description was a little scorned by something. Holy shit. That was rough. I do want to I'm sure it's true to a point, but oh, while we talk about these flags, it seemed like you women have red and green fucked up in your fucking mental somewhere because I swear to God.
Y'all turn down green flags left and right and would accept a red flag any fucking day, moment, time. And then joke about it years later, like knowing you fucked up. I'm not perfect either, but the whole man, I can just, the the person amount of, man.
He told me that he was going through things with his wife and so we were dating for like six months. I found out he's still living with her. Well, bitch, he told you he was going through things with his wife. How many people do that? How many people tell the bitch that they're going through things with their wife just so they can get some pussy? I mean, that's the easiest lie to tell. I mean, y'all are so dumb, bro. I'm sorry. I don't have any other way to put it, but man, y'all are so fucking dumb.
ah Red flags, three flags. They're so easy and they're they're fucking obvious. What were you going to say? Go with it. No, no, I just fucking. Well, yeah, just look at my ever going to forget to hit on that topic. good you You can hit on anything you want. No, no, no, no, no, no. This is your show. This is our show. Yes. Our show. It's nothing about that. Just fucking.
No, I literally was thinking about it and then I literally just lost track of it. we look forget all right all Alright, alright, alright. Alright, next one here. I'm gonna tell you, i don't I know that I don't really necessarily know what this one means because I find confusion in it every time someone says it. Okay. And they say gaslighting.
I don't think i fuck that that's manipulating. Is that what it is? I didn't. yeah I never knew what gaslighting meant. That's just fucking manipulating, dude. If you read the description, it says manipulation. Someone said that to me before, and I almost almost fucking wanted this right there. like a yeah jimmy To manipulate someone into making them doubt their powers of reasoning, perceptions, memories of understanding of an event that happened.
Common methods include blatant lying, denial, and trivializing their feelings, which can result in an unhealthy power dynamic shift in a relationship. So gaslighting is manipulating? Why don't you just say that? Yeah. Why are we going to use your name? It's manipulative.
Well, because they they rather than having a blanket term they want to be more descriptive. So that's why they use that So I was today years old when I found out what gaslighting meant just so you guys I didn't even i Found out a while back as someone said that to me and I was like, you know, what I've heard this term before but I don't know what the fuck I mean So I googled it and I was like are you fucking kidding me? I've never manipulated anybody. I've always been shoot fucking truthful. I Never knew what that shit means damn so that's manipulating um wrong i'm not perfect i have lied to someone but
i've never fucking purposely lied in a series to fucking make sure like shit went my way that's fucked up How does gaslighting work in the term of manipulating anyway? If I lit something on fire with gas?
What is the and't know i don't see too long just see the correlation so so if for me it's easy because I got the fucking mechanic brain so I see everything visually You think about like a path you pour fuel right and you light it and then the flame just follows that shit So you gaslight an actual blank. I mean no I Mean that makes sense that makes more sense than I Yeah, because that's like this would mean like you lie and then it just continued this life to create like a scenario to get what you want. That's what gaslighting actually means. A lot of people throw the term around taking like it's something like some other scenario, but it's or I don't really want to go into a block another scenario, but
That's what it actually means. But in reality, and for the most part, when people use the term gaslighting, it's actually incorrect. You mean manipulation. You're just throwing it around because it's easier to say, I guess. I don't know. That makes sense. Makes sense. we're damn i'm wrong If I'm wrong, please send us a message. Correct us. I'd more than enjoy you guys fucking messages.
yeah i love your messages message me love please please deliver it and lewis
Yeah, I love your messages. This next term you women I swear to God you women should know this one. Like the back of your hand is something y'all do. Left, right, up, down, diagonal. It is ghosting. Y'all some ghostly motherfuckers. All y'all do is ghost the buck. I've definitely been ghosted. That is 100% sure. I mean, if me and Lewis, we've been on the tenders, the bumbles, all that shit.
All y'all do is ghost. You swear you're on there to date somebody and talk to people and then you ghost them. Someone comes off with a good personality, you ghost them. Too many green flags, you ghost them.
not I don't get it. Y'all, y'all are weird, man. So now here's, here's where I'll give a different perspective because there has been a couple of girls that I've talked to like when it comes to coming, uh, talking about the podcast that they showed me their profiles on like one girl, she showed me a profile on, um, I think it was bumble and the other one it was on, um, what the fuck was that one called? Um, okay. Cupid. Yeah. And both, like both girls, they were attractive. They were like,
You know, six, seven, oh go good good good-looking women. Dude, both of their fucking profiles were insane with the amount of messages and fucking, like, likes or whatever. So they knew exactly what the person looked like, because I don't know, I guess it's different for women. Like, they, as soon as you like them, they they know. Right away.
So whatever. So like these women had like a fucking selection. What I'm getting at is imagine being a guy and you just have a selection of women to go at. See what I know is most guys would probably be like organizing them. You know what I mean, bro? The tear. yeah and I'm sorry if that's wrong, but any guy listening understands. And I'm sure women do it too, but guys in this did discuss it. it guy I'm sure women do to whatever Bryce doesn't talk about. But so I don't know. That's a lot of guys who go like, all right, there's, there's the list. We're going to knock them down down the list and then go from there. I don't know. I'm just rambling on at this point. but I would love, I would love to be able to do an episode. If you women would be down for screenshotting your dating profile.
Oh, man, I've been trying to get it in like we're blocking information out. Yeah, let us read it out any personal identifiable information But if you will let us rate your profile and go through it and let you know why you're not receiving dates from it Or why you're not getting hits like you think you should Because I'm telling you I look at certain things in a profile and if I don't see them there I don't even I don't swipe right well, I wouldn't swipe right back in the day And this one this is one girl who showed me her dating profile once at work, I think. I'm i'm not sure. At one of my jobs.
But I told her, yeah, I probably wouldn't swipe right on you either. You're cute, but I'm, I told her there's two swipe rights I'm giving. There's a swipe right I'm giving for, I want to get to know this person and date them. And there's a swipe right I'm giving for, I'm going to try to fuck. Yeah. there's just Do we talked about that? and So I told her your profile to me, just telling if you were me, I'm swiping right to fuck because nothing on your profile lets me think you're out. I should be swiping right to try to get to know you.
And so I would really love to do an episode if we can get at least five female profiles of your dating app or your dating profile and let us go through it page by page and dissect it. I would love to do it. So just keep that in mind. Even if we were like, it's a hundred percent anonymous, there'll be no names on it. You just listen and then we'll go from there.
No, I don't think anyone will do. It'd be great if someone did. I don't think anyone will though. I need five of you. Come on. Be brave. Guys and girls, come on. Let's come on. Just think about it as we go throughout this show. You know, just ah you know come out here and talk to us. But the the um definition for ghosting that we have here, that we already talked about it, but it is the act of disappearing without warning or cutting off all contact with someone you are dating, someone you are in a relationship with, or even someone you've simply matched with online.
Ghosting is very dehumanizing and a lot of people don't understand that It can lead people to question their self-worth and value as human being I'll tell you what when I got one of those date naps i found I think I found out I really wasn't getting hits because of my height, but ah I didn't get as much as I thought I did. It was different between sites. like On Tinder, I got no play. On Bumble, heavy play. On Hinge, heavy play. OkCupid, no play. Is Facebook

Success Stories and Relationships

dating? Heavy play.
So Facebook dating and Bumble is really where I started, where I, um, Facebook dating and Bumble is where I put the most of my time in because that's where I was getting the most attention. Like a lot of attention hinge while I was getting like mid medium attention. That's where I met my beautiful wife, Julia. Hey, Julia. Bye, Julia. So that's why I'm a beautiful white wife, Julia. And, um, but I thought, I really thought my, my, my, uh,
next match was going to come from facebook or bumble because that's where i was getting all the fucking attention from but i uh i digressed um our next term we know this one love bombing haven't you ever a love bombed honestly yes i have yeah when i first got back into the game then that's when i realized all right There's too much. I like it cause I did it. I was single and I think I was fucking married for 13 years. Oh, give or take. And then fricking, you know, I was single divorced separate of the fuck you want to call it divorce for like a year and a half. And then that's what I decided to get back into the scene. And that's when I was like, damn, I found this one chick. She was mad cool. She was like close to my age. And and after one point, she was like, yo, yeah you're cool. He's got to pump the brakes a little bit. So yeah, I've done it. I've done it.
And I admit it.
don I can't remember specifically any time I blow a bomb, so I can't exactly speak on it. I know i'll butter I'll butter a bitch up real quick if I feel like there's something in this for me. Like if I know she's putting it down. Oh my god, I get fucking that could go in so many ways. Yeah, if I know she's there's something in it for me, ah i've I've definitely buttered a woman up, but I have never I've never dropped an L word on somebody that I didn't. I didn't honestly feel like I felt it for. I was not dropping an L word. I would never say that word to you without 100% meaning it. But I'll butter the fuck out of you though.
I'll buddy you like a fucking slab of bread, but I'm not gonna say I love you. I will not say it like that, but have I? Yeah. Love bombing is lavishing a new romantic partner with grand gestures and constant contact, while also keeping them isolated from friends and family in order to gain control in the relationship.
Not all grand gestures of a affection are red flags, which can make love bombing hard to spot. Now that second part that it says for love bombing, the keeping them isolated from friends and family. I never did any of that in order to gain control. I don't, I'd ever associated with that part of love bombing, but the romantic gestures, keeping in contact for sure. Making sure I hit you up all day, every day and giving you all that butter up shit that you want to hear because you ain't heard it in fucking forever. Yeah, I did that for sure.
Yeah. Every, yo, every guy has done it. Well, not every guy, most guys have done it because some guys just don't have the confidence to even hit on a woman. Nevermind. Keep the conversation going. If you knock it off, just saying it's it, it's the truth. I mean, a lot of guys that are like, Oh, when was the last time I went up to a woman and say hello? Fucking years.
like Dude Don't be a pussy. Why do you expect you've been fucking single for five years fuck? Yeah, and you're gonna be single for another five know How many times you've been rejected done cuz I'm not going up to any women you a fucking crazy You gotta have some confidence. I'm five foot three bucket and I've approached women. I mean I it And if i've got if I've approached them and pulled them, you know I came with confidence because most women look at me and they're like, no. You're cute and all, but you are way too short.
That's cool. Okay, I'm not sure, no cup of tea. I get the same shit, bro. Not height-wise, but I like to say. You're cute, you're tall, but bro, you're skinny. It's like, motherfucker, I know. I'm not weak, I'm just skinny. I still weigh fucking 180 pounds, what the fuck? But you get fixed skinny, though. That's what I don't get. Skinny can be fixed. I know. Just like weight can be fixed, but bitches still be fucking complaining about it. Not trying to be mean, but it's the truth.
They always complain about it. I can't manage it. I can't. Oh my God. I can't get my word out of it because it frustrates so much. And when I said that, I might change just women. There's plenty of guys that are bitches too. Men and women, but definitely women, women don't work out to the same extent that a man will to get their body in shape. Women, they like work out for social acceptance or some shit, it seems like. And men work out because it makes them feel better. still Most, Most.
Like they just they want to go in there with your girls. There's very few. I'm like, bro, guys don't go shopping for gym clothes when they want to go to gym. They just go to fucking gym. Women, they got to get their gym clothes before they can start. Well, I got to wait for my gym clothes to come in first. I order some clothes to go to gym. Bitch, go to gym. You clothes that go up, you lose weight. Trust me, having skin tight clothes. I'm not saying it's not enjoyable, but I that's That's not going to help you in the gym. so No, it's not going to help you at all to have your painted on. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to knock it because I know there's plenty of guys like shut the fuck up. Knock it. Knock it, brother. shut the fuck up Don't say nothing. Fit Factory is pretty nice though. You see my last video I posted? You liked it on a... Yeah.
yeah i got something for you ah here's the I got an idea for what I think this one means. Obviously, it's got to be like just staying around someone. Yeah, you're hanging around, waiting for the other partner to leave. Oh, yes. That's the guy friend. That's the guy friend right there. yeah The girl, the ladies with the girlfriend. That's that guy that you think is really your friend, but he's waiting for his opportunity to fuck. That's him. He's the orbiter. So let's have this to women too, but it's usually the guy.
She's the guy does that there's literally so many videos if you just type in guy space friend Like but put it in quotes on YouTube is a bunch of videos. Well So orbiting is when someone has cut off communication with a person or they have made it clear that they are not interested in pursuing a relationship Yet they continue to interact with that person on social media usually through views and likes This also applies to the practice of observing, observing potential love interest on social media without initiating contact. Um, a lot of people often women in hetero, hetero normative, hetero normative relationships off i so like can mistakenly interpret, can mistake relationships can mistakenly interpret this as someone being
intentional about their interest when it might not be. yeah That is not what I thought orbiting was. No. We got that one wrong. No. Holy shit. So pretty much you're a social media stalker. and so Yeah. That sounds like Which I've, I've... Dude, you know what? that That's actually come up. We've talked about this, about how... Oh man, I was just thinking about the fucking, the podcast. We were talking about, oh man. It literally just left my fucking head. Just left my head, shit.
um Um... Oh my god. That literally just lost strain of thought when we were talking about the sea fucking egg. It's either the booze or the fucking stove. You got it, man. Get it together, man. Get it you together. Get it together. Fucking egg.
What was it? What are you gonna say? I'm not even joking. I only lost track. You lost it? Damn. I'm not even joking. Literally, I was just thinking about that last podcast we were talking about. And I can't remember the fucking podcast now. The drink hit me hard now. ah Yeah, I need a fucking refill ant.
So that is orbiting. I didn't you know how that means a lot of us are orbiting and don't even know it. If that is what orbiting is, how many of us are orbiting? I just thought of it. Fuck dude, it's the weed. Not gonna lie. So remember, remember when this, yo, remember when we talked about a while back about how a lot of friends, a lot of girls won't fucking, um, like stop talking to their exes and shit because of this. So like the the guys that will stick around like, Oh, well they're just friends. So if you don't like them, just block them.
Well, no, he's not really doing anything. He's just like watching and liking my stuff. Yeah, but if you guys aren't like this, you know what I mean? We talked about this a while back. Yeah. All right. We we have to touched on this. We just didn't know that's what was what's called, I guess. Yeah. Orbiting. You're an orbiter. You motherfucker. I sent you something too on your phone. Oh shit, what? Why do you want the live reaction when you say it?
Yeah, go ahead and take a look and respond fuck the fuck man ah Damn All right, so is your gym at damn Mansfield Foxborough where the patrons play. So yeah I was, um, bro, I was, I was recording myself and, um, I was waiting for that first fucking perfect view. Sorry, man. God damn it.
I was waiting on somebody to leave and then they left. So I went and put my camera up at that angle to record myself from a different angle doing my deadlift. And then I saw that, I know, after I finished recording, I was like, I thought she was fucking gone. I was like, Oh, I sent it to my buddy because my buddy wanted that. So I cropped it. So I sent it to him. Whoa, God, thank you. Yeah. That is, she's a beautiful woman. Holy shit. I will delete that right away. Yeah.
Yeah. Cause i post I posted it on my, uh, my tick top, but I'm only posting my lift. I cropped it dead out of it, but, uh, I'm gonna, yeah, I probably got deleted altogether. Probably. I don't know. Uh, so the next one is fucking gorgeous. Damn. We all know what this one is. I've heard this one. I think I gotta go to your fucking gym. Rizzing. Oh, that's just fucking like this short word for charisma. So yeah. spintting game Yeah. Pretty much.
So the newer concept is short for charisma and is commonly used among members of Gen Z. It's very popular on- You got the Rizz. Hey, I've heard some people call it the Rizzler. Yeah, I've heard that too. I like that. I'm not a Rizzler by no means. I've been called that once, one time. Rizzing, yeah, I call it, it's really just having gain. Bro, the night that we were at the bar,
When I got the chilies walking bartenders number. Yeah, well, I got a new chilies for you, too I got a new I got a new chilies for you. I think you'll uh, yeah, they like this one. All right. Yeah, you'll like this one so far the chilies, you know, they work Yeah, this one's this one's better. This one's better But uh, I guess so it says that Kai Senate a twitch drummer and influencer coined the term re is clarified that Riz originally referred to the ability to attract someone who wasn't initially into you. Which is being charismatic and catching their attention, but okay. Like I said, back in my day, we called it having game. Either you had game or you didn't have game. You spit game. That's it. Yeah. Yeah. You either got it or you don't because there's plenty of people who are good looking and nothing up there. Well, I shouldn't say nothing up there because there is plenty of people that just, they don't, they miss that social cue. I don't got it.
So we got this other one. Uh, this one is you. This one's normal. Everyone knows this one. Uh, situationship, which is really when yeah you don't know if you're in a relationship, if y'all are dating, but y'all y'all got something going on. You don't know what to call it. Essentially. Yes. It is the defined as a romantic or sexual. No, it ain't bad at all. Situation is pretty good. I'll take that.
a romantic or sexual relationship in which both parties do not communicate clearly to divine their status. Unlike those who are friends with benefits, neither party in a situationship is certain of what the other is to them. This can be confusing and lack the consistency and support that comes with a defined relationship.
I say, yeah, we're accurate. That's pretty spot on. They feel like everyone and at one point another though though and have had one of those. Everybody. I mean, if you're alive. At least least once. Yeah, you've had one. and Well, some people. That's what I mean. I know some people. I've actually met a couple of people that I've been with their like high school sweetheart the entire time.
That's dope. That is dope, bro. That's awesome. That's also boring. I met a guy the other day. He's a cool guy. Well, well and like he literally said he'd been married when he was 31 and he met his wife when he was 15. They got four kids again. my My only thing is this, and i and and then I'm going to answer my own question too with it, I think, but it is dope. You've been with the same person since you were young.
But now you don't know what it ever feels like to be with anybody else either. And, but you also don't have the desire to know what it feels like to be with anybody else as much as I would, I guess, because you never had anybody else. So you don't have an urge for it. Something that you've never had. It's like.
It's like how Julia asked me that one time like, Oh my God, what did people do with cell phones without cell phones back in the day? And I was like, well, they never knew what a cell phone was. So it didn't matter to them. yeah If he never won't do other things, I don't know what other pussies like. So I don't think about it. I don't have to wonder. your piece of yeah That's the realest shit right there. I don't think about it. Holy fuck, man. That's one of the best ways to put it. You can't miss it. That's fucking great. Can't miss what you never had. Next time you guys go think about cheating. You don't know what other pussies are like, so I don't think about it. Yeah. If you never fuck that other pussy or suck that other dick, bro, you never have the urge to go do it. Nope. You ain't never done it. Think about it. Damn.
And Rachel Pussy was so good. And then you're like, well, fuck, now I know Rachel's Pussy's good, but I'm trying to stay fair to my wife. I didn't want to, I shouldn't have fucked it even the one time. Now I'm going to end up fucking up multiple times and it's going to end up, I have a whole fucking affair going on before soon because I want to fuck Rachel some more. See, but now if you never knew what Rachel's Pussy was like.
You ain't got to think about Rachel's pussy. You ain't dreaming about Rachel's pussy. You ain't all but twice is it you ain't trying to get a pussy molded after Rachel's pussy. You just know, you just know your wife. Okay. You just know your wife. That's it. it's only pussy you know and That's not a pedestal for you. That's it for real. Yeah. That's what happens, man. and that's how Bad. That's real bad. Shit like that, man.
And okay, ladies and gentlemen, we are down to the final one. And this is one I know I have not heard of or heard of it for like, albums or something or a product release. But it is called soft launching. Do you know what have you ever heard of that? And do you think you know what it means? I think it's about like dragging out the beginning of a Dragging out the beginning of a relationship so like not saying you guys are together like saying he's just dating or whatever for a while And then being like alright, we're in a relationship. Maybe something like that. I think I've heard something about that
That sounds good, right? Or maybe a soft launch is like, okay, I'm going to introduce him to my close friends first before I introduce them to like, uh, my parents or something, or maybe we're going to have, we can hang out with my, with a friend group before I introduce you to my closer friends or before we hang out by ourselves together. So yeah, I said it's like a soft launch in my opinion.
Soft Launch is posting a discrete photo or video of your new partner on Instagram or other social media to announce your relationship while still hiding their identity. The idea is that you don't want to post about them on your account too soon in case it doesn't work out.
like One example, sharing photos of only your partner's hands classed in yours. You are slowly trying to introduce the idea that you all can be a thing. Social media is involved in everything. It's like the third wheel of the relationship now.
Yeah, that's why it's your point. It's like fuck it. Don't even say anything on social media. Keep your shit to yourself. Soft launch. I mean, I think we still had to pretty much the same idea though, even though we our examples weren't right. I think that's pretty much the same idea. same Pretty much the same idea, just different examples. Yeah. I think my, uh, did I have a soft launch with Julia? I'm trying to think what my soft launch was with her. I think I either,
I think she took me to meet her close. I think she took me to meet Stephanie and Christina first. I think, or it might've been her parents first. I'm not even sure. I don't even know what my, what's my accent. I don't know.
Trying to think which one it was. Because literally on the first date I met one of her best friends. So that could have been the fucking soft launch. I don't know. because what i When i the first date we had, i I was talking to her for almost fucking three months. but i Yeah, almost three months. Three months before her first date? Yeah. Because she was caught up between, I was like, I remember.
ah yeah like this who's like to rob Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm i'm thinking about your ex-wife. Oh fuck no do my ex-wife actually, you know, she asked me out in sixth grade Walked right up to me. That's cute. I Asked my ah ex-wife story. It is. It's a very cute story and the ending sucks But the fuck in the beginning is really cute Yeah, it's funny how that works out like that. I felt like me and my ex's story was good. a good story That story was good. Met in AIT. She shot me down twice before she actually gave me a chance. And then she sat down to have a conversation with me and she was like, damn, he's actually kind of cute. He's nice. Our first date was at Applebee's. I watched her demolish a plate of wings and I was like, oh my God, and, uh, married this woman and this was in Maryland. I remember it was Maryland because we were in a IT and, uh,
Yeah, it was crazy how we our story what our story was. And then that whole year, me in Mississippi, her up here in Massachusetts, doing long distance. I flew up twice. She flew down twice. packing on my I remember packing up my six bags of shit to go to the airport in Tupelo, Mississippi to fly up here, to live, to move. I was scared. Just that whole story. And then to know that from From that point, nine years later, Bryson, this all ends. If somebody would have told me that, I never would have believed it at that time. oh
i like yeah whatever i yeah That high that you're on, you never would have thought that's going to end. like so In the two and like three or four years, y'all are going to hate each other. In five years, you're going to cheat on that woman.
And six or seven years, you're going to get chlamydia from another bitch. And oh then you're going to end up having fucking couples therapy, married marriage counseling and shit, trying to fix your marriage. It's like and to yeah know at the beginning, you don't, you just don't know that it's not always going to be this beautiful until it fucking goes to shit. yeah but ah But it was a great story. It wasn't. Yeah. lot cause A lot of people tell me.
you know you don't marry You don't get married in AIT. You don't fall in love in AIT. But no, you don't. I get why they say it, but 10 years is not a fluke, I don't think. Regardless if it didn't work out. I don't think 10 years is a fluke. that's still That's a decade. That's a lot. Yeah, that's that's a long time. and Not only 10 years, but 10 years and two children. That's not a fluke. No. Just happened not to work out.
but Now I got my my other new story going on and meeting her on a Quincy on the boardwalk near the beach in Quincy and having our first meal at that seafood shack and talking in the car for like six hours straight and me going to work and her texting me that night when I was at work that she would like to see me again. And I went up there again on that Friday and stayed at her house and she did not fuck me on the first night and that and and she and I remember telling her how that was impressive and that made me like the you even more. Yeah, and yeah these those those stories, bro. those That's what I've always told. The guys that wait are the ones that really like you. Yeah.
But I'm over reminiscing on y'all, I think, because it gets ah guess kind of crazy to me when I think about how I actually met this woman and where we're at now. you I wouldn't have thought. ah my My hope was that we would be at this point, but I didn't think that we'd be at this point when we were yeah at that point. That makes sense. But ah I'll go into a whole other rant. If y'all actually want to hear a whole episode on me discussing my beginning to end,
with Julia and we'll beginning to now with Julia and actually bring her on the show. I'll bring her on the show. I'll hook up two whites. I'll have Julia on the show and we'll talk about our relationship from start to finish. And yo guys could send in questions for that too. If you want to know how X, Y, and Z or whatever, you know, we can make a whole episode out of the rise and the continued rise of Bryson and Julia. I guess I don't know, but I would love to do that.
You know, that'd be dope. Uh, anyway, though, uh, Lewis, you got anything you want to close out the show with, man? No, honestly, no. I'm just glad to be doing it. And please guys, drop some of the questions. and I know there was a couple of random times that I was like, guys, oh, just chime in. Yeah. See if you guys have any questions or any topics, like, let us know just like usual. Other than that, love, love that you guys listen more to come. That's it. Most definitely. Most definitely.
And um just so you guys know, the past two episodes, my mic went down. The USB port fell out of my microphone, and I can't plug it into my computer. So I was using the camera the mic the lapel mic that I used for my vlogging camera. ah So I don't know if the last two episodes sounded a little janky to you. I listened to them back. They didn't sound too bad. But today, I i ordered a XLR Connect cable for my microphone.
and I'm using that now so but I couldn't use my camera on the on here in conjunction with the microphone because I only have two ports fucking Apple I know ah So if it sounds better today, it should sound well it should sound cleaner on this episode than it did the last two episodes. So if you hear a difference, that's why. And if you still hear a difference on next week's episode, because I'm trying to figure out how to get this to work all together as a unit again, just know I'm still working through my microphone issues.
But other than that, follow us on all the Man Cave Outlist that is Man Cave on TikTok. Well, that is a Man Cave Pod Clips on TikTok. Man Cave Pod Clips on TikTok. I'll be posting the little clips of the episodes to post on TikTok and probably also start forwarding those over to get those set up on ah the YouTube channel, which is Man Cave TV. And start posting shorts over there. So follow us on there. You can follow us on the Instagram page, which I know I need to do a better job of Keeping it active because I tend to post more of the mancave stuff on my personal profile than I do on the mancave page itself. So That's something I got to work on ah other than that a Nice chat with you guys again. Hope you enjoy the episode and we'll catch you in the next one Alright random. Have a good night guys. Have a good one. Peace