#124: No Apologies: This Coach Has Journeyed from Landscaping to Life-Scaping with Monique Allen image
S1 E124 · She Turned Entrepreneur
#124: No Apologies: This Coach Has Journeyed from Landscaping to Life-Scaping with Monique Allen
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1 year ago

Host Dori Stewart’s guest on this episode of Teacher Turned Entrepreneur has succeeded in a man’s world by embracing her feminine power. After years of trying to compete in a male-dominated landscaping industry, Monique Allen redefined her brand by leaning into her uniquely feminine perspective. As CEO & Creative Director at The Garden Continuum, she has grown a seven-figure business based on a culture that was authentic to her and aligned with her values.


When she first put her hands in the soil nearly four decades ago, Monique just knew: “I felt alive ... It was just primal. That was the spark.” The daughter of entrepreneurial immigrant parents, starting her own business was a natural progression for Monique, who was determined to turn her passion into a “legitimate” enterprise. She did exactly that and much more by developing an entire methodology beautifully expressed in her book, “Stop Landscaping, Start Life-Scaping.”


Monique shares tips for creating space, overcoming friction and staying relevant in a man’s world while embracing a feminine perspective. And she makes no apologies!


Here are key takeaways from the conversation:

·       If you regard it as a “real job” but others do not, you can create legitimacy by putting an entrepreneurial structure around the venture – whatever it might be!

·       Passion is a key ingredient – the spark that starts a business – but on its own is not enough to sustain and grow that business. For that, look to your differentiators and create a method.

·       You have to start out with a “big, fluffy” dream! But that vision must then be honed and defined by a roadmap and actions steps to follow.

·       Growing a business is a regenerative process, much like cultivating a garden. It requires a constant infusion of life and adaptation to changing conditions.

·       Don’t apologize! You have earned the right to be confident, so don’t be shy about leaning in and claiming exactly what you want and need.

·       Are you a brand ambassador? Every business venture needs one, but the mantle has to fit and be authentic to who you really are.

·       Are you in a male-dominated sector, trying to compete by being one of the guys? It may be time to embrace the feminine and give that valuable perspective a voice at the table.

·       If you’re running into friction, try this mindset shift: Embrace the people who are bugging you the most. It opens a path to resolution through compassion rather than resentment.

Are you ready to find your true calling and walk away from your teaching job once and for all?

It is your time to get a solid grasp on the potential opportunities available to you so you can get started on your entrepreneurial journey and change your life!
