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Challenges Men Face in Expressing Their Emotions

E35 ยท The Man Cave Podcast
37 Plays6 months ago

In this conversation, Briceson and Luis discuss the emotional behavior of women versus men. They talk about how women often behave irrationally and emotionally, while men tend to be more logical and solution-oriented. They share personal experiences and observations about how women use their emotions to manipulate situations, particularly in relationships and parenting. They also touch on the importance of emotional connection and communication in relationships, and the challenges men face in expressing their emotions. The conversation includes references to the Fresh and Fit podcast and the unrealistic expectations that some women have for men. In this part of the conversation, Briceson and Luis discuss the dynamics of relationships and love. They touch on topics such as toxic relationships, emotional maturity, and communication styles between men and women. They also discuss the benefits and challenges of marriage and the different ways men and women express love. Overall, they provide insights into the complexities of relationships and the importance of open communication. In this final part of the conversation, Luis and Briceson discuss the dynamics between men and women in relationships. They emphasize that men are logical thinkers while women are more emotional, and that women often have unrealistic expectations of finding a perfect partner. They also touch on the importance of communication and putting effort into relationships. The conversation ends with a discussion about the differences between men and women when it comes to oral sex.


00:00 Introduction and Catching Up

02:05 Emotional Behavior of Women vs. Men

09:31 Stress Management and Emotional Burden

14:19 Importance of Emotional Connection in Relationships

18:15 Unrealistic Expectations for Men

23:07 Challenges Men Face in Expressing Emotions

25:08 Conclusion

25:10 Toxic Relationships and Emotional Maturity

32:07 The Importance of Open Communication

35:06 Navigating Relationship Conflicts

42:02 Understanding Different Views of Love

49:40 Navigating Financial Independence in Relationships

50:39 The Impact of Social Media on Relationship Expectations

51:36 Understanding the Categorization of Women in Dating

52:59 The Differences in Logical Thinking and Emotional Responses

01:06:47 The Perspectives of Men and Women on Oral Sex


Life on Pause and Podcasting Challenges

what's up what's going on hey man no time no see what's up we've been chilling yeah life on pause you know it is i know i keep saying kept saying on a lot of previous episodes oh we'll be back you know we're going to be more consistent and we're live so yeah life happens though man yeah and anyone who doesn't get that is just naive i guess Yeah. Apologies though. I mean, he got stuff. I mean, Lewis has things going on. I have things going on and it's really hard to try and get two people together. When you work two full-time jobs, both have two full grown ass children. Well, I have three. and say You got three now. So, and I mean, you've got a new role at your job, right? A new promotion, new thing. So that's, he's got more responsibility. Way more on my plate.
Yeah. So just been, uh, we've been the same people though. We've been talking the same shit, just not on the podcast, but yeah, that's true. Very, very true. Yeah. Yeah. We're going to bring the, we're going to bring the ship back. Yeah. Sure.

Understanding Emotional Behaviors: Men vs Women

Today. Today we're talking about something that we probably touched on it before in an episode, but I love this topic a lot because I don't think a lot of women or men really understand it, but I think it will really.
When you really get to it, it helps you better understand arguments and why women are the way they are. Yeah, to have that understanding for sure. Yeah, definitely. so ah Sorry, I'll take a sip of this. It's a rock limonata. Fucking delicious. but What was I going to say? What was that? though um Today, we're talking about the emotional emotional ah behavior of a woman versus... a Man's emotional behavior or lack thereof because I like I tell my friends all the time women typically behave think and act Irrationally emote emotionally irrational. Am I saying that correctly? What was the other way around? Really? I think so emotionally irrationally Yeah, you get what I'm saying And and I think men
More times than not, we are more logical, more logically thinking creatures. So... We're automatically just trying to find a solution. yeah i the problem Instead of jumping off to the the first little... I don't know. Everything's not a crisis, you know? That's what I'm getting at. Everything is not a crisis. So, I got this video I want to play and I'm going to play the audio. Yeah.
over the mic and start getting into our discussion from there. All right. But we both got tips after that. So let's just, uh, let's just listen to this video. but even been and i've I've seen situations where men have gotten so, I don't think their women know the emotional damage that they do to a man when it comes to taking their child to the point that a man will be okay with walking away to protect his peace, his livelihood, of his mental health.
and say, i fuck it, I just won't see my child because... because of the baby mothers and the shit that they go through, because like I said, a lot of these women get so upset with these men, well shit, don't go in their favor, go their way. And when they're still emotionally invested in the man, but sweetie, I could have sworn you gave him back some streets, you did not like him. So now if you don't like him, you don't give a fuck about him, allow him to live his life, allow him to continue to co-parent, allow him to show for the child, because now again, you put the child with the defense, because you know your word's not gonna sting. When you curse him out, it no longer, it just rolls off his shoulder.
So, but as soon as you start saying something about keeping that child or a man to go to war for that, a good man, a good father. Oh, he ain't playing that shit. He is going to go to bed. He like, Oh, listen, bitch, what you're saying to me, none of that shit matters to me. But the moment that you start throwing them kids in for defense, ah baby, it looks very different. I've even been, and i've I've seen situations.
From that video, I'm not really trying to get into the whole mother-father thing. More so, the fact of how women, why in this situation, how a woman is about, I guess, claiming she's done with a man.
but you're thinking emotionally and be acting not emotionally because oh well he doesn't want you anymore and you don't care about him but because he's not doing certain things the way you want him to do them you let your emotions take over and you decide that nothing else matters i'm just going to take the kids away get them to and get what I want. I'm going to use these kids against them. There's no logical plan. No, no logical thinking. No, let's talk this out. Let's, let's try to figure out how to do this the best way possible. It's just, well, I'm mad. So you don't get your kids or I'm taking you to court for custody or some shit like that. My boy Leo sent me that video cause he's dealing with a lot of stuff.
And I probably shouldn't say his name, but ah boy my boy, of my boys, I ain't going to speak on the situation um too much, but he's he's going through things and it's just a woman that is really doing a whole lot of emotional driven activity. Yeah. Everything he's doing is emotionally driven.
Go ahead, you were going to say something? Well, no, it just, it sucks too, because it's similar set ah similarities of me to my ex-wife. Same thing. Everything was fine until the emotions get to where it's like a, not really an emotion, just to where like she just feels like she's not happy. And I'm sure if she was here, she would say I'm lying or I'm just, no, that's not the case. But in reality, that's literally how it was. It was more than a couple of times. we have we would have a fine conversation and then something would go down and she didn't agree with it. And then everything went out the door because now quote, I'm mad. So yeah.
And it's just true though, because at the end of the day, like you guys. especially if this kid's involved. like You guys are pretty much stuck with each other for an X amount of years if you want to try to co-parent. 18 of them. Dude, it's not even 18. It's really not. It's really not. like oh i actually eighteen i hope I actually had my friend. He's like, Lewis, he's probably five or six years younger than me.
And he's like, Hey, uh, I'm just curious. One of my friends, his, um, baby mama is still trying to get child support from him, but his daughter's 21 years old. And I was like, Oh, well, wait a minute. Is she in college? And he goes, yeah. I was like, well, that's why. Yeah. Up to 24 years old, as long as they're still in college. we five Well, it does just say, and it depends on the state because it can, there's actually a couple of states that it's indefinite until they're out of college.
Yeah, that hurts. That hurts to hear that. I hope my child doesn't go to college. but
on Well, it's in my favor because right now we're in a day and age where college isn't necessarily the end all be all. not You can actually get a good job without college. Yeah, definitely.

Emotional Escalation in Arguments

but um i have this I have this argument with my wife all at the time because I know she she really acts out on emotion a lot. Every argument is all emotion, emotion, emotion, emotion. And I just step in and I give a logical reason for something and she starts to calm down, yeah slow up. She's like, damn, that does make sense. But you just got to take that time to chill and women typically do not do that in a lot of situations. We had, uh, the toilet was clogged a couple of weeks ago, but we can, you guys came over. Yeah. The toilet was clogged afterwards and she came home. I'd already tried to fight and fight and fight. Get that toilet on clock. It was deep in there. I had to go get one of those, uh, snakes. Yeah. I had to go get the snake. But before I did that, she comes back home.
Oh my God, that toilet's all clogged up. And you don't even fucking care. What have you been doing all day? You're just playing the game. I was like, I've been fighting with that toilet on three or four different occasions already. You have to wait. I can't leave the house with the kids here by myself and go out and go get something to get it out. You had to go home first. But I said, relax.
her friend was here too and I'm telling her relax because you're going off on me and it's not even needed to go that far. Yeah, no. Too bent out of shape about this. It's so it a clogged toilet. You unclog it. It's not that serious. Yeah, it's real. I get the tool, it's unclogged. is not I mean, it's not that much to it, but that was My example to her is like, see how you acted so emotional that day? You immediately got all up in your feelings. I don't give a fuck. And I don't care about the toilet clog. And oh my God, this and oh my God, that. Now listen, babe, get a snake and we'll get it done. It'll be done.
got Got the thing, it was done in like an hour. They still gave me a phone. That bitch was tough. I don't know what was in the bottom of that toilet, bro. You know, the kids, man, instead of just like a couple pieces, they're doing like a fucking arm length and then throwing it in there. More than an arm length, yeah. I mean, I used to do it, so I already know. Yeah, that's what it means. Like, we all do it. That's why we know exactly what the fuck it is.
and You said you got some notes over there. That's what you got going on, man.

AI Insights on Emotional Differences

Let's dive into this. and not going I want to get too far off topic going, you guys. Talk about my fucking toilet. All right. So pretty much like you could also do exactly what I did and or what Bryson did. And I looked up a couple of different videos and I had my own notes, but then I also went to GPT chat b gp because it's AI. It's ridiculously smart. So why not go over some of the things that he had that I shouldn't say he had.
Um, all right. So pretty much what I asked at GPT. Uh, I was just asking, I just wanted some notes on how women and men are different when it comes to evaluating certain situations with emotions first off, for lack of a better term, you know. All right. So here's the couple of bullet points and we could just hit one and then we'll talk about it for a little bit.
All right, so we'll say and like I'll just go over the quick topic so we got General emotional processing and we got in relationships parenting um Obviously in love because that is way different from men to women And last but not least, life and stress management, which is what you were just talking about. So fucking stressed out. So stressed out, bro. A man can't even come home and talk about his stress because for the most part, you won't understand my stress. You can't get it. And it's and you can't help me with it either.
um um Go ahead. Good, no no go ahead. I'm sorry. I'm saying, I tried to tell this to, I think I've been to my ex-wife before and I think I've been to my wife now too. less like You don't understand.
A man, for me, a man is supposed to be able to hold it down, carry the burden. I mean, I'm supposed to be able to do everything. Breadwinner, Fabio's, take care of things that get they broke around the house. I'm supposed to be able to fix it. If I feel like I am falling on any of those, I feel like a failure. Yeah. You don't understand. Why? No, they don't. They think they do. They don't.
No, they they they definitely think they do. like I don't try to pretend to understand what it's like to be pregnant and deliver a baby. I don't. so Now we're both parents. I make a little jazz about me my parents' skills and shit, but at the end of the day, i can't I don't know what it's like for you to be at home all day with the kid, but you don't understand the the mental burden I have on me day in, day out that I have to be in control of this house.
have to be. And if a man feels like he can't do that, not just me, but a man in general, if they feel like they can't they're not doing that or providing that, they feel like shit and they don't have anybody to really talk to about feeling like shit, except their other guy friends that possibly feel like shit too. Well, then that's the thing. in like a lot of Like a lot of guy friends, like guy groups, I should say.
It's still like, you know, I guess for lack of a better, choice it's like fucking taboo to be like, dude, I'm not feeling right today. And don't get me wrong. I have definitely the type of guy that I'm like, listen, there's going to be fucking tough days. Suck it up. That's just how it is. But now let me, get let me, let me just put this out there ladies. It is really big difference between a guy friend being like, bro, suck it up. Verse your significant other telling you suck it up. That would instantly get me pissed off. Like, excuse me.
No, I don't need to fucking hear that from you. Don't do that. Yeah, it'll come off as like condescending you it just Don't do that it just that's up um Oh, you know, I wanted to ask you when I was yeah I almost interrupted you When you're like I we all do it when you have vented to your wife, right and you had like a stressful fucking day Did she like at some point be like wow, you're really angry Now she um I think she's more so surprised when I, when I vent to her because she doesn't understand. She's like, she always tell me like, Oh, I didn't know that that's how you felt or that was all going on. And like, it does is, is weighing on me all the time. i But I don't talk to you about it because
I mean, honestly, there's nothing you can do about it. And women will carry it as a burden. Like, it's like, yeah they have to know. I'm just telling you, this is I'm just venting to you. That's all I need you to do. Just like women say that they dave just need a fucking man to listen. when When and if a man opens up to you, all you have to do is just listen. If he fucking pauses, that means, hey, he's waiting for a reply. But for the most part, just fucking just listen, that's it.
most of the time guys will not open up it takes a lot we have to feel like safe with you because women unfortunately i know not all women but women use that shit against us when we're in arguments which is fucked up they definitely will definitely will and that's why we don't fucking open up to you but what we do we want you to listen and then when i do pause like you said I need give me something. Yeah, give me something like they don't know what to say. I feel like Julia never really knows what to say. And I don't that is that's pretty much part of her personality and character too. So I don't even I can't throw in a boat with most women.
yeah I do. I need something. That's why I'm talking to you. And sometimes I don't want anything. I just want to let it all out somewhere. And now I'm like, Oh my God, I'm finally, I'm free. Yeah. And then at the end of it, you're like, Oh, whatever tomorrow's another day. And it just ends with positivity. That's because we know as men that it's, there's no other direction besides four. That's it.
um Pretty much. I mean, because you got to figure it out

Men's Emotional Vulnerability in Relationships

because yeah, you are the man. And it's it that's the thing. And like, I don't want any women listening to shit trying to be like, oh, it's it being. um How's that called? Can either worry now, you know, being sexist? No, it's not about that. It's like just look it up, spend some time looking looking it up before you come at what's in a stupid comment, because we do. We spend our time looking shit up and watch a lot of fresh and fit.
and I'll do that. Fucking show's awesome. Yo. I love love you guys. If you guys ever, ever watch this podcast, probably won't. But if you ever do, you guys are. It is the is the way to go. I think if a lot of women listen, more women isn't a fresh and fit than just the women showing up on the show.
that would be so much smarter. If not only just listen to it, but ah absorbed it, learned it, internalize all that shit. I was going to say, watch more than just one episode. like Do not watch a 10 minute or a two minute clip and be like, oh my God, because yes, they do put out a podcast and take some of the more but for lack of a better term harsh sounding conversations and then put that out there for 30 seconds. We actually watch like a 20 minute video of it and like get it's that there's some legit shit they talk about. There's a whole lot of truth in there. Like when they talk about how women got so many things they wanted a man
and if a man so has one thing that they say they want a man, oh, he's sexist. He's being discriminated. But a woman wants you to be six foot three, have an eight inch dick, make six figures. 200K, by the way, not 100.
Yeah. what Like don't they know the average man works a regular job, makes 50 to 75 K. The average man is five foot eight. The average dick is five inches. So if you like shoot for the goddamn stars, I wouldn't even think most men would know. Like when you're saying you want all of that, you, so your pool is,
I don't know how to scale this. You got to, you got to. No, it's less than 1%. You got a van. Okay. And now you shrink it down to a fucking Jeep Renegade because you want to be six foot three. And now you shipped it, you put it down to a four door sedan because you need to have an eight inch dick. And now you got it down to a little Porsche coupe because he has to also make six figures. I mean, you're, you're, you're shrinking your pool of men. So fucking little.
And there's plenty of good guys out there, man. And when I say good guys, I'm not talking about the guys that are going to push you. I mean men who are providers, men who are caring, men who enjoy taking pride in knowing that their significant other is happy, which a lot of women don't understand that. As a man, a lot of men Like their love language is seeing you happy like doing stuff to make you happy. It doesn't necessarily mean all Materialistic all materialistic stuff like buying new things isn't that it listen if you want to sugar daddy go ahead But you're gonna be treated like an object rather than like oh, yeah, so and this is that's what you want That's all you boo. I'm you know, I'm not gonna knock you for that, but it's gonna get old real fast.
And as soon as that, as soon as you get bitchy, he's going for the next young chick. yeah yeah You ain't hard to replace. I make K a year, bitch. I don't need you. yo I want you.
But as soon as you want to get bitchy, I'm going to go get the next bitch that I want. Not that I need. I don't need anybody. I'm six foot three with an eight inch dick with six figures. What do I what what do i need? You know, it's true, but that's ah that's the part that's funny, though, because I'm laughing because I know for a fact, if I heard that I would die laughing and a lot of women would be like, oh, what the fuck? But then you still have some of those women like, oh, he's exactly what I want. And that's the thing.
you're exactly what he will you're I'm sorry he's exactly what you want but you're not what he wants so just you got to keep that in perspective and and it is what it is I'm not telling you to aim high shit aim for the stars so when a rock hits you in the head don't bitch about it that's what I'm saying I'm five foot two and a half yeah I don't cut it. I don't make six figures. Don't cut it. Six big. you I got one of the checks. Fuck. I got one um and I'm in shape. I'm in shape. Yeah, you're definitely in shape. That works too, but.
You bitches too picky. I don't, my bad. I got so funny. My boy said, my boy told, asked me a couple of weeks ago, you got to call him bitches, bro. Cause we don't know all their names individually. It's no offense. it's just do it No, he got mad because yeah I know why he got mad. He got mad because I called him. I said, man, I ain't studying him black bitches. Cause he's gonna woman ah he' got a white girl, but he's my, he's my ah best friend from a Mississippi.
Oh, okay, okay. What's the one that doesn't make any sense though, if he's dating a black girl? He still doesn't want me to be expecting our women, you know? Okay, hold on, hold on. Bro, if you're listening to this, I'm sorry. You don't have a foot to stand on, bro. You're over there fucking hugging on a vanilla chick and then you're talking shit to your boy. The way he sees it, and I understand, is no, we still came from a black woman.
I came from my mom. He came from his mom. So and we came from black families. Yeah, still. Then a day I say after you've been hurt by him. Oh, I have to you've been annoyed by them. You don't give a fuck. Yeah, I'm beyond. I ain't got no problem. I'm like, am I like women? I were cute. I'm still going to talk to you, but my preference is primarily of the caucasian nature he probably kid went all the way book great caucasian nature so isn' of the caucasian nature so that that's mostly
where i stand not there Oh, that's fucking, that was great. Great presentation. Oh, you're welcome. All right. Let's, let's get to back to the bullet points. Oh, my fucking phone went dead. All right. So, uh, all right. We'll start off with, you know, since we were talking about, we'll start off with relationships, right? So in relationships, women often prioritize emotional connection over communication with relationships.
I'm sorry, not over. Emotional connection and communication with relationships. Sorry, I read that a little too fast. Now, men might prioritize problem solving and practical solutions over emotional discussions in relationships, which is true.
Now the thing that they didn't leap that they didn't actually put in is because men one for men to expose his emotions, it puts us in a vulnerable state. And as a man of like how we've been raised through generations, you'd never want to put yourself in a vulnerable state ever. So it's really hard for us to get there emotionally and shit. and Like me and Bryce have been friends a long time, so I know his past.
And I know he's been through some harsh shit, so you know he's happily married now due to sweetheart But if he wasn't and he was still doing the rigmarole He would be in that like not like like pause, but he would be a little bit Like retaining stuff to make sure that the person he's interested in isn't just gonna take that bullshit and run I did retain a lot of shit. What you mean? I know. like I meant like now. not like Yeah, between that divorce and meeting Julia, no no woman saw who I was. Not not a none of them. Nobody saw who I was until Julia. And even she didn't really see who I was until I realized, damn, I want that one. That's the one I want. Now I'm going to be serious. Now I'm going to act like myself.
Now I'm gonna show up. But before that, fucking, who are the motherfuckers? Juliette, Marissa, um and those are just two of the names I remember. But none of them motherfuckers were going to see who I was. I've already been hurt. yeah now but well let me let me say Let me say it over again, because I don't want to paint the wrong picture. I already hurt someone and got hurt in return. I already had fucked up shit happen.
Yeah, because uh, don't think i'm hurt I I did emergency so but I wasn't gonna let none of them see who I was. Also saw that Maria bitch from fucking Woburn. That motherfucker was crazy. Motherfucker, did you just say Woburn? Woburn, Woburn. I never know how to pronounce it. You spoke that shit like you were true out of state there. That girl was crazy. I know I've mentioned that on the show before though, but she always like, I like you. You don't have to say it back to me, but I just want you to know that. And I'm like, why? Why do you like me?
Why would you like? Oh, that was when you ripped up. I remember that. I intentionally act the way I do so you don't like me. I don't want you to like me. I just need you to show up. but but see That's the that's the typical. I should say typical. That's the type of woman that.
for some odd reason in their past, it just like twisted some shit up. And yeah that's what she likes. She just likes being like having that toxic bullshit. And I'm sure that's probably not the right term, but that's just kind of like a blanket. It is some toxic shit. And is once again, just some fucking emotional shit. While you're letting in your emotions cloud your better judgment, I am literally telling you I'm a horrible person for you.
and you wave red flag in her face And she's still trying to throw me money when I put gas in my car. I should have let the motherfucker feel my time. Why not? I drove all the way to fucking Wuburn. Wuburn, yeah. Wuburn, okay. Wuburn. You say it like a U, Wuburn. Wuburn, okay, yeah.
I'm driving up there to see you. hell I should let you put the gas in my tank. Buy me food. Oh my God. I can feel the shit talking now. I can feel it. I was like that with most of them though. I like the one girl I told her I don't. What'd I tell her? Oh, I told you I didn't like her because her feet were ugly or Gucci didn't look cute. That's right. You guys don't know what we're talking about. Just leap watch a couple of the older episodes.
It's the other one I didn't like because I told her... She had a conversation with one day. I told her, to be honest, I can't see it because every time you talk, you sound like my ex. Oh, dude, I'm sorry. Why? and I'm sorry. like You have to be a like, even if you were a 10, you were smoking hot, you have great personality. But if you kept saying things and doing things that remind me of my ex-wife, I'm sorry. It's not happening. Annoying. Annoying. And her voice was aggy. It just annoyed the fuck out of me.
but I feel bad about it. Sometimes I know she was going through so I kind of felt bad, but I didn't want to be there. Don't Juliet was cool, but Juliet, I could tell she was dealing with something internally, mental or something. She was, ah but she was a good person. Yeah. I mean, that's not hard on a passive. I mean, no but on the other hand, ah the past is what makes you in the present. You just, you got to remember your past. Don't dwell on it, but it,
yeah And I say that, and I'm sure there'll be a couple of women, whoa, that's the case. And you know, how are you going to do? Well, because an emotional scar is still an emotional scar. It's called a star. It doesn't go away. It just gets healed. I tried to explain that my, um, I said something like that to my wife the other day. Cause she was asking me something about, she's asking me something about, uh, about a friend. And I told her, you have to understand.
that the guy has been hurt before by his ex wife. He is going to that's I mean, everybody's not the same. as And when it comes to how they get over it and how they deal with it. So he's always going to have it in the back of his mind. Even though, like me, I told him me Yeah, I'm better now I'm with you. I'm ah um'm a lot better of a person mentally and everything. But It ain't never going to leave my mind the way I felt that day. And I never want to feel that way again. yeah even know Even from the standpoint of when I had to give her the news that, yeah, I cheated on you and I also got this fucking disease when I did it. yeah I don't want to hurt like that again. So I would never do that again. And I also don't want to, I don't want to know how my woman come home to me and tell me that she did something.
and me hurt the way I hurt that fucking day. yeah Jumped to in my car, ready to run that bitch off the road. I don't know. I came back home quickly. I was like, motherfucker, what are you doing? I had to i talked to myself on the way back, speeding down the highway. What the fuck are you doing? You got in a car and just hit hit the fucking pedal to the metal. And was like, I don't care anymore? Who the fuck are you? I took my ass back home.
but lab it's chick technology That was definitely, that was my first thing that I did. I, she told me what she did. I said, you're joking. He said, no, I'm not. I got in my car. I went down interstate 44 in random. Or is it? I don't know. And I just drove down that road, 45 mile per hour speed limit. I know I was going by 70 or 80. I didn't care at the moment.
But I never want to feel that way again. I never want to be in that head space. Ever again. I believe in the self. They called that Jesus take the wheel. Yeah. I let Jesus take the wheel. Then again, Jesus had the wheel. That means I was okay. Jesus take the wheel. All right. Let's, let's go over another, another point unless you got something to add.
No, I can't remember where I was at. Um, this damn Sir Rock hitting me, but yeah safe I got some soju and some fucking, um, what was

Podcast Dynamics and Drinking

it? I think sparkling peach soda water. Shit is good. The peach soju with that. I don't know what a soju is. Well, it's, it's Japanese rice wine.
Oh, it's Matt. Good. Well, if I, if I come down next week, I'll bring some Asian tips. Hell yeah. Yeah. They don't fuck around. That shit like sneaks up on you. Tomorrow guy. Oh yeah. That's right. Right. That's tomorrow. Hey man, you already fucking up, man. All right. Sorry. The next one. All right. So, um, with women on, we're still in relationships. So with women.
Let's see may express needs and concerns more rapidly. I'm sorry readily seeking to resolve emotional issues through discussion, which does make sense. Most women want to figure stuff out, not always right away, but they do want to like figure it out. They don't want it to dwell. So, but well, men can sometimes struggle with interpreting emotional cues. Oh my God. I hate that.
leading to misunderstanding. Okay. um and All right. Hold on. Men, just in case we said this in the beginning of this podcast, men are logical thinkers. If presented with a problem, regardless of the problem, if presented with a problem, our automatic nature is to figure it out.
But if you guys are just throwing hints rather than just telling us, Oh, well I don't want to tell them then what the fuck are we supposed to do? That's like giving a fucking dart to a blind person and say fine with the dartboarders. It just doesn't make any sense.
i I just, you know, like stuff like that. Like that i've I've seen him many things. Old guys don't take hints because it's a hint. Why can't you just be straight up? I don't like straight be straight up. I've had many women straight up. Tell me that they respected me more because I was straight forward.
Just straight up, this is what this is what I'm looking for, this is where I'm at, this is what I think. if and And if someone thinks you you're being cocky or being straightforward, it's all good. It just means that they're not that type of person, they ain't gonna click with you. Wish you the best of luck, see you the fuck later. That's it. I respected a whole lot more. of it i I respected the hell out of the women when I was dating that told me straight up,
Yeah, I'm good. I'm all set. I'm not interested in going on a second date. Like, come say that shit. So I'm not sitting here texting you thinking everything's all good. We we' vibing and shit. I respected those women. So I get you. But I know, yeah, I don't like the hint game. God, looking blues clues. And I don't want kids, man. Like, come on.
I don't, I don't, it I don't enjoy it. Uh, I was fucking blues clues. That's a good one. I was watching this movie as the inside out part two. Oh yeah. I saw it. My daughter, mr. Pouchy.
oh let' see we got i doctor yeah like which tool works best for the situation I don't fucking know just tell me what the problem is shit out Yeah, like damn oh my god, it's true man it really is I don't, I don't like the hint game. Like ah you got to come to me with it. Cause I, I tell my wife this every time we have discussions, you still ain't getting it four years. And I don't think she's getting it, but I'm like, really? I don't ever make you guess anything. I told you straight up what the issue is, how I wanted to be fixed. What I expect.
Why can't you do that with me? Why can't you just do that with me? If there's an issue, I don't want to have an argument later on about the dishes and we're talking about the lawnmower from a year ago.
the gym i is you random them fit like i don't oh man um About shit as it comes talk about the problem as it bothers Yeah, don't let it stew you it just makes it worse exactly because it all adds up It keeps stacking and stacking and stacking and now you're you're blowing the fuck up Now we almost got a divorce over dirty dishes and laundry yeah its still it's Funny was true the the The fucking truth. I don't I don't understand that shit like Just speak, bro. Just fucking speak. It's it's not hard. and like You don't want to be afraid of me. I'm not going to beat your ass. I yeah know be don't Don't fucking like speak at me like I'm retarded. Just speak up. like Say something.
He needs to see she's chiish we're working. We're working. on it that's it Like I said, it's not all women. Some women are more than like I know one right now that's gonna hear this and be like, I don't talk and hold back. You don't talk about she wow she's been on the podcast many times. Sure you people already know her name. All right, let's let's go to the next the next point. When is she going to come pick up her Stanley cup has been in my house for now.
Since you were here. She's probably gonna wait till I come down and be like, oh, you're dropping off on the way home. You're gonna drive this way anyway. Ah, technically not. Because your house is South, Southwest. I got really messed about the cup and I told him my wife's at home every day. You can come get it. I told her I was like, it's only like, what, a half hour from you? Just go pick it up. Yeah. Your cousin lives over there. Now we're just talking shit. All right. All right. Let's, let's the podcast wasn't the one that came one episode.
ah Yeah, yes, I think so obviously leaves other way I Don't even know bro. I said I think I don't know maybe I just remember one time we were over there and I thought that's what she said Alright so All right, back to relationships with women. All right, tend to notice and address, I think this might be that a double, tend to notice and address emotional undercurrents in a relationship, relationships, striving for harmony and understanding.
the men that was women that whole and me let me reread that because that doesn't make sense tend to notice and address emotional undercurrents and in relationships striving for harmony and understanding and then. Most women do. Huh? I think most women do. Yeah. That's right. That's right. So, with men, may draw, may withdraw and become defensive when we're, when faced with emotional conflict. Viewing it as a threat to relationship stability. Okay. I think. That's not worth it correctly. These statements are these, these, uh, bullies you got. I feel like they're more
toward the general guy? Well, yeah, of course. not is it Not everybody's different. This is just a general discussion. This is not, this is how end all be all. This is just how some people receive it. So that's why we're bringing this up to you because sometimes all it takes is somebody else's perception, whether it be mine, Bryce's or in this case, chat be GPT. You can never fucking say that right. Always fuck it up. So again, it's just an example. All right. Now.
One thing I'm going to say is I don't really like how the main, oh man, fucking screen went dark. Hang on. I don't like how the main version was where say may with jar become defensive when faced with emotional conflict. No, that's the thing. Cause emotional conflict could be a lot. Excuse me. Damn. Um, corona speaking that, that could be a lot. Like you could, that could be conceived as many different things, emotional conflict. Like here's an example.
If you and your woman are in an argument and she tries to throw some like, dig at you, you know, that's like going to pull at the strings. We'll say and smogg that's now an emotional conflict because now instead of being an argument, now the man feels defensive because you took it. So emotional immaturity.
yeah Emotional immaturity. When your woman argues with you and all she can do is throw digs at you in jabs and they can't have a responsible adult conversational debate about how we can fix this and make shit right. Emotional immaturity. And that shit is childish. That shit is teenage. And you need some fucking help.
I feel like ah that was a big issue with and i had that figure and i and we really have been ah had to work on that. I have to say it's been nipped in the butt. It hasn't come up. That type of behavior hasn't really came up in probably two years or so. I want to say me and Julia had a lot of issue with the emotional immaturity on her part, not me.
i been No real shit. so no I know. It's just, i I know how you are, bro. Yeah. I just know how a lot of people are going to hear like, bru being, and I and i tried to listen to her and she always always takes, cause you've been married. You just think, you know, everything, brah blah, blah, blah. No, I don't. But because I've been married, I have been through a lot with one individual for 10 years, not a two year, three year marriage, a whole fucking decade, two children in a decade.
That's a lot of arguments. That's a lot of lot of up and downs. That's a lot of dividing. That's a lot of coming back together. That's a lot of forgiveness. That's a lot of fighting. That's a lot of a lot of shit. I have been through all that and have a better understanding of how to handle it. A better understanding of how to get through it, get past it, and come back stronger. And I'm trying to pass that on to you.
in a way that you can incorporate that now into your relationship. Because if I didn't deal with all that shit in my relationship, in my 10 years, if I had not been married, and I've told her this several times, if I had not already been previously married, we would not be together today. we would I would have broken up with you months into it, if even made it months.
But my maturity and my my level of thinking has evolved as a man on how to view things and view arguments and and to know what to expect in a long-term relationship has changed so much and matured so much. I now know how to tolerate that shit on more of an adult level and to get through it and know how to adultily conflict.
had a conflict adult, but you know what I'm saying? Yeah. How to conflict maturely. That's how you go. That's the better one. Yeah. I was trying not to use mature again. I was trying to use a different word. That's all right. Because that's when the English teacher kicks in and you're like, you don't want to use the same word twice. Yeah, I don't have the names.
All right. So with that, we'll jump out of relationships. Let's go to, let's go to love. This one seems to be ah a rough one sometimes. i don't know back All right. So with women, let's start with women.
typically view love as deeply connected to emotional intimacy and mutual understanding.

Love Expressions: Emotional Intimacy vs Actions

Okay. As for men may express love through actions rather than words, such as providing, protecting, or doing things full day apart. And now again, this is generalized because I actually do both of those. So Uh, so it it really depends on the person. Again, this is just a general description of like what, you know, the world or in this case, AI sees, you know, different styles of love when it comes to men and women. Um, so again, it's, it's just to give you guys insight with me. I agree with that, but there is some parts I would have added because there is, there is
I know plenty of men that are very vocal when they really do love someone, not just to the women, like in general. So vocal, bro? Yeah, like vocal. I mean, like even to like, not like, obviously you want to tell your woman you love her, but like I have friends that like my my buddy ate it.
great kid, great guy. I met him when I just started working my new job. yeah We talk all the time. It's like pretty much like we've known each other for years. He is so goddamn happy because the girlfriend, he's just been, wendy they've been together for shit. and We just talked about it. I want to say maybe like eight months.
and He is so freaking happy every time he talks to me about her and like I could just see like the joy in his face and he'll be taught he'll be talking about something like you know nothing crazy like oh they went to the the main this weekend or something along the lines of that and just like how happy he feels I could just see the emotions pouring off him.
And I'm like, man, I'm freaking happy for you, because I know he's been through some shit. And he's like, yeah, I love this woman. She's awesome. And honestly, I have met her. She is an awesome woman, so I'm fucking happy for him. I feel that. You feel that. I'm so happy. Yo. I love love. Yo, it's true. I really am. Like, don't get me wrong. I've been through some shit, man. And I try not to...
say it like that because I know everybody has their fucking uphill battles that they've gone through so I try to stay modest, stay humble to know that it's not just me who's been through some shit like this and you know and that's why when I see someone happy or like when like I've been invited to actually one of my friends asked me if I wanted to go to his wedding because he didn't want me to feel bad and I felt bad to get asked that question Like, fuck it, of course I'd love to be there, man. That's the happiest day in your life, and you want to invite me? I don't care if I've gone through some shit, I'll be there for you to be, like, happy for you. I like, I'm like both sides of the fence, because sometimes it's like, I'm happy people are in love and get married, but I do, and i and i even me, I got, ah but obviously, I got married a second time. Yeah. why
I mean, what's the benefit in a man being married to a woman? Unfortunately, bro, if you really think about it statistically, right? Just statistics, no emotions. Like if you just went in as a business woman and a businessman and was like, we're going to get married.

Marriage Benefits and Divorce Rates

What's the benefits? There is none.
And you would throw that deal out the window. none There's none. There really is. like And it's especially now like society. And it's like, if you statistically speaking, yes, I actually know a guy that was married to a woman for a long time. She was the breadwinner. He stayed home. They got divorced. He did get alimony. But that's one, one guy that I've known that that's happened to. I know tons of women that have, that have gotten the better stick.
Let's just say that. Typically, a man does make more money than a woman, so they're going to be the winner at the end of the whole deal. A woman is just... I don't know. i'm not I'm not a six-figure guy, so... Yeah. I'm speaking from the viewpoint. Okay, neither am I. I'm just saying, it's still... I get you, but it's... If if I were... a six-figure guy, I would understand why men do not want to marry you. Because a woman is incentivized to divorce your ass. They're told that their life will be better if they leave you.
I mean, all you gotta do is fuck up date. Women account for most divorces. I got the statistic in the phone. It's true. It really is. Most of the time, they're the ones who initiate the divorce. Y'all are going to love this. You're going to fucking love it. Okay. um I'm gonna, I got this shit. Hold the fuck up. Hold up. Wait a minute. Hold the fuck up. I got it. I got it. I got it.
69% of the voices are initiated by the woman. Damn. 69, bro. That's fucking staggering. There's more than way more than half. Tell me you're not incentivized to leave this motherfucker. Tell me. It is crazy. That is crazy to me.
fucking ludicrous. I got another crazy stat for y'all too. This is why one time I wanted to I want to be an Asian woman. They're the way to go. And I'll tell you why. Because nearly Asian Americans have the highest percentage of marriage with 65% married. They also have the lowest percentage of divorce. Guess what their percentage of divorce is?
It's like fucking five percent. It's a ridiculous number. You are so fucking close to this. I know. I know. yeah do's It's such as a ridiculous. like And then you look at it, you know, and honestly, and that's why. And I'm going to say it and it's going to send a shiver down every woman's spine. That's why passport bros is a thing. It's literally why they want because the fucking so it social media has like drilled this bullshit and don't get me wrong.
men do like women who can do their own shit they do but this whole like I'm better than you and isn't that it's it's just pushing men away and that's why there's more and more it does because a man at the end of the day wants you to be a woman yeah I don't need I don't oh my god you got a master's degree oh my god okay I'm six figures I don't give a fuck if you've got a master's degree That's how it works. When you come home when I come home at the end of the day, can you cook me a meal? Are you taking care of the child? Is the laundry done? I mean, are you taking care of my sexual needs and desires? Because i'm saying I'm not saying for me. Listen to me, folks. Not saying for me. It's generic. Not the 65K a year guy right here. I'm talking about
the six bigger man the man that one that all the women want the man that is baling i'm six yeah three i got the big dick i got the big check are you you doing all of dance good you know That's all they're going to care about. They're not going to care that you're an independent woman and you can do shit on your own. They're not going to give a fuck about that. That's what you want. I make 500K a year. I don't give a fuck about your degree. That ain't helping me. and i I got me. like My name. I got businesses. I got money. And I'm speaking from the standpoint of a 500K man. Not me. Listen, not me.
Not me, okay? I don't want y'all. Motherfucker, you ain't got no motherfucking money. That's the thing. Most men. It's true. and's um No, we're talking about Mr. OG. That's fucking who has his pick of the litter. Yes, that guy. Now, don't get it twisted. Five foot two and a half. I got man i got my pick, bro. Okay. ah I can move, okay? But I got my lady and I love her. And I said you're good. But before I had my lady and I loved her.
john I'm just saying, I gotta move. Oh, trust me. i I get it. We went out. We were we all having a good time a couple of times. We definitely did. um But no, it's true, man. And a lot of the women, they they see the they they see this like shit on like it's it's social media.

Social Media's Impact on Relationships

It's not even just one individual. It's just all of them. And and i they call it the Cinderella effect.
because they could look out the window and it looks nicer over there or for the older, the older people, the grass, the green on the other side. You know what I mean? Like that's what they do. So they see that and then in their perception, they're like, Oh, well, I want to do good. And I'm going to do all this shit on my own. And then I'm going to find a man who.
is on my level. And that's the thing, the man that's on your level now doesn't want you because now you're entitled. and Thank you. ah Listen, if that's what you want, be you. Fucking proud of you. Do not start bashing all men of the same because you get to a level that men don't want to fuck with you. And not all men, because there's still plenty of men who will fuck with you, but it's not the ones you want. Not the ones you want.
The exception is not the rule. Just cause you find that one. Don't go telling your girlfriends, Carol, I found one. He out there. No, he's not. it's Not likely. He's likely not out there. I'm telling. He is. He's just not the fucking guy you want. He's not going to be the one that the the fricking what I like to call the Facebook story. You know, the Facebook Cinderella story where you meet the one guy at the fucking you know, Starbucks and he bought you that $14 fucking coffee and then he walked outside and his purple Ferrari was sitting right there and you got in and he just handed you a $10,000 bundle and said, go to town, baby. I'll see you at home and we'll fly to Italy tonight. That's not going to fucking happen. All right. It is not not, baby.
What's actually possibly to happen is you can actually meet a fucking down-to-earth guy that will dick you down, make sure you're fed, put a fucking roof on your the table, probably be an amazing dad if you want to go that route. That is a way more possibility and then you could still have a fulfilled life. You may not have all that amenities that rich people do. It doesn't mean that you still won't have a fulfilled life. And again, I'm not telling you to settle. I'm just telling you that maybe a lot of people in general are just aiming way too fucking high. Like, for real. Well, a lot of them are. A lot of them are. You've seen the girls that are sitting on the fucking Fresh & Fit podcast. Oh, dude, don't get me wrong, they're attractive, but they're nothing but something nice to look at. A lot of them are even attractive, and a lot of them are fucking OnlyFans models, like, girl, you are good for me to meet up with and fuck. And I don't know why I know women don't understand that.
Yeah, they were like, I can get a man. You see me. They think they're so attractive woman. He wants to fuck you. He doesn't want to be with you. That's one of the difference. Well, why don't you get it? And that's the thing, too. And like the fresh it we're going to we're going to quote fashion fit right now. Fresh and fit put it out the best way. He said men put women when we first met meet women that we're interested in. You get put in two categories.
and it's I don't know the second category but he said the fuck category well we'll fuck with you but that's it you only get the dick you will never go any farther than that and then there's the women who are like actually the relationship type Those are the ones that can become wifey. And then when they do, all the other ones get cut the fuck off. That's, but that's the thing. Soon as you're in the fuckwit, you will never go to the girlfriend one. And as soon as you're, I'm sorry, not girlfriend, the wife one, because you become, you don't become a wife. You are when I meet you.
You're already that type of woman. Say

Modern Dating Expectations and Gender Roles

it again. I didn't hear you. well that's That's the thing. I don't, I don't understand. I don't have to fucking explain this shit to a lot of women. I say the same thing to men too. Bro, you're, you're a husband before the girl meets you. Like you're, you're on that mentality.
I want to say this for at least my brain because I saw that conversation, I saw the conversation like this one on the whatever podcast or the fri pick Fresh and Pick podcast, but he meant one of the girls was like, oh, well, when I meet him, then out then then I'll change her way. Like, no, like no but the do you don't understand that the guy sees who you are. You can't say, oh, he's a good guy. I'm going to act like a wife now.
It don't work that way. no you and It does not work that way. We already have identified you. You're already categorized at this point. Yeah. Too late for you. we We know. we I don't fucking know, man. I'm hitting myself. Yo, it's true. It really is. like I've had to explain that shit too. like ah oh I got a couple of friends that are bartenders and like I'll bounce around every once in a while to go hang out with them. And there's been a couple of times I've been sitting there and they're like, oh yeah, this is my friend Lewis who's got a podcast and then we'll start talking about random shit. and And this is one of the topics that come up because of course,
You know, the one part that I'm talking about now, she's a woman. So of course women friends come up to her and then I get introduced and I'm sitting at the bar talking to her and and that's how stuff comes up. But yeah, the the topics range from like sex toys to shit like this. ah So it's it's all over the place. That's another podcast though. Yeah, I don't, I don't get it bro. Yo, it's one of those things that you you either get it or you don't. It's it's really it.
I strongly believe when most women are delusional, you you ah you think you you trick yourselves into thinking something is true when you, instead of going off logic and, I don't know, ah fucking science, like you just don't want to believe, you're like, no, No, the numbers show that the way that most of you think is fucking absurd.
If you, like some of you thinking that you're a traditional woman, like you're not. A traditional woman does not go to the club every Saturday. A traditional woman does not have one night stands. A traditional woman does does Does not just go out dating random guys for months at a time and shit like that. like ah gelanot It's pretty simple. I just sum it all up into one thing. A traditional woman knows she's traditional. That's it. If if if there's any question in that, you're not. I'm not saying you're a bad woman. You just, you don't fit that fucking category. That's it.
It's it's it fucking simple. that thing and The suckiest part is that the women who have enough gall to get on social media and be like, this is how I am. This is how I am for my husband. Because I love him, not because he's holding a gun to my head. the This is how our traditional woman should be.
And then you get other women who just like fucking attack her. Oh, he's mistreated you. No, that's just how it was back in the day. really Don't get me wrong. Times change and shit like that. But in reality, times do change. But you can see what some change has done. It's it's ruined. Like, ah jew it really is. It's ruined the word love. It's pretty simple. Love you actually means something.
It really does. Now, people could say that shit and it's it's just a full letter of word. There's no meaning behind it, which yeah fucking sucks, man. Because to me, that that shit's important. If I say that to you, it has like tons of weight to it. I don't throw that shit around. But a lot of people say like it's no big deal. Men and women, to be honest. I think less people get married now.
Well, yeah, well, one, because statistically speaking, like, hey, it's like, hey, I don't feel like losing half my shit. So, and I'm sorry if that hurts someone's feelings, but I'm not fucking on this planet to cater to everybody's feelings. So this is how I feel. I got lucky and didn't lose half my shit, but I did lose half my fucking dignity. he So um I'm all set. And that's the thing. I'm more than okay with finding that right woman who I can trust and like, you know, and be happy with for the rest of my life. I'll even give her a ring. but fucking going and like going the whole staple fuck now no no but that's me do whatever you want if you find someone you're happy enough bro get fucking married be happy bro or sister yeah seriously don't let your past scare you my past has repeatedly fucking scared me so i'm i'm good i'm good
My past scared me too. more so I mean, not only just because of what happened, but because of me too. I mean, yeah it had I'm not perfect. I have my own fucking role in it. It really had me thinking, can I being a full fledged committed relationship and really still not be interested in another vagina?
And I found out, I mean, I can, as long as I feel like the other person is get putting in the effort to have that with me. is it's And it's not 50-50, bro. You guys both have to put 100%. You have to. Yeah. Because 100% in both ways. Yeah. As long as you're both doing that, I feel like it's possible. Like, I actually, um talking about that, I actually had a girl one day when we were talking at the bar about the podcast. And I said that. And I was like, I don't believe 50-50. It has to be 100%. She's like, well, I don't believe that either.
She's like, but hear me out. I would say 90% because you have to have 10% on your own. I was like, yeah, but that's the thing. It's not but saying you have to put a hundred percent of yourself. You have to be whole before you could put in a hundred percent. And I'm not saying you have to be a hundred percent whole because Some people during a, a hard breakup or a harsh time in their life, they need somebody to lean on. It's not that they're weak or they can't do it themselves. It just, that's their coping mechanism. That's what they need.

Self-Confidence Before Relationships

So that's why me personally, I think you need to be pretty close and confident and comfortable in yourself before you could be anywhere near a hundred for somebody else. Yeah.
ah grew with that like trust man and like i say that because and here's just an example i know i've said it in the podcast before after my divorce i was straight up single not talk to no one dates nothing for almost a year and a half and i'm sure people who listen in the podcast probably know someone did longer than that and sorry I know those are going to ruffle some feathers, but I don't count a lot of what women I say agree with that, when they say they've been single for a matter of a long I time. like that. Because like, all right, so when men are like, yeah, we've been single for a long, when we've been single for like eight months, if there was like even a week that we fucked around with a girl, we count that.
I've met women that are like, oh yeah, I messed around with a guy, but we only gave him a head. Like that fucking counts. That counts. Okay. Like think you can't skip shit like that. So I'm sorry, women, but you, you've done that a lot. Sorry. Yo, for real. Oh guys, so guys, how about this?
You want to cringe? This is for all my fellas listening. The next time a woman asks you her body count, your body count, right? Don't ask for her body count. Ask for her mouse count. I was about to make a comment on that. Ask for that count and watch your facial expression. I don't even want to know the mouth count. I don't know why don't either for real. This term has been in your mouth. How many dicks you swallowed? I do not want to know.
Yeah, because, you know, because, all right, load with the body, from yeah like I can't even give you a statistic, but from the women that I've asked and I've guys I've talked to a lot of women but between dating and the podcast.
A lot of women when I asked that question had all this pretty much all of them has had the same reaction of And I can't just you know guys who are watching the video the they're like, oh my god look because they just realized Holy shit, it's more than my number. So and that's the thing for men I Have I think one buddy that's like a freak and he will pretty much go down on every girl for most men That shit is sacred until you're my girlfriend like Straight up I want to make sure my dick is the only one in it. I don't go down on random women. I I don't know I Can I can definitely count on I? Could probably count on my one hand how many women I've been down on I'm pretty sure now mine be too, but yeah definitely and community workers I would definitely be too I
Yeah, I say four, four or five. I can definitely do that. And that's the thing, like me, it was nine, but still. Which is, so how many, it's crazy how you say that, because I can guarantee most women have been down on as many guys as they have had sex with. If not more. Yeah, I was about to say, if not more. So if a woman had to talk 20 guys, she probably went down on 15 to 25 of them.
That's what I would guess. All right. So I'm going to fucking slam this one out the park. We'll use the number. Let's just say we'll say 20. The girls slept with 20 guys. Yeah. I'm going to say that she's actually fucking gave fucking CPR to at least 20 more dicks than that.
because bro but are i've talked like again the podcast dude i get into some fucking deep conversations with women about this i've had a lot of women should have told me that there was plenty of guys that they just blew and that was it but do you think do you think now that they are sucking the dicks because they feel like it is is more sacred, like they don't like, okay, I'm not giving up my pussy, I'm just sucking their dick. Or is it also too though, men are pretty good about trying to get a girl to suck their dick if they have sex. So is it more so of a woman's doing or is it more so of the man's
and Well that's the thing, at the end of the day yeah it takes the at the end of the day, it takes the girl to say yeah. So honestly, it's more on the woman. that Yeah, there may be instances where the men initiate, but at the end of the day, ah you're the one saying yes.
I mean, it's not a verbal. Yes. if you just look i just like Think about this. Think about this. Because when a girl, when a girl is like me know what a girl, what a guy, a girl is no like, I'm just trying to go over and get some head, you know, some guy was the going over to a girl's house. And if they had success, but in world if she goes over there and she just gets a pussy eight out, it's not seen as the same type of success.
You know, they want, they they want dick. They don't want tongue. They want dick. They don't care for a head like that. It doesn't equal the same success for a woman like, ah, yeah, I got some head tonight. For the guy? Ah, bro, she's so dick, bro. Yo, for real, I've had guy friends go over and be like, yo, I got it, but she didn't blow me.
They're like, oh, next time. yeah But that's just how it is. You're like, you know, just think to your right. Women, it's not its view. At least this is just assuming, man, we got to get a fucking girl on this topic. No, it's not assumed. I've asked the girl before. it's not It's not seen the same. All right. So it's not the same. But to a guy, it's like, bro, it's like, yeah especially if she's especially if she's talented, bro. it yeah Some men on some men, it's better. And if women, if you don't understand this,
If you look on like TikTok and YouTube and shit, they'll there'll be videos like what to get for your men and they'll literally be like, blowjob. It doesn't matter. yeah Christmas, fucking Hanukkah, birthday, it doesn't matter. Father's Day, blowjob. Yeah. Even if you don't have kids, blowjob. Blowjob. I can just say it doesn't matter. So yeah yeah for the women who think that it's like not on the same scale, you are nuts because you just like made that fucking guy's night.
day whatever the fuck you were thinking all right we'll get we'll get on subject but still so if we are right anyone who's listening to this if you have the sister woman if you got the tits to come on here and talk about this we'll do a part two of this this particular you know talk i would love to have a second discussion on this the yeah i mean but women pussy eight fuzzy eating versus head blowjob but we need a couple we can't just go by one We need to try to get like maybe two girls. I think we can get Ashley. I was just going to say Ashley. Ashley asked once about having an ah like an after hours type of talk before. So I think she'd be down. Ashley would do it. And Isabelle, Isabelle would be down. Yeah, Isabelle would be down. Kate would probably be down too if we asked her. Kate's going to lie.
I'm sorry, K, but you had to keep your shit to yourself. And then we came back. She does it. I get it. I get it, though. She doesn't want to put it out there. I need you to be open on the show, because we don't lie to our audience. Nah, we did get 100% of Lewis and Bryce. That's it.
And I know Isabelle won't lie, and I know Ashley won't lie. I know ah and know Tiffany won't lie. So, like, I need those. Like, if I could get Tiffany, Ashley, and Isabella on here for one episode all together, I think it'd be a nice show, especially till it gives you a white girl, a Hispanic, and a Hawaiian. I mean, you get you get different races, too, so you're getting it from different different spectrums. I mean, different different levels. I think that works out. Yeah, I agree with that. I like that.
Anyway, I want to give me all my ideas for new shows now. We got more coming out. This is just the first one in a while, but that, that, yeah, that'll work out. I would want to do that. Try to figure out what's how women view that because I don't know of any woman.
that's ever been like, oh, I went over there, yeah, I got my pussy down, so I'm good. Like, no, but a guy, guy is definitely a liar. I got a pussy, so I'm a liar. Yo, but that's the thing, if I heard a woman's talk like that, it'd instantly be like a no, because that's like, that's a masculine trait. Yeah. And I'm sorry, I'm, no, not looking for that. I'll feel you, man, I'll feel you. You got anything you want to end off with, brother?
Nah, it's just good to be back. Hopefully you guys enjoy the show. Let us know if there's anything you want us to, you know, touch up on, or if this sparked up another comment or topic, please don't be afraid. Like we here to bring up some stuff to get you guys burning on topics. I feel like every time we get, we, and I know what happened again today, I'm sorry folks, but we get, uh, we get on a topic and then it kind of friends off to some other stuff. but See, that's how it is. That's what real conversations be like.
It got us to some good things, though. ah so I'm cool with it. special and The thing is, too, the drinks be flowing. At least for me, I don't know if I lose over there, but drinks be flowing. Yeah, I'm chilling, bro. I'm chilling. I got Serac in one glass, and I'm drinking Corona in a bottle, and I'm fucking... I got my buzz going, and and I get the yapping, so I lose my train of thought.
but Ultimately, what I'm telling you at the end of the day is women are emotional as fuck. you're also Most of you are fucking delusional. I love you, though. but Much love, but goddamn. It ah is the truth. Men are typically logical thinkers. That is just a fact. You can research that all you want to, but men don't really get crazy with thinking out of ah logic because that just leads down a barrel of bullshit.

Traditional Gender Roles and Podcast Ambitions

Men are known for being handy in fixing things, and that equates to logical thinking. So yeah no, you see a lot of men in the mate mechanical world, the technical world.
because we fix. You see women doing desk jobs and shit like that. Emotional shit. Getting stressed out over fucking spreadsheets. That's what y'all do. We sit there and think and try to figure out a logical response and reaction to a problem. We see a problem, we fix problem.
Y'all see a problem, you stress, oh my God, how am I gonna get through my day? I need coffee, you fix the problem, and then it's on to the next fucking um ah dilemma,
stress problem. And it's just, it's a fucking rotating door, you know, it's on and on and on. But. Never ending, that's for sure. Yeah, we do. ah We enjoy being back, man. um I want ah hope we keep it up this time, and we we just keep talking to you guys. man I love the conversations. We have so many conversations, me and Louis, between one another, and a lot of it gets left in the air because we're not live or streaming when we're doing it, and it's like, God, we don't just get together on the show. Yeah.
And it's like if we just if we could have someone recording us at all times And I just posted the fucking youtube status period be fucking y'all be like damn these guys um and Guys got some fucking shit to talk about. Yeah, it's fucking golden nuggets here yeah Yeah, so let's let's just try to keep this moving guys like obviously it's on us, but we just love to keep you guys involved Yeah, definitely, man. We're going to be back. We're going to be back next Sunday. Next Sunday. Alright, we're Lewis. Yeah, that's right. We're going to be back next Sunday. Trying to get some guests on here and I really want to get that episode. I appreciate you guys coming back. If you're still sticking with us, appreciate it.
Love you. Peace out. Much love. Have a have great Labor Day. Yes. Hopefully it was a very good weekend. Depending on if this is before or after. Supernova blow happens. But we'll see you guys in the next one, man. Thanks for listening. Peace out. Later.