Enlighten Up: Featuring Hilarapy Stand-up Comedian Jeand! image
S2 E2 · Enlighten Up - A Hilarapy Podcast
Enlighten Up: Featuring Hilarapy Stand-up Comedian Jeand!
Enlighten Up: Featuring Hilarapy Stand-up Comedian Jeand!

Jeand tackles the insanity of addiction, big picture thinking (some call it grandiosity) and cultural challenges while growing up in Canada.

Learn more about how you can heal with humour https://hilarapy.com Check out the Hilarapy Comedy Therapy Course https://hilarapy.com/courses-3/

194 Plays
8 months ago

Jeand tackles the insanity of addiction, big picture thinking (some call it grandiosity) and cultural challenges while growing up in Canada.

Learn more about how you can heal with humour https://hilarapy.com Check out the Hilarapy Comedy Therapy Course https://hilarapy.com/courses-3/
