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In this episode of the Man K podcast, hosts Briceson Young and Luis discuss their weekly experiences, including tire troubles and the challenges of the holiday season. They delve into the implications of virtual reality, particularly in the context of relationships and masculinity. The conversation explores the dynamics between men and women, the expectations of relationships, and the evolving nature of gender roles in society. In this conversation, Briceson Young and Luis delve into the complexities of communication between men and women, exploring how societal expectations shape their interactions. They discuss the emotional support men seek in relationships, the importance of changing perspectives on dating, and how appearance influences perception. The conversation also touches on the upcoming guest for their podcast, highlighting their aspirations and the dynamic nature of their discussions. In this episode, the hosts discuss upcoming guests for their podcast, share their love for Crumble cookies, and delve into military experiences, particularly focusing on the National Guard versus Reserves. They also touch on personal choices regarding military life, engage in political discussions, and highlight exciting boxing matches, especially featuring female fighters. The conversation is light-hearted, filled with humor, and showcases the hosts' camaraderie and diverse interests.


00:00 Introduction and Weekly Updates

05:59 The Holiday Season and Gift Giving

12:02 Relationships and Gender Dynamics

18:07 The Future of Relationships and Masculinity

27:21 Expectations and Emotional Support in Relationships

33:11 Changing Perspectives on Dating and Relationships

39:01 The Impact of Appearance on Perception

45:03 Crumble Cookies and Food Cravings

51:23 Personal Choices and Military Life

57:00 Boxing Matches and Female Fighters


Introduction and Casual Banter

What's going on, everybody? Welcome back to the Man Cave podcast. It's your man, and we're in the basement. B.Y. and my main man over here. What's going on, everybody? Yeah, you know, is know it's Louie. What's up? Louie Dewey and your man B.Y.

Nicknames and School Preparation

It's like back in a day nickname. It's because Louie does it. God damn it. Louie Dewey. What's going on, man? How you been? How you been? It's been a good week, I'd say. um I've been trying to get everything ready for starting back courses for school. ah That's December 4th, as I mentioned before on here. And other than that, man, I really just been, I guess, nervously excited about doing that shit. and So waiting on that to happen. good um What else happened this week? um Shit.

Car Troubles and Driving Lessons

memory sucks every time i think about my weekly uh weekly doings oh man i blew fucking i fucking blew two tires the other night coming home from the uh bar at the same time they blew at the same time oh so you almost hit like a fucking huge pothole or something man i'm so pissed off bro it was uh as a pothole you could claim it in the city sometimes they'll pay for it Yeah. Uh, Julius show was telling me about the form. I got to fill it out. I still got, I ain't even looked at the form. I need to look at it and see if it's, um, I had to read over it thoroughly, but, um, yeah, I was coming home bro. And right when I passed the school in one socket, there's, um, it looks like, I guess they had been working on the road somewhat, but there were no cones. There was nothing there. So I was driving.
And I hit something. I was like, damn, that was hard. And I think about five seconds later, I'm like, what the fuck? Is my car loose? Did I rip something? Man, my wobble. Bruh, it was, and I didn't realize until I got um probably another 30 seconds or so into my drive, because I'm near my house. So I said, I'm taking this bitch home. I'm not, I'm not stopping here, but I was like, Oh yeah, I blew it. I blew my tire. I blew up my passenger side tire.
And that's what I went to bed assuming. I'm going to go get a new tire. I woke up in the morning, go look at my car. I blew out the passenger front and rear tire, not just him. So I'm in, I'm like, damn. Bitch, man. I was having a good night. Those kind of wheels too. Smaller tires. Yeah. Nice. But they'll tend to pop when you hit just the right thing.
I'm honestly surprised that they haven't popped sooner because I've hit in a couple things like pothole type things. And I'm like, I know I got thin tires. So I thought they would have popped a whole lot easier or sooner.
But yeah, I mean, I guess I expected it. They are pretty thin tires. They look nice, but oh they just don't have the same thing on my car, man. i've I've never done two at once though. That's fucking new. No, that's my second time doing two at once, I think. I'm done. Damn, man. I drive like an asshole through sometimes. I was driving just i was driving. No, that day I was driving chill. Just the other day I was driving chill.
I don't know yeah how the, I was paying attention. I wasn't like on my phone. There was no super loud music. I was going to speed limit all that good shit. I just went over this thing at the right angle, I guess. And it just exploded my shit, man. I was, damn, the first time it happened, I was fucked up. I, I drove home legitimately drunk and yeah she rode my car damn near up on a curb.
And then came back to the road. So yeah, I blew both of those. That was, that was a fuck up on me. I fucked up. But this day, yes, I was drinking, but I wasn't fucked up. I wasn't, yeah, I had, I was drinking, but I was not fucked up to the point where I didn't know where I was going. That day I was fucked up, like drunk, drunk, like, oh like scary drunk. Like don't ever do that shit again. I was, I was scared for myself. Like I was, um.
how do I don't explain it. It's like, bro, I was, I was falling asleep at the wheel too. Like I was so drunk, I was falling asleep and driving. ah Yeah. And I, and I felt really bad about doing that. Cause I'm a grown ass man and that could have not been occurred. Well, there could have been a person, you know, and not a cur someone bro and then a day you feel like shit.

Holiday Stress and Consumerism

So that, that moment right there told me I'm never driving drunk like that ever again. And I haven't since that day. And then that day I got put over that container in my car.
Told myself I'm never driving with a container in my car, ah yeah ever again. And I wasn't even drunk that day, just happened to be a fucking open container in my car. But I wasn't, I wasn't fucked up at all. I was pretty, I was legit, bro. But um that's my week. I blew out two tires on Thursday night around 9 o'clock PM. And yeah, school and shit. Christmas is coming up, so trying to figure out how I'm gonna...
You know, get these funds right so I can buy shit. Stop man, it's fucking hard for everyone too. i I hate even talking about shit like that because you never really know what like if somebody else is going through. It's just me. No you don't. You gotta to try and be positive. it said you know Especially if you got kids. I know it's tough sometimes, but you gotta to try and save lots of money. Yeah, it's the worst time of the year. For a lot of people, yeah. i yeah For a lot of people.
up and like i'm I'm not in and like horrible poverty or anything, but it's still, it's that time where it's like, I know they want this and this. And it's like, man, God, now i got I gotta do the extra hours. I gotta go find little side hustles yeah in order to yeah try to get them that thing they want. Because this is where you can't be like, oh, I don't know, honey. like you need you want to You love seeing that smile on your kids' face faces on ah um Christmas morning. That's what you want to see. That's one of my favorite memories of knowing my kids a little, is them opening gifts and like, oh, Christmas morning.
I still have a video on my phone where my daughter woke up on Christmas, opened up her Nintendo Switch, which she so badly wanted. Oh man, I can still imagine. I'll tell you now, two or three weeks later, that Nintendo Switch didn't even fucking matter. yeah I don't even think it barely got touched. But that morning, that morning, the excitement on her face, the screech in her voice when she yelled at all the excitement she had at that that I got that video. I like to watch it every once in a while. It's one of the greatest... Just pure joy and not a little shit. Pure fucking joy, bro. I love my daughter, but I get it, bro. I really get it. So right now, she wants... She really wants a MetaQuest 3. The new MetaQuest VR. I talked about that. I think those things are a waste of fucking money, but that's just me. They're, brother, pretty cool. They're pretty cool.
Well, I've tried the first one and was like, this isn't worth it. Fuck that. I don't know about the other ones. Yeah, I think if you tried a two or a three, you'd feel a little differently. For me, though, I โ€“ after I bought her the MetaQuest 2 because I had bought it a two, she was excited about that too.
and I used it and I was like, oh shit, I gotta get me

Virtual Reality and Modern Relationships

one. So, you know, the next week I bought went to the went down to Best Buy, bought myself a fucking Mediquest too. So I done bought two Mediquests in the span of 30 days.
and She's like, I want them a drink. Fuck it. Yeah. I used mine though. um And I was over it in like two weeks. I was like, oh, that was fun. This is really cool. And then I'm like, nah, I'm all set. Like I'm over it now. I'd rather play my PlayStation.
But, I tell you what, watching porn on that bitch is pretty cool. Uh, watching... You know, that's the thing, every guy fucking thinks about that thing, and it's like, nah, I'm good. Watching porn on a VI is pretty cool, bro. Just like, in there, there. For real, in the end.
Not only just watching it because it's like in this big screen in front of you, but then you you're watching VR porn on a VR headset. Even better. is okay it's great It's like you're in there. Like when you look down, it's your body.
just It looks like you're fucking her. She's like talking to the camera like oh my god. You're like right there You know so all right so here is it here it is because you know you know it's gonna happen what that considered cheating like you you hope for real It's it's virtual I think but it's not even think nothing all that there's not we're cheating at all But you you know well you know some women out there are gonna be like I My motherfucker cheated on me. Oh my god, Crystal. How'd he cheat on you? He fucked Sarah in the VR world. Some dumbass shit like that, dude. Oh my god. Yeah, I can confidently ah say I don't believe that's cheating. Like, VR masturbate. Because, I mean, you're not fucking. It's masturbation. Now, if you got a...
Now I don't know if you got like a whole gig set up like where you got a fucking doll right in front of you. They do have those. They do have the suck machine. You can plug it to the laptop and yep. If you're going through all that, I don't call it cheating, but I call it weird as fuck.
I hope I don't have have to do shit like that I rather just stick to ready to buy some hundred dollar or whatever machine. i'm good ah if If it if it if and whenever it gets to that point I would assume I'm about fifty to sixty years old. um I'm retired I got enough money to go buy some pussy as opposed to.
Yep, yep. I know a lot that I never will, but when I'm older and I can't do it no more, hey, why not? At least once. I think that's when some of us will do it. We'll be like, I'll never pay for pussy. Wait till you turn 55. You might change your mind. you You might buy some pussy every once in a while. Yeah, yeah. And I don't even fuck. There's some women like that are like, that's disgusting. All right, well, I know actually know two very older women, older than me, that have bought men.
so To come up with the stories. I'm still trying to get one of them to come on the podcast. deie interest continue I love to hear about that one. Joe, I'm trying to get it. Go on. Yeah. I would, i I don't know. Do women, women definitely, hold on. I'm losing my statement. What I'm trying to say is women.
um Damn, why am I can't find my fucking words? Shit, I had it. I had it. I didn't want to cut you off while you were talking. Oh, shit always happens. Just say it. Fuck it. Because I'll just pick up right where i you left off. It's all good. and Go for it. You got a bit of memory than me, I guess. Sometimes. and um it's not the pleasant Women are the ones that lose their their life.
sex drive. Like I feel like men always want to fuck. We're always want to have sex. We're always trying to come. But women are the ones using their sex drive. So I mean, I'm not out here telling you people like, Oh, I'm just going to buy a pussy when I'm 60. Cause I can want to buy a pussy. But my wife, is she going to want to fuck when she's 57? I'm 60. I still want to fuck.
most like and Most of them know, and I'm i'm sorry i' like sorry, it's my opinion, but from what I've heard, from talking to women in all different ages, not a lot of them have a lot of sex drive, but on the other hand, on the other hand,
If they, if they meet the right man or person to say that they meet the right person, then it could increase their sex drive because a lot of people, their sex drive is low because they're just not comfortable with themselves in general to be open fully with someone else. but I feel like that's true for our age.
But yeah we're talking about a 60-year-old woman. A 60-year-old dude? She's blowing the dust off that thing. She probably never even flicked that bean. I'm kidding. Her- her- her- She's looking at him like, come here, you little dinkaboop. You know, he's- no.
And her drive to want to have sex now is out the door. I mean, a six year old woman, I was thinking mas about how comfortable she feels. No, dude. ah So no names, but what are my customers? Snooch. He was in his like early fifties. And he straight up told me that his wife was like, you can go somewhere else. I love you. I'm just not interested in having sex anymore. So if you want to get laid, you more than welcome to go get somewhere else. Damn.
I was like, bro, I was like, listen, did, does that mean she's okay with like you getting like an escort or something or like going and being in like an open relationship? Like what? And he was like, Oh no, she clarified. I can get escorts. I can't cheat on her. I was like, what?
Wait a minute, what? I was, I've had that. I don't know if I brought that up to you before, but I know, um, I was watching this video once, what is guys interviewing women in China and shit like overseas. We did talk about this. That's right. Yeah. A lot of them don't see a man being with an escort is cheating because it's that's right. Because it's a business transaction. Yeah. It's a one off. It's nothing to it. So you could.
bus nuts and it's a business Yeah, no emotional attachment, so I meanโ€ฆ Yeah, that's true.

Cultural Perspectives on Relationships

No cheating. Yeah, butโ€ฆ Some people see it that way. I don't know, bro. I wonder if it's the same for, like, a woman. the Like, if the man's a prostitute, it wouldn't be okay with him.
But yeah, I did see that video and it was, it was, a I think in the video, they only asked like 10 women, but still even 10 women and the majority of them were like, Oh yeah, that's not cheating. Yeah, I believe it's a business transaction. Damn. Okay. So yeah, no, Nope. So moral of the story, get you an Asian and you'll be fine. You can bust nuts all your life. I've literally had two of my friends already be like, yo passport pros.
I've literally already had two of them the one that we were originally talking about going to ah Canada for them like not this year or not next year the following year and he he changed that he's like bro I want to go to the Philippines bro he's like fuck it passport bro I don't give fuck he's like I might even get into it you know why I've heard your podcast you know the deal I'm gonna tell you if I i ever i get it he's been through his shit so that's why he's he's done he's like I'm done fuck that If I never met Julia, I'd be right here trying to convince you. as yo
but both fast forward but Let's go get us a little hot Asian in the Philippines or something and bring them back. and do because you know what you use You can use and abuse that bitch, bro. She's going to cook clean. You can talk to her fucking dog and she's still going to be there for you.
I got my hotbed. You know, see it's true, though, like i'm i one I don't know want to make it seem like we are making fun of them, dude. There is some highly intelligent, very attractive women. That's still that's just the values they've been raised on. and I'm not saying the women up here are bad, but it's just I am different outlooks. not I am. but all I will. Generally, all of them. Generally, American women are not as traditional.
as women from well that's a true other country that is the true day that's that not generally that's the majority of them the more accurate the majority of them are not because it's just a social structure now is way different yeah and there's this whole big movement on being independent and this is exactly first of all worry about um you you can't You really can't sit there and be like, I'm an independent woman because that's the thing. We've been doing that the whole fucking time. You don't see us saying that shit, like whatever. I'm not saying that I don't want a strong willed woman standing next to me and being my fucking other half.
but at the end of the day, there's only, there can only be one leader. but That's it. I'm not trying to make it like, Oh man, no, it's not, it's not about that. Cause at the end of the day, someone has to make tough decisions and you can't involve emotions. You can't, it has to be a logical decision. And I'm not saying that, you know,
Deciding whether to fucking go here or there is a logical decision I mean just in general when it comes to like so certain things that a lot of women don't think of that menu Like we need each other there's not one that's stronger or not stronger. I'm afraid that there's not one That's better than the other because we need each other we complement each other. There's just the like the way the social structure structure or whatever Not whatever for lack of a better term is going in the future is is fucking sad, dude. It's really sad. It's going to be a lot of these single women, independent women, strong independent women with, you know, these mentalities that there's all men of shit

Gender Roles and Emotional Expression

and this and that. And then what's that projecting to like actual good men? Oh, well, doesn't matter how good you are. Cause you're still shit. You just lumped up. And then that's just pushing more and more men away.
Rather than just being like, I like seriously, like I've really want to meet someone who really just doesn't want to be cared for. You know what I mean? Like be like the way I put it, right? Is when someone asks me like, you know, why are you still single? Well, don't you want to be in a relationship? This is how I put it. I want to be missed.
Like when I go to work and, you know, like, and we don't see each other because we're both doing our own thing. Like you, you miss me. So you want to see me like that, that in like, that's like, seriously, if, if you're at that level of like, fuck this and go live in the woods, you'll be away from everybody else. Cause that just doesn't make any sense to me. Like I'm the man K why you're out there. Whatever. And again, this is just my opinion. I'm just being a fucking ass. Um, it's, it's just, though, I don't get that. I think it's a valid opinion.
It is. And it's just my opinion. You don't agree with it? Cool. We can still be friends. Let's still look at it. For real. I'm going to put Trump and I'm still friends with a lot of people. So it's cool. Oh, same. Same thing. Um, but yeah, you know, it's, it can, will, like, will stuff, if shit doesn't change, it's just going to spiral and get worse. It really is. it's It's literally going to create a generation of weak ass men.
It really is because men single-ass women do we still want to be loved? We still want to be Like wanted and a lot of fucking grown men won't admit that because it's gonna make to them the way Men are raised that makes you weak To want to be wanted want to be loved. I admit this shit to my wife Constantly, I want to be wanted. I want to be missed. I tell her that shit all the time and She's not good at it because I feel like โ€“ well, I don't feel like I know. I have a very woman woman. She wants that โ€“ she wants a dominant type of male. yeah She wants a leader, a dominant man. Yeah, she wants the leadership because when I am being that โ€“ showing that leadership ah mentality towards her.
It lights her up. She loves it. She enjoys that shit. She can say what she wants, but she enjoys it, you know? Yeah, she likes the domination shit. And I'm not saying like, I'm not primarily referring to sex when I say the domination thing, but like earlier, I went to take a shower while she was in there coming out of the shower.
And I said, I'm going to run. I'm just going to throw something at her real quick. See what she says now. And I was undressing and I was like, um, Hey, I'm going to need you to ah lay my clothes out for me when I get out of the shower, like have them laid out for me on the bed. And I just like, what I said, when I come out of shower, I would like for my clothes to be laid out on the bed, please. And she's like, well, I haven't.
I don't have any of your sweatpants clean or anything. I was like, that's fine, just leave out me up me a pair of underwear and socks, all right? And she's like, okay. And I was like, and I went and wore my shell. I'm like, you know, I'm just fucking with you, right? She's like, oh, I thought you were being dead ass serious. i was I was gonna do it. I was like, no, you don't have to do it. I was just seeing how you would react if I came off like that towards you. yep And I said, you pass, good job. yeah Gave her a pat on the back, you know? because
Women want to be dominated at the end of the day. They really do want you to want you to tell them what to do. The masculinity thing, yeah yeah. To an extent. Not disrespect. Well, some of them, disrespectful. not Most of them, no. they just they want They want to feel respected too. but yeah So there's this thing that I heard, you just everybody does it, scrolling through shit. And ah it ah it honestly made a lot of sense. so i mean I may fuck this up the first time we'll try it though. So ah as a young man, men are men are taught how to treat women, right? But as a young woman, they're taught how to act. Like act like a lady, this and that, right? I know I'm gonna fuck this up, bro. Hold on, hold on. I'm gonna try. I do this every fucking episode. I try to remember something, I'm like, shit, I'm gonna fuck this up.
Sorry guys, I don't want pain in the ass. You got to have your stuff already pulled up, bruh. Oh, I just fucking this, because what it is, is again, I know this happened last episode. I'm like, we got to stop sending each other messages on multiple fucking things because we can use the fuck out of each other. The way I've been doing it lately now is if I knew I had stuff I want to talk about, I will have the notes over here on the iPad. So I don't have to. Yeah. That's what I got to start doing. You know, be on the phone. I'm going to start doing it separate.
Yeah. Well, pretty much what I was saying is that as a as a young person, like whether you're female or male, like we're we're taught one way to interact with each other. But then as we get older, it's literally the opposite.
men are showing up like a man and women are expected to not act like a lady. So yeah, so as ah as a young man, we're we're told to you know keep your mouth shut, don't complain, get shit done. you know And then as we get older, women are like, what the fuck? You're not telling me what's going on. You just keep it to yourself and doing like... Because you don't care.
Women don't care anyway women welllthough as women women are told so um ah be a lady and but like the whole thing it's something about like hints rather than just being commutative it's more of like well you kind of show them but you like them and unless like no just fuck Yo, not like, not like a guy go grab their ass, say, I think you're cute and probably watch some of you, but ah you know, just so it's like as young women, they're taught to be like that. But in reality, they should actually like teach them on like how they want to be treated. And in by that, they'll be fucking more communicative because that's literally the main thing I've heard about pretty much everyone who's come to me and talk to me about
That is just a communication barrier, whether it's receiving or transmitting. I don't see why especiallyly i don't see why it's such a fuck up while the barriers is there because it's like, I feel like men for the most part, pretty much tell a woman exactly yeah what I wanted to be. yes And I know you women are going to be like, Oh, no, they don't. Men never tell it. You got, we're talking about a real person or not those fucking red flags. Y'all be dating a real ass man. yeah Like come telling you exactly what it is.
And you're still not fucking listening. So what do you expect it? I mean like bruh, that's It's just cuz cuz women and men are on two different platforms when it comes to what they Talk like act like kind of how they move around is like, you know, yeah are emotional men are physical women are Emotional men think logically women leave with their emotion on their right on their thoughts and the way they go about shit And that's, that's where it is. Like you want us to tell you how we feel, but you don't know we're brought up to not tell you how we feel. We're brought up to keep that shit to ourselves because no one cares about how we feel other than our boys. And that's what we go through every day. Like it's like, I'm not, I've learned like when I, when I, my wife might throw her out a little bit on this, but you know, it's true.
My wife has an issue, like if I'm sick, if I have a cold or when I had COVID and it was doing me bad or the time I went to the hospital once because I was having a very bad anxiety attack.
she just well well i don't know did you take something like i don't know what you want me to do blah blah blah like you don't even like she's not acting like she cares but the dog has a problem and she's all kissing up on the dog are you oh my baby's sick and hugging there and sweet talking there kisses what all day long. I got that zero. You got that tiny tiny bit. I barely got the tiny bit. The babies, the baby gets sicker headshots. Love all day. Me zero. So that's what I'm saying. Like they don't
I don't want to tell you when I'm feeling bad because I've seen what you act like when I feel bad. You don't want to hear about my- You'll be fine, do better. Yeah, you don't want to hear about when I'm in a less than happy mood. So, I mean, it's just my example. I mean, I'm not saying my wife doesn't care about me. I know she loves me.
but She can do better at on that from a in that regard as far as how she treats me and shit. like When I'm feeling bad, like I want to feel ah want that emotional support too. Like, oh, I want to get you some medicine or something like that, which what she's done before. But it's still like, I don't know, it it ain't the same. like I want that level of treatment that you're giving the dog. You ain't getting it. give me Give me what you give the dog. That happens.
And just because I'm sick doesn't mean I don't want head either. You can still suck my dick. that's yeah Yep. Listen, I fucking get on, bro. It was time that I was sick when I was with my ex. And yeah. And honestly, for that like 20 minutes, 25 minutes, I wasn't blessed. I felt completely fine.
They didn't fucking hit me like damn. I am still sick. Yeah, but she took it right out of me son of a bitch That felt good. It's like the length of a top of a cough drop. It felt odd. It was nice Nice fucking kudos to her cat pat Off to you my lady but overall though, I think just to ah put a cake put up put some icing on that subject I think women You ladies just need to be a little bit more considerate when it comes to our feelings because I don't think ah many women are, if at all, consider it when it comes to our feelings because you just expect us to be brute and manly about everything. And it's not โ€“ we might showcase that on the outside, but on the inside.
We're dying sometimes, like we're losing this sometimes. This sucks, bro. And that's the thing, even even for someone to admit that, not even someone, if for a man to admit that, it takes a lot, bro. And I've literally had women, i' know I've had a woman I talk to straight up be like, I stopped talking to this guy because he told me he was he was just feeling down and he didn't know what to do. I was like, you, i want the o you are a fucking off piece of work.
Can I go on your podcast? Yeah, I'll think about it. I never even told you about her. I literally just left her like, yeah, fuck you, bitch. You should have brought her through so we can raw dog that ass. You should have brought her through. That just made me angry. That girl pissed me off. I don't know. Whatever.
I would have liked to have heard her side so that we can express why things are and then maybe she would have felt that's thing i know but go No, I could educated her and how ignorant she was because literally you guys just just from her tone It was spike because some dude hurt her and in reality that dude prior going down the street with an eight-foot red flag And he had a cute smile so that she was like, I'll let him hit it. So What did you think he was gonna do when he fucking didn't call you the next day? Come on and take it out on. And, yo, she definitely was one of the all men of the same.
All men are not the same. Don't mean no give a type that we won't pick it.

Relationship Patterns and Red Flags

Exactly. All men are not the Don't take a type and continue to pick it and then say we're all the same because I guarantee if I line up your exes, they the same. They probably all look the same with the same fucking attributes, qualities, and behaviors. So if you date somebody, look if you always go read a fucking... I can't come up with an analogy.
but um If you always go eat your chicken breast only seasoned with salt and pepper, I mean, do you why do you expect it to taste different on Thursday than than Monday? It tastes like the same goddamn chicken breast because you put the same fucking seasonings on it. So how about you try spicing it up a little bit? How about add a little oregano to that bitch? No, I don't know some cumin, I don't know. Put some breading on that ho. You know, get you a new whole a whole new different man with a different attitude and different mindset and behaviors.
And then maybe you might see a different dude. Yeah. And, oh and that's believe if you're, if you're ah talking to me about like the podcast and you say something to me within that terms of like all men are the same, I'm just going to assume that you've been with all men. So you you must be a pro for you, that kind of opinion, but Hey, I'm not going to call you out like that, but if you're going to admit it, all right.
an amazing pro, but yeah, it is. it is what it is. Nah, but that's why. I didn't want it to come on because I just, I knew from the tone of her but her voice that it it was just some spiteful shit that she was upset about. And she was trying to, can't, can't, nah, nah, nah. I still hear it. I still want to hear it. If we go to that bar again, well,
Well, not we but if I end up going to that bargain because it was in Massachusetts I'll fucking if she's there I'll hit her up again. See if she wants good. Good. Come on. I would love to hear an argument But you know, I didn't I think I sent her a message on Instagram. She probably just never applied Whatever if I go there again, I'll try it You got a debate with people from the opposite side, you know, you got to be able to do yeah But that's the thing part of the reason like me and you we can understand like I don't know me and you have an understanding of thought that most people don't So like, I just felt like it wouldn't be a debate every time we try to say something, you just scream over us every time. Cause that's literally how the conversation went, bro. It should have been a 50 minute conversation and it took almost 40 minutes cause you just kept cutting me off. Well, you can't come over here and cut people off. I'm on the streets of like fit.
until you shut the fuck up. i kept you know whatever the fuck I was just trying to enjoy a beer, but god damn it. After like the 40 minute conversation, my boy was like, yo, let's go. Let's get out of here. I know. ah go um I don't know if she'll mind if I say this or not. I don't want to talk about it.
I'm on the dialogue because I want to use her as an example, but don't do that. Don't. But you know, somebody that me and you both know, um, yeah. Okay. She seems to be dating the same type of man or has this, has this perspective of men being one way, but I try to explain to her too. I mean, if you don't change who you are towards men, why do you expect men to change their behavior when they get with you? Yeah. You know what I'm saying? I mean, there's something similar to that too, but to other women. it just So.
I hope you women understood that. I'll try to say it again. How do you expect a man to change his behavior towards you if you can't change your behavior towards men? You need to work on yourself in order to find a better man. If you present yourself as a wife, you're more likely to find your husband. If you present yourself like a slut or a ho, you're more likely to find a one night stand or a dude that just wants to hit it and quit it.
period yeah I mean it's really that easy. Like when I when i got divorced, I'm not even going to say I presented myself like ah like a man because I put myself like an asshole which is in that and I've said that plenty of times on the show. And it's amazing to me how โ€“ this is what โ€“ this is the mic drop in my opinion.
You women love red flag ass motherfuckers because I showed not one green flag with any of you bitches at subject with any of you bitches. But when I met Julia showed her my green flags because she presented herself like a green flag. She presented herself like a woman that wanted to be taken.
The rest of you, I gave you red flag from the jump and you're still hitting me up, giving me attention, giving me the person. Why are you fucking me? Why are you fucking with me? I am talking to you like dog shit and you're fucking with me. You still want to see me tonight? I just told you I didn't care if I saw you this weekend. Now I'm hitting you up later on because umm because my plan B fell out and you're still going to let me come through. I i i don't understand. like You can't act like a little bitch or like a little slut if you're and then expect a man to try to want to be with you. Like it's just not oh logical thinking. So that's something i just I just thought. So I saw a video the other day and I want to ask you about it. So it was a video of this girl and like she showed like screenshots of like messages from like a guy sending her a message. And it was something like simple like, hi, you know, hi beautiful, blah, blah.
I didn't do that the he went from high beautiful they went high and then she replied similar and then he was like hey how's your day going beautiful after that he really like went straight fucking for it. as as like he ah mean I want to say he said something along the lines of oh so do you like.
you know, gagging on my balls and something like that. And she was like, ew, what the fuck? And she literally was like, what? Did you expect different after I saw your OnlyFans link? And like she in the video, she's reacting, she's crying. And I'm like, you know, can don't get me wrong, what he said was ruthless, but putting yourself in that position, you got to expect shit like that.
It's kinda like how women dress up for the club and they don't wanna be treated like a hoe, but you dress yes very fucking slutty tonight. I'm sorry that I- I don't mind looking at it, I'm just saying. I'm sorry that you were serving a buffet, but I was only meant to order from the menu. I did not know.
ah That is a great fucking way to put it. You can't do that shit, bro. You can't do that shit. You really can't. Well, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. But I will say, it ain't right. It still ain't right what he said. And at the end of the day, too, it's not right for me to assume you as a hoe just based on how you dress at the club. I want to make that clear.
But you also still can't be mad at the guys who are kissing you as such if you are presenting yourself as such.

Fashion Trends and Social Perceptions

And like oh and and let's let's be clear. like Girls, come on. you You know what we mean when you say you look like a hole super tight dress. like If you bend over and a guy can see you cooch, come on.
You see my news these new so not these new like ah um silhouette type dresses where you can see nothing. So you can see straight through and it's their bra and their underwear. You can see their bra and underwear. I haven't seen those yet. Well, I've seen them. I've seen like fucking supermodels wearing them. But I've never seen them like in public. But it's also like chili now. So I'm not going to see nothing like that.
Well, I seen you one girl on Instagram in it and I'm like, what the? Oh, on Instagram, yeah, I've seen that. I'm like, oh my God. what You're literally out here in bro and panties. I mean. Yeah. So just walk around in a two piece. That's not a dress, baby. That's not a dress. You're walking around in bro and panties. It looks like kind of like they just stretched out fucking pantyhose and just. Yeah, exactly. Just put it up and like wear a What if pantyhose wears a dress? Oh my God, Brooke, you made a sweet idea. That's dope.
now okay and it was hard dress Don't go wrong. It's fucking hot, but in reality, in my opinion, I like, I don't know, I guess they call it like old money. Look, never heard that term. You know, it, like, it's still, it's a very feminine look, but like very form fitting, but you know, like longer dress, you know, it's, look it up. Anyone who, who was listening, look it up. It's old money look for women. Hmm.
I'm probably not wording it correctly, but that's, that's what I've seen a couple of videos and that's how they call it. And I think the the women look gorgeous. It's pretty much in like the, the early nine, the early like 19, like thirties, forties area where like that, but like more modern where the dresses are tighter. So like it was just check it out.
Holy shit, dude. That's the dress I'm talking about. That's not a dress. That is not a dress. A dress like it's just a fabric, dude. That's a fishnet. You see what I mean, though. Yes. As a club owner, it's like, honey, are you sure you want to come in here like that? What the hell? That is raw in panties. You're wearing a fishnet as a dress.
and Yeah, that's the yeah, that's the net that you know Louise and it's trying to fucking catch some fish in it Fucking stole it from a cheetah print underwear. No one should be seeing your underwear, but the person you fuck nah And it honestly should be cheetah. You should just move a black, honey Black yeah, yeah, you probably should but uh I mean, yeah, I think I liked it. I don't know. Don't get me wrong. She had a fat ass too, but it's just ah yeah like, honestly, no, not for me. it's still just thing i see ready I still want to fuck with her though. Like, no, exactly. That's what I'm saying. As a man, we see that we're like, damn, she dead. We'd fuck, but we wouldn't date.
You know, that's the point. yes And then the same woman, I can get any but any man I want. I can go out and get a man and I don't want to want. I look good. Yes, you can go out and get any man you want to fuck you. And that is it. That man does not really want you though.

Podcasting and Guest Networking

No, he'll he'll definitely fuck with you, but he won't keep you. He won't. Alright, no man keeping you. Fuck that shit.
I don't know. I'll try to show you the video. But yeah, if you look it up, there's a bunch of stuff. Old money look for women. Like that. I like that. And that's supposedly coming back around. Old money look for women. Which is good. It's more respectable, but still leaves room for sexy. You don't have to show everything, seriously. There's more guys that would like a little bit more modest of a woman. Don't get me wrong. Well, I'd be all over that.
Yeah, right. And I will literally say every girlfriend I've had, I've always told them, you can wear whatever you want, but just remember, sometimes your outfit's going to cause a fight. I wish I could get my, f i if I could get my wife to wear this type of clothing, like when we go out. It's like literally, it's like a sexy or like a beautiful sexy. It's it's nice. du You know who dresses like this in a way? Sada.
Yeah. Yeah. Not in a way, definitely. Now that you think of it, yes. Yeah. She dresses like that. That's her type of, that's her type of style. Yep.
Speaking of SEDA, SEDA, which if you're listening to SEDA, thank you for giving me a push. Thanks for this good. It's nice knowing that you are talking about my podcast at all to any of your friends. I really appreciate it. So she spoke to one of her friends that I guess she wants to our podcast and she told her about ours.
And she wants to come on as a guest. So do it I've been ah communicating with her. She she started, but she wants to start up her own podcast. So she, I guess what she really wants to do is come on the show and ask us questions about how we.
what made us start it, our aspirations, how we do it, what type of stuff do we use and shit like that. So- So she's going to interview us. and In a way, but she's still going to join in on the conversation, I guess. um I made sure she has listened. I asked, have you heard the show? Because yeah because we talk a lot. Yeah, because we are fucking raw. We don't hold back. She said, yeah, I listened to some of it, LOL.
and I'm an open book. You should have asked her which one. Yeah, it really depends as which one is it. is it boy But she said she's an open book and we're going to see what goes on. Seda said she is, um what is her word, hilarious. She said she thinks she's, of no, entertaining. She said she's very entertaining. So um i I did schedule her for December 7th because that's a no kids weekend if I'm not mistaken. Did I hold up?
Did I really just do that? Oh shit, why didn't you double book yourself? I think I booked it for drill weekend. oh Oh shit. I hope I didn't do that. I hope I'm not that stupid. Let me look real quick. Sorry guys. Yeah, you did. Oh no, but that's not Saturday though. No, let me see. ah That's when the holiday party is too, right? I think that's what I'm thinking. I did that.
No, I said December 1st. Okay, so December 1st, there's no kids that we can't. So we both should be free of children. um Yeah, so she's supposed to come on on December 1st. Her name's Aaliyah. All right. Yeah, we're gonna have one chill out, chop it up. um Like usual. in way she's a She's a friend of a friend of the show. So that's good. I I was kind of- You gotta get Sadie back on here again. Yeah, when Sadie hit me up, I was like, yo, Bryson. I was like, hmm. She told me that, and I'm like, damn. That's nice. That feels good to know somebody's talking about myself. I like that, you know? Are you doing a podcast? Oh, shit. I was on a podcast. Oh, this podcast. I like that. I like that. So we do have Aliyah coming on December 1st. All right.
I hate when I tell you guys i got we got somebody coming on it and it doesn't happen, but but this one is a good source, a good ah good um recommend recommendation recommended that's coming, so I know this one will come through because it's from a person we've had on before that was a really good guest.
And she's a legitimate person. So she, if her friend is anything like her, she's going to be here on December. Oh, it's going to be a good one. Yeah. And it's not, and I don't think she's going to flake out. So. That was one of our top three shows, the one that say it was on. Nice. She was, she was good. She was a good guy. And plus with her, I had a lot of people talk to me about that show.
um really We like that. like Yeah, a lot of men do. She's cool. she'ss She's really cool. she's she Yeah, she's a dope girl. She's a dope one. Yeah, she is cu she's a cool show one. Special agent type shit. Badass. Oh, fucking that's for sure. Yeah, so a friend too is like, I think Special Forces or something she said. Oh my god, she's on the same fucking level. Oh, she used to be Air Force and was Special Agent.
so Oh, there you go. Damn. Another another badass female. Another special agent. i I wonder if she can like clear some of my records. Don't say that on the mic, bro. This shit's recorded.
Oh, man. Oh, shit. They got a... I'm sorry, guys. I'm over here now. I've opened up Instagram in the new crumble lineup. This motherfucker gets, like, drooly over crumble. Oh, I get wet from crumble. They're good. They're good. Oh, yeah. The other time we were talking and you zoned the fuck out was like, oh my God. I'm thinking he's talking about like a fat ass and he's like, bro, that double dip chocolate caramel drizzle.

Military Experiences and Opportunities

Oh my God. It gets me going, man. This is a nice lineup. Like they got pink velvet cake coming this week.
i'm I'm smashing that shit. And um the ah lemon cheesecake sounds different. I'm gonna give it a shot. An oatmeal skillet cookie. Man. You had me on lemon cheesecake. I'm rock solid.
but ah A gooey oatmeal cookie crown with a scoop of vanilla bean mousse. A drizzle a but of butterscotch caramel and finish with oatmeal cookie crumbs. Bruh.
Oh my god. This whole fucking menu is milking me, bro. It's fucking milking me. Milking me is not the word I'm looking for. Edging. yeah this whole This whole lineup video just edged the fuck out of me.
so People that don't know what edging is, usually look that one up on, um, pornhub. Try it on your man. He might love it. Your man might love it. Try it on him. Yeah. He might like it. Yes. That's true. Did this girl finally add me as a friend? Um.
So yeah, and this other girl, Alexi, we supposed to have coming on. I guess she was at the football game today. It must've been, um, military week for football games. I've seen him at other football games too. She's going to be there. She was going to have a table set up. She should've got me tickets. That's fucked up. Anyway, we just met her. She's cool shit though, man. Just even just talking to her for a little bit. That's why I was like, fuck yeah. When she gave me her number, I was like, bam, get her on the show right away.
Yeah, she's real cool. Y'all don't know a lot of these people, like we try to get on the show. A lot of them literally, we friend them and instantly DM them. Yeah. Or we go to restaurants and if it's a waitress or a bartender, we try to talk them up too. Yeah, because they always have stories, man. Like literally, Lexi, if you end up listening to this, the second I asked her, I'm sure you got stories, her fucking face lit up. She was like, Oh my God. Yeah. That's the shit we want to hear. That's what we want to talk about.
I would love to get a couple of bartenders and waitresses on here. So it'd be nice to get Alexi on here and really pick a brain on top of guys who tried to holler at her. Because i'm I'm telling you, I'm sure people have tried to holler at her. Definitely.
That should just yes, right That should make it clear. Yeah, but no seriously we're trying to we're trying to get her on because Not only is she like she's a really chill person when I could tell she's also a recruiter So she's not people person in general. So should be a very good conversation Yeah, she was she's like when I say damn, you're like a sweetheart. She she was super badass at the same time, man Like fuck is using the army to budget shit guard just what we do and the guard don't let's not push it No, it was an air guard. Right? well She said is it air guard? I did
I feel like I should have. I should have. I should have reenlisted for the guard instead of reenlisting for the army. More opportunities I think. Especially for like stateside shit. I mean at least you got a better chance of getting at least a stateside deployment I guess as opposed to waiting to go overseas or some shit like that.
No, that's the thing. They actually get deployed more. That's what I heard. The National Guard gets deployed more in the reserve because the reserve tends to be like more stationary units that only are called upon when there's actual war. And the guard also supports stateside and ah federal.
That's why I kind of thought I wanted it because like I would have loved to been in fucking the riot shit going on. downits Yeah. That whole shit doesn't go on DC. That was all National Guard. Yeah. My boy, Eric. um He was out there, he said he went, he was out there for a few weeks or whatever. Yeah, and the border too. That whole, that shit down there, that's all National Guard. I want to do the border mission. It's some reserve, but it's mainly National Guard. I was telling Alvarez, that's what I would like to go on. I'd like to get on the border mission because it looks easy and nice money. And the people I was with in BOC, a lot of them telling me they're on the border mission. They're just here for two weeks to do this and going right back to it. They're like, yes, pretty sweet deal. I mean, you sleep, you got a nice hotel.
Moshe says paid for. I mean, yeah. Uh, Tiff, Tiffany was on the board of mission for like a year. Oh shit. Yes, that's right. Yeah. that It was, it's fucking, it's a cake. It's cake walk. I'm like, I want to go on that. I want to be on the board of mission and get all that good money for a year. 30 days, please.
i'll wait twenty nine day no I'll take the year. I told my wife, like, if I, if I could pull off a border mission, you, you're, you're remotely working. I mean, you can just come to the hotel and kick it. I mean, why not? If you're, I mean, you really don't have to miss me because you could just come with me. Yeah. Or I could, I could just fly you out every like one week, one week every month. You know, I mean, you getting so much extra money from BAH and shit too. Like.
I can afford to just, you know, come out for a week, stay here, go back. You'll never have to really truly miss me. I don't have to truly miss my daughter and shit. You know, keeps me involved. I want to do that border mission, bro. I think that should be dope. Definitely would be. But hey, I don't know. Even, even fricking this girl was trying to get me to reenlist.
secret so blues you want to read list like Not really I think I think she could talk you in the rain listening. Ah, she probably could bro. Yeah, that's why I was like don't Well, no like oh wait, we jump all actually I was talking about fucking I don't want to say her name but the one who dropped the car after to me She knows. I don't think she listens to the podcast. Oh, I'm talking about, uh, Lexi. Lexi's cheap. Ah, no, I wouldn't let her. I wouldn't let her talk about it. But you think the other one could? I probably. What? I don't know, bro. If you put them side by side. Oh, if you put them side by side, yo. I mean. You know which one I'm picking. No offense. But Lexi. Yeah. No offense. No offense. Because the other one's a bad, bad one too.
But yeah, but she's more private. So I don't want to drop her like that. You know what I mean? Yeah, I'm not going to do that either. But I'm just saying she's, if I, I don't know. The other one's more my type. That's only what? Physically. So. You know, I'm not going to go there. I'll stop. Out of respect for Lexi's man. You know, I will go there.
I wasn't going to say nothing bad, but I just won't go there. Because you know he's probably listening to the podcast. That's why I'm trying to keep it respectful. That's real for all respect. I ain't going to disrespect you. I'm definitely a guy that could be like, yeah, he's got to you know he's had a good looking girlfriend. I wouldn't hit on her. I respect for the man, but you know, it's his.
But in comparison, yes, I agree. Sorry if you hear this, no disrespect, but I would pick her.
ah But yeah. Yeah, a couple of bomb ass motherfuckers like us got a chance to pick, you know? Yes, like that's the other hand of that question. Yeah. You know this. Because you know, I know a lot of people sit back like,
Whoever said you'd get a chance any motherfucking way? Well, if I did get a chance, I'm just gonna let you know this is what I'd get. We're just talking, guy talking. You guys are getting the chance to parent. So before you get all tightened up and try to give us a bullshit judgment, we're still just gonna be like, okay, well. Yeah, that's cool. We're sorry you feel that way. We're not sorry for feeling that way. Exactly. That's our opinion. You do not agree with it. It's all good.
We can still be cool. He's done my side of that if you don't feel that way. Hey, I'm still okay with that too.

Political Views and Historical Opinions

okay Oh man, let's too short to fucking let stupid shit call my mom and see if she's, uh, how she's been doing actually. And I think my, yeah, don't forget to call your parents and it's holidays. I'm just randomly, just randomly crossed my mind. I haven't talked to her since the election. And since before the election, she don't say, was she a Carmella? No, I don't know what she was. Honestly, I really don't know. Oh, that's me. We can disagree, man. Oh man.
But most black people in the South, or at least in Mississippi or in the circle I knew about, you're like raised to vote Democrat. You're raised to not vote Democrat. Same. I always raised to vote Democrat. I really was. Me and my brother talk about this shit all the time. We were raised.
Just a vote Democrat. Mm-hmm. But as we get older, we're starting to realize this shit. I'm like, well, and Republicans seem that they know what they're fucking doing, so they're not perfect. No, no, no. I just think that'd make a little more sense. Bro, did you see that fucking video, though, of the picture they showed of the state after the counts? No. Not the state, the entire country? Not into the video. There wasn't one state in the entire United States that didn't have majority of redness.
like did not oh no i saw that i saw that i saw that like it actually know is a five g map yeah it wasn't the majority but like there was red and every state there wasn't like one color state it was just little it was red in everyone so they
the supposed blue states are fucking china i'm spreading because it's like fucking dumbass. Yeah, whatever. It is what it is. Again, I'm not a politician. No, no, I want to be, but some of the shit that I've seen over my years, something's got to change. Yeah. it is It just always made a little more sense in my opinion. I don't know. I've, I wouldn't consider myself Democrat leaning other than when Obama was running. I think that's when I really.
It was like, yeah, I like this guy. And even then, I i think the year he ran against Mitt Romney, I thought Mitt Romney was a decent dude. I don't know. That's just me. I would like him to be president. what bill What was Bill Clinton? Was he a Democrat or Republican? you Democrat. See, I liked Bill. I'm not gonna lie. I was young, but I liked Bill. Think everybody liked him. Before he started fucking banging his assistant.
But the funny, the fucking memes that came out after that were fucking awesome. The little videos and shit, dude. My God, still laughing about that shit. But yeah, I like that. And then he had the crazy ass wife. that Who tried running for president. And then got a bunch of people killed in Benghazi.
And then didn't go to jail for killing like 20 something people. Awesome. I'm so glad that didn't work out. Um, just like I'm so glad this comma thing didn't work out. I don't want to, I'm sorry. I don't want to, judge I don't want to, I'm just really glad it didn't work out. For everyone who was glad that it didn't work out.

Boxing Recap and Closing Remarks

Fucking high five. Right. That's it. We'll stop right there. Hell yeah. Because you know what? Yes.
Oh, I know the last thing I want to talk about. I'm gonna talk about this and I'm gonna let you guys out of here. Did you watch do ah the, uh, the, uh, Tyson, Jake Paul shit? No. And I'm glad because I did not watch it. I heard her stupid shit about it. So let me tell you, let me tell you, I didn't give a damn about the Jake and Mike to fight. I'll let that know. Let all y'all know that if y'all didn't know that that was what the fight was going to be leading up to what you're fucking stupid.
Y'all knew that was gonna happen. Because at the end of the day, Mike Tyson is Mike Tyson, but Jake Paul, if he wanted to, would have whooped the shit out of Mike Tyson in that boxing match. Period. He had him at a couple points where you could tell, okay, he's holding back. Like, if there was any other fighter on the other side, he would have went in on his ass and finished him off. He could have whipped Mike Tyson's ass, but we know at the end of the day, Mike Tyson's 58 years old. He's not going to actually knock out Mike Tyson.
It's just a friendly, fun exhibition. yeah And that was it. But that fight prior to that, the katie the Katie Taylor versus Amanda Serrano fight. Oh my fucking God. That was a fucking boxing fight, bro. That was a fucking match.
I'm telling you, Lewis, that deserves you to go on Netflix and watch it. I mean, they beat the- The fight leading up to it? Bro, they beat the shit out of one another. Beat the shit up. There's two women? Damn. Two women. Dude, I'm sitting back wincing, bro. I'm like, ooh, like, bro. Ooh, okay. So the girl, Katie Taylor, she the whole fight, she's like leading with her head and shit. So she catches her right here.
And that shit just gashes open, dude. And she she continues to, no, they stopped the fight so the daughter can check. Daughter said it's okay or whatever. They continue fighting. She rips it open even more. Bro, this thing's just hanging over her eyeball. The whole rest of the fight. I'm like, oh my God. I'm like, bro. And they're telling us she can continue to fight. Every time she takes a hit to the right side of her face, i bro. Every time she took a hit over there, I'm like,
ah oh like don Don't do into it to her. Leave her alone. like That fight was fucking awesome. At the end of the day, she did get robbed though. I think she won that fight because that other girl kept headbutting and that she's not legal in boxing. So I want to say a shout out to Amanda Serrano. You should have won that fight. That was bullshit that you lost. But in the fight before that, Barrios versus Ramos, ah that was a pretty decent matchup.
But I think the prelims are what made the show. That, that, that female fight made the show. Mike versus Jake, whatever. The rest of it was worth getting on there and looking at. Cause I think those are decent boxing matches in my opinion. I'm not a big boss. I don't watch a lot of boxing, but that makes me want to watch boxing.
That fight, that Amanda versus Katy fight makes me want to watch box female boxing. All right, I'll definitely check it out. Man, yeah I'm telling you, once you see that I get gassed out, oh my fucking God. And it's not a long fight either because I think the women can only do, I think it was a two minute, two minute eight round fight. So, you know, it it'll get by pretty quickly.
The shits. Yeah. Check it out. Check it out. Tell me what you think. All right. I'll check it out. I don't got nothing. If you want to close out, I ain't got nothing. I'm gonna close this bitch. All right. Listen up, folks. I'm so glad that you came through to kick it with us on the Mankay podcast today. And I'm so glad that you come and kick it with us every weekend on the Mankay podcast. Keep tuning in every Monday when I do an upload.
ah Spotify, Apple, Google, wherever you get your podcasts, except for YouTube, because I haven't figured that one out yet. um Check us out. ah Go follow our social media accounts. Follow me, TheLifeOfBryce on Twitter. Instagram and you can follow me at the man cave lewis on instagram there you go uh stay tuned we got more coming up we ain't going nowhere and we'll see you next week fellas peace