#144: Leading with the Heart: Transformational Coaching That Starts from Within with Amanda Parker image
S1 E144 · She Turned Entrepreneur
#144: Leading with the Heart: Transformational Coaching That Starts from Within with Amanda Parker
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1 year ago

We’ve all scrolled through social media in search of gurus when in fact – as Dori Stewart’s guest on this episode of Teacher Turned Entrepreneur reminds us – a deep knowing and wisdom actually reside within us. It’s just a matter of nurturing it along! Amanda Parker is a speaker, writer and transformational business coach whose heart-centered approach builds leadership vision rooted in her clients’ most authentic selves. She explains how she came to uncover her coaching model and offers tips for anyone looking to cultivate more self-confidence. It starts with trusting our own instincts and uncovering that inner voice! You’ll come away from this episode with actionable steps you can take to start bolstering self-confidence, including an invitation to do the inner work to identify – then weed out – the people and things that are draining rather than life-giving. And if you’re in a New Year’s mood for some goal-setting, then you’ll want to take note of Amanda’s best practices! “It’s not always about setting and hitting  a goal, although that can be very attractive and enticing,” she says. “It’s often about how you want to be showing up in the world and factors that will help you get to that place.”


Stay tuned for Amanda’s upcoming Master Mind course, featuring inspiration from changemakers doing deep work in the world, by visiting this link.


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Here are key takeaways from the conversation:

·       If you’re passionate about something but feeling disconnected, it might be time to explore and figure out.

·       A certain measure of naivete can be helpful when you’re swinging for the bleachers with a new entrepreneurial dream!

·       Career impact starts with uncovering and celebrating your most organic, authentic gifts!

·       Heart-centered leadership is about learning to look within for inspiration and internally generated self-confidence.

·       Compare and despair! Stay focused on and trust your own unique inner wisdom.

·       Self-help gurus and education are great, but over-subscribing can be a signal that you’re getting too far away from your instincts and true north.

·       New Year’s Inventory: Take a moment to visualize who you want to be in the 12 months ahead and really identifying the things that make you feel healthy and grounded in life.



Here’s a quick look into the episode:

·       Not a Straight Path: Amanda’s pause and decision to hop off the advertising track to go all in on her love of animals and wildlife conservation.
