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The Power of your Soul Animal with Fox Lantern image

The Power of your Soul Animal with Fox Lantern

Shine on You with Renee Novello & Christina Lanae
98 Plays2 years ago

Hello beautiful friends! 💖

This is one of my FAVORITE interviews yet!  This week, I am talking to Fox Lantern, Animal Soul Guide and Artisit.  Fox is notorious around Wilmington (and beyond) for her animal soul readings where she identifies what animal is the signature essence of your soul. In her highly informative sessions, you will learn what your unique soul animal needs to thrive in it's enviroment as well as how it fits in with other animals existing in your ecosystem. It's beyond fascinating and I learned so much about myself as an indo-pacific humback dolphin that has helped me greatly with communication and overall my role in the world. 🐬💗🪶 

Fox is such a sweet and endearing soul - check out the opportunities to connect with her >>> @thefoxlantern on IG

- How Fox's upbringing of moving often as a child and being immersed in different environments contributed to her getting into this work

-Her connection with animal communication and a background in veterinary science influenced her uncovering her gift

-The moment she knew this intuitive gift was her calling and how she began to trust sharing it

- Hear specific examples of her clients having highly unique soul animal species

-What is the difference between your soul animal and a spirit animal?

-How knowing your soul animal energy frequency helps you navigate life.

-How the introduction of one animal can change the entire ecosystem of an environment 

-How Fox's process and gift works while in session with her

-More aligned you are the more you attract similar animals of your species

-What's to come in and in the works for Fox's work in the world


Introduction and Setting

Hi everybody. I am sitting down to record this introduction to an amazing guest in the earlier morning. I have a cup of coffee. I have my morning voice on and I'm just getting settled in here to the, to the day.

2023 Reflections and New Beginnings

How are you doing? How is 2023 so far for me feels like a refreshing
new beginning. And I have felt like I've been in this liminal space for the past couple of years of not really feeling super grounded or confident.

Soul Animals and Introduction to Fox Lantern

And this year it feels like the energy is changing in a positive way. I know that after the new year and the holidays, it takes us a while to get our bearings. And I feel like this month is just flying by. I'm recording this towards the end of January.
And I can't believe it. I can't believe that January is almost done. But I have a question for you. Have you ever wondered what your sole animal is? I know, not a normal everyday question. But today we have a very, very fascinating guest. She is a sole animal guide.
She is notorious in Wilmington. Her name is Fox Lantern. And I cannot wait to share this conversation with you. We get into her background, how she came into this, how she came into her gifts and her abilities, and how much of an impact it can have when you know you're a soul animal. So plug your earphones in and get ready. You are going to probably be fascinated by this conversation.
And if you get a reading with her, you have to tell me, what is your sole animal? Leave a comment on Instagram or send me a DM. I would love to know.

Fox's Background and Connection to Animals

Enjoy this conversation with Fox Lantern. Hi Fox. Hi. I'm so excited to be here. I have been literally looking forward to this and envisioning our time. So thank you for being here. Oh, thank you for having me. This is going to be fun. I think today.
I think so. I think so. I have shared with my folks over on Instagram a little bit about the animal soul reading that I did with you back in 2021. And it was a super popular post. People were so curious and had so many questions. And to have you here in this space with me, I'm just, I'm so excited to share what comes through with everybody today.
Awesome. Awesome. Well, I'm happy to answer questions and bring a little bit more light to what I do and maybe help you and anybody who's listening, like understand it a little bit more so that they don't feel so apprehensive about approaching these kinds of subjects in the metaphysical community.

Discovering and Refining the Gift of Soul Animals

So this will be good. Awesome. Yeah. Okay. So I do have quite a few questions. So I appreciate you being open and we'll just roll with it.
Before we get into specifically what you do and your work and your notoriety here in our town and beyond, tell us just a little bit, if you will, about you before you were a soul animal guide. And tell us about you and if there were any breadcrumbs or inklings that you would be doing this work in the world.
Absolutely, plenty of breadcrumbs. If not giant slaps in the face, but I wouldn't have known it until I started doing this about 13 years ago so a little bit about me, I was born and raised overseas my father worked for the US government so we move it around a lot to different countries while I was growing up.
That has at the root of like big parts of who I am and who I identify as and I think that those experiences being able to be in different ecosystems different environments definitely fed into this line of work that I'm a part of.
animals have always been there for me from a very young age. I have plenty of stories and possibly if you talk to my mother horror stories about me interacting with wild animals or trying to get close to them and talking to them. And I say talking in quotation marks because animals definitely do communicate, but not in the same way that humans do, obviously. It's a whole other
I think podcast on that particular subject, but I would approach them animals always made sense to me as a child and so that was a big part of the, the foundations for what I do, for sure. Then, throughout the years moving around.
When I would learn how to draw, I would draw animals all the time. It was a way for me to work through some of my own experiences. Animals made more sense than people. So that was kind of what I would create around me. And when I got into high school and I was doing my art projects, I would incorporate a lot of animals.
both like real but also animals of legend to kind of work through the psyche of myself. College, I went to school for veterinary science and I did that for six and a half years, worked emergency. And so

Understanding Soul Animals vs. Spirit Animals

I have a background in actually working with animals, understanding them on a biological level, but also I have
a deep love for animal and human behavior. So that kind of was an underlining tone to all of that. So fast forward to about 13 years ago, when I left the veterinary world, I fell back into my art, started creating from there. And then it was my art that got me to a metaphysical store here in Wilmington, North Carolina.
And there I started working with other readers, healers, psychics, intuitives. And of course, they all say, as you know, everybody's intuitive. And of course, at the time, I didn't feel like I had what they had. I was sitting in rooms with people who were able to see people who have passed angels, you know, light spirits, beings from other planets and other worlds. Like I did not feel like I was anywhere in the same
vein of their world. So I just kind of sat and learned and absorbed. I read all of the classic books like the vortex and the four agreements and all of those things, right. And I started to understand the basic ideas of energy. And then one day we got books in on spirit animal guides and in true
lackadaisical fashion, right? I was asked since I worked with animals, if they were an animal, what would they be? And suddenly just things started like clicking. And I just said what came to mind. It wasn't a magical like,
blue fairy coming out of the void to be like, behold, your gift. Definitely wasn't like that. It was just kind of matter of fact. And then of course, the individuals that were around me, when I said what I said, they went straight to those books that we got, and they started reading and thumbing through them, and found a lot of correlations to what I was saying, that matched up books that I'd never read before. So now my curiosity had peaked.
And now I was like, okay, there's something to this. And slowly, thanks to the readers that were in that space, they would bring out their clients to me and just be like, Hey, do the thing that you do. And I would do it. And people would be like, Oh my God, that's me. And I'm like, that's crazy. I'm still very like to this day, still amazed that there is
something there to it, right? And then I started to really get into researching. And of course, I came across a lot of shamanic practices from around the

Process of Identifying Soul Animals

world. There are a lot of different cultures, obviously, I think it's just natural for human beings to lean towards nature when looking for answers in a spiritual sense. So there are a lot of cultures who incorporate animals into their practices.
but what I was finding was different to what I do versus what they were doing is that I could see all kinds of animals. I wasn't just seeing an animal from a very specific region or topography or geography, right? I was seeing all kinds of animals and it wasn't just a broad spectrum like, oh, you're a horse because there's a lot of different types of horses out there or you're an eagle, you know, or in your case, a dolphin, right?
there's a lot of different types out there. And then that was where I started to really develop my theories as to what it was I was actually picking up on. And those were the breadcrumbs that kind of got me to here. And they're all facets of who I am in my practice for sure. Wow. Oh my gosh. So tell me like, what was it like for you when you started to trust this gift? Because to your point,
You're not just identifying someone as a cat or a dog or horse. You're very specific in the species that you are identifying

Impact of Soul Animals on Relationships

and how
It sounds like it was a muscle that you just had to learn to trust. Would you say that's accurate? Yes, absolutely. And even to this day, after 13 years of doing this professionally, I still have moments where I ask myself if I'm just straight up cookie dukes. I think it's just a part of what we do as intuitives.
I think that check-in is a good ego check too. Like I'm like, well, you know, this could just be a really good game of pretend or there is something to it. And then it's, it's usually when I start asking that of myself and checking in with myself that way, that there are some pretty amazing things that happen.
And so when those things happen, when there's affirmations, confirmations, validations through the people and the situations that I'm in, it draws me back in to further understand why I can trust this gift, why I can trust what it is that I'm doing and just kind of keep following it. It's tough though, just like earlier, you know,
I was sitting here and I was trying to tap in to check on my own gift and sometimes my own ego will test me and it'll put me in that space of fear and make me wonder whether or not like this is something that I can do and whether or not there's legitimacy to it. I think that that's normal though, as any practitioner, if there's a practitioner out there who's like, oh yeah, no, it's that and it's only that,
I would worry that they're not fully checking in. And I think that that's part of learning trust, right? But it became a muscle definitely. And it is a muscle that I have to keep working at. And it's a...
The trust part, the deepest part of what I do specifically, the trust is to know that there are animals out there that I don't know exist. And then trust that what I'm getting is out there. Case in point, I did a session for somebody a few years back and all I saw in my mind's eye was what's shaped like a dove or a pigeon, right? Cause they're in the same family and they have a very specific shape to them, but it was colored like a parrot. And I was like, I don't,
I don't think this is a real animal, you know, like in my head, I'm seeing these bright parrot colors like yellows and greens and purples, but it's shaped like a pigeon and a dove. And I know that like,
you know, the pigeons that we see in New York or in Paris, right? Like they have colors on them, but they're predominantly grays and browns. So to see this, I was like, okay, so I went to Google, thank goodness I have that in this day and age, right? And I typed in parrot color dove and found the fruit dove from the Philippines.

Future Plans and Connecting with Fox Lantern

So, and that was exactly what I was seeing. I just didn't know, you know? And so that's the part that's been kind of crazy and zany for me.
Because I'm learning along the way too. There are billions of people, there are billions of animals, millions of species, ones that are even extinct, you know, and I've got to like, tap into that and trust. Can you let's back up just a minute? Yeah, yeah. Because I think that there's
Something very distinct and special about your gift and what you are bringing through. Can you just tell, because I think it's common for people to know the term spirit animal.
Can you just share for us or enlighten us, what is the difference between what you're doing with soul animal guidance, right? Versus spirit animal or totem animal. Like, can you kind of break it down a little bit, the distinction? So for a long time early in my practice, I was calling what I do spirit animal work. And that was because a lot of people that I met only knew those terms, right?
And it worked for me for a long time. I think that that really lent itself to being able to connect with people too, because it's terminology that was comfortable and known. But in recent years, maybe in the last five years, I started calling what I do soul animal work because I felt that there is a distinction between that and general spirit animal guidance, right?
In my terminology, a spirit animal guide or a spirit animal is an animal that shows up on your journey to help you. This animal could be a physical animal, like you could be driving down the road and see a beautiful hawk like fly down in front of you. And then there's that message from the universe. You could be having a dream about a polar bear over and over again. You could have a guided meditation.
and you see a spider, you could hear a commercial or see a type of t-shirt with a logo on it over and over again. These are animals that the universe is using to talk to you, to help you, right? Whereas the soul animal is the animal,

Conclusion and Reflections

the species-specific animal that represents your core energy signature.
So think of our core energy signature, the soul, the vibrational frequency that makes you who you are within your body, the life force, if you will. My theory is that what I'm seeing and what I'm interacting with in these spiritual metaphysical situations is that in the form of an animal.
It's not that you are an animal, it's that your soul energy or your core energy vibrates at a similar frequency. And by understanding that, then we can start to map out the ins and outs of how you connect with the world around you, what your communication styles are like, what your needs are on a very deep level, on a level below the surface of your physical experience, but more on your metaphysical plane.
That's where I started like really differentiating my practice. And I truly believe that there is something to it. I don't know exactly just yet the magnitude of that, but the more and more people I've met over the years and the more I've helped them like connect with that part of them. And I use animal biology, kind of like a culture in itself, like I was saying earlier.
And when I help people re-identify their internal vibrational culture, then they can start to express themselves more authentically and more full heartedly in their experiences, in their physical human experience, right? So that's the big difference. So spirit animal is a guide, a soul animal is you on a very core level. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
So in the essence of that soul animal, does it change or are you in your work seeing that that is a core essence that stays consistent for you lifetime after lifetime?
My working theory is loosely based around physics. Energy can't be destroyed. It moves. So if we apply that to the metaphysical idea of reincarnation, then that energy gets moved into new experiences when the old experiences, for example, the carriage, the body, that that dies.
then the energy moves into a new space. So when I started really formulating my ideas around my practice, my theory is that no, your soul animal wouldn't change because your soul animal is the representation of that energy that cannot be destroyed. So,
theoretically speaking, if you had a past life as a postal worker, right, like you may have been, you know, running the post in the hills of Taiwan.
in your past life and you would still have the same animal then that you do now. It's just that you had a different experience with it. So the energy itself does not change. So my personal idea is that every lifetime I've been a red fox energy. It's just that the bodies change, the experiences change, but it's because that energy itself is required in those spaces, the same as it's required in the spaces that I'm in now in a different way with different people.
So if you think about energy like an ecosystem, ecosystems demand balance, you know, it's one thing I talk about a lot with people and ecosystems maintain their balance by the ebb and flow, the push and pull of each of the animals in that space. If you go onto YouTube, you can look up how Yellowstone reintroduced wolves and it changed the course of the river. That's one of the best examples I've seen. But if you think about that and apply that to like your own experiences,
that same idea, that same concept is in play all the time. So in that particular story, the Yellowstone National Park reintroduced wolves. When the wolves came in, it culled back the elk population. The elk had been decimating the plant life along the course of the river. And when the elk population was pulled back, some of those plants got to grow back into place. And when they grew,
the root system started solidifying the banks of the river. And when the banks of the river started solidifying, there wasn't an erosion. And when there wasn't an erosion, it invited beavers back. And when beavers came back, they came in and dammed up certain parts of the river and it changed the entire flow and course of the river, thus supplying Yellowstone with a new ecosystem for it to thrive. So just the introduction of one species changed everything for that space.
And if you think about like your family as an ecosystem, you think about your workplace like an ecosystem, you walking in with your soul animal is influencing the ebb and flow of that space. Some places will be comfortable, others will not. And that's at the root and the foundation of how I help empower people. Yes. Yes. I have chills. That is exactly the experience I had working with you personally is, and I,
I'll just share from what I got out of our session was profoundly helpful in terms of my own empowerment and communication. And like you said, in allowing people to see potential areas of strength and weakness and how that all kind of comes into play to live really more fulfilled. And that was, I listened to our recording.
You can work, we'll talk about how you can work with Fox, but I worked with her one-on-one in person and we, I recorded it. I've listened to it, I think two or three times now. I've taken notes. I mean, I got so much out of it. So it's not like I'm just like, oh, cool. I'm a Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin.
You know, it's a long, long name, long name, which is a jaw dropper in of itself. And, you know, how you tap into those specific species, I want to talk about that in a second, but I, you know, I have gotten so much out of that and it
Absolutely. For me, you know, in my family, I wanted to know who who are these animals I'm living with? And we have we've so far identified my daughter as a North American North American flying squirrel, which is also, by the way, bioluminescent and glows in the trees. And if you all have any insight into my daughter, that is 100 percent her. She is flying. You know, her thought process is very squirrel. She flies around.
getting into things and lighting up the world. I can see this so clearly. So when you started, well, when you found, when I found out about my animal, I naturally wanted to understand the other animals in my ecosystem. So there's just so many cool layers that you can go with this and tap into and discover. And really, it's really profound. It's really helpful. When you, let me ask you about your process a little bit. And you said this before, but I'm just curious,
or maybe the listeners is wondering too, like when you, when you either, cause you work with people virtually, right? Mm-hmm. I virtually am in person, but yeah. Okay. But more virtually nowadays, thanks to COVID. Do you, do you just kind of drop into their energy? Is it visual for you that you see, like you said with the dove parrot, parrot dove, but do you see it or do you get like a voice that comes through? Like how does your gift work
Oh, so I've been trying to describe this for years. I'm gonna do my best again. So with the virtual appointments, right? So I usually ask for a photo ahead of time. And the photo, what that does is gives me a place to aim. Do I think I need it? Probably not. I don't think I really need the photo, but I think for my own process, having one also gives me
you know, something to focus on for a second. And I don't even focus on it all that often. Typically when somebody sends me their photo, I glance at it, set it down and look away from it. Just as I would with a person, I don't typically stare at the person in my in-person sessions because I need to disengage to re-engage, if you will, right? Now the part of my brain that I'm accessing, and this is the best way I could describe it, which is probably not its best selling point,
but is the part of my brain that I use for imagination, right? So if you can imagine an apple in front of you.
That's kind of what's happening in my own brain. The same way I can imagine an apple in front of me, I imagine a person's animal in front of me. And that's where it starts. That's the click over. That's the change over for that experience. But the key here is I'm not looking for an apple. Like I've not sat there and gone, okay, look for the apple. Look for the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin. What I'm doing is I'm just going, okay, who am I dealing with?
And sometimes it's like right there. I have it, they're right in my face. I know what that is. There's nothing else that it could be, right?
And other times it's bits and pieces like the fruit dove, right? So like, I see the shape, I see the colors, but I don't know what to call it. And then sometimes I hear sound. I hear sounds that I recognize what they are, but now I have to find them. I don't know why that is. I have theories as to why that process unfolds that way.
sometimes I even just get a feeling for their ecosystem like I know that it's cold or I'll remember like being somewhere when I was a kid and be like okay so they must come from that part of the world so I start to scan. My theory is is that sometimes when that's happening it's
Maybe because that person's a little bit distant from their own self, their own authenticity. That's a working theory. But for the most part, it's an unfolding. My mind is just unfolding that information. And then once I've got the animal, then I start to quote unquote talk to them. Now this is where it gets a little zany or zanier. We're here for it. Yeah, awesome. Excellent. I know I'm with the right crowd. So what gets a little bit
more convoluted I guess is that I'm talking to these animals and again I'm using quotation marks here but I'm talking to these animals to get an idea of you specifically the person that I'm reading specifically right because here's the thing I could be in a room full of the same animal but all of you have different experiences
All of you have come from different ecosystems, environments, energetic situations. You're the people who raised you are all different. So I have to tap into the individual. And when I tap into them, I start talking. And sometimes I get imagery that's very clear cut. Sometimes more often than not, it's like a vet
checkup right so like I might be in a space and I see bruising along the side of the animal and so then I apply the concepts of you know the masculine and the feminine like and and the energy sides to that the chakras I start to really like look for clues as to where this is coming from. The other day I had a session with a dromedary camel and
What was interesting was I kept getting the right side, the right ear was all clogged up and couldn't, it was like muffled, right? And that's, that indicates masculine energy. And I felt that there was trauma there, but what was interesting was I kept, even though it was masculine energy, it was still feminine in, and I didn't know what that was. So I kept conveying that to her and show, so she finally.
spoke up and she said actually her first husband used to abuse her and he hit her so hard on the side of her left head that she couldn't hear for years. But she always attributed him to being more feminine in how he behaved than masculine. So that's kind of how that information comes through. I have no other
concept of where it comes from in that moment, other than what I'm being presented. And I trust that. And sometimes people will be like, I don't know what that is. And then they'll come back years later and be like, I know what that is. And sometimes they're just like, yep, I know exactly where that came from. And that's where we work on, on healing, on exploring the self. So that part of my brain that I'm accessing is the same as your imagination, but you're trusting that you're being led through the imagination.
to those places to help that person and connect with that person on a deep level. Wow, that is powerful. What? I mean, have you ever, so based on what you just said, I can, I guess deduce that you do have, like, have you ever met another, you meet more than one of the same type of species? Cause the species are so specific. Sometimes. Have you ever met like more like than one or is it kind of all?
Everybody's their own unique thing. No, I meet groups of same people, animals that are the same. I obviously, over the years, have gotten, thankfully, to meet a lot of red foxes. I think that the more aligned you are, the more likely you're going to attract similar animals from your environment. So it would not surprise me that you yourself, the more you work on you,
the more water animals would come into play, the more the more you'd have that show up for you because it's there to enrich you. So no, I've met a lot of the same kind of animals. I've met a few that it's only been one of that animal. I've met animals that are extinct, animals that were recently extinct, animals that have been long extinct.
Um, and again, for dear listener, this one still is crazy to me. I met one dinosaur. So just one, one dinosaur. I'm hoping for more, but I have theories as to why I don't see them that much anymore. But again, those are full on conversations for other days. I think I know the answer to this, but when you're out living your life, you can.
for lack of a better word, turn this off and go about your day. Or do sometimes you just turn it on for fun when you're out in public and you're like, let's see who's in the room. Like what am I dealing with here?
I think the people around me, my friends, my family, and even people who just know me through the work that I do, I think they're more curious than I am. For the most part, it's not that it's on or off. I think it's always on, but I'm focusing on other things, right? I'm a person just like anybody else. I'm thinking about what food I want to eat.
that guy's hot over there. Like, I like movies. When was the last time I had a piece of cheese? Do I have to go to the gym? You know, those kinds of things are all what's happening in my brain. And so when somebody comes up to me and goes, what's that person's animal? I'm like, what? Where are you looking right now? You know, a lot of people want to know actors and actresses. I try not to go down those rabbit holes.
just because like there's there's a lot there and some of the actors and actresses that I've met over the years they may not necessarily want their real core self to be seen that openly so I'm kind of like it'll be you know what it is um when it comes around but yeah I I do I can see if I focus I see but
Yeah, I don't I don't do it as much as most people would think I would be doing it. Yeah, yeah. No, I appreciate that for sure what you're saying and
With regards to where do you see, I mean, or do you see a specific vision for your work? Are you working on anything right now that you're going to introduce or just kind of taking it as it comes? So for years, people have been asking me for a book and I hear them. And I want everybody to know that when they approach me for that, I hear it.
I've been back and forth on what the book would be about, but I finally settled into an idea that I would talk about what I do through the idea of relationships, and not just like romantic ones, but all kinds of relationships. Because the number one question I get asked in almost all of my sessions is, what's the best animal for me? Ultimately, we've unveiled all of this about this person, and now they're just like, well, then who should I be looking out for? Who would best benefit me?
And my answer has always been you can make it work with anybody. We're on a rock in space altogether. And while there's very different ecosystems, all of those things are so pertinent to everybody being OK. Like if we got rid of whales, we wouldn't have the oxygen quality that we have now. And you're like, well, what do whales have to do with oxygen quality? Well, the
phytoplankton that they eat and the poop that they create actually gives off a gas and that gas gets absorbed by a lot of trees on the planet and those trees then take that gas and turn it into oxygen for the rest of us. So we got rid of whales, there would be a big problem with the trees on the planet. The lung system wouldn't work. So when I say to people, you can make it work with anybody, you can.
But I think what ultimately we all have to be a little bit honest with ourselves about is
just because you can doesn't mean you always should, right? I think anybody who's listening knows those situations in their own life and can apply that statement across the board. And some are better suited than others for the relationship and the life that you wanna build. So that's the premise of the book that I'd like to start really getting into working on. The other thing that I wanna start this year and I'm hoping in the next month or so to really get it going is Zoom groups for like animals.
So what I would start with is, for example, cetaceans. So whales and dolphins. I would have a Zoom group for all of you guys to meet and talk and we could discuss about general themes associated with all of those animals and then you can connect with each other and learn from each other. And then I would do an equine group which would include all of the
the dolphins, they're not dolphins, the horses, the donkeys, and the ponies, right, and the zebras, all of those would be in that group. So that's one of the things I'm going to get started this year for everybody's benefit, but also for me to learn more seeing all of you in one place. So
I think that that will be something fun and enlightening, enriching, hopefully enriching. We'll see what happens when we put certain animals all in one place together. But yeah, and that's kind of where I'm at with it right now. I continue to take one-on-one clients. I do a lot of couples work. A lot of people wanna know how to better communicate with their partners. I do a lot of,
business counseling. So I do team building exercises, that kind of thing. And so that's been really exciting to see the dynamics and to also witness what a specific space calls into it.
for the work to be what it is. That's always been fascinating to me. So it's kind of a personal thing. And I think that that's where that passion for what I do comes, like where that comes from. But yeah, it's really, really rewarding to just watch people step into themselves through this.
I'm, like I said earlier, I'm very like proud, but not in like a prideful kind of way. I'm just, I'm starting to look around and finally accept that there is something to this and I can look around and I see these people living authentically and identifying through these animals. And it's just so profound to me. And it's so inspiring to, to take it back and be like, wow, they're doing it. I could do it too. You know?
Even though I'm the person who's like facilitating it, you know, I mean, it's exciting. I'll just interject and tell you, I mean, from my perspective, you know, I moved to Wilmington back in April, 2021. I knew a few people kind of, but then, you know, in getting my bearings and starting to settle into the community.
What you offer here is a another layer of people being able to connect in community because I have can't tell you how many times I've walked into whether it's a
you know, to get a massage or at the salt cave or, you know, in anybody that's on the peripheral of the healing community around here knows you. And then most of them know their animal. And so it's fascinating because you can say like, what's your animal? And then you have this whole other layer of getting to know somebody and it's
it's so it's such a benefit people people and often it's what blows me away is like oh my gosh I see that I so see that you are you know whatever it's it's fascinating and it it just I can just tell you like from my perspective it enriches the community we have here in Wilmington what you do and I know that you are beyond just this community but you know in a in a space like this it's like people know you you're like
You're notorious for your work. And I love it. I think the whole world should know. So I love that you offer the ability to connect with people outside of Wilmington. Tell people how they can find you or how you prefer that they find you.
Yeah, so I'm on my Instagram. And if you visit my Instagram, you may not necessarily immediately see that I'm a sole animal worker. So as far as my branding goes, I look more like an Iceland tour guide than anything else because I'm so in love with the earth and nature. And I like connecting through that. But my Instagram is the best place to find me. So it's at the Fox Lantern.
And I specifically chose that name because of what foxes represent when they show up as guides and messengers. Right. So but the fox lantern is where you can find me on Instagram. That's the best way to get in touch with me. And then, yeah, from there, it's just a matter of like talking about what you want, what you're looking for in my bio on Instagram. There are links to how to book me.
So you can go through that to see a little bit more about my price points and and the information and what I need after you know you've you've clicked what date you want that kind of thing and then yeah we'll just we'll chat because this is yeah that's that's the best way that's
I totally appreciate that and now I have more questions because I will have to have this conversation part two because now I want to know about foxes and I want to know what the lantern has to do with everything and I have so many more questions but thank you I appreciate you so much being here and sharing your gift with the world and letting us into you know behind the curtain and
what the process is like for you. I'm just very grateful. Thank you. Thank you so much for asking the questions that you asked. As a healer, you know that it's not always often that you get a chance to fully explain what you do because you're in work mode. So this has been really nice. So hopefully the questions that you have for next time, we can explore more. And if anybody else has questions, they can reach out and find me and we can go from there. Awesome. Thank you so much.
Thank you, Renee.