#125: Can’t Hear Yourself Think? You Can Find Big Ideas in Small Pockets of Silence with Mandi Graziano image
S1 E125 · She Turned Entrepreneur
#125: Can’t Hear Yourself Think? You Can Find Big Ideas in Small Pockets of Silence with Mandi Graziano
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1 year ago

What do you do when you’re a triple-threat entrepreneur? You develop a three-pronged business model that showcases all your talents, which is exactly what Mandi Graziano has done. As she explains to Host Dori Stewart on this episode of Teacher Turned Entrepreneur, with a little time management it has been possible to juggle a thriving sales coaching practice with a buying role at a major hospitality sourcing platform and speaking engagements to highlight her bestselling book, "Sales Tales: The Hustle, Humor, and Lessons from a Life in Sales." It’s a lot, but Mandi was bitten early by the entrepreneurial bug and has never looked back!


On this episode you’ll learn about the biggest challenges Mandi’s coaching clients face and how any sales process can be tweaked to create the optimal Business Bedside Manner™. It’s all about build deeper relationships with your customers, vendors and community. Mandi also reminds us about the importance of scheduling breaks into our busy days in order to refresh and cultivate clarity – something she does on her backyard swing. “There’s so much noise that we let in our brains all the time,” she says. “But if you just give yourself 10 minutes of silence, it’s an explosion of ideas!”


Here are key takeaways from the conversation:

·       Time management is an art! If you have difficulty switching between creative and admin. tasks, try using the "time bucket" methodology.

·       Scheduling breaks is a critical part of effective time management if you want to make the most of your mind power.

·       Need help daydreaming? Consider spending some time on a swing set!

·       We experience noise constantly. Give your brain a break. Silence – even for just a few minutes – is a powerful creative tool.

·       Books like Mandi’s "Sales Tales: The Hustle, Humor, and Lessons from a Life in Sales" have something to teach all of us, since selling of one kind or another is part of life!

·       Want to support women’s enterprises? Check out The W Marketplace, a fantastic resource for women-owned products and services!


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