Enlighten Up: Featuring Hilarapist Lee! image
S2 E5 · Enlighten Up - A Hilarapy Podcast
Enlighten Up: Featuring Hilarapist Lee!
Enlighten Up: Featuring Hilarapist Lee!

Lee charms and delights and stirs our imaginations as he discusses his childhood and trauma! His new catch phrase is, "Can you say trauma?" If you can, then you must have a listen!

Learn more about how you can heal with humour on the Hilarapy website Check out the Hilarapy Comedy Therapy Course

Follow us on Instagram and let us know how you're getting on with our "challenge of the episode"  @enlightenup_podcast

216 Plays
6 months ago

Lee charms and delights and stirs our imaginations as he discusses his childhood and trauma! His new catch phrase is, "Can you say trauma?" If you can, then you must have a listen!

Learn more about how you can heal with humour on the Hilarapy website Check out the Hilarapy Comedy Therapy Course

Follow us on Instagram and let us know how you're getting on with our "challenge of the episode"  @enlightenup_podcast
