#143: Order Out of Chaos: How This Mompreneur Helps You Create Household Systems! with Heather Steinker image
S1 E143 · She Turned Entrepreneur
#143: Order Out of Chaos: How This Mompreneur Helps You Create Household Systems! with Heather Steinker
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1 year ago

Putting your family’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in place may be a little painful at the outset, but the benefits you’ll reap over the long run are undeniable. Productivity Coach Heather Steinker has figured out through trial and error a reliable, replicable roadmap for organizing every aspect of our lives. And with that knowledge comes power! If you can predict it, you can control it. But not without a reliable and comprehensive system, which is where Heather’s online Chaos Control System binder and companion boot camp come into play.


As this mompreneur has experienced firsthand as a single mother of three, breaking down all the components of life administration can seem pretty overwhelming. But that’s where Heather’s Chaos ‘n Cookies system flexes its muscle, breaking down things like financial planning, household maintenance, children’s needs and even gift-giving history into bite-sized SOPs. The overview brings clarity and peace of mind in knowing that – no matter what curve balls life throws your way – you’ll have a system that’s both nimble and resilient. “It might take some investment in the beginning,” says Heather, “but your mindset and momentum will be much better and more positive (in the long run) if you know everything is in place.”
