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Growth and Change in Personal Life

S1 E36 ยท The Man Cave Podcast
35 Plays5 months ago

In this episode of the Man Cave podcast, hosts Briceson Young and Luis discuss a variety of topics ranging from technical difficulties with their microphones to cultural stereotypes surrounding beer preferences. They delve into personal identity, career aspirations, and the importance of growth and change in life. The conversation shifts to relationships, exploring the emotional and physical aspects of infidelity, loyalty, and commitment. The hosts emphasize the significance of self-awareness and the impact of cultural expectations on personal choices. They conclude with reflections on happiness in relationships and the complexities of navigating love and fidelity.


00:00Introduction and Technical Difficulties

03:02Beer Preferences and Cultural Stereotypes

05:54Personal Identity and Cultural Expectations

08:48Career Aspirations and Life Choices

11:58The Importance of Growth and Change

14:52Navigating Relationships and Infidelity

30:01Understanding Emotional Connections in Cheating

44:54The Value of Loyalty and Commitment

51:52Closing Thoughts and Future Aspirations


Microphone Troubles and Solutions

That's me simulating a ah can opening because I opened my can of beer before the show kicked off. But welcome back to another episode of the Man Cave podcast. um Been two weeks. I got a good excuse this time though.
My previous mic, if you've listened to the past couple of episodes, I know my voice probably sounded a little glitchy or was off a little bit. My mic, like I said before, the USB port on the mic itself fell out of the mic. So I need to get that mic repaired. I bought a cheaper mic that came today. It's like a $55 mic.
So you guys can tell me if you hear the difference in this mic quality from the other one. The other mic is essentially a $279 mic. The mic I'm speaking on now is a $54 mic. So let me know how you hear the difference. I don't think my voice sounds as full as it did on the previous one. Yeah. Lewis, you said you agree with that, right? Yeah, it doesn't sound as like deep. You can't hear a lot of the pitches. Yeah, so.
I don't like it. It still sounds decent though. It still sounds good. Yeah, it'll get the job done. It's still a dynamic mic, but it's not going to be at the quality as before. So if you feel like nothing's wrong with your speakers, I promise you, you know. Well, you sound the same. You're good. You know, your boy isn't... I'm not sick. I mean, I'm not sick sick. I'm a little sick, but I'm not sick sick.
Everything is normal, it's just my mic. And so I've been through, I was using the mics that I used for my vlogging camera. I used that mic on a couple of episodes and then I was trying to use my Shure microphone through its XLR port on it. And I think it's just causing too many disruptions in the audio when it comes to uploading. So I'm going with this Fifi, Fifine. I don't know what it's called.
but ah That's the mic I'm using today. And in the meantime, I know Lewis said he's picking up the mic that I had, the Shure MV7, and mine will be fixed eventually. So pretty soon, we're both going to be sounding pretty fucking sexy on here. Please do not masturbate while driving. It's not safe.
jimmy yeah Don't do that. It's not safe. Don't be clicking the mouse while behind the wheel. Don't don't do that.

Beer Talk: Pumpkin Ales and Stereotypes

but um Yeah, tonight I'm sipping on ah Sam Adams Jacko, the Pumpkin Ale, seasonal flavor. I think it's pretty good. Bro, I'm gonna tell you though, I am a pumpkin whore. There was a one season, dude, I went out and bought, I went to Trader Joe's, had pumpkin flavored waffles. I got i got a pumpkin flavored waffles. I always get pumpkin spice coffee when it comes in season. um I love the pumpkin and I love Shipyard. Shipyard is a good pumpkin ale too.
It's not bad, it's just not for me. um man i know that everyone's like what the fuck you at true to england but but stay I drink iced coffee in the middle of the winter, I just don't like pumpkin, it's not me.
I never thought Sam Adams was good beer, honestly. I just realized, I guess I realized over the years, I never really tried their line. I was always just thinking about regular Sam Adams. It is a bunch of different flavors. Yeah, I didn't know they had all that. My whole, no offense or anything, but my whole i thought of Sam Adams was, oh, that's white folks beer. I knew it. You fucking dick. You're a dick.
I always thought it was white people beer, because I'm like, well, black people, we drink Heineken's and Corona's. White folks drink Budweiser's and Sam Adams. Who the fuck boss? I ain't never seen a black man go in the store and be like, yoll we'all keep sam adams in yo, we Sam Adams. ze Yeah. No, no black man's ever doing that. So I always thought Sam Adams was a black folks beer, but I might be the only I might be the only black guy I know that drinks Sam Adams, to be honest, so I still don't think it's a black person's beer. It still might be a white boy's beer. I don't know. Y'all tell me.

Racial Identity and Stereotypes Discussion

Let me know in the comments. Honestly, a lot of my boys that are black, it's you're right. It's Heineken or fucking like Hennessy. or See, I'm not wrong. and i don't get I don't understand black people's infatuation with Henny. I don't like Henny. I think Henny's nasty.
I don't like any, but you know a lot of black people tell me I ain't that black, so I guess. What what what the fuck does that mean? I ain't that black, what? Because my my personality isn't real. Oh, they say it to you, you're not that black. Yeah. my My vibe isn't real blackish, you know? Which is fucked up, bro, because you are literally from Mississippi. them Yeah, ah but...
And then the I kind of get them too though, you know, cause I, I joke with my wife too. She's like, I know I'm the first black guy that my wife has been with. So I tell her, I'm like, yeah, I can't believe you even like a guy like me. Like i you don't like a person being a black guy. But then again, I tell her too, like.
really i mean you got like the light version of a black guy you like you got the team who black man i don't do but let's fuck down you know the tv blackma oh my god like seriously like she Like when we first met, I know she wanted to cook for me and everything. And her black roommate was always like, well, you're not seasoning it right. And you should have fried it. I'm like, yeah know like I don't like a lot of seasoning on my food. I don't like my and don't like fried food, honestly. i try to I try my best to stay away from it. So I'm not a fried chicken guy. Yeah, but that's the thing. It's because of health for you. you're you're very ah healthy You're a very healthy person. You know it's not healthy for you. Yeah, I'm health centered. But I still got a lot of, I got a lot of,
Black characteristics that... I got a lot of light-skinned characteristics. Is it like that? I got a lot of light-skinned characteristics that don't really tie well with the black culture.
And there's one black guy right now that you know, or black woman that's like this motherfucker. I know my boy, my boy always like, Oh yeah. You know, he don't watch no world black television shows. Cause they'd be trying to ask me if I watch shy, to have I watched the shy or a power.
Yo, Power is a sick show. If you haven't watched that show, that is a good show. See that? See that right there? You just fucking, you fucking up my case right here. Yeah, that's a good show, bro. You're the white dude that watches fucking Power. And I'm over here, show man I'm over here watching the rookie still. I'm catching up on episodes of the rookie. Yo, the rookie's a good show too, though. It's a thing of both good shows.
I, the reason why I got into power is because one day I was just like randomly like swiping through the shorts on YouTube. Yeah. And it was this one scene. I don't remember the whole scene, but there was just one scene. I was like, Oh my God, this shit looks fucking crazy. And I started looking into it and then I one day came home and started watching it. It's a decent show. I don't watch it like religiously, but still good.
that's I know you're a busy dude.

Career Advancement vs Personal Life

You work a lot. You work a lot. I work, I got night school, and I got school for work. Dude, I don't have time for shit like that. You still doin' night school? Yeah, I got night school. You still doin' the computer science thing? Yeah, cyber security, that shit. Okay, okay, yeah. I didn't know you were still doin' that, you know? I was still doin' that, and then now I'm goin' to school for my job, like the AAC testing and stuff like that.
Are you a busy man, man? know The only way you're gonna get to the top is to climb Sitting stagnant. You ain't gonna get nowhere. way Yeah, I'm over here running around at the bottom of the mountain just Bro, it doesn't matter what mountain you're on as long as you're like trying to climb don't get stagnant You you won't realize you're stagnant until it's too late You do years and years in yeah, you're you're right about that. I was kind of just having a conversation with my wife talking about um our future together in what we're trying to get to and good I kind of had a conversation with a motto yesterday like in in real real brief days to Come on. Yo, if you listen as a model you can come to fuck on this show a motto a motto has has voiced a meal That he wants to come back um
two drills agooants that you told me earlier Yeah, I'm gonna get to them. But Amado told me about two drills ago, he wants to come on the show still. And again, he just said he wants on the top wants to know what the topic will be and let him know and he'll let me know when he's free. So he's still down to come.
um Captain Aliseya, he still wants to come. He always tells me, bro, come on, you got to get me on. And I'm like, and I know he wants to be on. I know he'll be fun. I just got to think about what can I, I got to think about what's the best occasion to bring all Captain Aliseya.
no I know he'll get wow and we like we want for it. We want people with personalities. dude Yeah, I Alice a has personality yeah He does he's cool shit, man. Yeah, I know I have some good stories with that guy. He's a good guy He's he's a cool-ass captain. ah Is it captain? I'll say it now. He's still can always just call him LT But uh, well actually I don't know I've been there in a while so you could have got a promotion.
I think it is Captain Ellis. Or maybe I'm getting mixed up. I don't know. Jonathan, Oh listen. I didn't even know his first name. I didn't even know his first name. It's just Captain Ellis. That's it.
listen john ah oh like me facebook too so I'm in a friend me what the fuck I'm going friend him so he can catch my uploads from now on I'm gonna friend him That's probably how you found out we had the podcast to begin with I don't it might have been from our motto or it might have been from You posting about the show. ah No, no, I'm curious. I want to say he did friend me. Let me see was either hen or one of the other sergeants because i think um I want to say too, you know, Amato got promoted to sergeant first class Saturday. Congratulations motherfucker. a Big ups to Sergeant Amato. He deserves it. I admit to go up to him and congratulate him right after. Good thing he caught me leaving on Saturday so I could, you know, shake his hand. Tell him congrats. I really do mean that wasn't just a throwaway like congratulations. Like I like Sergeant Amato. He's cool. He's good shit. He's good people.
He's never come off negative and um he had, he, yeah, he's, yeah, that's it. He's always comes up about, um, you know, Hey, when you're gonna put in that packet, what's going on with your promotion, you know, and i don't know if they like yeah I don't ever feel like he's coming up in some negative, you know, like big source type of way, you know, is.
I know. I think a part of him does care. he like He likes talking to soldiers and shit like that, and I appreciate him. So um yeah, man, congratulations. Good luck on where you're going and all that shit, and we're going to get you back on to talk about it or whatever. Yeah, definitely. But yeah, I always chat with him about... I think he asked me about what I wanted to do or some shit like that. and um What do you want to be when you grow up?
Well, because I know I asked him because I i messaged him once about a firefighting stuff. And what is it? What's what's like it take or how it was something about age because I know I'm 36 and i so I was seeing that a lot of them don't want anyone past 32. But I know that's not like set in stone. Apparently it depends on the county or the town. Yeah. And.
I would figure me. I'm 36, but don't I'm not built like a 36-year-old. I am a physically fit 36-year-old. That's what they mainly care about, honestly. Yeah. I would think if I walked in there and they see me like, okay, he's not a fat ass beer drinking 36. I mean, he's he's in his shape 36. Walking in with a gut, scratching your fucking belly button. I want to be a firefighter. Because I was mentioning to him now, a year Like about a year from my job now, I don't really want to be still doing this anymore. I don't know if I really enjoy being a maintenance tech or if I'm just doing it because the jobs I've gotten prior to this point keep leading me down the road of maintenance technician.

Job Dissatisfaction and Purpose

But I don't really enjoy maintenance technician. like i I feel like I'm not doing enough. That makes me feel like I'm serving a purpose in the world. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Does that make sense?
Yeah, because you join the fucking army and the army's like, put fucking pounds in your head. You're doing something that's making an impact. And in reality, if put in the right situation, yes, you're right. That does. But, but, but, and the other hand too is like, as you get older, that's one thing you kind of do. You look back at your past for like achievements. At least that's what I do. Like, don't get me wrong. Yeah.
yeah when i When I was like fucking 15 years old thinking about a head, I'm definitely not where I thought I would be, but it doesn't mean that I'm not living a good life because it it could always be fucking worse. I mean, you got to be positive. I really do. um But no, that's the thing. As soon as you get into a certain, I shouldn't even say a certain field, but as soon as you get into a job,
Any job that lines up with that, it's just easier to step in that direction because of comfortability because you're like, well, I at least know what to do. And that's the thing. That's why a lot of people get stuck in that rut, dude. And then they don't notice that they've been in the rough for the past 25 years. Man. Yo, seriously. I said a mouthful because I was having that conversation with my boy the other day from Mississippi. Like, bro, we're going to.
I said, I don't want to be like 40, 45 years old and say to ourselves like, bro, we're still in the same shit we've been talking about for years. We said we were going to do this, this, this. It's been now, now we're in it for 10 years. I don't want to be at that point where I'm too old now to even change it, at least at 36 and being still to somebody in shape. I still got the ability to change my path, change my direction, where I'm going and what I'm doing.
yeah If I wait too long, it's over, it's past me. And now I'm stuck doing technic technic technician jobs for the rest of my life because that's all I've ever done. So it's all I'm ever going to get.
and I don't think I really want that for my life, bro. I don't. I get it. I get it, bro, because that's the thing that's kind of, that's kind of where I'm at right now, where I've been doing this. Like, sorry, I'm not trying to, there's still a thunder, but just to compare it. Oh, no, no, that's hot, but talk about it, bro. I've been a mechanic for fucking almost 25 years. Like, next year will be 25 years, essentially, and I've been a mechanic.
And don't get me wrong. I love what I do. And i you know, it's ah obviously I'm good at it. At least I fucking hope so. I've been doing it this fucking long. You're good at it. And there's there's times where I'm like, and like I did what most mechanics want. You know, I own i ran my own shop, owned it, you know, and did that.
Not for me. There's ups and there's downs. I'd rather have more time to spend with my family. It's the way I look at it. yeah But this like I'm on the same trip. It's like, all right, I turned 40 this year, which, fuck it, I don't care. I'm not one of those guys like, oh my god, I got older. Dude, fuck that. Be happy you got older. There's some people that didn't make it to that fucking age. For real. But what it is with the whole like job thing, it's like, I don't want to be a mechanic till I'm fucking 55.
I don't I don't mind staying in the field doing something else But I don't want to keep turning wrenches every day to fucking pay the bills. I want to do something different So that's what I'm doing now. I'm trying to climb the company my corporate and the corporate company at work for I'm trying It's not slow moving at the moment of But I'm at least trying I've been talking all the managers and the fucking regional managers, but listen get me out of here Bring me up the fucking ladder. I don't i don't want to turn wrenches every day i'm just I'm trying to achieve money and happiness. I want financial happiness and I want late i won't labor happiness. I want to be happy in what I'm doing and I want to be happy in doing what I'm doing for the money I'm making. Go ahead, go ahead. I don't feel like that and don't feel like doing a job that I feel like I'm not i'm not serving purposely or purposely serving makes me feel like I am wasting my time.
All right. Well, that's tough. I don't want to do that. It's definitely hard to find a job that is equally fulfilling and paying.

Inflation's Impact on Financial Goals

That's the word fulfilling. That's what I'm looking for. It's very hard for that too. Like I, I love what I do. I'm passionate about it, but there's times that I wish I painted walls for a living. You know what I mean? like Like something simple, dip it in the paint, put it on the fucking wall.
Instead of having to fucking die like a car or explain to a grown person why they installed something incorrectly, you know, just stuff like that. It's frustrating for real. But it's tough because I wasn't going to put it. Sometimes you just got to like you want good money, but there is like.
Way more jobs that pay you really good money, but then you have no fucking time And there's other jobs that you have plenty of time, but you're not making good money Yeah, so it's it's it's I don't want to say it's impossible because it's not impossible But there is very few jobs that allow you to have ample amount of time and make you Decent money. I'm not saying good money Not like you're gonna be a fucking millionaire. I mean like like this and like this is feasible even in nowadays where inflation is fucking 30% or some ridiculous number even like I feel like 100k for if you had two kids you're married with a house 100k would be and like this is being sensible 100k would be sensible living because if you're making 100k you're bringing home about
depending on what state you live in, like 65 to 70 grand after taxes. At the end of the year. So that's good money. That's decent money, man. After the taxes, you're bringing home 65. That's decent. Yeah, that ain't bad. 100K is the new 50K. Yeah. It's fucking sad, bro. yeah like It's fucking sad, man. I feel bad for our kids. i For real. ah and There was a time, I'd say 10 years ago when in my first marriage,
If I made then what I'm making now, I'd be satisfied. I would have been happy. I would have been rolling in the fucking money. Cooling. Happy. Driven. I mean- Yo. That is fucking- I thought about that like too like two months ago.
Like, this is what I wanted. 10 years ago, I was like, if I can just make this, I will be set. Now I'm making that, I'm not set. Not even fucking closed. Not at all. It's ridiculous how um how bad inflation has gotten.
I'm not. That's the thing. You got to go Biden, bro. Yeah. Fucking shout out to Kamala. Miss Harris. Love you. Fuck you, bitch. Fuck that stupid bitch, dude. Oh, I'm not going to make this about politics, but fuck that bitch. No way.
I want to say um that was brought to you by Lewis. That was brought to you by Samuel Adams. jack Oh, pumpkin. Oh, and then it does it nice is so Jew and ginger ale. But I actually won this. I won a 12 pack today. I won something at drill, bro.
No shit. All right. I randomly just decided I was going to do $6 donation for the holiday party and it got you like tickets to put in for raffle. They had six different baskets, I think. And one of them was a 12 pack of variety of the fall flavors for Sam Adams with party pretzel mix. And for some reason, a fucking Reese's.
I mean, that was a odd ass fucking fucking weird. Throw in the bag.

Military Raffle Wins and Humor

I think that was just like leftovers. Like, here you go. Yeah. Just like, you know, use some leftovers. We're going to do these reasons. I just throw them in the fucking bag. OK, so yeah, I did that. I put all my tickets into there.
I won, and I couldn't fucking believe it. I'm sure when when they called my number and I said, right here, I bet people were like, who the fuck? Young Pox? I never win shit, bro. I never win shit. I was fucking lit.
I wanted to shake hands and come out like I was a wrestler making an entrance, bro. I wanted to do all that. I finally won something. I won, motherfucker. Yes. Yeah, I get that, though. Yeah, I stepped out. Yeah, I threw my hand up. Yeah, that's me right here. And I stepped out. I slapped Alvarez on the back. You know, he's platoon sergeant.
I slap him on the back, I walk up smiling, and all i excited. I'm like, fuck yeah, I finally got something, bro. I feel good about that today. oh that's my That's a highlight of my Sunday, by the way. Might be the highlight of my past few months, but- That's great. Flat Alvarez, fuck you. I mean, yeah. Well, speaking of drill, I was told we're talking. I think Alcindor came into the room when we were doing the- He's Sergeant yet?
No, he's specialist. ah But we were doing like this group OPSEC training and he came into the room and um he was talking to me about how he was just randomly listening to the podcast recently. And I was like, ah, fuck yeah, man. I appreciate you, man. Thanks for coming. No listening to shit. And he was like, ah and I was like, you know, you can come on one time, come on any time you want to. He said, yeah, you know, I went who am I? And I was like, oh, you know, set up something, let's do whatever. And um I think, uh, Olivera heard me in the corner. She was sitting in the corner. I think she overheard me speaking about it. She's like, what do you got a podcast? And Sergeant Sherman was there. She was like, I would like to listen to that because this motherfucker never says anything. He never says a word. It's real. So he actually gets you on like, oh, man.
All right. And I'm like, man, y'all don't want to hear the shit that I think that goes on my head. I mean, so I try to give a point i like, if you listen to it, I'm telling you, it's a different person, not a different person in the sense that it's not me.
It's fully me, is what I'm trying to let you know. Me on here is me talking what is Bryson Scott Young. This is me. You're welcome. And I'm the one who talked him into finally doing it. Long fucking time. ah He did do it on his own, but I talked him into doing it with us.
So I got a ah yes, I have a very potty mouth. um I talk about women. I say the word bitch and um the word bitch. I am very sexually knowledge. I think a lot of women are delusional and not all. I think pretty feet are a turn on. So those are my things. Those are my quotes.
if you got
um and um so Anyway, today, I know Alicia, I mean, Oliveira was going home. I guess she was driving home and she told me um she sent me a message. Let me see what the message said. I want to say for sure.
She said, uh, this shit is hilarious. I've been listening the whole time driving. Which one did you listen to? I don't know. I don't know what it was. So she listened to, do but I know we say shit on every episode, so it could be anything. It's what it is, man. though It's our opinion. You guys could not agree with it and we could still be friends. You know, it's all good. i love when i with this shit you're gonna laugh but yeah I love when I get those responses though, because I get those spots from a few people like, oh my God, that that was funny as hell. That episode was just funny. I laughed the whole time like, that's what I want to bring. I want you to laugh, but I also want you to see the seriousness behind all of it too. Like we do have a point behind it. Yeah. I mean, I do think a lot of women are delusional, but it's not all on all. It's not all on you guys. Men create. bad Yeah, we made you delusional, but yep.
for A lot of us, a lot of it coming from the simp ass dudes, they're simps. And they made you delusional because they made you think you deserve all the shit that you get when you really don't. like But anyway, wow. Hey, we're not going to go into details with that, but we can. We could one day.
but i am you know know what But just saying that we'd have to make like a whole episode about that because we get all the statistics so no one can gripe about it. Which we don't mind. We just kind of laugh. Talk about the comments after.

Listener Feedback and Military Humor

We're rated a 4.7 on Spotify.
oo At least at least rate us please be honest. Like, honestly, come on, we'll take it. when um We'll take the rating. So, Oliveira, I guess, was searching us up in the corner and she said, is it the one where there's a guy holding up a cup of coffee? Like, what? I'm like, well, no, that's a girl. And that was her mug.
Yo, I've met her at least like six times and every time she was like hi Okay, don't remember okay, and he goes he doesn't remember you Hmm I'd rather be I'd rather be forgettable just easier. I wasn't gonna be me that be forgetful ain't there really anybody I And I guess I've been fairly, I'm fairly talkative with Oliveira cause she's always been cool in my opinion. She's never given me shit. She's always been nice to me. No, she's never was mean to me. No, I don't think so.
Listen, it's fucking, I dealt with Sergeant Centrum, so that's enough. I dealt with Sergeant Raffinot. I got, yo, that's the thing. Raffinot's even worse, but Centrum was cool, but towards the end, man, he went crazy. Fucking, too much shit. He was ready to go home, bro. He was ready to go home. I know, but he, did even, like like Sergeant Rogers got irritated, that rental would like not went off on me, but just like vented to me about it.
He's only angry because he's taking on too much shit. Like, I know. The fuck? I know. Yeah, a lot of shit. A lot of shit. Whatever, though. Still got love for him. He's just crazy. So I think um our intro went a lot longer than I thought it would go. We just talked a whole mess load of shit. But this is what guys do when we got our drinks, we got our blunts. I don't smoke them in the army. And we're just chilling. I do it for them. I'm not in the ball. I can't smoke honestly anyway because it really fucks with me.
Yeah army or not. I still wouldn't smoke it makes me call the police police like check me yeah Like I get legit paranoid Legit it my I am high like no bullshit bro. No bullshit it who excuse me. Hold up Oh, that was a nasty burp. So I get my speech slurs, my heart races, my blood pressure raises up. um I get chills. I start shivering. God damn, dude, you guys are like a fucking trip. And then a whole fucking anxiety attack. I can't do TAC. I don't want to do it. But anyway, I got this video and i I'm sure me and Lewis will probably agree with it, but
This is just a clip or some snippets from a podcast that I know I reference a lot on here the fresh and fit podcast I Don't know I've ever tried this before on the podcast episode. So I hope it plays and goes through on the audio And if it doesn't there's going to be a long pause and I apologize But hopefully it works out. If not, just know when we are referencing something in a moment, we're going to be referencing the video that I'm going to play. So let me find that.
Uh, they learned why they can't have a high value man, high value man being successful.

Cheating in Relationships: Gender Perspectives

I make six figures. I'm over six feet tall. I'm very attractive. All of that. And one fucking nut sack. All right. Yeah. That guy's going to be like this fucking poon slayer. Oh yeah. They don't understand that though. He's going to know that though. Fuck.
less sir Let's get that rolling. Here we go. I'm gonna play this for you guys. The first minute or two. You don't, you break up with him. yeah It's over, bro. um yeah um Yeah, I genuinely think of a woman cheats on you. It's a rap like relationship completely over. ah Yeah, long job in a relationship. And that's to not betray you in the biggest form of betrayal is cheating on you with another man because men don't ask for much. ah And if you cheat, that's like the biggest form of betrayal. What about for a man? Do you believe that?
lewis the biggest form betrayal ah yeah ah cheating on a man for it for a woman cheating on him is the biggest form of betrayal that a woman can do to a man because we don't ask for much, as me. Because it's true. We just ask for loyalty. That's it. That's it. Loyalty. Be there. Support. But now that's not all men, because I know a couple of men that have, actually more than a couple, that their woman has cheated There's a biggest on form of betrayal? them.
Did they stay? Yeah. I find it hard to stay. I think he touches on it too. and um i i don't I couldn't, dude. It would drive me nuts. i would well We'll talk out, to keep going. Because I feel like, what I want to say too, a woman, um mean we are we know this, men, physical, women, emotional. When a man when a woman is getting, if a man if a woman lays down with another man,
They have shared an emotional attachment with the one another. Yeah, they don't get that. They're dope. Like, you're emotional by default. You can't help it. If you slept with him, you feel like you might love him. As a woman, I think that's how most of them go about it. A man, I can go fuck a bitch right now and not give a fuck about her after.
yeah out Honestly, this is why I'm gonna disagree you, bro, because I'm not like that. I can't just go bang a bitch and be like, I'm out. I can't. ah No, that's but that's me. I'm different. But that's also why I haven't. You sure like, I mean, you sure like if, okay, if a random girl- I have to have like some sort of something, dude, not just physical attraction. I can't. I wrong and i understand That has to be something, bro. I'm telling you.
I get that to an extent because I did have that conversation with somebody before too. like I prefer to have an attachment with you because it does, it feels better overall. It makes the sex 10 times better. Yes, I get that point. But I'm just talking from straight up just sick from a standpoint of, hey, do you want to come fuck me? Yes, you go fuck them. You telling me you can't fuck them without, fuck them and leave without being like, damn, I want to see here again. Oh my God, I think I like her.
No, no, it's okay. So hold on. That's not what I'm talking about. Okay. So, okay. So you're talking about something different because that's what I'm not talking about. Like I'm on the hook for them. Like not like that. No, like, I mean, it's just, it's just, it's just to have like a little bit more connection, but you you know how it is, man. Most men it's within the first, like,
Um, I'll say like probably half hour, maybe less is when you'll decipher whether she's sorry, this is going to hurt a lot of women's feelings of whether there's just in the, we're just going to fuck all the one that's like possibly girlfriend slash wife. like Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Whichever way, because I kind of believe the whole.
You're a wife when I met you type thing, you know what I mean? Yeah. You don't like promote into that? There's like features that you, you know, things you do and whatever. There's a bunch of different things. But, and everyone has their own list, but I believe in that. Okay. Let's continue here. I think that's, that's, that's, that's not as that big of a deal. And I know that's a controversial taking. Oh my God, what the fuck is it?
I think the reason why is because men are still able to love their women if they have sex with them. But women are not able to love their men if they have sex with them. That's the difference.
Dude, what do you think? I find some, I find some agreement in that my myself. yeah Yeah, because it's true. when When men, when a lot of the times when men cheat, it's for a physical reason. It's not because they're mad. No, that's what I mean. Like they want, they need sex because they didn't get it or they're not getting it in a certain way or there's just something about it that's not, you know what I mean?
They're not getting that strange. Like, you know, this would be like that. That's a lot of the times when men do it, when women do it, it's a lot of the times, not all the time. I'm going to make sure I fucking say this, not all the time, but a lot of the times they end up doing it because they just don't feel.
you know, loved, received, seen, like, you know, all the checks, you know what I mean? So that's why it's different. A lot of women cheat for emotional reasons because they needed, like, attention. They don't feel loved and I get enough attention. So know I've got to go get it over here. Yeah. So pretty much it's how it is either way you look at it. Yeah. It's all emotion. I can tell you for a fact, and I've said this on a I probably said on the very first episode when we both ah went over our history of our marriages and shit, but my reason for cheating was because I was not getting blowjobs in my marriage. yeah i don't I was not getting head and when I got the first opportunity,
to get head from somebody, I won't mention that person's name because I respect that person. I like that person as a person. so But when i when I got that opportunity, I took it. Why are you laughing, bro? It's just funny. I do. I respect i respect that person. I don't talk to them. There's nothing wrong with respecters. Listen.
Yeah, I definitely give me some good brain. I'm not going to say good. It wasn't even like it was. It wasn't even like it was amazing hit or anything. But when I finally did fuck off or whatever, it was. I just I respect them enough as a person. And I did consider them a friend back when we talked on a more consistent basis that I wouldn't want to. I wouldn't put their name out there like that, you know, or talk bad about them.
at all or anything you know i talk bad about a few bitches on this on this podcast but i won't talk bad about about her um but she was always cool with me but my point is that you know i was i was only entertaining anything because I was not getting head at home. And yeah that's where puns straight that's where it originated from.
So I mean, I'm not saying women, if you do sexual things, your man won't cheat, but I will say it. might help him not cheat as much. I don't know. Yes. It's true. It's it's true. And that's the thing. And you got to, before you quick to like react to make sure you put your shoe on the other foot, you know, would you do it in the same situation?

Navigating Relationships with High-Value Men

And you you know, and actually think about it. Just be quick to be like, no. What would you do it for a year? All right. How about 10 years? For real. For real. I, um, after listening to this episode, I went to my wife and I asked her,
If I was a high value man, 500k a year, I treat you well. I'm a great father. I'm a great husband to you. I'm still giving you the same love and attention you get now, but I'm telling you from time to time, I sleep around. What are you going to do? She said, that was a tough question. She doesn't know. And I said,
I said, wow, you would stay with me. Yep. You would stay. And she just kind of, you know, did that little yep like yeah a girl. like Yeah, I would stay. bla And he gets to it at some point in this episode, but um I've always felt this way and women are going to be like, are you fucking crazy? But think about it now. Just think.
Because if you already have a good man, he's a great husband. He's a great father. He makes a lot of money. He takes care of the household. But from time to time, you know, he sleeps with another woman. No, he's getting some strange. like That's pretty much it. But he's still the same guest guy. Yeah, but you know, he's getting some. Yeah. Why would you leave him?
because the next guy you get with probably won't give you half of the love that that man show shows you. that And steal che on you probably not not every it most likely still fuck around on you. And he ain't half the fucking man I was to you. So it's like, I wonder who's like willing to actually answer this. Like you don't have to tell, like we won't tell your names, but like actually send us a DM being like, yes or no. How many people react to that question?
i would love to know I would love to know because I feel like most most men most men generally over 60% of us are still going to cheat on you. The next man you get is going to cheat on you too. It might not be in two years. It might be in four or five or six or seven.
I wouldn't even be cheating. It wouldn't even be because like seriously seriously, given the scenario, I'll explain it again. You know, I'm making more than enough money. Treat everybody but everything the family and the house is fine. There's no issues. I want something on the side. And if I did, I would literally go up to him and be like, this is what I want. Like this is what I want. It's good. Everything's nothing's going to change, but this is what I want.
I will say there's still gonna be plenty of women that are gonna be like, no. But there's still gonna be plenty of women that are gonna be like, fuck yeah. That's like, why not? My life's not gonna change the life I've been accustomed to. Yeah, no, I'm not changing that life. Fuck that. Cause I mean, most of them, most of them know too, like, okay, most men are gonna cheat. At least this one fucking loves me. It's about the one that ultimately put the ring on your finger and called you the one. You are the one. It's true.
Because most men that make that much money They know they can cheat They know they can get women. So if you leave him I can find another woman that can provide the same shit you can provide But can you find another man that's going to take you that serious as I'm taking you?
and put a ring on your finger. That's because I think it's harder to find that man to put a ring. I don't think I know it is harder for a woman to find a man to put the ring on their finger than it is for a woman to find a man. I mean, then it's for a man to find a woman that will be with that will let them get pussy because just because of who they are.
for instance If I made six figures, I was a millionaire, bro. I can get pussy every night. Easy. Of course. Do you just pick a sick ass car, dry nice, dress nice? There you go. Go sell my film. But can a woman find a man who genuinely loves them and puts a ring on their finger every night? I don't think so. Don't think so. No, not genuinely, no. Did you insert that word? Nope.
so would you be honest with your woman like would you be open about it yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean not yeah so like so no just straight up i'd be like yeah to all my girls and they're go not going exist stupid just But I mean, but but what I'm saying is that like if your guide because because we brought girls on the show before so that have like left like very high and there were individuals or guys that like maybe were the father of the kids or whatever for cheating and I tell them all the time, you' nametime you're an idiot and they're like, what, why, why? And I'm like, yeah, you, you left the father of your kids who takes care of who care of you. Yeah, you might've had sex with another girl, but you're going to go get with another guy. He's going to do the same
100%. So, congrats. You know, I've always said you have to criticize women on this path. Only as faithful as our options. All men in a cheat? No, but a majority will. And if they have money, the likelihood goes up. So, I tell girls just kind of like deal with the rainstorm and get an umbrella.
they get it a fucking umbrella its oh yeah Oh My god, dude, that's fucking rough umbr Get a fucking umbrella. Holy shit men are going to cheat deal with it Not all not all but but but a lot a high value man yeah but's thing and it's it's literally it's what he said at the end serious money is involved that's the thing and what all women want what what's the most of the woman when they say
most Not the ones that ah that we normally talk about. All right, these are the ones that are always, and you know, oh, well, he needs to make minimum like 500 K. It's like, that's like less than 2% of the fucking population. you Danny needs to be six foot two. Then you, you're shrinking the population even more so. Yeah. It's like less than the percentage is like less than 1%. Danny needs to be attractive. You're shrinking it even more. Danny needs to be attracted to you. You're shrinking it even more. Like.
I was explaining this to a girl the other day and she would, cause she's like, uh, real big on the virginity stuff. And I'm like saving herself a marriage. And I'm just like, well, you want, so you want a guy, let me ask him. She's, she's young. She's in the early twenties. So I still props to her. Damn props to her for sure. But.
You're still, I told you, you're still likely going to get your heart broken though. I know you don't want to do these things because you feel like you're gone. You want to get your heart broken, but it's going to happen. A guy is going to fuck you over. It just, it's going to happen. Every woman is going to have to deal with heartbreak. You got to deal with heartbreak. Love teaches you hurt. Yeah. It's going to teach you a lot of shit. It's going to teach you a lot of shit. You got to deal with, you got to go through it. Like we all went through it. We all went through it. Everybody goes through that shit. So you're going to have to go through it. But, um,
Where was I going? I lost my, uh, my thought there, but... My bad. Oh, no, you're good, bro. You're good. You know, always speak up. This is your show. So, always speak up. But, uh, damn, where was I at? Where was that well I at? Oh, my bad. I'm gonna find it. I'm gonna find it again. Jesus, somebody give me a fucking map.
I can't remember. Fuck it. Um, Sacho. Is this where we play more of this video? Uh, yeah, I'm going to play a little bit more of it, but, uh, I just know this, uh, episode was brought to you by fee fine microphones. It ah seems to be working fine right now. So, you know, if you, if you, me fine, you know,
ah it's fucking love this fucking podcast let's look go yeah yeah but in fucking chi she tongue see guys and drink and because women you remember how we said women get turned on outside and they get you they're emotionally invested and woman has sex with other men that means she's emotionally invested it's over fan but what if somebody oh like if you had a daughter or your mom like a man no but see she started with but be like what So you it didn less know about it like but see that right this question yeah What if it was your daughter How do you advise them if a man that you know is there's a high value man is cheating on your daughter? How do you advise your daughter? on that
and Like wait, minute it depends on and this is gonna sound bad, but it depends on the position know what I mean? If she's the wife like the number one and it's been like that and he's like ready to like he's been doing this shit That's that's tough man, that's real tough Because you wanted to be accustomed to have a great life because she will at that fucking point
but you're also a man and you know you know what we know the next man is probably gonna cheat on you to be honest me you know me me and you like I don't know about you do but I've already looked in a way so like track people and look up information just in case but that's part of the army hey you should have trained us if you didn't want us to use this shit so like I'm gonna be that dad so I'm definitely gonna look into the guy but if he if he's like a dirtbag I don't give a fuck I wouldn't want my daughter to be treated like a piece of meat like it all depends and you mean it's tough it depends on the position it really is a tough thing to like if he has a wife and that's my daughter's like his number his girlfriend no fuck no
Oh, okay. Yeah, not that, but we're saying your daughter is the wife. She is the number one. She has the โ€“ she is the mother of his children. Yeah, honestly, I'd bring it up to her because at this point, she's a grown woman and I love her. Yeah. Like I โ€“ she's not a grown woman now, obviously, but at that point, I'm hoping she's a grown-ass woman and I'll sit down and talk to her and as long as she's aware of it and she understands it.
Then I'll be okay. That's literally how it is. Like I told my, so like, I love my sister's, uh, husbands. Like they're all great guys, but when I first met them, like growing up, I've been talking about like 18, 19, I was like scrawny motherfucker. And I was like, listen, I love you guys. But as long as my sisters are happy, I don't care. My sisters aren't happy being a fucking bro. Because I was just, you know, that's how I am. but you I think that's what it comes down to for me too. As long as my, if my daughter is happy,
Yeah, she's happy and if she's happy she is the number one Like I mean like he would have to be honest like I would yeah had the honor She would be realistic to like you know that if okay, I honestly know if she leaves him I mean like you're losing in all your financial security for to go to the next guy and all the minds do the same If there's no prenup or nothing remember that this there's a lot of factors into that question. I So we'll say factors instead of that, we'll say very variables because it's true. There's many other details that needs to be added because there's different outcomes. Yeah. But just in case, can you go back just a little bit? Cause I was talking a little bit in case these guys didn't hear what these, the question was, I just hit like 10 seconds. Um, it really was just, um, well, I'll just go back a little bit. Let me see if I can.
Or am I at now on the 157 mark? Let's go back to 136. thirty
But if a girl cheats on you, it's not the same. Because women, you remember how we said women get turned on outside and they get you they're emotionally invested? The woman has sex with another man. That means she's emotionally invested. It's over. vested so So but what if somebody like if you had a daughter or your mom like a man and cheated on them? Like would you still be like, oh, yeah, that's fine Good question. So I've had a daughter and she got cheater on it But the guy like took care of her and he was like a good man. I'll tell her suck it up suck it up. I Tell her this is how men know i would no no no this is what this what i'll tell my daughter literally I'll tell her Do you want a man who's successful that makes money like daddy? Yes, I do. Okay, I
men like this come with a price but you're teaching her her like words you know saying like you're gonna let her get she's getting cheated on and you're like that's okay don't understand your words because it's for money I get tired of women, I'm sorry women, I get tired of y'all in your fucking worth. You're a dime a dozen, okay?
Your a a dozen. i hate ah that's one I hate that statement. That's one of the most hated women's statements that I have. I mean, I know my worth, girl. And I'm, girl it is. Not your worth. Like, shut up, bitch. Fuck. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. I know guys buy you drinks at the bar and you fuck them later that night. Your worth that night was $15 Martini. That was your worth that night.
I know girls that go out and they fuck after a nice dinner date. So your worth was $115 dinner date. Like, shut the fuck up. You don't fuck just by looking at my car. So your your worth was looking at my vehicle that looks nice. You're like, oh, I can get something out of it. Like, so you're going to fuck me because of the car I drive?
Your worth ain't shit. Shut the fuck up about your worth. No one um gives a fuck. I don't care what nobody thinks about that. I don't care what nobody fucking cares. Let's see what she says in that place. No, no, no. don't care what she's gonna say. No, it's not for money. take No, no, no, no. no it's not It's not the money. It's the title.
whos What about the title of your daughter? Why not focus more on teaching her to be a better woman and doing it on her own, making that money that a man will have on her own and elevating like that and finding somebody. Do you think men find independent women attractive that make money?
The answer is actually a profound no. We don't give a fuck. Well, all men are different. Actually, you are right. Yeah, the brokies, you are right. Well, like, they can. That's what it finesse your ass. Yeah.
Successful men want money. They don't give a shit about that. So what I'm going to tell her, I'm going to be honest with her, I'm going to be like, do you want a man like your father? Yes, because a lot of times women typically want, if they want to emulate, they want their boyfriend or the man that they're with to emulate the strongest male figure in in their life. And if they don't have a male figure, then that sucks for them.
but They typically do and i'm gonna tell her like yo getting a guy like this typically comes with Certain things and you're gonna have to you're gonna have to deal with it. And if he has another woman, that's fine But are you the main girl? That's what matters. Are you the wife? Do you have the ring? Do you have the house? Do you have the kids? Yeah, that's yep. Yep. Damn. Yeah Because at first I was like fuck he's not going and then at the end all that shit at the end it depends It depends on the situation and And again, it's it's on her. You know, she's happy she knows that That's where I'd be like, hey, I love my daughter, she's happy and it's sort of bad. And that you can't you can't live her life for. I mean, God's your daughter, do what they're gonna do. like And I hate that question, honestly, when they're like, oh, what about your daughter? It's like, you know what? Every girl is somebody's fucking daughter, okay? so Every one of them. So that's a fuck that question, because I'm not gonna involve my emotion into a question, because that's literally worse than go.
And a lot of the girls on these shows, on the panels, they'd be fucking OnlyFans, bitches. So, I mean, what about your dad? I mean, you're an OnlyFans girl, then you have a father. I mean, do you, I mean, you can reverse that question too. So fucking slides.
Oh my god. Welcome to the show in case you're a new listener. Oh man, I hope you love your your time here, you know. If you do, get a chair, grab a drink. Welcome back. Sit back and kick it with your boys, man. Louie and B. Louie and B. Come on, Louie. Name the podcast of B and Louie. Fuck that. No, I like the mini cave.
It's funny when I bring it up to like a group of women and they're like, oh, it's like, no, it's not bad. It's it's a good, you guys should list to it. Yeah. In case you guys don't know the premise. you don't to it We do talk shit, but not like that.
The premise of the Man Cave, I know we talk about relationships a lot because we find enjoyment in dissecting that category. It's very intriguing, it really is. Yeah, it really is. But mostly the Man Cave podcast for me was the idea of If you were a fly on the wall in the basement and guys is on are down there watching a football game having beers, what would the conversation be? Y'all always wanna like, what do guys even talk about when they're together?
That's what my idea for the Man Cave podcast is. And that's what it what that's what it was. and That's what it is. That's what I wanted to be. It's guys sitting back, having a chat, smoking, drinking, and conversing. And, you know, just like guys do.
talking shit the way we would talk if we were in the privacy of our own little man cave basement. That's it. And, you know, that's what you're going to get here. ah So it's unfiltered a little bit. Well, and not a little bit. I say a lot of shit. Yeah, na well no. Two appointments filtered, but two appointments not. There's an episode about transgenders. Oh, that one's a good one.
Yeah, that's a fucking and about that one you get it. Oh, yeah And the one about are you gay? and you remember remember are I like are you gay? I think I called it bro. Are you gay? yeah think the inev of us it is the oh i like that one ah like that just go to bring up another one soon i get there right now I was thinking about that episode today because it crossed my mind again like I'm thinking, like as a man, you are built to be attracted to women. If you saw a man as a woman, but you didn't know they were a man initially, and you called them attractive, why are you not gay then, but you'd be gay later if you found out they were a man, and fuck them. Yeah, I don't know the question.
And then you had a secondary question of, would you tell anybody? Exactly. Would you tell anybody? The answer is no, by the way. No, I would not. No one tell no one. but I wouldn't tell anybody because i I probably wouldn't do it. I wouldn't tell anybody anything because I go fucking mute. after yeah you Once I see meat hanging, I'm good, anyway. I'm good, bro. I'm done. Once I see that little dang-a-ling and, you know, I'm all set. I'm going to try to at that point. My heart is gone. I don't know what happened to Louis, but he just came home and he never talked after that. Never spoke again. Since then. Fucking shit. Oh, fucking dicks. Yeah, that's a good episode.
There's a bunch of good ones man. What is like a lot of people like the girls one? Yeah, there's a lot of questions about the group girl. So that is a good episode the groupon man By the way people if you don't know a frequent visitor of a podcast I started her own podcast and I in What's that word? ah What's what I'm looking for? I'm intrigued Oh, I insist you guys ah go listen in and get the female perspective that you don't get over here. um That would be Pinky's up on Spotify or wherever else you get your podcasts. I think there's an intro episode up.
Yeah. But go listen. Check it out. Then you come listen to us and you're like, damn, those guys over there. Both sides of the fucking coin. These guys over there are sitting in the man cave. They're pretty fucking right about shit, man. But, you know, you break my mind. Come on. It's good to get both perspectives.
Yeah, give both perspectives and see how you feel. I think, honestly, and and I'll say this on both sides, but mainly women because I, i all joking aside, I do think if women were dead ass, sat back, looked inside them, stepped outside of their bodies and looked at themselves.
You know, a lot of the ways that I think women think about things are delusional. I'm not saying it's all of you, but it's a large majority. It's very delusional thinking. And I feel like if you're still single at such a late age and you're trying to figure out why, I think you need to look at a little bit of your self delusion. And if you clean that up, you might, you just might find yourself.
Happy. I was going to go somewhere dirty with it, but I said I'm going to find yourself folded in half.
yeah It's probably where he was going, I just guess. Something like that. But on the other end, bro, if you don't, you got any closing statements you want to give to the episode or anything you want to say? No. Welcome back, guys. All right. Keep it coming. Let us know what you guys, let us know if you need or want for some type of topic or some shit like that. I started with that shit.
and yeah If you're still you want to ever guess on the episode you feel like there's something you want to put to the table Always drop into my DMS. It's okay to slide through the DMS my DMS or Lewis's DMS You can also hit us up on man K pod clips on tick tock You can follow the YouTube where there's not much activity, but it's Man Cave TV, if I'm not mistaken. And you can follow the YouTube page. I mean, the Instagram page, Man Cave TV or Man Cave. Fuck it. Just follow my page. Okay. Just follow me, Life of Bryce on Instagram. It's a lot easier. And from there, I mostly post the episode links and updates. So you can follow the show there. I hope you guys are enjoying the, uh,
I hope you guys are enjoying the comeback. Don't call it a comeback. No ditty. Support the show. Love the show. Like the show. Please leave a subscribe. Subscribe to the show. Please subscribe to the show. It helps get bring in new viewers. Please like the show. It helps bring in new viewers. Please comment.
yeah and rate the show for what? Guess what? It brings in fucking viewers, okay? And the more eyes can bring to the show, the closer you can put get me to quitting my fucking day job. Okay? So like, comment, share, subscribe, share with anybody you think will be interested. Anybody you think could use a little laughter in a life, we bring a fucking shit ton of joy and we will see you next Sunday for another powerful episode of the Man Cave podcast.
Do say think sleep tight. Enjoy your football Sunday. We'll see you. Peace later